HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-08-17, Page 4,
. •
The People Loved 0.er Much,
'There are Only three or lout servants in
the house, 40 these are Pot Killeen tunic,
rents at, all, but deticenclauts of the ", °hid
anoieitt stooks that 'served the Lvneliee"
• before the place passed into Killeen'S
' hands. These have no love fr their
, absent lord -not„ that lie lute ever dome
them any harm, they admit, 'but beintuse
"be and leis unele before him were stratig-
-, ere, and held meat unna,tional and unorttee.
dox-vleiWe about work, paid no rega'rd to
the Claims ce the bleed saints, in fact,
1:latex:acted labor in eetnin for wage's when
everybody knows that holy days etiould be
, keptholyon idlermen, with whiekey and
hlsokened,„tlucldeens, and ' maybe with a
free fight toward evening." '
• They are geniallookiog old Servants who
enunciate these yievep, Men „arid women
, *Oh whining faces. Well-fed forms, Ismd.
merryatrey-eyes....There lit no. appeareuce
ef their not having been Well kept and
• , oared for under the Killeen .regizne, but the
Only one of this 'family* for whonn .they
• have a good word ie the daughter of the
"pu, d lord," • the Honorable taise'Thynne.
"For her, they have nothing but geed'
, words, and good' wishes. The beautiful
' darting .who has grown alp 'free in their
Midst; with he r voice like a• hell,' and her
face with all the sweetness of 'the saints
who have smiled Upon her, ;and the glory
•°••-of the great bygone race trom'Whom she is
' descencied on her mother's ,side, she le the
"real lady Of the lands' in their estimation.
• Andeis they tell of her long solitary, rides
into desolate and distant places, to carry
relief to the sickand the starving, to whisper ,
- monifortte the t sorrowful., and to halite the
• young and etroeg to work aid - raise thern•
settles, Doily honestly feels more ,etronglY
"than' before that this -magio-tvord: "Par.
reph" will haunt her all her life
' With their usual adaptability anetheir
. happy art of seeming, these people do not 1711r1 IL favotable °pluton from, England e.
detest „ 6141 .mOreever viewe ' Wroug' 10 tieleep„ or awake," eh°, seYe,
" are orrible," and 140 all'"Wlittt begitiuing to pl ty the prelude to entteee',,
be expect 4 voln " girl 4,, eueth.utlitits- ing air ; "Tin eltunberii4,, already;
taltebe,''eltAti" as the ' fivuortible Miss awe not a bit eceoeutable for what may
Thy „ eing in dreanalaed." - •
" if that young' men will fall in love Then her glorious Violet ayes drepRemder
with her, tithe her theater her fortune, and, theize tired „eyelids, and' in it HOfterkeak
otiary her off to India, Ketleen 4011 ie13ion14, hnehed voice- that seethe tooetne tii.theto
be touch more , ettee,". Lady Killeen from ahigher iu another worki,'.ehe
thinks. ahen she ,retnembere that'sotue •• • .
one bee said eomething to her at some titoR :She is far from tbe laud where her young hero
about f.leekiver and "that beatitiful Klee ,eleees. •
Au neeley.'' As she remeMbers this her , 4Vad lover's aix.lialluer are
ladyshiterefleets with satiefitetion that the 1 When her song comes to a kiloeS there iil
teatehly beentital "Anueeliey" is •eileuoe for leti1:- moments, silence Which
rapidly nearieg the shores of Ecin:lay Mae Lady Killeen breaks by eating • . •
'tune. " Daririgh conquers quickly,". "It I get up some.tabteaux, will yeti play
:ragh'e lesiy guardian tells herself, Slid then $itrab Curren ter me, Parra& ? I've no
ebe utters a silent preyet that the other. , dotibt Captaio klecliiverwon't nailed poSing
difacurty of the f.atnilY--Arthur Thyune, ' as oue of the lovers whoa:re:sighing around
yOUng 0011041 Of her husband'feenney ‘ttat you, and Arthur could be the, young hero
arrive leopportnnely and Upset things. eieephigao the far ciff, latichl" '
Mearieftle, Darragh and Claptain Mac- LA answer :to this; which is the nearest
kilter are eeiteieg from their hatnaeldeue approach to aplayful Rally which her lady..
revolvinge to the strain which is now at. the gaup has ever heea ktiewn to Make,
Dar -
height of its. popularity -e •' ragh says; •!. • • •
, • . 'oh, love for a year, a Week, a day! , • "If Arthur ever poses as Rdhert Einmet
But alas! for the love that loves ;away! lee won't do it for your amusement, Lady
and are seated_ •in a, idea ,Warni, sheltered, Killeen. But you tell Me that 0113..0400f
highly. odorous corner . Of the oohtieettatatY tiedition and down -trodden misery are over
talking of the Oladdagh ! •• in Ireland," ehe, adds, turning. to her.
The honorable Mita Thymic! is as muoh cousin,'" therefore why should you put it.
oe a rebel as it is passible For a woman to in it.prettily euggestive forth before msthea:
be in these .cle.ye.. Her private grievance tic,. wellootalitiotied Lptidett people who
about Darragh -her " mother's place" peight„be'Siirrecl, by the. Flight' into inifferieg
ing been left away ftorca here Whose heart- reel pain. for thoi3e on' the other side of the
stringe are twined rou.hd ie-astrengthens Ohennel if they knew What it looked like?"
her seutiments •of aversion teethe proud • e Meordieg • to What yon have 'been tell.
invader," 'generally.. Shedislikes, distruets Ieeignd is, the real isle of 'the Nese'
and &mouth:3es .Eoglish, Settlers and " „spd,"Oaptaiii Dittekiyerpays ;, then as bar.
proverb" on ,her native D*41.: Bat far. more ea,gh's steady '..iequiring. grapes' the
heartily dried dielike,' distrust and •eileecie like it etieeeti, he feele that he has
dsuo.unce. inheritors ' whaeate' not said somethieg frivolous,and that Derragh
ready -a:), run .all' rioike in the caufat of and fervidity are 'Wide apart: • •
ameliorating the etinelitioli 'of the inert:rind • «11 I heve. made you think that there is
vieioue among the lower orders of her .bleseed`peece and lote in. Ireland now I
coutitry :.people„ • She", ie..' a "rebet to the haVe Misled yen', Captain ,Mitoeiv6r," she,
eittent of lougifig to see the dominion of says 'presently.. And thenenc. adds With'
Euglandei. Queen and coisetaation thrciarn all her :native force ancr.aCeuired ,grace,
"7.8heteelitees she bus wrest ..!;.aadel, am_ sorry for too teeny people.
with and tiebdued.the pardonable feiminitie are !riabledi about Ireland juet.nOw me•
desire to look well in the eyes of end to tai league With the mieleaders."• •
!!But Arthur's' putting eyeeybecle iight
in tlie'rnageeities, ?"- Lady Killeen
asks • languidly "notnebedY told rtkiii • the
'othpi day that my lord's cousin was quite
tigie,4petr.- Of -the-malcOntenti4--be. obetrue,
tioulets.! Was it you, Darragh?" .
eettsnia Itin '.ittire I never said that,"
• appeer at all avetse to the threatened Eng
Blob, rnle which is to be inaugurated here.
They find something coogebiel in Mr.
`..ardent,pager .veity of wanting to
settle things off- hand without tedious delay;
emditdoesnot occhrte-lhere-thatthegantle-
. werie"„,m_ e• a joekat,Lna ,the reignin
• the. suspicion of either when he ,eoines
here as master. "It's the aiey times we'll
• have of• it when himself and the young
lady come," they tell one another as they,
sitdown to the capital fare (epeilt.by the
met villainous, booking) %Alai IS' provided.
• for thein them : with .Lord • X4110003 '. motley.'
There are plenty of plates and dishes, .abun-:
dance of fair table -linen, an d kuivee and forks
• ad Maitiset foathenee of the kitchen". 'But
the excellent and unpretentious retainers
• prefer the 'simplicity of here boards„food
hooked up froth toe oreii3fiect, and their fing.
ere tattle ribovcamentioned supinfluitiett of
civilization. Well for them, in their disor-
derly happiness and comfort and nnolean
content and satisfaction„ that they have to
previation of, the Marian who is coining,
•• supported •by " rintinma,' and the girls."
1311,t id it Well for Dolly that her pre -sight
' fails her'neW ? : • '
A Fent mai TO Oats%
• Aiming thiSaqualtties which • Captain
llfacktyer most highly prizes in offioers abd
gentleinen the great, glorious, and rare
• one of fidelity . • '
Fidelity, not .only to a, pledge or vow, or
siprOmise written or spoken, but fidelity to
•the-ailent love . and the tinspoken faith.
". The knowledge of his 'Own love for Polly
- ----,Annebleyoknd thointnitiite oonlvicatoitthat
Dolly Anneeley returns that love with all
, ,the w*rmth of her high-strung heart, has
beau •quite bufficient to keep the 'good -look-
•. ing, agreeable,' popular young soldier out of
all.teniestation• offered • by feminine -assail-
ants up, to the present, time. They are not
• engaged! .IrDohy Matted a duke to -mor-
row the world would have no right to call
het a jilt, or hint that he had been hardly
• treated Wham the other hand, would it
be justified in gloating over Dolly's pitiful
• ease if he euddenly surrendered. to Some
•enamored queen. They are both free as
air , But an invisible ohain binds him to
• Dally, and he would as eoon think of trin-
• ming away in aotien &Sof 'lashing any, Other
:,...,,,,,pawatraz-,m9s04•44,41,3-05.thotifaVold.frioY)d ofthis
lIciteatakie eedearti, eabite altenzi=sta:
the'Channel on her way to the place the
heaps of which she prophetically feels will.
haunt her all her life, Ronald Mack-
• iver sees for the first time a girl who Would
• rival and perhaps displace. Dolly from his
heart', ife-hts heart had not already t -P len
to: and been ansiverect by Dolly. Darragh
• Thynne comes before him with ber merry,
smilitog mouth, her melancholy violet
eyes -with all that romatittee mixture -of
Mirth and sadness which is naturally pro-
duced by the efforts of a Healy tempera-
' mentto shake off the memory of so/mores:1
or &haled wrong. Brought up partly in
• France, but chiefly in the wildly' pio
turetque. solitude of her mother's deeply
beloved liana, the girl has embroidered oh.
lier deep serahero ferventnature a, churning
" araceey of French esprit and grace. There is
• not a 10U0)1. 'of the accent of her native
laid in her tones; the "purest, -prettiest
• pronunciation -that. has ever, soothed a
man's Sate" .0aptitin Aliteltivet thmlie she
ae. She .does stit even ind lge in the
peculiar oonstruotion of tetitetkeeli which
eciiiietittiekleads Lady Killeeti's heaters to
. forget that, her ladyehip was nOt.gtO the
Ildilesicin, manner born, atur that the hails
from iSfaniehester, But tit° agh no touch of
the csi :hale tongue, Darragh is
never taken for an Eughsh girl France
and Ireland have eitch a part in her bear-
ing, her titbits,- her ways of thought, and
manner of making thought neottiieet; Bat
Ireland reigns , alone in her heart, and for
that heart's sake .0111 matt at least is a
peartot already, and is ready to beecome a
' martyr t •
Dolly's lover and Darragh dance together
more than le wise without let ot hinder.,
stnoe'from any one. Lady Killeen puts up
her glass and fillows. their perfect corolla
gots oeco.sionally, and smiles to herself ite
'Oahe notes how Darrs.glee mobile lips are 'an
royal praugee ! • But rebel as ehe. is, Dar-
ragle is a 'geatleviomao, and so she says
nothing that inity'place the man who wears
-the °Q ueenle--ito ferthei a -4A ef4Tatick.-L-Ao
cordiogly, she at,stains from .eli the subjects
rebel ul head half turned, and. tells:- luta-
. PIC. 0: US' t tilry
"I•lived at Darragh alone With pitiat for
fiehr years, d &aced jigs ata &zee
weddingSeand cried and groaned at a dozen
wakes,„on the demesne during that. time.
Atthur and I love every stick and stone on
the piece for milee retied the house. When
I meet te Connaught. lobeter an a salad here
in Own I !won to recognize hio2 as an old
friend even. -1 alaule't Wieh your friends',
the A.brieeleys„ sa happy time he my own
.hoinee:" 7- • .
Who's Arthur -4' brother ?".Captain
Mackiyer questions. ' • •
"A brother? No ; at lead not mg
brother; if he had been,' era I had beeri
a boy, he or I would have -been Lord Kil-
leen, and I shouldn't be called upon to
'think 'aticharitably of the Annesleys for
taking my precious home from me; not
but what Killeen took it from me -from the
moment papa; died, but it-Been:is' to be going
from my grasp 'Utterly; no*. that I hear
they have , gone • to look , it: Don't yo
wish I had been boy •
•• Noel honestly epeaking, while he looks
at ber,. he cenriot math that so fair •and
lovely a. thing had been OftSD in a masoulibe
' aI can't" wish you to be anything but
yourself e Arthur' wasn't a. brother, did
he\ happen to be very near and
dear 111:1 the shape .,of a home or a dog ?" •
" Indeedono 1 he was my cousin I only
cousin OP my father's side, but.
a real Irishman 1 a real Thynne, Dilt a cau-
tious balancer like Killeen." • , '
She speaks with ringing force, but she
remembers as she speakli that the is .rn
honor tongue-tied to this .mab. who cannot
think and feel as the doee,•whei ought not
to pray for a united Ireland under Irish
rule. So she turns again to the Claddagh.
"You should be there on the eve of St.
Jelin*" phe saye ; they elect their Mayor
'the King of Claddagh' that, night, 'and
not bappend to; cutoff tliathriounliasttc*
her eyes when Arthura3 name was men-
• "Arthur would like to take Darragh and
chop it up into bite;arid hand it over to
gentlemen tyho are indigertous to the soil,'
to those who like to 'do , nothing and live
luxuriously on the •proceeds of what they
doe'. Lord Killeen' says with %the gay,.
pleasant air that 'often. Seethe, to do' away
with distress Until aistress seeme,sternly
to be done ayiay with.
; For ,shatne, Killeen 1" Darragh says,
_cuttingly. • ' • ,
. "'way for shaine; reg. dear. little
baniehed Queen of Coneatight •
" Don't cell me' vita," she °Hee, swinging
round •on .the mubia stool at; she speaks,
"don't you he the' one to remind. me that
•I'm baiiitthed 'from Galway, and that Der-
aagliao lootto me , .
" Is that „a bit Of an Irish Melody
Lady Killeee aides, superciliously. " • son
never Imre whether" .Vm. listemog , 'to a
preper coal position or.to On protoPtu: Miss
Thome like& to mit thaa leaf and the harp'
forward on ,ocioasithis 1' I !am inerelyat
tyro in the art of appreciating either; you
see I wasn't descendant of •Iteieif
BOO, as all. you Mph say you. are, and I
bee no meets in a weating.the green' unless
the green happens to .he the tethionable
color and suits my ci irapletion.a. • 7 ,
Let us all sing ',God Save Our Grapioue
(anew,' and go to bed," Darragli-.8467
roring up. ril sing that with ,all my
heart, for wish. her aleeesty
dear Lady of Great Britain--- ' •
And Ireland ?" Ktileen slfOuts out:
t'No,aot of Ireland! CePtain Otte:liver,
'turn your back On. me is ?you driuk to her
as our. Irish Queen; .she'e .eYety thing that
the most exciting imagination could'
quire her to he, and your laws are sound
-and your Irish ;policy is liberal -but the
light fires all over the 'town, and the girls Queen of England doesn't reign ' in our
and -boys dance round with torches and hearts, sir! We would notalie for her 1"
dock -stems in their hands; it's:all joy aod • "Nor would you for any one else, you
gladness that • night; you • could hardly goose," Lady • Killeen says, rising .up aud
'believe that under that bright veil is, showing NEackiver plainly that it is time
starvation' and mieerv, gaunt want, sin for hinieto depart; "die for her, indeed!
seeeeacp„a„..-..atealeeee-e-z-a.eue ear:areal. eteeatiazaatamacealleal ..,etpailatceedie -for
' - gnu.
The earnest,ad side of her nature "1 think I ;could do Darraghemays,
comes up and reveals. itself ;to him as she andhe tioueiu'ai 'wife pats her on the
saysahie. Instantly- his interest is awak- shonlder, and teila her that .612e "Is not
ened far down -trodden Ireland, and the cast in the tragical mould." .
sons and daughtets of the land who 'smile
and show ticesign of pain on the eve of St:
You want 'English organization, Eng
Captain .illackiver tilde Dolly's nate
awaiting lame at the hotel where he is
obliged nieleeP ibis night, as beans missed
the labt traici to Atderehot. Her•few words
lish gold, and Euglish employers . over, keep On themselves op (112'1°1261y iu
there, thus Thynee; Aunesley will be the ' his dreams with nitieh ,that Darragh hue
right men in the right *place if he lets his been saying to him to night, and at times
sister Dolly direct him, but if he's guided 'bv„ ,he finds himself joieiug itt wild waltzeito„
his flituto wile 1 can't be very sanguine Irish melodies through the streets of the
about his sticees..." • Oladdagh „on the eve of St. John, He
We went neither English empleyers, wakes, at leugth, with a startled bhock just
gold, not' carganieation," she replies, "we as „he la about to .wed p thy Had Dar.'
want to be left alone to develop our own ragli with oue of the Claddagh 11.12 Wives'
industries, and reap *what Yie have Sown 0,11 massive golden rives; and as he leaps out
out land." , • • • •of bed he•thanks Heaeren heartily that this
"Are You not iesPinfl viliat you have it complication is ,nothipg but it dreani.
sown already?" he sake, bindingly, for he Unfortatiately for fiOnie'• resolves he
'deal not know yet bow • deeply ,Derra,gifs inakesylie has three days'. leave, and, as
dignity ijt inVolved n this queetlou of the Oman) will have it, he is thrown into the
pacific subjugation or rebellious assertion
of her country's dialing. '
• "Yet," she says, "Ile have WWII in eer-
vitude, and We are reaping in slavery."
"1 didn't quite mean that," be say;a
.sooiety of the Irdhorable Mule Thynne
agate in the 'comae of the, day. „Tagethee
with Oue or two of hilfhtothereefficere he
is leaning 'ever the rail's in Rotten Row,
when Lokd Killen and Darragh 1141,2S Slowly
and then the Sweethearts" attain elates by on horgebaok, and :Captain llfackiver
theta' willing obedience to its molting dulcet ' °inept help being dtawn. • into warier
melody again.- admiration for the set face itrid splendid.
Late an the evening, when, the clonal form (seen to advantage now)" of the beau-
acqtaintande element is eliminatrd, and tiful Irish girl.
the friends ot this, one Of thesmost genial. • "I've 'just had a telegrani from a 0011Sin
honseholds in London, are drawing nearer •"of mine in Ireland, tee yoneg fellow we
together, they get round• the piano 'end'ewere speaking of last eight, telling me
lieten to Lady Kolleene who sings "The 1, that he7s, going to steed in the Liberal
Three Ravens. ' " The OA and" the Aeh, t interest foe kionie place iti Galway. I hope
IIe'a clever enough, but so greesly
reletott cu. ha viewe:' If he and hie
code! ga .a melte dal,. party cry Of Ireland:
tor tl e heard witli effeet, the people
striving to beuelit will wimp town
when the erieis cienes."
" When the aims (vines the people Will
rime oue mite b1,03$ their deliver.
area' Darragh says; vial suoli an air of
eutlausiaetie conviction that Oaptaie.
Nackiver feels his fixed inipreesion, aa to the
ItiAb difficulty Wiertnerely a tow:1)W m
teacup, elightlY shaken.
" Tbere's one comfort, if they begin to.
rove' and be troublesome the Goveninebt
willsoon pour a few troops intorthe
try ; a titthamilitary law will soon restore
order then" Lord Killeen geese, on, and
Darts" sends a gleouee So full of grand
appeal and reproach straighlt into Captain
Maokiverte eyes that he fondly hopes his
limes- may be east in India, South Africa,
or may other . quarter of the globe , then
Ireland when the oriels comae: •
suppose she's engaged to this aspiring
young politician," the Beglish "eoldiere
thinks as he watches. the ,Irish girl out of
eight, ",A woman , always takes ' her
political coloring from the Man ' she. 'is in
Jove with.. • •Perragh'i„ too.hice .and senei:
tile a girl to mean %bet she saysabout their
like °Ile man and Weald,* their
deliverers;' they Peter do. anything like
one mail ;'. they've no, concentration.;
there's. always 'a faithless eon' or Mein
eeaeged in the business who betrays the
best-leid plot against the etandiuk.order of
",They pay that Min, Thynne might
make the best match of the season -that
youog fellow who popped into that big pro-
perty and unexpectedly, beearde „Marquis 'of
Portbank the other day, has prOposed to
tier," one of the aforesaid brother -officers
remarks presently.
, .
. • . ••
,Tee_Lepell'e house and .grounde cl!iwn on
.the leAlland Park esttLte, between Vey -
'bridge and Walten-on-Thames„ are noto-
riOnethe one f ee its Mageifieeuce and
sumptuous' furniture appoiuynenta,' the
other for their Superb .oultivittiOn
• - . •
.normoutidiepley of glom - • -
Darteriellie-ao Wealthy stook-brokerawitb
pOit TUB
Till& IliEffiT ,SLO011t pgreittimatt..<,
. There is only one way'bywhichanydisefteeoan
be cured, and that be renitivint the." nattee—
whatever it May be. Mae great Medical ,author.
ities of theday deolarathat nearly every dikease .
is eauseabycloran ed kidneys or liver. To restore • •
thes. herefore is e only way b', Which health
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flare lia,s achieved its•great reputstidn. It Acta
directly Lyon 'the kidneys iind liver and by. plite-: '
them in a healthy condition drives disease ,
and pain Ir nu, the syStera. For all Kidney, Liver •
and • Urinary troubles, for the, distressing dia.
erders• of women, for Malaria and. physiind .
. troubles generally, this. great remedy , has no•
' equal. -. Be ...are of iniposters, ;imitations and
concoctio s said to be just a,s geed. , • : , ..
: • For Diabetes ask for 3trarneroo. Sate ID*. :
betes ii!in re. • , . ." . .. • ' •, • .
For Sale by all dealers... .' • .,: • ." '
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Toronto; OA liOchester. 'N. ii...; Ldmicin Eng..
••• yftsl Slue:400ns
. Ask the Most eminent physician . '
• ••.
Of any k•chool What is the bes,t thing in 'the' •
'World for quieting and allayin 1 ail' britatien of •
th-. nerves, add curing ail farms' of..De ryous emir. '
givinglaa,tural, childlike r131roshing sleep
ahv'AutlYdstheY 'will tell yon unhoSitatinf„,1; '
." Senile form of HopS !" • •
• •
• .
(tiIAI»Tiifl J.
Ask any or all of the meet eminent phystj,..
clans: . • • " .
' hat'in,t1whest_and,..only remedy that ehn
'a worth ambition and a steadfast deterem. 'be relied t cure a I dxse-ises tre Kidneys
api urinatir organs ; anon • ad.. 13right's diseaei,
d-ali-the• diseases and-ailiiientef-pee.-iliar-to- --'------.'--
ink. " ori_•ipahi 10 retain urine,.
....r..rytier4.......,-.0.................../.....4,..... -
-.....• !ztoviwip,........, „..........-,.......................-
pecuniarY -1.3eDefit••'. ,to-htmself,,las as 'neve - .4
theless strengly. opposed ''.• to anything, eall:vh;*t"h13ellesla,ltntLe" ebypician'S .. .. I.._ .
. , ..
hOWEYVer reidUkteratiVq, that is 'of a 'shady "Vhat i , ti e in43st reliaF•le andsurest cui:o for
al liver. disea.lee or dysnep3itt, co stipwion, . .
Or even doubtful nature:. A strictly honor'. 1
iudigestion. bib. listless' Mitiarial • fever, ague, • .
able:man, in feet, but at the same time one „ • .„ '
. . ao _ai:d tli e will tell you ;., . •• '
who looks sherply. after the main chance, emandrake t o'roandeltont° ' ' ' .
and has.. po. !sympathy .with any . oue who ; . Ilene., ,obielynvthal-us:brelehiedies ire; combinedwith
. .
has "not suceeeded as well as himself :in the °t1m3rh equ
ea minded into Rep Bilkers, Such ‘.S.' '
Chief business' o'f life -namely, •money '41'd 9°-P , . .
, (Concluded next week.) ' '
making ! , •
.• , •
Hie highest ambition, next to increasing ;"^ - ' -1,' • er'aee
his income and marrying his daughters to. 14.1? 4,1es4;,"4V
4 . M.A s -...N •yt„ -,...1. .., r,,,... 2.4.
safe men-" goad . worn' men," he calls WOMAN CAN ,f( •I-EA1-11.1 OF WOMA
them," fellows who say to themselves early !via . .' ' a"ree-`a .... .
hi life tbat they'll have . a reaLout-and-out SYMPATHIZE WifFil ' IS THE, HOPE
good postai:3h and .attain to the right of
Jiving in real unmistakable' style" -his WOMAN. ' eT •HE RACE
, ls.,i`s. -..',- .
highest '. ambition next th-thoter noble •
desiree is to 'have •the large'st hothonses
and the finest grapes in the -county of Surrey.
If his grapes are not of fleet:der proportions
and fiuer flavor than he meets with else.
where, he is anibierable man„ and his head
gthrdener is mueli to be pitied. But he
turns away from Brooks's whidovi ip
Regent street with the softening conviction
iti his -mind that a there ip nothing here
'to; beat a: feve bunches be Ow show' labia
little piece at Welton," he is a happy man,.
and a oda might lead hitn. with Ai Olken
He has other houses besides these
vineries Tare so dear to him in every
wage-- Risaciollection'..of. emote_ is admost
equal to the one Kew, and one glance at
his foliage. plente as as good as a journey
to the tropics, But •'these are fads of his
wifee and de,ughtets;" he Will tell you in
his fat prosperous tones, The "only thing
that he thiroks a trifle areditable perhaps are
his grapes!
• But if hiii ambitions are ate limited, his
wife's are boundlese. Mundy and 'rank are
Ir -
the wide she -worships, and if she carinnly
see one of her k nice -looking, well dressed
girls marry a combination of the two, the
most earneet prayers she ever. tattered" ite
her life will be satisfactorily answered
to the present tune they have not married.
at all, but their mother feels that,Provi-
dance has been keeping a flatteringly
. • •
LYpl A. E. .PINKHADA, s:
A Sures Cure for all FEMALE
NESSE, including LeticorrIttert, Ir.
regular and Falafel Illensit*nation,
Inflammation and Ulceration of "
• •
the Woing Flooding, rimi.
CsirPleasant to the taste, efficacious and immediate
fn Its effect. It is a great kelvin pregnancy, and re.
• idevee pain during labor and at regular periods. •
,..".:„.1.!**11,,stiaL-44•116741-,‘" " - ..1%/WrIlaitrAme'Ximmgzsens..ottbagerigrative organs .
oOttage, OrNis-Veirtaftro-ale ditniAcet*,40m..;
Marian's engagement to Rebert Annee-
• lagrEIHNEat tioamPtettall's or tither Se*
vete/icy. s • "- • Emma it is the aretztalt Reniedy in: the World,
ley, the surgeon, has not been breught . • Wind Great Relict in Its Die.
about without some trouble( His Jiving oit
v4•11.1t3A• E. EINEEAWs B14006 PURIFIER
WaltOn it'fiue house and in capital style Bloltd, at Itcharsaigam:eniVivooftolnle15416Pttielaithtig •
had been. greatly in his favor lira' the system. As marvallotts in resillts setae eomeoend.
Lepeliss eyes, for the. Mother and the
fcrBoth the Compound:and Blood Purifier are pre.
deugbiers are affectionate women, and
. Pared at 293 and 235 'Vattern Avenue, Lynn, Nam
love the prospect Of tea% ,pear together;
but his being spoken Of as a country doator* barstecnetefbettiri;1!11..thEilfltbottles for $2; The Compound
had galled. The move to Cevendiskt •receipt e'vf price, $1;eroeoz of
lozpengcs, tat
Sc,liars, therefore,. had certain elemente answers .all letters a Inquiry. Er:elude s t.
of good in it in Mrs 'Spell's 'estimation,. ttamp. Sera for Pamphlet, 'Mention this Paper.'
though 'tier husband ehoiik his head it the, " 'canyon:. B. PissitANC417-xyza Pros our. e Co Kt
bled t4on. Biliousness tutd Torpidity 'of tho Liver: Stncenitt
eiskiuesi of the step, aud.alarian gruni
sirSchl by all ElcitAcyt.taross •
at the prospect of beidg out off froin•dailY.
intercourse with her tiaterie '
• Still the positiou of it'folionable„rising
young doctorT's wife in Cavendish Square is
accepted by the • family as being a good
one, "even for Merient" and lacking
gilded duke or belted .0E44. es a suitor of
Miss Lepell, Robert' Anriesley Is very well
To he continued:I ,
• Don't lbe Allinent.d
'Bright's Disease, Diabetes or anty disease of
the kidney'sliver or urniaxv organs, as HO',
Bi tetra *ill certainly and lastingly °arroyos i,d
at as the win, thing. tuat wl
. •
Fond. father -" Let that paper -knife
alorie,„ itobencie ; it is •ill bred tok 'handl.)
nthinge."- Johnnie-"Nirny, papa, foil told
the eardener.a man should be ready "to put
ins band to anythang."
and the Blerrie Ivy Tree," aid " Lady tf with all ttoy hewn that your friend eLtniesi-,: The cost of Sotopning a train of cars hi said
Greeneleeves" in a cottralto that has been ley Will take parragli :F.ff dany.liatid-i.beforii AO 130 from 60 to 40 cut. When the train -is eseirnbed 4 a 0 44: quite egtial to Autainette , Arthar grotto in :and dastangull•does- h.:itself
stopped by another train, these fricieS be-
Elterhug's" by admiring private critics. , for supreme miechnevous folly :a ihe
donne sonievOhat left eted.
When her ladjahip. hes had her !till meed House,"„ Lord Killeen says, and arra&
mate Carted& dazette to•day antiouncee
of flattery and prea,:e she remerobors that rats ita 1 , that Almonto. Ont., is male an ontport of
Brookmillb. The outwit of Port Credit its
aboliehed. .
Changeable silks,such as mit foremothere
';evelled in, are again in favor. , •
Althont ceaseless .motien, and with -what an " Darragh singS a little,': arid in spate of 46 Daa't you believe that Arthtur will eave
Sir Of ,eoneentrated intehsity Mackiver he kites Thy -tine's deblaration that she hasn't the enemies ofebie ostlee. the Pleesale 1 'e., t
liatenielif to her. t'Y Ii
t6dilleet tete no die any singang blood
left in her, she is put hesring him make it ridienlotas9 Captain
like to Darragh, only Darragh reminds her upon the Iff21181:041001 and told to try. Mackiver. He has the best tiiraitis of thei
' 4 * phtt5o • and expetienee which she)! "It intuit be something that I ain't go family.r--even Killeen will admit that." •
1 Acts atthe game Time on 126
: a • , , ,..„
1 Kidneys, Liver and Bowe
-M_ -A -T -I -VM_,—,„..
As it for' all the parnocu diseases 01 KO'
. it oles.nses the systent of the acrid poison
that bruises the dreadful suffering which
oigy the oil:thus of Itheurnatisin can realize.
of the worst forms of this terrible disease
have been quickly relieved, and in short time
inner, ef. Lupe Ort Dirr, sotto 1nt Dataarars.
bnryean be sent by mail.
Teething! Teething !
Tee4hind time Di Very bard on childtenewheie
hey do not wear °raw
Norman's . glectric ieethlrog Neokllaces
leneeetinne eol-d it bottles to Boothe; beinitib the
meinveg aiid 081,tiGig many, kinds of injuriee, brig
Norman's 'Necklaco does there good store way.
Mothers try one wed you' *111 rioter lute ant
PkfCo5ttcent& youtdienggistfor theta«. ,