HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-07-20, Page 4• WM FAR 4ik.F.4.0 $TOOC • \liftable Hints tor the • Tillers of the ; and Others. e (99oViled by e tee agriculturist.) trailer ihe .. The treuhle este:rice:owl lei not farmers „ With the•Pretent ereetrag eeriecrop, added: :to that 'whelk hat4 reeedee for two years • Peet in the same direetitee ellibuld attach rest weight wiat e.„ ere' t niehtful farmer in deterneining the (weetien 'whether there ,• PC:1 great atuutl i to making a. heavy corn °roe and tee litzle heed given to • growing the 1ti(.4 ::••asive• and often more • prefitable deep ef ;he grasses. At no time will there b';.n. ateetute tenure Of the grass oroneeeletree,... '-re is a city e of any consider, e,.:te '..« ling- supplier; • or -s**Itity to the . • market, the farees Ole Minty • thereof • tiny he woo e., eree e :teeter percentage on the inveatieent by intving a liberal • ainonnt of the -.Nrul *ert in , meadow. A judicious syritein • et =leadhusbandry, made up of, stock raieinge'grazing, • hay making anti fruitr, earefelly followed, will seldom fail le' the most disastrous year we are apt, to Wive-, iu returning to the producers, handtemerenectete. • fleas ie the lieeeereen. ' There is nolatiegenore den:eatable than a 'pig -pen infested with rate, • ter the vetnein. not only,anteree the animate, but commit • depredations on e';'ery calor rcetion of the • farm. The pig-pou tosters them principal.' • Ite as it is there they get pleeity to eat and • :eon hide under the flooeie '„ttee best pre- ' coition hien° floors: but roeswill keep •!Within eionvenient diatanne dthe pig -pen, be as °Ledo as we may:. : Swarm of rats will °Onetime as reticle as the ramie number • of fowls, and the dainirgefrora burrowing, pawing and theft is very •oontiderable.. ..ltatitaret you earefel,, amleannot be trap- ' ped.or poisoned eaeity,, The '.best plan . to. •get rid of him is.''to leave reams Of the hog teed Outside of the - penreeivery weaning. Tho rats will not touchrete-perhapeeatefirst; buliaftee awhile, if it ie lett there °entire , sally; they Will venture • to ttiete • it. • The •Seat evening, if Miley find that no harm has oqourred any ate -of. their, :number !front • ito they will eat a little more, until, finally, 1 -they will loolchtritretty this time every. 'rat on the premieeir • will he at the „nightly banquets; and, as they ..heve lamed eon - anew breed of ettine, eethiug'which will eureaee le eeeellence auything the hog hue, • • ' Araong the many cooling 4re:its's reoorn. mended for the hervest field to the follow. Mg ; Tootle. galleu ofeweter add, ontreep full Of belled older, It is J'a 12 agreeable drink, and without bad effeete, ptetiCled the Water Is pure,• • Aeorrerrpondent of the. Farmers? Eqv leo) has practiced during several winters the Pkta keeping apples in dry seed, Poured into the filled barrels after storing in the cellar, and finds it a "decided improve, meat " on any other ever tried, the fruit 'reerteluing till lete spring 46 Crisp and • apparently as troth as when first gathered," He does Ukelele° with .potetoesi and ieseis the same seed year after year. For the horse that haelost its . appetite, is hide.bound, and ..otherwiie out of sorts," nothing is better then bran meshes, ethic% should be •always reed° with boiling, writer. These are laxative, afford gOnle nutriment, and 'serve to aseist the action of purgetives. Mashes may ale°. be • inade of oats, Walt, linseed, barley end other .pains after .being bruised or ground.' It, is known that a queen bow has de - *milted as many as 3,000 or 4,009 'eggs. in twenty-fotir hours, and in twenty one days they all emerge . from their cello perfect berm, there being about 35,000 to 40,000 •workers in a good colony. The entire colony hewn:nes new every two or three Months, during the working season, Owing to the amount of honey obtaitied and the distance travelled•in gaining it. ' •• _ 'Cats. kill and destroy fir more birds and eggs' than they de •mics, and no due • needs to be,told how great are the damagers in dieted by vagrant dogs. If one man is. oonepelled tee:online his mischievous pigs, there - is no good reason why his • 'neighbor should not be compelled to confine his mire. chief -Working. ttnienale, be. they horses, cattle, sheep, or only cats and • dogs. -New York Tribune. . • Potter's seedling is the -name given re new seedling strawberry, whieh is claimed tooteseqiial if nOli superior to the Wilson eephigqualities. The beery is berg° in size, waxy in appearance and bright omelet colot. In the feria, of :the feet that the Wilson has stood the test ageinst its Many hundred comPetitore for years, owing to its: being better suited for transportation to market, the addition' ei a new berry poeseeshig excellent keeping q.ualities is a Very valuable one. -The-Chentiet-sayieehat-ifeeelittle-ohloride- Of lime be sprinkled en 'the soil; rats, mice, • fidence, all the farmer has to to: Pro. anclenrieqtrevnil soon desertit.Plante:may- P4;41,- Itteatibi:l'altbtage 241Tistki, 71-v--4'01.34,74;:"Vit4 • WinliVr6 byiipIy1iiusE1thovort eir stems with a vent Other rats frozn coming, RS they arid dolution of it. Fruit trees may be. guarded • &mg,. Prouvrilaties..-4Parnh. Vioq and Fire. from ,thatr attacks by itta,ohing to the e.eeepe eeee...• ee... epe•e: • steads pieces of tow smearedwithielnixture ' •Iw '513`"91.4 AM"C "4"" " of °Merida ot lime and hog's lard. Ants The beet of milk -producing food 'should an grebe' alreadybe possesaion will then bli ,‘• provided and fedoin thunder= at all rapidly vacate* their, poeition; • e Seasoine, while the eiowe, are geeing milk; . • ;etas, 'grain; and; the 'best ' of hey and The Plague Of lidetiate ilia • fodder eduring Winter,: and good pasture The inhabitants of •yatiOuitRussitin'Vre, with partioksoiling during slimmer. . This ',awes are • aghastaim the devastating- .• . will necessitate the growing Of green °tor! ravages. Of . this pest. Intelligenee' just Mos inhume of teas and Oats, rye, Hun* received from Charkoff statesthat in that • Prime Vireo, corn. or *clover for summer district the lausto -are 'Oattplt* over and and a .dry time. Corn 'meal is good. 1°r, utterly desteeying. deoPe Ot 'a fertile' queitY•• but bran or • ii2tiddlings• should' erioene Awe emote •Amoin the diottiat 'age the larder halt or -tweethirds of the Of NoVokopersoh, in the Governinent of in ration. I" would leave cotton -seed out. or not 'feed over 'half a int with the othentrain, at a ':iteedIng• 04;109rn and oats ,ground : together Mike an • jiftioellent grain ration,,In feeding green „esprn Odder,. I: would cut the. .stedlui.finely timknifx with it the 'Meal and grainiand 141low ' them ,to ,soften• somewhat. before. •4t.eeding.„ Hard glazed cornritalks,fedwhold, • „.41.r!, "Pt to make the teeth tore fecidfreely. -Counfaj '1111Ust1 ill Citttle-;-.POVTOtive, 110' eteniedie A.IdiOhigen feririerifritee.•tO the Breed.'l eGgzette that bloat in cattle, canoed by ohting green clover when wet with.** Or •daw,may be prevented • by plea:ling a qizan, fy Of either nay or dry straw Melee field. ere:•alook may have ready Remake the, they will readily resorkto and •, Whieh'etillesheorb and, neutralize the den;, pram gases, AO that net harixt will result. ne alto titatert that ayery effeceive.remedy for *Olt suffering teem such &Wee isa bold Water bath Plenti011y applied by pour- tiig Over theelfteokie ciretthere a• stream �r •• •irsol is at hiaid of suffloient,,depth to reaoh 10 thii anitiern Rides, theyehould be driven *kende, •-•Whertthe' bloat will be itaine. • 411401,7 diseipeted. . preventive and rosnagY:. 944 igivenlrornehe.personal •ibikoe1ind observation of the ,writer,and he ionoltes,for their effeetiveness. . • . trieeeittle*e art "Illheep2-4iced and Water., , 4 , Itis malaria to atteletpt the culture of sheet* without griiea- Sheep are generally /zaidtatld Oatitive. Th hi the 00010' Only •large,etroart-vvhere..,wator is deafen and ..1he• gods* dry. The intestines* being langeon•dry feed the'nteisttire is exhausted • the-pzoretions are voided. Bal.- , flnd When my sheep:' ere in the finest stet° 'd otilttire tiro are no -mete oottita• than • .‘rnitt: la; Or herrierik Bhderi'.irill, go. longer ••• Whliont Water than, any, , ot.,,our other • ...,s10Mestio aniinale; because, as they. alwityri ‘.1130 young, jeleY, graseee' and weeds, heinOte water ta.ken into the system their1eliiihati in that Of other stook in ••' thiteheep, italleivedt will wafer • Seth day as regularly arf &title or horses. The Constitution bf the thee') is, however, adsptod to *der, ploy grasses, and hence in ,England, a motet country and full Of . baa and iinoonlent roots; the sheep have rovzient *Moll on only bit eivemea-ner• te...e., , es me wnere the *heap graze ad t ereeese—_,' sretth%where-gram tails in Votonesthkie- and in the neighborhood..of 1 • ,The moat energetic' nersaiutee to .stemP : . atiotesiteaeainte ri iteatetaire .4e Out tido plague are being:taken; and with. If YOU Maa! marry, let oranmon, genie this cohjeot the:•District GOVeriiinent of. have aid:Litwin de transaokshun. -Dioni',go •NovokOpersoh 'inteneevoted 25,006trotiblese 'off yer. feetrheliase you meet a gni who kin and the Governor In -pertain-hip left for sing like 'a eobin, smile like's rose,: and the Beene Of havoc.. In Taganrog: the grain jnuip off a street kar widout boderin' de and *mita have been, burnt together in driver to stote. A Wife. will have inuoh to order -to •etamp 'oat the peat. . FroM do besides' singin' an' oultiVatin' diniples: •Berisieegleheh the latest9intelligenoteis atilt If, you rtne. gwine toinerry, ix ....yeritislveif more lanientable: ;'..•.-The. lc:solute' in this ho fur $10 liar week will gd when divided: government •are *raging & traok of soine up ur clothes .an' pervishuns er4 hone& 10,000 sires: - Six ,;. bousitrid soldiers reent • ren an:4ewel and inoidentials.- ,Befo' you ,poWeileiis to oheo apPelling destraotion fur anytbin' in a red .Plush sabeette; kinder wii to, the &abidance thalnhabitants are fell in tote wid e gel Who looks' tete sweet ;committed' by theseravegingankinsatiable, .figger on ha* many sioh duds your income dipleot 'legions.. They have; also appeared would afford her. Belo' you am all 'brake . In the : Government of . BalaSOhevski.-- up ober a* gal who plays de planner, taiga London Daily Newsi::; ,:q--- • ., • French; paints 'landscapes an' reads poetry: • Pet en limn all' Jigger. •who em to . cook ,.. - . P Ye e 4, Taganrog the same frightful 'deritruotion, of the crops iaproceeding. • :TUB NISOAP TO. Tali 11111CINIL. Thrilling Menne iti the Igagine-ronia-4. • Hear* lienerneer. Up to the •tiine of the aeoldent- the Ahrent AM. voyage Mita flOareely be im- proved upou. The pilot was taken on board on Sunday neornieg, Early in the afternoon the pass'engers were 04(04 by the ory of "Land, het" and for several hours eliereefter the belk of the paleeggere flookedto the starboard rail and watohed the low line of the Leng 'eland poet ditely, visible in the distance. It was while the pessengers were • thug engaged . that the' crank shaft attaolied to the liatildle pistoe', an .euormons her of solid steel tee inches in diatnetee, suddeuly 'mapped in twain. The soddenly. 'liberated piton rod that up through the top of the • confining cylinder, tearing the thiok steel plater' all toldeoes; and with one treneendous leirst and a, report like that of a heavy piece of ordnanee, a vest volurrie of steam; carrying with it fragneetts of iron, burstthrough the Skylight ad hseaped • heavenward. The havoc wroughkin the engine-reone was terrible. Rot ea, cylinder escaped. lacera- tion. Iron bracer.' were bent aed torn, heavy beams W ore, perforated, glass an - inch thick from the 'skylight wee ' blown into the strand rained down upon the deck in a dangerous shower. A passenger was sitting near the stern and wss slightly out by falling , glasa. A lady. paesenge -Kra. B. W. Sturdevaut -was, standing near the skAight. • She waa knooked dawn by the feriae of the explosion and her waist was badly sprained.. ,For a. radmeot or two there was ethicist & pante on beard; those on deck „being frightened by the noise or the explosion,the rush of escaping .:steam, and the, sounds of ,sorne - terrible - „- pounding- Which •witt going on in, the lowest depths of the engine -town. They retreated 111 some dis- order therm& the, bowe. Other passenger's, ho were below, ' rushed. On deok to see hat the Matter was. • • "*•: • • Andrew Lambert, tho osoknid engineer, prOMoted from the Bothnia, was on duty in the engine room. He is a -tette brawny Sootohman Of some three or four and thirty. When the prankshatt broke sed the engine room was turned into pandemonium Mr. Lambert was standing near one of the stoke rooms, some twenty or thirty:feet from the brake. Ho saw and felt the dense mass of steam and noted the lightning of, the flying sparks. • He know ' the engine must be stopped.---To--300--the- was aninipessibility, but e he knew that instinct -Would ' take -bine_ to iti; ateide he crawled up to ftwert,i-g Ve ' I offthe Ateem. The shaft had made about twenty revolutions before' he was able to get the engine under control.. He was badly rioaldecle••about. the face and halide, but otherwise uninjured. But he had risked- his 'lite to Rate the ship. Andrew Lambert Was the herol of the day. His noble cloudiest was ip everybody's mouth.. Captain. Heins; who is no niggard, praised his action to the eoho, and said it wa,s only. ta leappY +thence that he did not Meet death "in place Oa: slight seekling. • ThreChief Engineeniaid he only. did his duty, "but then," he added, "every mancouldn't be depended on todo his duty in such a plage;" So a testimonial subscription was opened and 273 was speedily raised among the oabin•paisengees. • Swat New. ver Meat an' taters etch r doze der' 1 Aobrrerfpondent ettlieeNevi 'York World ye* soaks in' help ye make $12 buy $15 giVAS•14e following Interesting bit of philo. Worth of things. Befo'-ye let a paer o' bogioal history e "One of your „Clever cert. flashin' eyes an' a' ennui& dimple oapti- temporariels Fairness to let, mecorrect his "vate ye; look arena' a. little an' see if de propeneitY 50 write,6,brand Will you owner has got a temper .like a. wild.oet. be more ritniiitl#9 in • the matter? The Marriage* a lottery simply booms° people proper way always is thrall now'r,-a phrase take °soli 'adder unsight an' unseen. , Let founded on a jocietre old 'pun. Over, a us now, pragnostioate to bizuees.-DetrOit hundred years ago or more the good people Free,Press. of Oork and Limerick, and othercities as • well, had a habit of throtting a lhandful of bran?..on oe towards their .new mayor after the eleotion. They knew, of isitiree (aii our:editors don't), theft, 6,rain Or bran. meitnt. in Web new and eignifiedalse the, hurls of ground Wheat, ; and., theywere elwayewitty enough to loteandeatit upon tbeit Meet popular figure of speech in Iitera- turee-the pun. 4: Brti, however preniminotd, is in onto, languageatoo dreadful to quote, with the Meaning ofpritie, 'first or new, as in that Irish brain." „•etid 01*Mo Renativel. • • , 'It in ,reported by dreerimakers returning from Paris that *Vase of the t,ournureor oriricolineareneh Iftiodistee are introduerg the Old steel and Pliable whalebones, which are run into the liema,of the !Oleo Of a skirt Which fits, a figura elosely in frabtand therildes the 'back tha. indica being ,.bout eight inches below the weest, -extend, iiig and sEightly enlarging all the way down. to the bottom of the skirt; The Meet Tak7 P P •-t.'Xiirtess., Gazette. °natio pieoes are made of white Tato ico • The drunest Tree in the ,World. It seems that Amerioat after all, is un. able tolnaltegood her alum to the pollees. 'Rion of the tellest and largest trees en the world.. Ivory one has read of the marvels of the tosemite Valley and of Yellowstone Park, the huge national.. sporting ground of the United States. But what. are thd giants .6f California in comparison with a tree which has lately been diseevered in Australia? It has long been known that in Term:voila, there are einialypti measuiing 200 feet from the ground to. the first branch, and more than '350 feet in total heiglit ; and there Weir lately.was, on .Monnt Wel- lington, :nertellotia,rt Town; a 'ewe, of this ispeolee the trunk of 'which waff eighty-six feet keiroutrefereiniet. Silt a still more gigentio buinticheof ..the Woods has bean reoezitly*.disoover4 Victoria. is a Well.proportitined„episeimen of Encalyptus duty yetlina, top is nearer to the sky than 'the cross of Sit Peatire. Cathedral, for it is no leSli than 430 feet abOtit'thegrotind. such turraps, beets, eto., shouldbo ted' • - -- hair cloth, with double oteel e,nd made of pique or anon, thf‘it. o slightly enebtoidered. ruffles, atteribed`St, butbmie, whit& can berenewed or laundried: The expansion of, these new skiete IAA eUggeitated.--Ainericguqueen. every dity with he;y, str0W, fodder' and hilt e A00. -tree the ekirt in .phiee graiffor whatever else is used. . • Mileeentuntous. "lteep the horses in deith. Inhuman jerk- ing Willie bits and to ptotectiou from flies • lue knoll todo vithioes of, flesh at this season of the year., • • ; Let the pigs have plenty • of grass, pure *eater and a moderate feed at the trough, •snd.they will naa'ke a rapid and healthful growth, and produee cheap, ;wholesome pork. . •. The Department oi Agtieulture pats the Wane of poultry • and oggs in the 'United Stated at U75,000,000. 'This is ahead •of whebt, oat& arid, potatOggi f",nd still it is an Induistry; not half develop6a. The Patter of the kelffaskot Partner pro - #014 bath V1143%* Witli 17110* prtl41.1011Bg • ero the( dlorkshire and Cheerer The 'following advertieement recently appeared in a, London. newspa,per widow lady would be glad to hear o .a schoolmaster, of' the oia school, Loridon, who would undertake to punish her son, a bey of 17, Who, though docile, ie excee. sively. idle and tiereletie, and she would in return be wMing to offer him any reasoria,- blecompensition. Address, statin g terms . end wheal the boy tansy be sent to laien—" The Breen remerhe that •evidon' otnitted the most important particular, namely, the height and Weight of Pau refractovy effeeeing.• 7 . Shame ! Bat glittl.„ advertisenient in the Lm - should :watt:11'110g' Itailite and gents Wateth impression created, lowever,"uieteneller, tavorable to the state of society Lam- pasas. We regret to notioe, in the same 0,dvertisement, that ladies' charrni are •also ad:vertised, for sale cheap. Oho eliamel Where is Vey blueh II -Texas Siftings. Fieeproofing for wood May be made as f,ollows: • With three parts of alum and one rrart 'of green vitriol make a strong, hot solution with water; make another weak *elution with green vitriol, in which pipe clay has been mixed to the consistency of a paint: eipply two coats of the Arra eoltition, let it dry, and then finish with° one coat of the last mentioned mixture., • , A PKIKTIVW WAllwictr.441“14. WW0 WOO/ ?ikeit Kill Themselves en Account n Bewitching' Maiden. Mira Rennicks is a girl of lees thee nineteen suntmeree aud yet to her beauty and tickle disposition are due the deathe of two youug men and the serious wounding ing nf hereelf. Her iirst victim was Joseph 0. Saoeliee a well educated youug SPauiard, deeuended from One Of the oldeet 9f the old 'Oalifornie familieee His hot- young. blocel naturally him inte many exeesees, and he rapidly eq,uandered tbe estate left hini by his parents. • He beeeree tufath: ated with Clete, and at her instiga- Oen prooured. a clivome from his wife: The ,young. Spaniard, who Was a musician, then Wanted Clara to marry him, pat she stead- fastly refused, and the esonsequence was that en the "night of the .310 of last Mardi he. entered the Fern Leaf Saloon, at • 311 Dupont street, where she Was employed; and fired lour allOta.frona R Ave -shot ;revel. ver her, ' Three of tlie took' effee t in her Way, and the retnaining • ball the. desperate nieeician eent crashing through his own brain, ritretchieg inn:1801f deed at her feet. The giti was seriously, and ie was thought at the' tircie fatally, :wounded, but her oonstitution withstood the sheet and &month, age she was arena, as well as ever, with the cis:option of the less of a • Sanchez was buried in the odd.Fellotzs' Cemetery, neer the Western confines, and yesterday morning the corpse of the second vidirn of Chimes wiles- was found lying across the foot of hie 'grave. • The body was thetof daelvoompleeioned •-young fellow, apparently between twenty. five and thirty years , of age, and 'from his attire the casual observer would judge him to be ih 'good financial:. oireumetances. lq ear Min lay a ;evolver Or•thirty.four cali- bre, with one &ember •dieoherged, and no second glance Was needed to asaertain the recepteele of , the„ contents of the enipty sbelt. In the centre of _the right temple, as,the head Amy .the, green mound cover- ing °Sanchez's resting place, was n emall black hole, 04.4%P,4.c.1gPrO$14911....near„.thg eye., showed how the skull had been noshed in by leaden - , -• ' • Iiewis Burke. recognized. the body as that of George Blanaire who was under - • • engagement of Marriage to Clara; :he (Burke) 'intending- to officiate is grooms- man at the Ceremony by. request of Mrs. Renniek's, Clarets mother. The deceased wales stranger to Burke, 'bid the latter -knits*, he Ma -taken • out a. marriagtflicen,se ieet Thuredeyeemorning..„e„-- The ...wedding eneeeleneteeheiseeteretedertief,IIeeentente WediV:• e,2-entehteeat ---stteree-eeantheitV residenoe , on Jessie eitreet. ett the appointed hour Burke and the. minister were on hand, but Clara was not dressed,' amines till 8.30 °ego& did she enter the. sitting room in her bridal robe, a pale blue silk, presented to her within a" fortnight. Mr. Githens was out of town yesterday and could not be seen, but Burke says that he demanded the presence of another wit - nese to theeceremony in addition to him as best man. • The girl hurriedly arose ena reni. out to her mother in the kited= and informed her of the state of affetrs. At the Barna time she kissed her. affehtionately, sayieg : "Good -by, mamma, ; I am going around the copier to get a girl to stand up with Me." She then threw on her hat and cloak and left the house with :her white. weddinggloves in her hand. The expeetant grorim, his attendant and the minister sat quietly in the parlor chatting until. after 9 (Mock, when the girl's absence was coin- mented upon, and Blamire became restless and uneasy. • At 10:30 o'clock •Mr. ()tenons deolined to wait longer on what he sup. posed the eaprioe of a giddy girl, and -seek his, depertUre., Burke supported the droop. ingspirits of Illamire midi nearly.? a. ne, when he, too, his departure, and the mother and her six other children retired to bed, leaving, by this time, the halforazed Blamire te keep hit vigil alone until the dawn of day.. Since that night Clara has not been seen. -Sae Francisco Chronicle; • Frebeir Aelaente .,s.enekinsc Atrien. ' The city. of Paris has jiist refused a sub- vention to the- African Indies ' Company, Which proposes nothing less than. to make a,:fief of Pratioe.a.teiritory of 35,000 square leagues 'dueled between the greselakes on the east; Congo on the south, the Atlantic on the west, and the Sahara to the north-- siniply, to take posesssion ,of a fourth of Africa. The Minieter of Foreign Af* fairs has granted to the company subsidy of 10,000 francs; the Minister of Public Works has lent mining engineer; the Minister of Finance has • promised gunpowder and tobacco at reduced prices, and, lastly, the Minieter Of Marine, not satisfied with grant- ing a subvention of 10,000 francs, like his toolleague of eForeign Affairs, has promised to carry.thefiret expedition by a GeV*. went steamer, and to grant the services of a naval Officer and twelve men to 'protect the station to be established on the border of the Central Soudan The Government has thug not only assisted the company' with -money, but has allowed it to Bee the French flag., The comPany is supported by fifteen • Deputies and a Seoretary of State Gazette. • • The Cholera in Jigypt. A London cablegram says: There Were lle‘ deaths at Damietta, on Tuesday, six ' deethe at Blansurab,„ and three at Semen- oud. The two recent gene at Alexandria reported as cholera were really gastric' fever. Sir in a Oominuitioa- time to Earl Granville states that ill his opinion the cholera in Egypt will subside Withoutspreading to' Europe. Denmark has imposed quarantine upon vessels arriving at Danish porta from? Egypt: . During the twenty -font hours ending at a o'clock this morning there were 122 'deaths it Damietta, thirty.two at Mansurah, four Sreinatioud, four at 'Shirbini and three in health from an mese, • of 'any of the thousand so largely, with long fictitious -testimonial& bit no fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, and in a short tune you will have the most robust and blooming health: , • • The Detroit Frei Press ASIA : "A iedinte. placed tour pounds of cold meat and eight slices of bread before a tramp. At the end of tOrmityrniellteri What was left VP People, who:Minter." the plate," are Wroxig, because the turnip welteed off With theplate stein= as the womales bask was tutted. + • . kee One man was ashed by another, with whom be was eitt on the best of terme,. where he bad taken up his abode. "Oh," he replied, " living by.the nanal 1 I ehould be .delighted it Yon waild drop in Berne eveniug." • •.7:41rAti111.4111Aft ./7 /hp *Ig ;IV KIDNEYS, 1.0,1ER : ANIY ORINARY ORGANS ; There is Only one wit,V by which any dbeaS0 0411 be, cured, and that is by rernoVing the cause - whatever it may be. The great medical author- ities of the day declare that nearly every disease Is .ctiuded by deranged kidneys or liver. To restore • th es herefore is the only way by which •health can be secured. Hero is where sale. t ;are liadachieved its great repUtttion. It seta directly upon the kidneys and liver: and by 'plea - them in a healthy condition drives. disease • and pain 'from the sytiitein. For all Kidney,, Liver and Urinary troubles, for the distressing dia.' orders of women, for Malaria and.„Physicial troubles , generally; this great • remedy has • no equal. e,.rare of impostors, iNitations, and OoncoOtio .0 said to be just as goad. . ° For Diabetes • ask for Wsarsseaom 031:cle , gnat - beteg Cure: . ' •• ' • "' H, WARNER, de CO,, • - Toronto, put; . Rochester. N. Y.; London Eng. Non*. BUT viirrnrjr.o *Mini. • Errotn-tho Boston lifor.*3 ' .1fees* • • • , The above kia good Mame*. of MEP. ••14...466 "tam, ot Trsn, tiliove another human beings , • may be trahfidly called the Ntear•Friendefyroucen,* • ne Some • cf her correspondents love to 'cell. her. • She. seitliml3r devoted to her work, wick% is.the outOome ••• of a lifa-stiidy, and % Is Obliged to keep six lady • •assiStaas, to help her ansierthe large COrrespondence which' dity pourein even her, Mot bearing its Special • 'Reda. of sr -daring, or at release from It. BO Vegetal:1 Convound amedicine for geed and nob' ewn. PurPOsai X have personalty investigated It ecid , • eattaded of thetrnth of thigt • • • • On:woof:4 Of ;I's proven nieritati te:reeinamendat and prescribed by the boat ph clans In the Country.: 'One says: "It Works like •it :charm and saves much ,pan. ItW*I cute entirely. the•iient form e tapas .., of the Uterus, Lecoorrbou, Paietal Menstruation, all Cvarla,n TrOubke, r...1imantation add Utoeration, Flomlikgs, all DisplaCeiner.te and the con.,.• aequent spinal werir.'ess, and is .especistly adapted...at . the change of Lite.0 • " • " • • It permeates every• portion Of the 'system,. and gives, ; new life and vigor. It removes faintness,. , flatulency. •dmitroye all Oravir.g st3midanta and relieves Weak! : seep et the•storafich. cork; Blcatir, Headaches, !• 'Barone:Pei:stealer:, General • Betillty; dieeplissiessi„ • , Depresslonand Indigestien. That feeling of bearing dorn,eatusingia*, ;weight and ,backache, is alwars permanattlY cr.red by lb: use. It will at all times, and nnderalloiraMst,auces, act in harmeny With the Law . that governs the female sydem. , • It,coOts 81. Per bottle or !OP.. and is Sad by druggists._ • .Anyadvica required a:: te :media eases, and the tame:: Of Many who haire beenrettored to perfect health by the Me of the Vegetable CeraPeund, matte' obtained by addressing MM. P., With stamp for et bet home intynn, Nose. • • . For Kidney Complaint of eithir thicicOmpoutidts tinisurtiassed as abundant itstireentals thew. • • °Mrs.• Plnkham's Liver P1115,7 sayiron0 Writer, Pare thebest • in the world for the cuee• of Constipatlini; Biliousness end Torpidity of •the liVer. Bleed Purifier wOrke•wenderi in ite special line and bids fair to erfing the Compound its popularity. • All must respoot her ao anangel Of Mercy ,Whous ambition bto dOgood to ottierd. • • '•, • • phttadelphia. • *3'14 n r • • , ' • WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO'S I M PROVED' BUTTER COLOR A NEW DiSCOVERY. .nrror iieverid. years" we have furnished tho Dairymen of Anierica 'with an excellent art'. debleolorfor butter; so meritorious that it Met 'what great esteem everywhere receiving the , highest :and only prizes at both International Deity Fairs. 113111Int tcpatient and Scientific chemical re - March we have improved in several polittg, and now oder this hew calor as the best ill the world. It Will Not Color the' Buttertimilk. It Wlit Not Turn sarioirt. it Is the •., • strongest, Brighteria.ann Cheapest Celor Made, . while prepared in MI, Is So coinimund- . ed that 15 15 impossible for it to beteme rancid. itirsEWARE of all imitations, and of alt Other oil colors, for they are liable to beeoree ritneldtuid spoil the button ^ • Igyqf you cannot get the "ItnpreVed".avrito us to knotV where and bowto go 15 rithoust extra' e?PcinS9* 4 ° • (10) 17044 RICHARDSON, It: 41..,laziaotato12447,21., - • MIIE WILLIAM 8 EVAPORATOR, for the preservation of all:kinds of fruits and vegetables Manufactured by S. E. & )31 Sprout, Hamilton; Canada. Send for circular. • iEUMATiSM NORMAN'S £1161;a6} 1?if/TIT liad:Xeuralgia, is driven atiril like smoke before • the wind. • Give one a trial. Every Belt Gautat,A.mrEro ci-mis•vxrM Oirenlar and ConsultetiOn Pre& NORMAN, 4 faraciett stiett emit, Toronto. • . 4.3 t• y• • • .• • • I, - • • • - - - • - • • • 7 7., • - • 4;0-, wt. •• • •• •-•••• •