HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-05-25, Page 5/FT • FARM AND GARDW. • Wig 'KIWI fitif FiltoW0114 to Plant` 1. . • 0/11 Sow iikotNr1. „URNS.. ANP VELEM. 1\ZEITS". .• Now to, Fat ear An I's Worms .-etbfr. Atm . ......H7 . • tikieetirag orit;wein. , • . If we have not already mane. selection .of • the .seeds we wish to plant in thecoming •;Warha eprieg„days; it in ,oest tomake all . heat° • now. ••:1 We should nester attempt more Riau we gen adoomplish ; and if we,. with limited time, plant 'the. more :delicate ; varieties we often leave them badly ..• , • .neglected. • Theee that ' will thrive under the . most adveree . eireunaistanoest, ; ;and blossom: intoperfect beautiee • with :proper cultivation, aretho hest. I tun se great' . loverof the•Old•faahiOned morning glory, 1 ..... have had vine's twehty feet in height, +covered. latish morning Whit nundrede. of OlOssoine ; - 4 kwhite, Pit*, purple and lavender, striped, • mottled and ., blotched' ;bells shook and. • danced about in: the ' morning, air. The .. .Thigroxind grain should' be fed to fowls at . mOrningglorV thrivea with Little care,„but. night, local* it slowly digests and filletiV given rich soil And a tinnily spot it amply ;the long interval between sunset 'andMorri. • • repays all eare. Aiweet pees are *nether of ing better than soft food.. ' .• ' •• .irty favorites. •They • need deep,. rich soil, • Colt7breelting ' should begin at.the birth . "Child -stealing ia eh dm:Weil:Me a •gaulle,'•' ,,, • ' •.' and will,begirt.to 'biossem NeleSs Your tur-, Of the colt, because he then., instinctivelyhe sitid„'". that there is really very hale of keys find thenaYin June, andeontinue. until •Ohe'." his 'fear or timidity 'Ot matt. Which' it 'prat:Slow:1: 'i when a 012114 '• 'as , stoleti, • Jong after' annualq ere killed'. with frost. should be then: completely dissipated. ' •, ,.. Phlat drumnitinchi . is an especial. favorite Whetherit be; Of rich" or . poor . parentage; that Will amply repay. ell . Care .bestoWed, • if these were all . 'One °odd properly care of' -feed . on . •the .evetiing',. preceding a inns eneerannity• that the . kidnapper is almost , for, it . would , ha .hotter .to have a few oae. journey, and.'only: half rationeof gram Or. a Ogre ' AO "be .:traced . and- punislied„Very It is..w. ell•tagiv: horses, a double amoniet such *hue and. orY is set up Wee: whole . flowere thar '. half 'a dosed- becleaf strak little hay On the morning of., darting, • . , '• •aeverelY. A child. is stolen . not at ill for, • - gling O1108., A few croons bulbs, amino* The practice 'of running.. hay... through' a* theta*, tit .the .ohild• but for , the. sake of .• • ...binder of daisies,'socoS gi•Irge(nis tulips, and hay-outter and reducing it to giAik iort the 'ransom to. be 'demanded: , '1'101th:woe, • then the roses, .give ,A eepply:iithleorn from Pieces as pessihle,'...and:theni mixing with 'Ohildren• 004 be ProOnred, 'SO easily that .,t,eierw awing poll, tiit 4,114.49,10 begia: to eon and :onding..0. to .an .,nrdin,aty• gt,p3t. tb,ere. is little need to OW them.' In MOst. •cases where legitimate Ohildren disappear bloissoni• Speaking of. 'roses I ' wish you Millto he ground into. provender forpoUlt.rY, it turns but that tlOy have strqed a's'a3' of has been 'followed for several years by ear- • Could see my rose. hedee Belli June. .There tit.iia breederewith good results.' : ' .."' . , their Own Volitioni•and the 'ditnenovel. and. .' • IS an • unsightly. bit • •of wall on . one 'Hide of, , atnet.#ashY literaturaareacoMintable. the yard, and along this there is a' narrow- We 4o riot '•knOW how lime • Oltn• be flied Persistent • inquiry resulted in. -the 614' •L .', but thick hedge ' of, . . roses,. .Completely with 'better results than in the renovatiOn,-,t,ve'o oat a.ltars. Post, known to the police screening. it aninnter and . winter, There. of Old Pastured. Aiining.nieadoWti • or Old- ,ds I. Granny P; t," was the 'principal Pert • : are no ehoice .varieties, but they make'. e pasture landswith, say, thirty bushels to ' 'beautiful sight while inialtiam........... ' ' • •;,the lore, has tin..Aef eLupenindition son engaged in the traffic. ..Thef011oWing advertibementowliieli_appear - - -'. •: ;-.1 •- :- J. Valialte Table.- ; - atlas ,orap of grass that few farmeni believe -:-..--;-The-followinglable•givesthequantity-of. O.. a tOak ;.... , ' .:. , tot tnnreportee on her 'track i, ----. - , - • .. • . ... . . , . • . . , . .'""28e04atutYkker.. tagnts,raqnieit93taiere &dry substanco,liktpwoclensnwdustitaii Colt.kDOPTZON, ,..,-4....-.U..-Vt-TA- . - 2, 0 • :' All acre qt itaiA",;." 7-1114.talifin*I'm -nlir-nents,,7-abatltir4e-ii,WanA'al#4Prz!atitig Ailatitated4cantilcfriMefelt510.04- •, farmers end. gardeners, .and . to. families eggs ruins them, . The ben, if lean) • • loi. onloiliide,jcittiviteide&,.% .generally 'whO may have , only. , 16-.inno herself,• will. make 'her • neat 04 the:mast .:': *ening 'uP Ail)* liteoP the rePOrter. - garden.- It can' always he referredto, to 'earth.. ' At the bottom of the meeting boxes rang the ball and Vl'hile waiting u& ample. : . . .eetene dolt in any veatto of doubt . eon. plata) *clarop,..A0d :' of earth ..•atul Weald, it tune te not* tbatthebOugewanulittain4 t ., ''.•`• ratoted with the subjects -Involved : ' • into a conoave torna..: 7:This &Wipes* ie claisfi'l..11M/040.107:",neighbPrilma: 41141 throt _,.. , . . . 1 , Asparagns'in 12-incbdrills, lfiquarts. heliefieiati as it supplies theinoieture the; osPrilgitUts4.8. '0.9.tvn And .overy.,,shutter •• . Asteitagus Plahts 4 by 14.feet; 8,030, - ,eggs lose 'during the ptopesshatebing, ;',,,,. Aose&'..j.itiii BaN. he wa0 Ulahltig illi hie itiO4 •' Beans; berth, in -drills, ti feet,.10)tishelt: , , "; ...The testiatony of - Barley, 21 bushels. ' , • • "." the We0tern geW .7YOFIv''.. that the, 'bOnile' Wag ',deserted ' .1, "slatternly •. Beane, polo,. Lima, 4 by .4 feet, 20 quarts: -•, • Fermata' Club ift, that the failUra Of hat girl,' with f' eleevevrahd ''skirti. tutiked Ow : Orciom Corn hi drills, 10 pounds. •; :°1:1-Trg'the,..,oroantiottsiy..:.-.:,, - .., Beane, Carolina, praline, etc,, 4 by a feet:10 qrtik 7000.4ple,orOp. was owing to clearable at Cabbage, outside, for transplanting,.12: ounces:ii .1331001241e SwarmS of Aphis...-. • • . .; ,, :,. 4 I 1"lit t° 61311681 Iglituillithmieernaii • 'Beets, maaeoldn,arills; isk feet, 9 pounds. ••., • the - blosioming - season, lollotted f 10Y , ' - ... .osietyiseed, 8 Minces.. " , . • Carrotin drills, 2.i feet, 4-poende, • One iiiay of killing off *lie. WOMB 1 one iiii h h ;$0,ntletrtili na.toithe u.lii.L •Zijeftii.,47a, ,i.ii,t.911117:i;. '!(ire.:,, do, ta;,;,:tOrnediii*-iiin , Cabbage own in frames,•4 ounces.. 5 tenth* .growtwo or three sticteesive tiro* franc tnetar., gam vi veice.lth . . 1 _ Tbe Celery, pledit, 4 by i feet, 25;000. • Of 'buckwheat. '• 'They' esn't feed on CloVer, white Duteh,;13 wend*. i,• ,, the . '.door of thelrollt "OW 10e040olte but it roots, and the tope ,sinetheyAhe grape, .To.. was seowetkeztea and the..,•Aporter,P.was ciovertincerne, le.pounda. - • • .. • . Clever, Milks, $ Wunds. • • • ' • . grOW cern, .whiat 'or graiaoninfeeted land neatei Dixisite Cloiler;lezge red'wIth tirecithyi-12.pontidC,i 114.0n1q. tO outlay, the worms with ksid upon .7. - .,--ge°i- did ytelitittlittiwe 7.4 ' •iia" me'?" she *. Clover; large fed: Without timOthy,16 pounds. Vihit3h they liounsh.,' .. . .., . • Corn, field, 8 quarts.* . . . . : • . ' , , . . , , atiked quickly. . • . . ••••• , • . .•:,.. . ' •to the seed of ,grasses and oloVers. these Portione of them that are not • well bevered with qad. 'The .seedoen be ,SON733 in tbe fall or in the spring, su4 earatahed inwitha• light barrow or keel', toothed rake. It the grass hite chiefly disappeared on certain sprite where the waist very poor, it will be well to harrow the ground ihoreugbly and to. apply 00140 .fertilfzers, The ,',410rapingei Of barn-yarde, •well -rotted stable manure and ashes °en be applied to good advantage. Some grass. seetleuitable for sowing in pastures where cleanliness is not very essential can. ordi- narily be obtainedfrom the mangers where Wines are fed or .from, barn floors. is always desirable to keep as large, a variety of forage crops in a pasture 3113 pOSSible: They insure a greater eniount Of food and, secure a desirable change, which is agreea- ble. to all kinds .of stuck. . ' • • ••,• • Notes for litsioners. . • DO not let the cattle • prune the orchard.' They 'nesse' ' always were 'bunglers:St Such busi- To grow grape 'vines let them run An- • • pruned. To grow grapes, prime the vines• and let the roots run,. ,.• • . It should be borne in raind that the fatter &breeding sow is kept thdinerd liable she is to* destroy her pigs by lying On them or eating them up. , ,• ." TZAFE'IO IN B4IE , A Visit tO theromo of-•-a-Womil Who SupIieshildre0 on Demand. SHE ASSERTS THAT HER WORK,IS JUSTIFIED " York World • , • „ • The case of little Annie. Taylor in this •oity and the lees recent case Lin& Selden in Brooklyn, , have attracted publio attention to the operations of 'parboils who .seedi to • make a business of , procuring- lenithnately in Most instaeces perhaps, but iliegitiwately very Often'. fi teare4=- children to be dieposed of in one way or allth len.; e !litigation . of tbe matter during the last few days by e •reportnr of • the: World brings to light' tbe faiit that a great .tratdo in children is carried on in this city by persona who are BO far from being reputable that they are .olaseed the pollee at ouspioious pett30113 and oonetantly watched: From day to day ,new-born infants .e.nd cahreildatirevnert botheossfeoxrea°4pPtito;.?'° 0Yethatti:ra ,a4°1a- vertisers express their desire to adopt care and •seareoy -are observed and no names children, particularly girls. The. utmest are given. * ' • ; , • . At the, outset of his investigation the reporter called upon Robert Pinkerton and asked him tagive the result Of his experi. enbein , tracing lost children and kidnap- '••••• -- t* 'Corn, sugar, 10 quarts. •• ,It is now for thislatitude the •boat time Oh, Isaw it the PaPereiThreplied the • Corn,talad, drill ten inches, 25, pounds,. to Sow asparagus seedii Saw theta, in ieparter•, .T have called in answer to in 8 uarts. • , Cuctiln et in ri s, quarts. ,1010;71r---4,1004hOnt-t-Waset-nris ': Egg -plants. 3'by 2 feet; 4 ounces. 'the, plants • are :up, keep the eon. bet*oen •' Ondive, in drii1, 2t feet, 3 newel's. '"" "thiltOviii Mellow and quite 'free of .weede. _max, bro,deast, go quarts. . Grasse; timothy; with clover,5 ,• Tfiete Wilt. form the crowns fortretisplant- Grass*, timothy, without clover, le quarts. int perinanent beds next.eptingi: A 'Grassi orchard, 25 quarts. • , • in . Gratis; red top or herds, 20 quarts: great mistakeloYing 'Out these is made in petting' them .too closetogethat The • Grass, blue, 28 quartt.- .• Orai36, rye, 24) quertt: ,roWs -Oho* never be less than five feet- Gramyraillet, quarts. , the'PlanttneVer less than twarlitictaibelf • gentpkbroadeast, bushel. •• • feet apart in the row. Beleet land that is Kele; Getman greens, 3 pounds. Lettuce, in rows, 21 ' i gest, 3 pounds. •,well• drained and that does not wash in ' Leek; 4 pounda, • heavy Vans. ; .• • Lawn grass, 35 pounds. • . • Miens, Water, in hills; Sby 8 feet. 8 pounds.' • 'Aitnitacee . in buss,A by 4 feet, 2 pounds-. Oats, 2 bnshels, • • .Qkrai in drills, 21 by feet, 20 pounds. • Onion, in beds for sets, .9.1 pounds. • • Onion, in rows for large!biilbs, 7 pounds, Parsnips, in drills, 24 feet, 5 pounds. • Pepper, plai•ts, 24 by 3. foot, 17,500: Pumpkin, in bills, 8 by 8 feet, 2 quarts.' Persley, an drills, .2 feet, 4 pounds, i Peat, n &dile, short varieties, 2 bushels. Peas, in drills,tall varieties, 1 tdlit bushels. Peas, broadcast, 3 bushels. • Potatoes, 8 bushels.,• Itadish, in chills 2 feet 10 pounds. •• Bye,, broadcast, 1 bushels: • • • `Bye, irilted, 11 bushels: , 813.1a1f3r3 in &tilt 23/4 feet, 10 Wounds. . , Spinach, broadcast, 30.poun. is. • Squash,'bush,. in hills Ly 4 feet; 3 Pound* Squesh,;anning, 8 by 8 feet, 3_ponnde: Sorghum, 4 quarts. • Ttirios,, in drills 2 feet, $ poutet..1.4.; • 0.. • -- • r••• ng,notz;tiattic . Tomatoes, plants, %NA - • Wheat, in drills, bushels. Wheitt, broadcast, 2 bushels. ; The Pulse of AnInuilis.' In horses the pulse 'at rest beats forty '• times in an ex from fifty to tiftY-five, and in sheep and pigs about' eeyelib• to, eighty„ • beau per minute It may be felt wherever *large ate* prosses a bone, for • instance. It is generally, examined in the., horse on the oord whfish Crosses, over the bone of the - lower jaw in/tont of its curved position, Or in the bouY -ridge above the‘eye; and in cattle over tbe middle of the first rib, and in sheep by placing , the hand on the left - nide, ,whera the beating of the 'heart- may , be felt. Any material Variation of the - ." pulse from thaligures givenabovemay be ' considered- a •eign of disease. If rapid, hard and :fulltit is an indicsation ef high fever or inilammatiOn; smell and • 'weak, lbw fever, 10ES Or blood, or ReakOBSES. If slow, the probabilities point to brain disease, and if irregular, to heart troubles, .es thotigh she had not been •Sinee that( 1, This is one of the principal and sure tests day she has, to all appearanoes, been per- . of the health of an animal. • ' tannin; Groin Seed In Paotnres. 1!3P 1Y.17811* - " Parmers often complain that. their pas- for outorio„ The Itetnerkable Experiences 'et"- es. • ' lirnirnser's Wife: • .. I .. , . A.,-New:TOrk despetok says, : A ppecial •frOm lifontioello, N. 1.,* " says a • outiouli 'instance of faith cure hernitriemitingMuoh °eminent. alre. ' Floyd E.: • Iaindiley, a fOrtier.!0...'tvilia. Was alma :years ago ill witheenio•trigtitcoMPlaint: The dooters, 'Proceeding at °nett to lausinesa„ .M04 langnag01. Were 'read in: Abe' Mlle a : the she says, Mistreated het leases and As was Poet hiformedthe reporter, that : the baby ProPagttbda in ' , oimk, 401):./nonth by the; left with e:seerfoini ooliiititutiotial disstafie. was • the ' quietest. boy: in i/114: -world, per- Auden*, , The 040011 -VAS ttlialt*AiltY., tiftkannisereery ',Of. the -"Velehratidtt 01 the Since1812ehe bee beiiii`i 003111001 . to .g hr :footly healthy. . of French parentage. • and . bet constantly told .hea,;,been a great 'Mar- WO inonthe. old. '.fthe combined the Iona.' raa0.8 of the.reOtor,I)r. 'Gustave 1.ftaratle..: . - , • fever: 4 flagerea ,deototiv, from •; *ow:York thin Of tiinticlwife 'with her.other Nish:lase, ••• •• The 'Church of BnY,land ' saline to -have 'every hitifiea study of thike case and . tried she said; and malty . of '. the :':iihildren.- she. tint anithe good byiaton ;"40thich •,,hlortherly, Vary inetliOd and ,meditdini viitliothisuottess;: `t, placed '! were born Up jstairs. . This par-. had of Abe:Salvation. Arn)Yi- Tie :Bishop . 4d„tbe ..,,ittiaet 4014:11e; oat.,neetolg roor(_!, tietilar baby, however, had been brought of :oninuentier.andoundowthe witnoemou, t‘ .i ' 07:. ; '`I 4 , .14 .44: ...A.A" *-...,JEli. • -- ivi..-L-omty ."4„..let:704.4u, et: 7.5.1#1.ingp,P:irti-tiati...ArabblehartitL„904..., 41.4W.L*....I.M31.i: were.- in, oh a *.'fitiiiii"thair every .zioise -mitlitattiol ...1',s. AI'scpaiirif.t.-rci.. 4:.3, ig! ../:1QSAJ.:1411:Iii: tfc,i4e410- lik-vm, i3/41) _. J.`,TA,,M,',".4.-....::. Ze* t•-..4,, was agony to /2er. Ilea* g Of -*faith Ore 'Adopting children. '.. But- in this inetence publiti address, that the :lattO Of inigitt, --ii 0Aaiiiiitip ,i01'.:05a,44,0mAle;,..10- *proportion 'le, recently perfornifd in achtisetts; bet sbe. would Charge nothing AS she had ,matte *the. has inereeAsed thoughts were 0obsta recurring to . that tinder no .eXpensip..41,1 Of course, if anybody the nuMbee of the iiiiiiy!d Meetings in dlr.' subjeett and she finall terixiiized to test. OtROSee tnigivotiOnoolethistfISTon't tlifoW ferent parte of -theestnitty.---„,-. its efficacy. 4 She. ask ,, ..•the Rev. 'KOWA, `Ain the lint", she added, . , •-••• .. f;,., ?tiii,ley,'2"Davie and Vikekty; Olergyinan'in : "But tionlitliedyl4dUst pay yonfor Ietti ' he viclape;le pray for her reOevery 40 a tin:10,4144011bl° ?" .`. ' •,-.: „ .„ • 7 ' certain night. A ' request vies aljso een,bt,ci ' ;44-‘001'703 ; Y00. uude=d, 0! :0011fliel the Fulton ' street prayer meeting for that the. parent vrinY, ve .,.,_" t0. rid herself prayers; at the 44BMO WO*. '66 God gave V30 of the. is more ihtereated iii having it faith,'" she said today, ." to believe Be adopted that even theporiOn Who wishee Ikotild heal, beAlieti •11e. has premised lo, in.140!3tiftt EtOhild.'' : i.. ., and on the evening appointed for 4 the ... "What proof 0 your atithoritY to give tip jerayere, I uninigtikably felt the *01114 Ithe Child Can Yon ettliw ?'" . z '•'. „ ' • ..- , 'flishetiling tonoli.". - • ' - - .,,, -I' I alwaye hale A taper Ste, WS. signed As the family had retired, laic Update, by the: tnother," .itigd she; hauclulgt, tb:‘ did not awaken them ta tell the goad tete. 'reporter a:document „ •• •-•.' ,, ..., '• Next morning, when her Inisband .ciaine ifti 'I' But you ;'1,14ed 'have. no ,friat bLever to breakfast, he found his. Wife Sitting at beinetroubledr I only get the paper INS an the breakfast table, the had .dreseed. her:, ertreritcsafeguardP.— ,, ,., • ' ,,,-- self, samething she had not done 'before in . "MY amain *Jabot --te,•be very oaretbl, years, and Vied ' arotihd the house as lively - and I think I will 'ongte aoopy al # tosholy 00, lawyo and inking }opinilon." — ,*' ., . • "Oh, it's all riglaVr said iihe',_nervatiely, lityliir to regain the paper, htit in the reptirter prOeeeded tO 0903, it alie Went on talking with an asataliptiott of indifferent:tea ,"' ' ttlteti are " running, cup:" ft ill not strange. In the paper, 'Which was signed in a treimi- --* that studs le the •03.80 81000.1theY do nothing A Quebeodespateh says: Thneeihavebeen lone eeravilind esaled witit-* Wafer, the - to 'keer Up their fertility or to restore landed at Levis from the ateraniiiiiP Versa rilother of the obild.relinoshei all, oho* ... gritistes and Other 'forage °rope that have the following stock cattle: 70Aberdeens for been wholly or .partially exterminated t :t. Mr. 0110- Geauei of London, On.; to to the- ehila MA ghat' her nit° the-;Okt‘ °toady of ItrelVaritly E. Post, who at herVleastir e .Olose feeding; bad Seasons, or other cauSee. Herefords for Mr.. Leight, of Beecher, III,i : .0h...,1 give the Ana out for adoption or in • Some kinds of *posses and at leaet one kind. 20. Abbr.:leans for 'Messrs. Cudyell & Simp.. any other wely omega ot it ., for Itet.:,bed ef rclover remain in a ,pasture but a IOW BOO, of 'Missouri ; I0turliems for Meagre; interests without interferettee Or4tiestion . yea'They are -only propagated by aeed, Green, & lik034.0. of Otitario, and 20 ',sheep. hy.the mother or any one in her, oeheiv, - which Of bourse &jet not mature Oh plants1".1606u6..Ortle°` Mtg. Poet iiiinfeSeed to the reporter - that . thet are bitten oft when they are a few She kite* this paper had AO %hal isignifl- • inches high. Timothy gratis and red '"What. did the doctor say, -, 'tell b10 V" 01,11e0. Artangement8 were then made te elover afford ..exitollent pasturage, but eitiyii the °Mak Men riervOualyo: "Ob,.. lie call for the ehild to -day. Before he .left they atm only be retained trl held ,.didn't day anything," replied his friend Dire. Post ,declared ta thecreporter that she iatistantly graaid ' by animals by 000tt,, veideurs;gingly" 44 but there it no occasion had been thirty yearn in the bushman"'had ., iiienallY lowing seed. The proditotkite, • for any ...elatin•-•-bn seenatt-citiite--iniey and lisposed, of.tlionsatidatithAbies. and that 4 .,11010 of pastures eir3olia be greatly in. &ell eatisfied." . 6 Yee, so would I if I Was not only had her abtione never been .citiee- Oremed at -email expentse by taking paine,Ati bieiplaiie." • • tioned in court, .brit that her ooniolehos .. a .1% approVed ber,..as She proelire good- 1;itenisi tar .obiltiren whoWonld otherwise belittled or"grow up 914. the streets, • AMONG TRE CUUROUEB.„ Tithiluso fowl Po” VOultSlemliti-40tow • a sitlaity Mon Got Vaol4114-41.1 WildowS ond OvPhent$ at Our Service. Grace Zpisoopel Church,' New 'York, is. to have a 1160,000 *ire. - • • Efforts are being put forth. to build a clit#ch,for the deaf mute e in 'Philadelphia. The Hindooa are said to pray to 800,, 000,000 gods. No wonder that' praying reaahioes are popular in the Zest. A young lady graduate of Harpoot Semi. nary is compiling a concordance of the Bible kr' the Armenian language. ' Afre; PdarY B. 'Stewart, a *mini Gen; eral R01300ratel, has been received. into the Catholic Church by the -Benedictines at for the New Zealanders, the Olen W land joins youre at the bottom." against hypooriey of sorts. viatica Talmage the Other evening treaelved religiee, he said, will drive out40-1 honesty. It *111 go to ,the hipooritkiel, 'professero of' religion who corner the' COM market in Chicago, the ;nen -who Make * fortune of out a *0 Miseries Olt their fellowmen and then try to fin it with the Lord by founding a church; Ilaivertith Or hospital, They thiek the Lard will be 00 pleased they give Him * to oparist otibitalT •000Winxidolz.d. Twhoes.ibrylmitUrel ON* nem 'breadetnife and swindh . Sot yuerper, ekhhorinvekntoownesintiiltliwonaes 0,0tbteillIty ;1900; .014 it wee' smart. Now we would like to oor*, 'ppm* with Thee at one per 'cent. Of *be ratite. You can build al:1,0.80104 for the* poor, offerable w,caklings_ that After, and we will • take a yacht and go *Europe, l'orever and ever. Amen." Gervais, Oregon. . • , . The editor of tbe rem; 'BeptisLreoentli , THE MAIM% OtillAitilltait. • read on a tombstone in a neighboring town Two jainnared "runs Acutoo this ieeeriPtiOu: " the tinsband of 1. Mrs. ••••-,,-4,. 117P•,es Bridge. A Banns despatoh -Advioei The Jewish Tioes notea that Rebutters in Hayti are conflicting. The truireltuetiO Aussie who keep Christiana. as :domestic :appoarif' to be. that liffirs009400,'Which:` servants, even without trying proselytize defended by about /00 rebels, bo140 thenita-ro filled rotAples , ,sigainat 6,000 Government trOops,whiletli 2,,•Ninety.three years ago the first. 'Catholic Met of the Bepublio ooMperritively qui Church waibuilt in New York, St. Peter's', ,although.theraie rumor that the town in Barclay street. Now not counting $0. Marie , is in OMB in favor': Of chapels, the tnettbnolis has'190 churches. Piquant Six hundred fugitive iabab4 'Tao Archbishop Of Canterbury is Preal-' of Mirtupitilic.resolied Port -am -Print* on „dent of a society for ."Christianizing, aim. Norwegian barque, They etate', that th playing and 'cheapening Amaral an rebels -blew Up the. bridge at 'lltiragoall mourning coremaniele?"... with dynamite, 10 Alaska like number. A and Chiloot tribea.of 'boati:4 witht0200, eer: and : men,14h in 1 • *Us Kirwan., who is 'drat coheir' try the The•Preabyterien 1111M31011,10314 have extended •their 'fields Of labor, and, oraure ythmegbirttlrt King. have been the means abio of inoreashig the, bunthatth force - in Mir Cane •0114 re .euri rosil fabilities'among the 1404. Xfooziyahfor the Dhoupodhoesis tehfeNroprfoterlikohlassrejsoinaid* Boi,the esSwiistteerr: 440:rinclu*trainiektienlibtLisish,beeenynn. very genero England, in theArchdiotteee- of ,:,Westrnin. in his hequeste to the'Tcrisbyterlaii-Vh water.. 4"0 t'°° 4 -t11" Ham° .;"P- throughouttbe • Dondukeu, /Olio* some tinr..sag°' "•' itlist.Of biabenefeetithia ',Too& Hon.: Oliver H. Horton, of Oniongoi-objeote-,Thetilafing allege" 11074.,,,, possesses tile.' only bust Of John Wesley' 510,000; Theologitial College, Alanuit, known/to:be taken directly' trona life. He $10,000 ; -Home iiktesiori' ••Xtind pnrahased it frOm Mr. George John SteVen-- -,•410.000:;- eont-ot__London,,during ,tnn plump:4061 irekoturen,in'mutreeitjtici*POre Conference in igsf.. 04-,000f ---Thaplanting.of...1000fisiM' .9.1459 tretig 40109 Vtintard *aumalt,0**V.P6•74.04*.UPAPP)20,444• #titlb*C-WilkPron041a•':. e e atilt IhWacidrylzi#are0e3Oettiliiiii• totaTt*iietbYteriitnlirri,-R,Stycie extent that 'Ire Fontaine, the abbey Of UM geUtirej•OleetselaelAitY-1''. DesAttni Trapp* monke,',, is • rendered :habitable' Inatitrite,.#0;000; trail Oorteral:, hwtheitraii:dFehtlinheiwhsInvaelinreinrtiatiirtrio.3iahreit:reotoo'hati.tal 15,000; to . thettohrbehitotutwashot' ''16*4311144.14;0',:P44. tiO was free. Next 'clay ba.;.:04; 'Owe and erl90y. wrote° hid; coogreeeme# ,•,14ting *by :in Aaron., IS OM, 4140, • - total the inisehief le. allowed it to swipe the. wit• Tariff Bill. , . , Among the progninent'Oatholics who will paik vieitito T..orlidet 011 the %occasion of the 25th Miliiiiirkary of' tlie, apparition of the ',.131essed 'Virgin there will be Lady Ge the distinguisbed wkiottegiaiat Ladynollneragton, ffn brionep of Noe*. • , • - -; Gone/244 ;',61' Baltimore, ,.r* • month ago gave 07,000/tipuraliatie twenty; - 'three acres ot *round for,•.miesion buildings`, Your a4vertmens.* ant' .tO'Neeabant, adapting a• 4:infetel.tistivolitioTt44holibe; lirolierUr 11veryEillmearpertoh: t,tkho'rtrnieatt, ,etl:tniothfillevisv,pean'rb:uoitar' and, forever eyes. Letterspa, tat,red _ eyes. A cousin of Mine who lost IiiVi)ittlik „ .!..!Y 0, girl asked me to seli4f I -0buic findra-nicii• --41!ie!!.?"1,ela • baby. for •• ' Tit'nairtioriele4011_40,t0_,'Wfilietel Tyndale, . !"said the. Womanovittia ohrickle of the tranifiator04 .1hirevau:eatartient, repro- satisfaciticin, you'rklike to See: the baby; -sontinghini In doctor's robes and hold - show her to yea:" •• 04an epeii New .:Tiiiiteenent, right' As she rose and ;Vieut ' towards ; the back hand, 'will man be -planed on the, ghatnes door therePorter followed.heribut Withher. ,Einhankment, . LondWr,-. The, naMtis • of hand on the knouebe stopped .suCerily about tientyttiiihni counties end,a0cieties fl• ehumeration of the lashfe• qualifies and contributing to the cost in Great Britain, said: - A -‘11o, no;. yo S Bit tloWn bere'llaid 111 the Ooloniee and the :United Stater' are *nit bring her to you' A igliriipse of 'seve.reA intatIMI•edestal,,i • • , children's cobratra a brawny Irish • woMen , • filling a'nuraing.bottle was caught as the "mime In the Chaldean, thinnae,, door opened. Presently lira. Poet' re- aroble,'. Armenian,: appeared with a ,vestige of humanity wrap. •Geok,ghth, 0,113filalese... amok Ifetiel Frew*, restpseticeirit aftWhoiutais.fmresens,i.its, big .b.,lack. sElltimshiiailu;sArighbatianixto,Drihruhi4.h 0,11.40d1360xtrifilitsniv • • A toMiliMindei puto dtb&�on- clusion Of his ."'ehoity, 00rx0014'.".-The: ,Widowe and Orphans need net Oblitribite.1 The next Sabbath he supplied from?.,the, pulpft the following meniormidtigi to: his oongregation-ff The next tilim L iireatili. oharityeermon 1 will say nothing about widow andorphans„for lest' ginfiday my irinnerlie boa a deadly ,eifeet,, whole otOngregatiOn' wets ntIddiniOetirive ot husbands endfathere The 0hioago Tribune giva theta'. Sitio*" - Chicago has ,200,-ohuMhae,;.ageiiiiit 5,24 liver saletem-'400' elergYiniie, evaitgeliti and lay-reacleas; .and :5;600 lier4entletra only half-dozen art galleries, and vareetttbelitrem-'33oli et 100,00 buildingu 8,000 Aril -need for 'lbw** pnrpos�a 51,500,000 are splibt for sch��ls, 515, 000, fOr. liquor, 1180000 for .4iti11ce,:'perhapit 44,066,000 fOtreligieueworshiP and charity, 215,006,000 for that whiiih-OetrOye both ,sattland body.' • .- ' , minister was,eoliciting.iaa for foreign ,n2ilitions, and. applied bus gentleman, 'WhO iliftised him, with the teply, "1- deal belbitii in foreign. 'fitielsiotte. IWint *hat give to benefit fitly "Well," rejoined the miniater, githota do Yha ragardlialour usighbowit" Why": thoss. around me." XtItt me gate *WS: lend jOine vonist " inquired the 4, Yee." uNrfell,” gala she Minister, ‘f; inn& land do you own? AboUli 4 hundrediteteit.__" And hoiriar dolt* •Yollown 2" 4,q'rl?7, X have toriit *Might of it before, but Iiitipphee 1 glin halfway throngli"."ExaeUy,1* said the 01*gfignia; Q I suppose you do, and 1 Went tide intsiey - t. aiderib1time past it haa Es Ofinitensive, iofiSiliOn.tlio.reit*.i,p0e0enger Deteotivea the enepioion0 tinit04 tellidpreeent over �Ials have hit.00•":404 The --,•-•.iimetnit'ablitt dividenditailie4hitre 6 :„ the yesi*.,C;'..f.Cs2.0..,..atimpatof:, weans topreibet robbery,:biiopp $ing atiiiitne**0 with., patent boxes into' whi bbs fares ro.dropped b**1.the:psasen hit-4.beir•POPaUtier!.. 18VOPP4.**'''W koot.114..js:,;s4jd, that the peoula4iona etiliinPrOerale,_...'00t*itinitatitlingtbasie plentilreadyniatle'ef so many depredato . Adiseaae re.eniblingglandunhasbro out idiot* toonntlee 18 tlieat" Now.Orleansoity,xceifroed, sot, buS,..the',41110004p0000.': ieg fepoiyThere 18 much cxeIt.ni The cherry tree 1 felled in aenow atorm during the • Z reee baii, been ..Preetinted to the:Burg rLbc$L.1pur hale:141013ditli'V:j'h:lilatillieCta'ar:Inilinfl°1613*e:*-17.017.3:11614:rb':.!70 &the woodfrom• the° ; -‘• liontinntitd culoidileCauce her .empb01,ro, ' allow her 50.•actionipanilhera 011", ‘peari tour; and the Sriglingtou ,ffroie stiggestii *Mat 18 timelarihe li,w to au end to tyranny zthe liagt OX PLOY„004, ztrAttooky,Ture editor, wl L couttool jail,. '10-Rh)ji•-40:0neht0IY'i'- 0910,0h0alli wife, oz ralliftioirtoil*:114,01;icit'ap0:0on4 0)* and mon4ays, as • vi.*1140 .6;.(vokboixy helrTesth 17 4•,11,4t it 4100011w the 'Breath and ni Enbitoes t1 *linty of da ("T 1:4.L1\ 21•14.1116•11111.111111.11114Meleanftt • •7 Aar MOM the Sirst4dOis, tiveritmedyfe leo hisseas, s