HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-05-25, Page 4V 1
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A. Saturday% London eablegrain Rays.;
•: ..14 is announced thatLord Errington has
*IOW 'privately egorodited ' Envoy of the
Pinglieh Obversimeat to the Vatiinn. Tbis
is the result of the conduct of pertain
claseee of the Irish olergYs for taking a
' notoranutand in political gAtation, and
Who ciiffillSf the 'order alresidannounCed
prohibiting the elevation to thO '.‘1000Pate.
of prieets who interfered in political affoirs.
Lord Erringtou at one thaw nearly sue -
welled in Pereitadingtbe Pope te,prenoonce
a • Bill : forbidding the %Irish 0,lergY
to , ' interfere hi politico. Thic was,
• blnuillit about by his ' influence With
Cardinals 3aoobilii and fiiniooni•
ArebbishOp, OrOke.suisseeded '.' after 'several
oonyersations with these Oardinalsie *vett-
Ing the bill, and .the Pope is now disposed
.. SO liwit the TOW interference tO private
if.dvice thrOugli, the lrish prelates, uoutisel-
Ing them in a general WILY 410 refrain from
on interfereues in •political matters. .. The
• Tett syri. Earl :Granville has received from
Lord Erritigton the precis. of a con•servk
• tam With.Oargilial Jneobini On affairs In
;r .214\
eload. ''• • . • • •
• The Rtinie;' ittur has reason tobelieVe
•that in junior t and very categorical
' OgOonent • Wm. j00t been tient by the
. Nfrietioati to the rrish Biehopii.
' *Dublin despot?* says it is now stated
Shit the predise .ohargo against Prank
*Rile is that he 'sent John Welsh tO Ire-
land to OOtahlhili the Invincible Astiociation•-•
• rOf 'barmen recommended to 'W81811.90
' . likely to Undertake the management in
•• Dublin, two were'recommended by, Byrne,
and two by Eagan. Two of the four who
were well known Peniana declinedto be
*worn on altnife, but Carey and McCaffrey
. tionsent.ed, and, sftewards Mullett and
Curley were Obtained: Thcauthorlties have
lotsion to believe that". Number One 'twee
• .the emissary of the seine mans . Tynan
•. and ., Byrne' were ,.p
at Nice and
likely to . supPOrt themeelves • and their
&motes. Teeproper proportion, between
workers and aen•workere had been care,
billy hhaeroed, The American Govern..
Meat heti made rtliee to Prevent the
etranoeinto that oomitry Of those, likely
to bboonie paupers. Mc. gate
notioe that he would .questima the Govern,
ment eontratoing the protest of .GOvernor
Butler, of „Maesaohlieettc, -regarding Irish
PeuPer egligcatilene ; - • . •
At an interview to -day the Pope informed"
Axonbisliop Croke of gertain grave reseiti-
twee he ?fad taken regarding the egitatheo
IrelandeeePephdle one condemning the
allergy in pronioting the Parnell fund,. aud
it is believed the reeoliitions will allergy be
sent to the Irish Epipoopete.
Edward O'Brien, Themes Doyle .and
Edward McCaffrey were indicted for oono
apittioy to .rourde,r ,and.. arraigned this
morniog. O'Brien and Doyle „ pleaded
ISCOQafftly not guilty, litoCaffrey
was also arroigued on tite charge of mur-
dering , He pleaded net guilt*
and aelied 014 counsel be iseigned him.
The Iriat has been postponed until. next
OsrrolJ, .• •
othinsel.'• tot ,sne 'alleged
apirators, thinks Tynan will 80011. be
*misted. It je probable the street .of
Sheridan and; .1/Valsh' will immediately
foll�w. • ' ." • •
• The Alialtatr—frifirt'Th*
genera feeling- seams to thet,-t;be.-- secrete
• -e-firigeottelealtiltoO. - recOmidge,there.t
doath •hilowootlate
Orqwn in pretraeoting the iionspireer.qesea.
Thel.iiitire peel" Of Ireland ooze:ears in tts
apprittel of * result, and In ,expressing
takhelle thehoteishmen will hereafter be
' deterred fronithe insane onderitninal folly
. of 'joining such- erganiZatiOns. the wale-
. hion.of Kelly thtbduced profoundiAbnsation.
TheadlierentaSf Me. Parnell arepoonfident
thateilhore Wholesome tone will he mani.
festi*the puhlto niiudi and . a greater die-
wonithei to abide by the printlitilea' of the
Parliament:kr/body. '
The euddeoeoser' of ArehbialioP, Orgke's.
•departnre on Saturdajr *need slur:prise at
Some.. • , •
Eight hundred' innigraiiits pointed by the
;Government' and Ttikes' Committee. cm!
• barked at Galway yesterday for Beaten.• .
The Vibune's London oorrespendent
-oebles: that important evidence is expeeted
from America in the Landon trials of the
The R,00r,..Law...auardisisin_the Wtifit Of
IsndFarkinuatingl vigorehe &Ogress in
arose etaenteorfor the removal to
eri d,the cayiniee :Pot tlo.starving
•The nunibet ot elnigrants who left
Queenstown lest week fee Ameries was
Shtlandering. the Million* to Whioh 'H
Wes Heirs
-., •
' A. New York telegram says: to 1809
William Tilden,: a relative ef *Sionuel J.
Tilden, died, leaving an estate valued at
$2,500,000.- He distributed it equally
among his lour eons, W.illiani, lifilend CA
Marmaduke • tutd Beverley, B.'„ aged
20, 15, • la • and -9. Josiah M. • Fisk,
William J. Blodgett, Dovid Dowa, Chas.
Tracey, and N. 0. Ely were' appointed
executors: In 1e70 the executors employed
an Italian mewed' Biaggi as tutor and
maneger for the boys, and Isent them to
Europe. In Paris they maple,' the rooms
forxierly occupied . by the Prince Of Wales'
and other 'Members of; the royal . family of
Anflieod. •• Thetthen.proceeded. to Berlin,
and lived in sOniptuous style, expending, in .
sixteen .inonths obOtit 070,000, The .eldest
of the four '-purchased a palaceele Coburg
for 040000, And with it the title or. baroni
'While in. his palace he heoanie much
• interested in the wife of the formee owner,
alltellaelholleinita.N lreetelnat,Oe e.'„ and [teen was under the oomplete .00rdtrol
• .. Of. her hUsliand, to whom. he gave' power
Genteel Wee Among the threes yeared--' 'of attorney,. and whom he'':' permitted
' ,ceitictstan kotaoristee in theiNortbwesi .to pools's° all the • furniture_ for
. Appealed to. , . ' ' ,.: . . his palace. . In 5 1872 the . executors dis-
Sitting Bull and band arrived ,at Stand- covered the condition of affairs abroad, and
IngSook Agenay, D. T., on Thursday from by the PaYment of a large bum of Money
FertRandell. They ;lumber, all told,147. the young man was extelested from his
WO died on the way, ,. and one ws,s. born.' difficulties. The few, then . conceived th,e•
The old chief talked,' peewit on his 'Initial, idea of. a ball in honor of Anierioanal in
an :said hereafter be desired ,to -engage Germany, hired an iinnienee beer -hall and
nn pleated ' in .'firming •- pursuits. • Gail, aave.a, ball whioh was Widely. commented
Crow King . and other), of his Old hostile. on, When' they returned home the etecu-
lientenantewere noteffusive in their'recopo tors footed up their expellees for two years
tion of the Warriiiie' . ' ., . , o . • • and tow months Ini 2185,000. They were
' An. Hello% (Mont.) despatch Bays.: The then to award College, but did-not-
Commondaet at Fort Aesiniboine has infer, remain there. William' was made executor
Mitten that the Okra Indians are preparing . of the estate, and in .1§71 an. 'etpartner .
for o goberalWat. i . Three hundred lodges in the bnsinees formerly carried On by his
under Big Bear Lueleemen and Little Pine father. This he was 'compelled:to give _up,
are camped :within twenty-five • Mile') of •owing • to his iniihility . to Manage - it.
Feet ' • Witish,o ready- to enter Montana to., Many, accountings were had, for Which large
avenge the 'los Of the Crees in the htet 'mown] fees were paid. In, 1877 Gustavus
hotseoitealint ...raidsOLThe ;Coven:mode:S. G. j. Theban!' was appointed guardian for
bas sent tuPortWalsh,deinariding• BelretleY-13:-Tolden-.---He-..reoeived.J.1,950,
---'.------ - and aftetwardaltietallegeskyoes 1)oked-up -
aaoLudlow Street Jail for eleven
another eatifteo for Whieb be-waseNtortwA
From the aocsotuiting now in progress before
the referee it appears' that the two elder
sons had been paid $115,000 More than theirs
share. It is alsgeoharged thatthe mortgage
for $.100;000 On the Jersey City property,
with interest, was collected :by the exeou-
tots, and that one of 'them deposited the
money talus 'priest° Recount. The estate
is in a bed condition and will note yield
but 4104.0,000 to oath' ot the younger eime.
The exeouterk are charged, With procuring
ratifications of Abair_ acts by threats,
Beverly B. Tilden now seeks te have the
various. ScOountings opened on the ground
that the .expenditure s were .foolieh'and.
rash, Mineceesary, and . contrary 't* •iiia
father's will. ' He aleo Claims that ...the.
ezeontors .should •be Charged With the tiok
neoeeeary expenditures. , The exabutors
made a 'general- denial, and declare that
they hae 'ficsiounted for every,. ant they
spent, and that the boys, When.. oley,tne
ii -f age, retiffa-theirt-ratio-Tt-t
that the' British authorities prevent the
"ogio_otheeaineo. Doisthought,
the) first. -...iiiltaitil-tre"77Ere'tiiiift
Gros Ventreaand Assinibeines, 'musing o
general going On the warpath, and Joss to
northern Montana stockinterests. A party
of Creee a few days ago ,stole foety, homier)
fro& the Benton & Ste. „limns • .CompanY,
hild•are being pursued by two oqinpanies of
bavalry,from,, \ Fort Aisinibeine. A' fight
Will probablyresult. •• •
• Ael IlkittD LISLE' A 11114rah,
ao reiTOTI of Piansise snit
autos a Lady. •
nry40k 'was' cross-examined on
ediielidaYeet New York, in Wit_ suit to
eterter„010,000 from Miss McLean for
efere '1' 4
eayecl•a lor
astISO. t
remise of marriage, ...before
'Croak; at' 229 Broadway. He
, deep sigh; and looked stead-
s McLean as he begon his
esarile , e said that Mirth Mo eau had
'Mittel& the trnt1 bOtit* What the shad on
theolikindeoteveningo-Wh- enotheratiarrelled
and tko engagement was broken on account
Of bee antroduehig a Mr. Heathen as her.
cousitl4ehen he was not heteettsin.. She
testified that she .sitict it** all a_joke.
Whatekhe did say. witethealier relations
with M. Hamilton were.*Olt.lindetstood
between theincielves,' The._ *tames had
belieted that lifx..Hamilkiii.ltrairohnse Mo.
ean's cousin until he . learned toile Mr.
:that such was not the
! The twoicien evere.onthe boat to
rettneite N Xorkeity.WOO. Bei -Wick
an' ikha UPI 'libr what
Ole; as Mise
-Then d, and easy • tiviote
"No, X 'Said tailor -end r
filtnnoh, Iteland4LeainY, M. P.
aterfohg, epeiking. SICa, Toting' of
ono' Or 'Well tour
and 1. were bele*, enotinoed
*high_Stoptight to
Mitre* the priests
, envoy) as a. en_ and
.5 .60:the :•:sittomp
• • '
- • aldi,.w007'7.0.41140::,',;plaecid on :.nphoi
'14:4r fla8441:It. 1110:
O. ilea Shoed the',asi
..the.'o�unsel "aligned him 'kr
.:; The trce4.14-aird'er of
was Wi
•ithiallto tho
lo Doing,
, It.; 14:, .t. ;.A) -. -, .-.
'-'-' ittterelit on *life* Mr. Foreter. nether
' aritry woke aiiimolautt for eons', e name
nt, A*tho, POrrestsr ; big Mtn to it.
, POrreeter fis) sup W. be a leading -
'Iranians and 1* ttaii by the pelf*. • 8.is
Wlfaa.ndinither wire witnesses to sup.
&farther estfy said e Gowtiment were
..Port thaolsillii of anilthi . in Vsgan's trial.
"eolith *0 bother alio t the Parnell prom-
idon,* the-Parnelliteit ivete'harinlese.,• fife.
• Potter 'laid lfullebt'scitotiotintikok showed
•.tbrit Money Was given 4 PeterTynanto
.1,464 Carey for purposes of conspiracy! in
4kutouto !I -A .A40; ZOO. aid 00:1, Papers
WOO ,- found in the •Prisesiiii% 10001
leadoff:ill& entries 1.,of reoelved,
. *All frliiii Curley, 8rady,POrrester,.Smith
o coin
0 0011rt, pr ;seeded.
4104. saidri Mullett
ng iheltack oh
irint ringliSforathat ev
. , .
that **ening 'IMO* me, Was noel;
44 filitilaY#i" I kieftielote4rne
wing.. 3`0 ' • . •
e „brigonik..ekelt. M s she was very sor-
edifier of. r on: tb. 004.0 1094 tree?".
Soutinued al opera oil 6/491100110i oira ihieeted tothe
$ *ma•*igloos clotAttokbeintupe
Ox &fits froths •11411tit
0 WO biasi-5 ' /O • A
- !biz,. .c.
had leulaostin
cold h 4 foe,' she ea • an,d4 ehould think
you *Mid have noticed Ditzlon -ago it you
had -.Whnted to.' She evil on and
jumpocttvildly." (Miss ML�a l' burst out
hIngliliitil _ .._`-t'''' - • '
" HOW high did Miss mifierw,,juinp ?"
esked'ilat counsel. . 41;47
"About a foot. She itinified., havers'
"An English Tooter a Geimanloot fe.' '
. "Twelve inchesinyway: . TO or three
times she jumped out into the Middfo 'of
the room, initlike *bird."
.. 1$ Just' liki a itiagp4e r
'' 4, I overrule the magpie,' said'illit iefiree.
- "Well, your honor, a niagpitlit the only
bird which jumps in that war; an Irish
Magpie, anyway." . • ' -
. og I object., This qriestioii. irk xrtilevank
&le ,stieohed, Indicating that it
etadDShiney. entry of Sept. 91h, 1891.,
iEploted the .thisistiune of God, for 'Special
pdarbsking6, • An entry •on Sept.. lOth
tact Mitt ha,had failed in his undertaking
tWO oonfederates desertek
Th iiiaippoded to refer to the attempt on:
_Alfa 'of litt, 'Forster. A letter '.1rior.o
read !Ordering that in
• be .•Mitfil" 4, the
ikaieseek bind fer4urbblifiranti4' Miline$11
tgea asereittel‘ and ;to *nal
aitIIuIsIsrlif•. .Afier his sentozioo,Mul..,
Illiat.w11001,*110011'be WOO* •
*Mt or 11014***01140' •
-:sfitioilioet that 2540.:•104
.frotell le*. • 'WhO IS tett,:th
abated 'VOW hcipe4 th sad'
£ItiO11104:061y While ther,ir.
ls1lIsSOnsit Si Ocitimoniv telifaY, Mr.
*fated tillettiaor interfere
with*bs traPitea,, len. terket 044
Yoakum! you wire deadldit, loye *ith
PanniilliVitisosat - Only hitelitsi ft Weallgradd,
e egainsi‘tis/. dielibitt otenPaseion
Of tha• Wslio".***111061$11i cor-trX 40:
*nit floisnieria tn•iilibir-**- l'Ott leOPOintel Yil.! 41.0' ".":
thii 4katd-tadett Ilaireot Yen 'bid
Anerjca tnide* the' wait 04r0i0108k1tIk4, •cld fli"#•!°*ti'
Wore all *ant)
, -
- !•-•
Barwielvats not an
her thinditiotirvulened Mr.,
tr,./gare •
Sion not perniitted.
ianbigucent and redundant." -
"%Ho did she jump ae high alithe tbird
jump ae the didlin the Aria jump?"' • - .
.o ineitaitre tbajturips...41hathre*.
'her ariin as though idie•Was gtlingto ily:
leo a bird," said the Wither*, 'II- •
The teetlmonfonboth eidisiWas deolared
ito was Bet down
&WON, arguments. • - • . .„
, • •
• Relatives to be Pline, are oan-
nIbale VIA live on other: people?"
•eoree, ..onoy eon'," A;i Then aluele George
Multi* a cannilialtfor mamma sa.ys . he's
always, lining ort •somebody."
.,1 • '
Adt eishange sayS that theOcest thing "*0.
gil�. an enany is. 'liindnea* ; but that
depends On the enemy's iIze.
ote"tilt You UAW* tallifrlelolahned 411i-
eMithto herlOrd , and 'muter, who -wig
le the Molise ot 00030040 Sir
Charles Tupper introdueed .bis bill
-• amend the Consolidated Bailway
Act, which h explained °Contained little'
more than Oeetain ohanges which had been
mentioned in the Bellew. Colnmittee, and
wiliebeeetned to meet with general appro-
val of members.
, The Reuse went into Committee of \Sup.
Oil the item, " Geological Survey -
560,000," Sir John ,Mttodonald eightined
that this, increase was owing to thoOrapiclly
preceeding development of, the Northwest.
iNe laid on the table a mar showing where
the work wasto be done. There were
several districts: First, the Rocky Mem,
taios, Saskatchewan, Rainy River e.ud the
district of. Gave, Queben, New Brunswick
and Nova Scotia, This vote does not 'foyer
the stepuot of the salaries of • the -staff,
which was included in a Similar amount hist.,
Oa item of the Indiana ot Quebec); $4,200,
Mr: Peewee otilled attention to the unplea:
mint state of affairs threatened in hie own
county: Some 99 -year leases of lands
,belonging to 'adieus were about to expire,
anti no proyosion liad•been made for reeew.
lag them. The Indiana , would claim the
laude, and it was feared the formers would'
resist their obtairiing possession. As' the
Indians could.not 1a8.110, proper use of the
lands there would be no injustice in giving
them auequivalent; ad as to keep the pre.
sent occupants undisturbed. These 99
years • leases Mader which the lands were
held by farmers had always beeu regarded
as praetically freeholds, ao downright injue:
fleet/9'21d be done by giving their home-
stee,dsover•he the 'Indians. . _ • '
• ' Sir Sohn Macdonald recognized the difa-,
,enity, and plaid during the summer he
*mild lend ale-,-inepector-to investigete the
t. The • House then vise for resiesS, and on
resuming in the evening took up the con-
sideration of private bine, • The firet Aeon
Was the Northern Railway Bill. The
House went into committee on the bill and
reported it with miner ainendraeiltso On
Motion in the ,House for concurrence
avith•theseetnendmiuttee Mr. %Bloke called
ireport of tha. Committee on Inteor-ProViut.
oial trade. The evidence before tliet com-
mittee *bowed that there had beenmu*"
vellous increase in that trade, yet' owing to
cheaper ..meane Of comMenioetion being
offered throughout the United States than
through our owil country, a considerable
share of traffic was diverted. Everything •
Pointed in the chreetion of greeter koilities
of commtinicatien by Woter way between
the Upper Protinoee and the Interooloniel •
•terolitora at Levis.:
Sir Leonard Tilley replied that a•petition
hadheen reoeived by the Goverement based
on the. report of the Committee On Inter,
Peevincial Trade in ',favor of a line ot pro.
,pellers between the upper lakes and Leone
and the matter was wider the coeeideratien
of, the Goverement„. , • .
Mr.,McMullen asked for the iiitorioetion
promieed by the Minister of Railway) as
to the rateper toe per mile for freight car-
ried on the Lateraolonial.
Sir Charles Tepper read a statement
from the Manager of the Intercoloniel that
the passenger an4 freight traffic, , were not
kept separate, so it was almost impossible
to state definitely what the rate was, but he
'entered into i calculation to.show that ap-
proximetely it was 4o. per to permile. ,
• Mr; MoCraney said that while the rail-
way bad dole •niedh to decrease rates cit'.
freight to^the east, yet more Oould be done
if full 'led healthy competition , was main-
tained between the railways and vessels.
One great drawbaek' to shipping interests
(which, notvvithstending'what Sir Leonard
Tilley had said in his Budget Speeoh, Was.
not in .an over -flourishing condition,) was.
the heavy dhfirges at the port of Montreal,-'
and he hoped the Government would take
it into their serious consideration.
• Oa the Motion to go lute Committee of
iSupply on. the Supplementary Estimates,
Mr. Charlton called attention to a state-
ment recently niade by the Prime Minister
that :assistance wooid. ,Oe given :to the
expedition toexplore the territory emit, Of
lludson.1340iii4-itehed for particulars as
to the nature :and estimated cost of the
expedition and when it would start: ;
' Sir John said the 'expedition- woold be.
sent out ,by the Geogtaphicial Society of
Quebec. The Government of that Province
had agreed to give' a subsidy of $800, and:.
the Dominion Government would probably
give•the %eras. When the vote. was•pro-
atteotionto-the- proposal madeothat tine -130ecthe-,WoU1d-beo-PrePared with -portion , •
Arruniglipit )kwr fielding Cisairsosliple titioso•
oseta-The slows caned Unit
-An i Ottawa, despatch says,: Orders
relating , to the drill Of the active
Militia for 1883.4 have been issued. • The
forcaeto be 'trained this year for .0 period
of twelve days numbers • 24,700. All will
reeMitio the pay of their rank, . and those
soups ordered tO train in 08,14 Of 'exercise
Will receive addition rations and ehelter.
$tienot yetAeolded where the. .camps will
be held, but the number W. betrained in the
affekiint iliStriots is as follows : Proyince of
Ontario, No:I Louden district, 800
l'airohto Alit:kik 4,390; NO. ft Itiogsten
Prov ; No:4 Ottawa . 11840.`
NO. 601., 0; NO, 5 dietrlistrff,690.;
• Brunswirar,
b. N1,100: Novati' Soo Noroopois.600.
,inntobit and 'NOrthirtiet„, NO. 10; 280.
Britith Columbia; ,No. 1.12;' 21r, Prince ,..!, 4. Wheat," replied the man from Dakota.
!4,dward Island No. 12,-. 47. it. under- .rights guaranteed to oVier " sWiiii. . 'lle " Wo.don't do any Wetness but whet.",,
atood*ththe all the city. corps and isolated doubted very Minh that the arShigenient o '`' I don't think I, went any of it," re' -
thre14.1?Pepaniest will be Pe: rmitted to drill proposed could:be .effected .
With the Ontatie, ' marked the quiet Man. ; "It looks to Mir
M , their iooal headquarters, and the re. 'Government. That GOVerlitherithad, iiket *though theke couldn't be any boozes *
,Clacca,72tylszace.k.,t,f,,L-1171,Lt•:&-; zrzaa2q.*--4-4,01.0,..fizza.. •zbicnAt live in no that way." 4 .
arilliqrai2BPOrti 1411bOaten0.01 tod pay -'41111 carquentiy-twordevto,apitoztifii.,-Dbiiliao ,,i.rivolikr=7.,,,..,...:..1.....
ke-sis hilt Year. - The department will az- Government and to play into the handso of frein:Pakota. o'llousowi:Alcuses1-47.4y
tangelo; the hold ,Mg of oamps at timer; Mr. Blake it had'ohonged it so as to run the Wheal elfies, that territory contains mote
elinell'initable to thodifferentlaalities. In road to Satin Ste. Diane.. • ,At•-• and:better ildings than all tbe rest of the
Coterie they will be generally entered on 'Mr. Cameron, of Viotoria, win of Ind United S , ' put Weather. I am ashanied
between giltreto $6611.11ine; irt Quebec about opinion that we bad riot yet arrived attin ,fif mysel ' or the mildneds in which I draw
July lakland in the jlifarithne Trainees utopian dayilyWhen. thee Itoovinciel and :;t,,.1 Houses! Gentlemep, it _is a Positiys "
probably! a little later. -Dols • ere the& Dominion Governments**10 agree upon ' •faet, that there isn't a Bonze foot in . that
,probabie_that the Oxlip for this d Striothilli. such,. asobenie as WM proposed by Mr. territory.tliat ien't•built over, and in some .:
be held Niagara. - ' am. He (Mr. Cameron) had , never caries they:have to run poles off the roofs of '
•heard of 11. neutral link such as Mr. Blake the bttildings tdready erected, and mf those '
road shMild JAM- •°.
EtWeneal4Mbykikitorkkipakt-yanip.*•ptall •
the es • a 1,•.•
Ste: Mute Which had been bonneed• to the
amount of 05,000 a Mile. He held that a
point between Callender and Nipissing was
the proper place at which . the 'Ontario
system should join tho mein. Hoe . of the
Caoadian Pao* Railway._ He objeated,
however, to any Ontario line having control
of the road . forming . a link be,
tWeen the systems, but:' he • thought
that link' shoold be' MO' 'eutirely
independent.' The Ontario • Govern-
ment having offered a Wieldy to one line,
and the Dominion Gevernmene having
offered a silb.sidy.te 'another line over . the
oaths territory he could see no tedium wig
some arrangement •• should not be,- made
between 'the two Govetninentefpra com-
bined effort en thip matter:: If each solO
eidy was $6,000 a Mile, that weuld thake
needy enough to build the line, and it was
necessary AO spend two or three thousand•a
Mile More than could be raised by borrow-
ing. money on bonds to•-ber'inedelaAlirst-
ciliary on -the road. A joint commission
cool ?he appointed to operate the road so
that -Oath the Northern and, Midland sys-
tems could send traffic. over iChii.petfetitly
equal terms. .• -_' • •
.Mr. McCarthy Add thet the tendency of
the Midland sysiteM•wasIo draiithe tr.afdc
to Montreal... • , - • •
Mr; Blelre—noesn't it futnisliConnection pobhoen. principles, and sound the warning
with Toronto? ; notethat it id time to strangle the Influence.
" Mr. McCarthy. admitted that the • eon- of thearrenegade Americana, ••
Traction **afforded by the•Nipeseing . • • '
way., but it was not ho direet as thot by
the Nertherif.* -Proeeeding, he said that as.
the Domisihin tkivernment by leihsidy of
51000 o mile to the 0 a .0entral had
afforded .4lenneetiOn n ' the • Canada
PaiAilo. And Montreal '• pie of the West
hada right to ask, end. did, ask, that the
hail° should be d,One for Tothnte, and in
hie opinion' the best way,tovid0 it would be
to alio* the propo,sal to 1)e Carried out, of
having till* read under the, ooritcol ofthe
Northern with a"guarantee of eitualtrairie:
-• - • . 1
. v • • •
. •
A NOW,- Xork'•cleepateir..i3sys,r-• At thsy.
citizens' indiguatiiin meetieg Brooklyn,. .
called to pretest agebist the opening of the, , ••„,
bridge on the QueetOOBirthdaY,..there were
not 100. person e present atlY time
hall, and not: one ,of the distinguished Pet. .•
;eons who. hadbeenlovited;appeated, :The
.:(thaiernan said that the. .aperang of the •
hedge on , a • doy-. wee; entirely. out ot. ‘•
kooping 411 Oa_ views of troe'.Anierhiani. • ..
WillianisO'Bkieo _mild that for the purposee
of ,overawing the Workingmen, the trustees, .
had invited the two bend -box aegimeuta of
Brooklyn and York to. parade. It would .
never de to -.allow the great unwashed *0
Holly the robes. of the.:tWeloied Meyers. • If
thisioadying to:England: didn't.stop some!.
'thing more unpleasant. than a protest would •
have to be tried • O. 'Yea"' paid one of the .
eudietiOd, "dynamite." ..ItWaafollowed by •
:applause... The Tohowing was ..adopted::
Whereas,' the. Ttileteee.• Of ;the Brooklyn,- •
BridgeitratWitlietaildiegotbe-44-eteatitteniit •
• • • • '
. . • •
. .
or the New YOH( Aldermen. 'the lithox tiod,
\ •
other erganisatiories. New. York .eped *:/".
-deterrained to cultivate
monarchioal.ideas inaralebrating theehirth-
dare!. Queen Victoria by formally iipsithit
the bridge on her birthday, May .24t14,
therefore be it resolved, That we &neon"
such option as hostile to demoeratic
' Dakota's Satiglittg Warms.
sites:, gentlemen," oinitiotiedrahe DakOtt•
map, “'w4 have got the biggest country,
the biggest people and the biggest farms
there are anywhere On earth. What d'ye think
of farms three or, lour hundred milei
square V' and the Dakota man leaned back
and enjoyed the astoniehment of the moll
"What d'ye raise, ; chkfiy asked
quiet inan„who had taken it all in. '
1..affia7Zairset1"7-7,,raii:1541a7.1r.iaLl>.; rtp-4:44
Max gOAstir
siesikuiiii,Actionotawaridi impossible. One.road orother, hillto streets and rohclii- That's what keel* us tio
- _ , _ control. At thesame time there was no warm in winter and cool in sunareter. The '
. at toe ssarnor
.reason why all s should not have •Oold and sunlight never • et through "
g _
• A•41.11411,4 Su. deepateh. op&if: The equal rights with regard to this rood.'This " understalid you that every foot•or
interoetilattaellidgte.the nava scare has Was proposed to he done in case of a lease that country is roofed in ? " dorattaillid the,
been *hating somewhat, hilt yesterday a of this link to the Northern. The , ooni- quiet map. "Isr that a fact or are you;
,reporit that stiiipurions vessels liad been. pany was. prepared to. have any douse, geeing?"
heveringabont the harbor's entrant* Wits however ettmgent, imposed open- them to " Justitastite as you're honor '
;4,4i:duped With' some' degtee of excitement make the iiidependenne of the road perfectly the Dakota man, promptly and oetifidently.;;
by the Publio,, aeoertained that Oettahl. • "11 a man goes into that district With the
Pieretecilltwas fotholatienlor the tumors, Mr: Blake said ,thet On that question he idea of builditialie'e Vine toteget left hard."
it'heing aotuidlact that- at home , supposed each Government took a position ••• "In that oase,"- rejoined the quiet Man;
•nlyOteribus craft, a stsainet, had *mated Most in the interest of the people it repre, slowly—" Will you be kind enough to el.
at 'the Motith:of the hay maths ih siclui- !ranted, but he 061214 'see no ftaiums why plain to me just where these big farmsfyou
'Winer manner, 'and departing WO:iota divisions on thatinattet libetild keep the have been spealeingof are located?" ,
entering the harbor.. About $ o'cloek yester- GiOvertilpents apart on a tubjeet whioh had Certainly," said the Dakota man,
day Morning a signal was • hoisted •Oo. the nething to do with it and on vthich their stranger,. you think yoti have pea a Oiler,.
citadel sited for apteatner „reported to ...the no -operation wonld promote general good. but there just where Wia utilize *Very...
eastward, She. Was Madootit by the signal He knew perfectly well that what every thing- that leads to wealth. Gentlemeo,
phloem at Sambro to be hrigantinter*ged, oaliWttY 00111PeolY wanted' was monopoly, them farihs, is on the ',tops of the hexane,
bht her, Mime °add not he dieeoyeted. AO and that each tioniploY Would be sure to and We mit them up Therese's. to let
she aid not'approach sufficiently near .to foretell all sorts of etil.as oertain to follow get the Run And at the tame time seep them
the (dens' station. She came kiwi/raft the if ite rival wae allowed to *ours even equal out of the wet! You see, wheat.—' .
pork from a sontheasteily directiort, pelted terms. if the rights at both .00tild• be main- But. they, interrupted him With& brick.
on to the westward, and an hour or so liter
returned, and seenitet to hover at the
mouth fora short time, apparently unde-
°lard Whether to eorde in or not. She then,
spoke of, said he held it ki be utterly Poled they have built houses right over the
bar upon lief 44Thouriii after bieloo 'ttirmelahout eald put to eea again, without
having made any .‘signal. ,Thi S ontiou'i
tootioti * steamer fe very unusual, theugh
there We preldoUely, ',but not reoently,
host One or *WO Similar 06600.
Utulth Yeti*, the Wife of (1. Devii10,
4t yhtJoelini"' l'etently in *Poor -
"taihOd With MO of the party:4M etontredial-'13rcektOnEalltel
Mr. ()enure* waled' to think qtette feasi-
ble , those rights could be mut& better
secured by having a perteutlY Independent
authority in control.
Mr. Dundu fevered Mr. Blake% idea,
and etpreesed et hope that the Goverriment
wmild take the matterihto its very "oolong
consideration. T. -he amendments were
4010'04, exotthebill• read the third time
And pirated.
—A Gerriiito scientist recently published
an opinion to the effect that skituro,ed milk
is about as nutritious As the original fluid;
and it is wonderful to see how quiekly this
o dal declaration has foundits way .
among the trailhmet in this vicinity. They -
enthusinatieally repeat it to their ctn.
towers- as they -Yank -up thelaist fest hlnei
drops which they alivays, with agteat
On iteMS, relating *0 the Intercolonfal show of liberality, add to the alleged pint
Railway, Mr: Richey called attention to the in the pitcher. -!--"