HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-05-11, Page 51
w tete 1.1 er,
A breech of .sweetbrier -ab, norbeart
The teudef tears unhidden wart .
To weary., world -worn eye; .
• I tries the faded, fragrant spray,
And memortea of a btgone day •
lietereony vision rise,
• Pow, pfton my lost darling were .
• The sweetbrier greop 14 tts 10VOcilt More
Than elaeY-tiolied biome ;
• It oftee graced her maidee laresot;
. Now, planted where she lies at rear
It beautifies hertorah. ,
." try little love in (boo of old.
Youth's morning hour of rooe 'anti gold
Ootnes hack to me to -Hight;
.see her Ito her .girlish grace,
The_toufiroy sweetness of tier face, • •
Her cenktiala 101..0 of white.
• f swell the sweetbrier iti her hotel; • „
'I see the garciett whore we stoma
•Ott Englantiss southern shorel
' Iheoar the ripplieg streautiet tali;
I hear the laughter musical,
• Now'bileueed.ovortopro.
' ' 1
She was too fraif fer'earth'S enoiley,
Top esti na Vol ci pure for.bnusun joy.;
Xlitti, like the sweetbriereren,
'The ineutory of ber geiotie fife
:sakes Sweet the years of w. rimy etrife
That lieour lives hetweeo,
•, .
Thrifty' Wives, the Love ler , Home, and
Useful fleolosis.
• • • . ,
• ft:is:implied by Aunt iate.)
, • 44 Leen
Few tblegi in. thie Weary ate ea
delightful ass keepsakes. Nur db.,they ever,.
.to the heart at leatit, nor to our. ey ei lose
• .their tender, 'their pOwei.foo flovi
• alight, • how swail,ho.v riiiyo ruernerial
saves a beloved out • frim :.•oltvjoh; worn
an the finger or elooie to the 'h.eert,
• :if they he dead': N tiniught la so•-
. insupportable as that' .of sett tire, ' .total; •
,blanit .forgetfulness; • Whe'4" the ereaturti
; that once -laughed, bang end' wept. to las,
olose te.our sitie,. or in; Oui v4ry arovi, i8. as
• if 'her emile, ,ber Voice, • her teii,re„,,,•her,
kisses, had never been. She'ointilierro ell
swallowed up in the, darn, oothoriguefei ot
' the dust. Ot all the keeria.,..t.neinoriiils
kelicernicist-deorly, [emit'. devoutly do we!
•• :• hive a lbek. of hair. Aud.ou, when ;the:
:head it heantiliscl..haa..„.lotte."onouldered in
• the du'4:,•,-4--°-3ngiiott..t.Pi:r-*tAt.klthkfieitrt,h_ eAtindt,.Ack,
. , .
.1 All else gime to nothing, wave: and except
. 'that.soft, 'smooth, bureiebed and glorious-
' fra,groen,tof the optioreliing : that one. hung
(gouda ,and eueithine Owan angel's
",‘ brew. Ay, a loch of hake" fur better than
' any .picture.; it is 'a ,. part • of the beloved
object herself; it belonged: to the trawl
;that often, long, 'hingoig, may ,have all
been suddenly diehevelled,. like a shower
.pf eunheanie„. over your Atee,tihg
Ilea* :wiser ree striono., . .••
. .1 have . recently heard ' Of • an ;livention,
. (that has been 'patented by a ladY ;of ,ft: Miff
with an inmde reeePtaol,e for holding hot
leater.er any other fluid, tho sante: being
intrediMed through a tuOtitheiece on top,
• which when in hoe, is kept s eanrely corked.
. . A horrid man soya; Hrs. presented
grandOpPOrt.huity.' Th au, e mud that
holds Water will also ...hold teuiiierote
.•.,, fluid; alek• there' Oslo he c.ii)Cito"0 ix it not
• only. warmth loe hut .9.arrnth,
,for•the entire body *kid. bi.)!J WO*R611 • wIo
...„, bends gratieeilly : lte •rn,1-14.g ber inn%
burying herloce .41ite ferry e,,ir I ace,. osiltip.
• sibly to warm to, nee° prbeenowely red With
• cold, (sin dos, w 111 a d.re is r, re poloist
than the ..itinpid Grritano 0 ;Ier • art,/#14
.toan be ntitivsd in the haunt, Way,. andlii.4
.borivocation af• *amen': bus
may expect to ;lies,r'of one tapi,h;g sherry
" 'trim her boa., whiskey ?rein Iwr muff,"ktotl'
a variety of oordiale, from 1401 al I Kicks Oen.:
Waned. within the foide of her sealekib, or
. •
• •
. 'reality _aviees. .
oessfut °WOW heti neVer'0Prwl '0°Y.0"be
Beadsman, lidenda, but it us onitepossible
that 'wedding cake Wasin its erigrn Pre*
„Wisely analogous to 'the weddieg 01604 Of
ishe Sandeman Io1nder�. h may have
en more swiftly fatal in 4prehietorio
Omen than it is at Present, alni it may
have been used solely with the view of
seeuring newly -married ,people in the
possession at. undisturbed happiness. . At
present it,feiletO &cam:0019h this PurpOse
beceiise no one ever dreanotoreating it.
Of oeureemn occaiiono.4 child Stirreptitiouely
devours wedding cake and perisbee
ably, just as occasional and entirely lucent
prehensible ohildren lunch on cotrosiee
sublimate, or 'clrink, With apparent relish
mututitiee of eulphuric acid. So too in rare
inettipoes determined •snicides base, cam -
passed their nefarious end with•the help of
weddingroake: Still it ie entirely-.acourate
to say that no one to Whom wedding' oalie is
Sept ever eats it, and ,it is highly iinpro:
bable that the genders are ever tioteated by
A desire to destroy life.
• Levin*
to us appears so 'beautiful in-
human experience as the teeiprocat affeo
don of parents ' and 'ohildreo, eepecnally
after • the latter. ,have , attained maturity,
• it may be, • formed .new 'relations in
life. ' We have seen the roving end lovely
daughter, after She had become A Wife and
mother,.iseize,every opportunity of visiting
the 'parental keine, to lavish her affectionate
attention upon -her parents, and„ by a
thousand graceful and tender linicleesses
assure them that though be was an
idolized wife and 'happy her heart
still olive with pier atreegteening fervor;
to father and Mother who watched over her.
*fancy; and guided her youth. 11 hits been
our privilege to know such, audits we have
witueseed the outpourings of .love and hap,
Omens betWeen these' devoted and glowing,:
hearts, we have felt that sureiy'• Much of .
heaven might.be enjoyed here if .all final*
were equally 'attached. And would that
every daughter. knew What peed joy She
might 'create' in the parental bosom by a
°existent. keeping alive of the spirit of filial
devotion, and seizing frequent opportunitiee
to make it manifestin Iistle acts -of 'gentle-
ness and love,'. notWithetanding the. obit&
•may have becionie a`, parent. It isNilways.
the Heine dee*, child, and iiever. st:e;dear as
'When it keeps up the ohildiali amilidenee
...ondlivecti earliestablith-
overall .thetnee.•
:.:31.eineiliigiiittine: ta.t..from.tite-handalW
Sioliness of the stomach is quilikly re-
lieved by drinking a teacupful of warm
,?tater, with * teaoPeonitil bfsoda dissolved
in it. "• '
• ..
d k
Nail Steins may beiemoye rom oak by
diseolving a half pint et oxalic -main s
quarter boffin water, and stireilibing,th
wood with it, '
To niake.an 'excellent' applo.eitstarkdee,
one pintof svieet raillu one pint ot apple,
sauce, and three eggs. Fleteir and Bif teni:
and bake With a lower. Cruet. • -
For main -sponge 'clake,;,which
made, take two eggs and beat in a etip an
fill with 'cream, add one.‘teacupfnl of Sugar,
one and a bait et flour; and one ppecoeftif-
of baking powder and to pincsh of salt •
Sfost.Wheakuare iiattire,s ei,lopt,i,inzets: They
have tteltie Jhe h, 'tt then have.,
Think of the "suld Olfr- ipedi 104:
;./Amititit'slic Welt tops' new O! the' Old
7 bonnets retritWoro'od''a&d byou g t' out is the
ie.test style: think ot the iwistleig:aud':•ttire.
• , DOG OF 140N11011
tosenee a W.OSall Irr Pin he "4"taler '0**
Tanen to Coolest(' ifsplele Ise
To the happily almost inoumerahle
instances of the Outage, ititellogetice and
fidelity Of the canine race ,niust he added
the reoent achievement of a dog who, a kw
'dart. ago, made his appearance by the side
of his insister in the witness box at 1,10w.
street police court, placing hie fore paws on
the ledge of the stand, and, surveying the
audience in an undtpeaayed Manner, olearly
pointing to oonsaions retititude of nand.
This remarkable *tepee tieing uniortte
'nate!), tnartioulate, hie owner had to explain
to theniegistrate the share Which his dog
had had in preventing the death by enmities'
of a wretched woman earned, Athena Crick.
land, who atou, • 8 30 bn • Tuesday night
threw herself in to the river from ' the
ViotOria erabanktneet, Close. to Cleopatra's
needle. A, few seoortfle tfterward
'gentlemen passed by, accompanied by
his deg, a half breed "Newfoundland
and retriever. The • dog 'ran own
the eteps Of the needle,returned to its
master, looked up in his , face, gave two
,short Wake, andniade for the steps leading
to: thewiter . again. .Tbe gentlein. an,
,suspeotiug, that something was wrong,
followed the dog and pertseived'the.deepairz
ing woman struggling in the water. The
brave animal waifs toward her, caught
hold of her dress, and. dragged Ler, toward
the stake. The gentlemanhad Meanwhile •
walked into the water. 'up to his knees,.
and reached. bib stick to the %drowning
svonitte; who seized it and t .vots 'helped
to shore: This short ahd:siMplastory hav-
ing been told; the magistrate expressed his
opinion that the half -bred Newfoundland
and retriever was very noble .tied intelli.,
gent. It is almost a shame to cell him a half-
breed. He possesses -the noblest and moot
useful qualities, both of the Newfoundland
and the, retriever, and deserves to
bold at learii brevet . rank as, a 0 double -
bred " dog., • The despairing Woinan
)was remanded to the, House of Deten-
tion, and it io to be hoped'. that inquirieB
f will be Made SA to die truth of the pitiable
tale of her forlorn and destitute Condition,
harlot her desertion by her husband. Cone;•
moots on the de& esinduct are unnetes-•
sary. 'Nature has csreated him noble, albeit
he bits four feet and s tail,. and "noblesse.
sehether some additional pritoautiene might.
WINE ,stAetiretv 14.initior Tu,ike wow.
.111.* iltrOSt which Beattie stele Past Heath et
so griefs Straiitr. .
, goeiiell papersreoota tha death, in Eng-
land, of Ool. Bell-Mertia, formerly of Dal,
linebitush ()static,. amity, Galway, This
KO, '150," there died, in the. Union, Place
will teeall to Seine ' d story. On October
Hotel, in New York, Mary Lectitie., Wife of
the above,.and only child of Thomas Barite;
Wall Martins MAN,for Galway. Mrs. Mar-
lin, ,volx•;" had beeniamiliariy known as the
Finieees of cOnneniara had been the largest
land-ownerChi point Of Acreage, in the
United Xingdotn, . ber ' ancestors . having
puroliased, early in the 'eighteenth century,
a vast traot !tem it London company which
had bought . confiscated lands. Although
vese. ih'eXtent, tbe property never yielded
more than 940;000 a year, and the Martha;
were the reverseetecouonsioal. The famihe
years of 1847.$ 'found the estate ,Covered.
with .,, mortgages. Er.. Moran died of
/online fever, and his 'daughter could not
collect a peetsY from ber pauper•strioken.
tenantry. l'he mortgagebs—a Igindini
bitourousie OtornponY-4foreclosed; and she
was forced to Abandon her, native hallo, t�
the heartfelt regret of her ,people; who had
inetlY idoliSedlier; for '''she woe to thein all
Lever has painted in depleting hat
°MI:IPA() ft6Jreall M‘ . ainratirnY.;I MartinSho' 4' ii eud his "Mar.
' cla
Atte; her , arrival at New -York in ohm*.
queue° of premature confinement on beard
a sailing vesseL
wieritias ea the Dead et Another. . ' •
. _ • „ , , ,
' A. kelittiie of mine residing neat the Eine
kills has developed i naehia.for bate. Be
Ie possessed of sixteen, oats 0411 ages' and
sizes.' Eping be a visit to him last week
and (*aversive with him in the •kitchen, 1
beard a rattling of the latb of the- door
Wadi)* to the cellar. • Supposing sow° one
was. Lathe cellar who wanted to .get out
and mind not • readily 'find the latch;''t•
opened the deer tny selfcand there Cat 0,,
grave'ond eedate oldoat on -the .leindieff•
and Standing On her head was a halkrosvn
oat, steadying herielt by the frame of the
door .With' one paw, 'and with the ether
Striking the thumb -Piece 9f the hitch with
the Evident igtention -of opening the door:
Finding the doer Open, they gravely walked.
in and ,,,d...,...themselveli-m--the-4-tutoily-
if61e:c' theSS:Oo. ts. over . open-thedoor-dent. in
net he, taltep,...lorl_: reventabg-peoplo-frona- :Th•-ii-Viny tri, imbed, in opijatgatogipipp,ok,
itinKing.tnerOOMAtAtheky_txgr_rmi„tim. .„..,,...---.„,„...-pe-07,,i,rirow-enTri ifirg. .irttm, out
• iatizi:ISTarins ---Or"--tisigIreSTH atilt* Iii.the: °alba" window, and when the .iate,
bridgo. has ceased. to be to locindon. the .84.e.tired'etetaying outside they oome up
',Bridge of :Sighe ;7...hilt the embankment; the cellar :Stairs'. 41141,• open the . door for
&Cadet° as it is by 'night, threatens to themselves; it saves -us the trouble." . '
baootne a preserve- for .the reestrioipos sibitoeipt "Did yonteaoh them how . tO do it ?I'''
' "Oh, no; they found out the Way. tberii;
JaidAteatret w
...00 eti4retherei0)4br
isnserttlY rtoce, people oetroo.ez, A. yg.,7,;, in BostonTranscript..,
wintry idlite not mime thither IR , • ..
frequently to.i,drown, thOnmolie°,!-7, ;Lim, " Ottne Woman Kind, .. ,.
, , , . .,i. •
_km. Susannah," Taylor, ''in the Essex
Market Court, Neti,Torica.oharged heeling,
hand with having ealleor her Idle 'homes,
ill. ,etitielther in the hoe andput her intethe
street. Be WAS 'fined ten 'dolleris.. The
pries:suer went ,:thrOuitlf his .pookets and
pulled, mitt 8.25. "It is aitt have he eigflc
:,,!' Well; you'll have to pay the whole," issti,d ,
tbe *judge.' "'Get itfront your „ wifei
You'vebeaten. her, but like. Mei& Vitreir
she'll,'no doubt, take pity, on you." • Taylcie,:,
Jed towards.- the prison; was tbet.bY'11113
'wife, who handed hire 95.. " I can't beer
.-'nelcielteci--W-ehe-sakkiter . eyes -
Ailed with tears:: TaylortoCk the money
rudely, Old his 'Anti, 1114 then said to , her
toughly 4, , 4 This is the leat timq yon'll see
-10:0, 111. take goO3 ottivAir ,• leave this City
•Ittsdi $000 Mght;" ,. The woman drew the
14t."1,,/1 Oh0d, ,_.030, SeOempanied heti ittkluer •
nt"i7orensut elIereilibeternhditerbl'iitei d-
:of unkindness.' • 4'. ,
lg. DEAIL•lleitt
traciate -et rise .' Tornado',
. 'Terrible Itaioa.
W..(i‘rleanti telegpstsi. intygo. Freneli"
a town of 300 inhabitant*, Wen*
West of Starkville OltootaWl
.chu y, Was destroyed by Siinday'soyelortir.
Mr. BirOMOUte family of three persons were
all 'killed and .their liodieg:'blewn away.'
Some bodies were found ,yeeterday atter.-
mien severahmilaitfloin where their hopeea
Itteod, Partes are seitrohinto
hildren Who were blown eAVay,'.but they
have not been , found... At Starkville Jun
Bruce's Place was destroyed .and •hiniself
and wafe wore kWrd. Green Brhoia .wasi
wounded ' Three' white tnen, two negroee
and tWes Indian ishildieti were ',tilled four
thiles.:3firitte, Marton,on the, Richatdmin
• An Ga:.; despatioh : AA
awfulltisi4y Comesi to day from Heard
count' Roopiived on the bauir of
abotehie• ()reek, *bleb, rose 1,1XIiidaY:''
tilnipay eight. I The building was Igted
by ,-,*.titer• and started •daWe ctreelt4'
hearin ' all the hirnatea---Ittiop, •hie wife,
threeb Wren aed a negrOgereant. The
hoUse-tuatly itruCk tviree and Went to
Atflosh of ligbenitoglit hp the boene
and 1100#,H4W hiti'fatntlY eink. ..He floated
down ,tititil:he struolt a tree, up 'which he
Climbed, whereheternained Until morning.
. looking. respee table; „ husbatta 10„,,enised, an ninny as. M. opliegorer 11;400, joalti.cie;
or , aey a4oneu ciot rom ,tfifilionwero as on.,,inoec 4 y
Apple •pan-oekes are ,delickitts, and are
made of three pints Of .milift
beaten eggs, and flour enougylto Wake.*
thick batter,; thin add salt.. a sisc harge
• 'Oen ehopped:TterY:fine . a fry
. :4. • -
eicellent-eake hicatto'4 ores
a dep butter, two ones of iiar and, one
enp intik witich a teaspooriffil of abaft
hag,' been . diatOlved. - "r; Alter %beating
thorotighly add, one oup 'et -floniVith two
fealipeolifills Of keAnt rUbbedin it;
'iktid, the well;holaitrin• elke 'three teggs•,.
aeat the vihitee separately until etiff4, add
lhein anfl two cups oteflOtte . and beat
thoroughly; butter twe,',Liesittur in the
Cake andbalteabouttlialf fault _ 9 ;
• A hiCS cake is niad-ti of 'livid CMOs of White
singer; one cup of butter, one of milk;
tlitee eggs and tliketvoups of flour. Atter
stirring the butter and sugar togethei„edil
the beaten yolks of the 'eggs, and tlicitithe
beaten' Whites, and one teaspeoleful..
nowagr- ' • "
• • 'jog, the dontriviog and to trbitsh' yroth'iruni thiertt; the itioieeitiolde
Many a WOMall Iretf011tg hep bet f411111/ R.Verfeetly haidi in this blim te PitlY
never thinks of stiutlug totriflfl ritCoc..valtes.of the powde4 Mode kern
•an-A-A.01.e ° hard' be
'8' fathi0 e6188 the iitePliert's 6 8 °°°•-e 61.1°Y, ot;our most • detrutitive 'pests.. arid yet
.perigut by the 0ontriviege of wfre ; Maiir eiti,mated, sin& tt is . spire deith to nituiY
inhabit more to thereconomy n; the mother Utterly hormleis buinau beings end the
than theiavinge of fi,bh fa.:.lier Before 'itretr l• or animas, .
talkof the extrateonee .nt N'oliLee they -
hOvad „44..
••••'•"'-:••••' • _
erfAridheadt.tspristi „kg;on
drattzlitgra!41:41114*•' puddiug s which heitve been wet
Let the table be six inches higher thoii.: and laid over.„ bowl to ehape ; put an
is used for. a ait-down stu.pee:-.0, narrow apricot in the, entre and the riots ololie
tothie being much .the kekic stand-up around it ; tieiighbly tn'it cloth, steain ten
„ parties. Have . the made inminutes and serve with apricot sauce- ••.
' email horse-shoe tibapes.t‘ Tree - chine and For plain plain pudding, but bike th,st itt
• glass or altiosinVe chitties oud colors; the very gook' take three °nivelof emit that is
. greater the variety tbe noire cli.i.rming the chopped very line, a quarter of a pound of
" aeot will appear.. Las alia flowers be ourrants, O quarter of a pound of resins,
rill(' with Plante of feru hatvee to half a teaspottbfil of ealt,the RAMO Quantity
pink candles .in the oondelabree.• Bove tine, a pint of sereet milk, three tehlespocin.
eight;n the effectof the epergnes. Use of baking powder, .a potind Of flour sifted
• large epergne in the centre filled with fruit, fills of molasses and spies to omit the taste
smaller ones" at each end of the table withmix thOioughly end boil in a pudding bag
fat* desserts biseuits. between and for three hours.
around,.the dighes plane cossques and boa- win following be found tossfol i9-
1)01311. Have it good supply of Plate,Chin* eleining and restoring ,eolor cif WOosien
and glass ready at band, BO to avoid
- 6- - fitior.s: • One part adoinated Nods allow/it
.0onfttsion inipper-tieue:
• letittind'three-qUartettlif an honrin Otte
°dais' 4" WeddIng Calge4 RUC slack lime then add . fifteen parts
there is a imetoin, ,beyoi Harper's water, and boil. Spread the soltition thus
Bazar," prevailing among the inhobitante obtained upon the Abet with a rag,.' and,
• of theSandeman Laotian whioh may throw after drying, rtib with bard ' bruSh and flee
4 little light upon the civilized Ube of wed- sand and water. A liolution id one part
'ding Cake. When a nativo giri, *hopeconcentrated sttlphurie acid and eight parte
exceptional ,bemity has broughther many Water will enliven the' Wood after above
' suitors• Is knocked down with a club and appliestion. ,When dry; wash and wax the
. carried oft by her e,ef.oepterl lover, the Boor. •
•• • wedded pair witting forty-eight hours of the , To prgovent the skin becoming\diseolored
wedding send s cup of poison ii istilied from after a fall or A blow, take a little dry store&
the litilit-hula tree' to cash aild every one Of or arrowroot, moisten it with eold voter,
the brides; former admirers. * If anY and lay it over the injured part. It ehould
recipientfeels that he hattitob become be puton se soon ag posibia alter bbs
retionciliod to the marriage he drinks the aedident beg happened; so. as to 'prevent the
poison and dies; but if lag decides that he action of The 'aft on the skin. This is a
will survive the if•se of his intended wife he eery good remedy, and if seineger& or
theoive.away the poison, anti !reels bound arrowroot were kept in the nursery:Many
in honer never to bhow' the 'olighteeb sign unsightly bruises and swellings *could be
• of disappointmentny th lei admirable prevented. It is also * good, thing to apply
!system the huilhand is, spared the pangs of to the abiatione that children often get by
jealOtiey, and be is :obi° o , ito oh_trieudle' filling ,cloWn the graver paths in the
terms withthe satirviving admirers of hip. garden,
Vrife. .Ib is ettenge that the eastern of.
••sending ivedditig polecat . to 'tifitette,-
. -
A •Dorn annihilater-p-The pig
1100:44' ito be illett-1-4.1-.Wcili
Dr.' P. "1:14' Haniirton, of tkleW ....York, his
recently ,inttbliehtid • a little book Called
4 Beilthkg.pharienie It is a:compendium
`a‘111:7rini,441.•7=;::41:44If 7417'
Abe .-tninitignity
Lara that 4Boreaparillo . has Init Obeli! AS
much VirtuSlas limbed eawduet, and net
half as 'ennch. as ; pure Water, and one
nriiiseatifighompound is only abandoned in
ordee.togive. pia," to another. De. Hs/mitten
siva that • ,
0 Light glees a bronzed or tan color to the.
skin; but Whets it uproots the igy it plants.
t'.13!). l.votl'
lifud' and deilaYei-d veffstabies
seller weaviiiihrouds for the upper Cham-
bers." , • •
"A.ohange of air is MSS valuable than a
change ofreoene. , The air is changed every
eili,r,sotion of the wind changed".
".•Ifes,Ith must be earned- it ,eiri•seldcnn
iairbt.need health as intunor.--nay, mare
•that Wye. ' They mill only obtain it to
kepi do, by ird0Upg, tumbling, by all sorts
of innooent Vagrithey. At least OnC0 a day
Orb, should have tloir ' halters taken Off,
.the bars let down And be turned,loose like
,young colts."
"Calietheniee may be very.genteel, and
romping very tmgenteel, but one is the
shadoW, the other the litibtotanoe of health -
hal ex:strobe,"
Toss instill A*4110300,
Me Hemet. 4aql gte ,coreoatty.poaraea
.11•44.1es WMhIu 10,..
The oetrespondent ot the Leaden' ijafij
Neter at 'Teheran .writee ; Not many yea=
ago the Shaw never allowed his'•Wives to
Shot, even the tips ef their fingers AO, ay
ofthe. tattle Hex over the age or -12 For.
.morly'whenthe reembere of the haroct (the
princeeeeeind the female .attendants ot. the.
•Shali'e household), enveloped in a black •
sheet,with * veil or! :their !testi, iand at,
ti . eg a Covered estriage, . made tab* •
paseage -through tbe streets o Teheran,'
the Eunuchs ahd.tbe faritobee who
poniedthem used their loog sticks to drive
people away.. The..Europeene were • al-
lowed to stay vibere tney happened to he,
at the time, but were oonapelled to turn
their iacee. to the Wall... During the lest
fee/ years, however, -especially siuoo
his • return front the , second • journey
to Europe, lkl'assered-Din 'Shah." has
.o0nie Wore obliging Since that time •
the kersiatis: are ordered ' only. LO keep
out of the harem's pith, and•theBuroPeane
are allowed to continue their way on the ,
tacit condition that they shall tiotgage too ;
vidiouely at the PasOlpg carriage.. On • •
eV°. preceding; 14:0: .late. anniversary of the'
prophat'e,hirthdaythere•werei as.ustuil; fife- •
works and illuminations in the alley .oalled
Kbaban'Dowleb. • Over the palace deer
.ca49:slieadri' hAleotharniHeieith.;'fitoctrxdrei.'ifed'iainti4dil•
withptecee of 1ooking4hiSe); openinginto
the :.,Kkiabaii, " them is a balakhaned in
Which on 'suet .oetiasionti; the 40. ;Elite to , 's
enjoy the eight At other 4iirtee .he and
,the. harem , need to peep ont throughtt,he;: •
Opening* et a .ourtaija drawn .' bop:WV:in
window; but On thiShoOtkeifill•-the oUrtain •
.was done away : with, and theking, with'.
u ntie Of the princesses, looked freely, at the
fireworks... .:40 far as eau be jitdse.d.frem.
distance of ten or,twelve yardte thy* leak*:
have' in getietal,. round very:Jorge- ..•
and line. ,eyee, and 'thick and arched -eye..., •
browai tvlki0h are outdo.. . to appear .610,,,
thioker by the,applioatiOnof c. certain 4ya
of Very . dark bine milOt, called, in 'Ferman ,
rag,wand.more.. arehlike, by pluekingthe
heir Whieh Way etandOut'of the archy line,
:and theeks 01 VerMili00::, The ekinl,,hoW- .•
ever, as that Of all Petelinia with few •
gym toptione,..10,eks,therleliee;erinist-witit
nesatio often commonly -
lielitvoreeD.4---.Theirfestiireiii 06, are Mit
c,"isTs#4,1420 '
einintry ' Xeripirding thetreattfietit of the •
fair sex, and he has always been far, above
as regards religious toleration. ' The.
evenUgi,the foreign Ministers ;were • 7'
en a dinner hytlieZil-he-Shitan,'.•
Hia Majeityfelidder me, When the invitation •
este sent Out there .arose sowe difficuUy'
about precedence at the table.. but Misat•
ib was 'arranged that the Zii-ns-$ti
Fah411"iria,i'bRael:.4.Mtheh. leiOrritiOilijA4reAratillatO
.next the . latter- ,.M. Argiropoule, t
Russian Charge d'Affaires, end then tf.
•Sonhart, the 'French Charge d'Affaires; ,
on (prince's) left,.mr. R. ThOmscih; tho
British ; bben Mr.. •,Stoliofer, tbe
AA/Arian Charge .d'Affaire.; ,Lic.e-Vie the
741 -us -Sultan, the FrinOct .11Setiam4184,10,1
tingeh On. his right theiRrinee • Nsisritt
-P6icift ',01113;b6119tliitilgerstiesta. taltitVe'hhit,l'hthte°Aliztheudo: .
'ttl.aftollt,. and 'Po eny::Seeemding to. 'reek;
tier:40-Zti-tis,Sultain-,r •
to* the he th and
lheie,nainisterts presselit; „;,*t thba VreOetat
the muilie.; began to play," God Save. the
-Queen." The Turkish .AinhapeatiOr' res-
ponded • by; Propeeing. the health •:'•
the Shah, 01 the , Zit -• us ,t3Oltan,
.thatttf. °wail '4!,,ceconc;lrarteld?byakintiblYe.. PerTilhaina'
'national .anthem. • • The Mr,- T,fiehhein
prePalied a poirsdnal;Lottet for the Zii.us-'
,Seltan,. When,: again the look prayed "God
Save the The 'lent toast; proposed' :
,byae Za
was in ;honor of •ou ,
wbowereprasent at the dinner. The even-
ing piisBed:,sagreeatily. .and the .fiareignetif:,
'Were highly !deceits' With the reeeptioe,
. . • -41tiaOliiies Teat Raley
'Tos iioldier,lar from home, there's no
Utbie tooablot Sight...tliimthat of a baby in
:ha mother's arms. -While on their way to •
..,,Gtetyfiburg, • tittel' 'Mope:WOO' tAillehingl at
night. throtightel;Village, Over .whinie .gate,
they •Vratehed' the brotherti ')
of Other warden MeXCh on tOpreolhledeath.,
A'Biiene Ofthe intreli is tliiiii,:detieribed by
r lft nionient itt tbe....'gttte of '.4s
stable lanternei their light falling up* liet'••
flaw ;The ChiOrtfelkiitroydngivith delight
'at the etrimetpagesing &a it tvittehed the
erm;ed holt pu by.
1,--1 beg your pardon: Ma'am," seid_ZiM
Matinees, Wititottny inton,lei be drepped•the
butt •, _of hie musket on the 'ground, ,and
ap;,ed,;okiligi!apusi,itrfau:y... 31 1 ittit17,. kis% 0.,fththii;:niu, Otti:
?ousel? I've 10 one just,like him at home;
at least he was whenl..laixt et* hittl,twa
yearn . , .
The.tnether, aloympathettO tear roulng
devittlier cheek, silently field out theOli
limprosseed bis unshaven toast*
at:pewit,. smiling 11e. for a liniment, and
then Walked onitittylitt •
"Godliletie you, ints'ims, for that!"
Petit Iim•illannerat Be litter iimir Ina
,boy !gain in life. A htillet 1aid bmw toy
4henext days* weitnediour flrst 000.
• '• •OlditraWberrylxiDe °that Were Devoted
ehould h ye thestretr tomoied lust over
Ilir ground - until
frui **lied
g miiktlionthe
, to expeeethem to the sun
WelianiOS who ifeeirelo Prates a deepi
brilliant bieck upecirOilDr Steel iney try
thiefellOWing recipitt:' Apply. With II fine
bait 'brtashumixtetlebf turpentine Alta 0114 •
phut whiah has been boiledtegethet.
.7tintlee that 114VO been during -the "-
:ivintershould be rebuilt ,Eio loeu AS the
.groundwillpermit. Matatiremay be art**
.0111 beta% the feed le Out of the .grottid.
'aid either Put In enisil heap* Or tiptoed
7 -frOM the wagon. ;
:•The reethetie,Oseer will rejoice ta knot,'
. that Wild Sunflowers grow in Icaltiltite,X,Y.,
to the height Of fifteen hitt.
et! So..
• A New' York 'despatch, says:* Edward
McGinty,- -a . Sootoh sailor, 24 years old,
died yesterday at ihe Honiceopothic Hos-
pital, on Bleckwell's Island. Deputy'
!perm* Mereemer last evening made an
autopsy on MisGinty and . diseuvered • that
death bad been caused by the entrance Of
gangrenous gafies,intoetthck,„...liesirt. • During
*fight with a straisger On,the 14th bietakit
*taint: wad bitten o% the,. heti& „The
The now ixilehmted case, McLean WI.
130riptv, in which Prof. McLean claimed
960,000 for 4 libel. dontained in the Detroit
Evening Nei* littblieyed by Mr. 'Sena*,
terminated hist evening. The ease was
given to the Jure, who retired, and were
'absent Agee bona. They found for the.
plaintiffTand gave 120,000 damages.
Mr. Onctireinge was a candidate .for
aldernlan in $t. Letiie., Be Wrote tethe
Spectator of that city: Helve nie a 'little
puff. If you ask any one that kncoUts We,
you will End that I am not unworthy of
your support.. enclose 111().'" The editor
printed the ,letten by Wily' Cd• a 64 little
puff," and gave the money to charity. .
wound not .heail ,etysipelas finallyc
'iset iniarld: the sailor's death f ltowe�. The
'toolloe. Wore been *eked to arrest McGinty's.
aistsailant:before the inquest is held.
To Make vet buns 'lot tea,' stir about
ha 1 a rond of buteer with one cnp ;of
detain and half aPound ot sugar, and natio,
them.4.tfmett4ormuSI iliglAt;ItitlalcoatAeffifig
A.,3,Tkvnirt, NIA Ittlf.7A:1 .17`,17f6 Stie710,
WATAtitaiii':00 •71)'Olia.:01-,711Cate;t0O7
Wising with it- a teaspoonful and 4'he,ifof
biking powder: Savor with tt- little lint -
meg, and, if younhoose, add ourrante and a
little' brandy. Boll them in the shape of
round bisionito, rub over the tots with *little
milk in witioh sugarhas been distiolved, and
bake at onee.
Hugette Delacroireg 'emote pietUre of
"The Shipwreck of Doh Juan," Or Which.
the sum of 560,000 was offered some yeeria
ago, bas been presented ..tti the Louvreby
Mme. Moreau, the widoWof 'the well known
Dotiocisseur, On 'the MtPrees condition that
her husband's newt be- retained' on the
frame, and that .thit picture be not bent
among the modern works, up -ctitirts. 'Whig
.Magnifteetot Work of Sit *at first -exhibited'
in the Beton of lgir, and loiter On at: the,
ExbibitiOlf of 1855.. , ' • • •
Mrstattitt,a wldiow',' of MilWankie, is
endea-voring loto Setititoi,li Portion of the
estate ot Thointis E. Van Leon, of Albany.
WY., onset .the Vietiihil of the Newhall
Holies lite, who, ehe daiwa, had engaged
*himself 'to IiIhity her and, as Phe •believeis,
had made A Will in her 'favor. Van Loon,
who WAS abOUt 60 years of age, left 0260,00,
Mre. Faust is about 85.„ '
A znigerlY 'Sceich laird pickedup a smell
Copper vein and.ptit it in his Waistcoat'
pocket. A beggar who B&W him. exclaimed,
0' Oh, giet ta me, my lord:" " its,"
replied the laird, "Are* ferar
l .fo' ittite,
The 'Duke and Ducliese of Edinburgh
will leave England for RliSBiit during 'the
And Weak in May, and their children will
be left at Windsor Castle under the tarts of
the Queen. Thellonke will gel afloat (pre-
bably to theliediteirranean) directly he re-
ttortito ttaa It op expeotea that the Driehese
will peas the summer and early autumn in
. Germany with her ehildren.
'Sere are sore.- men aiti talkative that
nothing but the toothache otan make theta
hold their jaws.