HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-05-04, Page 5• •
1.140 1411X s'
• Who knows today'tat Our " good-bye"
At Aret was note Wish, but pre/o'er-7 °
4, thought of help 'forever nigh, .
And " God be with you" eve where
" NO as the world cloth give," said
Who of all Men on earth Was truer -
Tome disciples tenderly,
i13.,parting,iwrd totele
7-Thern:iiiiii " Peace with you leave,
My peace, 0 friende, to•you I giver'
Let not your hearts be sad - believel
The.Y ttlat believe in 'Mu shall
Qh that upon our hearts might He
Breathe evermore that self-sanni word
And oh, that our "gaud -bye" might be
Prayer for the presence of our Lord
'Could clearer, Surer pledge be given? '
, Could even Be a better send
Than that With which Be went to heaven-.
La, I ain withyou 'to the end.'"
What need we but With trustful heart •
Cling to His Word of hope end cheer.
And EEO Withve thou always art,
Tberefore no evil will Wear I"
Then a,s alon these earthly ways
_ With weary feet we go end come,
Long winter nights, long summer daye,
But every fimtfall nearer home--
• Not as the" world," our lips shall By
Peace and good-bye whene'er we part, •
reacb, some coming
• The blessing of the Pure in heart.. •
• % Tnoitesot, D.D
• At Evening Time.
'The lights fade out of calmed sea, •
Dart shadows scan its lustrous breast;
Flushed, like the petal of a flower,
• • The white•sell melts into the west. '
Par o'erthe blue the weary winds • •
' Have winged their Hight, and swell no more
'The: wave's sad music o'er the shrill •
• Of rippleit on pebbly shore,
, Best comet at last! Or purple hills '
. The silvery sheep -bell tinkles clear:.
. Slowly the lowing kine descend •
The homeward paths, and on the ear
„ Singloyous'eehoes from afar. „
As reapers lay their sickles by .
Then all sound dies , and land and Sea
Sleep Saintly 'neittli a silent sky,
, •
. Rest comes at last I oh, 'weary heart, . •
' Fevered and fainting racked by care, '
And toiling 'neitth thy earthly cross,
' Too great for mortal strength to bees,
• Take courage—faint not, but endure!
Soon•shale thou say," The day is past!"
•• At eventide the end shall come,
Ancikting the quiet reskniatist.
„Fair Wanda* Reflections
*.• , . Use well the mcnnent; what the hour. ,
esfean unleratancti,..
• • . •Te just the thing lies.pearest to thy hand. '
" • ' —Goethe.
• Vox stridens tonat crepithtii
IThclarurn instar ensium
' Ad Ithenum nostrum ;
Quit; tutor eritlitoruni ?
• 0 Patriari no trePida •
0 Patric,, no trepida I •
Immota stmt. custodia. I •
• Innnota stat custodia
•We are scratched, or we are bitten
• By the pets to whom we cling; .
Oh. my love she is a kitten, ; •
And my heart's a ball of string.
•• Miro= • TUX RATTLE 44 cdonT,:k
.New comes the terrible, soul -trying time
When muttered murmurs thro' dismantled
homes ' • • •
Fill the wide welkin of this weary world, .
From room to room, thro' the Sat air 'of spring,
• The busy bustle now begins to boom, • '
And Nancy Servants sullenly submit ,
'To orders which the heartless housetrivetgive.
Speech answers *Teeth, and thro'; th' narighted
:Each worker sees theOtherfadust-fleeked_fae4‘.
• Husbands object, in fiii-guege Most profane, ,
Piercing the day's dull ear; While from the floors
'The kneeling knights, who tempt the treaeh'rons
•• nick, • „
• With busy hammers -take the carpets
Giving dreadful note Of preparation.
• --Enemy V.,‘:Act IV. (Revised by the New York
,Advertiserj •
A robin Said: The spring' will neyer come,
And I shall never care•tabuild again.
A rosebush said: These frosts are•wearlsomel ^
. , My sap will never stir for sun or rap.
▪ 'The round moon said: These nights are •fogged
and slow, • , ,• • • • . •
I neither caret to wax or i?are to wane.'
• 'The ocean said: I thirst from long ago,
Because earth's rivers cannot All the main:
'When springtime came red robin,built a. neat;
' And thrilled a lOver's song in sheer delight;
Gray hoar frost , vanished, and the rose with
• • 'might', • • •
' Clothed her in leaves and buds of Crimson core
The dim Moon brightened. Ocean -sunned his
rhea, • '
Dimpled his blue, yet thirsted evermore. •
• • thittnextnA ROsairrit.
' Durum VIoLETS.
• 'lay their fragrance at your feet,
Whose kindly heart and friendly hand
' With love have Made my life so sweet, • '
Like angel touch from heavenly hand.
• I lay their fragrance at your feet,
r.a.rUft. lolet . ..`,
, •
I lay their fragrance at your feet, ••""-* -
Whose Mee. benedition is;
A bunch of violets sweet, and mete •
To 'Moore in goodly palaces.
Thy their fragrance at your feet:
. Reminder Of the better land •
, Where you and I may hope to meet, ,
Beyond life's shifting sand. . " •
• . • • —Maty -73eyri: ton Zen&
NeNstainitens .ASSAIVE.T.
Seating scene hi the Pitreetri ef Paris
A Paris cablegram soya : The Boulevard
'Mee Italiene was the theatre lase evening of
tt. murderous scene by which the lives of
- three people were imperilled, and for which
no serique eiplanation can be tfiiiiiii...Ahout
hail past 4 a Primal= named Atoolioller,
.4" Who is known on the Bourse, drew I
revolver on a police sgent neinedMarceelli,'
": 4 ;who was standing in front or the Passage
l'Opera, and would have shotlain but
o for the Interference of the bystanders, who
- Ore* themselves upon him. Ile contrived,
' Jttevertheless, to discharge \ six shots, by
which three persons were eeverelywounded.
Their names are MM. CUSIIIM3 and Feud
• And Mme. Allemetd.. All three were dan-
gerously wounded. From inquiry whieh
has been instituted it appears that after
quitting the Bourse Atoeholler repaired to a
shooting gallery in the Passage de l'Opera,
where he,practieed until 4 o'clock Then he
. loaded his revolver i and attacked Maroselli
on halving the Passage,' without any ex-
plainable motive. his ettpposed that the
tiAteiiipt oonimitted init of
• . 'mental derabgement, dimmed by losses on
• *th-i Boerse. When in the hands of the
Police the prisoner kept repeating that the
French were dogs and that he weeglad he
• 'hail killed one of them. '
Vilna• is it good deal like a mule. It is
13ottos to to, ploLl tilta vim tztaltel
o.” .
AND .11:11413XT,;
13(4olier, \ What Obriettailep
Ihink alX4 Selitrirtkr,
1.4,65W. 80/4(74. OF,:POLOIS1014,
h� Churchof-Ellesier fait ffiY01-1160107*
greater 1411111ber Of Sea'. titg/ITWO'telitall MOM
.11014 •
recent meeting of the Pain burgh'IT: P.
Presbytery was rendered rather. urifroarious.
by persistent interruptions of the; Rev. Ite
Gemmel, who refused to obey the orders of
the Moderator, and, defied either him or the
.0fliCer te touch him.• •
The following ministers have demitted
• their charges in the Presbyterian Church:
Rev. W. E. McKay; Orangeville;
T. Ferries, Brandon; Bev. Jelin Norris's:at,
Waddington; Bey. 3. 4." Bearisto,, Nova
•1300tifar • '
• The 'Transfer Committees of the Canada
. .
Methodist Church will meet. shortly. The
committee for -the western section will meet ,
In Toronto on the Amt. Wednesday in May,
tinder the presidency of the •Rev. 'DrwRice;
President of the Annual Conference.- The
committee for the eastern section will meet
in the Lower Provinces.. , •
• ,
The candidates for the ModeratOrship Of.
the Presbyterian General Assembly for the
coming year, as *imitated by Presbyteries,
are six in number. They are Principal
Grant, of Kingston; Dr. King, of Toronto;
Prot MisLaren,,of Toronto; Kenneth. Mo-,
Lennon,' M.A..; • of Charlottetown, P. E. I.;
Dr. McKnight, alfalifix, and Dr. Scott, of
North 'Brno..., ' •
•0' The 'field is the world.". • So said the
founder of Christianity more than 1,800.
years ago. Much has been done, indeed,
and much Is being 'done, to' convert the
v.r.9x1(tO Christ. but *hat A field is yet to
harvest 1. The population Of the World is
•Oliont 1,448,000,000. Of this; host 'about
850,000,006 are worshippers of, idols made
; men's/ hands,. ;mohammedane anfl,
Jews:run 'up to about, .170,000000, , Two -
third a Of the world's population are op-
posed to; or are ignorant of &BUS.. Of the"
number who • gall themselves Christiana
not More than 100,000,000 are nominally:
Protestants, and Only 20,000,000 are mem-
bers of ProtestantOhurahe*:
--Theiellowitg'-viordrboisur in, what,is
Salted "The Lost .Song of . Solomon," re.
oently-Lpublishad-in-the-•-Londoii -° titer&
Review:• "Who 'bath peen her. -Who was
her mother wateh.e.th her: I was
enamored and she would ;;°not, .lieten; she
turned her face from ; as the 'moon
hideth among the mountains ' of. Lebanon,
she hid her face from me. She' is thOpeart
of pearls.; there is nose like my' beloved.
She bath de;name among the daughters of,
Jerusalem. . My beloved is more beautiful
than the lily. Her eyes are. like sapphires
and her hair is is. the :yellowish v•mane of
the hot. There ie none like her; elle is
comely and her -mother, obserieth her.
Sleight are •lier' limbs .as the algiim tree
that comes from-. Ophir In. the ships' of
Tarehish ; her evils are like smooth ivory;
her head: ia a Oar with itS brightness. She
, is the tiarf of pearls which I wear 'in, .ukyheart..
T&ninety-nine Men in every one hundred
christianity is lying in the tomb. I do not
knew . of ' anybody'who is a Christian:
There does not -live in my totem anY who
Is a-Chrintion according to 'the ideal Of,
'Christ... I am not. I dOn't 'know .how tO
take'my, life and lay it down absolutely for
others as ..Christ did, '1 ,do a great many
Christian " *hinge, ,but Who ever yet has
imitated our Lord,who for oureakee became
poor that we thrOugh his oppression might
be ea ? That ideal of 'Chrilit yet alum.
bets. Before this world -becomes* better
world .We have got to :give mena more
equal chance in life by . better breeding.
Don't yousuppoie that men that haveleerned
io'breed.horsei for better Speed, sheep for
better •wool and :bullocks -'for .better 'beer,•
will learn icicleday to breedbetter men?
For as goods well bought are already holt
'milk so a child wellborn is *treacly half'
converted. There has got to be a reorgan-
isation of society,. a regeneration Of govern-
ment, and there must needs be also a
regeneration of business.' Men must wide
into life better, through better families and
under better government and institutions.
W. Aiseelsir? . • , - •
A greater than all the prophets is said to
be expected at.Bokhirit. In. th� last Week
Of February a 1n appeared 'In' BOkhare
who said that he bad come from 1.4.1amkoin;',
and he demandedin Allah*0 nettle, to be
tholt'ailrtlitt Su.,17iii4r.11Mlictcrintimodifee•
that the age of the Mehdi (Messiah) was:
close at' hand, and that the Mehdi wotild,
himself appear on the tenth day of the
sixth month. Ile wished the EMir to send
him with 4 greeting to the Iffehdi, and be
wits' bidden to remain at Bekhara, until the
Etnir had determined : what Message he
;Would send. • The Engendered that the
prophet ,should be examined by competent
everts. These authorities prowl:Mood that
he was neither a madman tier a beggar. Ils
Was lodged in a handsome dwelling, a Mob -
ender was appointed to Nerve him, and
the choicest of mots and drinks were sent'
to him regularly by the Emir: The prophet,
hoWever, refused to touch any of them.' as
declared that he had not to get food or or- •
meat, but 'amply to deliver a message. -`Nle!
contentedhimself by eating a few ounces of
medioament which he Carried about With
hint, and, Co far as any One could discover,
he taiited nothing °hie day or night. - He.
said that the Emir .Walifree either to accept
or reject hie demand to be tent at; the
bearer of a special greeting:to the corning
Mehdi. •
• r
• '
usit NEW 8,VARI414111N.'
otstrIP/10a �t thtio,mldnble' Xtrisr!,,h
. •
Vessel weestbies,
• ,
At no time
has there been so Mneb itc;.
tivitY at the Chatham dockyard at this
season of the year as now The British
Admiralty are for some . reason pushing
forward the armored vessels which are
uilding, and will have thew completed at
an early date. The mechanics are em-
ployed on extra time. The greatest amount
of attention hi being . given to the powerful
twin-screw, steel-armored'steamer • War.
epite, which is altogether an exceptional
type of venal.- It is intended that she
shalt be the fasteet armored vessel. afloat':
She is over 800 feet long, with it displace,
'went of 7,090 'Amis. Her armor plating
will • he steel -faced, ten inobee thick, and
carried five feet below the' water line.
Her armor is I laid on a ten -inch
heals& with the *Mal iron skin plating;'
ihus preeentipg aeelid thickness of nearly
two feet of steel, iron, and timber against.
thei,mpoot Of shot and shell. • Above the
fighting deck:will be a tower, protected by
steel armor, while her weather deck will be
protected by steel -faced &alio* • The arma-
ment will be unusually heavy, 00/18113013g of
four 18.ton• breech -leading rides, beeides
the total .machine guns an torpedoes.
The rifles will be capable of piercing eiX4
teen inches of iroir armor or thirteen inches
of steel armor at a distance of .1.00° yards.
She will also have o number of eix-inch
breech -loading rifles for effective work at a
range of Ave miles:, Her cost, When (lam -
plated, will be abet 03,700,000, her hull
and machinery alone costing 'about 02;500,-
000. This, together with the other armored
vessels, will he completed during the pre-
sent, year,
• .
'A FOR; Wfiletier•Oitaktisig7OralteP...
last (Wednesday): nighj'e cinehoO Afi7'
.110011 BOW: A. 'frightful death occurred
here to -day. •RhilipTergecipoi.* ary,geoda
clerk, Aged about 28t° left hie. reeidenoe At a
p.m. kesterday,'in apparently good health
and perfectly sober. Hewes brought home at
twenty minutes to 4 in:a *comatose condi-
tion, senseless and 'nnootecieue. His
famil#, deeming hint under the influence of
liquor, thought it would bear off, . and did
net ciollin-medicaradvice -until 9.20.p.m.,..
when a dnotor was sent .1 or, who at once
summoned another . physician. A 00126111.;•
taidir-WAVW0137- but r the efforti of the
medical mop .goVer1411 n vai and the,
tinier having recovered the least conscious
nee*. • It beams that ' during his tarty
Minutes'. absence from home deceased
visited* toyed' kepy by one Tessier, *here
Lt is said for a. wager, be swallowed in rapid
succession tIve. giaares, of whiskey and two
of beer tilted 'with wine and whiskey. Qa
taking the last tiiinblerful it was noticed
that the `unfortunate Mail turned suddenly
pale ..and fell senseless, in which condition
he was taken home; as already stated. De-
ceased was married,' and leaver a young
wife of 20 years and, an infant of 10 months.
Octave Ladle, • eerier, • 'the • party who
!footed with deceased, and. one. Drouin.
who was 4610 ,• present- and urging Aum to
drink, have been Orrested.ae accessories to
his death. The, coroner's inquest will be
held to-niorrow, 'It 'has been ascertained
that the ' tumbler used by deceased „was
What is styled 'a soda water. tumbler, and
• that he imbibed sheaf stAuirCadd*sill-d-
:::::lieecyn, besides nearly ear.. ly th. same 4107.ritY
of beer and port Wine, all within, the mace
• • A Dick Dan.
Who is a, rich man? A . peer Of the
realm? A gentleman 'who lives in a splen-
did mansion? Perhaps not. A clerk in
one of our city establishments May be
richer than both of these, and nuany more,
who *Mild be easily named. He only is
rich whose ineome is more, and contitues
to beniorathan his necessary expenditure.
It is better, however,- to be poor and re-
Mati poor, than to esquire wealth in
wrong or improper manner. Dishonest
wealth' land honest poverty; the latter,
when compared with the former, it as the
sunlight to the glow.worm, or thenoble
river to Cho stagnant peel.—Dr. Mednelane.
Dan Wheat injury.
A Burford ‘correspondent telegraphs:
Tice hopes entertained for the safety•of the
wheat crop have fretted •premature. The
last week of bright sunshine ;has brought
disastrous aeon', and •the Most hopeful
farmers do not expect for much over half
a crop. The anvar has wintered in entire
of •
U Nearly Dead •
after taking some highly puffed up stuff,
with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bitters,
and have no fear of any Kidney or Urinary
Troubles, Bright's Disease, Diabetes or
Liver Complaint. • These disee,see cannot
resist the curative' power of Hop Bitters ;
obogratide.fi it is the , . best fatally mach"' on
The Chestnut Street Operapots°, Phila.,
delphis,;.*111 have &Nett gallsry- connected
With it next season, '
="51trilrir.).--tmtk-titp-TIF,cirryyti- _ 1-1. ,.
. tiotcbCnc,tot-covaY.-1' ,
dtuggist. '‘ '
, ,...• ,
Dion Bouoioault has made arrangementt
Francisoo, in August
to, spree at the California Theatre, San
• ,
* Thousands of ladies cherish , grateful
remembranoeSt4 the help derived frOln the
use olLydia E. Pilil4mIn'a Vegetabli Coni.
pound. '
Leo XIII. seeks relaxation in the *iota,
position of Latin poems, all Of which are
printed under his careful supervision.
After a few cibpies have been taken the type
is distributed, •
Five doctors,• no end of eiedieine
relief. Dr.. Benson's Skin Cure has driven
away an eruptiOnli and -r�i neatly wel/."—
Ida C.' Voung, Hamilton, Ill* •
,Keetie, the tragedian, his purchased an
Old homestead on the Hudson.
-a•-•" Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamo-
mile Pills are worth their weight in gold
in nervous and sick beadsehe."—Dr. H. H.
Sohliohter, of Baltimore. • •
The itcliaintie hale for the Salvini-Morri
engagement at the Boston Museum has
retched over 06,000.
• "Many silly people despise the pre-
cious, not understanding it." Thi,t 'no one
despises Kidney -Wort after having given it
a trial. Those' that have used it agree
that it is Weir the best Medicine known.
Its action is prompt, thorough and • lasting.
Don't take pills and other mercurials that
poison the system, but by using Kidney.
Wont restore the natural motion of all 'the
Auld 40., Hold Emit. . ,
Patience is genius. Count nbt the
ures. Keep heart and try again. Failure
"after failure come upon up, and it, is then
despondency coes and urges us to give
Corns came '130011 after the early budding
time of youth and hung on as firmly its the
love for the almighty dollar. In vain
14PtiriMente we heady chipped -aid burnt
our feet off. Fortunately an a very last
experiment We commenced the'. use of
POtnam's Painless Corn Extractor. ' Perse-
verance rewarded, for . Mir , 00*he disap.
peered as by magic. .We Can cheerfully
testify that IV is, the only sure remedy for
corns. Try it, friend: N. C. Poison dc Co.,
proprietors, Kingston.
.Father—" I congratulate you; Bertha;
have :just 'arranged for your betrothal."
To whom, papa?" Kush, child, bow
can You be so,„inquisitive It is as yet a
business secret.'
. •
The Age et alfrseleo
is past, tihd Dr, Pierce's "Golden -Medi-
cal Discovery" will not raise, the dead,
will not cure you if 'your lungs are almost
wasted. by•ceneumptioa It is, however,
unsurpassed both as a pectoral and alters,
tiVe, and will curobstinate and severe'
diseases of the throat and coughs,
and. bronehial` affections: • By virtue ' of its
wofiderful alterative properties cleansee
and enriches ',the blood, cures pimples,
blotches and eruptions, and causes even
great eating ulcers to heal: •
The difference between a long and abort
yarn is -very well illustrated by the differ-
ence of 01300 *tinge in holding &skein for
one's grandmother or for one's sweetheart.
VV, known that consumption is not
entity or peculiar font of disease that pan
be antithited by a ewe -all Or specific,hOt
is rather29,4asting „awayor tissue starve -
'tion from lank Of nerve power And failure,
of food supply owing to :indigestion and,
itaLiteeimilaticin, invalids' will cease
irritate. and , over -Stimulate 'the "organic
functions by strychnine: whiskey ' and
opium 'preparations,' which do positive
harm and resort only to those sources of
energy nature furnishes -for the nutria& of
the body as combined. in WIIEELBIllS.
-Elixitet•Phosphateaand.Calisaya. ••
mpg -
what V' "Why, how do you tindyourielf P"
a beerpr ".Beer&--7;t---whereFV-144sliivo,
b w do you feel V "Feel me, and see.
"Good morning, Mr. Smith." •
Wells'it Dough ina parole!
Ask for Wells' "Rough on ()erne" 1513,
Quick, complete, permanent our* Corns,
warts, bunion* ;•• -
• • • •
Julia, ray littlecherub, when does your
sister • Mamma retard?" don't
know." Didn't she say anything before
she went away ?" Julia," She sold, if
you oaths to meg' her, she'd be gone sill
Get Ale Original.
• And's!! complaints eta Rheumatic nate% •
milittagsTINS Is not a toyereiii remedy Tor
"ell the ills that flesh is heir to t AEU
complaints of Rheumatic naturet
Froth •Ifir. Edward.
.. law •Iltanti of toiannecer•
1): ;$33. Sc.81e(3,-4114II a41:t.infae*:;41411:11'tultrOi:Oleerti'lical:8:e:i.
• yesterday's date, trading my experiencein regard
to Illieumetinef and I have no hesitation
ever in pronouncing it a 'success in my ease, and
in heartily recommending the rowdy to those. '
ellIferiOt trent i 'Offered for
menthe Withfthat trouble in my. right .arm ant
shouldeCendiften wad. finable:0 my hand, . ' .
and at night the pain Was frequently ".soHgreatits
to render sleep firtganelhiiitl. I OM* cootel
that, entertained it rePegnane• to " Patent '
medicines, but some Of my PrIende persuaded'
me to try Itbeumatine 'end although it may be
true that I might, have got well without it, one
thing I do know, that, atter *king tour bottles
the pan took its departure, an4 I have now the
11 boundedueof success, niVs!atlin'i fin beam-Lilyl1 1wish10YrO911411; • -
jean that you advertise it tate. b • ' '
am. my deg yours OVA rrOlti.,_, • ••
. • .• • 'Fr01011TATA!
4. "Re,. .41i Co:, Whesieealk ; A fliertUr
hrr pAviotats.: 0,NT,•••••
• • '
ft.. .111. .
Di. Pierce's "Pellet*" 'the Original
"Little Litter 'Pills" (sug&r.00sted) Cure
Sick and bilious. headache,' 11011W 100011011
and i‘i110119 attacks. By druggist*:
• • •
said a doting unoliiiio his
little lleplieW, who hat been absent all day
fishing, "did you Catch a goad sneaky fish ?"
"No, uncle; but I drowtied a good many
Worms," wos the sonny's lansWer.
Dr. Pierce's "Favorite prescription," for
all those weaknesses peculiar to. women, is
au unequalled. remedy. Distressing. back-
ache' and bearings.down" stenhationayield
to, its.' strength -giving properties. By
druggists.* , • , •
A philosopher says: "Live yourlife in
such a. way as to /Mow a contempt ' for
wealth." That's " ust" . We. wont our
daily life so intermingled with.wealth, malt
were,that familiarity will breed contempt
, .
• Den?* Pie in the illhavia,
• "Rough on Rats deers Out rats, mice,
resobesk bed Lbugs,•?Lire, Ant*,
monks, gopher* 1,5o. . •
A.Sceititih laird surprised friends at
b$T.. earn:link 11360111S.- fifiest grapes'
be lust ever, eaten were grown the ven.
air m Fiteshire. . Their Surprise 'W'an Wok
orated, •heWever, when, he returned to the
14,71,10 ir..-:,-ti2I'S0/7 • 2r1,1410
*, Oktarir Dew
" Health Renewer" restores health=
and vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence,
sexual debility, et. •
What distinguished his career 'Toni thit
of every one 'else was the feet that all
through- his life Peter Cooper ;reserved
something the simple faith with which
he Bet out se a boy.
• •
It Was °beamed that when Mr. Parnell
pronounced his name in the Muse Of OM;
mons lately he laid theaccent onthefirst
syllable—Parnell. '
Iii*r OW ;and' Ault *ad Sensate.
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'froi all Oltesteee bribe' thump and
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Office/it New York
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halehatily bees ratonisieigtsral*ve :betel dr MON at
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nr err-
In re pray sofid theirearireisi and'In O. SAMS. e
, SOO& ear rite relshimeheare toeddresa - •
VarSAASSOUMAI4kel4011*•44. So* York
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TH MIN Is not oniff a newspaper; tile also
ithieted.begivelnigtixeselels hiof general 1Lweenr. tifterbt
now. that Is entrant 'In the world* lb.
Its willograY. edition contains
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sciiptIon: V 't
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