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AoAtto,..”-I •
191B 4iLY, .CIRE,
A •oopoto“;
Jottings 9f 'Specie( Interest to Mothere
ing daY, MO under Ooneideration, X netieed
all artielefroM a loog-ago neighbor in
Western State -one of those noble pioneer
women, , the remembrance of whom • re.
Miiide one of-Pahrti deeoription • " If ehe
havebrought up Children, . if she •have
'edged straogers, if she have mashed the
saints' feet, Hobe have relieved the afilioted,
if olio have diligently followed every good
work." • She spoke of not patting her
paving Labor irk the., Xi:fob:en and olothes to soak over night, as elle maehed
011 Monday, anddidnot Wish -to -begin hok
week's work on the Sabbath. To Me itie
also an objeation and I find it quiteas well
to Bog, thedirtieet'pleces. Rubbing. thew.
slightly through the first watery. and if on
has goad 'soap it is just as 'Well as soaking
over night:Of eouree the main rubbing is
done in the. ettOolad Suds." My object ki
writing at thie time its to give a good Way of
ti2aking eat soap, vIhisila may not ,bo
fawilio1r to all-youtTeedere.-lirie Of the in-
gredients which we tise:_mere liberally than
bleeped with an inteiligent mother, who le many people is lime: A peek of quicklime
dainty.and refined in her reepners, and does 1. not• too much for aliarr°1 B41‘P' This
not 000sic4i it oeoesimry to be ..ouo woman is pieced near the top of the sells:sealed the
leach wet with cold: water , a day or two
' in the d,rawing-room and an, entirely dif.
life, but whd before we wish to Make the soap. Then
• •-ferent person in her every•day
is a 'true Mother:, always a tender, charming we riDt on boiling water, arid. use .the
,nrOman, ybit .will in' sealer habitsst:mngest lye t� "Put" the Mese* ' • We
, of Speech and' perfect manners repeated. in never use leee than it pound of clear grease,•
• her Children. Grest,rough men, and.noisy. or its equivalent, to a-gallonet eoap.---'•This•
amount of igrease. neutralizes he •CanfitiO"
..busy boys will always tone their voices and
effect of the lime and lye, so that washing
'etert..qtiietly.; aed try to be more mannerly,
day never leaves the fingers. so. Sore. that
When slie step) to give them a kind word or.
will they will hardly heal from One Week to.
:..1Asasiet arnfice-for 'a true :.mother
never faifto say or do all the kind pleasant another. Soap made in this way is not
• things the oao that will in any way help to jeliy that tells to the bottom of the tub and
is •witeted, but it adheres to the clothes
lift • un- 'and , cheer guise ,whose live* ere
"ohtided with care and toil. The Mother of like:salve, and by the time it is well rubbed
to..elay rules the *Old of t*orroW. Off thegarinent .•
ri •
:PrOPOWed-,Drebli ening
• . .
•• WathIMEN. In 'Worcs.%
The very 'swell thingAir for. ladies to go
gloveless when in full Arose.. The fashion
isnot at all popular yet. -bdt ' hide fair to
000213 • il2t0 'favor, as' ithas been.' pet by
several of the mosthdvinced leaders. It is
violent. changisoin_g_ittierj long,gloYea.
that till recently were in fashion. • The king
gloves were a blessing. to ,Wonied7,-Witlron.
attraeliiii,brit; the womenn with good
The victory is in favor of beautiful Arms,
which gees to show there Are more Of that
sort than the Other; Now that I think of
it, however, I-den't :ever remember that I
• A, Mother's Naniluenee.
It is hard- for a •:yotIng inether who has
not yet o'veroorne-Alle wayward •tendencies
• of her own youthful nature to, rea4e the
influence "she exerts over her little. ones.
She is constantly surrounded . by eritical
imitators, who copy her morals and man.;
ers ABthe-rootherikrom tithe- acne and
daughters:. If a fen:lily of children are
' . Some of • tbe----etatementemide-atTtliii'
recent meeting in London o o Rational
' '• Drone Society to consider reform .in
•WOman'ti dress are rather intimating, bd.
• beeautte • any ;one will 40 in the slightest
degree influenced by them,:.biit as showing
•. What•the restilte are 'when common'sense•.
• • is applied t t1.ie many absurdities in the
present diode of dress.Blre:AeLaretilald„
therknintylitd:Tairliid at three eon!.
' !No •• •
abolished; neend;;*•freedorS of, movement
and necessary warmth '• without Weight
• ;. Could net be attained' withont the adoption
. of some kindof divided skIrt; and third,fittc-
ever met a, woman. who didn't believe that
tuatiog fashion„. must be crystallized into •
• her_ arms.,mere-- beautiful. With men the
aritnetincbangingshape of dresis---Dr,Airili--;-
fashion has also changed radically. It has
• ardson said that menWoultlbesufferitigeveri. not been the proper'. thing ;or moil to weer
• day from colds -and brenehiat affectione, if
gloves with evening 'dress for some years
"thil# tient De women went, with the ripper
part of their bodies unclothed, and it "was Pest: • This season, however, both in Lon-
his''are Worn:
experielace in. the birge • MajOrity of /On and in Paris, light glove.s
eases of people -,born • with. consumptive They should not .be pureiwhite. The great.
• tend'ericiee brought under his notice; that glovemakeraolaim that -they Willbe ruined
• the atiliiie.of• the tniAohief was :exposure ,Of if .women decide to go without glovee:.
. • .. •.
the chest. Artists Must be left'td.speak of • . • ,All'Aborit the Kitchen Work.'
Color ofthe' outside dress, but the • "
Obler most serviceable in- this temperate A. lady, who for time was efirOpel1e4.
to all of her own kitelien *ark, • says L..,
'zone and the Color which Most accorded If ;every .iron pot,' • pan, kettle, for any
• with all that related to health Was the grey, 'utensil •Used...111 the eoohint..pf food, i3!'
0010r. For Cleanliness;effect of light•upOn
,• the body and warrath;: grey was the best
• color, black the wOrst,;„ Clothing•ehOuld be
as porouefte-ptissiblev-ankite thought:there
• . Was no substa,oce for dress like light,. lOose
Wo011en:616th. , .Shetland woollen cloth was
• the .beat. • He agreedwith the condemnation
of ladies' Veils as I-Oki:dons to :Vision. The
ladies of •:.tbis Society hat Made ti; real .id-
Venee•in deciding •In favor . of the 'divided
ikirt. ' : • •
• Oa -Beet, VionelOr Exerelee..tar
. • ,
Medical Men will tell you that about two
•• bourie. exercise in the open air .ithouid be
• taken every day., But this does not mean
you are to take it all at once. Beforebreak.
fast is a gOod Utile for a geritl&walk, yet
'the delicate swallow a mouthful .or
two of milk or eat's tiny biscuit ' before
going but; A glass of cold water does good
• too before ongi'e% Walk, and it itea good, plan
to walk.eay a quarter of a Milef',1Q:a•well,'
.,drmk a lass of Water there' and thin'
• return.: To those who • take- this edVitie
. tireekfastwill he anything but a 'make
• • believe. :Never • take .e.xergie bn . full
. Meal. From two or three hours after is the
• best time, and it. you . take .ydur principal
: exercise before 'dinner, . be mire to allow
' time fqr.at least lialf an hour of rest before
• you ail down else you are hu opening the
door for indigektion to walk in. and play
•'havoc *ith your health. , Exercise,to be
-.•••••••••••4.7-,----•••• Art--,---M,1341.11141biztr..P.0,#.7!
defy it. Defy the wind, the rein, ay,,and
Sleet anid snow itself '•,; for .'oue does 'not
,catch eeldrehen actuallytkiog exercise, I'
do asstiiik you... Finally, let. your exigent),
be varied, one day this khjd, and the other
that, but always pleasant,' always Pietisrir-
. able, and taken at the Name. &dire day after
'day. • You may find.it'irkionie at first, but
• it will soon become a habit, •tilid your
-guerdon will be -health. ,
Sleep' tor Children. -
IU.TrtaiiHg n C•101•eii, ll141013.--141TOIX
14310Vtilor Bloody Hod tworate7--Elergy,
oxen nod Liquor- Loth* r'gt 40004,1
, 411lnlvereotiry.-..-The nolsottlen Army.
The ,Hindoos are said rto have 330,000,000
gods. ,
Rev. J. B. Hamilten, of Rhode Island,
has given alocihol a new oaine. 1I calls it
"aqua tho water of death...
The Salvation. Army is said to have a
brisk eal$ of watobes inscribed " every
hour for Jesuit." -•
• The 1311r/eine Court of Pennsylvania:lute
deoided in a certain huit that a. Catholic
:Prieet ea,nnet recover salary .froko his
Repent discoveries, °Mary ancient copies
of the. Ohl TestamentScripturesin Hebrew
and ...fiebro•Russian have been •made at
Yemen, in.Aritbia.
' The Venerable , senior and •-• presiding
Bishop of the American Episcopal Church;
Dr.linaitb, may he said to have been a
oitizen under every President of the Vnited.
States: ' He was 5. years old when General
Washington died. • • •
In reference to the appointnient, of a
Parish minister at Scotland', a
correspondent, points out •that,altirugh
'0 the stipend is none of the largest, some-
thing over E15,0 and ii. lnanee, and - glebe;
there were over seventy candidatee."
. _ .
We understand that Prof. Robertson
SmithcontemPlateii, leaving Edinburgh
shortly and taking up his permanent rest
denim in Cambridge. ••It isnot probable
that he will be able to . attend the meetings
of theapproaching deneral Assembly. -
Christian Leaden -7'
The Presbyteries.of the Southern Pr 8-
byterian .0huredi have been' requested by
their Assembly to express" their opinious
respecting the prohibition, in the Con;
festoon of raith,of the marriage of e.man
With his deceased wife's sister.• . ,
Rev: Wilhlam Simegleod-has. commenced
his 'shore as a Sunday Selioel ,Wrissienar
of tho.1SiCptist 'Publication Society among
are, •it said, in the State* of .
Iowa, Nebraska and ' Reuses, about 30,000.
i tf
The followinig email . compendium o
what a house of worehip should be is from
an English paper tr" Free froni, all draughts,
kite from all delusione, free from all -false
doctrine, free40 all men ,and free from all
debt."' , • . • ;
. The ancient church/of Birdbrook, Eng-
land, contains,v, nicinumental slab bearing
itt, Swan Int), . BlaY.t4Orne End, PI
the extraordinary record-: "Martha. Biew-
this parish. buried May 7th, n1361.. she
was the Wife of nine, husbands consiteu7
tively„ but the ninth outlived her." •
• 0.
Was Igor itintealetti the *gestalt oi. Arestoole
The 011riOUS attack which Lady Florence
Dixie states to have been made upon her
by ine.11 disguised as women, and frow.
whose daggers she was mercifully saved by
the interveptiou of a Meet bone and a dog,
has given rise 'to niuch onnament in the
London pries. The following remarks from.
the Stitish lifedie4 'journal are interesting:
Recent circumetanoes havedireeted atten-
tion tO certain , remarkable .deluaions JO
which • females of unstable, nervous
equilibrium are subject, either through
hysteria or through similar disorders of
the nervous system. Charcot and Bourne:
vine give inetancee .ef ' the extraordinary'
self-deceptienet) that are • frequent among
hyoterioal patients. Dr. Legrand du Saville,
phygiciau to the Salpetriere; Paris, describes
in hie standard work,- "Les Hyeteriques,"
some remarkable 'oases of hallucination,
where fenia•les labelled under the belief that
they. have been struck Or stabbed by others,
even' after bavidg inflicted blown or wounds
Upon themselVen.. In one instance a Young
woman found by. ber buaband lying on
the floor of her room
in a'fainting.fit, her,
face oavered with blood. On reviving from
her BWOOD elie stated that she had. been
attaoked by armed men;.the Parisnews-
papers related the case, and within three
weeks. two similar events Occurred in
the French metropolis. All these vises
proved to be fabrioated by the supposed
vietinis. A young girl watinded herself,
slightly With a pistol. She gave the police
authorities the mist minute details about
an,imaginery assassin, Who, according' to
..kter.itociount,, fi red -the **Rho,- but she
found.,t6 be highly hysterical, and, it Was
proved that she had wilfully wounded her-
self. In third .case in Dr. du Saulle's
eieperience, a ,youog woman was found ide:
railway -carriage, stabbed in the left eicle.
The ineident.eadeed great excitement, but
it:was proved.....contrary4o-her:-assertiOn
that the bid. inflicted the Wound herself,
and -was rii.-laysterical eubjeet...A Etatisa
maid was found lying behind a cloi,pmaml,..
"TeiWnferFd6Verecriiitr- gimes. ; She
stated that she had been brutally Attacked'
bytWo burglars with blaokened 4064 but
she was a ' highly , hysterical •woman,
'and there appears to have • been strong
evidence that She:had contrived
40 tie her own hands and to gag and bruise
• herself. . Perhaps the strangest Case of all
-occurred in M. Tardieti's praotioe. Ayoung
lady; living at CaprbevOie; wished' to Make
he elf f bli
ing .as a victim' of politioal..conemracy,
whieh she pretended t� have diiloovered. One
night she was found in a state of the great-
est mental perturbation at the door of 'her
apartment., She .could not talk; but stated
in writing that ilie•had been attaoked out,
tide her own bowie by 'a man, who had
attempted' to garrote her, at .the same
time striking. her Avviee with a' dagger.
OnlY -the lady's oletbing was 'injured,
. Canon • Wilberforce has been .paiision-
ately defending himself at, Plymouth
agsimst the two clergyroen who presumed
to call hini heretical for saying that any-
thing oreMed Grod ' was a• -Give
washed .. is 110011 as emptied„: and. while. him,he etelitmen, one -drop of fermented
wine made by God, .• and lorwe,uld 'drink it
on the sent, '-"The otuitm/e. eloquence has
eatitied 3,000 persona to join., the bine rib-
bon a week. . . :
IteVivaliet Blies told Boston. ,congrega-
tion that Moody and Sankey reoeived a.
lively reception at Oxford. Six hundred.
undergraduates attemptedta.breek Op the
first meeting. They boisterously applauded
Sankey when be sang hiid Moody when he.
preached.. On the second night they inter.
rupted the serviterby rattling their canes.
Moody Went down among them, seized two
of the prinoipal•disturbers, and declared he
would throw them out•if they did ;twine
quiet: This pit an end. to the young men's
and bektivior, • ".
'".What ie .PrOmieed to the righteous?'
asked it. mild and itniable Sunday Belief:A
teacher of .a small child at the far end of
.her class.: • 1" Eternal ,• bliss," quickly
reeponded 'the ." Quite right,' my
dear. child," • said the mild and amiable.
And new tell what is ponies& to the
wicked?" • •‘' "Eternal blister, ma'am," was
the. prompt reply. Theteaolier pronounced
it theologically oorreet, but peculiarly
expreesed. . ' •
The approaohing 400th -anniversary : of
the , birthday of the great German te-
rm:try: • .,11.40in,54..0.,th.c.izt.t..tate.c.4itOri
still het, half the lithos will be saved." It
is eaiimple habit:te acquire, and the Wash-
ing or pots and kettle* by. this means
loses some of its distasteful aspeats.' 'No;
lady seriously • °Niche to " Washing and
wiping the crystal and silver, but to tackle;
the black, greasy,. and .formidable -looking
ironware of the .kitolien takes *good deal
of sturdy brawn and. ,mtniele, as well'as
Coninion. souse.
If the range . wiped carefully with
brown . paper, after aookieg greasy, food,
it 'can be kept bright with little difficulty':
Stoves and. .ranges should be imit free
from_BOot in 'ail tionipartnients. A' clogged
hot air passage prevent any oven from
baking yell, , " • '
When the draught is imperfeetthe defect
frequently. arises from tbe chimney being
todlow. To remedy the evil the' chimney
should be 'milt up, or a chimney -pot 'added.
It is an excellent plan for the mistress
to acquaint ' herself . with the spraotical
_Workings of her range, "Unless her servants
are. exceptionally geed, for many bin-
drannes to well -cooked food arise from
some.misurideretanding ef or imperfection
in this article.
A clean, tidy kitchen oarionly he secured
byhaving a place for everything and every-
thing in its place, and by frequent,soottring
of thelopin and utensils. ' •" . .
rv-kz,t,.; trrel-And -
Unless dish -towels are washed, sehlded-
and thoroughly dried daily, they. become
'musty and unfit for use, as does also the
disholoth. • •
Cinders make a very hot fire -one par•
tioularly good for ironing days.
Went soap suds • (not too hot) from the
wish tub will make house plantegrOV very
fast. • •• ,
Milk keeps ficini souring lotiget in a
shallow pan than in a milk pitcher. • Deep
pans Will make an, equal amount of cream.
There is no danger that children Can Hash' smoothly plastered down will f,Otir
'sleep to much. The old proverb, "he who more readily, than . if left in the chopving
ideeps,.,eats," is illustrated: in. IliCise little bowl ciachMOBS'being well -expelled to tho.
ones who sleet; most, Wakeful, children air- • '
. • are almost alwars peevisb, irritable and, Sauce, ',plain., and for immediate • use;
lean. If they can be induced to sleep should not be put into .a jar and ocivered
-abundantly, they are quitelikely to become while warm, else..ib will change and..fer-
• gOod-natured and., plump. Their elesp went Very.quickly. It will keen some days
should' be as Much during, the hours of with ettee in the putting up. Let it stand
darkness •as possible, and ,therefore it until perfectly cold, then put into.a stone
is -better that they ithould go to bed before jar. • •••
sunset to have their sleep out, than to lie • • .
long after • sunrise °in the morning. It is Ver Indeed.
•• Well to let any healthful, growing ehild or
young person sleep until he wakes himself,
and give him such variety and ameunt of
• out -door' exercise as Shall, make him glad
• when bedtime returns, •
How to keel) Slivertrare.1 .
Solid silverware as well aa • plited goods
grows dark and tarnished in a very shot
When exposed to the air, and even
• When put Away in a dark Nage. This is
•eapeCially the case where hard coatis used ,
in the house or neighborhood, as the
• suiplittr in the coal, liberated by heat, it)
afire to stain all the 'silverware 'within
reach. This annoying tarnishing tan be
entirely prevented by .13ainting. the silver-.
Were with a soft brush dipped into alcohol,
sta..go oultogibrs traabcn
-Solved. no liquid dries immediately and
forts a thin, transparent and absOlutely
Ithisible coating upon the' silVer, which
Oompletely proteots it from all effects of
' the stmospbeire, otos It oein he reflidvefit at
• .Water. This recipe bas beett It use for
• sometime.
movies Amber.
"Dearest, Sweetest, what is it? Are you
Rick? What ails my precious pet?" and
the young.'husband bent tenderly over the
graceful form of his blushing bride-
"Oh,.Adolphus Edward, it's too dreadful
for anything." • ' .• '
"Dad news from, home ?"
" Worse, worse! Oh, what shall I do ?"
"Tell your own darling hubby:" 9
"It's that awful Selina Tarbox, she's-"`
She'rA what, my prat:lions 2"
She's got a bonnet trimmed exacitli like
nune and to.morrow s Sunday 1' .
Then -the afflieted beauty burled her face
in her husband's breast and trickled her
.pearlytears all over Ida 08 shirt.
-.. Molboult41 -evoiaba. Mr& Yu.
White, Police Magistrate of St. Thomas,
was leaving his office he slipped on a piece
of ice and fell -heavily, breaking his leg.
Thie will probably confine' him to.the house
forrt inrkFt Mello%)
-•Itittdif (11farchesa del. Grillo)
recently appeared in a Roman theatre in a
benefit perflerreatice 'of " Maria Antoinette,"
and showed that her age, 65 yeari had
Scalia time Aga, wheh the eihretatraeh. "eidly unpaired her powered
n#T41401.1rPinenc• Vt"2,1"021,11 lot )
honorably celebrated; ' A very interesting
resolution has been come to in Germany..
The Old (Wade' Church at Wittenburg, QD
the door of whiolis Luther nailed his im-
mortal these», has long been in Fl1i0fi. By
way of celebrating the event it is proposed
to restore the church. , There Onifid.hartily
be a more fitting memorial.
Bishop Campbell, of the African Metho!
dist Church„ publishes an moonlit Of the
treatment which he received on a 'Georgia
railroad train.. He; sat in a parlor oar,' for
which he had bought a ticket, when a
;brakeman ordered him out, and; as he
refused to go, the CO dilater aided in forcing
, him to the sthokin • ear. The Bishop made
9, complaint to t superintendent okAhe
"road, but nothing was. done 'about it.
Another negro Blehop, Dr. Cain, was, in
, 1884 ejebted from a first-elass oar, *bile
travelling with his Wife in TeXas; and both
were compelled to take their nests in the
smoking Oar, greatly to their disetrinfort.
so also, in 1882, Bishop Payne. of the bathe
Church, while travelling in Florida; was
subjected to the sanie indignity. The latter
rs an objecto pti interest ,bypass.,
and the body ef her dress .and her
corset were &Med to be out through, but
at different level% :She triedto make
out that the attempt at strangulation had
asaused • dumbness. 'M. Tardieu remarked
iin her bearing . that this nfirmity rapidly
disappeared when produced- under °intim-
stances Of this kind; She soon nianaged to
regain her speech,„,aad short time
'admitted that the whole narrative had been
developed out of her inner -noneoiCuanees.
Eonentricity in .relatives is ever' strongly
presumptive of selkleception when a female
makes any statement or charges of ill -treat -
Meet of any kind. The constant fear of
assassination, especially if basedlin reaeona-
grounds, is particularly liable to•Pre-
dispoie nervous or excitable eubjeots to
extraordinary delusions of this kind.
Engliesh reorerbs in Portuguese Preeo,
That unique'vohuie, "Tho New Ginide:
of tbe Conversation in Portuguese • and
eglieho” .was published and committed to
the world in, perfect good faith by the inno-.
cent author Pedrii..Carolino. Perhaps the
Most amusing part of this luminous nom.
pendium is that under the head of
Idiotisms and.Proverbs "i
• The necessity don't knew the hew:,
T� meat any 012e 110eenent-110den
Pe, few, the bird make her neat. .
•erials•With •the hand Of
the' est. • ' ••
Keep -the chestnut of the fire: with the
oat toot. • • •
'• So much go the jar ie spring that at last
it break there. .'.
" There is not better sauce, •whoehe,
Tell me who then frequentir Will tell you
which you are. • . • ' .
It wants.. not to speak •,of a rope In the
house of a hanged. .
• Jees
Conviet'o guile to 010181
A last (11' Ondia4lyk°) King.
despatch says: A convict in the pent
tiary has made a MOtt liDgehitele Atte
tO.'he011r0 hie -liberty. It is the Onsto
got:mile When:they enter their .cells a
supper to Fill the, door • behind them u
the lever falls intb theeockeW gult
on Makingthe usut1 ioapeotion to Bee t
all the doors were olosed and every Mall
his 9011,1Zelind 600 door open, but•sem t
inmate, as he thought, ,sitting
bed •with „ his . hand .0p • to
head. The. guard !Woke, •, hut 1430e1V
110 " mower. Thinking the • cony'
was 'Fria, he, entered the; cell a
touChed him en'the 'hack, %Oen the. Aga
fell Over on the iroOr. The offiCial found ph
he had been addressing a !gaffed men,wife
the istinviOt Was be did not know. An alar
li Vt. ewasi ooteyp tgubell,quiet.
4 o
wtli 0h ihee ra
btinr 0
was instituted, when •the miming 'oulpri
.who had seen that his diseppearanee bit
been noticed, Came walking out of the tail
shop and gave hiineelf nip: He had repaire4
to that Beet to don 4, eat Of oivilledall
'clothes,' and when alt was quiet, be intendat
scaling the walls and m eking hiniself Hoare*,
It 'appears that he Utilised the straw in hii
bed -tick to stuff the, figure, wbioh he hal
'left in his cell. • ; • , ,
jamtdriceesellieuritheiGyrnan9dal;;; at S.
Catharines yesterday Judge Baleen •elede
the following remarlis concerning; the ad*,
mission of the evidence of aguostiee in the,
trial of cases:. , I regret very :muchtlute,._
th'Dominion Pantiainent threw: out the ;
bill Whichwetild have allowed agtioetics
ethers to. give 'evidence'. ' I regret it 'booboo
it appear!) to be a• public Mistake to judge
.of itin the way in which it appears to WO
been lodged by Atiiiersl, members of thia
'Muse of Commons. '14•40-18; not ..that 'ant
soneWho do not beitevaiti islihiprenieBeen
[ future state; but it is n faot thirk
, " 'T'sunor.,01.7"--24040.
of „the.. 'opportunity • of -getting -the,.
evidence Of •the. only Map that
perhaps, be the Mame of proving his inno-
: The • 'proper admini.3tration
Justice demands that tali parties be pea -
witted to give evidence, Whether hyalite._
Mation or in snob ether tveyali the. parties
say is binding on their .conemence, leaving
to the jury, which is the•jUdge cif, tbe fact% ".
to Say what ainOttnt 9f,oredence should be ,
given to the evidence given under 'mkt,
eareunietance's. • I Rey I regret it, and L'
hive, if you Are of the Same opinion wit%
myself, that you will strengthen the handi
of those who take the meroifnl view that
is -desirable that all the evidence thaf•00.14
be given maybe brought out in Order tha*.
the parties acemeed, of crimes„ And *he
may have no other incline of . estibliehinji
their innocence; 'bitty avail ' theinselves
the evidence of all." • . , •
God give the cold according to the dress.
' The mounte.in in work put out a mouse.
After the death the doctor.
He is not so devil as he is black. '
Oat welded fear the -cold water.
Spoken of the wolf, one sees the tail.
So many heads, so touch opinions.
What comein to me for an ear get out -
for another.
Four eyes does see better than two.
To tome beak to their muttonii.
And here. to quote finally from Monsieur
Caroline, we mustremember that 0.1tis not
'Ake whole to begin, but to finieli."
Must that I diemount."
Bishop is past 70, and, retherthan go in • ,,,,_ , ,_._., Ara.
firriOng the smokers„ he walked twenty . vary Lover'.'-j.:',IiiAntinainghrtawmi:knovni.
miles, carrying his baggage on his back, in
.young lady. 111 the western section of the
order to fulfil an appointment with his
preachers: •
city, died suaaeoiy ,of heart disease late
• .Tuesdhy night, at the residence of lier
• • Ohloroforns:Experhnento • parents, under circumstances ie'peonliar
_ A French surgeon. Bays that on -chloro- sadness. A young man named John Calla -
forming setae nikie and lifting them by hen, to whom she was soon to be niarrled,
their tails they tried to bite, but on laying ,called dOring, the evening. He remained
them again in a -horizontal position they Until. about 10 o'cleelt when he started to
resumed insennibility. Acting en this hint, leave, MISS Cunninghani caught his arm,
when a patient showed ague of collapse
under a dose of chloroform, be .drepped the
patient's head ever the bedside and raised
the feet quit&high. The patient at o e
heeame emeeelous ; when had straight
the bed ts beeatatt intengbioegoill, NA
retlith to loivering the heed and raining the
• A
'useless! might.
I.T.0Worry about any Liver, Kidney et
Urinary Trouble;espeoially Bright's Diocese
Or Diabetes, asItest-Bittere newer fails of ft ,
mire where' a cure is possible. We knoll'
anlo.prilarain6119aiaebta8Pthr°entliidiat ftobraktedbauPvil .
formed large clumps may bo taken' up an*divided ; in replenting, e them a new
. ,1991111
• Manysink into , an early grave by n
givingimmediate • Attention to a " !dig
cough whioh oould be stopped in time by
the use of a, twenty-five cent bottle of Di&
Wister's Pulnionio Syrup.
. 1•••, •••• . • • .
". • 0- • , • .
A North Carolina woman, aged 50,-4
just 'begun to learn to read. Probably ehil
wakinforreed by an enemy that her vac*,
was in 018) of the local papers- "Whentk.
woman's curiosity is One arinised•therel
no telling what she will do in , order *
gratify it. • iv • " .
•Ii[THEN MAN Agattyns AT MIDDL11.•
VV Age it is tithe to tate attiek••'of
tomatoes of energy reinitining. to run
machinery -of the body), >Many hardwork,.
'2tIti- :g•aiivitv.:44ngalo -:fdr lif
Examination tooky 'diaiover .soine; late'
dioease -:reqttirltig ibetnediate ettentiOn
sedure the Vital forces from rapid whine,
CALISAYA posseises .sPenialr power ti
damage and invigorate weak organgs
and its timely tise may.prevent mtieh''
lering and greatly prolong , '
A person beingltaked ,why he bad give*.
his daughter in ,therriage tO 'Man WI*
whom he was at enmity answered, "
it Out of .pure'revenge.'
*Both Lydia•• E.. rinkhanes ' Vegetabl,
Compound „and Blood Purifier are prepareg
at 233 and 235. Welitern •AVellue, '
Mass. ' Prima of either, ill; Six bottles -for
$5..• Sent by Min the form of pills, or 0/
lozenges. on reoeipt of prige,,111. per box fot
either. litre. Pinkham freely answers 14
letters of inquiry. Enclose stamp.
Send for pamphlet, ,fifentiore thispiper,
If lasts bitoa, why do spend two'
third!) of their tin:m.6h their heir and look
Jog tip the moot killing.etyles
Dr; Piene " Pellets ' -httle liver rile
(stigarooated)-purify the blood, speedily.
correct all disorders of the liver, stomittli
and bowels. By druggists.
, • —.....—.
• Life is like peak of cards. Childhood'
best cards are hearts; youth is won by
diamonds; middle age is oonqiiered with Is
club; whilaeld age is rhked in by &spade.
" Your Skin dare ft supereveliento It• fa, % I
saying, °4 Please. do not go yet." He /get curing nay daughter's ring Item, tehzeit ,
turned, with smile gentle - protestatkin, hod toread alt over her body:" Mrs. E. Ti. I.
when he notified that ehe was very pale, Marrone, Bluellill„ Matte. - Drifggleth bell -
and gaspiO .8 for breath. 4 tto caught hor in, it, $.1 per package.
hie egms and called for assietenoe, but he it,- „ • . -4---- — ' .•
fee. foorotnto sho VE1S .8C^40 Mt. V. b. n wile, g4554 Zia' youtigo, hut, the ilia dye- rola
4i*o1nstati, of the Coltitncia Ilospitel, was viniene towns.
-0., Dr Saloon's Celery and Chamomilit.
Pills are worth their weight in gad_ in per.
feet lei tett itietitee wet equired to (*Mr), , bent for, and arrived promptly,.but too late
teract the chloroform. it ii thought that
by this treatment anenthetionmay 1,e tised
with great eitlety,. •••,
la -win -Booth ill return from urope in
A. little bran or os•tratiatstll soften wittor,
soid a very smell quantity bi •Sede will do
for his services to be of any aril. -Wash-
ington POItto •
we lisipeit to thini of it', we
elerays feel, glad we are not • an tincie0
Poineir. The clothessemi to be sir y
enough and they appear, to lit 611,80, but it
MUM 1114,6 bete very trying ,to be ,00m..
penall to -talk lit blank verse all
Behliolitter, of 43altiralere.
_ A 'little bOyinutbeeri sent to dry a $0***
before the nursery fireplace. 411 Many*
it done when it is brown?" he mkodo *h*tbeiewsi hogon to aniohc