HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-04-20, Page 60
. 6
• • - ,a1PM-47,%'21(17, • • • .
4 noTIEnn Nora,
Yes, X know there are stains 04 my Carpet
• The traces osinafl,imuldy
Audi seeyour far tapeetry glowing,
And spotless with blesser= and traits!
And I kalow thut my walls are disligured
• With prests of small ringers and halide; *
And that your own household most trial'
In immaculate polity, stands. _
,Arad I know that tatty parlor ia litteredf\s-e
With inen y odd. treasures and toys;
While your own is in daintiest% order.
Unharmed ley the presence of boys
And I know that taproom is ineacled
Quite boldly all hours of the day;
While you Bit in our unmolested
• And dream the sett quiet away!
Yee, I know there are four little bedsides
Where 1 =1St Stand, watchful each night
While• you can go out in your carriage,
And flash in your dresties so bright.
'‘How I think Prn a neat littlte woman;
1 like my houseorderly, o,
Arad am fond of allde,1nb(glongings ;
Yet would not change placewith you.
No keep Your thilyheine with its order,
Italreedora from blether -and uebur:
.And keep your awn fanciful leisure,
' But give me my four splendid hoysl
• ,
• J
A New,,moinen ntinWills*.••
Miss Polly Betsey Patterson,
• In a &tether Hubbard -cloak
And a Mother Hubbard -bonnet,
With's most beWitching poke,
One morning met a curly dog. • • .
Lie was of medium raise -
His ears were drooped, his tail *aa limp, .
And the tears steed in his 'eyes. • ,,.
• Said Polly t� the curly dog* •
"Why do you leek so sad i00 k.
"BeOPAlge" replied he, with a sniff,
• '''•The tibias are very bad. •
"You see," geld he, "the streets are 'full
° Of little Mother Hu-bbards
„ • Initt.d..
' •
Betsey: "'Come with me.
• 'T would melt a heart of atonal *
ra give, you lots el bread and milk,
- And e'juicy mutton bene." .•
She took him home and fed him well;
• His tears were turned to laughter ; • •
And now, wherever Yolly goes,
The curly dog troth after.
•--litec6nor Hynter, in ;gt. Nisholig ,for Arra.
' • '
• •
%TEM. AtAIDN:fit ClidlOg. -
Genteel in personage, •
Conduct and equipage ; •
Nobe by heritage, "
• •Generous and free;
' Brave, net reniantio;
Learned, not pedantic ;
• • 'Frolie, net frantic- '
This -must he' be.
Honor maintaining; !
Engaging and new.
•. ea,Nbut not finical; ,
Sage, but not cynical ;
Never tyrannical- •••
Butuver true!
. ..
• "The sermon -ah. and by the way,
I smiled when Mrs. Brewri
Came sailing down •tbe aisle todo
In her new Eatiter gown; .
' she's sot a waist
• As big as three of mine ' • • •
And yet 'she has the vulgar taste
• To say her figure's fine!: ,
thetent-oh,, do you like my hat
And•territ'cotta dress?, • • .. •
..NP*, don't you dare to sneerliketautt-: •
Come, Baxter, tell me yes!' • , '
know you're sick and ceuldn't go ,
' 1 To church with rep t� -day. ' : •
But you'd be very proud, Iknow, .
• If you had seen the way
of took the other women done. '
With all my Easter gear' ;
And as for that old 5Ire. Brown-, .
She's hcrrid-ain'tphe, dear ". • ,
. •
, . . .
• "/LoVe niejittle, •ll•Ve Me long,"
Sang the•diisty miller "
leo his wheat art; and his song
• Did a Mediae and thrilliher,
• 'Bid Inabarley hope. • 0 glee
Me one ,grain 'of conifer' ;
would oat on thee and live
Holding on to•initanfOrte
• •
In your rye_s now lwri0°-
4: • ••=="Si.67.-.rilifrttraa- p asure,
'0 hominy joys are mine,•
' Villinginimy-xneasureLik,
. .• 'came the inaidenls norn•full•laugh.
• • • • ' ' • Attliemillertelfewrring;"•'*.
"Oren can't whine* girls with -chaff-,
•. • Sir! to you geed morning.
• '•
Anisnale that latamon.
. ••
'Olive 'Tborne in„. the Christian Union.
gives the. folloWing,„ineident-ia•-tendng-ta••
•-lterifoliat aniinals• reason: • "One day the
: cat and parrot had a quarrel. ' I think the
oat had .upset P011y's food; or something of
. that kind; ;however. they :seemed alt right
. again. An hourer eoafter, Polly Wasetand-
ing,On the edge of the table; she 'called out,
in a tone of . deep affection. Paoli, puss,.
omne then, .00ree then, i)ussy.' Pusey went,
and looked up innobentlY• enough: Polly
with her beak seized a basin of milk stand-
ing..by, and tipped the basin and all itti}obe•
tents Over the cat; then ()hackled 4ifiboli.
sally.. Of ,course it 'broke the in' and
• tan -drowned the oat:" ' •
the Stage Bald' ertd6 •
. •
Of the Stage bald' he and 'the average
stage whiskers -the/Laramie Pomo-rani
'Ow The stag ald head is generally
Made Of the in reel economy ,of a cow,
. dried so that Wabines and out „to fit the
•fistulas tig y as al potato.sack_Would_nat-
rirally-fit-bilifird"-ane. It is generally
• about four shades whiter than the red face
of th Ivearer, or vice verso. . icr6 do not
kno4 which -is the worst violation Of
et'ornal fitness; the red. faced man who wears
/al deathly *bite bald 'head or the, pale
young man who wears a florid roof on his
- You oan never get a stage bald
bosh near enough like nature to fo01, the
averagebouse ftk: A fty knows in two mo-
ments whether it is the genuine oVonly ti•
bees iiiiivatiOn."‘
Woman's rites -L -Marriage ceremonies.
The state of Prince Itieniara's health
�tiill contimiett nesatisfactory. He slitters
Ditch less than formerly from paint] and
O swellett veins in the lower limbs, but. there
can be no doubt that the; once- iron bohsti-
tation of the' Ottaneellor has ,undergone a
&Sege faithe worhe, se that he isnow very
misoeptible t� atmospherio changes. ,
Mr. Beecher in a late lecture said 1116
best lightning rod for your own protection
• is your owh repine" 'Henry needn't think;
" however, that a sensible man is going to sit
est on a ridgepole of his barn during a
thunder shower just becauseo the above
• „
statement. '
Ala htitereating lekispter Irons the Life ofla
. Pronsineht Gentleman.
[Boston (tfasa) Blobto -
The readers of this per were More or
leas amazed at a most remarkable state-
ment intim one of our leadingeitusens which'
appeared in yesterday's lone.. So unusual
were theicirouinstancea -00nueoted-With-it,
and so mu& comment did it 000seion on
the street and social circlet], that a repre-
sentative of this paper was oftintuissioned
to investigate its details and verify its facts.
The article referred to was a statement
made by Mr. B. P. Larrabee, formerly of
Loudon, but now 'of the New 'York & Bos.
ton Dispatch Express Conipany,,,•whoSe
office is on Arch street. Mr. Larrabee was
found by the newspaper man in his private
office, and on being questioned said;
• "Well, sir, logantlly 1 have been dead,
but really I am as you Hie me. A little
over a year ago I. was taken sick. My
trouble was not some`at first, and I
thought it was the result of a slight cold,
Somehow ' I felt unaccountably •tired at
times although I took an abundance:1,d
sleep. Then, agai,p,• I had dull and strange
pains in Vedette parts of my" body. My
appetite was good one day and I had none
whatever the next and my head pained me
more or„less muoh of the time. A while*
afterward I noticed niuoli that was•peou-
liaraltout the Snide I was passing and thM
a sediment, scum and a strange accuinuta-
tion appeared in it. Still I dici.not realize
that these thingemeant anything serious.
and I allowed the illness to run along until
on the 28th of Ootober I fell' prostrate
while .walking along Tremont street.
I was • carried home and nonstantly
attended by ray regular physioien,
but in spite . of - his skill I kept
groWingrivernemallxilaty- t Llt./13r4
asi'-'4:tg'fortii-2,14-t-''''‘',Witt "Waste.' This
relieved ma for the time, but I soon became
as bad as before. Then the doctors gave
me up entirely, and declared I' could.,
not liVe. more than twenty-four hours and
my daughter, who was residing in Paris,
Was telegraphed for: .Still ',lingered along'
for ieveral weeks, far more dead, than alive,
but never -giving Up hope. • One • night -it
was on the 20th of April, I very well remora-
berl-L,My' attendant who was reading the
paper to me, began an article . which
described my disease and inifferings exactly.
Ib told how some severe bathe] Of Bright's
disease' had been mired; and so clearly and
sensibly did it state the ease that I.deter-
mined, to, try the. means.... of cure:
which it, desoribed. So I sentmy.
Man to , the drug shire, procured,
v, bottle of the medicine ••• ..unknown
to my physicians and friends, and took the
first dose at 10 reclook. , At that. time I
.was suffering intensely: I could not sleep;
I had the short breaths and ceuldecarcely
get any air into my lungs. , I Was terribly
bloated from head to foot, and the :Motion
of My heart was irregular and painful.
The next 'morning 1 was able! to breathe
ireely ; the pain began to leave me and the
bloating deoieased. 1 continued t� take
. the medioine, and.tO-day, sir,1 am as well
as I ever was in my life, and,Wholly owing
to the wonderful,almost miraculous power:
of Warner's Safe Cure. 1 do not know
what this inedkineiti made of, or anything.
eke about it, but I knOw. it saved my life
When I was 'given tip by .the,dectora and
.had really been dead for weeks; ' that
it has -kept ineilk•perfeet health 'ever Since
and has .cured many of my friends to
whom I have recOmmended. it: My re-
covery.is so remarkable that it has' elated
much -attehtion; and physicians RS well as
others have .investigated it thoroughly.1
am glad they have, for I feel that the results
of Buohli wonderful eureshould be . known
to the ihouktlids in all parts of the land who
are suffering from troubles of the kidneys,:
liver or heart, in Bonn of their many dan-
gerous -forms." . • •„ •
'The representative of thepreen thanked
Mr. Istirabee for his very frank and. clear
otterente,&,,lamIrzbant4.71• 0 ce
w eh a gentleman stepped up to him and
in iiirett:it he„Were. „seeking--informatidic
about Mr. Larribee's Sickliest] and recovery.
The sorihe_repiind_thathe:Weet-whereuP011-
-the-Wfillernati said: • -,; • • •'
"And so am I, and I have :*cOme all the
way from Toronto, for that Very' purpose,
Kidney troublea sewn to be 'alarmingly in -
=easing all over the country, and I have a
'very near relative who is affitoted teueLita
Larelthee-Wain-f-have7heeirtOriiie the
physicians of whom Mr. Larrabee speaks,
• and I tell you, sir, it fs simply wonderful."
"What did they say ?" asked the mairof
news. •.
Bei?, Why, eir, they fullyconfirm
everything Mr. Larrabee has stated:
called at the Conimonwealth Hotel, where
Mr. Larrabee was living at the time of his
sickness, Messrs: Brugh.& Carter are the
proprietor's; and I asked them about Mr.
14arrabee'slesee.„Mr. Bmigh pointed t(ithe
eleotrio annunciator and Said, :44 Why, •for
weeks and weeks every time that bell rang'
I said, That Means the death of Mr. Lar-
rabee.' No 0110.: around:- the hotel • ever*
dreamed that he would recover; and when
the doctors would -come down from 'his,
mem they would shake their heads and say
there was no hope; " The oral:igen:lents. for
the funeral were Made, and his, recoveFY
Was simply e. miradle. ,
; "1 then called on Dr. Johnsen who said
that Mr. Larrabee'ecase woes, very reinark.
able one. He was his family physician=
and expected hie death eyery hour for
number of Weeksand never called to see
him during that time, but he was prepared
for it. The .doctor said the recovery was
due to Warner's ,Safe Cure, and if he had
Meade, male or. female, • troubled with
Albumen or any kidney roubles he should
'certainly advise them to use this remedy:
Dr. Johnson said , kidney diffloultiee are
More Common -than Meet people think and
that many symptoms kiwbieli are supposed
to be other diseases arise from the kidneys.
He said that ladies after .,geetetion are
Specially subject to albuennono troublos
which require prompt attention. ,
"1 next went to seeDr. Melville II, Webb,
at the Hotel Cluny, , for you see 1 was
determined:to be thorough in the matter.
I found Dr. Webb a most clear headed. and
;Well informed gentleman, and he said:
"1 know of Mr.. tarrabee'e case ire*
hating thoroughly 'investigated it as a
medical director of a M„fe Insurance
pauy, and it loon° of the :meet remarkable
Wee 1 haVil °ter, met. Mr. Larrabee had
alt the manifestations of kchimplioation of
diseases,: and in their WOW ferrite.
Subjected him to the most thorough otaiiti'
natiou &edible,after biz reoovery, and
- esevilte
I can't find out &bot him.' His lkidneys,
liver* lungs and eart are perfectly well
and mural, I can only addend* from what
have seen,I would, unhesitatingly recom-
mend this remedy."
• The conclusions ' from the statements
above made whit* COMO to the newahafer
man aswelt as thejteneral public ranot be
• two fold. Firefetthat a MOdern miracle of
healing has been performed IP Our Midst,
and that, too, by the simplest of means and
which.is within the reaoh•of every one.
Et ehould be remembered that Bright's
disease is not usually a midilen complaint. •
Its beginnings are slight and its growth
slesr. The symptoms by Which it may be
detected are different with different Per*
sons, no two people usually having -the
sam Thi e fent was manifest in thecase
of Mr. Larrabee, and he bed no idea .of the
terrible complaint which had attacked him
until it betiame.fixed upon bim Secondly,
testimonials of suoh high charaeter and so
ontspolien intone conclusively prove.the
Value of. • the. remedy and its superior
mature to the- proprietary articles with
which the pubho have formerly been
flooded. 44 The ,greater includes thi3 less,"
and the remedy which has" beer proven so
valuable and has saved a hie after it was
brought down to death'sflopr must unques-
troublee Whicertain in the ma minrch „ are so disastrous unlees
taken in tine.
, nY •
' Ah You the 'Chinaman who died in.
Philadelphia on Saturday night from the
effects of an assault made upon hirn by
Ahree yoiing men, held in his right hand,
when his soul fled to Confucius,:' a mina
piece of Clay, brought from his far away
native eoinitry, as a charm and a• remora-
branoe of home.
4.1r41.16,4tor".4f-Ittitittrintthat the
firm was conipoiled of 'reliable and honor-
able. gentlemen; •and also, bet:tense., the
medicine was recommended as `being all
and more than theadvertisement claimed.
We are informed by druggists that it is the,
best Selling article they have,
and that it
giveasatisfaction.to their outatomere. See
advertisement inenother 'coltiran. •
• Miss Fannie. Elniore, 16 years of age,.
who liveS, in the.4" ted bush neighborhood
in Craig County, Va., 'recently Caught a
Wild deer by the horns and held it until her
brother killed it with a. stick: • •
• A.. Etat eon Lnre.-Sixteen mike, were
ocrfie;ed in two hours and ten minutes by a
lad sent for a bottle of Briggs' Ekotrio
Good time, but poor policy to be so' far
Brom a drug store without it.
The arovin •jewels of France are to be
'sold at auction next week, and the -hotel
clerk who Wants to get something as large
ai a teacup for his sumnier shirt' front
Should not let this opportunity plush' .
Hess :You Munn IT 7 -If so, you Ca&
testify to.its marvellous powers ofi_healieg,
and reesomniend-it toyour friend. Wo
refer to 'Briggs' Magio Pallet , the grand
specific for all summer .complaints
aces; cholera morbus; dysentery, &twit*
collo; ,sickness of the Stomach and .howel
4. ' • •
dld Annie Swan; who was a little .weak
in the intellect, lived with a sister who.
,being bedfast with ilhheankordered Annie
'to clean up the :hens% or .she wOuldlyise
'and. thrash her.. Annie, making'. for ' the
'doer, Said: " Therii that's fit tor war is fit
for mirk; rise anddae it yertier."-
• ' The Rad and Worthless
are never imitated or counterfeited. . 'This is
especially true. of a family mei:Heine, and
it is poeitive proof that the remedy imitated
is of the 'highest, value. As soon as it had
been tested and proved by the whole World
that Hop titters WAS the.,pureat, beat wn
many imitations sprang up snd begin to
:steal the nOtic.eainwhich-thezpress-alid-the
people 01 the country had expressed the
n2erits Of H„.XL;_and,-in--everrwa'srtfYliif.
id- fuduce suffering Invalids to use'-theie
stuff instead, expecting to make money on
the credit and good narne Of H. B: • Many
others Started noetruins put up in idniilez
Style to H.B.,With variously devised imams
in which the. word' "Hop" or.. Hoof!
mere-itsed-in-a-w4-to-itithhigt-511416 to
believethey werethe same aiHop-Bitters..
All suoh ;pretended 'remedies or cures, no
matter what their Style or name is, and
especially thos&with the word "'Hop"- or
"Hops" ifi their name, or in any Waymni-
limped with them or their name,are imi-
tations or counterfeite. Beware of them.
Touch none of them. • Use nothing but
genuine ..Hop Bitters, with. a bunch or
cluster of green Hops on the•white label.
Flowers that have been packed and sent
from a distanoe may be revived in tbs. fol-
lowing mariner: Pluege the Osaka in
boihng water and allow them to remain in
until the water is cold. Take them out, re-
cut the stalks and pot them in fresh. cold
water, and they will keik and last as well
as when they were free)/ pulled.
•VE ETAB 112 UND...
. Is a Positive Cure' ••
For alltheseraInfal 13omprainta and'Weaksiefised
go eammonto Our best finuale population.
Bodkin° for WoMain: Invented by a Wonian.
• , 'Pilfered by a- Woman.. •
harmonizes the organic, ftmetions, gives elasticity and
firmness to the'step restores the natural lustre troth°.
• eye, anitislantS on the pale. !shook of Woman the fresh
:resetf of life's ,spring and early summer time. ,
:tar'Physicians' Use and •Preselibe. if Freely, 'tit
• Itremoves inintiess, flatulency, deStrop al1crav1ng
for stimularit,nnd relieves' weakness of thaatemadh.
That foaling of.bearing down; cansing, pain, weight
.andhaulreche; is always permanently egret' by its ego:
rer the mire or Kidney Oompilstinte of either sex,
,Ltlidis Compound 1. tatsuresssod. • ;
• LYDIA E. PINICIIAMPS isLolgo ,runinEt&.
cradieate' eyerp vestige df Ittunurs' fvom tle
Blond, and give hone and strength; to the system, of
man woman or child. .101st on having it. , •
Moththe ComPbund a dB1ootPUrlfler ere'pre'Intred'.
ot:23 and 235 Western .A*Mine, Lynn, -Naas. •""Prico of
eitlter„.$1. Six bottles for $5. Sent bymaitin the form.
et pills; ox:ollozongis, on receipt of price :ei. per box .
feu- either. 'AM. Pink.hain freely answers ;Matters of
inqufry Encloset3et. stamp. Send for pamphlet,
No. Should beWithont LYDIA. B. PINICHAVS
LIVED PILLS. They care constipation, blhousness,-, '
and torptdity,of theuver. 25 cents per 134. '
Eold by all Druggistis.''*0 TC» 2
for all diseases Of the KidneYil and
.It has spepillo action on thin mom important
organ; 'enabling it to thrtivr off torpidityund
'inaction, stimulating the healthy sometime
• the Bile, and by keeping the, tfovvehi in fted
donditien,, effecting its regular discharge. •
• If you atesuffering froia
malaria, have the chins.
are bilicals, dyspeptic+, or constipated. tidney;
Wort will toirelerelieve and quickly: dun?:
. Tn. ':,the Spring to cleanse the System:, every.
Ono shOuld`take a thorough coursevf
BoLD BY DRUGGISTS. 'Prin.:ill!.
. •Ip,od cotitplaints of a Rheeinatic ratgrei
RhOUNIATINE, is not e sovereign Inmetr Kir
• "all the ills that flesh is heir to," but for ELL
coMpleints•OfRbeumatienaturaP , •
trona lIr Gnome Monett. n'AirriverUne;
Agent ter 011essire. Lucas, Park •fk ON*.
Illanrilteio, and one ot the 'oldest and-
wiaaa PoPnler conintereled min on the
road, ,
HAttreiON, Fob. I70b, 1.803•
To 0,1'solteciN,E04., Druggist,
Tilsonburg, Ont.
PEAR hl IZIEQOPT" llt9tIni4Uartit
as you remeinber, I wee very touctinsed up wi ,
rheumatism -in .leot eo bad that 1 abetild not .•
,hatte been on the ited.• Many 'thanks :to you for
recommending me to try thrtherland'aRhenina.
tine "-the bottle I purchased from you mired
me entirely, and I WWI able to go on with *my
work. • r am, yours truly,
The Rbeamatine .lieilurgeturiiit
1. heftier rk ,,,0,3o.,• 'Wholesale ,elipents,
• '
• 'Dt• o,' N. L._ Ito!' P4o4 .
A Losighntr1.9714011
idiom catablieheal aft
(Mice tu Newell:ark-
' for the Cure of •
Dr. Aix, Meserole• Sate of London), who, piakes a
as ape. •
Jtalty•of Epilepsy; hwithout clouht treated and cured .
' more cases than any otherliving pbyelelati, IDS success
, has simply beau astonishtegt•we haY0 hoard of tales of
over,se years, standing !successfully cured by him,. .
has published A .work On title disease. Which he Sends
with a large bottle of hie wonderful cure frei3 to. any suf. • ,
• forer who may.send their express and P, 0: Address We
. • Dr. AB. 3113SMOLIA. tOtr.fohSt.. n Dew 'fork .
advise any one wishing neure o address •
Taught ay rest, or set
books for self-instruotion
free by matron rebeipt Of
one dollar. The Phone- •
graphic Metter the' beet
illustrated • Shorthand
!Magazine, 100. per No. or
one dollar per year, by
agents and dealers in
Shorthand Publications: Toronto'. • •
l'rust nothing else. Druggists and dealers
are warned againat dealing in imitations or
ceunterfeits. . • •
Draw a freeli fragrant Breath and be Merry,
--Fear no dental dieplay as You smile"; =
For the virtues of famous " Tammany," •
4 Are fat 'Breath and for Teeth nonpareil.
„„,4„ 7r/re L I 'V' e•
Will you exchange 0, chroniccase Of
Dyspepsia, or agree to break up a Bilious
Toniperamentato give your torpid Liver
activity, and thus strengthen your Diges-
tion, regain energy, comfort, health and
spirits, aft for _ 760.2i single bottle of
toesSA.- will do this. A ew doses surprise
those who try Zopess. Veit Biliousness
and Dybpapina in their many forms it is a
Panacea* and is Warranted to otte,etheM.
Et Mb] specially and pleasantly, Try e 1.0
Omit sample,
• 0.
A 'NEW DI scovERY.,_
For sovoral years we have fttrniebed the
Dairymen; of .Antericat with ,...anexcellent-artir
„fleial-ealOr for britt-dirso moritorlous that it mot
with -great =coeds everywhere receiving the
;Ugliest and oulY ;prizes, at both International
h: patient andSetilntrychemical- re.
searehwe have Improved in several' points, ond.
now offer this new color as the best in 'the world.
it,Wii14Not „coier the Buttermilk. It
• Stiongest, Brightest Arld.•••'
. .
• CheapeseCoior Made, ' • •
, , .
while prepared In 011, fit° eompound-:
ed that it is .impessiblo for It to bedoino
" 117"SEWAIRS •of all Iraltations,!ned:orau
ether oil colors, for they 'tiro liable to heeonie
rancid and.Spoll tho better. .
cirir you cannot get the "itimroed" write us
to know where and how to rot 'it Without estre
experae. ' . • . • • ; 05;
w.E1,1,a; nwiiiitegm & co.: nIaliipa••••••,•vt..•
Pablo Appliances are sent en 30 NO'
• Met OraIr itkalM4ViginGrai
11110 5are.enffering from afnliveus• Dmitri%
uaintilitailitnnrWEAENESEkand'alithose diseases
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