HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-04-06, Page 2r ••• MINION PARLIAMENT. 7- 0 firat motiOn made in the "foam mOne was presented • Y Mr. Wbite tinge, to:introduce; a ill to Amor- the Loyal Orange cia,tion •ot h Amerwa. Cries of "Lost" d the motion as soon soon as it was read, were mingled itith chonta of Wheii—the-ffpeitker-put The the Speaker decided in favor of the and the Bill was read a ffrat time, queetl912. being put when the Bill: d be read tt. second tame, voices on both cried " To-morriiw," Mr.- -White formally, that, the BA be read a time to -morrow. ' In Amendment, Mr. Coursol moved the six'rcsintine whioh was met with conflicting orb* Parried," " Lost," (atlrin the mem- . ' The Speaker was &bent to put the on when Mr..:Small, of Eant Toronto, ested--that -•ecnrie eaplanittiota, elioula givett • before Au; membra Were upon to. vete. Mr. White • ested that, in the course 'ef tonrteen 'oue in that House„ he knew lof cape re a Bill had been met with. iasimilar 'on at :this stage. "Is it fair, is it est„ iait intelligent, is it impartial?" he "Is it the treatment I should 1Ve from the hon. mover of this resolu- ?" Replying to his own questiou he lareci t$TOMIliest, 11DjUdt, Unmanly. thought there were enough, honest and t -minded men in this Howie Of Commons allcive the Bill to be brought at least ore the consideration of the House. ben membersbad been theBillandhad had e to consider it, if they found anIthing ong with it, or withihe.s0Olety for where iiJ.Mtvir.c.,,,,,:',:41424,424ho• -would, be quite - 'tillage to tulamit to the. deoleion of the °use. Member e _,of Orange Aesopiatione the House bad allays sought Po promote. twiny; not the slightest ehjeetion had r been raised to BOAC .affeoting Roman atholio interesta. , He explained the Bill be simply for the purpose • of giving reagemen an assooiation power to hold roperty. Be demanded oniy fair ritieli fair play—ter thee° men, as for all leases of the cominunity, and he held it a hame for a gentleman who Chained to be a uitectue Frendurhini et., indeed,' for ay • an, to present such s motion as was now fore the House. Mi. CoUrsol replied that he had never one anything unmanly in his life, that he ad hover allowed any man to make suoh 4114aoutitition against him; "and," he Went 014," if it were said outside. the HoUse, I would resent it." Mr. Wallace, of "Went. York, argued that Mr: Coursol's intention Was to prevent acrimony and bitterness h�. bad taken the wrong way to ,achieve his object.. Mr. Hector Cameron spoke in Miceli the sairie strain.. and with- some warmth, ,betiattee no Bill WOB thrown out =less there miff aenithing so iniquitous about it that. Parliament Would not allow, it even . to be considered. Mr. &Fiver Spoke in favor of allowing the Bill to go tee'the 'second read- ing on thelelieral principle that it would bedistiourteoUS to' the gentleman who in. troduqedit, to whom in poising, he paid lio _mpliment for the lentth_and_value4of-hi -!--ler-v1Wi'as a member. of Parliament, bus' .•nefair to those. whose . interests were affected. . •- • , • • ' • Thenext speaker, Mr. Burns, of Glouces- ter, N. B., who liecionded.;Mr.' Coursol'e Motion; explained that :he ahlo had; been moved by by a desire to avoid dieouesion. :He drew a distinotien between this and Other • Bilis; that this. was eo well *known there Obuld bone discourtesy throwing it out at this stage. Ip was'quite evident to him -also that this was a Matter for the Lewd -Legislatures, to With: Though the society interested in the:Bill did- not work against indiiiduals • yet' it ..Was.•direeted - 'against' one particular:denomination: Mr. . Aemiitropg declared that he was. not an Orangeman and never .expected to be one, but every subject •had a eight to petition, and to Vote the Bill .down at this. stage ' maned nmeh,like.refushig to lieten to a a . petition -presented to . the House. Mr: Hawkins. spoke at oonaideral316 • length; • extge.imog......4.kle- --w e ar atholiohiaiselt beireptiliaiiited the. most ultra-Proteetant constituency in Ontario, and was in favor 'of the *. bill.. to go to its *mond reading. . He expressed the holier that 'the. Catholiee of Ontario ere perfeetly indifferent' tas to whether the Orange Sooiety witshmor- Prated- or not, and aeoused the Mowat Government ot keeping this irmetion_heforn causing a constant • ' :on the reiar, had a. pleao•ofaiefure4 ..advaia. ,aidiatt alatt4 .a/ae ,eleaaeborative aageom '.EtnE0,- lin. 21044=24, ,.t.Tzcst.,N10-aQ.:..of which Zogin4 1;s4110.0a to 'Icsadeneceesart lby the bili slion4 im made poesiese, . - ' • .. to .apply to ell •, ranchos of the charge. Mr. 104. Caton, iel reply, ..earel that bo had' Charlton appeeed the- Miatfaiel oti the grelaled vieited Regina. at the time -Ofathe lovieet - that ,ite lifted would be to make it neceer °Sta°Ies '4i':1-natrinl°nY rie;t0e4 water in Pile of .BonesOreek, and ,even at to prove: the charge: altogether,' iodepeud "et 'by an.ltish. M. P. . . that time there watt one sad A balit ranifiQU Or the WOMtaileti ail:deuce. ' Ata -r Some dia.- •-•----:--- gallone of water passed down that creek in dusoion,Mr, White .(Cardwell) moved the. , twenty-four hours. He claimedthat Beeialt adjaarnineilt et the debate' that. the Meta- 8QME:CORK)(ja MM.. .altilk,q TESTIMORY. i Was .inthe we .of the finest agrionitirrai here might haveanoppartnuity to-conefeler :zegantain.-theasvitole•-NtiethWeiat.:11, ,Theeee4' the amendment„ which was agreed agreed to pia . . . . . . . . tioti Of land in 'which Lieutenant -Governor the underatanding that the bill should not The IlAndi in. ,the Came Geis :0%000 lea :mated to be not .less. than one and .a halt . Ur. Wood% (Brookville) hill agaitaa wife. . wrench of Promise, Dewdney wait Raid to be interested he esti- loee ita place on the orders of the day. miles from, the. oity of Begin*. - In eteeink, heetleg was read a: secend time end referred ' in: •tlia hreeeh a promise ;mit of Hyland. he liore testiumey to -the popularity of tea special cotateittee. Several motions vs, Bi.ggarthe: Plaintiff, who: is described as Lieutenant Governor Dewdeey . io" the for Papers. Were oarrioag, and. a . number of somewhat -faded irk appearance, gave her Northwest* aild had no doubt that.gelitle- private biliskallowed to stand. Thiefinished evidence very briefly. Mr. Biggar, , M. 1?)„: 1.11,04/1. Would be Able to refute the -charges. the order paper and 05.45 Sir Charles Tejp_. was then :gelled aha. was 004484 by Kr:, •;4411494 hi*. ' • • •:, - ' . • per move d .adjoarnment. Mr. Igs;ae_s ws, Tamen. What age are yea t Wituees—i . Site J.0101. Kaodimalcl, wanted to /POW if all . we have . to do, 'Mr.. Speaker." .The amehainy 05th. year, You went to Petisa Mr. Casey Would have an army oerat.utr•to motion was carried. • and the- House ael.:' as I have beard,. in Oetober, lpsl? Yee—. turn out equettere at laegioa t a NO eclitat« 'jQiitiled. ' .. . • . , There' were jimmy troubles sa the time' in .. • tete could be iireed eft oicept by process , Mr. Irvine, of .New Brunswick, moved ; 'relation to Irish .politiee ? Yee—You were 'of•late. Mr. (ateee auggeeted, that proms for a committee of :the whole: to amend the , ea stranger in Faris?' Yes—I .kuew nothing .ployed at Qu'Aopelle or. Regina aa, on .men standardweigla of a ameba et nate from.. ,aiotheittiniagol%elibadr. tgel..1' 4Mtursti of law might jest ii.ft. well have been eta- Weights and Measures Aet by changingthia 'MA) hed,reettleti with Weft fide latentlea of 34 to ea pounds, and timothy seed from 48 time you met this lady was .at Aftde, reinaining,en, the QaAppelle ,Valley Com- to 44 pounds. , X:la ibis -*tic% a brief but Boyeta$ ?—Yes She sayS" she never heard asay'a land.., Be .eceepted Sir John's lively • discussion trrotis. Mr: Irvine Rap: of you befortsend I .suppose you never had amendments and the itiotioo: carried. - ported his metion•by a statement based On heard of her?—No, I had not.. The refreeli- Mic, Blake linked about ' Vi,e. estimates his own experience: that. the "Standard Mente, you then had ineluded whiskey proinitied last week, and Sir John Mandon. bushel would not contain 34: pounds of oats and water, did they not? --.-Yes., Whet was aid 'Stated that they would be laid on the nor' 48. pounds of timothy.' He noticed the first attention paidto you. ; who gave table to.morrow or Wednesday. • Iini stated that the -A04 Of 1879 had been passed with you the Whiskey end water? 'I think Dime. also that instead of asking an Easter Ve*Y blight diecuesion,•onlyone voice—that Royer did, but the plaintiff said •sbewould adjournment from 'Wednesday to Tuesday of,Mr..Houde, Of. Maskinonge,'Que.--heing giveit tome the neat time I came. (Laugh. nighthe would eittend the time to•Wednea. raised in favor of the i 33 ' liotinda Standard .ter) • Were you invited to 0. musical party day afternoon.: . . . • • - for oats. • 'aide he considered. a matter of a fevr days afterward at her aunt's Z. Yes. . • The House adjourned et 1,20,,comparatively small importance to wealthy , I believe mud() is not your strong trioint ? ' , . , . farmers, . the „majority . of ,whom. did No.. (Laughter.) Do you recollect the Bey, not - sell • ;their - grain, but turned : Ma...Berrie. being in Paris? Yee ; I at it ' ,re:,,...4a4z..-,4051;-.4.i.. -ilitzths="r.i, obtoar, ., • but to the poor- man, , obliged -Royertei and he, left for Rome s, week later; • 'to sell his grain'be held this high standard.. he took Me. about various place* such tits to be downrightaobbery. In the bordering: churches and other sights; he celled With States the 32 llia. standard prevailed. and me -at Miss Hylan'd'a;•.iind on that occasion to establish:the eatne in Canada would be :I asked her to go with us to St: :Germain; a matter of • great •convenience. .Me. ,she said she would , with pleasure, and. we. Costiga,n replied; his: only argument being went about tWe.' 'clays afterwards. • How that no petitions • had been received by the .long was that after :your 'firet . meetings. t' Ekovetninoot. in . fever • of the Ohange Of. About ten days., .. ' -., - ' • . .., , .. • standard. In fact Ole . Was the drat tiree Ger- that the lumbermen ' in . New. Brunswick :. In the railway carriage Ong to St. Ger-. . ' • OBOUILATORT., .. . he heard Of it, ' °Mr. sPickard.eleclaed ° • bought oats by bandred weight, reckoning titikeilwady4..tbaytlitk,'Setaa,Ytiothr itsbainidgtr hheer,r-' "You4D11 ' three•bushele to the hundred. A T4ie state: ShOuld notkee werko was repeated by me. pope,. mhosta. . keep my compan . ..i.„ beciimeel to pay yen compliments • Agriculture, but, of donne; was objected might bietempted. . by- Mr. Irvine as,..having nothing to du, which you might net Tightly interpret and to h with the question of the legal 'standard • '6ink' you were hardly . treated; I:shell go .w.e,fgbt4 me4macoe eeid he had . beughte nbitokto.Eliglaild after a tibia, and although - great' deal' of grain; and had ..never heard a%me auyegfiktilt:afaio.r,g(1...(tyatiuno,,ytoenornosyn:ttbhi‘inthoo*ces.. complaints ;:inade- by -the .. farmers... ' The iltandard in, Ontario was 34 pounds, and in 'sidli did you kiss her? ... did. (Latightera, Montreal 34 pounds. . The motion -waieloet There was nothing said on this occaefon- . about marriage? •• WhenaL:kiiiied•• her she without, a vote. - . ' .. ° '. ' - took hied of my hand; - I asked • her what ." • olio meant,' and she pointedly .asked me if I asitsisols pine ., •wouId'marry'her:T.;-What did . you say? .. • I• . 's: siow ow murderer ,.01. ,.nelpiiosi chadren. 'Oaid there were oliettudee that would ' prevent, me doing 'so; sae asked," Might north° ote •Vile"d-oTer 01.6 relk Callar,'. . . stenles be removed ?" and T said, "Possibly . It is somewhat sarprieingto what. an ex- Might, probably not?' (Laughter.) When. tent men confined in sa :prison will succeed you next saw her what did she, say? .She in domeatkiating different kinds of artimalS. aiiked Me if My oblitadies had been tenieved„ 'This prat:4We has perhitpaliever been more and. I sii,d.. positively that 4wesilodu- thtwe: stiliceesfully..develebed than at ilie_State, -promise-no-promitiefnbenthalr-about: --trit . t1130/1 . , 91100; , where :there . are. Men .winding ,...hp- Ala • bOditie08.• Hay Ve .Who; in a number of instances derive great natural chil,dren.? ..Yes.—Are .. they yet, of comfort from •the companionship. of dit an age to be placed in lite.t .• They are both feeent species...of animals, and who. While at nehOO1,-.H:Were they one . of ..the, -oh- away many a lonely hoar;by training them; stades? Yes.—You did not see a greatdeel. While in ..theie. 011ie-to . perform .diffeeent of this ladynatil you returnedto London? thiclai.. At ..the predent time one, .of . the Yes; she was most pressing in her atten:, moat noted 'convicts in the institution haspions to. me. • (Laughtee,)-ahe.lady has a . pee mouse Acta& he has might and, said that you,inJanuary, said you hoped trained to Whirl a innall'Wheel arranged on - to make arrangetneuts so as to marry ;. her tbd, 'same . prineiple . as a . scalirrelnage is. before.- Parliament '. mot..,- Is that true? Another. has two wharf. rate wheel be has Decidedly not. I might mention that she tided into his cell; fed, excise .corepletely frequently asked Me to name a. day on doteeeticeted.that they. :will - go through :a Which • I ' thought ' ' the. oliattnilee might tightrope' Performance inhis cell .when be ' keinoved, and • I. .. said.. • I a ocalld they are bidden do so. -..(AbOrs have trained not ••; and.. ' -Whenever ; she ' io.sked• Me Mice and rata . Which ' they *Ty in their to.inarry...lienr•eaid I- would net enter into poOkets , to ..- :and from the the workshops, any •engagement.—Did • you .sey anything and became greatly. attached , •to • .them. il.bout. the obstacles.: being removed in a, The trained pet. canary �f • Jeese Pomeroy, - week or a. month? • NO, not at'all. . It Was. the boy fiend,. hes just • died.. • _:13te was :a known . to Miss ...Hyland: and. ' her' friend_ii pie singer, - and anise grievesaerYnitaila on that I was geingto• leave -Paris. The plain; account of the bird's death, for,:in ',self tary tiff •'. repeated her applieations. to. we—.eon finemenailebea„,b4anOncehiered-,by- iletagirJet)---arjkl:rE.Vii: ' = qr.....4 , long s wrif—irinifilE.1.---He-movr•-exp.ente-vilis-itiOther" winild not -enter ;.intce•anya-engagemerita•a will bring 'ha aend.. him • another • canare.- Tell ue white took tiatee-avehat did you say?. son.i . The steward in the hospital depart. I Said I - certainly was Aoat Married,. and .ment has several 'pet binaries-, end one ' 'of tigitill .. refused to • enter - into any arrarigo: them.:•heit been trained to ' a • , remarkable ment, conditional or otherwise. ‘ • I said it degree, •A colareteotivict, formerly's well- would betinfair to ',hole, ..because'it Might known waiter in one of the leading: Beaten keep her hanging en •for:. years and end by hotels, who ceieopies a strong cell,: las slice her not '. getting4' married' ' at'all.. , (Great *idea in propagating .pigitais in eapeouliae aebehteraa.a....., . ••• ' • • • , • • ,--0.47.--ThetwitidOW76f-hfreell ,opens . into • ' .• •,*.../'/-iir' n Oiim' reiSk • 'the prison yard, and and: nu • this ' window he • • • • - •,;:• ' ' • • • • • • • • • • , • .. . unpleasantness. His dealings with Orange- ..acirprise that a Bill like this, affecting t e too •IiiVi3, told ' es -of two childieii--he • ' teen had. Lid. him to -respect :•thena • and to. criminal -law, Should be allowed to ...vase pair ' 'a Pigemr* placed , bread -crumbs until he trapped a theie mother liviegt The pi:tethers 'Of bath.. have . tiOneideration - for their; vie*, Old. without a '. Word limn' the:leaders-Of the He • . afterWarda' caught' I correspond. with -thee Mother ' while net ConiMitting• himself to the bill.,' GoVernment. no supposed,.. however, that/ three more,in the sai2ie way, clipped . their P -,TS listing. • one of theinfrom month to month; but hesaw 00. ObjeOtion AO allowing thorn to the Or.oveennient Would consider thie an wings, and ether I.h 'and. they have become so thoroughly °I itatinot heard of for years. ' I hold.property 'under. 'proper restrietions. • .oPen . tillestion,' is • they- 'did nearly ..eaere - doniestioated that they 'hey°. built, a nest send the.first named money., -.I understand :At any rate, he 'argued, iliwould be unfair other that had been before the House, and aindetneath hiebed* and at patient. have three young doves Which they bait) reared. :you. to -Bay that thOohildeen were one: of the ...to etutih the ...bilf out without- at least ,winild divide.. upon it.; obstacles? • Yes,--,-The.M. you ,prayed for the ' examinincits, *Viejo* , . Mr..' DaVisOn John Mecdonald'e • arguments egainsr.the, He reviewed Bk. three • the Old :pigeons i's. coal .. black - teMoVal ef..• the obstacles.? ' :I peseed -that' YAM mu& the Same thing as M,r,,, HaWkins till when it Was.. seat to the Committee-of this one the darkey as !mined "aftet his thechildrezi might 'be tiettled inilife.,-Then in fewer words. .• . ., .. • • .. . the Whole: 1st, tint, the' Bill Would lei'd to ivihi, an all. the test 'have. aiamesa " He I. Understand that .yoUr , prayer -was that, 1110.:.Mackenzie BoWill •eald • that 'Mr. • the blaolanailing of men.; . 2nd, the:tit wee sregalarly.., feede bid flack • from 7 his own a,mx might- get tlieee teronhildren..seftled ii2 ..:11..stanigica ow life bablin !trIcis... . . • . Cage= ,waitin error •in stating that when an innovation 3rd ; that it would drive' •1131"4"e. ' The:other convicte :felt. Very life in order that you 'might - matey' Mita. . A Dublin cablegraex . -Hay8!": The thief A similar Bill to this ivae before the .liecein. young plea Out 'of the cOantry. through 'Much disappointed because the large ..-nuni- Of JOS .Brady for participation :fit the aa. dllifay1:4flidti?0:0-,Notin.eiIallsraontviedhi,ott otto, idid, i•Otif 'tiiihye. rheonix ,.raot triurami. ia: fixed f‘or 4m '. bly of .old Canada the Sir 'months' • hoist chaeges brought against theni. ' Hepointed .bee- of doves formerly . kept - at • 'the larisoit 'vtiiii mooed befortithe pill Cable•to a meow" Out.that-there wereaither ceimee how in•the wary killed and the thatched dovecote re= . o . y ., Enver g • anY loth. The rest of the prisoners to ae. tried . • reading. He 8,00k6 to Correct. also the 'idea' calendar, such as indeoent. aseauit, oemege reeved. At one time a namber of domesti; WELYat ' Wafii. -' the • Other ••teittitelea • : I for that crime and the ' assault on ;urea; • ' 'Which -some nienib,ers 'seethed to enterkiin, against:girls under .12 • years seated skunks were in 'the prison yard, an •unnitiaried sister .I ' veoiAd Field will. be 'afterwards tried 'steely. A. more likely than . this ,•to!°. lead . to. and they were oared 'Mr' by the eonVicte., lingelitte to leave, You pray feeler ,. a. .handred.aild forty eteigrantehtive let ti,Con- whenconspiracy the question Of. 'prinoiple was ici be lileCkrectiling, yet no such „pretence would There ere now numerous nate in, different . ,.. (Load laughte0 , NO he — a, ---u 1 'Demerit.. for . Ametica, - In -- the • trial of • ' that the. Bill was up for itis eeoond reading .: decided. The qiiestionsinialy. was whether induce . Parliament, to • repeal those levea.• parts Of the prison, and 'Ha Perecoi wishes r..7„71,niit. , . e tO see 'her .nriarrietL,...Did' that Nugent and. twelee °Oita reenibers it the Armagh Assitsainntian • Society • on the ' - at all, and as Alms tonlylo allow an ago- the Motion, repeating Sir. jOhn Malidoeala's• to , moleitt ." hia "• Oat . .. Theyie.,- animals sister did .; I teoollect receiving the letter,. . (dation 01441 OitiZenS to nivn. property as arguments, and contending.. that . Mr. always disappear . from view' ,whenvisitors *lila I hall() no doubt I•told.Miert Hylend:!;--, Counsed•for •the 'Collin ,Sought to obi:meet. 6. 04aietY 'be. could i, see' no leaRon why it Carnex.on's illustrations ,did•not apply. ,• • r•COMe to the prison, for they • always know a. Did yoa tell her. not, to care Whet your SIB. ., O'Donovan ,R06E3a) :JOIlli ' DeVoy,. •Jarnee Photild not it least receive the tiOnsideria. the other hand, Prof; Feeter,. another oa., stranger.—Bestdri, Herald. . . , . . . ter Mad ithoutit ? , Very Iikely.--.Ahy other iterleath and: P. J. • 'Sheridan with , the. , • • lion of the BOUM He Wee '101.11Thig to jeiver eativetninent Supporter,.. htronely. reoona . •• ., . abed:J(4,31e ? • DO' yen Went tO, Marry ? ' No.— .society,• • which; he .ssia, protooted con,. a. the questien.of Orangemett and theitietet: mauled ..lir. Charltoree retiOlatiott teathe .. aettealew pi htiarn: -ilit,rido. ''' WhY? Be/Anse. I ahould net think of it st epiraey. 'judge LaWspn; charging the jury, lerenie. ' with ...the rights or. privilegea of favorable ..cOnsideration of Alie Honse On' . Alaetroit telegram %aye t. The Attorney- , , tay . tittle of ' life. a (Laughterae-But you spoke ethinely egainet -the. prisouere. The others tO Iitri HAM/kind or other-, intelligent the ground that this :provision in the bill. 'Oatmeal of the United; States has tendered ettid yoa wanted tobe free to marry 7.' Yes, jury 4ouncl a verdiet al.:1. guilty. ialatinlit . thf• I d , . W Roman Catholicaof Ontatio. Hs 'quoted a ,Wati e mere act of Common honesty, and atik. eath : opinion on e proposition of the Canada at hi iwan to warty lieter:—WeNugent and hisfeliOprikonets. . . ' •• Catholic friend of his own, white Ott having holding a threat of. amitiehoient over the Southern Ilailwa,y- .Company to `tionetract an heveWater . at Miss heard that you' tlylonithadecrute whiskey a. DO you nal urges' F:ranee to supkit with ,„alt her .Pasii, March 0,—The Ihtectwoet jour. 'the principles of 'the Order explained to heads of scoundrels -who. could hot other-- an. international .bridge adrOtid the Niagara hien, said he understood Ilion to benimpli wise be deterred froni the commiseion cif a.. .Uivet. : The 'Act pf the ,I. Canadian . ?Arlie- mean to Say, that aaota took. tan mud' foreee aud Meney,lhe revolt in irardiel. 17 .ultratiamitine Protestants. Ite•tiniught it •Rerititia Ohne: Ile held ago. thatilVrould merit authorizes the erection of such a whiskey . ' No, not ' ton mueli whiskey, *mild be discourtesy ma large and respect: take %Way tlitE oleos° fOr those whoee sis. bridge et4 file as Catiatia hi concerned When buts: great deal toO much water. (Load .., , wo clew frankly, honestly. and . firmly . able'bOdy of men to thtovtVid till out at tere or daughters rote tweed to take th ' similar authority is given- by the American htugliter,)--And .. that WAS • ei ° Ittinon our art 'res eubjed ' Of orrith all Men tuna out best in the lov run, coukpt. y.p.—Ana Miss rtetion.Wali defeated by 89' yawl to '94 tale. •witecarriedYeae, 91. ; ititysa73.• , , of the oase' nays that no. adieu has been , ple, this stage, .. • : • .• ., ' law • into. their „him: hoods. • The Ho Eift Coairese or by the ?resident Of the 'United , The vbte was taken, when Martel% aiinaek.; aha ' Mr. Charlton's anien Stateci„ The Attorney -General in: his revieiv 'HYland said , that She would -Mike it her. - The Natoli- ama Railroad has 114,500,000' !elf in . the future ? .No, ; Rho said she invested. in oil cars. . • ' .- telt would -..ro it .dtrolver.-, Ori -the ' first., 4.sweeping tbeatrieal hill has beea intro- " • , The •motion ter the ' seeond ' Mailing • Th committee the Clause wail poised, ex!•• taken by. the Congresti,. and " the Ampidetit rteetteion aa. te beedid you voltiateer to. &iced lute the House of CotetnOlie iii ling, la.morrew Wee °aerie& by the Mune aivi, °opt the Anal provision,`ithat marriage or hat4IfieptiVVet.thidei the oomitltattori: or laws slotii • ' ' .' . . , - " • • • . .1xnta Mc peon:dee of Marriage might be to, grant the mitiiiteary authority.. . - , .. . tee ;her Mite?. I di4,4 -aluIc actO seeing' land; where it seems eortain'. to pass. , It . The Bill' Wee read a second time. , . ' .. pleaded in eoUrt, tie a. bar tononviotion, was, Or, tante I rettrilted to my . • i il f, '- -r-en-s• a-' iiroposes to repeal all existing, aets, to re. ' • i "' , ' Mine:. Boyer's.,--Did •you, go to their hons0 • liev6 the Lord Chamberlain of ais. thitiee 1: ' 'he Northweet Torriterieti and headquat- The hill woe MOW& Cilde more, A 4 , litr,.0asey root,ed lot . paperS eelating te oti. &Mien of Mr. MeCorthy, end with the . Oeorge Edgar Feweett ie PtigaOct °II ,t4( tWO or three. daye after ? Yes ; ..{.I do • not 'and the, Middlesek magistrates Of their's' iii. ° he iodating of the goat' Ot GOVerintientotr COnairkertee a Mr. 'Marital, struck Put. 004 ooltecTY of Atikdkioal?"01011.. • remember a gentleman. singing that night. ie e Of the Mounted Nike at rtegirie, ste.. the Howie lifrateOtOr Oaljleiell Wanted •tO ,thra Pelmet-0ton, during hie 140 attack —Did vou say anything Om eventhg abont mg liana, and to place all. theatres' and en. conneetion with licensing tousle and. and. Itt,t110, CO21(1122,03213.qe.44, Mr. Mulock tataraaeefoa leavaatahteithdatior to prevent railways_, pooling, except by °enema) Of , the Governor-General in Council, en the ground that Sir Cherles Tupper had promised to incorporate its arovisione in the General Railway Act this session. Carried by consent': .The House went into committee on the Bill relating to batiks and banking. After Rome disouesion on the. minor questions raised by the pm, the subject so warmly discussed before— the proposed prohibition of the use by. •paivate bankers of meth nihnee "banking house," eta -a -again came '1113. , Fair, banks,'who had. led the opposition a:. the Bill on this point previously, proposed that it should be,provided that any sooh, name might be used if the words "not incorpor- ated" were 'added., t� the name. Sir Leonard Tilley objected that this. would *lairs amide% clauses regulating the signs and”Printed matter Of private' banks. Mr: Blake suggested that the prefix 'apri- vatei". or affix ,auntocorporated," should. he Of • the Same size as the refit •of - the name. Sir Leonard Tilley further objected that cease sbowingthe clinger arising from the use of a• wrong nartui .had become more mitherinis since notioe of .the Bill had been given. ji,Mr. Fairbanks asked to . have the exception he suggested Made in favor of those who, had begun business ..under the objeetionabIe risates. 'Sir Leonard Tilley once moreobjeoted that if the chaise Was introduced all it. must' be made -applicalefihto all. 'Mr. eiharlton thought it haidthat a man could not call his busi- bees by a name that 'properly desoribed it, and urged Mr. Fairbanks' proposition as meeting all the. objections of 'the Govern - Meat. O'Brien, of Muskoka; a Gov- ernment euppoitera strongly-, favored. Ma Fairbanks' idea, and 'Sir Leonard :Tilley at last .ocmsented, and the amendment was made to the Bill. that the worde. "not incorporated "should folio/Yr the mane wherever used.. The Bill Ws passed as amended, • and the • Homier amendments Were agreed • to and the Bill ordered to Amid for third reading to -morrow. • 'Mr, Charlton's bill for the punishmeetof sedtiotioneame up for the consideration of ,ainendments Made committee ,of , the Whole. Mr: • Charlton, in preseritingthe Matter to the House, , pointed out that She, important clause of the bili (that against seduetionetuider promise of Marriage) had been Struck out in • oorninittee. The rate 'and' nays had not -then_heenLreo.,00 lasalitahaliaharan athomembers- had changed their opinions since then, and as in any ettie he believed the public would be interested he knowing what. members were and What were not in. fakir of social reform of this kind,. be Would take Steps to make this known. He moved, therefore, that.the bill be referred back to the • Om. Mitteb to have the clause against seduction' ader-promise-of--inakeiagerariairitradaVe Mr. Cameron, of ,Huron, expressed- eonee • hut X 717 two 4otoco.-:.'-Dogo3 it not strike "pa .as being an turestial thing tit cali SA lady your darling on the 'spooled °coital= of your meeting ? I Ishould say , MOISTISES. The Idea m your mind was that shs might think yoe thought of marriage, Ana you wished her to undersand that, what, weer you said, it lament nothing? I wanted lam to understand that unless specially mentioned marriage7-that unless I said something about marrage,-she was not to 'think of it.—That nothing ;short Of saying, " I will marry you" should lead her MI expect eon would? I don't think the bail - any right to expect me- to unless I said SO. Having pointed i•hat out you kissed her? I did. (Loud laughter). She. made objection.—Did you expect so?do (Laughter.) I do. not him —From that time to tbe end of the chepte did, you undgSmitand that the free. dom allowed you included kissing? Yee.— Did you say anything to her about kissing her 'before beteg married? -That is not right.—Welt, NO have you here now; toll • lid what it waS ? I told her that,I tnouglit her confessor Might object, and it would-be better for her to meal:dna To teIl the truth, I thought • it might drift a littlefurther than kissing ar..4 I wished her not to • encourage anybbing Of the sort —Do you mean that you were afraid it mie.,ht drift into sin? 1 Ahought it might drift into something immodest. There was "lever the least inclelicacy.---You thought kissing rnie,ht °lead to that? Yes. —Then did you not leave off kissing? She -said. • that she' 'liked to be kissed. (Roars of laughter).—Did that aeassfire you, and. make Yon think that: tbere• was no danger • 'there was no harm in it.A—Was there any - • other Obstaele than those you have , • • tioned ? •Yee; my;a medical man advised me to avoid such an intereaurse. I told her that my ili!.?8.11#3' would not allow Me to mutton° ia Parliament and keep a it was a matter. of clnabt how long that obstaclowOUld last? Yes. • . •Mr. Russell.then summed up the case for the. defence, alter which tae jury reiurned verdicifor the plaintiff; damages,. 2400 • and Castel.. . .° IptivioNAGIL wasp INtromotEtt.• /low bei Caine to J.E0,och.. • . A corespondent Writes:. A gentleman COfi- neated.with Dublin. Castle told me good\ story of the way in which the Dublin deteo, tivearimOceeded in inducing ,Keyenegh. become an informer: •The.. authorities knew for a long tinie that Kavanagh had • driven the car, and "'Skin -60.00m" the • oab, with the assassins in the Phcepix teak, , and all the prisoners being separate; with. out ehancie of communicatioo one Watli the otber„.the diequieting idea Was,pircolated, • among them -that every other Elea was . negotiating to be 'accepted as an informer': .E.Vezitually; One , day, one of tlio7principal- detettive Officers arranged to call 'at the • prison and See "Skin-the-Goat,"i whose aria he took in rather a•ccinfidential man- nerrand-walireclaupamaldowa in one ot•the yards as if in very friendly conversation.. • Meantime -Itavanagh was' being . brought' along one of the corridors, when the warder. in charge of him lacipPed, aajf aceidently, et the • window, arid called Kaaaostglas , attention to his 'Comrade: and the detective in friendly interooutse in the yard., .adding that " Skin" was makleg eaclean breast of An hour afterwards Kavanagh emaciate:ma ; hiereadinees to give all tlie inferneation in his power; and thus the whole pot *ea discovered. . " IDRIOPS.11N:11..t491rAle-ES.' • ' . • • Latest Ittoperi4 tient the *ext..; Reports from ferte-three , points a. the . wheat belt in. 'Illinois 'indicate tlitit the - injury Vona the -Hessiaii aed weather will epproalmate 25 per pent; Oil. the total crept . . • The repent) of ' the winter wheat drop Prom over 200 counties and Texas ehOw thet Miteoini and : ac:, Kansas tho cOliaitiou is pc:id, tbe•acreage• fully equal to lest y ear,.erid the dereafte so far no greater than usual; Tecneeheo and.' .Illinoni give fair: reports. Kentiipky and; , Indiana, especially the, latter, :show con: Siderable • damage : frOrn Hessian fly and • cold weather. TeXefi re'oert0 -farna4heyt(6tudIrinitp:mbersources, it is • • ' learned , is 'generally. good, with • a fair prospect for a fell crop. . - ports show there is 'tt. very large amount of . last aettes tora prop in the. States 'nanjed. ' •despatch from Topeka, Where the State , Millers' .A.ssociation is, in wiseion, seaa the • millers express the Opibiou that the wheat .peoripeote Of the 'State aro very feeoeable, and predict. With good ' weather -the yield sill be -3000;000 to 40,0.00,000 bushels'. • coNisPiticAt.gristtsi• Isoursto of till) gout, exclaimed, playfully to hie her beieg your darling? '0 I doh% retnem. terte,Inments 1 of Whate0eVer kind under e bald it "Would naturally be supposed introcleee an amendment of which he had Medical adviser, l' Die my dear dcotok ? ber.—Did you not say you hoped etie woald the Home Secretary .for that , licensing, ordei, the CIOVernreent would secure a place *okay at a former reading of the bill, t. ., woThat' the laet thing 1 t'bifik Of dOlbg " ' be your dorlit40 I haveno reciollectiOn ; 'and regulation • i ' ° ,. . v 0 . • I i • P " • . . • 0° I