HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-30, Page 3•.
4 4 ,8 .....„...„...
. 2.. =174,-, ....,.... -..------- . ,
n - sheathe oe -- e --eeheheaetesee-eoy zegehand h thenght so too: i wag, have
reehehochoese----- '- add myself end t116 She a Steedat the given him iiii 11Qnr'fifit rt ma hianted him
land. er 1 o- d dipped ila 04
, gate whiela opened em toe first it 'of with great ease .y4—e —he smelt its if he
moorThe formWee f;.4f cheerhabeeil
ful anticipations : hey heitalethothth I acted I bed barely •tinee $0 lake in all this,
my part ash Well a I COnld, WAS fined With Eal lose eladioratreany" pla for the future,
, most dime' forebodiegs. I experienced, in When Altera was ifil kneek at the door, ands
an inteniehed form, the feelings of a school- without waiting for an answers in Game a
hoy who is °ailei up for' a lefistin he Ls neate—the einepherd. He Sniffed •stiee or
notPrepared ; :perhaps the thoughts of a twice With great- noiee and deliberatiehls
idle& siebnaittleg falsified an.001.1ntS tO his and Ithought he grinned, then be !laid—
enaployer would he, Still nearer akin to 0° The Meister 8 waiting to sea Mister
mine. What the shepherd thought 1 do Rowbert in. the leebraree"
. not know; his sour face was unreadable to „ Roberhe face was 00 dirty to get white,
.... nee, I had tried to 'persuade the old mere but his lips quivered' as tneyfouned the
- chant that he (the sneperd) wouild be an word "Now?" • , • • - .
.mmedeseery eneumbrance, and that I could "Ay, theineo—atWaust," saih the shep-
easily carry all the game reyeelf—how , herd, ",
.easily otos but I knew; ,hat. aer„ weath. "111 hist edialage my clothes firsts I
el.* was ehetiaH
ate. e insisted on our think„"ali
said the agitatedonert, ' "I've
„ both taking meornitna game -bags. I thought —I've.—had a . littlearacoidents sheahlOhd."
•:of the weieleeharad tobbeeco; andarewood„
and 'boots for Whicho.the shepherd Was
indebted to tee, awl fervently trusteh that
. he,dicl the same.. I had 'expected Robert
- hornebefere v. e started, but . -Jo •bad not
,. 'Made., leis appeadeitee.. The setters were let
loose, and in three, minutes they ran into
a braceof grouie. hly, mind:, WeGftD"occti‘
pied and anxioaS that -my .fuageee were
unready Audi missed, Not so Mr. Weath-
erby. To tbe great eutpriee of tile shep-
herd and naySelf awl the doge—certainty to
his oWn-hbe ..hnooked- over a bird. ' He.
was •Subilant.:' he laughed PA nay .dismal
lorebodinga; • he chaffed me formy had
shooting; he Iwo& bat' his flask and gave
.. Us both a email . mouthful of whiskey ',4 tO
WetiLIO,100k t," he propheitied an enormous
bag, and then he ordered an a,dvancehh" -
'. Iknew those two .old -birds: I may almost
• say h knew. them by sight, and probably
• . they were as well ".. &avant" with me„
... Many a time 1 had tried in. -the previous'
,•aOtumn to circumvent them, end only
- •stiperiorehnopirig on their .part had saved'
So we weat deep"into the moor: .we etruggle, the breakage of something brittle,
waded through -rielhelhoeming beather ; a plaintive cry in a different key, and then
We .paesedby rushy patches, and green the door'. was thrown violently open. I,
-barna, and. sunny hillocks, where- grouse crooning in -the laurel -bush, watehed.
. ., used telove to hie, and it was all as a city Robert came out 'first.. 1 taw Mr. Weath-
• - ' ..of the deed. Mr. Weatherby got hot. and ethy had hien by what •seemed the skin of
fidgety, and • tirade end: finally. cross.- . He his neck. a.Breatfiless, I saW the old bag7
• insisted on . &kite; his own coarse, and merchant poise hie -itself ein . One :leg? . and,
would not be guided by. .my advice, and then i expeemnood . a violent concussion in:
. so We Wandered e Mile . from the: place -my leafy hidieg Olitoe-athe Plotter and the
'where 1 had told Robert to 'cast off, The tool met in the laurel -bush. Robert's ideas.
shepherd'sf. face told .nothingeehe anted .had been very. much tionfueed by his day's
. : as " Prer" Foxdid in the American story woke especiallyby the jest part alit; and.
' "he lay , low,'" ' I. was wondering what on I think when he saw me he imagined that
... :earth • had . become of Robert, ,. and. was. Mr. Weatherby had somehow., managed,to
picturing to • -myeelfe that aelhaacrificing. run round the bash to meet him and kick
. '.. individual stick in 'a bog .or drownieg. inhim again: . he juroped betake: With the
a burn„ when • a „head tcenoe' startled me. .greateet possible alacrity, and fled . Mao&
. I saw Dash. aed, Meg, standing rigid about hate down the avenue. '. ',. .' •
a hundred.. yards. Off, and . Mr. Weatherby .I instinctively eliranle -. closer' • to - the
starting after ,, them • as hard as he could ground: the Old man saw the movement..
.gre - I was toe mach: acoindtOmed • to this With what 1 'tame .oely . call. a howl, he
- proceeding to be. - much s.urprise,d at . it. sprang et 'Me; but I was tioo nimble for
• In 'defiant opposition toall thehales ed him. No one eterreneo:eyer wilirmafastei
• shooting; .the , oldhageneichant ran furl- fret:a that house than f did that fatal day.•
• °ugly. to:Weeds his :..degs. Whenever be had I upset Miss Weathetliy, who was oommg
&little .breath to -spare . he -sheeted leadle, up from the farm, and left her Sitting
.. to -ho lea:thoegie to ell appearance the . set; wildly geatioulating amongst dozens of bee-
• teriOneier Meant to • move eagaina. . He ken eggs. I peon :.distanced .her .brather,
. aeinalied them in hi. Ostia, state of nlintl and .got out of his territory. .1 spent, a
and body --blown, eliekinh and hone: : ] -•„..• miserable night at .a little -i, nines off;
: e
Nothing got lip : the dogs refused nn
d to., and after novering. about 'tWiteXt day, try
.. budge an inch: I. .eacheiraged thein, and ing to make up ,eny mind 'te venture back
•• . :patted them; and pushed them,. andthen for some.tilothes, I gave it up, and left that
their 'Made* kicked tiaini, 'but they would hilly omintry for good.- ' • • ' .
h not . them. • ' "He has been ,here and made . ,It is but. Justice :to Mr.Weatherbysay
• the ..iitufttoo strong," 1 thought, and I• that he sent Me My personal 'effects, and
almost .fanieled .: I 9.0414 :well it • Myself. what he calked . nay •OWages.". I have never
•: .1lEt Weatherby. began .to swear and nem- soca him since,nor been within. &hundred.
, mer the dogs with his gun; and the. share Miles Of him ; but. I understand the eancti-
•. herd—he "lay lOW.Oh ' '! ' '' • inonious: shepherd :11as taken .the plataeof
•Iiiiddeely, the ..enithels..begah to move— the amateur faptor...
' to draw:. We steed naued• and watched • • • • ,
a. them with . much • .solemnity , and anxiety: ' 44e .;onri.a AlOkeit
with,eloar and Stately step and. gteat rigid • -
. ith. of 'body" they advanced; -'4,ad ..We, fol- . A 'welldinowa eld prectica. joker had the,
• . lowed: Mr.. Weatherby„ ' ;with hlhle; fore- tableaturried on him ThhrialaYhight foionce• .
fthget. on . his right : trigger; I 'with. . my in his life: He was he the St. Nicholas with a•
• hammers down, half expecting • to see number of Mende, 'when :he sadthat he
•. • Robert jump out :of ..E; batten:of heather heard that ' aim Mace; ..,the celebrated
and run eun for it; and the shepherd with his *pugilist, was ,in.. the oity, ' and that ' he
. eticle.held. like .'a gun, ready touse ha a -would like to see ' him. .. "Why, :he's
inobseet. , The doge went' steadily on and 'etoppingin, thie house," Said a bystander.
op, "They've rprir' said .hdr. Weatherby 1' I saw him a :moment age." :Presently, a
..in a .4bOartite ana. (etched, whisper; "head large, comfortable and benevolent looking
• ' thein, Stoney.".:. So 1 Made a .circuit and ..eiderlygentlentan—a.Member.of the Lang.
• met the 'party, ntq.., miserable as -I was, trY.cemPalaYheeeme in, and he wittre oirited
,,,oeuld hardly keep:. from lahnikeriaLalAelitaem
a, ocettehi'eaw ee -•s • i
oi •e•
ia e y
MT- 4.SOU OGI*006-wk63-. etteophede iihi6-ht e . supposed ,Pugilist„ held
-7—:-....-....7-f—The io,d the scenes. • . ... ,. 7 . ' ' Out ..his hand,. and said,..".Mr. Mahe, Pm
•' ' . The ,funeral March .: of the dogs was delighted. to tee you. I saw ..yrei a, good
• ,• gradually exchanged . ehcheoged fora& quielter, step, any yeses ago, but you have changeddoe-
• They began ..et ithigtii to trot,' tesoiff•in eldership 'Alice thetn", ... The eyes Of the
• an eZdted:inanner • here and there: Then : benevolent looking gentlemaii,:dilates with
• .theyenrees up etheir heads; they stretched eihonishment : as he stered blankly at the
' .their tails:but .straight behind ,fittem„ and .joker, through his .gold speetsoles... "You
• set .offeaoross the. moor; Dash began to are Mistaken. in .the min, . 1 :initiate ytaa,o
., , , eiewilionpee„." and Mee afairly .'" yowled." he said, The joker's jaw .fell perceptibly,
•- ' . elhOw and ,thea .theY were hidden for a fewand he . cohered Up his retreat skilfully
• . , •' .'seconds 'by a hilhock, but they Boon reap- With the ' • following . eloquent . roma& .:
-: -• pitted. They took a beo. line across' the ".Well, Ws nehtreeteedet . the °roved. come
• .
heather; we watehed thane cobs the march,up to the bar. •
. , . ... ,.. . .. -
,grind up the eppeiate elope, and then they . . . .• •.' . : . . , .. . . - . . ..
. faded from 'one' View. . •Talli of a- hound..., It is not a loeay word, thisi;Enleithrps'sj.
•.• trail—none better was over seen amongst ble ; no good comesto thosethathave it so
. tine fells of Cumberland.- h • Often in their molding:
7. staredahlenkly in .the di
. rection the. . Mr. G. RosteMereyhtdinburglaltea,deeny,
, dogs had gone.. • ••I did net dere to look at has been -appointed: Reetorof the Dundee
.111.r. Weetnerby ; he broke • ,dat into a zitorm High !ohoot at a sentry of X600 per 'annum' .
:Of. fury, . and .conheintieh the - dogs; anh. . .. . .
' .myself, and the ellepherh; and.:the. moor, . There.* an Irishman named " Mick "-in
teethe 'hottest ahemhe' obald think of; • r Larkhallwho is1.103 years Of :age, ..works
, said nothing in answer to au this—only every day, and travels . daily ;nearly two
' • '
. loohea.at the ehaphaaa ;. and the ehepheee Miles. to endfroni his, Work. ....• .. .
. . I —" he Lay tow." . e ' ' , At the annual .conversazione of the Gies.
' The bag .dointieted of : °eke grouse that goW Commercial Travellers it was stated
12th„. • If tho. doge luta, reappeared on the that there are: between 46,000. and 50,000
• scene by the time ' ,We'reached honie, I men "on the road" in Great Britain.- .
• •• thitilethe • old.. ative' biter!: tWo Betters . Professor Swing, in .a recent ' sermon to
. added to . hU;total ;. but tgey did 'net. .r
. . . his : Chioago . congtegatiotir'haid t o' The
left 24. . pa h'erby wiien near the lodge, e i
Cnuroh: of this century is . better thanthe
• . telliog hinhathe toothache na,d Come on
Church Of : . the .primitive :Christians, and
e again, afia,floiv to my small dwelling, ' 'psrheas the moral law of Christ is better
' There, s4ting..in the least stage of exhaus.
tion on the bed Wee Robert. He was dirty undehetood now than it was on . the banks
of. the Jordan:" .
degree, and neither his knickerbockers , . - , .. • .. • .. • -
• • • .
• Oactemore there mewed a curious strug--
ore in that individual's countenance between
austerity and mirth, . and again he -loudly
scented the air. He gave no 'retrieve -
o But he's welting," he said and he alined
buttonhoied the reluctant lad, and took
him out of the-hoom.
I had a terrible foreboding as to who that
watcher on the mbar had been.' After, a
dehent interval, I followed the two to the
house, and, as h had had no time to 00Mnetlai-
°ate. with my friend, and was quite igno-
'rant of, what he was going to say, I thought
it wise to get into the middle' of a laurel -
bush which stood just oppoate the window
.and garden -door of Mr. Weatherbyht
smoking -room. I was . disappointed in my
plan, for I could bear nothing articulate;
indeed, * after a few minutes, I doubt if
there was anything articulate to hoar. .For
a •short time I could hear nothing at all,
but 1 knew Robert was in the room, and reeigeeca •
latieet,FrOet Ireland.A package, containing 813t (dunces of dyna-
mite and addressed to thoLordItioutenant„
has been found in the laallYdehoh Pat-
io ea.
The present Araver'of Sligo has resolved
on parchasinge a, dinner. service for the
Towninalh which he intends presenting to
the Corporation. •
It is proposeto establish an endeasive
drainage district in the north Of, . the
County of 'Kilkenny, opening the, counties
of Tipperary and Queen's. '
The 250 girls who left hialway lest week
'for New Hampshire are under a year's en-
gagement with mill owners there, who pay
their expenses over. Several hundred other
girls Wanted to come,.
Private Foawelh 55th Border Reginient,
statiened in Newry, Whoeholds the llfty,
miles ohampionship'of Ireland lately ran
from ROStreVOr Hotel to Newry, a distance
of mine miles, in 48m. 3201 Nog •
One recent Sabbath/eight one of Lord
Ardilaun's bailiffs was attacked. by two
• mezhon the highway, a short distance from
the, scene of the murder" of the „Huddhe,
"and was left for dead. Hisinjuries are
Very dangerous, and he is not expected t�
recover. .
, Professor Charles Macdonald, LL.D.*,
died in Belfast on February 25th. He was
born near Edinburgh' in .1813, ana gradu-
ated at Edinbargliohniversity. In 1847 be
was appointed Professor of Hebrew and
other Oriental letnuguages in. Edinburgh
University': which • chair' he resigned in
1848. In 1849 he vets appointed Professor
of Latin in Queen's College, Belfast, and in
the following year he was transferred to
the Greek chair, which he filled until 1878,,
when, in conhequence of blindness, eke
.. •
luid gone in by that door -1 (amid smelt
Then I heard a loud voice, a stuttering,.
stammering vociferation,. the sound of a
—The Port Hope Times, Onilding• to the
' nor stotkinge showetl any signs of their chi-
ghletaiheas; • The hoe an awful sawn of absconelon of David Porter, of Ballyduff,
aniseed in the kCit,ru.. • It appeared he had the winner of the' $15,000 • prize ih the
Lohdon lottery, says : " Dave got wind of
safely ieached the leo where the soent
the detectives being- aftet him, ad was toe
was to•he .firef, iota had just arranged
the rahhithikin to hie ee tisfactioh, when he oharl) tc'r° °AM° to tmvh drew
beeanahawere oi tt, w orouchieg down at his little pile, and ° eltippea "
$0):130 little 'distench t. ad evidently watellingMerh of routine or men who eau do what
him. Robertead !int Olathe had walked they are told are aot hard to find, batmen:
• slowly away, but •uffc'xwards :admitted he, who can think and plan and teil the rolitiiie
had perhaps .run a hale, and I lain foiled men What to do are very rare. They are.
out that he had reea, great deal, ' The paid in -proportion to. the • supply and, de.
man started in nurt•etit, anh Robert made mend of theme—Prot. !Sallow. .
the best of his v.oross!ths. moor..But Neverthelees, God Ofaatiketh the world
• htftetalitheeedine With vent rapidity for foreheemore, whatever the devile may
sOrne tiMe ho atumoled over a stump of
grass, and the lot* Of aniseed, Which be
had put for safety in his trousers -pocket,
was broken. in , the fi U. Ile 'said that this
-was perhaps what tlw dogs had bei hunt,
seem to do, so the, thoughts •of the hest
minds always become the last bpinien of
society. Truth1 io ever bort in,g. Manger,
but it is compensated by living till it has
all fools -for its Itingdom.,-48Siersoa.
nor if your lungs are badly • wasted • away
can you be cured by the use of D. Pieroiha
Golden Medical Discovery." • It is, how-
ever, unequalled as ,a tonb, alterative, and
nutritive, itad readily cures the 'most obsti-
nate oases of brow:Ishii, coughs, colds, and
incipesateecinsumption, far eurpaesing in
effiosoY cd liver oil. Send two stamps for
Dr.,Pieree's pamphlet on Consumption and
Kindred Affections. Address World'aDis-
pensary Medical Aseooiation, Buffalo, N. 7.
zar Alexander's crown is worth 3,000,000
roubles. It is covered with diamonds,
pearls and rubies, and was first used in the
coronation- of Catharine 11.••
• Dr. R. V. Pierce, BuffaloaN. Y:: Dear
Sireetwrite to tell you what your ss ravor-
ite Preaoription ". has done for me. I had
been a great sufferer from female com-
plaints, especially " dragging%doyen.," for
over six years, during much of the time
unable to work. I paid out hundredsof
dollarsmithout any benefit till I took thesis
bottles of the " Favorite Presoription,"and
I never had anything do me do much good
in my life. I -advise every sick lady to
take it. Mrs. EMMY lindens, McBride&
Mich. . • a •
' TA° Duke and Duchess of Connaught
travel in France AB Mr. and Mrs. Sing,iex,
and on a remit journeytoMentone escaped
reoognition. •.
.• Young and middle aged. mensuffering
fetemeaereous debility,premature old age,
loss of memory, and kindred symptoms;
should send three stamps for Pert • VII. of
peen/ablate issued by World's 'Dispenitary
Medical 'Association, Buffalo, NY.
We never know the traevalue of friends.
While they live, we are too aensitive to
their faults; when ,We MIPS 10E4 theta' we
only netrtheir :virtues,
in the history of medicine, have been
'esteemed of the greatest value rn. consump-
tion and 'scrofula, diseases closely allied in
their nature: They supply phosphorus' to
increase nerve fohoe, and limelonthe repair
of ulceration or caries and neurosis of . the
joints .and don.
are- of
more service than all the other mediates
AND CALISAYI we have the moat
eligible formut these tissue elements yet
originated. •
• Mr.•1Ienry Irvine the eater, is now *hat
our esteemed, Waned the ..Hon..,Bardwell
Siete calla an B. 0. T., i. e.; a Bon of
Temperance." • • °
• Impettatiti,
2 When you visit or leave New Yorit city, save
baggage expressage and carriage hire,and stop
at the GRAND UNION Boum, opposite Grand
Central Depot. Elegant roans, fitted up at a,
cost of one million dollars, reduced to $r" and
upwards per , day., European plan. Elevator
Restaurant supplied with the best: , Horse cars
stages and elevated railroads: to all depots.
Families can live better for, less money at the
Grand Union Hotel than at. any other first-clais
hotel n the city. •
A pilgrimage Of students. of . the Italian
universities tothe tomb of Garibaldi at
Capron, is announced to have -been ar-
ranged loathe Easter hOlidays. , '
A good storyis 301.4„ about .
While the notorious Italian agitator was in
Loudon he went out One day with an Eng*
ish friend and bought a lot of rusty old
swords and pistols. • "What on earth are
you''going to do with them.? asked the
Britisher, "Nothing at all," replied Maz.
44; "only when ,the police hear o my'
purobase,telegramp will be everywhere,
'and not a king or queen will sleep quietly
to -night." And the Italia* "shackled. .
•1001% THE
• •
There 18 'only one way by which any displistro
be cured, and that Is by removing the cause—
whatever it may be. The great medical author-
ities of the da, declare that nearly every disease
is caused by deranged kidneys or liver. To restore
these therefore is the only way by Which health
can be secured. Here is whoreWarner's safe'
'.cure has achieved its great reputation. It sots
directly upon the kidneys and liver andlzy patt-
ing them- in :a -healthy condition drives disease
and pain from the system. For ali)ildney,Bliter
• and Urinary troubles,' for the distressing s-
ordere. of women,. for 'Malaria and physical
troubles generally, this great remedy has no
equal. Beware of impostors, , imitatiOniv and
concoctions said to be just as good. '
For Diabetes ask for Warner's Salt Dia.
bete* Cure. .
„Percale by au dealers.
Toronto, (int,: ,Hoehester, N. Y..; LOrldOn Eng.
Idieben AGED MEN often lack vigor. - This
can be restored by that great brain and
nerve Iced, , known as Mack's Magnetic
?Leda:Math Read the advertisement In an-
other: Column of teedayhi paper. •
, •
II Brace up," whisprd..the hangman to
the poor fellow whoa hempen cravat he
was adjusting., "Yon, it's easy for hotto
say that," was the grim reply, "beeatise
yoihre a, euspenher I "
Vulterent Testimony
Cannot be dihputed, and the gaiie LI yet to
be heard from in whibla Putnam's rainless
Corn Extractor, has failed to perform a
perfect cure. Thi a with painless and tepid
actioe and freedom from annoyarieesluring
tise. The great corn pla OUret
stands unrivalled:, Sure, 'safe, painless..
Beware..of frauds offered as substitutesfor
the great corn cure, Putpam's Painless
Corn Extractoe. NO. Poison et CohHing-
stout proprietors. theno_othere,„ •
. .
.An arch ° ocitepoeea eh tirela of obelle
.kudied up ^ froni the bottom cf the• Five
Vethom enehorage outside St.
George—was erected in the tirleient day of
13ermucla in honor dfl R IX the PrinOeSit
LOnitfeon the odcaaion of lid reedit entry
leo that city.
From morning to morning and from
week to Week THE SUN prints a continued
story of the lives of real men and women,
and of their deeds, piing, loves, hates and
troubles. This story is more interesting
than anyromanee that WW1 ever devisq.
Subscription: Daily' (4 pages), malt,
550. a month, or 06.50 a yew Sunday (8
pages), 01.20 per year; Weekly (8 pages),
81.00 per year. ,• I. W. ENGLAND,
Publisher, New . York COY-
Made Easy.
.Tie New Impiti •
!stile cAsapiet and Dee
A boy *WW1 "Yews old
taa saw lagejlast midday, •
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tat for MOStrated Cataloggeooptainittgltimon•
ale and b *titulars. AGENTS w _
14th Zuw Co..1631tandolpklitisch440,
•A LeadlagtondonlThysii
idea establishes an
0Mce in New'York
Ziront.41M,Tournalonfedicina: •
Dr. db. Netierole (late of London), who makes ts ape* '
sdalty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and eared
'more eases than any other living physician. Nis 'success
Iia s simply been astonishing; weintve heard of cedes ot
tfer ro years' standing sudcessftilly cured by 'hint. Ho
'rarer who may send their Morose and P. O. addrets
advtse aaw ono wishing a cure to address '
Dr. AO. NESEROUL No. stiOndhlit. New York
„ .
• . • •
- -
A . Bkin, of Beauty is a oy 'Forever,
ou. T. FELIX G0111{AITIOS':
: p'urikes as vrell as Beautifies the Skin;
Tan, Pimples
Btkith Patches
and every
blemish o n
beauty, and
defies detec-
tion. It has
stood the test
of thirty
yawl, and Is
.sq harmless
we tasie it to
be sure the
: tireparat
is properly
, t
made. Accept,
-ne counter-
feit of similar name. The distinguished Dr. D.
A. Sayre said to a lady of the haut ton (a patient)
"48 you ladies ton/ use thenz, t redoMmnd `OlYtir'
ancrs Cream' as the least harmful of all tho Skin
preparations.", One.bothe will last six months,'
using it every day. Also Poudre Subtile removes
superftuons%air without iniury to the skin.
Mtin. M. B. T. GOURA.UD, Sole prop., 48 Bond
. . f
Por sale by all Druggists and. Fancy Goode
Dealers throughout the U. .18., Canada arta
Europe. Also found in N. Y. City,: at
Macy e, Stern's, thrich's, Ridley's. and Other
Raney Goods Dealers. vg,,,Beware or base imita-
tions. $1,000 Reward for arrest. -and proof of any
, one selling the,same,
. ,
'bind all cmplainb ot alylautc =Um*
.R10111111NATIMICIs isot a sOrwiN
"All the', ills that flesh is heir to: bst. for
l,;00Pleitits erithetunatle nature
. s -
Tessinsoalls, trona *Dr. liVf..0‘.
„ „
.e.t.'ef.iWienier & Feenallifetissof
AgsfessItirral! Displenrenta.
' iiaaktrottp, Oat.,
3`. N. Stiumatuum, Esq., St. Ca,tharinia
DaAn Sm,4,take:Eleatinre 14 'beer*
molly to tho.eftiertey or your Rum:matt 4.
ring was co1a1210telY disabled with
m and Uled, Vitriol:1B remedies; be
finally heard of your Cure. purchasea
three- bottles 01 it, and :it effected *
tuts, for I have not had a return Cti
Ones. • ,Tours truly::
•0* W. S.
• :ea. •
The .. Rheilatine ,, R4wfatud
t.ST. 44TgAPINgs, .o
. . . .
.T. Inas*, es% Co., 'Whelan."
'D. :44 N4: !Ai z3;3.
$721t02.780Kliiteu'f:el&Y fActrse 43,100sij
Auguos, mane •
. .
. ,
,-Eoctric‘Appllantet are Ont. Os 30.0qh T
TO raggetax YOUNGlit
NriltriN4rAtrrierillers1241‘11":"..Nittlid' ire
et & PIROONAL NATInot retailOns &env
OTstita CAW* • Speedy -Mid andoesaneto
The grandesbdiecovery of the Nineteentis
VOlii4 TRADER= " and You Will fin
'Your Tiethbectomes se Peoria,*
• ' 'Twill fragrant,makethe Breat
Boys, women, nien and girls.;
1,, . hireta Teatimes°, Ont., Dee41
I have beethailing for years wit
nese and Dylipeassith, and was Ladd
mere • skeleton. Last_ fall I weig
eighty-six pounds. 1 • was i
_ *tense by Mr. TM:4=km '(Off,
Thomson at, Co., druggists ' e
,and, many thanks to him,
entirely now woman and wt4gh
'through the alio Of this naivete
MWitsiieCioulf Mr°4114B. l'
nticiereed by the FaE:sitU dcAOEttt OP ISIEDWINP,
oauseti by Indiscretion or Exposure; Hotel Dieu '
Hospital', 'retie, Treatment. retitled Chin in
Ione to finale , days, Local.- Treatment ObrIt
regbirol. No W1/41.1866.18 tiOSOS of Cubebs or
Copaiba, ••
/14%0,14,i TnLI, ray Olt NI (',. tlitATI l'UNT1,1
, Price $1 tiCi, intIntli»g Dulb flyrioge. sou by
Druggists, or tent free by milli. securely settled
on receipt of price 1)eseriptive Treatise fres
konibuttion,A11417Int0 AN AGENTS " t6 " MEDI
OMB 004 Windsor, Ont. Sold by ail Drusgiats
I hate a positive remedy' rortlo
use thousands °Ceases Or that**
standing have been cured. Ind 801I
lit its efficacy, that I will send
together withlt VA LITABLIC
to any sneerer.. Dive Exprest
ns T. A. SLOCUM, 1St Pe
fift week in yonr own tont.-
uv outfit free. Addro& fl par,
Portland Maine •
&the. Severer forting of JNDIG
afdttli DatdPhietOti the above litett d
maladies and their doniplete anted
eente in Stfunpe. By R. KING,-
:fZUntatim, itor.m Nevr, ENGLAND.
' Apply to 9110111ADD.
LOOM5 per day at Mins.'
'Main& '
*5 tree. A4dresS