HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1883-03-16, Page 2I I , -1 ... 1. - . 11 - . "I., I I - , I � I I I 11 I I . I— . I - - . J . , . "I . I - I . ­­ ­ - I .1 I - - - - - I ,. - - � _'_ .1 ­ I—- - ,. . � - —4-111-1 ­­­_ '. .. , . � ... I � A � - I G I . . . I I I . I.' . . I . I . . . , . I I . . , . . . � " � 0 11. I I I . I . I 11 I . 1. I � . I . I . I . I I . I � . . I . 0 11 I I . �f . I 1. . . , . . . I . . . . .1 1. . � I I . I . � . . . � I I I I I I . � A I I . 1, . .. 4% 1 . I . I I . 11 I I I I . . I I � . . . . I . I I . . I . I 11 . . � I � . I I - . I . - � I . -1 . I . I � I . . � . . . . � __ I . . - � I.. .. �. I I .... 1111.1- 17=1. _;1 l I I 11 11 I IMF-_ _._._____ . ­­­­ r.'...''.1"'. I . . ­ � . ­­ "....., __ . - I .1. � � � — . - � . . . I _­­ I— .- . � ­ .... 7;;_;f... " 1. ­­ ..... �.­,. I t- - I ." I le If ,Is ftolpively used;. to the appoint. 'elect A. . 14 th�e case' of. Xen I . ' . . � I ... I � I , e . t County, � left the obair'Sir LQon4rd Tilley 041a nod I 0 . � , T 0AA 0. t ,anadian repreee, here the candidate.r � . . 4 m0orityof tb ositiono I of � . he Govi_ ID i - I P4TITION . ,W . "' , ne C ,uta., w, -oceivitig f .at the Prop M. . , , � _ ' I I I I.n Pom � Tpv__,� !m ��kis tii�rerivbiali. were to the foliqMug eff I a schools Of T9r9RtQ " 'ARLAAME9 , 01�r _t 01 .,ct - on � * . T, 4-)" . kRfi�rmlqt 04wqqn. the votou - had p ot wal of tfi .1.1 _%"_ ,��, 11-1-�ll,",."t";�--,—�--li;�,�� I Se _JD.rkXfOK, - _.__Xd�r�.t _M.Joh i_, _�- -,_,�,_-_,_ ---' . _ � . i. 1,0.�%� -� �,J -U ........ 'Zou —;aud-Vo �WUJ'1­90 . _--, . , ............. ............ ............ ............ ,_ - __ - -.1 I , I ---* . �,--,:,7,-�,���.-,,-�--:�--------- 7 1- � - _ , ­', , ­ - . �4i_� �04��;�­ -_ ��j� 66a"Vi"' .-11 . _. ", ., I . 'i�@Clu' - . 4- j-'ac-AtTuit iwr-� 44A _4414_�, -F�`,' . I "K�r4-4,4tfco-oxl-�Ul�t�r-ejiufd - ­ �4 ,1;-0 I ux-ort� I . . . . .. ,am �j Doatnion,'ejeoW retura, Was � , - m, ad e�'* Par lament Aa required by law is pouz,lty,w uld � era , ,94 work when imported � . . 00 On; WoOk.-10, ,,�tbe House , tion V,geuttj enipidyed by the ., ,O . bo i c4ie�oi ;�. , , 10 the . �!nrsi, - � - la,edlto 1* I i4ue,,iu; orat!l 03 the returns to: be amouiled. deqlar. posed in bucvcaws, uJid, it M-1. use of college r ­- moao� ,- to-dav T r during tbv' ]set two ye4ro. Mr. B . . - I Would be pro. 13 And public libraries. Who, - Nug biti eltrtiou. but re�ervlug,tbq rialits of -vided th I j3oord of , proseated tie, report' of � -the calling attention to tme lottert;,.plauo alid l g, . at WO r0timiti bee printed f� mauagemelit,uf the Free�Library, . . ` - very Torouto, petition for 66 'ad ... .1 _ � 0xvioe 02.;%Iminers and ,the u E *4 � e eVerN, th . . � U11814011 free 6t , , - , 14 44,pj in -tbe return s prewnted� sat. ffiere - the witiority to Protest. In , 0,0ord a yvoor i4stt,64 ,of ab,juo olle .. � tee IJU I . , W thst ,% -r c;tL,,j ogeurred. "An �mondmeut yeam as, adglit be ordervil,by t1le, ty of works, of learned authort% �,Iid - Forepne, . appointed. or prot , Wme. nothirig to shfu . uy pii,te,ttts bud i miruilt. - prititiw- - , -,, � I.. . 'w ­Q __ � : - , I . . I 'refor .. this- last ,case to' th � ,001�wltte6. Tbel3fll vnpo-� . i I. .11cielitillts arid. books Of , * _1 � , � . , 1- ."a .4vil"'iZ, 01 viou­.AIU;�ri..Kl�­ _b;:;�__. , .--"--zl:�.:�it,��9,�---*�r:!2�l,-^,al-!��tv"ni-l��-i�y I �.. a Commit- - . tq_ k'vmi,iit!�­_ , . .-...,- geu em -t -mfAr,,q ' .4­:`��_.�� ­ . _ _vlto ._ _ _ " PY -- L* ree-libiary purposes. � . � : re —UQt vwyenur- w a-uidii-e-wUri oi--W-4 ion 100-c�-Xri�ilvqe and L�'ledfio'�i`,�iw�,v4fid' '44-bi�­11�4, for _�&�Feibfl-gi ' ti7)6,r an At' � I , ­-, - I . . , Wippper preeen ort, ot the Wh I . thorize i. . a and CA L. Two boon. ipsued, down by '141arge U14jOrit,Y. In the GAL�pe case eircU44-tiOU. .' In 807ne 04,jeH where a, balik., !! -N� I 1, Ciety Of Can�aq, Pray that acie4 1�1 Put of U%ilw%y nalij - that, no!, p -stents bad actually . t I cl , . , . � I I . o the poll h , . ' lawe , to in I tro4mced-,14r, Riopelle, except one where the station ground wAs ' I return W68LM�4e, bt'afis 11 . aa.n)�uy -ago * _H anti ca,triva I 8 and Periodica in foreign *. . . . A a spe"'t" ' c -ous it 11 I 01) "t"1114 ve, le"Jg Mflies, a6d ali jr, ' . Iti j - ' . d ths,Cca ,,, . , . � . . -sy Act by %rg ) �ompauy treated odd- I bouk.� from F�ggdafeu IblaAds b4d, not been operat! 1691,1,114 exceed its circulti,tion U we ,uted, b4, tbc , I , 4, I M)ci � an"acti(,)U8 of Cie t ' � I . . u'mbeied aeotionS 5A if, .ibey Ud -"tho I X�ceiv,ec '67 Zis r�turultig.cfUer by- the ivadverteutly, but vouie .c,�t,wm were ,Ktir),vIt . ,iee, 4y b(, , _sotjdated, Railw _ I , ad .,the possible �1 onto 0 I - . 111itted free of duty. t � _ - 101odotagreem o 50 �, . . '1uqtiir,v I -, h - ' ' - . A I . , hem, thOugh, no formal ,time, the w. I ITT V0'-TA0r. . , , rit vAs Montb'fs where it was done ktiowingly,'The, A 111SITTJ1 �1, I . cqmpiniefi from' 21 't Statutory right to t . . . returnable. . Ilenaltietiq , . . . ' sitway . I . , . . after the books were ,receiv�ea and, trall$� Imposed would bor, light - far inadvertence,. I 1. ", t U truth 0i - t1le roport thav - , . � . I I I . . �� claim bad been given them. . . ,. � � , t1le Al"F1 Pri ti- . � . - _W-4 - I -opmgk- 19r'-wiltui -_eU9a!t_tO I IJ I n fi C - . ­ I , T_1&_t61._ , , - lerk-of ­tba-Cro,w - gt_oeyere � - - K. - - 1,f) - -1 'o �Swid --­­­-----__'_ eplyfo at, Ri4o 0114, day I xr.� C_am,erdnft--­Bil1v -to -enable- -those mktted- to40k­0 I ,, ix_�_-_,T _Q DDrOuto ,1�1) t, V�_ ��Xe TUP ,Or�'- --the, I . � 1. . 6 ­ G C -� turn drae.. w4` he - it. . unlikelv . -that - i "'r .. N t logge hem a I 11.1 - - statq�s - with mis4ememrigrs to tes0fY on' votes viefe r@oor'd6d indtlie return drile a, � tho ' ' bank over a ZT r. a . Qaaot 'i�e cousolid3ion. qi tbo! obsygea . . . . , . Pubtuge 0�ccotlrlt 11"V3. feveale(i I - I _ 1 , , , uld not be,so ta Ql- their own- behalf undiix certain oircum., Ui;� be amended ,,VXitb6ut refere-Loo to S, .could inalto - auy.tbing . by its Jnfmc- rafher ifiterestrup a. : . progress we t .. ., I . _ litate of , 'session that it codlabo reported, staloces, w4s o1i pitit n ifitroducea read a 'cotoinitt0e- Among other cases,wastbat- xl�aa law. IuSQme, cases also it Wmttera. io , , -nPv the tutiAtho ago the .. 46M o . I . * , ''.. . 0 it that, -such names as 1-1 li�jlltiug 1882 W, , � ruillAri for . MS. He: c6uM not say whether it, second' time, mud referred 1.1 I I T . . , ere t4ent ' � this' , � to U.'Speci% of� L 'x, *here,' the' �1,01 valuum 01 . enno - .and Adilliagton, Ile I . I � 11 ... . � . . ff I", to �the X,0,t.ot)',,3;, to I I . returning-oVicer u,itidertook to, give %, special UOUS%12 6 banking &90DOY,'! AID-, w8ro' 118194 ried-at the D0wsp%porrate_!-4,(,, beoar. � ropQsed inA4, revision, now going ,on Committee. , - , . , I - ; . . . .1 I � I ; ' ' !d'i 'g �� - . -a pound, I . - iii the � by persons pr companies - I trodoce, an amendment. - t ip"s Sonde ,f return because there were faults I The Toronto 1>ogrrna8t t ,o Punish SirJoUn Macdonald, in, 0_ , b o . I . . dn a . .he purely � � er objected * . . A - bill, on - IiBta ; the', BagoV q ing busines , , t .Sult. ' - � a, . here the Private bauji . I J-01 , . 'r Willed tO trv,mwit them , and 486 . I to children and t.oprovido th.0 sid, Mr., McCarthy,, moved. t,h t Ate , I .'' , the, vot.r . I , , a0e, w . . � 4 ' re same'subject iritr6duced by.thst gentlenjan. candidate was a;. reitiming-offioer and. was that People, in many caaea-were led than. book poit' � a lower rate � - nfined in , � I � ' I . . * . . age, one'loent forej � . - � escape of b.0 - the Essem caiie, to. believcth6t these were,b4u,4O ,regularly C'u I I ,cry four, y" co ' - lifibse)f:'i and , , nces.. Thii the. 11ail (jouip I torF qoboots ,be, -made an offence, in Op read A 18000nd time mud reforred tq the. returned . I . 1, I , , 1'. I .1 I � - I .1 lab'; - Parliament. to p any de,31ined, I . - part$ of _tge'_tiomi�iilda as well ap in as e committee, wh was' Carried. where SQUIe of the, polling, bolks. w-dre not. authordwd iiii4er Act of 1. . � ' I . . M, . , . I I .. . � my, and the . , . matter was referred to, the . . - , . ... . . %ta,crime Sent in. Re quoted from, Kily also .to. show .Undvr,-_�bs present. law privater baukers, Footmaster�General, nho,At, is unq . I . I . � I 11 . Mr. Cameron's bill to make incei . . , , - . . I I - , � . . , . - I ugr tbo� pAbiirgi"Cailiedjorwore several then om - me -up. ..Re I r- � pointed I out 'the th4theiirinoiple forwbioh be-couterided were" prohibited from using 4the nande * ord,qked the TorofktQ Postinsate I erotood .4 . . ­ . , . . . � - I , .. I I - ' * . . r to Obud on, . ,. I � %. 8 -state . I 11 the circulars tio, tneir, dostin .. - 2r-Foi tormov04 for's - . WAY reason, urged for- -voting 69 served I' ,Engle 4 bank " aud it, was proposed 10 probibit . .. �1. . I U .,nd. Combs , , I I f I . . 211 I - , . I I ktioub" a44 1 es . . 4i t the �v�,&� ob Aing, the . I t -i I - . . .Showing. the.. import%tioa And- con- 'bill last session was thatift *a$ -couaidered possible, 4bjiiction. th's ,his WAS 9, matter tbb*m,frv)m utsirigibe other'names to which leave the question of rate. for fatr1re 'deci. . .1 I � I - I . 1. I ' ' .. . � I . I . I . for, U - , refere son.dr&W- Sion. . � . of liqftors in the several' Pro- an insult to the peopte: ot* Canad& to pass he court.0.10 � pointed out that Parlia., . nice had been made; A per . . It is also understood, tbiit the ofekeeis , . . . .. � 1. I , a � from 1868. to -1882 indluskyb., Mt. , such, & bill. Since then fout Cases, of this ment,'In ordering the w,rit to'be-amended, - ing; money from %. bank had bows. right tG ot the pot -Offices Deparimout * , , , I .. I . � I . I � I 11 � 11. 0 vis Me' under* h . is tiotitik 0 Away the iig ioa, 'demmiLd uch as'65010. !)on . .. - , 0 Including . ' , 4, foi Correspondence between 6ffeue'e -,hmil go ,, "Sir .clid not ta, - hts of any perk . I ,as In ninitin R or the. D'ep.uC�---"Postmaster-Ge*neral, . ?Cgree , . , mmou t and rejreaeutstiv;� ot the Solp quitesgreed wit� the prinbipAe Qlothe who'if Aggriev6d had -their ;emitedy. , in the 02 bills; and it was -proposed to extend the with Mr. Pattiisoa in the Opinion that .1the - I . , . - � .. . . . . I .1 . I , . . .. 'the 0 . .1 W - , . Victuallers, on the. subject of �ill-, suit I -motion for the ae6ond.roading. Court'S,. 'Patligment in pio,01ding Colarts amount t 060, and allo, ' pb,yxn6i!t in V4 circulars' were �prop�rly, Soject:'to book 1. ., . I- t. . . � . � I � . -at bills.''It' was now,'provided thmt.theiiS. postage. Ualess, the "postage was paid '* � is a JLOU , - 0 -- � WAS carried.. I .* for. the trial of.,election cases did not dive , I—, � . I I . , _ I � . . 1. bg.1oi %, copy -of Communications - -* The. BIT to ame'na -the chart "' I I I ith oase� such must to it.'reserve ,of 2Q'per cent. before a within t e Is *t f ' . i .1 I ,er of the iiself'of thd-power'to deal wl . ,. ., , - I I b a ew dayAithasn6tyet.been I , . . I )Utations, to.tho Government on Ontario & Quebec Railway Cornpany passed as this, which came properly -before M' lie 'dividend of 8 per cent-. could be paid, i4d. paid at all, at eithbr thb higher or theloWer ' ... . I I I , . . I � . . . .... � bjeot. of simplification ot. the System its aeooud jt�esding� - .,, . I . urged thj%,t any other Course. migbt:)aad-'to � this was. to be extended'- so so - to 'Provie 0. " ably s. Parliamentary 1q,quiry . I I - I .­ 1. rate. Prob I . I . ofer o,flands of I . . . . . I . between parties' . efeat the - I . .wing more .would serve a eful purpose. I . . . � . . . . . . I ! the, Nortbviest, Mt . . I � — . . ' ' - -C'0"Siou � .. to �d that retuk6 Should -to made sho i ­ I . . Us , I . .. . . . .. I I 1. .. I � . . definite i.bea of''the,people. distinctly. thaii "Was done at present in Some . . , I, pointed out,what &*serious.tax ju . I NO'iICES IDF 110TIM expkessea wiq - � . . — , - " I., � ,1?60pl was involved in the Viepout , Xr. Blake will movo for; . H ly by moving a ielaolution inJaver. cases. Banks were. novi iequirea to send TOREVAL'ir". I[ . . . . .1 I .Pon I , I _ . I � e Ojos I . I . " I � . 0r . (1) A copy of ed . � . . . I I rLizimiD. I , I III 61 the transfer of lmnds� andisid. he tbi offt r .a of amendiV I � " ,, - I . � . in. a ni�ontlily Statement on the 10th of the . . I . !. � st, 1. - I .1 , �, I . � . � I .. .. oial memo an4urn bf .the, Canadis g the return. ' . I I nd ,artioularly Juthe 1. ­ i � taosuchopporttiriiiy, had occurred Paciflo'RailWay Company dated I)ecomber, Sir John Macdoii-Ald said hq .thought it succeeding mouth., a P . � � . r4qd. Witte 4 a Weetleirn OUtarlo, F41111i J- . I . . I , .1 . . . . . . , . . . , suW I ,r do . unt � . I I I . the power o 12th, . 1882,- . describing its position. -And hardly,fair th . at I., notice . :.had not, �been, I - given case of banks having agencies at Winnipeg Fir . ozen to Death on the Prgioex � . . I . I � � , . I - . I . � , ry as woo now in f . . . : . - o . vernment to simPlify the systee (if . � eCtJ3 . . men - of this motion. : He. (Mr. Cam-erou)�, obma �Aud.othor diiatanl-�p6ints- this ,waa fdund' ;4 A'Londou, Out., telegram I . . , i . a ,; (2) of the advertise I t Pub 1. , .. * " , I - - says : A 0,torr , . I . . . � � . . . . i tenure in.the Northwest. He point ed Moted, 1hereafter by the .company making claimed that it was. a, very 'plain case,. yet difficult.- It, was therefoiWoroposed.to.ex. bliaho4, regarding the sad fate ofJohn ' * - ­�'. - ;_,., I ,. . � � � , , ,. ubscriptiona for its in imeed capital he'fov,xid- it ne6eseary, to' blak his motib � n tend ' time o 20th and provide 9, 19� PU . . . . . .. � , that a -bill to . iniiaduto thii.'system for a - OL L , . L L . L I . L , the .to th' I Woods and, his fatiAly, .who'left here s6ins. I I � I.. . _ I I . I ' b. son . prepared by the, late Govern, Stock -' (�j 'of all 'em6ronds Issued, - in with .A -long and elaborsteLargument, iu' PeURIty - in 'Cage - Of. 13OU-00t4phin,ce., el - Winnipeg. Atrivifig late.in' . . I . . . L L , . I 11 I. , � � . Th years:ago for , I - � L - ".. I ... . - -date -for psyment on a the seagg', � " out, bu*, bid *4 iSo Is He conue4lo� therewlth; .(4y a at4temerit. which he quoted many precedents, .'which, provision filin the U the ,account sayd, Mr. 0 Is I L L . I I . . be,0010, ,w. , . . . * . . .. . , 't he had had sti, oPp - L . I . . W004 . .. . d slod that a .simplified system was showing 'the A -0 the. Subscribed of Course, 6ni bu -naefalling ill-bri'm holiday did,not,now failed- to Jay in A, sup�ly.of fir�wood, for �he I , I - . � 4 .. L" - I L * ' . I . mount . 0 -the . mu, I . .. L. I . � . q1tu " , L . I .1 .1 I'll 'im,op "I'll ..gt+�",."11._�'__ --;LA- tho.ri, nity of examining, - H adiourii-, -apply � to Prince-'Eaward , ftlivi -;n , . " . ..... _­­­_ A,the emoved the - Igi��d *BAt J ­ �,,-�,,..-,v_-r-._ LLL or, - Crr_,t-!T.WMA __ _­ � ­ 1. _Btw -.company prior t .1 - ,RU,..-, �j zi���,W­_,,,,-, ,_ .-,,_,,:,,s- . . ..., - -, . I I Y � . , I :__M� - -­­_­,L­=­!r�, ­�._ i- F , ­', q0 L Z - � .. L ... I nv-­ -` , , , "" ',`,',`,,:,_`, - M. ., . ; , ­� - Z�� 1-l"A , � , ,& . - "I" -'I- - -, I ', :,,�� ;,',.!..'�.�,il;,-,.,�,.vr,��,�--o�# � _ ,Y- .- " ni . t olumbia=9 - I-,,!- 1112--=111, .��,.�%�,.,--.,,,,,��.�"""",-,,�,, �:' � ­% ". 11 r .,� wt"., L F:d f h e4� -, 1_tm .. .- A_,!�.,�Ct azra _4 ., �._+-_-�,,,__ ��:`�r_"_%Z_7 _PKJ41';41111 ­,�_�,_ , ­ -� _81,1n" , - � IMIE ­� - ,-,,, , 'T , , . ,,, . 20��� mm^ . ... �,�= - ,. ': .1'!-1_` L 'A�t .,j,. - ------ .�� . . , . . , .41Z� - .Z�, I ­ �Ilwlm- * 4- -4-.A A,Wk1LKZ__V-_ '117Z_ .. %IZILZR�__ 5 ." I . �. :;�`L` ,.. , !a - �,�n, L L, ... ,,�� " - __ ='-;-_-C�e�-7n;%-g,7r, 1 i.$ 41 �, � , - - LL - . Z5 � I'll, .� ­ " ' - I r"Y'RIML-1401 , Vx- , I I - , -i-v ��V� -Z.r t _' frosh'supily, -' ..... .. 11 . . . . . ! . anald said- the amounts paid up on such is or . I I . set in 'which forbade..his attemptilOg fe , , - -;;-, ,4 �t�z!,� ! ...... , I 11 �F,_ _�, '"r , �itiw.24,2,4.2 ­ v0a � , ?V I I -, -a - - MA1%1aFV1.. -11 .. =-b 7­VA'"VrWP th or a Ai teirific, blitkmr(l ' .. . , . Tornaiiint, b , 13i a a scribed tion by the lead '' oi the G6yernment On iscu sion followed Sir. Leonard .Tilley's . , . . , , - . � . . �, 6 Was �� . S.. ',* t at the System in USeL III. i ne". 8-� �expl. a Ion,, 4 . . I : .. . . I ,b I st6ck,,*itb the date. -of each payment. in the, ground. that -these �ibsolut o w ri6 . A in the. Course of which'Mr- leave the ifiou e. , go, soon -as tli�e storm. I . , . L . I .1 . I L .8 - . ' .. � , Ott' A; , - work well -in the No Lomeli, and Also the-& i) satisfied' &I v of piMlogi; Blake expressed doubt of the' -adviimbilhy� Somewhat m�StQd� Mr� Woods set but witk , L , . .. 11 *L ,rth, . . mounts (if SU3 ways birbught.up. asAatterE 1. . . � . . I . I I " .'Of , w 1384 made by th� abquisition of properiy or -otherwise, in which Cases notiidiPbf the exact foVm of 'of, hiii:U�eriug a ptivatb banking bouse L by fubl-i d i . I it. . �. . Pt^. gentlistoo . I I . ,. .. . � . . &a not Usually g1veni �L I a view. of obtaining & iuppl� of '. ut6 � , , � eo*nt , . s on - the subject- to: the ., doi- .,specifying in'. Atteh Case the Consideration motiozi W . Mr., Cam., the restriction proposed.1,.-Mr; Madketizib inghis ab .. I.. ­ , .a# . I I I . I I . senob',thelthermometer fell to'4T-9 . . ent,a had preparid: a bill which ws' 4.the smou'ht ,of stock given erOU,,L.biS ointed out, haft intimated his expressed m� d6ulit'thit Parliament haa. the I . . I .. . I I 9 therefor, an , ' -1 L � . below'zoro, ind bn his. return-,tho' dar . ... . Ar 6 -consideration 6f, the Minister of , and . the date ;. - (6) ' m.' statement : of. . the 'Intention O� moving the'resol'atioir. There right."to' prevent peo0le''Using any LuMine ..- I I L , ,-,t 'L . ' h . . . I 'after a sight, &et his eyes'wbid-h cotttd.not� ,-. I. I . L . - adjournment of thoy� Pleased. The wotjbua I - fail .to, mAe thd 146uteit heart * weep, � I . . . i ;L 8. Be. adjourned it 4..i5.- . i0nounts paidoui of thii capitQ for interest *9,8 no . objection t9 the aving.been 1 . I . '' . I . I � . . I I ittie" L I : . . . . . . t .11� INTV"b *$Map FOB.. . L . ' I On Such ompital,kook,'' - d the.-ra, of -such the debat6.' ��, I I passed through comm a Bill'basod �Qu4aled'togiither in -the' bed lay Iiiii wife' ' - '. I 11 I . on . ,te . � . ,,; " ,,, * - , L � . - , ,, I � L . ..:. 11 I . %. .. . . I. I . 1, pi out �, (6) a ststement of" the' facts as , mt..,' Casjiminl.�­ bill directed . Against a. � , I , ' I I . , , ced and read wfitat And thk66 Children ; the. two ol4et* children, ' , � ..... ... ., . . . � , ,: Mr. BIAS. will move. for .a ststbuient for '*" " 'f Lth . = tbom.w a introdit, . I . 1, . I . 1 .. ." I to -re acquisition by -the company o IS 1ra.;Yads In* CODtraots,, -and 46ntract-broking . I ." ... . k, .. L L. '. . ­ I fine little gir , ". . 4ars I . . .1. - �''the Asoal y. . 1880-81 and 1881!.82 - , . IS aged about 6 mnd;� ,respeo- - - - ` ' Cahads Central Rsilwayi, and of the Mont. .then, � came. �UPP Mr. Ceograin explained * � Mr. Mabkonzie Bow6ll's res�lutloila,pre- ti�ely, were f6tina. . 66zen and. stiff in the." - ' - . � . . . - and'* for, the ourro t `y�esr - to, -date, as I I L . . , . I I � - , �L ,in real, Otte;wa & Occidental Railway. '.with 'the L ,0106.Usea of., the bill, which*. were', in limiriary -to the, arpoiadment And con -! , mimiA death -` the 'bab6 a little, over a ��' . L , I . I . I � I Solids. . . . I.. . I f..the facts. So Lto. unish'all. having'. auythim, , -of the CU9tC " �. 9. I . . . k,'' poisons , employed in any of i, the - I stsiomen(t o brief, to p io ib do fidu ' ' ' ' wis .laws., were brought "'Id ' )uni 6f'beirtg pre'spea :- ' � -. � ;L I . .. --tinento L, Whose remuneration is dates ; (7) a.. L .. I . I I . . . , Well'S y�ar 6 i:w&sL,oii acoc ..� ,,, L " .. . . , ­.: depal &oqUI,O1*tIOU. L ,*as 'b6fore . th close o , � I the , ` * b the - com f �` .With ,bontiact-broking. No - 6bjeotion I ,a House'. --F Mr.- Bo' I .'. .. 'charged'to in donnection4ith . - pany 0 any � . . . 'L L I . . . , roin . . -to' th .-mQth6r'6- breast Wive, bu.t � 4 ... . ... .. �,., - � . ; .1 .pub1io,*orks,: . in'toreib in the Cre5it Valley I Railivs ,raised to. the bill'by Sir. John _ MacdonAldi. e1plaustion. it' seemed 'thkt the - most severely -fr6st-bitton. - ,T . ho'Poor woman ., . . . 1. � .., . I I ' �. j#iIijoi, jUd , 9, gly,139i'' Ott i & Quebec R -P . fid.' i . L . ; raelf:'*a's, discovere . With'. . ' both logo L " � I whiob- they 'are emplo, d i i i ' ' I "' th Arlo .� bb , , , � 'h * . . Y% ' t he let it PRO -important' c ange. proposoa � t at, , I 4 ': L. . I n loyment ,'3rd, a Ont . �ilwis* , ) state : a 66'ly on, the uriderAta Was h he d �. I I I'll , daie��of firpi n ment...of 'the"various' ' atte a - r ture inithat itshoWd b6 referred Ao a epee' providing for the'Proportionste reduction frozen stiff bAlf - *my .up to the kness,,so, . . . . imil I I , . , M ' femunerition ;, 4tb,'nsturp it Service ;: .5th, to '. be returned under -'the " . goli ate Committee, to,.whiah! Mr'.` Caegraiii'sub. of the duty apohL goods dam'a g*ed. in, tr�ftiiu much so,that 'the dootorki Subse4iientli - -' * . . the* remuneration I - . :''works.� -to which ' � IQ , .. 4 1 1 .. .1 - . � I Rmilwiiy; Act Of 1879i 'ind ,Amendments mitted, boom I use, L as he .kid, he could � not on which specific duty. would be ordinarily - -amputat iod both legs below the knee, Mr.. : . . , � - I ... . � IL - . . ". ,66tged, with tbe-aniou4bbarged,to each to-�41rst, the line of help it, but pointing.oui. at this same time. charked.- '� The -usual. - forms' *are -- .. '' -' , . I I ... , , , 11 . , . t thereto., sopars.tely,as � . ,90-00. Woods himself. 'was badly froz6a, but it is, " � * ' , ,t,; Work., . - � . I I , . . i . . L . it - � ­ -,. -, , I , , . - . . � . Uway.provided-for ith , ,was val, I . I . - Bill, ii�itrl .. � L ad a t1ope- siny, ,of hiwlimbs.� - , . ' - , * -. L . . . too. tybi6fi includ6d'dirionj firptAime. ` . .. , � .. . ' 11r.BurpeewIll 6skfor a -re mit, * , . . I 'The, friends 'of. Mr.' W66ds mie . ral by'tbe contrqpt wit that last. yeaf ised Upon 6y: &, thiough and A I oduded And re . , �.` . turb-'g'#'ng I the Cans,ilkh" PaCifid. Rmilway.�.Compmny,� Sp . . . V - .thought he wift no I , , , ­ - ; -:tb I . .. - . L . anxious. IF. I L . . I ' * ". W nuinwr ot'immigrant -, agents other and , second, the, branches -And ioxteasions its memb6irs,the 13pei%ke'r and late Miniet6v * . The adjourneid, dobstid' onift. � �ameron!q, aw , h , ; . . . . �� thin those bn the ptiblishect lists employed built_ . I I . mitin,gUe details.. Minit6bal pspero of ..,..,. . I . I I . .. I., . . ,.,. . . L . . . . . "", . or .sequiro.d by the''coml6any; (9)' 61!'.Jubti�e, now Chief JuatiC6 �Of ,. Manitoba. (11urojp)' motion ,.regsjrdiIJijt the .ddtLble' 0 d-ste i ' noth' ". * ,� :, ,-1 .. '.L , , .,� 4i the Government and :sent . from Cariad - , . mi -e . , � my, , . Ing in, regard t9 it; . . . , � ", , r'. . ­ L . a- �iisto&ent of the'toial sun!. ,expended up to The bill 4pineed4i isdoud- reading. - - I . - ieturt, ffi KID& . county, P. � E. I., Was . I � 1! ,- � I -- .I ­'. .I . .. . . I I.— .... . Ili tq:9urop'o, - , �j . , a 0 . Fiibkusry� . 1ati'1883j.by1h6-'coiiipmuy under L- Mr. I SL -ad � L ... I . . . I. . .. 11 ­,� ­ .. ,#ud for-the''14 truotion given . 1: Royal, -in movingfor pioer relating pogtpon -uUtilTuteaday a JLAAWT]ORS, V0nrXAJfMEr4T80 L �­ them - ' '�' . '. ., ", L - '' I L . . I � - L It: the request( - 6f I .. . . ­ . .. � . I ... � . ,. I .. . I I . 'into Sir John Macdonald. '. 'i '' , .. . I . I . . I � I .1 .. ... . I . . , ** , , , . I I . . -- -�-- o , 1. .. . , L' � .1 ' " , their'oontiaob��fiistofor -the Works -of don. to the dutieii -'on lumber importeil' . . - . t I . I . W . L �'�' � ". L W"? . ' 0 ]A ii -ba. callea'attention to the . iqjtiatic� Sir- Leonard Tilh)y1S' Bill. 'to provide for 'AL .� seen6ln Court as Washfulgton-Coianad' _.. " ' �".. ,. .� . , Blake will nxove for a istatement'gf. . I . . . L , I , . t 913 , L . . .11 . .1 stru6tion on.the line contraCted1to be buill. " , - I , I I . �, � !� 0* d' foi e�mch, mon t n i i . ,pan iturts i b� the company'as' . . specified - in; thib'con­ put upon the. people.by tbifi'duty '6i 20poi r6ising* a iieW. - loan wss,. ,read a third time , .'. Indaftlitiii4n Untestrieted:LAbase. .. :,_ � ... . : � ... . , .. - Aiial, Year, on telegram4 abstged to,various , be no Cent. oij rough and 25 per 6en . ,. on ress6 and. passed on ilid -understaisding.that *i6in .1 'L. .... - . ` - ' I ' ' ili ' . .A WAab4Dgt6ti.-A66pmich says -..- In '. ... I - 1. , , ... I . traot s6conk &r $o)'IiDg AQckfor t t ' '' d ' " d e th,6 ' L' ..� . . *6tks In the Dbpartment'of Public Works. ; � . . I - . - � -'route; ' . . . 1, . I . ­ . I - , . " " 'L' L ' . . ... . .:W -of the Canadian,'Pac"ific Railway As speoifi6cl lumber,.wlhic�, -he claimed, amounted to. doqbts, regarding the extent Of the.authbrity Star.. triaL R6redell's 'crosa-examins?. .,, -, k .- - , L , L . '. I . L I , . . , !'', " 4 Cm8grain, will move foe correspond.; U all 6 -L in . .protec. I I , � . * . I L I I t"'. . .. I I , . . in the Said o6ntract ; 4hird, 'for the'.41or'lis 68.pei the* 0 d - He believed given by the,Bill,'raised by'Mr.. Blake, tion. w . . I � -.,:dlici. reSpeeting. the - appointment of A61i. . .. ­ . I . . as xestniao&, An. ang'ryL PaSOMP " : � . L I . t 'bas'and branches tidD, but.s6 'far AS: �bo. Northwestijumber should be"re'nio'ved in -the S�Late. . occurred between- -Mr. Merrick Wid Mr. - ,,, :; � - , . L, Fabre to the position he now ocou. of construction, on ex, ensi . " L, . . . . . .. I , . Hooter bkAo d in -the ri * . is conberued'i6r6 vii&S �'u&hlng to , * Mr., Mdlock in - moving - for: the: second Ing4golh: ,I . . . . .� �� -.JFr&U6e, ndt sUi, e iftay. -specified by. trade wi . L , L' . . . . Urrick. said be,Ohould' i4ter , - ­ ' :, , � i - , I t ,I - L 1. I ,.. I .'. . PI $�'.in withlooples -of Commission e 6�," The sm 0 bavini. bo'en- readitig- of the. Bill t ' ' % � :'." . L ' sif � alld �. JO the contract; fourth,' for.'rollhig stock for Prot .0 � n oordwood, I . . 0 'Amend the Coris.oli. rup'twithotitrog dt6thewishosofootingel. - �. z;, . . instructions issuid to'bim ; show- '' I I.. d- ed Railway Act, iiiplain '- that . I � 61! Mly_,.Ao' L .. .. .. � .. 1. . ­ - Ing the diLties iequir6d� of 'hirim 'aud ,the, All- extensio'ns .',and. 'brauchei not 6mbroped removed,. he 4bbught the, �tmx dif lumber , At I ,L "ad, , -the. ..Mi.*IngersdIl,-war not wint the , , . . .,:. ; , L rail , I . - . . � . . � in.the.railWay sp�cified by 'the c6ntri4, Should followi:', The,Zinist6i of 'Customs, existing Act - permits I I . - I I salary arid' commisidon 'Paid - f6i - his - ser� . I .. & h , , I ­ . . Ways toppo for regard of,86unh6l, afid would: . consider hiff � � * - . , . , , . and'of the; receipts t a company �.iip 6. while -not, opposinifilie returil,thought the .21 y emfo,Auri�gmhich period the pooling ,re ard as -an . insult., ,,,. 1. � . ". , I I I.:. L ;L.': - ... . �, ,, I ' 9 . . . 1. .. I . . :i. , " , Acts eto --, sloo, copies of. 911'reports niadq 'the saine'dato on soon t. f h, 19-V � ing,flid L dutl ' ' Id b ' ' � ii i ' i 4 f ' i ' rtnership. The I � - hi " -' '- - -- , I . I . I L�, * 1 7 �. U 6 pos , !O6Sidj.i;. question of ireni eg con companies are in'. act in pai L .Mr.Xo.r;ick,turiiiiigquickly�,toweir-a IS— -, .. .1 I' ., by Z1,1010 'with official popqo showing the , . I . J. . 1. .. e, .1 .-f . . I . � .d . . . I . . I ' -much botier ,discuslied After the,paperi ptiblid not being aware o - thii I , � . L . .1 � ".1! I . . _ ,. .: I �.. land"grant bonds, bonuses; land 8&106,.�or . . . . a ariste of the DPPOneUt--:-j -,Wver give In egard � to- a, - 'L ' - b 1� . . '.. . . . , . . I . . . . . . ... L . . y r , .. .. .. " * I . 1� �rabidts.PUJAI mjsqjon.� , .. I . �. I . , '�' broiight do .1o'W'. havo onvatious o , 1. . . . . ; ,. . M, . . � . . 1, � I tranisoiions not einbikeed in the operations weil . *n. He pointed oiA that U - SL S,i coasionsbe6ninduced PAIPPY� ,.. � � � . .. . 11 .. . . ... . . . "", 1, - - vixpi�mxcli LIGISL&TION. * . . .� 001 an gran 0 use - It th, .the logo wore � admitted free, . -and, sit a. to grant boli . 0 n - what, were Mr. Ihkorsolli iti'Volunkaifly pidki ag.. p - '. - 0 , .. .1 L . , . . ineeted *ith4 d'. ' ' t b' It a' . I . Aid.L of' . i . � 1, ' , , . . I I � he ufidorifo6d thit-a. large' thoughtto bb 6omood i almost ,bo -a ' . . � 1i A, -­. .� .... � � . � The'CommAtee dthb,'Dominion Alliance number of morefs'L of livnd sibsi4y-;- sixth, matter of fact�. . I . . ug * lines, - but . I . I . , iih a ' - Y, i ' - ' ... -:- - - � ". , " . . ­ . . . . . ' I .. . vyinkstatidshd r6d , L' I L &me , of L lOgF I . . . , ­".: L " ' I J L 'WI ' Uger"'�,on ''. . I ... L. egislition, � compose ' ' " I .9. - - . - - . I . '*''L , .� L .1 . . . �*. . .,.: _ I L ou Temperance d.- of dfits of bonuses agreed for 't�ou 'h'�ot quantity' were fl6sied doWli the Red as 800was tho� money had' been,psid,11ib are adirtyidog' . i. . - ; i * L L . . . . . . ' ' . . :. - _�'. L � I. Senators ifid ifienibere 4 -the qo6imon " Paid. ' ` . . I : . . � . . .., Rivet-frdin M rinesois 'and 'manufactured. taflivaY6 so Aided p'oled * - -_ O . 1, . L .­ i , .. . Q with 'a., former , The coart poulidibg vigorously upon tile _ . . - ' . I . , , . L : '.' � . . L . . 6L ' . . ,L . I . ­ L -.,., I. - , :.. `��` - 'being tiled 'members, :bt the - Alliinc6,'mot � .Robdit''HoKenzie, m inioter and ! others in'.Winui The country through. wb�ch rival, thereby failing'. to give .the People the degk'r Stored �,order.- 4iidge W�lie'wss'� . %. ... I., . . .1 . . . - I , - , , I I I 'to d " i oom it4e'tddm No. 6 and 6igan- Pray for m measure to Ve'Ut. fi�nm � the C. R.-Wbuld". -pass es t of. Prince , advantages -of .that ri�ilwmy - com -visiblyL shocked. -' Mr-.� Mer1rick aii1sinea - , - �: - , �:11 , my in in 11 I . . pre . thapro. - . . P!eg. I I . 10 L petition ' L , , " . . . . .L �, " I J.-ed,01i9oal. g, enat6r'8coti.cbmirtUsn,4nd tidD of the Lord's Daty,by raitway com. Arthur's Landing would .dfford., a large which was held out to*� iliem.'aai an induce-' that h4�had been priisaied beyond the limits,�'.- : ., `., - ,L .' I �1%1 . Mr. King . . I ' , " - . . . . . I ce. L '6Urt' . , - ' - I ' *� Qui6on,ii, � 3ardeo and other' cokboirstions. , . I . . q6auvit* of, lumberl and there might soon ment to grant tbq bonuses... i :. The law as a his �.. , I , N.B.j.ceed,re_ .I �... - L to . � I - of'huzdan e'riduran The 4d 7. - .- - -, a 0 1. .. L .9 . . L -tary. - -As tho d Mion from the I as 1. Mr. Cameron sul;mitted his motion,. of 'be '-enough . Supply - the. demmiad., ,, Mr. nov . . d in this ljn� ag" w%O.'inoxCusab16,, . .. ... , ",:,;' .' r eiiaiink having .been' abuse U a under Snypro,4 L , . , . � 'L . . � � .. . " 1. �, ­ I . I . lift - t .. . h�E I : --- I'll S&O Wff,�I, AS neoeusag 0 gumrd:,,g % - ­­ .... . , 4 . . . . . . . -* . . . . . 4,�­.i.4.4­4" 41k ,�' ."..i_ 0 '. , 4 . %( , . , .. .- 111-11.1- .11-1 ­_ � ­ _q_JbWMM X04A ", - .; a i __ gy, . I ,gainat its 11 .. I . , I- I respect n t dool Q L.. ____ ,_ d nty,--Tkince rem Usy .13 Out, a --g%V I - Mr. AM U ­ , -thw-liffairwas smicatil _' i . - _,2_ . - ,e Qh4 g astod1hat �_,B�,I, , , , � t .' d - , *1 1". . i�­ xltqu�augiyeated', list _,O�p I N 't , , ,_�k 'A ,�L " I . ' , -.- � L ---. , __ _, __ , Mem L vifk 1� ay . n L Q ay , - - �tioil *ith . � r., figy . 1.11 1, 0 P1111121141t, S, "6 . . .. i '.. _'A ��Mro �;�_�., - -, ,j& , � � ,:to 'the' legid 0 ENS ='h&&VOA�_ . V,Itb�g�,� A L - IV Or; . I . . ­ � ble irstuZ4� remAll ra� yon , u1n.: ... U61ir dgtd4 : I 6�11 . : , � - 11 - . I . . . I y Be 4tlect. . I . . I 1�1 I L, 11 - s%tbjkt.. b4c W Island:- ' oaudid4toq. pre. � list, ma'in the U nited States. - Bit: Watson,. done, "railvimy - amalgamation' �miy go oh ' W.hen the 1 la6urt called 'counsel- to 6ra* . I of_.tba.._.,1Iquor. i4i _. Edwakd_ __Qn__ _ - I - f X- __ _-f-' ­­ ... d_­_._­b,.._­(..j� - U . . . . _ . -,Az ffi,o, -.-..,. 0 - ___­ L _ pAr'. ­­­ ...... .. t.1­th_­_­­h__L1�_'_ _:_-IW,_,_...__ . . - . - ' ff. -...- __._­�.. ... r ­:­­ - - I y -eye --in f­Cj6iiffe1iC&ioV_Ji&i no inan 616@43buse. .. _� - , - _ . ., L i PC6bFJ7,jW _­ ­_ Qr.L ., I . 1. _ fepoited,� it was decided, that, no, Reps, sented - themselves-Mr�. MiEilntyre� ,who' -O , . arque toi ma o a rie i J& 4 1. e w o e rai a item o him' , . � . . . I . ' - . . , I L , , , I � , . taken. �j the cdm�mittee - until. headed.thepidPwith' 2,124-. voted, and'took containid .'the followin h'a tax 'is oofiti6lled by a i%iugld 6orpoiition,.j State withotit registance'-on his- -.Part. 9&id'-he'- ,., . wiiuld .be . g�points: T1 i . * . I ' limMent , f j'ad .... - , � , . * ' � calainitous' t ' the best .1 i�ouid'&Jt at the day a L'. ..'. .�. . �, , their koportbe'ient'in. '.Tho Alliance Com. L his place in Farlimme , t ; .Xr. Robertson. .oft lumbdi is m tax on .ths: settlers whorn. of `:Affairs .- most 0 gment, if i , " * * , , , , L . . , J?LL 11 , I 0 L . - I . . . L, 11 � mittee intend'L to &SkL at &r's 9,00i votes -;' Mi. McDonald, 1 940 ,votes -' the -'GoVeknment is most anxious L to get int6i6sti of the Peoplei'' The -Bill. prQp6136d wore � 'Assulled.: by : 66d; 'I . Would defend. - -,� - , - , , 7 1 . . . I . , � . . . .. . I . .. - I I my invielf,with-.1 y-fitil " ' . .06111mission 16-inbinire I ' Zj-'L antity. O � - ' ' ' ilid � _a'L �. gre . ag.'Q,rratigements.--Or...-railw ­ T_­­�­_ " * , . " #. ftto­ihe relation. �of_ ,-And -kuti&rt,. _44864-- votes..-. Mi__!Md�' -lixt0i"t - obiintry'-,, . at -qu of -that no pooli * . ii e -puny. powor.'�--- Af t6r­ ..;. __.. I ____... .. - IN, ­ �6�1_ , � . � . . �L q e, ote,d*, b � ht'a .double . '%mal&ifistion can be . ut...,the. ti, , , . 1. . . - L . % thd ,liquor- & o the:'othOr interpatLe Of . Intyrie: WAS declared .I -lumber jaL imported, so . that. the -menu- I . ..1. .made 'witho � e Amicable -settlement of the affKirA4!k ". ' - -�­'-­­ - -4-:'.- ". '' ----- -- ­­_ -­­t­­L­­___' , ,. I ----.-. . _L .. Udelli -11 - ,�.. I I .1 .. -,- _661hifii . - .1. � . . ..... -f Vof ' on it - -_ _­­ . _,_ _ " , .!_J'. '' k T _,:� - -;, . . . . i . ' -7 Jk� fh6 --fi-76it­Ad&r-6 -f . we , -dd - -.- -conson - Government-- OVA�� ivarli I was * 8 - - -of the - . I"- — � . .7 ,re urn, .was `&mde�' fo, , .6 e w old yl . a 6 -_ff4gag6 ei . , I . . . k�turdmjot­tki be 'fit" 1-th'-1--h" t, I iii6kiiii7oui I .. I . - ' . _. .�, �� .� .. This,%fternoon Sir Leonard Tilley pre.- MesSia;­Ro.bertoon :and McDonald,, the And therefore- tfie 'import,�htiou .of, .Iogg. being first asked' and obtained.' . The 'Bill Ingersoll also . . '"' I ..�, I . '. .. L . I I 1, , ibe L, Was read $6 ace' . . I record. ., 1. I . Contei2dea Ahat any '.. i. L. ., L . rUL ' h " .the ireturuidg�offi6iir hiving' been luformed, as ben6fiW � tho-. 'Idanufacturet on yi,, not end time 'and referred, tc iii :.. I ` I.. ,,� 1. .:, . sentod, to the Houses rotti 'L 8 owing .. 11. ­ '. I I . "the �offeusiverem&rkshemigh% fiave mid,6- -, - .. I .. I .. , - ...-,.,reoeiitFi.i6ndoxpaiidituraiir;�4etiiiI Charge. it was alleged, that Mr. Roberiedn'was not'. Settler ; ,lUmber' . manuiacturiirs' in. the. Standing,Committeie 6n,R'aiIW'ayB*.. -- - , � jUL d. . . . . - ' I this Or the Pke,d6us trial shouldbe stri n' . - ' ` ' -* - I I ' eke ' . . - .. � L . If . . ;L. 1 . ,Lgrea irst, . , . L, . L , � . � , . . , .. I . able to'the consolidated . n , frotia July I . . . I i-.saiintages�. h . A.. abort ,but. interesting debate arose on out of the r6lbord. . I . . :;.. ','.'. . ligibleas a candidate-ou. adoount of his Xorth,WQst - have 1. , , 1. I., I . ,� I �,� L"' ... 1 � I I .. .. 11 � I .. . . ." L '... ­ I ..19ti' 11882'; to. Fiibk" -20th -1883. tho§ I'sving . been.. returned 16'_; the�' Lodal they get .thQjr,hmitk &I'MoSi for ]jOthiAg ;' Mr. L Robertodn"s,(Hamilton) ' BM to piovide� " ­ ' ' '' . .. 11 .., . . . ., I . �' . . . ,. I . .. . . . ' � � ' ' ' ' - I . .­�, . . . I . ; I . 8,292'i- AssombLy 47-lshbrt time prevx6us. - Mi. Reddad# they. haN L' ' *.' - I 'I.. 1. I ..'' I , 0 - re_ihe protection., of � the 'brought, . .. -TIRO ISO . . .receipts* to.: froin0ustoms,414,81 for. The sun�mmry trial of pers6pa . i . andr4m. ,' .- .. I 11 , �'. I I. . . . .� I . . . .. .. at -office, .01,007 878 " COAn'ston -`66titended that I the� returning. 'd4ty and of* heavy. . fre . �Fhidh, before' the .4Couiity Criminal .Court, and .' I . I... I . , ­ . 11 . , I af I. . . .1 i� I I gio1se,:44,224,599 ; Fgi 4 I 1, . ight rates, " I . ,.%�__ c i .'' � .. � ..a . � .. '; . . - I .1 , I 'I 1,� L L . I , ' , . .... _ .. *,*,: %, , I . .� L MI WSY$i I 9 I .; officer in , stevetio di: -together . more-lban, -the ad . . . . on -:.Simply. 'Lilitier"Day Sainis Preteofldgi� Aga .. .. . . . , . , 1 297'765, - 'miseellinootis; 6 371, , hi L ) *ith amount 40 . . at of released .on bail. Mi.' Roberts . I 16ttilli . � .�'. . 1: . -029j,719j79.4. The estimated I tileatt . the linibet _in Min ov, ecol - .1 ,af .. , . . I., ., 'L.) 380':,�,totsl, ire.; I candidate, �mnd that . vespolia, for �the greate6t. - in ed th6.8 id.'readiiig, wAbotit spoiik-� llibh�at Classed 9 rolygainkst"'i . . .:.i , . . - . . . I . . . ' . I .. . . , I . ... . , I—. � -coraink 1. to Sir th4'qUL' now -be considered qaantity of - lumber. is iniLported from thLo*; ** " * rt of 'the 'Bill'.. Mt Catheroito . ­ I . . � . I , i, '. : . , I . . vdii%16 for the year 1882-8; so I . . Ing. in suppo. - :. L - 11. . ,,, A WashingioU, report sayA : When Evarts � ; ' ,;.,� - - � . . . I . . . . . - - by 'gi - i ietatning.'offioers United Statigh ; 'so -taking. off , ,the auty twill 'of -Huron, called'upon im to explain- -"Re was Secretary' t State L & Ijitt' ' " ... . , , . , . .)�eofiaard.`Tilley's 'lost Budget obetch,was I I I . I . . 0 or was Sent td . I ..., " .L .'' � � .: 030,600,000. , The expenditurd for . tfie *or&. . -themselves* who be dbing no harm to Ontario. manufacturers. said th,6 puip,prt.Qf .the Bill wis - to' extend All foreign GoverhmeuW �skij�g that. the -' . - . I ..� . ,-­ - t . -returned On these - I grdunds� lid. ,strongly -supported �to perabris,hold.to bail the sAme pr��Ileg6-of. . . L 17 . . 1. . perioainalud6d4a thia.,feturn'bAmount6d weft to be , ­ . ,emigration of 'X'0rm6UR:, lo the United ' - - ; .. I - . . . L . .1 I -0 'the 0ringiPmlL-iteWS­beingL an�y - 'ex. St. . . - *&a.' qW. accorded to por- Statbs'ba prevented, AS theyiesino'bere -to'.' . � I I . I . .L . I * I � I 1. . - . to t7462,8,16o . . .on an: thi6 votes 0611ed the *motion. Mr. White, (Ronfrew), Doody 'trial as . b I . .. debt, 63,463i= ; Civil L . ' . I 1. 4P .. . ', Intor6st "bit. public , L for:tbe W&S'LUDderstood the pressed .the o0inion that*m: good des'lof got!": d'ommitfe4� -to jail, and, .'added .138 practice crime 'againot.�­Its,- we. .. . . . , . � . , , rein th '.(;eOe . I . . , 1A ydker.� 1. , - . , ki 'fund, bettek.. . , , lum - 1:1 - . o0old 'not See what '- Objection 4 pld . I . : ... �:_._7; -, _government,, -0.63.81,;60 ; L Big Jug. y of ibe returning., . bei wb ld, bo'exporied I ' e L . . _ 0 day (Monda�)'Ndei Joseph S'naith'And 9. I . . LL I I . . ' ' " . ". .1. $666,966.1 public works and --buildingst offloor the'votes, as Shown Man Bay Aistifet',to the� Northwest-jiext.. possibly be...made ti� the''..1.3illi ,Sir. John . 0,5111mittee on 'beh f.,of ibe'reorginiked' ' , ... . ' M. . I si 1 L � . 61,207,799'; subsidies, 03,605,629; rail.wsys,. by,Jbe b-d6p4ty4retutning- SUMIAeri The motion carried', '' I . � a0donaldtook exception to the extension. Church waited upon the SecretAiy of State I I .:. I .1 , 0 ' d Pf quaimary tr - � ' L % L 1�1. 11 , ". #�,A,20,611 ;. Post..offle6,11 402,169."',. This Vft2ii merely ,inihisteriai. � .&"good 'dpal, of.disc us'aidii was arouse on !mIq,:6n - the' ground that and'asked -that tfarte'v letter be friodified . . L. . ' L .1 - _ ,� . .. ,"tota es im%ted exp�nd , " " . 'the subject of'German itamigrati6n. by'two it -shielded- offenders .from the publicity so '.as: to distii3guigh .bot*e�ntl6maelves - . I .1 iture for the year So 61ei ions ilisi 46. Could, . . I . I . ' 1. �, . L . . . . . � '1882-8 WAS 096,073,70-. . . . �. nO Se d, Possibly be � con. inotiobs I of ,-Mr. Kranz,' Waterloo., .Ht whicliWaa m-punisbineut of'brxme"-aiS*elI and polygamous Mormons.. They presented .. 11 . . I I I . , 4re - pi6aentoa tolthe .'House to-aay. strued . th� power,lib'haa 'Wauteid riturns, lat, regatilingAirect stei%.. as -A deterrent., Mr. B . take agleeed with Sir : &-memotilil sta� , 1. . I I . .. ,turn ship qommun . ioat b f ��g th'at polygamy wad no , ' . , " - . ;_. . � shows that there are 781 voteraus oh'412. e;�ercii ter. I There, was a ion-betvieen Canada aZd' John, Aud pointed out'ibat theoperati011 Of part , f tfie : a,th of the primilive'Latter ... 1, . I . I �, . � ... 1, i � I U91 8. 11* I , 4ermany, and,2pd, thd n , ng Summary trial 'W n Day gaints,'and is in no .pkrt the filth I .. I 11 . '. . j suiinving. Th' umbei kn6Wn. Or paper nt sent in by the ,naturalization Lof: the , 1 , aw gra'Al as: I , 1. .. �!" , ". 1 ,at '1876 ,is -Xr. R e urn drew:, Attention vor of the be,rdenod..criminsl, who was . . I ' . � � , .. %036. return q that -t,d aliena. Mr. Cdekb ipposedto'hivd died* Office, A i , � to fa I t'o--da' . � �� 1. . .1 . . , I ,x. widows. of voterang have applied to th6 . Son . 'L &U a' s6mo Cases . Yi Out a loathsome pra0tice indulged .; I I ". ., � ,bf_genUir�o .L 41%, ... .. . -81 . , aw or the, seat bee a . - har&hip where enabled by -iu- tb. paes himselfolf afi,one. ,in by an offshoot' from tlie ttue'� Mor. i I . _'. ,., � . us &11d arlog, L L , .:�­,t,; "' � �06'vornmbht for,assist6bLoe., - * I ho"W L he Tro�inoiml- Logis. 11110111* perfectly, good' okize _ loyal , AS appe L� foritiial for ,the, Atat .time, and* in O'lly urch, aud. is pr�p . I 11 . I I r ..- I _- L, � . I I . - ­­ allo Ir � � On Ch . efly. branded as it , . 1* , . ri�laiiiig to the' g f.' � ime. . . I i ­ � . e . In moviug for, Papers ant� latqre ibit effect. had-, -bee : woke not wed t6.'.Votb '' SimoLly. thus recei�e ,a� light s6*ntencb, when a long- r The reorganized Church has � I . I .. ., I , I it atky� I 6* ... � ,,, - '. - aar% 'in the pe1iit6ntia*kY would sionaiies ip varibus parts of Eut8poi,A O.. .. I . . tb the Qu'Ap Ile Valley 7arining co" Mr. hailde g-6ffide beoause'of noncomplianoie ,w."th i ome fpii�.. term.. of -Y , 8 , . . . pe t seven, -days . I a , . - t I .. - . . 1. , . 11 LL I L . . I � * _L ' ' H . . but. th'L . � . . . � T.'" I .t ver." . There as no , . , I !� 'df Comniona .td.dv,Y not " I ist due, 0 bost thing. tralbil And thiii �Sdbiety Isla ' . 0 � VfAt6onj �f Mmiq14 JUL the r ua� on y be hisJu I . , otto;: Man,,� made his. of jet t . I ,�". 1� ,, ,mall en 0 , 0) - he'return'. the rl ate , e(- was . th- *t could be h4osed in lija Own. i9t nil and juitioe L L ' ' . L I. I . . . , I L ''' 1386)i daiiibg a round of applause low ca, ng U on, or authorizihg t �iiiilor . . ,Bill. in6bAube I a , Met; demanded that it sliould be "" .. � . I . 0ow is . I no porat Grand * TruAt:. . Mt. Robertson'd6fended himself bj' Evgr A , ; ,;�, III Mienao. lie took the. part of the ing-offic6r, to -13end: in Such papers as this, to eL - the I . ee, . relieved from' . .. ,, - ; *.. . gq"ttero When their -Settlement "was bo" stia therefor L Limitedil'v � Sir John Macdopaid.; inttoducea ipg in the principI -the 0 4um-and 4amelof blasgifieStion Wi&�, L - . . I - ­ � e they Word not prorerly before es laid d6wn, but alleging 0, bo-ov r oti*j`i* 0r!Pie_#gRWfJt_tb,C�-_* la -W ' L � - � ' _ _ " "" d ` Ad6vi IM10-rb"thd-land-maff-d � I 'L.- �­ 't.-f­th­­#b. . I ..., �,U. .. __" �$­­_ ___'_�_ " *� --- - rw it - u puppor o, is o quiditea his 15f1l----`to7--hfr.thbr 61' mt`tli �-Adtg- . d­-Wba _Fthk) coilAkY, in which its miasionariGib . �." �� ividid- -tlia-Mbwo- - cona . ---,,,, in 1. b id 6 o -thwthe-fact-the5t IS,- , ;relme " . , , I . � ., - ,. I 0 . � 0 . J&mong tlie, Colonization ,compkiiies. Tho. the, .,authority of. Mt,' John irillyard rolmtj�g to thL e ,�tLblicianclao-fthb'Domini6'i3, wasaguatanteeinsiovi 0 . . . 1. I I 11 �., 4 I ton, .jf ami . I . . "exiqo, -khat he woo, I&bot. in, Spremilifig'their' faith, Freling. ,' 1. .. . I . . I . 11 � _ ore than, once that Came Ity or their candidate e: oilla be dism, '60t � pffe.ndir. . * *' ', 'L ' ' ... ;,:2, ,., . Premier had itated In , o " L . 't ',Set. 'thb Li n ' or , xplAining that 'the Bill iv * in old I . / ,,�L : . .0 - I buysen promisdd that -the p6ppoal Would bsr� . , ".. � , " ,evin-numbered Seetioils, wet Opel! 6 ughi,thdmiselvn, aggAeved, tfio courts ttibuteA an4,anibn"ents oarefully noted. � 6' . .1 . I "; , . , ii , I � . . — C'. 1,_�\ L . . � coUsidered. I . � . .. . . 1. : : . i I I !. I * " t1ement, ftothdr,the colonimstion do Were Opep to them, In suppott lake point6d: out that thi 141- . I I I .��, L . , * ,,, �1, . � . I . . lhp&byL . of hid"con. ,Mi- B, � 6' hild been - \ - 41111.)Sii,-. . 0 _ ., I . . . .�. � ''. _ . � �1, . . I lIked-'ft;C,t,�XI6t. If ithii wad 96,16W&spot tention'that this ' betefdr, r0lilised'ifith.,thd Bill, introdued 14st,yemr� - , The Bonate-met to -day and'kemailned iii A Philadel hik tenor 'took V1 , I . I �. ., ..''. . West. I 6 � . was & matter -to a placalin &�.__ . , . 4 . r ia.oWn�alno,sudilia , , � " .. generally und6ratodd.in, the North ' ' ' 11' red to 4ho Committee oti Privileges, and gut it was not donii o4efully., Bit John aeai= fully tw6ty 'blibut4s - -I-Ion* Mr. church. 661k ridd 'hi . . I -..'� I -'. �' 'thought the papeto .villod' foi would- 'to' E16oti6ns, 'he quoted Nveral jtdoddeutp�, agreed that such hmd been the ibase, but- he Altaii introduced V, Bill to stqb'nd the Act -negra mi'str 4 compauy &t,the some timii . ** . 11 .. ..,:J L '.. fino.Aaht* as show- lifig" whothbrthe Company' The`fitst,�aii the 1360,ubarnbia case, where hAd.giV0)U'inAtta0tiOhR to fiaVilib Well aOne . .. . n , � I LL I 1. . . � corporMing the Northern' RodlW&Y. of unaer ft'li. aw �me& ofic. but th a' . (I , . oo a w- , a ouble ­ . . � �,:o . : iefeired to or the Aquatters Were, the firot .poll b 'k " ore said to. be burn�d And' a' 'thi�time. T fio Bill was kl1okd -a first time.' Wanada., The proceedings *ere of routine: , Salary did no last, long,. for porsono, jr6inL � L ., I � . _ _ 1 .� P . , . . I !�, . , - �� - / Special rot4n' made," wh,bn Parliament . Si Leonard Tilley's resolutions regarding 6h&rActek, E.411 im�Oftmut motior�s on the ,the church r. 3cogbized him ,4hkough 'the, ­ . � . .L I., f ocoupanto, of ,,the soil,t - �, ". 1, r , . , - . . . - ' .� burnt cork at L � ..­­­��,_,....q,_.� _%', whis. oth6r!_,p4poVO J., ioveg W I . "I-, i ' . ,X XoNted,tb sol,�O jh,_'t, Xr.�Dewj%- ., ho`bA not bdnka and bapk2l UP %114 wdrO 60*4 -Order vM)er'being' ,� I � � , - I lot . , to 1.4 -4 .- _ t � OsTI f _i-1 1-11 ppatp e& ' I � - 1. . t4baoda fik�tqrjeol in "Which ifi4 Canahm ld� b6' &olare'dl t - 1 rdil in. o6mm .1 � ­,_ ­­ .�, �­� � �� .qahow,'a !�4o.v�oioo7��!--�--..-"k-"�".--,. �.".,_,_, , I I . . � 1b0oUL returuedo.jb64 . 0 be SIdO . ... I 086 I o orb thd8fid4key .- -,--- ­ ­ - � �� .. allbry.� . _ : "' . I . � . .:" I 0 C', k. I.. � '. I . . . . ". L 1. . I 1, .., 1. ­ 11 . I I.. ? . . ?iom t'ho 61i 1 . . 1, * " ,q .1 . I . I . . . . . . .� � I . . .. II . . . . I L " , # 'A# 'o. �' . -1 ... . . �. . . . . . i I 1.10, ­ I � 11 " .1 ­ I . , 1. � '. . I . .. I . . . �. I . . I . I . . , I � . . I . ,� '. �_____­* ..--41- . . .1 . I . I . ' . .. . . . .- I I . I ; - I * I . . . . I . . .. * 'i ., , .. .. . . . .4 ��__'.* � ­ _­_._'�._­__L�__.­_­___. ­ ­ .__-_---!_L__,.___ __1 - . . .___ .., ---:-td-----.--_._,_- _� .. - ". - _-,_k�..,.. - - _.___--i- .­ ­., ­ I . . � -17�---�l-.."..�--.-.�-i--,�'-U'L"-�''--- _ _­­ . � . _­_ I ._____`­ ­ ':.- _��­­_ _- - ---- --- � -,l__­:___A. _­_.__ ­._­�_ __ _... I " . I - --- . 1� - I I . 1. . . . . . . . . 11 I � I . . _4 . . . � . . I .. L .. � .. , i . 1: . . . . . L I , ,�� .. . ,;. . ,. I I ,� � I . . . . - , _ 11 � I I t . -.. . . I . .. , I... , 0 , I .1 I �.. I I , . I � � , � I.. . L' . I . I � L . '. I I . ,� . I.. - I , . . . . � , . . . . � .. . . I.r .. I . . . I . . . I I I . I . I I 't ­ , . I 1% .. I L. I . . . . , . . . . � . . . . . 1 4 I . . . I Y � I., . . � ( . I '. 1 L' 10 . �r . 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