HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-12-19, Page 67.71Fesi• meat" 41' • • 104.4010014, WI* wig - Weirs 04 41641* fis *a best ramrod awl tits most ecoseinsismd tea ewer olisted for sale. «soli Slit yea 1 On getting the, Must insist I Genuine air 00.r t 10 ,v onto,' The Clown ININIMINOUVIVIIMIIMMINIIM•00.100.•••• Woomaord„ epealoas. * Wet Ileopita% bit *rayed ilia - "Lit* Apire a Glariene Cmarage. - /ty,Iroisa Rowan. irsimissotanamissinwsiossessiiiisoisesplasis'issamousrotemmtsit They brought Mar. Toni°, the said; "and I like them all-frera San clew*, feet first front the Red Cross, Francisco to New York. But trate to the big motor sumbutance.iKansee City -you do not know it?" His was the last stretcher to elide in- Again front the oat baskia his there to thr deep gray van. came the ortolan* of a ..ttreas. The motor slipped through side "NO, Not"' she laughed; "And etreeta of tall narrow houses and wounded where?" ger pencil Pols- drew up it a broad door with Tech- ed over the tiny notebook. "The BONG WAIIII ••••••••••• fii/01 Intim TO aux grim 071 =Mini PRISONS28 Or pro* German Reg Croat Nurse Kicked --Xrutek S'ront Undee a Worindect Mans It fell to the lot of tire writer of these nota to spend highteen months Emig the British prieonere who ware nical School written above it. Front lete Itereegliere. Woundee-" Her sent from Germany to Switzerland the bar. flagstaff ao banner weved Ittll smooth voice paused. "I grail for internment. During- that period lest the eye a an enemy's aeroplane wait for the surgeon," she added a- - 2 •Wi Waa sa constant daily intercourse should set the ecarlet alms on this "because wounded *11 ave nose end whiate ground. with thenr, and so had peculiar on/aw- ay* and little finger. le it not so, Two hospital orcIrlies, gray hied* ' Toni° ro tunities to'hear the story that' ong. or came en4. aeleranly tugged at th; -- Hie eYes tainkieci Ucitc into the -atiother to tell of les experiences stretcher a Tonic; It lefused to budge. Carefaity they pareal out the three other ,stretthers. For a breath each stretcher touched tke ground before it was eased to the suPporting leather 'straw hung front the shoulders of the bearers. The final wounded opened their eyes, and their laughter mingled with the shouts from above. Tonio's stretcher would inolie neitlat Community Library. . founation of * wider range than has er backward nor forward. cheerful lace. The sun ehut its bright bars through the long Italiaa windows, and the winter air was soft from garden terraces. A deep sigh broke from his lips. Soft es-. *while in German hands. liathe hope.of bringing home seme- thin*. of the calm:dated eruelties in- flicted _on cur men, the following / Ai 23 stones are chosen for publication. Le...=--------a— feather le the air, it seemed to lift Th alas! ' -- -.......- Use rnore Soup Pot Ii*plenty of vegetableo 0od rice or barley., Even with Poor stook, delicious 00t114 can bo Made by'adding a dasb 4 Ztfe. 1 ey are, only w few out of 1,041$(10, Lieenoomvla.142 itself up into the white hoepitel wane. His open, eika dark eiada, were fixed hundreds. like them, and they are not . . on the aurae ate.ve Re law the worst, for the simple reason that witheut warnitig, he was ordered to her blue eyes anti a lock of hair that nianY of the indignities inflicted On getup and go to work. IT. refused, had slipped out from the close.litting veil and Toztie's glance settled on the .1•.mk•-••••• fterfoil to he Tobago la the W. ward Group of British That * glance at a snap of South Amer. kat will show an islazal of consider. Olt else in the Pacific, maw hun- dreds of milts due vrest -of Wiper. ateq, It belong* to Chile, and Is vallad Juan. Fernandes. It is commonly understood to lutvit been Robimeen Orpsoe's isisnd, but that this notion is incorrect May be eesiiy. proved by it reference to D. foes immortal story, which (publish- ed in 1719) tells exactly At location of the patch of dry aud on which his here was east ashore by a hurricane while on a voyage from Brazil to Guiana.. It Was not, therefore, in the Pact., fie: Ocean at all. This lend. was ift this Attanticaind near the mouth or tbegreat Orinoco River. ,Saya Crueoe in. narrative: "The ,inester made on observation as well att be eould and found that he was • off the north part of Breeil, beyond. , the Amazon, toward the Orinoco, commonly called the Great "liver« lie began to coitsult with me what urse he should take for the. ship was leaky and noels disabled." - the prieoners are unprintable, . er on he saw (referriag to the afterward' Understood Deplorable az the great. world con- 'been naked foie.manY Years. big corporal came, blond and red cross. She Wore. the ecarlet lifted tho Caret Aggraveted Cruelty'. 'that -it -wet oceasfoned Isi-the.great - Let may be the 'fact remains -Hutt it if this experiment is nuideTtiff 1‘,X14,uiti issigbeltellicrenbtrrtlf 4111-V4-lierl arm hit" ,ethe point of captine to the prison. Deseription*--of -the journeyeafroM draft and maw: or Ow inighty sliota.nboyisitrenticr; bas drv,rn the population together tagesher 1 very small wey lint;ethe interest aid ggdin his arms d not only on the ground Of his rank. but also beicatise he could "not stand sfersiriorestliansse few moments on -1u damaged leg. Porathitrefusal Waa forced' to get up, and d'ress and,was taken to thetbasement of the build - l. mentally as nothing else could ever, shown will be a great surprise. Many The our ;Loll ltwaitiuutretuher, that fell .down Shoulders to her already have been, pliblialted; but an have done. The draft, Victory people Are well Wormed but balta herd oth the motionless forin whotte "Thnto nurse wa Bonds, anti Red Cross work are had no thence to melte use of their eyes alone w.,.re • $ now thrusting this nista ce Orieoco, in the meath Of which our dazz camps and of th-e filthy cattle trucks island lay, and that the, muc'h, larger " never still. - uoitorin, leacic livit4 tre . g 0 of aggraaatea.,eruesty may nag and looked in a cellar, four. by island I sew to the west and north -- common common %pies. There is no locality' knowledge, while others are really „ He ' s swathed'_ like a IneminV with %that th rin 1. neleehrt, torn be added. ,Pria• ate B—, who arrivid five feet, with a stone floor. Twice west was Trinidad - as ed Friday a thousand ques- , e a s s it by the first 'eventually at Chateeit d'Oex-- lmd , each ilasaa corporal.visited hinr w;I:' "I k ' ' so smell that these subjects -have not thirsty for general topics of converse. from hveliatil t(ft - dirty- whitee hie eled, foto a --lid his leg shattered in the ilghting), bread and water and asked him if .tans tions, and he told me all he ;knew. I' great white sack-. Big a - penes fitted. Minds that formerly . tion but 'have few opportunities, or etwenty-fourldbeagewound:1' still eastrayr four wounds. .gaitTerosolotooveltwh el% itivesteent1;! gave tours to idle goisip, perhaps at think they have not the time, to read. es -across hie birn a thnes for lack 4 a mere common mita' Roth ekte.sea of people find pleasure' hie Bersagliere liat,, the long .4 -Mop,' our wound's, watched her easy move- ing coelc plumes of bottle -green Ong-- Jeet of conversation, have not that a ocurillicer interest in starting a Population, • II '" low mud, opportunity now. People who „.. tveo netestrous boots, tied together , ed " At , his side lay ,' nieltetsieureanizaoupmaienix.t at, white ..,,sheete, It vanish.t most never %netted a newspaper are dd the' V- f Me enerat al- reading -room or a' library that would ed with dark red. eager for news or,Pictures because of loved ones '' who may be .heard front. The general advance of all prices has deprieed many people or the pub.; n i eyes anly the scene About ham. • lications that they formerly, enjoyed. thestalnust be eamd ler, then eold, and hand. ' In the eitiee this le not SQ lamentable' the money used toward defraying:ex, left expoeed • were all that the field-zurgeon had' Ht essaw• the orderly rows of white for, by taking a few extra ininutes, Peuses- his men, their fees:1;1 flvfaeltilectts In on: The possibilities , are acrY s The big Corporal ' flung back hread,..but the interest will beadmost head, and the araitiag crowd of ons corner a transformation scene was one may gain any amount of informa- in direct proportion to the thought looleers tiptoed at the great iatigli taking place • as -Km elderly black - tion at the librariee; but in many t- rang out. ..- - , b small plaerte a library is considered a that is given, 40 working out Ithe carded mon became youngsters • un- Tonio was * genius, ' one of ,.'the der the razor's swiftness. AS nun • passed! first details of even the smallest trial, .world's great artists It was not so with a white -winged bonnet of Saint luxury, and people who once trainee or newspapers along are 'much what he eaid or did but the way, Vincent de Paul was gliding dawn the hes said it -or did it that made him aisle, - her soft white skirts .seeming lookers at this clever bit of work.a , the shouts. of, delight from the on - an satiat, ' His little finger avuld 'whiter far than the angel's wings and The story told by Corporal P -a- hold, and convulse :an tatclience, tha bearing iza harp': but at great howl of can he -recorded in his clvvn arotds. A. lo o a i a 0 Persona ma ess- turn of an eyelash bes.Wreiptible to broth.. A soldier Was oiling for a Party of men • had ,tecently arrived that the boy shall have his individual a orowd. Tho, square long head With pair of socks and as!bose with blue, from Germany for internment, • and 'belongings, not to be touchea by (my.; the lean lank jaw, the huinorouseeyes from the Vent,was -pirouetting' -one else. The ,ladavsho haa to bor- mouth and the twinkling eyes, an- on a crutch ' .- ''''' - the writer lost no tirne in visiting the ' (TO be continued.) - ' men in - their conifortable hospital at ., Fribourg. • P— was obviously one ....„. ot the 'worst vases, his. deathly pallor ''''04.40IN'OF THE INDIA -N- and shaking limbs' indieated that he • • ,--- " had "been through . it," Onareply to Probable That Certain Asiatics Are an inquiry at to what had hapketied, ' se . • the:stneestors est Our Lamson. . ‘• , he replied:. .s- , ,„...., . , 'Well. sir, Ian a reitisal; I clOn't and had done his pitiful best with a field-dressieg before he was captursid. Ile spent Three.ay with his COM. redes in a cattle tr4selt without mite being -allowed to leave it, and there - would gosto work. On lus refusal to dosseaa bueket of water WAS poute.d o ir. him until, as he said: • , "By the end of two lit three daYs E pretty well soPped thro ash. co an e ye - •the joy of a roof - and this whste ftir had, neither food nor any attention Anil, (1141'4 get much rest, !or one on the part. of America that reaelres Ne matter how small, the undertala. Tonioas bright, ayes, round and ed out horrore he bad he had imp.rovised a' 'creatilre.''' The present vnpa to bi$ limb By some meapa oe other things the 000r. was swimming in from the sinalth of .the Orinoeo """- crutch, and when; wete: and for another I'm .well liver Guiana` and onward." • asked him the names of the aeveral. notions of his sort of people, but • could get no other -than C0%0, r easily understood, that these were the- Oaribbees, which our map places . ing, a committee ehonld be formed brewn and remarkable for their ligh:t, ocen, and the work 'carried on ssarteMatical- encountered donated raileThat d' the big corporal's. Tonso . Tema nowt softly,• luid, dared the order was given' for the inen to six feet tall, SO P meld only hunch Defoe. knew his geography and it znyeelt up against the wall. But th ar has been definitely proved that :the • the Ilittle linger of hi right turn his head to, surveY mere loving- leave the trucks aetl. march across the - ly. If only newspaper* are saw it was no good, and so m the island Of the fictierial -Grasoe' 'Was platform to a waiting ,room, he was fiftt clay they put me back itto heapi- icone other% than Tobago, the south - able %hobble after them. Att woman tne -But seem to have had a cold ern moat of the Windward -group of Red Cross worker, geeing her oppor- chet ever since." a stile British West Indies. It • is twenty\ 'htuenir tfYo'otin, aiiiided,Aagirug—k inleeniscerlittedwititht 'my "criked" it under his crutch as was . miles didant from Trinidad, and is , , ,,. . ' •twenty-six miles lorg by seven add a passing hers ger, fell heavily on to The British t Fleet in the Dardanella half miles in, greatest breadth. -At - the broken leg, and lin reniembers ' The spirit 'of the* tine lines was the present thee it has several thouss sand inhabitants. surety in the :Smart of -, all our men when the British Fleet sailed its vic- • As is well ISnewn, Defoe deiived the idea for hit storr-frOm the adventure. torkins way throtigh the Dardanelles to Constantinople. An. invisible host 'of 'a shipwrecked Englishman, AleXa' and four Months in solitude on the of men returned their piaci salutes . ander Selkirk, who spent four years " No Britons will ever make that islandiof Juan Fernandez, finale.. voyage without thinkinte of , the men ly rescued in 1709. Arriving in Lon4, who died to Melia it safe., , .." 'se ling them now, or sending them Teach The Ay To Be Tidy. -- away. Ws Method is extremely • • . commendable, -Inst. thip fact remains It. is Most -ruiportant in the meet. . . that there are thousand; of •Peolgei particularly An rural distrieta who are left mental* atarlred. c While maneaef our country towns -can not have a large library-, there are few that can not have' a small one, if the need is recognized. In a little Ontario town a few year* ago there IVO a Crying need for just this sort of thing. The library 'which had been used Ilea fallen into decay, so the energetic inhabitants . deter- rainedto have a reading -room With at least a fete books of Common interest. To -day, atter Only a few% Years, WS tanks sat °nett the best 'mien_ libra- • ries in the. province,, s • ' First caine a little' afternoon tea in a tiny room, over a paint shop, where the beginning was made. • At this, the firetennblie .meeting, the project .was presented, thoroughly diecuseecl and the eonimittees appointed. t 'Frain • • that modest start the interest spread until the rOoin.Was soon outgrown and a better One secured. • A thorough eauvas,s Of the towns* :showed that every one 'Wee eager to • help. Those who -vbuld not give books or illegalities, donated a chair, table, ot a lamp. Others •gave their time and assisted the 6houSei cosmnittee'r cleaning, painting the root, or in =Wading the necessary book shelves. The town Made' a 'ap., propristion. Soon_ hundreds ofte- ference and information -books were • placed on the „.shelires-' and gladly used by the gratefulapeireatt. All nes are catered to, with particuar attention to the needs of the boys and girl's and. the problems of the com- munity.' - • , The small fee charged for ineMber- ship it inittleatiatta to Meat expenses; but the fines imposed for •keeping books out overtime- , augment this - fund, and donations from townspeo- ple make imp the deficit when waY.-ea.-. There Jive' •te‘' sinall Plaeig that have tai Iffeeting fooms. for `tted Cross work or community meetings, and if these were used as reading -rooms or emall libraries' they add nitzdh* to tbasenjoyuterit of the inhabitants.' In many intatiteea we find that amusements are dot eatiafattory Quieter Zahn& of •entertainnient are required, and there is a thirst for' in. OHRISTIVIAS Will be happier for you if you htwesprovided the firet step for your ehildrene %turn Begin saving for them nov't parchasing good' stocks on ,our PLAN sei mode loAd by monthly tietually gives them Owaerehip In. any Securities speclaity favored by Write at once for copy of our free booklet telling you, all aboat, this splendid saving plan, H. NI Comm.), Ily &Co tXinbe Montt:eel Stock Excliante 105.10d Transportetion Bulldirog MONT,RtAt. s 'QUM row mother's haithrirsh and. father's peeled but it wee the man 'himself batwing on the hat 'tetra*, will not 'dark way might carry a lord). Re I collar. 'buttons; eister'e manicure Who tire% . He carried. wttlehim an scissors' and the family whiskbroom atmosphere' as artetteer mane on a .he as az to acquire fastidious peas. trifted on his way as if. to music, :amid habits of, grooraing as he would gushing honest faces's, 'With bontest Mirth at a, sun tinges lts.fleaiert. • If -he felt a strong respect for his own h • .1ret when be was a -Very -.Young belongings, oue but himself. . . , , foon of a travelieg troup, Tragedy the world hitherto has been the origin a ' know •what for, but that's what, they 'Me. great antheoPologie mystery . , , man,unknown, in poverty, the leefe e. told me. So one winter morning 4 As the twig eis bent, so will the had peered a flashing instant behind of the American Mien. *Whence did tree %Cline -an the" case ot a hey, his white mask. It was the old, old he come? , , - q fete* out into the compound , and tied tee. post. They used eliough The idea that he originated as a ...tope to moor a ship; when they, fin - human variety on this continent was „hated tying me eup I- \was . all' rope. long ago dismissed as utterly improh. • o matter how the men loves order story., Tomo had vesved his eternal and system when mature years have revenge for the theft of the iniste been reached, be will lehelpl• ess to that had been his einee the world 1)97 au 'done he was eh talked of anti writ- 'Wheiathe Fleet goes hy ten about, his experience ; moaning -AnWditthbet•ilietaesreglW*riehsittekEonbebiignngi rhCrnapreerla's:ovferosllesibteugrivnenly.ng' l - in the dragon's very threat, It will be understood, . Will you waken. there. lielOve '• Juan Fereande* is reafly Dead !men of Gallipoli-Whoge laziie Island. But it eats hardly" never 'die? •have been really Otusoe When the 'Fleet goes by s • aiinuch as Defoe has And the 'frowning feats are dumb, tat in an altogetheia .Will the lads from„British leas' . the world.. I Antdisteheaisr wItrinaufhrsomunosteernseaansa come ...c.AmouFLAGE ityt7yre.iip ••••• V•••••• achieve these things .m Ins -personal. Le : owe , iamb. Towns nes.e.r knew able. That he. arrived as . s o en Is au early, My .feetswere abet* six inches front. , To greet the sun' of vietety,aew risen belongings. mdeas-the habit, has been Lk the par,ticulars ...though he hacveannd immigrant front Asia . seemed the the -'ground, I stayed, like. that -for • in the ,elcy? eight hours -it was bitter Colcia-and ; Wnen the -Fleet goes by • formed ia youth.. To the end of- Iris a little slip of crumpled white paper plausible •theory,. ' when, they untied me I fell down and Every men aboard shall turn life, no matter how orderly and ace with the words Kansas, aity w4tteh Approximate -proof of this la ter they carried me in. deavor, he will be apt to fling his eel- Driven by blind vein, Topio reach, Repeated the Torfure. The land of many gtaves. . curate the processes of his mean' en- in pencil. • theory, however, seras not obtained until Dr. Ales, Erdlieks, of the United big and_ hie neeirtiee,,ahous has maw, ed the port, footsore and weary, but states Biiremi of s'.EthnolegY, made not long ago a sort of tacial'explora- ton of eastern Sibetia and; Mongolia, further dose; s. I had another eight where he found' scatteted. people who haus.* at. the -same geme-satrie pest so, closely' resembeled American In- and same atipe: Only this time they :Hang as, to be:virtually, indistingeish- didn't tie off the ground; instead able from our aeorigloes physically. . Ithey s d me down witiama feet in - These people have :the complexion a bit et of water up- to the ankle -s.. of Indians. .bleck straight hair It was bitter, cold. • And salute across the waved ' doctor came round next morn- Whefei.f.or everMore shall burn toss away tolvels in -crumplen heaps 'they had already flown over the sea. . The passake mit four hutdred lire. ing and said was quite fit for a The shining light of glory- -where the Th r . bones of heroes Het • a in Ids bathroom and be a little bit in- • at ay Tomo li ansly ha f a , Ira different to tents in his underclothes in the worn little brown purse Rina mid' knots in his bootlaces., , • had given him. , All these. things are - in the power ' St.. took him five years to *eve four of his mother to -detertiiine. Some hundred lire. They were. „file • years boys are naturally neater . and more Of . unabridged absrssep and black fastidious than others, but. ell' boys caverns, to. appreciation of the genius' , 3134733e emir:est so gave corer to their that must halre- been babbling up dark eyes and features to earespOnd.. "After thatjt' was weeks before r belongings and to "pick tip. -things" within_ hint ' . initearr et flinging them down for wl.'"3174- huledlcieht efaprrieb:14eZzehd. t :Deno . of.. them,abotiginess Wouldle: taken for las ter I got 'iveo of ... my Chinni. to help if;dtetsed like our .could move- but when I was a bit bet- ' lx• startieliody else to put away. The lad night he could earn enough to Imo' ably& by the most .expert,' anthroPol- 14'4.couidn't use MY „legs, but f• , ., , .of . eleven-a-•evee of eighte-4etty .. be g family fpr_a year., . s .• . ogist. The sindlarity eXtetide, 'even fa put an mar round the' 'neck,* of niSS , . taught the essentials of good. groom- •• yea he leftsthaf life ttoearn.' two . habits and 'custom:a-a . •-• • - .ihuins, andm they dragged e out into big, not only gremaing of the body, centsit day and full to -ivisin Theyseem to represent a very an: the coinziound for abit. of fresh air• but of the wardrobe. Soiled collers, there was not at. advance over heatieat race-aelder than the Mozigoli- "But I never wentoutagain 4tfter:. • .. ' ."s' •- nnpressed trousers, ripped gloves and ragged, prealce of gleeier . Alpe., nd ans. or the present-day Siberians-, that once. It was told that if I couid d sty. hoots should be Made as obs .when provisions arrived in time, 'and .'initenials from a remote antiquity in not give the preper-salute to the Ger- jktionabIe to the 'growing ,boy us to offer'•hia Wei and. his all for his ; regione since occupied by other rase's, man hi.C.G.'s .1 was. to keep inside. 1 thy are to mother- -who is -region- country., e.- : . .. , •So I did, until I was broilitht 'here on! . tii3" otter is -hon• ms -usually easier than eaY when late .2"-U.' the 'Chines° WOW appear to he ing ,suggestion . when One Considers' Apparently to, opportunity- lost .;., that the history 'of the Chinese eil e for his future good habits ,' in . The ..hosaital is ' . - . ., . • . ". relatively newcomers -a either strile a. stretcher." • • .. l'°11rnot:lellievtrigee- aelresa,•PloW: a =et. these re-flied:a e' and thotigh , "picking , ly pageant gplef, the wistful longs la‘.by.f that could be 'utilized for breaking et:ernally remonstrating and;- arguing ingeSof lonely adage and o/d mothers,• far the Oldest of reccirded history. . . the spirit of the captives and deaden! I entialiiin, %tin% of Persenal. neatness . and. the. plaints • of .little Children ' ' Bewever, even the lista-sr."' of the ing their self-respect. • , This aertlX1 aa habits .ef truthfulness and' polite., to tremble by each IdVed and tortut- tradition 'which le Inontb-to-mouth explains why they were So often de- . should be as oorefun$r insisted upon .weeping through wards:and•cotridors Chinese (as distinguished from mere ness. , ed body.. But. Ou the day. whenetire history handed (Iowa through' , prived of facilities "lot washing, and . • .. tions). extends bath not .nnieh More gohera,. .'werealiewed to get inte-sa irel.Aimatma . 'Red' Cross train arrives, coming • - ' ' thin /000 years. The herbal% . of 't- had i'm , condition'. The Wittetherg victims from anoWt, and Tain and glory 'am: . ,e me. estweos telatrvel'e tetent • change of clothing from Oda ., Making The Children Py. . verznin and the saws Of death; • the s . , - • ' . . . just. What war mean to Anstrion 8 , 1 '1914 t May 1915 and during 'that children is didelosed'in a report pub- andlight-lwarteda . 1 DoctOr:Ordlicka duggests (13Y Way time had nobath, have, or hair cut, but With reaoned data burden into Room el•and the big cor- But :at other camps perseiliif clea- lished :•i;?..:. the Arbeiter Zeitung of The orderlies marched Avith their"' of SUrnilaee inoia• thee eVie4liirer are engaged poral lifted Toniosat if he tvere the back 2et -16-4hat the "Indians" of )iness'avas made equally impossible, ' Siberiantid'-itioegolia may he descend_ thouglemot for •sts•Itaig a period.. One "Viotti:a salf eltildren fif SC 001 age : vane kincrafritterks iii ion% districts as w in elle telt feather and placed aim on . a ed froin tlief.Paletilithie. folk Of smiths Mau 'told how be lifent three Months ' all such childien hie. at work., Out chit: shtaertri mAfattress and two demi ern Europesathe 'ancient, cave-pool:do _withettt a ba`th Or chenge', of elothing, of every 100 children 'freM 6 to 8. Tonle eloeed hid et;r6sa (fiatgrieldciEtutrhVey ' whose see:elite 'distappearanee at -an and had got into 'a shocking condi- of of age iii are at work, frog! 9. and shut ill. epochal stage." ot the developinent of• tion. A.S. he described it: .. a , them quickly 'lest the dreaeni- mankind on the eatth has been o. "I was a mass of 'sores and boils to 10 ,'e' 35,are.at woraci• between -should break. -Jia he: epeued lie_ 1 . t. as I.! s . a .• . , ii d. 31 .i lay As 11 and 12 Years, 50; between 13 and Ceris vaagtalishietaheinrtoeal space donot down head "Als-ssuttnininligigthilz:"..tehe'Se Agin:tics' al- os mosa °tveol;itilhbe dlY.'cv'et:0:ethatdaY I 'as'-tcvlittelct. 14; 52. Seeldest of tel.'s the feet snow-white Alpine gorge but above reallsr .represent the inigegtry or out to! conte and be tubbed. An orderly that two-fifths of these children have him lotted a'svonian. Indians, him long "ago, was it that took rne-I was too tottery to go, by been working from the time they With shooting pain, as keen as thetheir kindred first aegan'to populate myself -and he made me undress end get straight into a, bath of boiling water. When he'd got me in, he scrub. bed inc from head to foot with an ordinary floor =ribbing biust. I fainted three tiMes, and they cirried me back to hed.9 ' . 'Poured Water Over :Hine eeekt• another hospital in Switzerland , which I visited, -the following story, punctuated by the wheezes of chronic bronchitis, was tom by a N. O. O. of a 'Scottish regimnent. Ile hal been severely Wounded in the leg lust be- fore, capture, but thanks to a splendid. physique, the, wound healed slowlY end li began' to melte et good recov- ery. I was still An hospital when, , r• Were Ave or six years of age.' An. -other startling feet is that 95 out of every 106 children at work were em- ployed Steadily during the seleace year as well as during hOlidaY periods. Fifty-two weeks each year marks the employment peeied of three-fourths of the children workera and much of the work is perfornted at home with the permits. Night work cla,ims tire:yo_u frp.am ICansas City?" lie ask, , Itut (supposing oe o . I VabiLlithele-efamtrhteh c6rinite that is ,being' There was c MO° fVOYA tho cot be- i It ig to consider that the aborigines f he toiless. Even ate in leaven. 1 thgory to be cornet) how interestiag that will I committed against ite own ilesh aral• 's'Ide his- ' anapviaohieboifttsiedheiridintbioeresbtorne, 115., ,PriFoarse laughed. One always I. a not a lam but with him.: of no!" she said, "I'm that by &leant thea may eatutilIa ted as the earliest neople of Asia, end Areieriea pre likewise let beeregara- 'blood 1 the age of twelve teteept on fattest Tonio .1.,-,i,„! 1.1ftej at I, r. : trr ropresertt the very ilvst families of I and in the household. • I hnew yoo vesss an American," he southern Europe! incredulity' in hie brains the one free Arneriee? Shall we leak 10.000 Steers.? Alva reached . but vert- softly it seeing. not an overghees.. touched the White gown, She was I It *must have been las „I:he 41441 and hi4jed• ' licka says) no small people -that was "What do you call yourzef-1" ed the tairaa Ille name with all his °sic' 1. able to furnish SO. great n° body of 'test -nrriving of COMM hi amall papers would ' he long in coming up e° 1 ° .42 „., .. r 4 . from the Direction doWnstair-S. groups—as voila: Mimeo to pepu_ittee "Tonio Ingliene of • the 12-th t Math and Sout i Alneticrt With their Dersaghere. And semi,. Signorina, I Varied Stocks e Indleas. ' .3) t t lirdlicles'e • FOR CHRISTMAS! •••• - Muskrat Coat LOcide box 'b t, a,vertible c o r eLiffemecgtt,h .W4it:. :on -A -Extra well 'made. Popular seller. 1 -SS' d $1a :00 French *at leek well and -Wear better then any -other seal. Special Price $112. Persian Lamb' ' arid 11/110k -T. :71,2tx7:14:7011tioltei -'vt;e1rr.. sae osi al Cie* in . nes. • CItIVIMINGS&VI.TMIVONGS 199a Si. Paul Street, ly.l.entfeal RAW FORS: HIgheatliricee The Name_of a it• Ingredients, Always an inviting feature of o,15 - tail soup -and of additional value be eause the vetitalile character of .the 'dish Is thereby proved -the the little. roiled bones with a holathrough the Middle, the peuclal vertebrae of 'the At all events it seenieso. But, alasl • deception is at Wafts; The ox, that %plashed those ;bones walked on Iwo legs. -hi, fact, a thickeqcatul'.1!'-•• the bones came front the neelc Of the • , few' -den:stied of skirt anti choplied on, The -oxtail ectup one eats in teas ss "%mints. is stet made from the tair of the 'animal at OIL', It prepared : -front.'ordinary beef; and ite- distinc- tive flavor is ,Merely aarnattea , knowing how in coolcity. Incidental- ly at mar be said that there as , •maichs mystery in soups as in hash, SoulIs are often artificially coloreds Chicken ,.croquettes- and chieken salads served in restaurants are not made of chielcen. They.heiset have 'been Of . tech' iriaterial Within the, meniory of the present .generation, '- Pork and veal furnish Acceptable sUbstitUtes. terrapin:" paiis In terrapin :stew -- aro :nest. • otaivincing.. They prOve 1mepropillition, as it were. But „all the, wile, the stew is nearly always matte from meat of lest costly tur- tiet-ualidets," tha bbye tsalietn--. lin( the $41118, turtles supplf the . Pewi. ' 4 -Ove. kV.* May SAW. 93 sAte0Ah • fronvOaa &Coast WALLOW sCChutorgo TOMONTO . CANADA Whet Foch Said. An amusing Story is told. about Marshal Foch. When the American • journaliSts Were in Prance they once encountered Foch s chauffeur and iiitrawittriniestieni.-Said 'one;- Suppose you have often heard -the, general talk about the war?". . tam the chauffeur, "he is a "eery silent man." "Surely you have heard him say something itbout ;the war?"' "No,. moneleur, he rarely talks." "Do you rnean'to say," chirped one of the' jotirreilists, "that you never heard hine say a single word about - the war or when it will end'‘?" • "Oh, ye. Once when lie cable out of Genceal, Headgentters (here all,' the jouenalists took out their note- books) - and 'Wed stePping ilito the Car, he said, 'My brave Jacques, wheii will this terrible .war emir " " A. little milk in the buckwheat cakes makes them brown more read ilY, • •• a