HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-12-19, Page 144.4? W., '
„f; • -
- - ...rah .1.• -*s• -..
Stip per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise
When 'n Doubt
Make tJewe1ry
If We are right in the thick of
iI,4i0 have little time LO write
lode. You people are husyitoo,
picking and choosing and have
no time to re.
But ,keep remembering how
'jewelry Ate in with the seaeon.
•e - ,When in doubt make it jolt',
elry is a good rule to go by.. „..
A, few suggestions may help
you decide on the very thing.
Why mot club together and give
Mother that 'Cabinet ofSilver
she has been wanting for • some
time, Or a *.Beentiful Tea• get in
Sie•eer, or a Cot, Oise .Water
Set, a Mentle Clock, a 1geee Of
Statuary, or hot but not Islet*
Victrola. -
FOR leiTlifilt •
hi Flee: tiohl •Viatdi, a Watch: .
Chain; Skeet Riet, Emblem
MUT, Feb, CUE 11.111kst .:.41116
Tray or Fined
FOR „stock
sigmotiu Necklet, Wrist .
Watch, aiisYchi'bractleti
JeweIu°, Pl.fif'0,eaf Rtsgs
or S!riig of P Mee.
tQlt fillOTfifilr
:.• A *lob, *Chain; Scarf 'Fier
.: Pair Gail .Liskol, Fiff,'$sintr
Rater, Fili'Alliferv Oigishea,
Eigurt tato 179onalw.
Moore's Neateikattle; • .
.releseestare on ylefrief..;91".. the
many things ' we hate which
must b le en_ to be appiteleted.
` When.* doubt mike it jewelry.
• Jeweler and Optikia•
Storm, Crippled Phaliles.•
Vibe sleet storm of last week which
•• coated, everything over with ice proved
• vete destructive to rural telephone
• epitome h sectione of Western Oat.
'Travelers who "Were .in the vicinity of
. Littoral say that on the morning
• lowing the lltornt lofig etretchtig of poles
carrying many :wires wereblorn down
and thrown Itereee the roadway. se that
there was a great dealof work before
teams could pato along: The poles
were broken off anywhere from the
• ground upto the cross. bare. Our
Purnle.GroVe correspondent reports the
battle conditions .in the vicinity Of Rip.
ley, . where :the 'service has been coin-
' pletply piIysed. No doubt the poles
ufied in neettrerural. sections were toe
light for the large number ef *Lite Put
'oa thejo,as the rural telephone becaMe
• Olore461416r• Tho breaking of the
. poles appears 'tb have been confined tor
sectiOn•Where focal Wind storms passed
afterthe ice had gathered on the wires.
It will be ;some threebefore the service
can beeoraptetely restOrel, midat prat.
ent .prices ofmaterial the coat Will be
considemble. • • • •
**SiVerrected up tO Wednesday term)
Wheat " 11 ' • •
: at
- Peas • .-..71•‘.4.1,04i1,;10,1'W:);i:1 2 00
'Seth* Wheat ; 06
.4.... el 45.
Eggs, nett 642,•• ir•6 • .62 03_
17 00
,11/1101.10 MARKET* .
Choice heavy steets....414. 00 to 'f16 00
Choice hatcher. 11 SO to 12 SO
Choice butchers, tows... 10 25 to 10 SO
'Coed feeder& .... id" 9 00- to 9 SO
'Good inilch cews....1.......140 00 to 160 00
Slogs, fed and:watered.. 18 -00 to
FalI Wbeat 2 13 to
GomielPhear 2- 10 to .
Oats. * 44*. 1.6. 87 to 88
Timothy ....... 1300. to 16 00
65 ttl 0„, 70
Sutter, erwitnery Prints 53 to
• Ptittne.. Per? rasa,. 43 tie 411
'rho letter pniTI-Lh—ed-lesiew was *vit-
t** by the late Pte. Thome' Hughes, of
Bence Twp, to bis mother while the
mon wore training at Galt. Ftsnog**
was killed at the battle elrthe Starlike
His pallets wore former residenta''of
the ilth Con. Cakes* The „letter
reveals what 'u deep in- the hearts of
tinny of the boys weenie& up Canada's
invincible little
-C4sit,_Ont Pee. 12th, 1915
- Dear Mothers -Have just returned
froin churchand will write you * few
lines and get it 'pouted.
Things have heeler/Ling on about the
same as usual. Major Dunlop, •eur new
officer, is ,11 regular prince, and the Galt
pia are kind to use
This afternoon we went down to tile
43.4, as usual, to a splendid sup
Per prepared for us by the KI102 VhArch
Bible The thurehes talk -tuner
in putting on, theee agate. We had
seine swell feede before, brit I think
What we had -tollifiht SurPasses *nye,.
thing I ever eat down to. I suppose it
will seem hard to you that". Oeome has
deeded tnerdist, I tried. te. te I him
that one out of the family was enough.
But it looke now ail if eireMman will
be needed. It may seem herd, but
When ygn take into consideration what
eye are going to light for there is a large
measure of eondolence. We are fight-
ing for what we believe to be the ideal
of Chriet-thet every man ehelebe free.
TOWS* MOW hi a personal sacrifice..
1 knew' it inuet be hard)hat a mother
'Amnia rear, endure pain, toil and de.
prive herself of thesinceties of life to af-
ford her children a better chance. Then
• comes this blood*" contliceand deinande
the manhood she has..worked 10 hard to
-Protect. I know it must be .hard for
you and dad, but remember the escape
is fer'Cliriat and oureountry and, stip-
ru:nthe Werat should etikllej, death is.
n' tit eition to the life beyond..
a gt
In the noontime be of good cheer anti
give ray love to all. '
. Toni,
Monday, Dec 16.
Will Jiine,and Wm.Bildwin attended'
the Ft Stock Show at Guelph: •
Miss Josephine AfcAllister, of ' •St.
• Augustiner,spent a few, clan recentlyeat
11-1). HeffikWe.
•els.ftteleeeiMPetbr its; .4eefeleet, Webs,
relatives of "die late Mrs: j.i.lolinsten
who. died • in London on Dec.' 7th after,
• a lingering illness. Her imaband, and a
child of. theirs died last Aplal; ' The
children who Survive, ahoy and a
ori,. will have a home with Mrs. Johns.
ton's sister, .Mrs. McConnell, of
"Me., Clarence. Smile', of tlie aviation
corps fromnamilton, spent isieWa dip
last reek at his home here.
Me. rnd 51re. J. M Stothers, of Cal-
-.gaty,i Alta are visiting hIB parents 'Mr:
and Mo. roe. Strothene, : •
Don'tf, get the entertainment under
the atipPiCee of the Methodist Sunday
Scho4ee be given on., the nightie.; pee,
• 23rd,' -in the -Agricultural'
The attendance at the concert last
Friday night good in apite of the
Stew ditiagrepable weather. The Hend-
ereett4uvenile Alert, Miss Edna Clark'
WI Was, Jew Walker all good
eelectionaand a verr -enjoyable evening
'was spent by all. Proceeds-anfonnted
.to $90.00. '
• • *AR SeViNOS SYArAlrr
The Canadian GovernineS began oo.
Dec. 2 the sale of Nalgiivinga and.
Thrift Stamps. ee
By this means not Only will the Can-
adian Government, it is ho -ped secure
moneys that can be profitably expended
in the recthistniction period, but the
war savinge plan offers to the small in..
veet,or an absolutely safe security at an
excellent rate °bitterest, being over 4/1
per cent, coinpounded semi-annually,
War Seeing* Stamp is a stamp for
which tho Geverimateat 1d Pay. you
$5 00 00 San. 1st, 1924, and Will Cost you
betWeeia $400 and .44 11 dining 1910,'
depencl:ug upen the month in which it
is purchased; A thrift stamp isa stamp
coating • 25 tents to be applied in pay,
Ment for a War Seeing Stamp. It doeti
not eon .interest. The purposeof ite
keine is to enable people to accumulate
in small sums the amount necessary to
pay for a War Savings Stamp. If ,you
Want to begin to save on the war atm*
plan ' take *400 to the post office and.
ask for a War Savings, Certificate. You
will get failer- inforrinitie'n on apPlica•
Cate About Fite
The Deputy Fite Chief of Ontario is
constantly ending out warnings about
care in preventing fires. In a recent
-circular he says; .
PRverytme should co-operate in the
Work of gad prevention and bring people
to realize that they must be careful
„Omit, their "habits." Fire 'statistics
show that we are the most careless
• people on earth. We toil unceasingly
to acquire comfortable homes,
yet two
out. of every three fires are in the homes
of the people. Eight oft of every 4en
fires which, war are preventable."
Faulty or negleeted stovepipes and
tbs alaposition of hot, ashes are frnitini
KAM offirso h Q0091.(1 het4004
lertr7 01414"5, In;lear:?"31141""dia0141:1141:1114.11134..7 7204411:14:b411:41eadatli"
The Child. and the Wise blee "
The Methodist Sunday School Will
ment in the basement of the aural on
Admission 15 and e5cte.
hold a Christina* Tree and entertain,
A splendid program has been provided.
Monday evening, Dec. 23rd, at 8 o'elock.
eMetteee. Pee:revise: teettedlet Oirch
- A.M.
AtrOlgg • fr, Jiang Oh, *alma*
Amot,2471:er.ti de Abiding
CITATORY •Soluthert's Serenade
ANTHEM .0h Little Town in Bethlehem
......Chustants Carole
CirkiaTon , ...Ave Maria ....QOM:Ma
T.W.101401017 at Oa clung of th.e. elreuinp-
eervice the choir will sing W. 8, West's
beautiful Sacred Cantata, assisted by
Mr. 00o, A. Fryfeele, violinist of Wing-
haio. rime required for Production, 50
' Mr. J. H. Ackert, of Lucknow, Was a
visitor in our burg on Friday fait.
Mrs. ,Clirietie Matheson was the vie,
tan of it painful ebeident on Thursday
evening, While returning to her,honie
from calling on her .neighbors• she fell
VP the Slippery sidewalk and broke her
• Dr. A.* Knight, of Cadillac, blich„
'was here attend* Ate funeral Of the
late Thos. Ilf013rien,
Mr. Milo, Matheson, wife and twfk
children Are laid wide with sickness
ethlyi6r79elt„.. We hope they may !con re-.
Mrs', /iniliella.Fianklin, who conduct-.
ed k4441Ware htleineaS here a :number
of year age. but who lately baa been
settled in Saskatchewan, is visiting her:
friend, MO. Zing, thieve*. •
Mrs. John eloMurchy,'of the 4th.eon
received the ad news on Thursday hiS1
of the' death of her son, Cameron Me.
Murchy, who left here *number of years
ago for the'. West *here he was:a Inic-*
eeehful fafiner; Deceased leaves a wife
and one child, who along with the
another,. eieters and 'brothels at home
have the 'heartfelt sympathy of ,their
wary ,fisends •
:"; Mrs.]) Meflonatd was calleo t
--Detroit'00 FridayJast to the bedside of
j her niece, Mra. &aline John4on, who
was fetionsly ill." The, bad intelligence
eamenn Monday that Mrs. Johnson had.
passed away. The deceased,' *hose
maiden'Xiante was Jean McDonald, was
well helm here, haying been born and
brouget pp here prior to moving to' De;
troit. She leavea husband and two
sops to Minna the loss of a. faithful and
loving. wife .and mother, and who have
the sympathy of a large -circle offriends
and acquaintances.
• ,Rev, Elmer Kennedy occupied the
pulpit. in Huron Church • on Sunday.'
evening. His friends in Ripley and aur.
rounding community will be pleased to
learn that he has received and month.'
'a call to the Cre.nbrook and Ethel
charge lately ,vacated by Rev: .Mr. Mcfr
.be se. ttledin Mei!-
land Prcabytery,
, The 'Iltiron and .:Kieloase Telephone
iiystenesuffered heavy less in the • severe
etorm of Teesday of last week.: Poles
and, Wires are down all over the system
and it Will be eome time before many of
the .citizens of Huron Will be able to
sajf. "Halle to their friends. •
Mr. Donald McKay, of Algoma,: died
at his home this Week. Mr. McKay
was a familiar figure in our midst, es-
pecially at Presbyterian Communion
time when he would travel these hund-
reds of miles to hear thegospel preached
in the good old Gaelic language,
Goon CITIZEN Gout -This 'week . it
18. our sad duty -to chronicle:3U 'death
Of Mr. Thos. AleBrien, a well known
and highly respected citizen of our town
who for uowardsof thirty years was as-
eociated,with the business interests or
Upky. iiminbee of eare he ear -
riot. on a successful • blacksmith, and
wagon -making shop." On account of ill
health be retired from activeduties
abotitten yeas ago, but atilt took a
deep interest in the•welfare of this place,
serving as policetrustee and being in-
struniental in having many of our side-
walks laid as well ad other Improvements:
Deceased was a patient -sufferer. He
was beloved by all for his unaneutning
but Chrietiannianner, and his familiar
.figure and wise counsel will be greatly
"missed. 'He was a ,MeMber of .1UPleY
Methodist' Ohl -itch; also a member of
the. 100 O. and the L.0 L. -under
whose auspices the funeral en Friday
Was held. The widow and two daugh-
ters, efts. (DO Knight, of Cedilla%
and Muse Liame, of Ripley,' have
the allied* synipathythffir many
friends. . .
• -Tuesday, Dee 17
Missal/tittle Henderson is spending
few days at her home before going to
Detroit where she has taken position
in a hospital.
Mr. L fl.. Robinson, of Ripley, called
on friends here on Stinday,lest.
Mr.and Mit Hugh Cameron Spent
Sunday at Mrs, otohu Aloaruokeli $04
The Ehttfrili•ri makes * good Clinet-.
Mae gift to a friend.
When in town, don'tfeet to DV for
Your 'SXNTINXI. 1141444; the end of
the year.
Mrs Temple Clark and eon. Douglegi
are visiting her elder, biro. Richardson,
in Teeawater,
Mr. Reg: Barrett, who is with the,
week with Luekuow friends.
fr; •W•lave on hand:a limited quantity
of Cannel Coal -best quality -makes an
excellent fire,--Lifettraw,Coli4 Co.
Mr, `Cleo. Don -glee ettesided .the big
auction rale of horsee 'hareem ete held
13470scivIlui of and Tne4daMiliytitt. 1,o Toronto on
•-0041t4V7.Tif.atax•sr4fre.:- =Struthers
and family wish to thank. . their friends
end neighbors for their kind eynitathy
And help in their recent bereavement
• .
Whigham High Seitool was again
*feed on Felday Anon OP account of
a fresh outbreak of the flu. It will not
reopen until after the :-CariatitaA face -
Will there be a Victrola iii your house
On Christmas? They haVe thetti at Arm- ,
strong'e Jewelry Store, Call and select
yours and it will be delivered when you
want it.
.Parteft1414Tineiple againaurerinifei.40thercuthre*.oi
IhienZa, 16 is Bahl- tha: cases which
develop° are worse 'theft Orme of the
nietfbrea:it'esents. ri;ain this year.
Though -the war IS over, it has yet to be
'paid for.; Beside e• the,,,nseful gift is
more prized than theoile that must be
laid away for keeps: "
public meeting for the dismonsion
of the by-law forthe purchase of the
electriclight plantrwill be held in the
T"ae milit4alindthhillaveCTarailkuur:eaV evening.
How about clubbing together and giv-
ing Bather and Mother', a Victiola for
' Christmas, something they will enjoy
. years to come. Armstrong, ;the
Jeitelef, is headquarters -for the Genuine
Vlet!Olt. ca,11 and .asit for • demoustra!,
ticn. -= ' •'
kra. J. T. Leone received the sad
'news lat week of the.oleath in British
Golunibla of her breiffirgAtb§ett:Llootere
Who' died of influenza on Dec, othC,:The
remains will be -brought east for inter-
ment and are. .sxpected to arrive here
the end ef this week, .
Mr, James §truthere, who for „many
weeks was ;oohed to his bed, passed.
'away DU 'Friday ,elveningef lag week at
the age of 70 year0 and 9 months. The.
funeral was held on Monday afternoon:
We expect' to have a more extenclecf-
, obituary notice next week. -
Mr. Alex Nicholson left on Thursday
'•of last week for thelyest on learning of
the death Of Cameron Mr Murchy,.who
for a number of /care Made his home
with the Nicholson 'Brotlisre. A refer-
ence to the death -of Mt. Moilliirehy' will
be found in our Ripley news.... - •
- Mrs. Mary Dole, id.the 12t1i-cOn. ot
Ashfield, died at her hoereoa Tuesday.
of ' this' week, -f011owing.lieveral weeks
Before her Mrs. Doyle
was . Miss McNamara, her early home
being also in Ashfield. • The timid
will be held this 'Thursday, morning .
Jae. Spence, who for the. past few
moths :has been training at Toronto
for the Air Service, is home, having been
discharged oh aedolint of the war being"
Over and •the aviation schools closing
down. kr. Notnian Paterson is also
discharged and' home from the aviation
tehool where he has been almost a year.
Mr. Paterson was ih. the Bank Of Hamil-
ton before enlisting end 'till likely re-
turn to that occupation.
Death ot Alex Johligen.
The scourge, influenza, claltnecl an-
other bright young man' of Ashfield
• Tiep. on Friday Of last week inthe
preen of Alex. Johnston, son: of . Mr.,
and Mr: Wm: Johnston. The deceased
avato universally esteeinetiand the family
consisting of parents, two brothere and
fofir sisters have the syinpathy of a
large (nide of friends. A brother, Is Noble,
went overseas with the Bruce Battn. :
The Annual meeting of The Lucknow
Curling Club was held in. Mr- gt, A.
•Siddal'oeffiee ea Den. 11 1918 -at Which'
the following officers were elected for
the comuidseasim, Pres. -Thos -- Wet -
son Vice Pres -'-Russel Robertson. Sec,
-David Gilbertaon. Treas.-Jae. Glen,
ale, Managing Como----Robt. Johestop •
G. II. Smith, A P. Stewart Ice Cora-
-T. S. Reid. • A. P. Steered. Subscript-
ion Johicaten, G. 11. Sinith
J. 0, Andersen. Fees $3 00 for old
members, $2 00 for WAY ffieliabere,
Soldiers returned from ,overseas Are
granted free membetehip. •
Tli• Club is looking forward to a very
Suceessful year's curling, plenty of Bon.,
spiels and good sport generally. The
way is over. The loteknow curling feeR
are much below the average fees through-
out the province. - Curling is a good
game; it mikes for good fellowship,
unselfiehneea and good lieeith. Let as
Vika Ulla 4 record yew,
• 'a
Sin le C
The Prayer Service in the iireebyter
ian Church last Wedriseciey evening walk
shorter than usual. This was to allow
the teachers and scholars ci the Sunday
School to do honor to timer euperinteuct.
ent, Mr. Cleo. MatJaesion, who had re -
',signed the position after 'Mew rim of
faithful service, Mr. Matheson iumumed
the duties of this fece ou the 45h day
of October, 1874. Sincethat tune his
mord for regularity of attendance and
punctuality. epee bhu a first place
emote( Sunday 'tephool 'workers. His
teim of office has *en equalled by few,
perhaps by none Since he identified
hiniBefl,with the Lucknow rresbyterhin
congregagee he has been ever on active:
service. Forceful in character, he was
a teacher in every phase of church life,
especially in thinge los the benefit Oi
the young. AL foyer of children, he gitve
hie beet to the Sunday Saha He
-WreS with --hior She love of
all who had the privilege to be workers
with him. Thane present; by wad and
action,' conveyed to him the assurance
-that he has a deep place in the affection
of ;those With whom and for Whom he
labored. The following address was
read by Wm. Connell, and the chair
presented by J. 0, Murdoch.
To Mr. Geo. Matheson.
My ahthapeeopyti. do:70 „ail" as
workers in the Lucknow Presbyterian
Sunday School we have come to the
parting' of the way. ". Tired' in the work
but not of it, you have resigned as Sup
erintendent. Few, if any, have -equaled.
Your length of service'. For forty-four
oyeaf ruse, yreouroolsmabeverafillednatuhneu OaMee e gO7
Will& you did not Preside and in the
majority of the gears we believe you
were present for fifty-two Sundaye-.
In the government of the echool your
rules were in four words, Regularity,
Punctuality,. ' Reverence and Order
Three of these yeti enforced by example,
the:other was ruled by year watch; the
standard of the watch. was Grand Trunk
time; NO -Matter *hat that watch did
through the week it was always on
time Al Blindly. ft The weber or scholar
who foiled to be present- ea 3 o'clock Was
conscioua of a fall below the standard
and Paid 'tribute to the exacting time
-piecti-by kneaded conduct. Good order
in the school `-and harmony among
teachers and officers were :the normal
Conditions under your leadership.; , .
• Through all the yearsehe ever chang-
ing tuft. 44 teachers yielded item,* to
'YthoeurAl- Pelietirtslat ter:tit:74:SM a'!cl3/41usiltaritel'e
Word was our text book, BY 'fhe sworil
the :world 'safe- for 'democracy. The
Sword of the Spirit isthe only weapon
that ,will. Risk, us a democracy tat in
Safe for the world: Inthateaclung of
this • word you have labored faithfully
mid long- and thoughyouare going
from us your labors will yet go on bear-
ing :fruit in taeand also through. those
who have gone out fromthis part of
-the:vineyord. „
• We would ask you to accept this
Chair as a very inadequate token of the
love and - esteem of the 'entire Sunday
That you may be long spared to wit -
'loess for the Master lathe sincere deeire
and prayer of • •
- Yours in Christie, • fellowship, .
•• W. Con ell; assist
Libbie Mutdie,- se4 •
The Live Ones
The ' Kincardine Reporter 'last week
said: Among the live , wires at the
County Council are Reeves gid. Ituttle,
Hilton; Robert, Johnston''Lucknow;
and W. J. Henry, ,Kincardine: They
are on the job every session and pre.
pared' to deal withall oases on their
merits: •
. •
, .
Pte: Finlay McInnis, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Neil McInnis of town who was for
about three years a prisoner in Germany,
has reported himself safely'llack in Eng-
land. , • , •
Capt J C. Little, of Teenwater,, who
was taken prisoner a few months ago
has also-,,beenlibe ated.
Three veterans' of the war returned to
.Lucknow by the late train Tuesday of
thie. week, They are Jack McInnes,
Robt. Carruth and Robt Austin. 'Cor
Carrnth was a resident of Wingham
when -he enlisted, bukrthe family has
since moved to Lucknow. Though only
short notice was received:, that the
soldiers were coming Tuesday night the
RecePtion committee got busy and the
band ao..a _1(t_fgq Oembet. ef ,citizene
were a, the station' to welcome the vet-
erans home. They had come alrnost
directly from Halifax where -they land-
ed Only 4 few deago. ••
•Thotigh Canadian soldiers are arriv-
ing home in large- number ahnost every
day, this does not. Mean that all the
men will he home in a -very short time.
The men being returned are those
,who have been disabled temponirily•or
who for one reason Or mother are unfit
for first line service. It hie just been
atmounced that. the Canadian army, of
100,000 men now in France will remain
there, at least until thiefirst of March.
We are QOny to report. that Grant
McCreath • who for the past year has
been with the Royal Air Force at Tot -
onto; is not enjoying good health. He
has uneergoee a number of operations
in the past few months.
14.-••?Ta4s4640*- weveiamosa.
Lueknow, Dee. 10, 1018.
Balance in hank last statement,
Match nth. zois .......s 222.84
Colt ou hand ....... ..... 1 35
Sale of yarn and woks .... 4. 0
11 03
Mrs: W. K. Stewart . ,; • • 4vt. • 2130
'Frances Bidden „ .... . 5 OQ
Drama "Captain . 119 80
179, 87
7 90
710 85
!eery Chueell 1 00
Ratlle, of knitting hag • • • • • - • 1900
Riad of comforter 17 10
Contributed • 1 40
Miss Buckingham 1 '00
M.M. Holt and Miss Murray p , 10 00
Refund Hall rent... .. , . 50
Regletrsalourees • , ; 7 37 00.
Chosen Friends • • • 00
A Mother „ 2., , 4 00
Mra. W. L. McKenzie.- • • 6 00
Mrs. Elizabeth Edgar. 300
Miss Bowman ...... , 50
Mrs. Wm. Mein** er fr , • • • ' 1 00
Chautauqua Festival • • IR # • •
Bauk intereso.. • JP • It O.
County grants • ... • ......
• Mot;
RapieSS . . ; 1 50
GILL toreturne'd 8older, , 00
Murdoch es Cemeron Co , 2387-.
Wm. Connell 33 03
D. R. IficIntoeh. • • • • • • . • 45.86
T. Eaton Co t--• • . 38 40
Hall rent . . . :r. 7 50
LucknowWoolen 106 80
I. VI, Gledhill.. - - 100 20.
Christmas Stocking Fund.... 250 00
Cigarettes , ....... ; 11 32
22 75
• G. Armstrong , . „ 1728.
Km. INT. L. Campbell ; 16 '68
1)r, A. If. Spence • 20 00
II Woods.. 3 00
StanWn . 25
Postage On 48 igices ,overseae 23' 46
Treasurer of firiseniers of War
Fund, Toronto.......... 100 00
$ 831 45
Balance in Bank , 551 74
- • $1383 19
!•-• • rnA. M. sIDDA-rx, Treasurer.
. Christmas Mail
mail should get 1 hem to the Post ()ffice
,in geod time before the mail by which
they are expected to go outis mine UP.
This will be an advantage to thenvielvee
as well as an accommodation to the
Post Office Staff, For the liccommoda-
, don of the public the wicket will be
open for the receipt &peewits -until 8
p m., from Dec, 18 to Dc. 23 inclusive.
The public are reminded that it is
against ..Post Office rules to crowd or
loiter about the office. It is useless for
those who have not lock boxes to call at
the office, during the Christmas season,
for one hour after the arrival of the, mail.
a •
Andeison 78% (honors),- M
Johnston 6/
Sr IV --70 Anderson 69, ..bf O'Lough-
lin 64, T Hackett 56, F Shackleton- 53,
G Tsvamley 29. .
- Jr IV -P Kilpatrick 61; C Hackett
Sr III -G 131ake 66; -111 Hackett 63,
E Anderson 58. .
Jr Shackleton 72, 0 Kileat-
eick 72. • -
II -W Lane 68, -W Pepper 07, G-
Peppert8, 58, E Glazier 50,
Sr Primerlf Finlay 78 (honors), E.
Johnstonlo, T Anderson 60.
Jr Primer -M Pepper 89.(honors), R
Kilpatrick 78 (honors).
A Class -0 Webster 65.
. A. ParrEssobr, Teacher.'
STEWART.-TU Lucknow Oti Dec. , 12,
1918, to • Mr. and Mrs.. Charles
, Stewart, a daughter (Zelda May).
"Kinloss Iliky Acquitted
A. charge of housebreaking laid against
Wm. Stanley, a young man of near Kin-
loss village, bg Alex McDiarmidcwho
recently moved IMO that vicinity, was
tried at Walkerton before Judge Klein
00 Monday. The charge arose out of a
charivatic following the marriage of
MoTharinue' and drilling Which a good
deal of glass in the windows was broken.
The case was before a Walkerton niagis-
trate some weekkeigo when MeDiarmid
claimed that the damage was more than
$20 and the occusedhed to be eentbe-
fore the County Judge. 00 .Monclay.
Crown Attorney Dixon conducted the
prosecution and David Robertson, K,C.,
appeared for Stanley. The evidence
given against Stanley by MoDiarmid
and his wife was eheracterized by the
judge as very contradictory, and as there
were quite a 'number of witnesses pre-
pared to attest to the innocence and
good character of the accused, the 0a80
for the- crown broke down eompletaly,
and Stanley was ticquitted. Much in.
terest was taken n the case by the
people about Witless and. a vary large
number were in the courtroom to hear
the Wel,.
at V
We Ewe kinds of these"
famous Rubbers in
Lunabernien's Rubbers,'
-Unit-Boots and
- Fine Rubbers
of the finest .quality,
Prices right,
FOtii:haNvtablivadeyo'sngoprole; tag' Mpligoeobr.t,s,O. Wn4perp3yuutyo.
W. Eamenzesoir, laicknow. * 1212-p
lintOniobi' le tire oe
9z,8tthir roaAIllrbetge: n teuarc
licONEY TO LOA.N.--013 4nOrqtagee and netea
at reasonable rates.. Vire insurance. botn
Otos); *NI Mutual Oornpanies. Convey
• onolognoAll With neatness and -despatch.
• GEO. A. EIDDAAL*. Broker. Lucknow
". •
' WANTED: -A1.1 kinds 'of Rpm Pnrs. Fligbeat .
New York Priem Paid. Let 3118 gnow,by
Anvil or:phopo if you lave any and I will
call. • All kinds zot Poultry wanted High-
est. prices •p.coording tO quality. Also ea e
kinds ot junk and irspi.
• Phone 86. • •. ••
• ,
HIGHEST market prides for raw Vora Don't
sell the furs without seiehig B. 13t1rgetre14.
vladltoers'4alpou.coate. at half price reg,, fa. ,anci. '
DR. PARKER, 0eP110P.A.TH, at WA House.
Lucknow, ever Wedbeeday afternoon. Alt
ffiseaseg successfully treated. Os-
teopathy reMOYes the physical causes of
disease: Adjultnient of the SPlee more
▪ quickly secured and with fewertreatment4
by Osteopathir then by any other method,
/74374"7ut!---1"""mt"";• "f14-WANTICD-We, -the 'undersigned, nr: -
open to purchase. delivered at our saw-Luoknow, sal kinds °flogs. Maple, ,
beeilb.bir,ph. Pah, elnl, and basswood We 4
will pay rtrom twenty to thirty dollars per •
M. for the better grades and from. twelve ••
to eighteen per 11. for the common grades.'
Aa we are in (venial DOed of Maple and
, beech we will pay Woes much more prodt-
'able to tea seller than emitting the logainio •
-wood. APIA" at the office of the Lucknow
1Taz&BrAble Ocoo...rOzparliairocuxia,ra.mtinTagagerl:traturzi4c.ovr.
-4 -
FOR well linished houses with, all
•latest oonvenienbes. • For particulars apply
, to G.. A. SiDDALL. • ' I § tte.
FOR SALE -Ford ear,' in goad condition, tiller.
onghly overbauled' and repainted. Bar-
k 8111. hifOrMettiql at THE SENTINEL 9/11041.
• 26-12-d •••. •
FOR SALE:--Ilardwood busb. Suitable for •, •
fireivood. -Apply to ED. PuRvis,LucknoW.
.26-12-p. • •
FOR SALE. -100 acres of ist alma- soll on.
Which are erected good buildings. Will be. I
sold at a bamain. Owner going_West. •
Apply to G. Al smoArs... 3-14-0. •
. ,•
/ROUSE FOR SALE--hew‘r&ms two-story .
. hone°. on Havelock at. south; good teller,
hard and sott water, halt aere choice garden •
good stable On property -very 'suitable for
a retired fernier. For particulars apply to .
Sox 103. Lueknow.? - 26 -9 -Ito -
• For all niatters regarding Greenhill cemetery
refer to D. O. Taylor *goiters. -
41. S. FREE. Lucknow'Sindio opttn Monday. -
• Tuesday and Wednesday. gamily groups
• taken at,,bome. - tfe
POULITItY WANTED---Deliverytakeh
at -Lucknow, (back of N. Pdackenzle's
store) each Wednesday. At ginlossand*
Itinlough each Tnescle.y • commencing
Oct. 29th. Enquire at Mackenzie's store
Lor particulars. J. I% Ivozs 11 10 et.
-Tuesday, Dec. 17
• Mimi' Lizzie McDonald whose death,
from influenza was reported from Wish- "
ingtop,is now reported by her brother,
Pte. Pringle McDonald, as alive and
well. The people of Teeswa.ter and vic-
inity _ are* reioicingwith.Mr. and Mrs,
Will Methinald;over the good news
Capt J. C. Little reported missing,
then a prisoner, hascabledthat he is
safe in England a returned prisoner. -
Sgt. A. Brack who has been apending
ten days with relatives, left Tuesday
for Winnipeg. Sgt. Brack has been
connected with the army fos twenty-
seven years and served in tin. Beer War.
Alm E. Rayeard has gone haelt to
Collingwood to assist in nursing rel-
atives who are suffering from: iofitienzA.
This is the second time Mrs. laynard
has been tailed on to nurse frientle
through the epidemic. •
Word came to Mr. Olheiser of an ex-.
plosion in a munition plant in Quebec -
wrecking a part of the plant and mete- ,
ing many operatives. Fortunately hie
&tighter who sent the lieW8 WOS In it •
different.patt of theeretks and to twallt
id injury,