HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-12-12, Page 5i ti t AND WIIERI$A5 it ie desired th t th Y -LAW NO.tficot the VI14Rg of Luck z ,, A floe ' to he 4Nin Of attar thonsiond e a4iD lit uM►! tl c iia y of the Villlaage Lneksew, is the County of fir for the purpo of-pureiteelp - Biietrise �- u$4 IT TIM $?QU $NASD AND IT IS 1f#IRii1! . flArw`IAD Muttaciptl Ceded! of the Cee to the alb � IkiPrtldii of t Village of Lackuow, as follows: 1. It shell be lawful for the Reeve of the Vi 1 g of l,,uekuow, a.rd he is here - and instructed to Cant. i, to borrow the sunt of f''ire r the par tie Moslem! defiant anal to issue lie- r�Adi bentthe htlee Plast now used operated by Walter Stews* So, in tate said Village of &ucksq wHRRReS it is expedient and adv able kir the benefit and advantage of Wine of Luckuow, in the Count. Aram. that the Corporation of the sit Village pinches e :tile }le:trical part the lileectric Light ,plant, irgw own Bind operated by Walter' Stewart and So sand to provide for the cost et, and in theism to meet purclisee,, which is est mats., M the .sunt of give. Tbeir.ard: do - AN.D WIXItItitA S the cost of •1,1,1 lelectrica part of.,seid. $lectric Lig Plant, consisting of Generators► Ir atru smuts, Switch Bo'rcl. Wiring,' Poles Street Lamps and all electrical appur tenances pertaining or.appertainin thereto, is the sum of Four thousan Five hurrdred dollar's, AN WHEREAS the cost of work,, in cider . thereto is estimated at. the su. of Five• uhdred 40111111. - AND •WfIRRRAS-for . such Purpose the sum of Five thcgsand dollataa will require to be: provided over and abeve the aunts required for the ordinary ex- penditure of the' ,alai., Corporattir,f for Y eretre..1918. Mr andexpedient to it is the saieemed d sum, of aforesaid bj wav of , loan othe then purpose of deheuturera of the said Corporation of the Village' of lucknow. ' AND WIH RNaAS'the Bald sum of Five thousand dollars is the total anioupt of the debt intended to be created by this', By-law. of Village of 1. ucknoiw, far tint nn Bunthe t fn BUMS of net lean thou One hundred dol. uce, fart tech, payable in the ,manner, for the the amounts, and at the tinter herein= after adore srti 1 mentioned. weed p cu arty ntenti d d. The sand debentures shall have et - re A tached to them coupons for the payment yy, sof intkreaet at the rate of six per cent., per annum which touons shall be it- signed by th R the' the saki Corporation e and shall -be uiia Y • f payable on the Tweutfethday of Dec r in each and every year during the Or continuance of.the said. Debentures. 3. Tile axial suit of $514.81 sliall be I. rause., in e'eh year during the currelicy ci- of the'iaaid debt which said sum shall be i- *efficient h discharge the cevc,'ai yeasrly al- sums of prfncipal and heal Ctl a a of til villagef A of iseelkitertfi to he Iu ltted td for tole* ors on the Twenty -save Milb. f IIVO camber, A.1] , 191s, between the hello of nine o'clock in the forenoon sand lee o'clock in the afternoowed the fWktw' place*. South polling sub -division at the Council room iu the Town Hrlll, ReNorthics tpolling tl eorthlstide of Camp- bell street. And that the Twenty-S'xth day, et De- ember,.A.D., 1918, et-e'a:vear o'.clockint the forenoon et the t.°ouncil room, Town Hull, in the said Municipality heats been aired for the appointment of persona to attend at the polling places and et the of Clerk emu:Hinge sip of the votes by the de' ; And thlt if the assent of the .electors. Deco is obtains 1 to the said proposed ed By-law it will be tierce intoconsideretion by the etuy,icipai Council of the raid Cor tips at a meeting thereof to beheld after" the expiration of one month from the date of the fKst i:bki . ..- interest accirpin due at the told yearly sums became re litapectively payable as herein provided which field Um, and that. such first publicatiou�was g made on the Fifth dray Of December, -11918. earn of 51.4 81 shall be r,ised and levied each year by a special rate , sufficient therefor .on. all the rateable ' properly in the Municipality of the Vii. g lag* of leucknoW, according to the last d' revised assessment roll thereof. f 4. The 'said instalinentn of principal m shalt be made: payable .o'aaa ert Twentieth l day of levee be incid`al of the said debt shall be repay able by yearly sums during ilia period of fifteen years being the time within which ° it ie "intended the said debt is to be paid. AND . WHERRAS it will require the. siuui of $514.8.1 to be raised and levied itt each year during, the currency of the saiddebt by special rate upo� the whole rateable property of the said grillage ;of 4ntckcow,"according to the last revised Assessment ;roll of the said Village which site shale be sufficient° to discharge the several yearly, punts of principal enden. terest as the said sums become respect. • ively. payable aceording to the terms of „e -ibis By-law as in -hes einafter provided • . AND WIJRBAs the, amount the; *bile, rateable property of the said Vile' lage'of l'dueknow according to the last re- ''yised Assessment Roll of the said Muni cipality is the sum of $352,30$ 0). . AND WHERRAS the, total amount of the existing .Debenture debt of the raid Municipality is the• Bum- of $13,659.31,. upon which.there is no part of the prin-; cipal or interest' n arrears, r, • n each year, and the Rrh cipal. and iiitereet payable:under and upon the debentures issued under and by virtue of this 13y -law shall be payable at: the branch or *ger cy' of the Molaons' Rank', In the Village of 1,1101010w, in the. Count of fleece, 5,- The." yearlyinsta''eeents01prutcipaf on . said -debentures , and, the annual payments of interest shall be in each year of a raid peried e# fifteen years; as fol tome Take notice further that a tenant wlio desires to vote upon said proposed By. law `must deliver to the Clerk not., than the tenth day before the day ate - pointed for taking the vote a de ip- under The Canada. Evidence Act,cdeclaration t he is a tenant whose lease extends for the trine for which the debt or liability is to,be created, or in..which the money_. tole raised by -the pro oa d.By-law is payable, or, for atleast twenty-one years, and that lie }las by lease covenanted to pay in uicipal taxes in respectof the property of which he istenant oth 4- than local improvement taxes, °s , a;, tr e1N $w J. R , trlerk. 'ALL:ASSIZES AT WALKERTON' Total Antonia Year ,,, Interest_N,,priticipal of•payment Two Mee which attraoted. 'd I'19 wide ill• $300,00` $214 81.. ' $514,81. terest;were;before Justice, Falconbridge 1920 287,11 227.70 514.81 wile 1921 273,44 241.37 514.81 presided at the AseizerCodrt at. the 1922 .258.96 25.5.85.. 51.4 81 Bruce ,QouUty --Town or1-7Nov, 29. Th 192,3' 243.61 • 271.20 ; 514 81 Bruce Tiiues ;resorts - the e 1924' 227,34 2s7 47 `514 follow outcome sae. 6 191.8r- p' r eve, vs, ettereze. 1925. : 210:09 30.1.7e 514 81 Allan $ell, a Tarnier of : Bruce town, 130;110 - 384.70 , 514.81 ship shed Win. banter of th $ . 432.25' 514 81 oiler Co, of I;mcard� 1932 '- 56:63 ¢58 1927 323 90 . 514.81 1.72 43 342.38 .51.4 81 1929 9 1928 151 89 362.92' 51;4.81 •1930 107.03 ' 407.'f$ 1 1931 514 81 9.14 18 514,81 1933. 2 48.567,... 515,81 ' 6 The said Debentures shall be signed °by'the Reeve of the said Village of Ietick now and by the 'Treasurer •thereof and shall have the corporate seal of the said Corporation affixed theret• ° 7. This. Bylaw shall `take effect frons: the 'day of the 'fnal. passing thereof, '. subject to its being assented to by the .. i electors. . • Passed this. 30th .day of November, •p' A.D., 1918. • • l . `4•••••••••• .,m.,• .., ..• � to •r.. Rnnva Take notice that the foregoing,is•a h Bridge' the and Beller Dter and his: daughter, Miss Lesl` tee, Leslie t9 l"3unter, for .$7000 datilages for injuries sustained at the Dominion Day celebration at Port Elgin eiv.,Juiy 2nd,"1'817, "w en` Bell .wlai' was + standing against a tele- phone pole near-, the . corner watching the proceedings on. the street. Wes, ru nto by Ehugter's big. McLaughlin car. hick; t44e driven by Mies'Leslie Hunter and In .wllieh her father, Mr:' Writ. Hun. r, was also an '-occupant. Bell;.. whe. was crusher' agaiest the post by the car, ad's one of his liars broken Above' the �ateyer is• o0 Dont ,. I'm. WI tight.". ' U '"But you`re. not. , You look 'worried and tired'._ "Well, I haven't been sleeping very well lately." ' "No, and ,you, don't seem to have' any appetite. I think you ought to take'some, thing to tone up your system." "01ln -no, I. don't. need' airy iedicine. T Ile" I will soon be all right," "But you should not neglect yourself; for that is lust the way I vitae before.I had "nervous prostration, and you know. what a long time I was laid up.' "Well, I haven't. any tiine� to. be laid up, that's a sure thing." ..•• "I know what I am going 13' 8 to'' d4.. I am going to buy half ". a dozen boxes- of Dr. Chase's Nerve. Food.and see that you take. it regularly." e Matter, Jad Look elli" "1`do most , anything -to get feeling better, grip on business lately" "I. get "up feeling tired 'in • the mornings,111 , . and have to drive myself to .do the work that used to be a pleasure for ine. I have got in the way .of • putting o#f 'liiatter* that. need' attention, ' and" hate to meet people. when I know•.that sen d1 Cagy :li-be::,. :"_---reetifred to discuss' business deals with them. .• . "You'll. • take :. the Nerve. . Peed, .won't You?': "Oh, I'll: let you be the doctor, .and if the. Nerve Food builds the up like it did you °I'11 sikon get back 'my old -tithe vigor and. be able to make things hum.• 1 have beeli rather discouraged lately, but 1 can see flow that the trouble.is in the condition of lny nervous • :systeril. So you: get the Nerve Food :and .we'll"see what it will do." Di'. Chase's Nerve Food,50 tents a ' box 6' rfor $2#75, ell dealers, r_Edmanson, Bates St C'o., Limited Toronto. E'very boy of the :.gel nine heiars'the for trait and sig. nature of A. V. Chase, 114.D, the famous &*eel. t so:" for I know I have been losing my i"Yoll knew, Jack, that nothing seemed to help Ind like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food .and I am sure it will be just. as good for yotl," .aryou will alike ju, w4 ki.'t yolk ?" limo tad au bitch/ hatiod sad tart 'tai le the tgiy-up. The Beaters maiistaihecl diet the Abeideet rtes lin unwvoidable ones that In swinging in. to avoid hitting another ear which shot paint in front 'Of thein, they had collided with; Bell -and the post. • The plaintif 'a counsel, Mr. Il'artley Dewar', A C, of Toronto,, how. . ever. tried to eetabhsb that while ;Mas theater, the, driver, n'►taht have taken due caution to avoid hitting either the car air the crowd, .-yet she was driving too fast to.enable her to stop the auto. in an inst.-int, and that the accident was the • citttcol;e of this - neglect, After several' witneesee tack been examined and a battle royal ,been waved between., Mr. i'roudfoot, of Goderch, for the`dc- fendants en D.awatt,for Ilia plaintiff, settlernent was affected wile eby the Iiuntera paid ;Bell $2400 damages and each defrays his .own costa, ' T teems •vs.I.AUI MTUS This was an. action Brought by ROA. Tr'encb,"bf Teeawater, against Jacob Latnbertus, of the. Vennlonie Hotel. there to determine the ownership of _a Oh evcplet car and some horses wh' tisertiie had sailed. tinder *judgment �udgmernt . ono • Howard Douse,.an implement :a t or Teeevwater. Douse, it seems, been appoia`ted local Chevrolet nt,, and tad to.put up the money for of •these care that had been"ship. to him., Trench' advanced him the ey to teles*, thew and: also .financed urch:ase of sone horses . Douse bid t. When Lantbertus se�zed „the nd the horses for debt, • Trench put counter Claim, and on the.Inatter brought before the,Court, Justice abridge decided in favor of Trench ter passing him ` oyer the ear ap,. horses, saddled' , t lite defendant the costs of the action..:D. Rob - and O. F. 'Slain, ' of town, ap- d for the plaintiff and A. S. Clark, nt`Forest, .for. the defendant. Lam fr.. again had age as load ped mon the p bough car a ln ,a being Falco Auld of the. with errtson peaare of Mon :w •-ir -s.'S. sinuous me loony SARIN swantit &Rt nompia, Owe*, . L O. F', lsucicnow Lodes, rale steep ¥rid ay eieninggtbOrCloak in their lull, Cantle bell street. All brethren cordiallyinvitee °meo -Noble i.+rand, O. Aitchison; Via* Wand, Vie Weis/sane; eis/sa ne; Riser. Yec., exd:. An. r. Pr. Paterson: Treasurer. 4. V. & A b%, O. It. O. Old Light Lodge meet* everryThursdaynight ou or hefore tt,e fall x ti,oknow ;e ei, fW Ball. Naerelock steeyyet vison; S. O. Lindsay; J. tY., ld. 31J. 1cOlui,ci ave. w. uk TAL .a.vowl.l,R tv.D.S. V. D. S. stairs lit Sutton 'Mock, Teeswater. Office Jul encomia: to_ gold laces, crowning sand brad eivork,� Visits Wroxeter 1st. and O Wednesaiay of each month;, portio Thur. G. A. NEWTON. P. p). $ . !Dentis .4vOffice ,Allin a a Mock, Losotoecr, th.t. .tui! modern and Bridge � rk Painlefurnished.- Crown ion Dr the use of the :latest. Rimplrst and safest remedy, .SOMNOFOREf. Newest thing in artificial teeth. Abaft= plaid non breakable T. ._ FOWLWANTED `We° will p " •the highest. cash price for dressed fowl dellvred-ever • Y Wednesday rad I'hursdayatrur store. Get; our prices and c .� o0 Pe. • Bruce County News , " day Conductor Cox, of the C,T has run. throuub' Walkerton Southareption line for yearn, dead .,while attending chinch at his home: in-;,Southamptton day, Nov. -I st He 'had been a 1y in the best of health find •his death gene:v e a re b aurp Miss Isabella Klein, only s Judge Klein of Walkerton, ' the Bruce County Hospital on _ of" ,last 'week, just thre after the death. sof her' father fo elm had 'bee ll"keeping house for ears. She 'W51e born in Weil* ears' ago and, came. to Walked? parents '36 years ago.. The `South Bruce Rural Tele o. was notified to appear ,at Wi est Saturday before the Ontario ey and Municipal. Buatd, in.c on with the application for tel rvice by twelve' aaubsetibers iross and Greenock to.ernline. earing the evidence the Board or e 'Company' to extend its lines, ommodate the applicants, but order'tg the,effect that the subs Meat pay. the;cost of the cons n of the necessary extensions. A big general store at Underwood aging. to A,. J. Laidlaw was • cum - tely destroyed•by fire on the,morn- of . Nov, 29, The. building was pletely . gutted . and -pbt,a,,doilar's th of the large stock was 'saved, igh wind was blowing and for a there was danger that the villa,;*• Id be wiped met..The:'fire' was vered about' six in • the.'"mornii! haw ie origieateed ie a.complste tery. The estimated value of the was ten- or diteen, thousand re. .1t, Who on the *dropped' The Double Track Route Service on Sun- Operant news of rise. ister of died' at Pues e. u 'eeks r whom many. sley 63 n with phone ngham. o hail. onnee. *phone. 'n the After dered to ac_ made crib. true- ian church. The .bereaved ones__have •the sympathy of their ,:many .friends here, . D•oyctly Mealorrni:n: His' Many" friends beard with much surprise and regret. of the cteath of Mr. Duncan Mac- •Donald, of Duluth, eihich.occurred Nov. 1. lie was taken; 111, with influenza, which soon resultedin pneumonia, and this terminated fa'taily in* few days. The date Duncan. Maclrooald was born in Ashfield about; fifty-two fears ago.. He spent has early years on his father's farm on the 12th con. of Ashfield, .near :• Lochalsh. ` Subsequently he conducted a butcher :business ineLueknovwt,. • Dun- Bannon ` nd . ,$entail., He was *ell known much '• respected by a large circle of relatives atiid .friends - abouh Cream Wanted We represent the largest creamery in Western Ontario. We test accurately and pay the highest cash price,' Get a can and start now. The Anker Ho���h Self; -Balancing Bowl earn„Separator �..• Luckiiov Fr lilt tBG Produce Company... doynt Bleck,,Lucknow, y Ipbone,47. y w ti ac h th c an era vie bolo ph ing corn wor time wou disco but xnys atoek dolla MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Seryice. '.Sleeping cars on nighi trains and parlor .• cats, on principld ^day trains. " infonnation from any Grand -trunk Ticko Agent* C. R. itorning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. insmithing Eavetroughing, .All kinds of Tinware promptly repaired. gret we record thie week the death of Roderick McKay, of Saldt Ste. Marie, Ont.' Re Was the oldest Son of Nr. He- died there en .Noir, 14. bad been in failing heitith for ssme but hones for bis recovery had:been eb- tertained until'', short 'time . before': hie death. , .wat twenty-one Yeare of age,,, a young man of genial Said pleasant dire. positiou. He is eurviVed by his father, pne brother, Sohn IL AfcXay; and two meters, Christena and Florence, The remains were taken to Kintail for inter. of hie mother, who died In jute,. 1917. ' Tlie 'bereaved father; brotherand shit ter Und his Mock, Mr. john McLeod', accompanied the Jenfititie to Kintail. The funeral,' which rgely attentled, , held itrOtti the honie of „his grata. mother, Mr. buncan McLeod, of RIO. tail; It Was traidttOted by the7Rev Drinkwalter years ago he .temoyed- te Dtiluth where. .he Jima Sieceeetaidect e leaves, to moarn hiss hie widow. 'and kin! kaleolut and' orie daughter, Miss lean, Kis- it -tether sod . three sisters, Oathetine iiia‘dge end Mrs, Danceklive in Toronto. Alto brothers; Alex..;,Malcohn, Otarles,live ttritielt Womble, And one brother, Murdoch; in Saekatchewcm. Ah the bereaved .ones 'have tlie spa- Pathy of a lirge Circle of Triode. This • the second severe afflietion to this Nally. this year. Only abotit seven months ago another brother, Sohn 'Mc, Donald5,die frelle the same dread dia. • The Busy Hardw Phone Sixty-six f are House or pr oinpt Delivery • hiT,e the GET AN OIL HEAtER Priaise,is the heater you need" to guard' baby against -void during the morning- bath and frolic. Ca be canied - the chill Ugh . an own -to drive rpm bathroom or breai‘fast room, strong, handsome; furnishes ten hours 070EDAR POLISH 0.c..Jar Polk& is the right O -Cedar' Mop -two etyles-priced at $1.50 each. , laeldar Polish Have you your cattle tied securefor fgecling , We have a good supply •of Chains and Stanchions, Stable Broome and Shovels, ScrapArs and large Feed- • ,ing Feirlie. All sixes of Feeding Baskets. Brinein your Sash and have them Primod and Glazed.. Virrie • Try Frost Proof Weather Strip to keep out the cold. , -11eLEOD.8L JOYNT, The Store Where Your Money toes Farthest We have Good -Quality Men's _,Black Fur -Coats In all sizes from 42 to 48. Just the thing for cold weather. See our Ladies'„Coats at $37.50 -in Lister's Plush. pood style 'and perfect fitting, sizes 38, '40, 42. Fur& are much higher itt • price th*'n last piar. We have Mink, Russian Fitch 4rid other Furs at ntuch less than, market prides. All Hats in the Millinery Department: at . Reduced Prices. See our window of' Children's Hats at 98c each; WILLIAM CONNELL BA N DIA ILTON Record o rogr,ess for five years taken froth,- . Cove nm nt Statement as of Oetober 1913 it3b,664,000 $29,590,000 646,174,000* 1914 , 33,780,000 31,284,000' :. 445E35,000 DOUBLE YOUR PAY ‘A young lady who wa$ eerie: ego, now receives a salary of6x0 a. week as the result_of the training ehe re- nved We assist .'nur graduates to good 'positions. Rater any time. Catalog-ue free. ' 'Winter Term from 'Tannery 6, 101% 11