The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-11-14, Page 107. I I Miry, . . • w -.704, T,.. • ,, 4i. eace Home the joyous shout of the thousands of our t boys acme the seas who have fought ... tthat h kept Canada in peaceful pos- s of the rights of freedom. of our bravest men have died for Canada .....$ •.;,.��..--yam -while the others "carried on", and; in hringing th s war to a. victorious they rough dad their end. r _ od I!uthh,_uns: and .union men oulic_d not have fought for .us. Without money these things could net have been supplied to them. Money has en the backbone of the war and money is still needed t the work may befinished,: and the boys brought ho a a► d ,telped to get into - positions where .- they - _yrx - cana flail ag, and the wounded and disabled • amply provid fr. Canada ask for NOME MONEY -asks you to lend it through Can ` dal* CTORY LOAN. The investment is safe, the interest is am le --5 1.2 per cent. payable hall yearly. NOW IS, TIME 'TO DO YOUR • DUT —BUY VICTCRY B DSP URDO Th;' Spice .c ousted by .. NtERN ono: f coarse' - very city, will earnits Ho or' Flag. . j But how a out the c owns? : • • For e ver Y twenty,f e per 'cent.. a dzcess of its s q ota, eac city,, cty, sown and ,distr c t *ill be entitled to•add acrown n ' to its flag. 6b° town and ..district anO�fifty • :� d lit y P. er ,cent . better than your quot a that meanstwo o crown • for ' your Honor Flak; • But double;�... ut your quota and.. it means four crowns. a> g Flag m: your .hall, that ;for , years to ..come wi s ova .friar dour.•.: city,..; town sir district did better than vve11-- That it.'rad a real .factor in. the huge. success .o W ► HT 1 D . ,'S V I - LOAN. 1918: . Issued by Canada's•'fiictory`Loan Committee . in, co-operation with the' Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada (166 1 • • --Monday. Noir. 11. Reed Tail Swoon for live It pig .0Wa, Miss Maillgaret McLean spent Hew - clay in Luvknow. •, A1r, and Mrs. Jas, Cox and family, of Kinc idi . y vialted Ripley frieudu on Mondayi enii'ayiug the ualebration. KMb h ©ase—Titotir cilr, A putty thc,ugh, quiet wedding was auk wnizad at the Mame, Kinloss, on Nov. 11, when Mt.. Wesley Guest anti Obis Effie Thompson were upitect in marriage by the R,.:v, V N. MacKenzie. The bride wore brown silk poplin with hat to match After he ceremony the bridal party drove tel Mr. Sa:i11, one of the proviucial-'the home of the bride's parents where a auditxra, Iilir d a slightattack of the Ilii; . splendid wedding supper awaited them, but we aril plea ed to sea bila around ,, again, .A. an where a fiery: enjoyabiaevening w;is Wm. fs.ni htspent Sunday in Mild: stent, Tile young People wall make • ma Meir borne on this grooni'ri farm north of Aliasesargarcrint#itleniii� liniaiva returned tc Toronto on Saturday where Mr. and Alm. Enkeriswille�c and they are en aged on the teaching graft Mrs, ,Jos. Conley and families. have re, gee the 1 ailil 4 ar;Iruvals, turned Boma from the West. Air. VX A eAuleyGilmoke returned to Landon Col egiate lastitute on Battu. bliss .rltta44e Manners spent the past, day. week with her sister Mrs. Ilobt. McLean, Mr Jas: McTaEvish, our esteemlejd Mrs. RI. 1:'ercy, who.hae been tiller coal merrh, nt, aecomparied by Mr& Ammo ontime, is recoveriag a,.) ,r McTavish, eturned barite oil ' Friday RV= a fou weeks vis to Qrillia�and Cobalt.W ile at Cobal?� ,1r., McTavish had- the pi seam and t' . tilling exper- ience of ta lug a trip its the bearrt'of the earth. :: a was•_; .ve glad that:the pit-:bctd a ' ttom and war More pleased still when h E got to that, p again. On Frida eventing a d }potation con elating .of he clerg'uie, anti 'laymen frotaa these' endehurelae waited on the local board- of health, •king therm to •allow the hurchea to tr en en.Sunday for pubic orship. .,alt ough a strong plea was prented by a n mber of those present, still the boardde tried it •advis. able to keep the lid mask another Sab- bath. It w s thouOht to; e a little 'un- fair when for y were allowti ng the, schools to reppen •n Mor#day: The Medical. Ifetlth Qfhc rr claimed that the fid was. not a cbilal disease, al pow what a., nuni1er of'ci izens cannon understand is why the• se oola were ale sed if dish be • true,,, Howe' es if all god' well .during, the. courting eek' wf bop&'to be able ta attend, Divi a worglhip t the churclA next Sableat r. The epide' ie is,. wee be- neve, on the deer ass, tl roughoout the whole 'count y an withhe very great precautlalis t kren.i l'Itiple we should soon baable .o ban out ti e sign "Bash. nese; as nsu.1'o Oa Fii'da .our ilia e,._•along with many others tbrou hou '.the country,. was the victi cif tb grea hoc.in re gard to the endo the war.: It just tuned up the people to be eady for the glorious -neem which arrives on.11ionday rornitig: . .. CELtilltATi II -Tj 'was the scene of::a::ce day that shall never a m. some .of our citizens w t} a long distance telethon nd. sonatold glad -neh officially proclaimed -from that the Kaiser and the "C hv,d jumped tlie•aob:'and tl rice : was signed.-Inthnedi iv- *les .and bells were Utitl'to work and the populace were awakene to hear..the. .grandest news, they had' eard in. over four years.. All business WI {s' suspended and the crowds betook the + selves tide-. corating the .town and prep:: in for the celebration, :.At 3 p.m. tlr •crow& was called to order at . the core er of Queen and Huron streets where. ' the. program' was -opened bye Thanksgi ing; service. Ile ejhairrnan,. Rev. Geo. Gilmore called upon all the ; people to sing heartily the Doxology and the good of Hundredth. halm," : After reading a poi t ion of scrip.. tore, 'Rev. Mr, Henderson ; : nd Rev. D. A. t4o.Leatr -led the' thto g 'ib brief prayer, closing with the ord's •Prayer' which alI repeated in ninon. .Pte Angus McDonald, at Vimy Ridge and invalided home; tiv as called to the platform andpresentedith a purse of gold. In a brief speech he-thankedthe Red Cross and the people of Ripley for their kindness to ,hili while at the front, and. since arriving .plata. 'f`hn Victory Loan• was given a boost by the local clergyman who called upon p every- one to de something ,in that regard, A procession Was then formed with Roder- ick •Martyr as marshal All the• sold. iere of the comwunityi in uniform fol• lowed, mounted on prancing steeds. The mothers and fathers of the soldiers who are.overreas cane next:ltt--automa_ biles, followed by the .Ripley Red' Cross Society. Then 'came the .pupileof the Public and Continuation schools,follow• ed by .the societies of the village --.the. ' I.C.0.F.. C.0 F. and the L.0•14. . The rear was bro,rght up by, a great throng of citizens . on,' foot.,The ;procession was nearly a toile ilength and pre- sented a spectacle unic,ue in the -history. of this. village. After wending their way through tba streets for' a consider- able bine,all halted on the Main earner where the=reave, •Mr. Gideon Ruttle.und councillor, Mr. Thos. Morgan, on behalf of }iuron township council, presented the.parenv of the soldier boys who had ie gill' ge of Rif ley . lebration en. Mon- e fors otter,- At 4 re called on from Wind 's which was Washington own"' prince t the armhs- tell ail' the Mrs. Hassel, A- was . down with the prevailing epi{den ie, is improving, Mrs, • Ned 1VlcIKay: and Miss Della Robinson, o:f Kincardine, township, were recent vieitorrs w 1t. -Mrs. Fill Percy And at 11. McLean's. W'hlitechurch —Tuesday, Nov. 18. . Carl Lott is attending Central Bud. 'nos (;foliage to Wingham. A number from the village attended the victory celebrations' in Wingham and Lucknow on .Monday. Rev. D, l ac 'avish preoche in the. Methodist church, Lucknow, last- Sun. Let Priueipat Uphold Principle • rev. Mr, Sdubie, of, McIntyre„ spept a day in the village last week. • Miss Minnie Colling' returned' yto he- home on Monday, vlis.'M3ry Moore•had & phone instal led in her house last. weak.' Fgt.-ring is 4 oin 611, .' Mrs..'A, It Musgrove. of Viringham, spent the week-epu, with her sister. ire. F; 1lenryi., Ziot -- ay.. Nov. -1. .. Miss Margaret Ritchit b s•'returtfed' to her school north of Teeawater,•' Aire, George•keenry visited' friends in this vicinity today. 'r .sMagnihcent weather for November. Mr. Ivan E;fwards,•.of Toronto, •visit- ed at Joseph. Hackett's recently, Quite a number attended the: funeral ''of. ' Mr. Harvey,Auderson, of Halkirk, Sask. The funeral took place fromhis • • old home on Moaidayafteriioon, ,Everyone' is happy now. They wear ,the smile of peace..' Several from our burg helped to swell{ the crowd' at the celebration, at Luck - now' on. Monday. ' the ":illi" has visited -1, number of families in this,burg. .We 'wieh•.to see them around soon. • St. Helens -T uesday, Nev. 12. Mr, and Mrs. McPhee s c and family, of Nile, visited at. Mr. Smith's on Monday. Mist .Mary Cameron' -returned - tier sehogl at Mitchell tin Monday; ,Mr, and Mrs.. W. I. Miller 'and Mr, sand Mrs, 'Wallace Miller` motored :to'• GFoderich on Tuesday. Miss Virinnifrsd Woods went to S.trat ford on Saturday to . resume her studies at the iv ortnal' •which .nae been closed since Thanks iving owing tg the infiu. enza. " -St. Helens was well represented xt' the Peace Celebration in Lucknow on .' Monday'. ,.. Robt.McGuire was horde from Lon- de% over Sunday, Horace retarded with_ iitu on Monday. _ made.the supreme sacrifice, as well as those wha hadnot received any lona tion when leaving here, with a ten dol• lar gold piece. The crowdthen dieperied to assemb:e again at 7.30 p nh , when the 1 aider was burned in effigy amid the loud cheers 'of the great assembly. After a few brief speeches a 'torchlight proeession 'Was formed that niaeched around the town cheering and singing patriotic songs. The immense bonfire served' to warm, •'as well as to enthuse the people, who, after a time, retired to their homes .satisfied that it was the Vat glaciate day an ail their lives, If Out boys are fighting on the bio stained fields of Filaxiders —our boys are dying and have died by the, hundreds to up- hold a righteous cause and res pel a cruel foe. Our boys have demonstrated that they are the best mad:,:most s ten fighting unit ori the .S tern front, What thin line without - any. rear supports barred tkt 1Iun r. drive for Calais in the spring of 19x5 ? A. thin line of Calla adians held the flower of -the ° German army, , 11 We are the trustees. of the. future for which they bled and died. Shall their sacrifices be in vain,?:.. Encourage them -back .them up bybuying k Victory Bonds to your utmost.. : sy Thin space donated by TheLuck:iow Hardware & :CoalCo. - THE STORE, THAT NEVER DiRAPPOINTS fll11<i{IIIDI1PiIDfl➢Il111111Iill11t1111111111111111111111I1111111 111111IDlIm11EIBI IliID1111Idf1111 till IRE fl Llllll -One satisfied eiiustonier '.said: o L : neer knew Graham Wafers could . be so -'good until -T; tried Telfers. ' , They tire perfectly'. de- 1iCiOUe": She's 'right.' YOU try them. -Packed in air tight packages. For sale at all grocers. ellen "The Buy Nord for Biscuits" 010 100 I119III1I I 1 1111 II ID 11 i11111 111 IIII,IIIlI Carnal* Food Board Li000.p No.11,599• 111111UIIll11 II1111111111111HIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI J K- ReiieveYoi Rheumatism For 25e, NR. 'does it by improving • digestion, assimilation and`eliinination--- the, logical w r. NR Today—Relief or' No Pay rheumatic ' poison is ' allowed : to • re. main 'in the body, • Think of this. It expiates.' the sue- - cess of Nature's Remedy (Ni , Tab lots) in so many cases' .,where other niceicines• have failed. ' Thousands aro using Nit Tablets every de* and get- ting relief. 'why pay live or' tea times as much for uncertain 'thine?': A '25e box. of Nature's 'Remedy (Nit Tablets) • COh1 taihina enough to'Iast twenty- livo-days;—mutt help you, >nust give You prompt relief and..sat- isfactory benefit ,o:; cost you. nothing• And Nature's: Remedyin .not only . for the.rclief of t�lxuumtlern.: It im- proves di :'cation, tofc3 thti livor reg..' ulates Idency aur(, bowel action,;tm- proves the Wog anal ,cleanse'then rthn',+ P1* -tool, xOri`li reel: iii -e a *Ort ` person when You'Vo taken Iv 'Tablets a week, You've tried the, exponalve, medicines and. doctors, tow' make'the real test. You'll get resultStthis time, Nature's Remedy (NR Tablott) is sold, guaranteed and recomfnended by ' your 'druazhst. There aro three vital processes of human existence+ -the digestion of food, the extraction of • 'nourishment from it and the elimination. or the waste, Let anything, Interfere witIi these processes, --let them be interrupted or Improperly carried on, and sickness of some kind. follows. • tion. meoar ans lure to s derive • full nourishment from food and that in turn erten means im- Poverished. • blood, 'weakness,/ anemia, etc. Poor elimination ricansan accumulation; of. ' ste Cr r att ' Which poisona'the body,�owers vitality, decreases the porter of re - estate() ,to discase'and leads to tho development of lnapy ser lou3 ills. • R:heumatisnt,..dua to gums int' fere A" c Y,•,ith the i;4'ouess of' elimination, failure to get. -rid or certain body • polsoni.,—cannot bo expected to Yield to any medicinethat failsto correct the condition responsible for it. Could nay reasonable person expect to rid Himselfof rheumatic pain as longi as • J. Garnet Armstrong, Lucknovlt. Flowerdale • ---Monday, Nov, 11. • School reopened on Monday after be- ing closedfor-:threo weeks on account of the flu. . • • Miss Celia'llreckenridgc spent a few days last weekat the home of her uncle, Mr. Duncan Campbell, on the 10th, •Mrg. George IVfcGillvary and family visited at Mrs, J. Scott's on Wednesday, Mr, and Mss. Win,. Robb and family visited, lit Jar, J, ltobb's in Ripley n Sunday. - Misses Cassie. Douglas and Olive. Black. who have been: at their.hotnes hero fort- the ortethe past three weeks left for Stratford on Friday, ' the Normal School having reopened, ' Mr. Eob et Stratlidee, ' of .Itrpley,.� Sunddyed at Mr,;X. Finlayson'a. - Miss E -lith Breckenridge,. of Luck. now,•'spent Supday at het homd here; We regret to report the- .illness c f v ?hiss Clertrude Breckenridge, 114.1 v►� opo for a'dpeedi- roved,