HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-11-14, Page 7101
As a matter of business, what
do .you think of the plan?
You are a farmer. I
Canada is, a farming country.
Canada grows more food than the
people of Canada need.
To prosper she must sell that
Great Britain is our best• customer
for grain, pork, beef, cheese and other
farm products,
- Every pradtical -man must see how
important it is to hold the British trade.
Canada wants not only the profit on
• Oils trade, she wishes to create a good-
inikitaia_towards Canadian pro-
ducts and thus assure our export busi-
the future..
°At the moment Great 'Britain asks
for credit, asks Canada to sell ler the
products of the farm, "on time." M.
hold her trade, it is.necessary to give
this credit.
This takes capital -immense capital.
For Britain's purchases from Canada
are huge, and these purchases must be
paid for in cash.
In., these times, it is not easy even
for a nation as wealthy as Canada to
procure money. - Certainly, no other
• country can lend us money. The only
way now open for Canada to. secure
. money is to borrow from. the people of -
C d
ana a. •success. s
This is the reason for selling Victory
Bonds. -i .
Can anyone deny theisound bUsiness
sense of this plan of protecting our
valuable market-?
Froin the standpoint of the man
• who lends, what better security could
• he get for his money ? Where else
could he get a five and a halt per cent.
return on such security? Where would
he find an investment to pay interest
so ',regularly and with .so little trouble
to the lender? . Certainly Canddians
have an opportunity to benefit veyy___
directly from this borrowing plan.
And the money, Canada 'borrow is . -
spent entirely in Canada:= -a very large
part of it for the very crops the farmer -
has to sell. Amommona
. Therefore, if the Victory Loan is a
success, business in Canada 'must be
good, the nation 'must -prosper and -so
be able to carry on a vigorous war
effort in France and Flanders.
As- a practical man you must
approve ,of the Victory Loan plan.
Then help it along. Put. your own
money into Victory Bonds; urge your'
friends to 'buy; work hard among
• your loyal neighbors to Make the
Victory Loan 1918 an ,overwhelming
• •
. •
.„-7--al 1 yoie can paelfor In cash and all
you can carry- on fn...slcilmentRi:
. .
, .
. .
,‘ t-rsimidby cii nadirs Victory LOarrcoinsUltese;
in co-operation with the Minister of Fineries •
Of -the Dominion of Canada.
_PIANOS We are agents' for .the following
high-grade instruratfits: Gourlay
• • ,
Winter and Leethittg,, Heintzman‘ & Co, .aid -the
NewcoMbefPiano Co.; - '
Tbe main features of
•The New
Sewing Machine
are its:easy and quiet
action, its simplicity,
durability and free-
dom from repairst
See us before buying.
econd-lland Goods
Buggy, 2 OrgallS4 i Sewing Machine, i Manure
Spreader, x Oliver Sulky plow.
or the Honor Flag to11,37 in Lucknow to show that we have done our best
to meet our country's call „through the Victory Loan of 1918, ."
•"' • •all that is necessary is just this
The Victory Loin Button' 0110W8 that YOU area purchaser of Victory
Bonds 1918. • Your name on the Honor list of your place of business will
be an inspiration to others. If every man and woman in Lucknow wears a
'Victory Button, our success is assured and Lucknow. will takes it place
• with honor on the list of places which deserved and gained the Honor Flag.
To win our Honor klag we are asked to reaeh the amount of $24.500. We
inust do better than that,' -for every 25 per cent. over the quota we shall be,
entitled fo• show a crown on our flag. How many crowns can we win All
that is necessary is just thia. ;me thing :
• Lend youi mAny„ta Conada-Lthe safest and best investment in the world
-the repayment) of your Bond absolutely assured at the end of a definite
period, and interest at the rate of 53. per cent, paid to you semi•annually
while you hold it. If all investment were as good as Victory Bonds we
would 130 better off to day.
Pe donated b The McOlail oi r • Co.onflon On%
• Hints Per Haug hi -Winter
• TeMperatlire recommended by the
Ontario Fuel .4dministratiOn• for Trott-
ing and living-rOoms, 64 F.
(64 is the `loPtinnim" 'temperature, or
the degree of heat at which science
Agrees man zs at his best)
- Temperature recommended for sleep-
ingrooms, pa P.or leas
, 'Mai; water warm you instead° of.
burning an excessive amount of coal to
do it,'.' is the advice of thiCOntario Fuel
Administration in Urging the importance.
.ot properly moistening' the air. in the
Dry air at 70 or 72 may,feel cooler
than nioiet air at 60°, the Administia-
tion declares. Moint air holds the heat
longer and saves coal.
• There'are ten per cent more deaths at
a idventanaperature if .the relative hum-
idify is below 40 per cent than if it is
above .70"per cent.. • .
• Give the air a drink out of a pan- in-
stead of off yoUr skin. Evaporation
from the skin renders one susceptible ta
colde,, Catarrh and other diseases of -the
respiratoiy &Alb
As much, if not moie, attention should
be paid to the humidity reading as -to
thermometer reading., A hygrometer,
as well as a thermometer, should be in
.the home.
Thaeepartnaent urges every house-
holder to follow these simple rules for
humidifying air in the homes: ,
When the house is heatedlay stove
inky° a pin of water or a boiling kettle
always On top.
• If by warm, air, see •
.that the water re-
tablet .in the hot air jacket of the fur-
nace is always well filled. Place open,
pans OkWeter near the registers.,
. In cases where steam or hot water
Systems (are eMployed, prolide humidi-
flog, or pans Of water, for every radiator.
\ The overage room may require a quart
of water per day. Change water fret
Sugar is the best of :the "quick energy"
foods to stimulate blood .and brain of
soldiers id the grins campaign. They.
Must get it. Uhnufactuters and ll
large users have been strictly limited by
the Pood Honra in the me of Iniaarl sod
Ensure Equal Crops Not Year by
Attention to Seed Grain,
Larger rrofits From Live Stock Made
When Stablo Are Given Thor..
Filkr:idIvnsil:eibte4telenor:11: ;77,11:11-rnti!
(4'entrIbuted by Qatari() Department of
AgrIcuitere. Toronto.)
NTARIO is fortunate thia
zear leaving a good spolY
or grate in alsaeit afl Ids
Of CroPS. • The more grain
there Is to, select frona, the better
chance there is to get the very best
seedlor sowing in the sPring. Top.
1n9.ny farm -erg: 14•PrePt the sell .fitipply
or 'next year's crop until Mont of
their grain is. fed or sold.
If the best of this grain was set
snide for seed. at threshing time or
taken from thegrain bins before any
of Itwas fed or sold; there would be
less. work of tieed preparation in the
spring and a, foundatiouprovided for
better seed than Is: often sown..
shrunken or broken seed
ias-a-feeding vaine-irearirnuuar-try•
that of large Plump seed. Tlfe follow
ing results of Seed selection experi-
ments condunted at the Ontario Agri-
cultural College at Gnelph will show,
however, that there is Very grea.t dif-
ference in the value of these for seed
purposes: •
. to' ha. •
• ••
4 XI 140 ."4.3) 44
0 ti
ct) ll
>173.14 14CI)
441 P11. Plq
• Selections,
medium - sized
• Seed, 32:2 1.8 • 64.1
Sraall Seed-31.8 -. 1.8 • 46.6
La• S113.geaeerdl'eY.)17-.1.u.ni!!• 49.5'; 63.8
; Plump •
Seed 48.8 1,6 60.4
Shrunken • Seed 49.1 - 1.446.0 •
Broken. Seed . . 48.6 La -43.2
ringrwhea_ . 1
• Seed 69.1 • 1,4 21,7
•Small Plump ,
Seed 5-8.3 ' 1.3 18.0,
•Shiunken Seed 66,9 1.2 . ;16.7
• • • .
(Oats were 'tested seven years,
barley- six, and spring wheat .eight.)
° Selecting the best seed from. that
which the farmer -has available will
not only proviOe large plump seed
for soVring which will produce the
most vigorois plants andthe largest
yield Ofbest. Quality, but it will very
largely .illiminate any weed seeds
which may be In the grain.
C, A. Zavitz, Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph ' ••
they are now using substitutes in lar e
quantities in a splendid effort to con-
serve, yet serve the public as well sa
before. Private 'homes should -follow,
their. example and ,.use substituter,
especially cori syrup and glucose. •
-Canada Food Board.
tittroh County News -IIA
Reeve Tiplin, of Wingham, has a
farm out in Morris Township, anoci he
last week threshed iipviards of 10,000
bushels of wheat on it.
The price of the Blyth, 'Standard
will gO up to 0...50 on Dec. let. This
makes •practically all. the papers in"
Huron County at the $1'.5.0 rate: .
• Colonel Conila who went' overseas
in charge of the Huron Battalion and
who some time ago was, injured by
the concussion of a shell is expected
home soon.. He has been in hespita s
in France and' England for some
time. •
Peace Hath Her Victories
The enemiesef civilization are takina
the count one by olid 13ulgariaj-Vur-
key, Austria ---all have succumbed to
the terrific 'onslaught of Great Britain
and her glorious Allies, and, perhaps be-
fore this gets info, print, the instigator
of the foul crime against humiatity, the
once proud German Empire, may have
•thrown herself od the mercy of the
..That will be the Peace that seemed so
I way -6----------1- -hot weekb-iigii
How glorious it will bete know that our
boys "over there" are through fighting.
And we will prepare to bring .them
home and to re-establish them in Peach.
ful pursuits.
"Peace 'Rath Her Victories No Less
Renowned Than War." It is for us,
then, to remove the difficulties we see
in our path, and we can do this by lend-
ing the Government to the limit of our
ability so that industry will not la and
Canada will face the new problems with
serenity and confidence.
. ,
Clean, -Dry and Ventilate Stables. .
'Cleanliness, dryness and. good ven-
tilation are hygienic conditions very -
desirable in the housing of all kinds
of live stock. ' ,Horses, •cattle, sheep,
hogs and pou r.
y all:1).
do better .nd
are less liabl to •contract Infectious
and •contagions diseases when4 kept
under such conditions than when
dirt, dampness and poor ventilation
are found in .the stables in which
they are housed. Undoubtedly, out-
breaks of infectious and contagious
diseases -do occasionally occur in the
hest built -lard -best- kept -stables, but
the danger of these spreading is much
ess an.w ( - : i. , • 1 - . . v .4-tiong
Without deubt good stock has been
produced under stable conditions that
were not 'of the best, but the chances
of producing and maintaining good
healthy stock are much greater where
cleanliness, eryness and good ventila-
ADM in thestables are the order of
the day. ,
Dirt of. all kinds, whilst it does.,
not itself produce disease, is liable
to harbor and foster the bacteria or
other germs that do cause infectious
;disease, hence, so long as it is lying
arciund,'• inside the stables it is a
source of danger to the stock.
If there is one class of stable more
than another in which cleanliness is
desirable it is the dairy sta.ble, Milk
. is an ideal food for many varieties
•of bacteria as 'well as for human be-
ings or live stock, and many varie-
ties of bacteria -are always present in
stable dirt. Consequently, 'when dirt
or stable dust gets into milk, many
contaminating bacteria get, in with it.
It is the action:of the. bacteria -in •
the milk that causes it to spoil either
by souring or putrefaction. Censti-
•quently, oue step in the production
of good clean rank is to have it pro-
duced Where there,is little danger of
dirt or dust getting into it. •
...Dampness is a great agent in the
spreading and fostering l f disease.
Perhaps the one disease -that ' it is
most liable to induce is pheumonia.
Many hogsare lost annually as a .re-
sult ' of • contracting pneumonia
through being kept in low-lying,
.11amp quarters. Dampness duet° bad
-ventilation' IS- Very 'W-Gifi-
deielopment of various lung tronbleS
witli all kinds of (dock. The damp
stagnant air in badly,ventibited sta-
„bles lowers the vithlity, depresses the
blood circulation and so puts the ani-
mals kept under these conditions in
such a state as to make them ready
subjects for the development of stich
diseases as influ,nza, pneumonia,
tuberculosis and othbrs.--Prof. D. II.
Jones, Ontario Agrieulturai College,
Guelph. •
Binder for Stone Road.
If a broken -stone road gets Very,
heavy auto traffic then . it inust be
'aid .with a _tar or asphalt binder to
:cep the pieees of stOne from grind-
. on each other and finally , pow
e,'t up under trafile.
• rime to Cse Road Drag.
if the roadway le full of holes- or
mdly rotted the'cirag shbuld be used
Mice wlict the road le eoft 'and
You get your money ..;
back -plus 5 1-2 p. C. 1
11 4
All the money is
spent. in Canada to,
buy her prod-ats.
he Way To Help-.
- Buy Vktory-
This space donated by
°The Store Where Your Money Goes 'Farthest
., wili.,010,41,ft.movilkoftowome,orkieviviviimmowook.,41101.0444 -
* " We have a ' Well Assorted Stock of
.• : ::: Underwear for Men, Women
., .4
e a -Mira-
' ' • thildren,b34Ifferentltn,
• . t1 ies but all valtioa". '" l'''''''}*'' • '
. pried . . the 1Tst.st consmetiou$. _,,.
. • ' . ""'. .-- ,,,.
Flannels and Flannelettes are advelts ha'oc- 116'w ihttg•D
' - • Medina, which t
- : Price. , 9Ur prices are below mArLvfnit to India, baNeit of tins
°Was fitted withcanAto,P,naose
. . - ',hip on which' 44,iiiiiii
.•. *
Don't' Forget. Our- Millinery ' Depart eil'IA'.'clrtrArtiF.
. ,..„..,,. ,
When. you want a hat. If we have not the'
• • ,
shape you want we will make it for"yoti.,
The armistice is signed. Construction takes
the place of destruction. Money- is: the
Igreatowerunder the new conditions.1,Our
duty is to supply this power by buying VI
ory Bonds. '
11-4jL4IA1 CO N
1( '
•• ...t . "X,..:• '''''''
A MK OF ER AMELTO -,--:-init
"-tories have
Utii.at high prices and buy at--10.w.-ones,-- Tratthsienrit:161:
at high pri,...ces`a-nd save the maney. Buy.g "'
That is the key to s-deee.ss. Zell now I'. '
• -.these. nothing you can do , without Von .Vo. 11. wiull , ,t,),.4staewoinEgthies
,• '.
make money for yourself and . bell) ti win ,.w that do ....... ' '
the war, . Open a Savings , Account 'with Itzralt.- '
per 1,000 :
, AyPnirclitat;
-7----,LUCK NOW- BRANCH - . ...- .„fizi,•,- - ..,--
the Bank of HamiltOn.
.„ . GLENNIE. Manager. •
.) di feet:n
j the.
expl4ins. wwe io easily place our graduaths
"Central" Training means Success Insurance feet
. :eei:
The one who holds our diploma know that he is that he
to hold the very best office positions, and wh' is tO.
more, the business Men of Ontario know it too.
desirable positions.
A a
O. A. rilltlhl
Ac prnidont. itivitmde Piaci
• v
• • -