HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-11-14, Page 3• $x.so per year, in advance; $44.,00 otheraise AS LUCKN0W BOY SAW THE IRISH The following interesting letter der. eribiag certain features, of it trip .tu Ireland is by. Lt, E. D., (Janteron oto • his father; ° Magdalene Hospital, Winchester,Rants, Eng, p4,-tc,+c ,. Dear Dad, -Since I have been admit-, • tad to hoapital with 'a_ severe case of . tonsilitia . due to too much high altitude flying with., the Royal Air Force': I lieu at lust foiled tinio to write you a more detailed aceoi it of •conditions in Ire- land as they appeared -to n►e when .on leave there from France this summer. Of the Set irpreeaione on arriving in Dublin the one which was by for the - most striking was that of the absence of khaki and the preaenata of a great- tnimttber ofyoung fullblooded Irishmen: • of military age in crriltan clothe.. In the -south 'and west orIreland the Irish have taken full advantage pf the "no conscription" law' and certainly keep their patriotism at tt. vary low ebb. In a great many cases .thee► have allied thewwaelves to the' pro -Hun `Seinn Feinn .- 'movement. However the Seinn Peine movement will come to a sorry . end shortly if the British government. allow Lord French, the new Lord Lieutenant' of Ireland, to adopt similar methods which he used in Franceon..the..Boache. A great .,.number and. .he majority" of the Irish,' west -are.. -certainly no contemptuously of • the war and ' in f welcome it German AC their feeling towards England;, _. Proceeding north toliter and Bel: feet .City couditions vers changed.' .Bel fast.'; is a:garrjaon.eity:and°ie' filled 'with. troc,ps..' Ulstermen . are loyal to the .the allied cause and have dww really *oast-, erful work In helping along .thegood • work • in Mereways than one. The Ill- --sten Division was composed of men who before thewar were ready to 'xhbel. against he British government *lien Lrnngside ▪ —Monday, Nov. Ill. Pelee talk t Ravel field is away to teach school: Rev. Mr, MoTa..viah ooadnated Ser. vitamin Tif in's church yesterday, after being closed as a safeguar from. influ. -eAz , . • ' John Hill has recovered front a, slight attaolc of ,the Fin, W. J. Moffat, with wife and family,, motored up from Hamilton last week to agend a few days with relatives here; Mian Meanie McGregor ,ie visiting her parente.here.' Fordyce —,Monday, Nov. The Pub to School "herefaa closed today because •of the celebrationn of the Chncluei )n of peace-. Pis. Norman Stonehouse, of B.el rave: Wua visitor kat week with John Jamie - 8014. • John and. Victoria Champion spent Sunday at P. Lsaver'sr,Else .Wa;tianosh. Jas, ,Pow, jr., had the misfortune to j,ose a valuable ,horse last.week. • ,AlexMcDowal, of East Wawanosh, is busy cutting Wood in this locality, wlio early in 1914 pre.ctically deft@d. .armed resistance the British govern 1,6 enforce Heine Rule who are he :by► ment eping as a The rine and des - clear. after in I and' ove and lasts a to .feat �y vane rich try ing bright• the reputation that Ireland :whole 'hasrgainedrfn •this War- -Ulsterman ar -Ulsterman .le • oppo'-sed •;to the ?i ;Rule Polley because he 'honestly conscientiously believes thetit Will trey all •that he holds true and They, 'Meant to resist; rn 1.914 'and the wary they mean ; bo resist aga necessary. However the. leaders the men of the Dieter Volunteer,M »tent. have, been •so , broad Minded •patriotic:. that as: long ala the war all their energy, time•and money,•i bew devoted to helpitig� B'ritain d this .Hun th-. that 'an entirely different Ne oilalists or, southern Irishmen ing to obtain'Home Rule by 1 fair and above board to the °British gov- its ey. un%° 'hie uc salt: rt t) n. t t•. bet:. F S re . B n ' or d, W :A • -n l:.,:"»* furlineo • ICI NOW, ONT., THURSDAY, NOV. 14t ►., 1918. "CHURCH NZ S• Servicea will be remind on the Ash fleld. Methodist Circuit `next Bund November 171 Zion at 10 30 ant., Rack ettr 2.3o� p.m. aoud Blakee 7 p,ni. Rev. David WA• Williams, U A, of 1Jervie, will preach. • Pnesniw ttrniv iitrrtail Special Thanksgiving services will be held' next bord'e Day et 11 a.m. and-_ 7 p m. Morning subject, "Like. Them. That Dream." ,tening subject, {'What The War irtTeacbing:" It is ,hoped that the entire congregation wilt endeavour. to be unseat at these servzS e, Sabbath School ,�a.ud.-Bible lesses,willbereemisetdd-at ; o'clock. •. Tb Guild will be resided ou Monday nett at 8 p.m, LOCAL AND NENERAL v, Dr. Freeman went to London, Ont,, • on Mooday. • Mr. R. I. Lindeay, ®f $angaton, is visiting rpletivee in town: Ws are giving mire &NTa rix to new Subscribers . to the end of 1910 for $1.80. W'e re et �' � report that Mrs. Wui;:. Armstrong, sr., is quite seriously ill with 0x -influenza: • Mica Gertie Kidney, of Kincardine visited last week with' her aunt,,hira. Dr. Tennant,^.and other friends. in -town: Mr. and 'Mrs, D. R. it acIn tush paid a visit to thea; daughter in 'Southampton on W-edneaday, making the; trip by auto. Goma out` o B-IISINESs. -We are still offering big bargains in fiats. -.,All trimmings and ribbons at half price...:. G. M. Axus?raorr+o, :• . 21.11 p. , Misses. •Annie and Agnea.McLean, ota.. Wfngbani, were.. the guests of ,their cousin, Mrs Ernest Aitchison oyer.Sue- day, , Westford --Monday, Nov 11. Sebool'reopeped this morning as. the "flu" has made its --exit. This section has been exceptionally lucky as only one family contracted the disease and we are ~glad to `hear that they have recovered.' The pacer':came back on the tack last night. after a long rest. On the arrival of. the joyful news of Germany's surrender, "on Friday .Wan.. Lloyd gave, vent to hie feelings. by: pur- iehasing r .a • new Chevrolet car. Mr. Lloyd being, one of our enterprising.' young ' Hien' undoubtedly •found "the. horse drawn I wn veh7e;rather .cuinbereonte. in Meeting -4e increased demands of his delivery trade.. He 'has also 'shown frugaliiy. in choosing .shelter for it on 'the aiimmit.of a `high • hill which com_ mends aia," excellent `view of.a slumber: inpc world beneath. • . • ' • ' Onr )ittle burg,wae'all'.agog last Fri- day night over ths.report that Germany .lied.aurrendered. The • events of the evening ',shall endeavor to' relate in; the following verses: '• rt was dowit heree�in, Westford r they attempted, :to'•,inflict""dome Rule . On a other hand I am sorry to It was her ' on them. Since the: be innine. we had soles un' ' g g ,of the spirit pre 0(.8116411)g the Kaiser war,that same :Ulster Ditnsion hag made to the pouch I read of the I And the old Kaiser's son. one of the most• marvellous records of - . Chorus ``• .. any British Division in France, u e 3' n ay Ling a 'tour rue Ltng, a tour rue a day. T6 ght weir dark • Rut our fires -made it clear. . The fork fvom ali directions ; , Soon did appear.' With torches and'cow bells And everything likewise, Said the mayor to himself, We`hlave. a fine lot of boys...,_ Bi11y Raldenby he did.come,' But he' calve: a little late, '' You're a' good gunner Billy; Of we .are jest out of :mate. con 'eager hands And the -Kaiser to the stake,' And before very long ' he Kaiser met his fate. ` • Next all did join hands hich-made a mighty ring, nd if oirecitildnte-give a .toast The effort in the 'Shipbuilding indue .try in Belfast:rvhich is one of�the largest. ernnlent they much prefer.; to hinder of its' kind in the world has. been' more W.-gl'fortte''as much as possible. T•h than doubled' in .:competition with the • make it:`nnsafe for anry troops'irt,:, ,`•U"boats, fora on_leave oto a ppear `in, publ Factories of alt descriptions are en They hinder recruiting in ever 3' poser gaged in • war work,- ntunitionrt and in Torsi. • There is o -increased Prod. :-the manufacture of; aeroplane fabric, 'lop,, no Red' Cross :activity, no. se Ulster firmer ,,enooufaged .by the .denial and rationing of food, b< sp prevailing -.nigh . frier)", tat foodstuff» is plainly,' you wouldn''t• know in this pa • producing mote • in =one year, than -he of; Ireland. that :there was, A. war formerly producectin three. The facts They hate the.Eoglish government wi are plain, and'x was certainly impressed • -_ hate almost -unbelievable to an. ou with. the. fact.'thetat,leastone part of stden .T: was: aniaz8d at the start Ireland is out to•defeat the Hue. "' The am'.now finely convinced.of the fact. same condition of affairs, does not exist Probably it is not fair to be too -sett at alt in the south and west of Ireland, on the Irishman. •The British god�''»r T diose confess that T never before went can rightly be held responsiGte f. ;gave Trish home' ,Rule :- very much a great amount of the unrest' in Irelan „thought but havingbeen there it°has today . The Asquith government mad • become of great interest to me. Going the great mistake at the outbreak .c there unprejudiced . Canadian I war of not conscripting Irishmen at th tried.to' make -a fair comparison of , both same. time `conscription became law sides of the question.. • the restof••the British Isles::- Had. that It . is these.•sameUlster .Orangemen policy been adopted then ' no trouble woilld have ensued: The Iris$ woul. have 9. me into this game heart and soul. But Asquith:. seemingly WAS afraid to -'t 4 vhe- elianee'of stirring up strife in Ireland et that .time Instead. of 'con. 1ti •5fia►vi►'s Buiriileliit :gCh re TO.. . soription the Irish obtained promises of • Home mule and up to the present those 'onto; Peet Catalogue on- rem promisee have not: been fulfilled by the iyuest . Write -to it. S11AWi •govei!ement, reediting:in. the present in• Pre.,Y`onge and Gerrard Sta., activity in. the country. True the gov: Toronto,: eminent have threatened conscription' and at .present the volunteer systeni.is being given lin:- final trial -with the suitable reault�-failare.�� To bring Ireland (no(ii aster) 'to her proper-crenae-of-tiiind and -duty as a part of the British Empire' in this tar' i`s" mighty task ahead of the British gi v. erameot. Lloyd George is too busy winning the . war to ;worry about the Irish question: The only way to settle the (petition is to show them .you mean bnsiness.. I,et thou govern nest use armed ,force necessary and let them. Aide it quick 'to elf up this blot on the MUM honour of of the MUMEmpire: ' Within a Week I return to France as a member of the Royal Air Poise. 'The nett time I get an opportunity and 'time to spare will write you an 'account: of life in the air. Must glob ft* this LIMO. joy to i.11, B rsct. e .`.It was: sip: to`you to sing, • Menthe people did disperse, Each with; a high gide al,. Onlyto read next day four "mute -refill in -the 'field. . So bow my song is ended nelicvo »w t ivave said, But don't you- eller think That•,Weetford has gone dead.' - SEPT. Srd Nth -tented at to woduedder noon) - tr • TORONTO MARKETS Choice butchens. 10 DO to 00 Choice butchers' ective... 9 00‘ to 10 00 Hoge, fed and loitered.. 18 25 to 111110thY 110,yemottr 713.:* 00„ to 16 oo Hgge, new laid • 70 to 75 titter, Cretimete ?Ante 33 to • Young Soldier Diet' - Pte: Alex Irwin whores home was on the 9th. „.0.t Ashfiezd diedffiere on Nov. all, after an illness of two weeks young tian of 'excellent character was training the military camp at LondOn karvest leave. Ito leaves to mourn an teged father, a brother, H, two sisters, Pearl and Mary Jane. Ale funeral' was on Sunday afternoon to Greenhill Cemetern Rev, IL Cope- land conchicting the sereice., The treasurer* of the' WOMen's 'Ott. ttere wish •to thank My. Pied Raldenby and Mum° who assisted nrthe work regiatration on -hue 220d, for the donation of $0. Mr. Haldenby was deputy registrar, and 'hie steistapts were • :Miss Annie ' McGregor,; of. • Elora,,,is speeding a week with her•.aunt, Miss Campbell; north of the vijjagel before leaving for California where she :intends 'to reside.. • Winghana High &hool'Which reopen- ed ..on Monday- was obliged to. clime main the same day on account, :o f the development of a number' of : new cases of influenza,. . • ' ' • ti The women who are itnittiug mufflers for the sailors' comfort bags please bring. or bendthem• to the Womee's Institute. meeting to be held Friday' afternoon," the 1 eth.-- Szo'Y W,._ i . _ . • Wilt MacDonald, son.of�Reeve 'Mac- Donald" of Kinloss, . is home on a short visit :in the uniform'. of. a British -tar. Be is stout and healthy: after his-perio� of service with the British navy. Miss Lillian E: Dugan, de con " Duggan, $ e9$, 19 this eveek canvassing Lucknow and vicinity. in the -interests ,of the.Trach So'ieties.Mission to Sailors.' The Soc ' iety ie establishing libearies_for: Canada' .ran sailors. Wm, Proudfoot, Keir has- been re - THE' MEN IN KHA Among the fallen in action lastt week was Pte. Woe Tayl an of Mr. and :lira. W. A. Taylor, Whitechurch, Pte. 'Taylor on Oct. 20, Before moving to the f amity l€,a••� ived north of _Ile A cable4neabage woe received water last.yneek stating that r Little whoad been reported was a prisoner ,in Germany. ti mut of the captain» in the Bruce ion but like the other officers a of the 160th he was transferred other Unit on going to Franco; Mi.'SamueL hl;or son, -of last week learned of the death in of his nephew, Pte. Alvin Morris only son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, M who are in the west, He was Wounded in aption Tin Oct, 15, an in hoapital on Oct. 19. Pte. M was born in Strathcona, Alta, 2 ago last April. Re enlisted 31st Canadians at Calgary, on.J 1917, and went to "France in Jan;, Ki reported or,; a son of near w pras killed Kinloss wtv, in Teee- a J pt. misoing ttle was Bette'. nd, Hien. to an. Kinloss, France on, the orrison, severely d died errieon 0 years with the an. 115. 1918.' Charged With Disloyalty .� The. Bruce Times of Walkerton poneible.lor the following Joseph dell, a farmer of. the Township of rose, has been charged by Chief stable .Ferguson, Of Walkerton,.: making disloyal •statement! in G on or about the 28th day of OC last, The ' Walkerton sleuth' . ac Waddell of stating iu effect that '•'G Britain could• stop the war any ti. would, .that it was Great Britain started the'war and that Great Br. bad; perpetrated as ..much cruelty. destruction of property as. the Germ only" -we'never heard:of it," The _ will be ventilated in the Town Hi JlrRrft"M'Q Walkerton,: on ' Friday :afternoon n commencing at.2•o'cleck, . when' Wad ,will appear before; Magistrates Jas. ton and Robt• Richardson to'answer the above serious charge. • A later report; to 'the. London Ad titter says MMr. Waddell was `Snell_ Si, for his disloyal utterances;. is .reg. Wad. Cel- Con - with Ott tober cases mat EUCKNQW 'CELEBRATES . WINNING OF THE WAR Monday of this week a day ever to be remembered in. Lucknotv4 Old- timertt stat» without hesitation that it 4a eV greatest celebration ever gotten up in the town." When the newt. of Allied victory and the ceasation of hostilities wasfiret re= ceived in the early morning there wee wanting some hesitation in the: report as true... But ccnfirination was soon re- ceived; Rewe Johnston pr�lainied rho - afternoon a public holiday, and all pre, parrtio» was made for a fitting celebra- tion of the world -stirring event. The day's program consisted thanksgiving prayer service .a o'clock iii the afternoon, »'monster cession through the town at 2.30 public' :meeting in . the Town Rai o'clock in the evening. There was, no lack of enthusias of a t one and a ot re flag otice own rgy- that matrand gave a, short address. ' At 2 304 there was already a good and . crowd in VictOria Park where the m- ane; ceisien Wag to atart and to which it was ll young men were. oil horses until 9ne ett, wondered. Where all the riding horses dell came from; there was a host of school ehildren.,:a.body of School ..-Cadets, and Ver. The whole:procession as it -moved down turned up Ross St made a trait. imnott. ing spectaile. The lead was taken, by the Pipe Band which Ives • eut in fine strength anctoentivened the march witb • On the return to the Park a few ihort epeeehes .were mode by Messrs. yeter It Mackenzie, O. Taylor and It, 11 -Cameron:. Mr;, -T, -,-S. Reid lead ET -Cheers for the Canadian -Army-, Genertil.P.Ocla -the-74111mi and the British Nevy, and a band of ichooL. children sang patriotic, Lothian Miss May McKenzie, Whet has -been im Carrick, at the- 'Yell assiats at Waiket' 'Oshawa ,foi _the poet year;•.as visiting tog on Noir:. ioth.:, tilsingei is Charged with having made; iteditiods and dis- her .uncle-Bli McNamara, . , .1-8'..-Mitheega uaehs'at r. oleit, mteislcijviteni3taindivfll,catilinio-W‘ .- been issued; and are peered tip for iti-, epection. The Vkiters Registration Board tor the Riding Will begie hearing appeals place Ms goy. 13 and 14 and West Wa- The raider Meeting ef -the',Women'ss Institute which waaPostponed lest week will be held in the coutscil•chamb'er on . Fridey,• Nev., sloth., Ete 2.a.0 pan. The subject yili...be "Future Control of Can - good - program wilf be given. •Visitore Mr. Geo.'$potten; ...Independent% C011- servatiVe. candidate North'. Huron. has issued posters announeing lecture. to 'be giVe.1.1- in rife Tolarn Hall,. Wing- hani Friday evjr.. :Nov. 15t11, _ entitled jLainr• or "How io Steal Conventions." ' There In matifying ne•Of a change of address • den* relates thathe. hoe moved feta Itoissevain,. Man ,. Reglea, 'Sash where he has tokens:a positinn. as a .chief instructor on itUtOns Ohne Onginier-'. tog . Hemphill Treetop .School.• adde that the' war -time scarcity 9f men, for gas tractors . and that many are at. demonstrations' with the egg enginea... for a few da Mrs. Tont sinciy and fetn*, .dOwn witkthe 'du, hut are:, almost a right again. • 'Teak awiin is laid With the litiox 'his :brother George's near 'Dungannon Where he went to help after heasin George had contracted pneumonie .The ate all improving we are glad. to repert. The oyerthrow of Ettismism his bee eiPeoted. Rost of Us Would hke to tie the iftrei‘ deli:con* handed Over' to the Al Hes and.hinged. hi, culi Of. bitter - ;Jess. is overflowing new !and . trust will he niore.bittetlater, • As the • day and the evening passed re 'the tide of patriotic enthusiasm seenied to rise rather than ebb; and the evening. Meeting in the Rail vote the crowning t 'event of 'the day. There. was a good crowd in by 8 °Wool,: tied by the time g the *great started every available foot f of room Was occupied. The stage, the y dressing. roimiS mid even the stairway were eroWded, and many late comers e were net ahle to get in at all. • e -:Thq program consisted of music by e the orchestea, patriotic' songs selected .• by Mr, d Andaman and sung by 'the endiente, and, of bourse, there Weee Speeches giving 'expression' to the pre- vailing sentiment. The_meeta opened by the.audience singing f7Praise. Speakers 'were Rev,13. Reid„ of b. a Taylor. Miss Lila -Taylor, eon- trihuted a reeitation -arid Piper X. Mac- Lennan played the •Scotch martial air, Mackeniie was ehairr.dan Cf 'the meet- We:X. Irwin, of }lolirciod, and Miss Sean Iohnston, Luckitow, were yid., tors at ' W. Cmigram's the -snd'of test .•Culbert:weee Sunday afternoon- stto:ea' packed a number Of • Chriatinas 'hexer; for the-loc boys overseas. Mr. and Welliegton at W. Congram'a. We Regret To Say That ewing to lots of time conned. tion with. the victory celebiatiou and - jamas of a member of our Staff,. We- ire obliged to Omit from. this :-Sentinel st3V. eial budgets of rural correspondence and other articles • which have. been heeded in for publication. Pot on matters regarding Greenhill ammeters refer to ..1); Tbirlor Sesretar174 PHOTO di litAPHY trUettat Culross Centre 4. lianni end family motored to , Mii, Teener is spehding. this' week 'with Mrs; R Percy, Itintouglii who is Under the dectoet care. 47. We' are glad to repOrt kiss Anna Boss, -who has had a .bevero attack cf the itti and pneumonia in Toronto, is Mrs. Walter Wraith it Visiting at R. Wraith's for a few days: • The best news we earl writb this. week is that Of the war eituation,: hie made So many buts glad in Etp • after celebration -which laste info. the mght. There Was. a torch - blowing' of •whistleti and horns and the ringing • of bells. To those Who were mach like 'a. Hallowe'en diaturbance. liormver, no serious harm t•irts, done; Your Victory boUd.. . Parties wishing to 'buy Victory Bonds, and who faille. Meet one of the Canvassers, are reminded that the bonds are on. Sale at both of the banks in. Lueknow; Ask ior the Manager and' he Will give all infor. School Sh have a large st4iii of Boys' and Girls Se400l phoes ehettp‘ Boys' „ School Shoes. The Holier lives Y01,11,Voal—Hane Victory Honda COMO An: khide 4aid, and Pat gmizaragbe44,. dsjoileillitsiLayanjeik, old 4roe. MONEY TO L0.1014, --On. niort at reasonable rates. rirstasurtae. °away/ Stook and Mutual Companies. "t Bog analog done with neatness and deeply.. ,,,. chronic) diseases successfully' truoted. by Osteojoathsr then bv,anv other disease. Adjustzneut of the -spine iri quickly secured and •svith fewer • FOR SALA FOR SALE -4 well finished bouses:IsIth Latest convenient:ea. For partfotuarsalisix FOR SA.LE.-100 acres of 1st clam sea Oe which are erected good building& • Win hoo SALE.--Oholo cockerels. Ineved rook. Will be sold quickly. R: O. COket.saitp, house on Havelock et. sonth;frood cellar. geed stable on proper —very suitable for a retired farmer. Ivo tricolors OfslY tO, Box 163, Luckno vv-itdre SA Mrs; Ste-thers, west half of lot% eo .• Ashfield. will have an auctioo sale of LEG rival 'at--Luckn-cTii„.-Nick of N. VackenziWir Oct. 29th. Rncinire at Mackenzie's store Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of the Estate of Angus MeLeOd,. late of the Township ot KinlosS in the County of Enloe, Lahoter, deceased, Angus lacLeod, who died on Or &beat the Twenty-fourth clay- of SOpteinner, A.D., 1918,.. at the Township of Einlose in the County Of Bruce. are retAtired to send‘hy post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Adminbtrators the said Angus MeLeoU th ir names and ad- dresses and full particulars writing 2. „Li 1.-1. them, duly verified by • And take notice that after the Thirtieth day. ors will proceed to distribute Mt assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto; having regard only to the elanns of which they shall then have had notice, snit., that the said Administrators will not be liable for the Said arreeM or any part thereof to auk person of Whose' WaiM they shall not thee have ' received notice, • ' Dated at. lucknow--thia-fotilth dav•-of 4. Winter Stora e for Batteries An -up-to-date equipment has been inst.alled in• the Overland care of Storage Eatteries. Send' ur battery . and we will guarantee that it.. will get as. good attention as iS pOssible As there war bd a great scarcity of new cars nex,t sta. son, it will be well to haVo your engine,. overhauled' dup. fug the winter. Charges mod.: eraeteomii e'in arta let us talk it over with ypti. (Worland Garage Whighain