HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-11-07, Page 61, •
thrn hlayee. retain vigorous green
color me* late In the fall ond the
heat inairele normal vessimura growth.
-7-**Obtain the results indicated it is
vrell to resort to cover er'opPing se,
r: *at 'clean manure may be turned
uedoe as semi as the crop is harvested,
and thereby add toresiclerable °MI*
matter to the soil. Excellent results
' leave been eleteised applying Shout
10 lba. of feizer to sect( tree, scat-
tering the fertilleer within st eireurn-
ferealee of a circle has aboutithe
same diameter as. the epread of the
tore. Stott/et. the fertilbser toward
kr ~ow Hoary O. SA
,trarsplome 110 %11/-41141011111.114. Ina. one
tets aft** *4 eettaewieease
ell assajewee emineaatag ;is eege *ft.%
gemetisiso to lairolomor IL Mod.
Paohltehteg illemm Lim i'
Wel a er he Vale oolumat in the order 10
What writhes kindly mootion tido
Ilrobto4 It is eidvie arbors Somaidlote
Mod otansgod acid edelemmed eorrolope
mesioseg oda the *Loomis*, Wien the *Inviter Wilt MP
41111404. dihiett.
The•-• dee-
Welching strawberry plants in Ilse seek a :Ware as net to porlofireely.
fail ia mseeseary in this climate. The WU** Strnir ProhoblY la *40 beet, hot
any kind of grain 14111W will be sof-
picas se wire* sir
tsaeserries have been fialant. in some settiems =anal b,"
selling for the poet few yeers have haa been ueed and it ie very setieface
shown the grower thet he ean well tory ita a winter wuleh. Three or four
Afford to do everythieg possible to is tone of strew per *ere irttould be used
*ante to increase their hearing. Thel suid it should be spread over the
•points to urease the beerinepower inches when peeked. *0 A Molina oft identierselersitorir ouzo:
etimpartnorethlx,sinertradtasesititers olt ali eget are tordtally hwitea to write. to tale
mulching in the Set is One of, theee etrawberries to a depth of *beet two
tact with the ground and thus decay- Sone growere put tiii mulch on be -
keeps, the 'berries from coming in eon- so • cart or wagon is solely held up. **frees all correspondence tor Ole eepartrneet vt:littlI2r: ;allot: ellairwst4123,1'
Weedeine Aveee Toronto& . arlthadidacr:seguntent"itaribeaVv: rilit olli
ef the planter Incase* it protects them This mulch should be applied in the ktter. Write on. erm eido, of japer en}y., .A-newerit
during the cold winter months and fell se 110011 as the ground is frozen Stamped ant inairraaast eneetope 1. seitomad.
1 ing. The four main objetts eor nudely- fore the ground is well Aaiun, lout it e , e
A:7 feetitladete an orchard.?
P-* Whet the blot loathed' Anewerte--I eesume from what you
say of your tome that the hearts of
Anower:-In fortitieiag an orehard the fruit trees are considerably deear"
big the etrawberry plant* *re: (1) will be more suceessfue to put thel Bride's Nether vitae linen also disguise their height, to docetve
prevents winter injury to the plants mulch on afterthe ground is we l fror
eee fteeeinie seal aeteene, (2) tattle -
tains * low soil tempersture and time
retards growth during the cold weath-
er; (3) keeps fruit dean prevente
ellen in the eiproig aeoue the
time growth of the plant starts, all
the nadeli should be ?eked ofe between
Writing lettere to the soldier has
grown to be a, eetional paetime.
There is sclirCey ORO wile deea not
withdraw front the family circle io''
Sunday afternoen or night to he all
by hereelf when she weighs those
thought to trend to the eamp or the
trench. Very often the soldier is
juet a mere etequaintenee. But with
reemerlee of the long days when 0 .
boy may want for mail it girl or an
then' • -
older women write* ;to hint as faith -
dear to
Thie letter to the accmaintenee far
folly a* though he were a Tailla meet
. .•
well as ii. Atee.trinun one. Place * t° 4"°°' siwtet? " ri*.ing " mit her Pen. * IlneonsoienSier one laYa '
b "
road, shallow; pan in the centre, and tore to seem taller. Where there are down twee,
thirty or more players, two blind men 'The letter - must be
neweye yes and toll a thingii'•that are
the rows except a eery little which le fill it with deleiiae or e rysant letilUMS• Iihould be placed in the Centre. There going on ,t4 him?, ::it the lecture of '
there are two tie to keep in mind. cd. If this ia incorrect, however, I mg As, COIMIlg Mt) OMItact with the Ieft under the edante to keep tlie ber- Tile eandleeehatles an bows ade of 14 much aport in ties game for either gayety must not 140 painted tee bright.
Oas is that eha orsonie matter 9f the would advise you to cut out the de -1 soil. and (4) inereesee the Yields of ries nff from the ground. BY all eroPe paper ellePtd etch, et coke) children ur edults; or both tegether. -A man likes to hew that centeee, is ..
5011 *ruin he maintained, and the other' coed wood until you eQUI0 to 51 'Ole straWherry plants. means mukh your stee,wberry Veit; Bniall • cakes ire pipe d in g ass hes-
t& that the Otntfood balance should healthy wood, paint over the inner The mulch may be provided by the this fail and you will find the muleh kete. The long ones e tie( togeth-
he so established that the trees maks Nide with erddilarY Paint 'or eoel; tab aPrlication of any one of SeVeral MS- is ene of roar best profit. makere.-7- er like a build' of fe de irrn lidd en
a vigorous wood growth, but not an and then fill up ;the ePaces with s. rich teriele..if free feam weed areds and of Ax. . . pates. rides to the church with any of her spirited letter. But it isn't much fun -
other elillareri er "relatives wife are to hear that the boys: gen the girle :',
iteadert-1. The ' bridee mother carrying on and ubliora A weepy, loW-
Small. ishei for fa ee, salt. not in the bridal Par**. This 'Care a pickle lest Saturday are' everybody
' rateeesive wowth. Latest investiga- mixture of cement. Unless the treee ed nuts and bo 'bons re ale platted i leadsth ' • • - •
r age • e procession. The bride had a perfectly wonderful One. °At •
time Show that on most healthy trees are moderately healthy they will rare- upon the table. T e refie shutouts
ly pay for this work and better results phonic' be sery fro the •Icitcheni, leaete it isn't so entereeining when : •.
you_ „know -yid, youeaelf- spent -that tee-- - •.
can be obtained from grafting trees •Plachittee erequ ttee s led an --a-roll,
Partieular Saturdey Crossing • Ne .• - ,
below thte-decared portion-aud Mating together with fork, on ea: h plate, Mari' Lend. It wouid be lots ;deer
off the awl and dying wood: as soon as They are earrie into lie din: g -room
and bandedt0A e gu . Ni• hen this to have AR SCOOUSt'of that picnie with
the grafts have made eufficient atatt,
,a string tied to it, and the string
pewee is ;finished the , lakes s .oeld be
to put .In potatoee next spring. It
R. Re-/ have three 'acres I wish
coeeeted,•c4ed citheree eetiteitrug lee-'; wouldlie that ieu were, nriesed--dreede
cream, several •ionall eakes. and ' ie lay,- , .. ... . .
had oats this yeer. What is the best
* The letter to the front •Must be .• ' -
wv to prepare the ioll and the baseoheeefule cif •coutse but there are ,
' Answer :-.-Your question is difficult at Al y, tune and the
e sentelingin.'t:tie°fiiVrtes - ,
vaeiety to plead?
Wee's all4 ways' of being cheerful. If ,
your eoll. If it is of a medium
location nor the general character of
to answer einee you do' not give your
inieg : he nut._corneamtlett.
dinner't -ex... regarde the Vele as aOreere Side -
your pages are Ea utterly hioyant that '0
thy. give tile l'harlreisiOn the Writ" ' ...
issue end that rife, as usual, and as
gayly as usual, . is the rule here in. • . .
oAf O515i 1731.arn*I'd 47 en149 0.111:}i
Canada..., the letter ef cheer enissee ete •
e.nereaaltd point. • .• . . '
toblecloth, well laundeeed, woo hi Ao fla the Wind Maillbiy
bending their knees awav hos eet More than one to ehewe
Words do not harmoilize iwith tbeeterit
of Christ. The form of the expres-
sion is according_ to the apejent Hee
brew piiint. of view,. but the ee-sential
meaning is true. The enirpose of God
to -the human race through. the de-
scendants of Jacob *wit' .not be de-
feated. In them all the families of
the earth would he bleeeeede Israel
stood for righteousness, and all who
stood for righteousness would be spoon aural'
bleered, 'but- all who arrayed Vieille eltoidd, be pass•
'course,- the nut
bonbons 1,9st
place'' a couple
paper eup conte
first plate, and
and her father aeine last. 2. To salt
alinonde, cover them with boiling wa-
tee and it -teed, beek on the
etove for toLminutes. Then slip off
the skins and dry for :severe) houre or
overnight. lida3 a tellies/poen-VA of
butter for a eapfiel ,of Shelled almonde;
Mix there Well in tele with ictefikepooe*
ful of Ott, 'Spread out in a pan
let bake in a slow ayen for fifteen or
twenty°. min/31We, ; Stir -'eteasionally.
Weeteenere-ehlew Drenswick m
the, van in aeePting ot, plaea'Sfor vole
tentary lieme -rations:- - Ceergynten,
teachers, wino% orgamecie
Vona and every 'person having in-
duenge frame public opinion,or to
lea& a community movement have
t. The been enlisted to help. The ration, plan Donk eve tho boys that impression.
h e°:
firsttteini11:8 azoc:Pr:des;anC11,144b4/t;I:tiveimdlititti :eh ea'CI nt:P,dwAr province La.
‘':10inveitliottilagyheertnibittei cle)e!hstile°;:'lerig' xr 7s.acbreathlesslyre
4 to
eerried into effeet the„ other preiv- thete. That 18.0ne a the onest over
s ansebie for mess whonethe time is ripe.
ein les, bug' /nay be =On in water from the‘ordin.• thing our boys are doing. It is the . •
M. m. ea*.hy,404.014 to be eheerfule-to exult' in the gIbrioue* .
moping about their part in the war
' .• '
en t thirty playere. arY hyacinth bulb. Fill the egiase thee drives ebc boys
to .111e.blins nd
diarattiOn: They don't mope oemet
it *end they don't like 'ethero • to. .
leave et there unerthe roots teach the,
Neither, as r have.. id,.do
batcm or .the. glees. tteneoee the -them to avoid it. bee you are de -
hyacinth and glass to the light, but. vyeatiaragattagis!treat.'41taggteesaat rin°03;;:•i°: ,
place paper Cone over the top for
'about two week in order to tauee„,a th° iver144 it'. is diSeeurlikh:lg to. get •
'rapid ',upward', growth of the sefice. lettere from seine *tie• Who ,steras
Change the Water about- etre a Week. 1:43,. in. diOrent *.`
13ettet ?emits are -• eiee secured world -where the things of war Are
few pieces'`of eharceal are pieced in. IzabaPerta*'•• • "
the water:e., Glitstee for growing "Cleree efethe1 nieeet Ways know: of '
hyaeinthe en watee .6-om lea's, are writing ,oteasional edifferenteelete
Oats in tomparison with any of the
grain rations is the beet single ration
for mature horses, colts, or mules.
There ie no other . grain. so safe to
feed and from which such. satiefeetory
results are Obtained. It CS absolutely
neeeseary that the oats 'be free -*me
' eentit• and be clean to obtain the best
result e in feeding te colts. Musty
eats are dangerous feed .for colts.
Here is a good mite ration for. colts
.afterevreaeing: Up to one year of age,
loam type I would advise you to have layed sometbnese but eooner or later ,, , .
e' lax oaftee
from two to three pounds a day; from
outer edge et the circle rather the patch' full -plowed fairly deeply. injuetice, ,and mint on the plate wig the le
one to tWO. f t five pounds ereeltYr heigeeneler
years, our a ,
In near the foot of the tree since everything thee turns against God will Cofree ice poure in t e hite
IbI. t, At the time of tali plowing, work in a.eay; from two to three years, seven be - Th . '
. et as feeding roots are to. all the leaves and etrawymentme you to eight pounds daily. ' • overwhelmed. e verse is -upon served last, a tray holdi
evil, and there ie no ems, e groin the, with
-e 'ward expanse of the root mei sugar bein passe
Call get hold of, Leave the land in
system. Featiezers carrying 8 to 4% the rough. In the spring work it whole grain. The expellee. of crush- e • '---,--ot ' wedding eake may fin • 4 pia.
The liest Way to feed Oh is in the* curse except to 'cease to o evil I e '
aramonisr, 10 to 12ehe available phos- .deevei smooth and mellew by disking ing is. not Itxstiiled tudees colts suffer ebistribution of. Seed. Gr ahr From elle Sideboard; the 'bride. VotS. •
phorie acid, as Well as 4. to 2% potash and harrowing. When you -strike out in. teething, in which' ease it is advise DombeioneEePerlmental Farm,, sliee, the cake s the " remov
. if obtainable, give excellent results. the drills for the potateee apply. ferti- able to feed eteamee =vetted oats, ' 4918-10. . .eoovenient pine eviler any c
As to the tires of ap.plication of ferti- neer down the drills at the rate of e --It • " Byleetruet'one f th H xi . t t pergon cutS it ' plea
. . w ich are very appetizing. • is a 4 9 ,,. Q, en. nis e . e , .
, /Users, customs elieer, but good results
. about 000 pounds, to the acre, using a pod. plan teleed PientY of roughnese of Agriteilture, a free distriteation. of sorvIng. ,/ .
ire obtained from applying The fete- mixture analyzing about 8% asainteniat to growing eelts. ' • • ' superior sorts of .grain will be inacte ; Iltste.:ss2-"Alunal33
, Beer at the time cd first cultivation 8% phoiPhatic odd and 2 •or 8% Pote ' She feeding of concentrated foods •during the• coming winterand,spring reclamee 4 i°311
selvea ,agaiiist the kiegdom of God
would be -crushed in the end. • It is
simply the doctrihe that wrong and
wrongdoers cannot 'go Mipuniebed, It
may be that God's judgments are. de -
In spring. I Roll. Follow the application by pull -
R. M. :-Can you tell me whether I leg in some soil QII. top a Abe fettle
Can start new " grape vines by burr, neer then drop the potato pieces on
Ing the ends of the runners or nate ; 1 the son and cover as usual. Be sure
Answer: -New grape vines are nOt to treat the potatoes to prevent ocab,
started by ` burying the ende of the -•before cutting them. .You can do this
runners in the soil. The common hy putting them 'in, a mixtUre of
e _ inetetica is to take cuttings Iron formalln and water, ono pint of ems- per teedung ef colte should always , Ottawa 13y the Dominion,' Cereabet,,
- ,
••••• * • STAMM at the thee of Preeleft. In aIin to 20 gallons. of water. • • Leave he aeeempeoied• with . plenty of ewho will furnish the • necessary ape
‘t , ' the spring plaice tilime in the sell le, a ehem immersed for about 20. ntiltateS, excreta@ out of doors. In no way Oen: Plieation foiles. '' . * ' e . •
i• 'row, eaten they will 'take root end They' will quickly: dry off when You e colt. be relined_ so easily and eurely } - OnlY one earnple can be tient 44' each
. ; .
'i" ' beet treatise* sevellehle on 'Grapf' Cul'. for cutting and Planting. Al soon ae exercise. Close eminnemeet ane the liMetedeferaters„are ecleesed to.Apply
\ -
to excess iadiseoureged, SS It 14 ITO- to Canecharteareers. e • .
portent that the digestive tract be de.' - The samples tor distribution. will
veloped by distending it .during the consist of spring Wheat. (about .5
growing period. • , I We bite cots (about 4 Do), barley (about
Ungainly,- lergetimrieled colts.rnaye5 The; and field peas (about -5
anew the feeder, but thie, condition These will be sent out, Tree, 21/Y'
always disappears:with maturity. Pro -i from the Central Experimentel farm,
start rlOW eine growth.' One of the. take them mittand 441 soon be ready as by ;liberal feeditig with .1aele ofeopplicant. As. the ,sepeilereof •Seetle is
.eetre room_ Bulletin No. tthe„ crop le up about 4 melieei And at, reeving., oe ,g()Od c0113$ dO itat gct togotlo vety early. • :
tabu , 'thereafter; splay them with Bordemeg • - • • ,- • ".
1'. 3.: -Is spring or autumn the beet mixture which consists of cop -
time to plant raspberry:coma' I per eulphetee 5 lbs. of lime, 40 gallons
Answeree-,Raspberry canes raay water. Dissolve thalime and copper
plated in fall or spring.- -to-.sulphate eepitato and dilute with War
generally the spring planting giverler,. using it immediately." This.
better meets. The soil that is, used- ' Spraying controls potato blight. at
for raspberry planting shouldebe course use enough Paris Green to keep
prepared and if possible should have potato beetles in cheek. Ono of the
been occupied by ee Cultivatedvrop. beet varieties of early potatoes to
the year preveous ;the plenting of greet is /rite/. COUTO. For :late 'variety,
• raspberry eaaefee,,,,. The success of the there are few that excel preen lVIoun;-
erop will •be greatly assisted if the tain :Or the earntaii Not 2.
ground has Veen thoroughly leitilieecli iteader:-What hind of soil is best
for ..the -eultivated If tot--; I adapted for wheat? :What is *the
the spring, you will de well eto• drill beet -way to• Prepare the land? "
in at /east 800 or ila°-PERIPas*'sa Answer: -Wheat thrives on a •mede
_fertilizer eaudozing 2 to 8e7eeaMmeitia WM: chter Imre seil. It is itemeeiene
and B to 10% PhosPlierie aei't at the deep • rooted eelent, requiring fairly
• time you are preparing the seedbed substantial etantfeoci. ineorder to de-
fer the canes. &felt plinitfood Will :ireha, a good ,growth of strong Ara*
- • be teadilir available I" the Yealige and a eatidnetoryIlling of the heads.
roots ivken. the,' Start growth, and For spring wheat, if possible lave the
ahould greatly sealst in 'obtaining sat- ground fall 'Plowed: at e mediuen
Isfaetery wood growth and. itringthe 'depth. .In epring, work the. seedbed
ening the Crop for its Arse.' winter.. - &own :by alternate disking and hat -
B.: -I have in old orchard that rowing also the soil tends to
hes been badly neglected. Soete„ be. lumgye At the time of drillino
large hafe been sawed, oft, and the wheat, apply 200 to 800. pounds
nothing Put over,:ohe place, This of ...fertilizer: analyzing about 2%
• fall some equirreta started* to. gnaw enmemie and elm phosphoric- ache
holes. those places and have eaten he best Oleic:gide of feetilieer is
into the 'heart of the trees. Will you obtained through the fertilizer drop -
please* _adviee.rite_itOte , itethotte pingeattaehment of the • grain drill.
' places?. Also, some of the trees seem Such a drill seeds the wheat at the
• • • oe
to have rotten beart- same time that at applies the fertilizer.
gal which you would, •eie. Vell to ob- theta of about a week or ten daYd sr. • '
140'ssen VI; Jacob's Deception,-
Gensin 27. 1$-29. ,Golden-'
Text, Eph. 4.45.
Verse 18. Who art thou, my• eon.?
teelsaae seems to have been totall3r
blind, the sense .cyf hearing also pro-
bably dull; touch and taste-etill .aeute:
19. I am .Esau, thy first -born -The
utter „deliberation of this ' lie shocks -
z ;Christian conscience exceedingly.
Duplicity teems to be a besetting sin
of .Orientals. • Some Allowance must
be made for the low; date of priinitive
morality,- but the record; • nowhere
countenances, the lie.
• 20. How is it that thou hest found
it so quickly, my eon ?-Isaite had
doubts eeneerning hie. identity to start '
with, but -they were intensified by the
speed with which the venison had
been killed and preparedebir the face
of it an iniaarobable thime. Because
Jehovah thy God Sent me good peed
-jaeofb met. the objection e
pious' sounding observation that the
'Lord had prospered him in his hunt.
He WaS a master of religious senti-
three Ashoie the birds taint to get bunt • •
plenty of bite oteharcoal to keep them 21.• Isaac said. unto 'Jacob, Come
In the gizzard, of the fowl the feed
is prepared by a grinding process for
further digestion. If grit is absent
Oee oloyor is itardtc dod ea; otands with oveter, se that the bottom or root
in the centre •of tire e with, Wand, Vert otthe bulb is covered; then pine
•pseliacytliors, deaannecein. hatlieneitid •wdiiii 41) e ionthear it in a cool, dank remit. or closet, and
circle until he t es th ee 4 on the
'doer with his see, Y :mast
stand tall. T e :Kind man t Moupon
*Ants his rene at so elite; er, who
mud take the o posite end Of he,carte-
in, his hind, e The b inir` n• then:.
,eommande bun to ma e lee likk
some albite', ok as: eat,
sheep, lion, don ey, lc, Mt* heroin
tide iiie•blind anetri s to g es the
Director, DotiliiiiensdaiieperiCentit' tet eile824rree"r thheer. 4:111•I' s'•6 ‘v- be
. arius. ewalaroneghth gattinn eTh lialateydee ovishtholle
A heat!' pocket for etoring •paPer try to disguise heir aim& ones. as
bags, stringe, etc, -can tba.,raaxle by much* as "Visa whe • knit ting the thAt eaU attaehed to a belt. . This Lietio.nlg_ikteb•e•itPe'ailret,_,Tit.serejztek:307°dee'vet‘ovtee
tacking a, aquarc of steue.-motereal on einimels much .sport mo be had ie Very practical or...theeseout'e, ,cener- an entire letter te envied out. Jokes_
.the pantry door - • • *through' the imitation. ' Pia err inay trete
made''ka'nSaianY:101" the 'Peeiese: 2: ter to the soldier boy is. to "paste it •
A khaki toilet set makee'arieeeeellent'
Christmasegift fee'the -Bev 'Scent. It
is fitted lilt With Miltteri brush; towel,
soap; toetlibrusbeete. and has a strap
up. ..- eke oecoeoctient of .e ippiuge •
regarding persons the • boy Iwowe,
Paste them he neat 'Order on a ietter
with little remarks .of your ,ewn, e •
• Chareoel helPa to keep the fleck in
healthful .etindtion. at' alleseasoinreif
II° :4
oelle _etilleActubtede This pathetie
struggle with intrigue is Wonderfully
worked :ofit in the narrative. He
hoped to find out' the truth by the
muse ate/tell. Rebekah had mit the
• -
V•3I tie igirhutd • fuUdluri PraPerlY- shins ca kids upon the hands two:neck
much of the cluiereal can be etePreeot Many farm flocks do not redeye a suf.: of &mobit, is difficult ;to see how
to the Weds -by binning stuntine the , fielent eupply of grit.. They cannot This strategem could succeed unless.
'Prerdnea. from an Orchard Or tee113 use -their food to the best advantage Isaac's sense of tonal was also • dull.
• `. of VarkitIS kinds, but when thebirds and thaleaithof-the flock and the egg ‘- 25. 1 will eat my SOILS Va1116011-t-r.
. aro la the laying, houses they_should •production eveg drop. Hen* crave Bkillfully`eteeParee with spices -and
' have * supply Of -dean dry ehareold grit and it should be constantly S11174 rich seasoning, the flesh of yrnar
at ht pass far venison. --
" Sates,' available. The 4'0031 absoThe' plied them. • I remgomig
ember seeing a 27. He •••entelled the e'inell Of hid
'gelds and gasealeici kelps to keep the floelc whichhad been in *liter quer-
, raiment -The garments were the of -
bird inenoinditien when lean feeding ters for *cieVerfit -Menthe without grit eelel 'robot elf the oteet.:Ootee peolootly
,might bring on - indigestion. Bente in hoppers. They had 'cleaned.. up kept ma special Place with are/nate
poultrinien Plate the -*eitoveeestiee ifl geltey sehstinces from the fleet- end lierlie 'to -sweeten-. and eieteservelhefie
..the pokeyhoppere _Otto ftlloy__Cro were becoming decidedly wortied /Or Isaac was faraillar with the emelt of
toot*nd hit froin /Lye nonin And lack .of louneenn,_eee_ the garments and wae unaUy tonvinee
ed identityofbroken vinegar jug In the scrap pile 28. God give thee of...the dew of
heaven, ete.-It Is oeid-that the fall
of dew is copious and of great value
in Palestine, especially in the summer
months when the rainfall is scaree.
Tempera blessings -occupy a large
instinet is tal rightiiven if her brain Vise°. in the Jewish conception e of the
appears to be somewhat lacking. • raver efGod. 8° the first Peet of
the blessing refers to the gifts of nit-
- ture. In this EsaU also shared (verse
Calves dropped in the Tall are apt '80), but the posseesionpf the land was
to de ninth /bettor When turned . or. in a peculiar eense the berittige of .
grass in the spring then these that Jacek.. Such was the promise iriade
cento along, later in:the winter. . to Abraham. ; :
20. Let. peoples, serve thee -The see -
end elitet Of the blessing relates to the
political ;and, tfatiOnet future 'of this
descendants of &mob. It, Is the ea-
prenetey of the ISraelites *O'er tur• ,
rounding Wheel, Whether hirieree. or
MI6& Cursed be every one that
e •
. • • . . Every°. tinie., you conte across ealne; .
thing particularly funny cut it out and . . •
save ie for 01(3 eog tab:the, font. .
„ theiset4 of comics. Cut out e toett; . ' •
eularly acme stoey frene o Magazine
and paste it volume by rehenn on
- large letter -paper. This -le convenient---'- e:e- ': •.
teoe the 'Soldier to -handle; eii he can ,...
: :e :. ., • • Slip the story in his:Pocket And }leve -, ' ,' .
.......%-t: ' MES HOLDER. . *CREADY LIM * -:-
e _
riitli7i it to take Out an,t're-xead at Odd mo-
- .
;mints ,, when no magazine is, withie ;
T till: 1.1ii 00-0301011 1 reach: All. of there thinge eheve
enen who are at thefront, or, in fade. 'I. .
been tried ald .ccelled hie/teed by elle ;
anywh,ere le the servSee. e Vehea eou : • •
Bac% 1M
tlea-ii .-!1
; , ra.
a ,,Degifolfevlitil . ... ' -. a's,:th.,eill..E.t0t:!.,ofia,...,..,..,..,._))01;i'stw!nt,:,.....„:,,....„g::'is‘o%).1vIos' V.:Ot.rly7.1. j.tohiliy6. r.:. ''' ... .
- - ones , some one. dee wrote. , , , • - . . ,. • ,.
• The quality, eithe stores with which ,
. - Whiter, Stores ,fereBeee. -*
.. •
MOE ,14::.1: .., '' ,,,...
31:ii3R . ii a T Wig i ilThE : - the tees enter Wham' es es important, . . :: ee ,
. „
.il iii ; a - --,
. honeys, except' buckwheat, are not
,honeys ftorn mixed. sources and ,darle •
lee thacluuntity Of .010,reS: • in general;
. ikeiliRY *., :,. '
'the time to make a Special 'exanlina-
et - le et . deiirable for wintheing •beee. ". New is . • . ,. .
e'.• I gaieties to determine -the
e , quality . and ' the quantity • of etoret • ' •••:, • •
present. Geed lioneY for wintering. ,
bees. should be !gelid antlequite bright' , • -
and transpaeent. Candied 'honey be- ' ...
trais the -probable presence •of honey• e .
winter hfroild4e8-INITihwie-ioruts.bjeettittionertiled ligiratt .---i -.
of honey de* is the gum or dextrin, .. • ,
, ,vehlele it contitine. The beer. cannot.
digest dextrin, And it eallecti*in their :
intestines and beings abeett a condi-
tion known as dysentery. Granulate4
sugar; is tree hem gums and is Pee- ` • .. . •
eeetly. digested. .., - - ---.. • .: : e .. •• . 7 -: .
. Titan:the 'Wile that honey gathering .. , . •• ' .
ceases in the - atttmuii till At begins e, ' -'-.
again lit the spring "ttn, average Colony
Will 'corisuln4 forty-five pont& o
aor6s, 'rite bees ought to enter will-
,ter- with Ole quantityin...eetY reach; e ... ... , • , :'..e- e = .
If the keeper prefers, he they seeply ', , • e , .•
Altily ilalf,of -this-Amount in the fell if-;
• he ' is . ghing-to---witi,et: in teeny -0110i--
,‘ and two-thirds this itnoutit if he is .
t` • going to Winter oUtdoOrS. Then the
balance of the forty-five pounds thould
be given in tem etatieg after the bees ;
' 110(241 and
'Highest INtiocor Pala ,
Prompt Itetttrus--110, commission
SS 1111,00dosoltri Iliontreol
sotto?. giant pretorost;
'loft* to otiose
1U Mmne�.Id STAMM"
• • *entreat
and Peueded it up." In lees tban two
minutes the .fleelt had eaten the jug
and they picked it up More eegeely
than the Y would lutve eaten the fineat
quelitO of core or Nvhoat. The hen's
. . .
• The Ames nolden ..geCr lady fattory,al Hyseintlie; Que., en trely devoted to' the Productian of mirk!,
. shee.s. •Caimeity 4,06o pairs r day. • - - . .
ad -for -C -1w qtlats-----Workirs
OIL many years this company has studied the shoe tleedsof workm
merx in all lines of industry. The conditicms under which work -
shoes are worn differ widely, arid'no single type of shoe will suit -
- Ames Holden -McCready shoes for fariners,. lumbermen, . miners; '
mechanics, etc., are the result of special effort to produo exactly the
-.type of shoe which will give the lonost possible service together with s.
thegreatest Comfort to cach class. We are able to do this because of our '
large output, and the fact that A. H. M. shoes are sold n.a1L sections of -
. Catiada=not Inexely •
It is worth remembering that-there-itrairA.a. M. shoe for -evsry
7---PUIP-664:1or men, women and Aliiildren, Incidentally, A. E. M. -shots -
bear the Union Label, which is a ivarantee of the best factory cOndi-
tibnS and the highest standards of workmanship. • '
A.71..111. War -Time Selections hellion, Women and Children • •
qffer spediar Service Value. Mg' your dealer for them. '
• Azoturia rarely .aPPears atong
horses at pastate Or Among dose 'do.
Int regular -work; but stertost invar-
iably during exerieet after a period at
idleness eil full tee& -wltkhInt tette,
ceeded it preelees Vera ol w�rk. ourseth stlieeo-U, Itterteb eltheee
• s'hoentaheti' to theArai 16129' . '
' 10, •
. •
•Aleike red 'clever and alsike nee • •
the rougth feecie best adapted to Term .'
the basis of -the ration for dairy ems
and eweet clover is not to be despieed
in this - regard. Other roughage * .
feeds vary greatly fit nitritiVo Waft,
*bed and rye traw being about
the bottorn '44 the Bet, with value in-
• creasing in the ease of oat straw wad
tort stover, in that- order, and ensile
age beleg ontstidnding a'S a cheap feed
' thatnan be used iii almost unlimited
•tinsutities• for all elasseaof eottle. ,