The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-31, Page 50 (i
The ,glass oven
door and the oven
thermometer on the
Pandora Range
make ;beaking ad ex
aet, absolutely eon..
trolled operation.
ale] You can see pre-
y how the oven is working -how fast or slow.
n l' fi dor1'o ,tion, about the Pandora
Range will be sent free to any address,
'upon request to nearest branch, Office.
.h til. lay Moot wily Uwe Mie
WWII�4h. ittportvr)
On WTyyy." (y.
a�Ty a ternO0O1 O
hist., a 'stranger litadadit attttfitpt an
life of Mr, J. W, R. at his mill
Queen street, when be shot and wo
ed fr. Rae in the head. On the o
my before the :salmi Mau pant to
Rae's'. bard,. about 4 o'clock, when
wap rtlking► And .said be waited to
souse cltiolrean feed. ]lir. Rom . told
be would• get it to town; as he wan d
mtlkiog He aeked•bie nettle, es be wa
a stranger. The men said it waa. `
Patrick:, On being asked d be bad
relatives around here, he said apo, a
also. hated that bo'was stopping at
Queeu'ebotel°' Old. dniahing wilkirrg . .
Rae weut tri the mill when two. wego
drove pp.. lie waited on . the farms
and thee looked around for tbqg strange
but he la gone. •Or We -donkey afte
noon be` was buoy waiting, on some cu
.tourers and saw the same: maul ]pain th
ilii) dooi Hu did':i}Ot'noo wh'e!p
went. Later Mr, Rae went down stat
and started they ere. Oa comilpg u
stairs the `shot w1. .fired which' •etru
him a glancing, blow en the back of th
beard. ° He was alightly stunned an
knocked down. Regaining his • feet b
went dawn .stain's and shut down'th
engine... ;Coming up to the front door h
SAW the meu running toward the etre
and :turn up town oil ,.Queen street. H
ran to the.. telephone and called ,.to M.
M. T, Hallman to head the man oft, bu
latter was too late to do ao. Mr
Rab states' the man was about aiz. fee.
well built, and wore a dark grey over
oat. De only aaw , him twice, Un
dottbtedly the 'man's intention wee rob
bery, but:it would seein as if hie nerve
failed him. Chief Farrell could find no
oue'who answered the description. • • Mr
Rae. was able to go to the. doctor's office.
and have the wound dressed.
Chief Farrell has since located a mink
man+ who worked in Enron Township
and upon whom. suspicion rests; butwho
has gone to Toronto: It is said he:has
been acting queerly 'and that . if :.he ie
guilty he was. not reaponaible' Mentally.
No action ea far h
lou. • ails :been taken.
Wie erton
SM'AsheeD;WINDOW,—A horse belong
ing, to Mr.'Win Morgan, of Brant, broke
out of theptable at Dunkeld, .where its
ownelthad gone petit -some cider, quick -
1y: hoofed it to.Walkerton all unknown.,
to its :master, and celebrated the end. of
s perfect day by failing through a
nundred' dollor plate, glass Window in
Mr. I. Weber'e atone. The animal came
running down; Colborne St. past the
side of the poet office, goinp� so fast that
it ' could hardly turn '. the corner. An
auto was parked in front ortiie Bank of
Commerce and in avoiding the car,. the
bores, :can over the side -walk;: slipped
and fell sprawling. Its hind feet,. went
through the large plats, glees window
einashiifg a big hole in it. The animal
seemed, stunned at .first and'lay quiet
until Chief Ferguson and others helped
to get it up. The animal was found to
be unhurt although very much tamed.
down by its strenuous experience, -TEL
Loudon "Toronto • Motltrepl • V innipeg
St.John,N.S., Hamilton • Cal-ary "• Edmonton
Yau Need ..
More Than
To 'correct "constipation,
all organs of digestion
end eliminat On should be
helped: Try NR and jee
hovv'much better you feel.
NR Today —Keeps the Doctor Aioay
"INS lend b healthy,yo uta body genitine,:lasting benefit; to rove your!
r►i sm : must properly digest your digestion and assimilation. give you a
extra t al� >�e
�• a it nourishment n ur shment ;Tour good 'hearty' appetite. regulate.. your .
it andpromptly throw off the waste liver and bowels, tone up' kidney' se- .
• that';. eft. This is accomplished by tion and lie your poison -clogged body.
the processes of digestion, assimilation a good_ cleaning. out. •
and elimination -the work of the Nature's Remedy (Nit, Tablets) isnot '
stomach, liver, kidneyb and bowels. -'harsh; it is mild, easy, pleasant in ac -
The failure of.any of the vital or- Ron; no griping or pain ever follows .
gang to dolts work properly affects. its use, but it is thorough and sure
the 'action, of all :tine others.' A
• -forced bowel movement does not,
help constipation; it only re-
'levee for a few hours the con-
dition that- constipation brings
o ai.., irq action
w is�i means extraction of tut
nourishment from, your food;
and ' thereby gives you new
strength. energy.. better ' bleed(
tier appetite. �8y toning, nor
stirring your lazy liver. NR kende
(le into the intestines, improving in-
testinal digestion. Lastly. by gently
encouraging more vigorous bowel and
kidney action. NR drives poisonous
impurities out of and .cleans up your
body.. - .
Try Nature'. Remedy (Nit Tablets)
and just see how much better you: feel . .
in every way.. Get a 25a box.:today
and take one each.night for a week.
You'll say yoga never felt better in your
life. NR is sold, guaranteed and
recommended by your. druggist,
J. ' Garnet • Armstron Luckno
g. w.
• Now it you are. used to taking ,
so-called lXatiire pills. oil, urges
and the like, you know mighty well
you've ".Bot to be taking them all], the
time. Moreover, if you stick to any
one laxative, you've got to' be increas-
tng the dose, all the time. That can
do you slot of harm.
Stop dosing yourself with such things'
lust long enough to give Nature's. Rem-
edy . E ((NR Tablets) a trial, and ]alt the
resulte show h w the. difference. . NR Tab-
iets are not mere bowel movers, their
purpose, is to correct the condition that
uaduoira toietlpatlon add give you real,
�'as+G'� , W
~ �
15f -tin
NR Tonight _
Tomorrow Feel Right
Get a 25c Box
At' the Cain House, Lucknow, on
'Tuesday,'November .12th:
DORENWgND'S. of Toronto
a onto
_lathe `:yon to see •
their display 0 f
the, s west crest- •
ions 1 e artistic.
Hair Goods,
If your own'
hair is thin; dull
a n d unbecom-
ing, let us dem-
_onXtrate-Y u tt
what can b g.
done to supply
your lack • of
hairy and how
perfectly i t is
- FOR`"'LAD1Es="Switchesr
Transformations, Waves,
Pompadours, Chigaoni, etc.
.. -a �,i,h,li..d-rvroGmuuJrin r wend'e Toupee' '
wi11 make you look years younger and
improve your health. Light as a
leather and, indetectable on our sani-
Tills display is for one day oaiy, Timidity,
Nov. 121h. Appointments cam be arranged
al. residence 11 desired. There is no charge
for a demonstration.---.-- . - - -
The Dorenwend Company of Toronto
' Limited .
'Head 'Office=103.105 Tongs St.
Mitch Of .the drudgery is taken out
of hog fending by the tem of the self-
efeeder. According to investigations
carried. nn at the Experimental Farm at
Ottawa, bogs, after they have reached a
certain age, do better when fed in thin
Trey provided the proper, mixtures are
used Strange to say', when, properly
died,w hateful over. Medlin
not so likely to occur with the self feeder
ae when • meals are given' at ecatd hours
It has been shown 'that the hogs ire the'
beat judges of when they should take
food.. The feeder is fully described in
Special Circular No. 15 obtainable at
the office of the Publications Branch. of
the Department of Agriculture at Ot=
tawa. 'This bin -like receptacle is easily
made At t► cost of shout 110 sten :wh
Lkerton friends learned with deep regret
of "the death of tichard Linea W. Har-
rison, only, son of the late Richard and
Mrs. Harrison, of Walkerton. He pass-
ed away at Wellesley. Hospital, Toronto,
last Thursday. morning, after an attack
f"pneuimuia '-The previous wee'ir i"e
had been laid up with Spanish Influenza
but had seemingly recovered. He was
up and ground. and caught more cold
which quickly -developed into pneumonia:
"Liney" wasa fine big stripping fellow
who had never known sickaeae: and his
sudden• taking oft in hie 29th year, was a
great -shock to, his relatives and many
frienda. "Liner" spent his boyhood
years m Walkerton, played'..on the la-
croese teem when Walkerton hid a star
line-up a few,years ago. and:. we s. a.::gen-
oral favorite with the young..._fo1k.
_.Eight. tears -ago -he werit-to -Toronto -and
from then up to the time of • his death
he • was with the Dunn-Ilortop Co.,
latterly as a traveller.d He was highly
thought of by hia firm end when he was
taken ill they showed eery great kind-
near. Hie wife was formerly Miss Annie
Fletcher, Of Toronto. Beeidee' hili mother;
Mrs. R Harrison, at present at Red
Deer, Alta., he had five sisters: Mrs
John H. Appel, Walkerton; Mrs. How.
ard•Todd, Guelph Mrs. Cleo. Lindsay,
Deer,.Alta ; Mra. Wm, Sutton, Al.•
bony, N. Y. Mals: :M. J� Parsons, of
Montreal. The funeral took place•.from,
the reiitlence of his father. .1o.w, Mr.
Fletoiher, Slew Stat Toronto, on Oster,
new lumber It and ,if Its ceaitruenoa , l dt ► lloltel$n
T>f EY bt�fl
;; guilt iki Asie roe Plain Wit pelt
Jir. W. A. Bell, h River, lora
lead paarticulars of tba death .of hie twin.
Wank Norval, Auld GliWord Bell, formerly
of then isoth, who were kilted in action
reoentlg, from Lieut.,$. R. Johnston of
theflame battalion, who was formerly
pastor .of the Methodist eltureb At Pine
�13crg waa wounded„ Rot seriously, in
the battle of .&fnrena. ' Roth Norval and
Cliff dame through •.alright. Norval
acted as stretcher •baiter and was epee.
ially mentioned and reeojn.uleuded for a
pedal for his. excellent 'work, But ler
.the nett battlo on the morning of Sept-
ember 2nd both Norval and Oliff were
killed aboUit the same true. I have
+searched in vain for anyone who saw
Cliffanat when, he was killed, Norval's
last words; were; "Tell the offiicer to try
and save the young tad (OHM for hie
inotheee sake." But :it was too- late
Bothwere identified by the burying
party; and buried by cur Padre, (Rtv
Capt. D'E1yrem,
teras• sap without hesitation thatthey
were three of the finest types .of , Canad-
ian soldiers I, have ever met. ,I regret
that they all came tothe same company
but I hope and pray that Wilton, in the
2nd Pioneers,, is well and safe. have
beenexca ptionally fortunate myself.
They played the game well --on par-
ade and off - were exceptionally popular
and always' ready to do cheerfully the
most disagaeeable 'take.. I feelsure
that they will receive their reward.,
I 'don'tdthiink that 1 ane hard 'hearted
when I say that we look with more pride
than sorrow upon the :graves of such:
They deemed happy in their work -their
fife work is done and'they have escaped
many trials whichiievitably come 'with
later years... Tani pleased to be able to
tell you that they were, not badly :mut-
ilated' ;being killed by . machine • gun
!gullets not shell .fire.
r 'ucdi county News
"- Consumers of Canada have now an
opportunity `of ascertaining whether the
prices, they pay for foodstuffs are reason-,
able and fair or possible extortions by
alleged profiteers ' All . they have to do .
in each mpnicipalityin Canada, is to ask
their municipal+ council to appoint a 'Fair
..Price Committee to investigate , the
prices' wilted by retailers and to draw
conclusions' as to whether these prices.
are fair and reasonable. These Fair
Price Committees will•then publish their
findings in the form of lists.
:In . this way the Consumers. wi l •make
sure' whether they are . paying prices
which•.are unreasonable and 'unfair or
not.- •11 may be that the prices'which
the committee' considers to, be fair and
reasonable will not be; any lower than
the present prices charged by retailers:
In seine eases theymay be higher. •• But
that need not bother the consumer so
long as he is satisfied. through the in.
:vestigation of the impartial Fair' Price
Committee within his "own munucipalitj►
'that the prices' published indicate 'a fair
and reasonable standard to guide both
consumer and.retailer, having in mind'
war condition -and the unsettling -:of
Pre-war prices. :. `
If there is a desire `on the part of the
consumers to find out just where. they
stand in regard. to . prices which they
have to • pay for` foodstuffs, they note
have a golden opportunity to . have the
matter dealt with once and for all under.
the provisions of the recent"Or�der-in.
Council, fathered by the Department of
Labor, relative to , the appointment of
municipal Fair Price Committees. •
In -some quarters' it is said that Faire
problem present in Most, hetiseliolae. It
may be"pertinent. to suggest that muni-
cipal Fair Price Committees first -should
be given a chance to show that they can
find a solution before the `principle •of
municipal Fair. ' Price Committees ' is
condemned out of hand. It is -e good
ruleto-support measures that seem
tend in the right. direction.. A similar
program has been effectedinthe United
States; •
The -virtue of this Order -in -Coe cul
giving authority to municipaliciea_ to _p
paint Fair -Price Oommitteee to Inve id -
gate -the
prices consumers have to' pay,
lies in the publicity that•'will• be given
to the findings. In this wayspublic
opinion will be informed, and enlight-
ened public opinion may be trusted -to
co-operate in all national food efforts if
it knows the facts. You Can always
give anything a• thorough trial once: .
. II L Robertioni son of Nor
wan Robertson, of' Walkerton, who
lata been pKaetiaivg his profession in
Gbarleeton, West. Virginia, has been
appointed "aptain in a U. SA Medical
Corps, Ile will visit his home ip aha:
C"oupty Town before reporting for
service. -
Tnil 'Ratios: TOMS says: Aar. _John
Klein,. • father of d edge Klein and Mr.
Otto R.1 Zein,. and who .has the die,
auction ' of being W'alkettAk oldest"
citizen, too- having, already passed his
90th birthday, was removed .on „Moll -
day afternoon to the Bruce Co. t.oe-.
pita; suffering with .dropsy and other
complications.. ti Sia ' daughter.„ , ,Mise
Klein, ratio has been attending him,
'waa. also removed to the bbspital the
previous Saturday for treatment.
A Toronto .i an 'who spent, a callple
of weeks in Carrick trying to eel]. dry
.goods among the farmers, played a
sharp trick on a. locaflivery man. Ho
retprned an:outfit to the livery with
the -buggy badly daimaaed, opparently
in a runaway,, and: then jumped thea
train without settling. A.n effort' •is
being made to locate hint at Toronto
with a view to prosecuting' him. This
Ppeddler &end business rather bad. in
Oa rri,dr, his rues of, trying to`sell- to
the "German" farmersnot; working
OFp10Ens •To INDIA. —Lieut. Victor
McKeehnie; youngest, son of .111r. and
Mrs. Dr . McKeohnie, .of Walkerton,
and who crossed overseas with the
160th' Battalion, hal been sent 'with
five other Canadian officers on a mil-
ifiary mission to : India.. The party
left England for the Orient on. Oct.
ll h
T e exact •n
ac attire of theirr er
rand has' not yet been disclosed, al•
though it is possible that they'ma
act as instructors of some big levies of
[iodine troops, which are being raised=
for service at the front. • •
Mr.'Alex'Grant,' for many' years a
resident, of Teeswater, but of : late
yeara living at Walkerton,, died et his
home there' on• Oct. 17th after a' :long
i mess:' Grant was in Irishman by
birth but Came to Canada et ' the age
of 19. He followed•' shoemaking at
eeswater• for quite a number of:� Years
varying his occupation. with stone
aeonry and .brick laying in the sum
Min. months He 'was. married ° • at,
reeswaten ,to Mary. Anti _v-�Dalgleish
who with one On and, thren"tiaughters
urvive. '. The daughters' lire ' bits.
Robt. Scott,_of._.Gulrossie and Misses;
harlotte and. May at home.: • The
on, - Alex,�,lives at Teeswater. • ..Mr.
rant was in his: 54th year.
BRIDEORQOM Dies., ---Mr. Ezra 4.
Damm, of Carrick, oonain of. Mr. Har-
vey Damm, of Walkerton, and whose
marriage to ;Diss Lillian Gress, daugh-'
er of Mra• Philip Gress,. oaf the* .14th
con., ` Carrick, on Oct. 11th, was sad-
ened by the.groomtaking Seriously.•
1 with the'Flu.on his wedding day,
uccunobed to the. disease on Saturday
st, at° the early age of '2p years, 8
onths and 2 days. The- suddenness
ith. which the. young. husband was
at off, is one of the saddest and moat
gio -features-of-an pidemio-than -1s'
aiming So many' liver in this province.,
he funeral took : place on. Tuesday
ternoon from the home oc Mrs. Phil -
Gress to the Evangelical Cemetery
t''-leferdt.-13B mi Timss•
Sealed Tenders, addressedto:the Post-.
master General, will be received at 01-
tawa until noon. On Friday, -the 15th day -
of November, 1918 e:, for' the .conveyanc
of His `Majesty's `Mails. oii„a proposed.
contract for four years, nix times per
week, over fiolyrood No. 2, Rural Route,.
fromthe 1st day of April, next.
Printed notices containing;further in-
formation as to conditions ••of' proposed
Contract may he seen and blank forms
of Tender may be obtained at' the Post
Oiflces of Holyrood, Kinloss and Luck -
now, and at the office of the Post Office
Inspector,.I,ondon. .
Post• Office CHAS. E. H..Frannie,
Ins'pector's Office, P. O.Inspector.
London, 4th Oct„ 1918. 7.41-c
In Shaw's Business Schools To
Tonto. Free Catalogue on re.
quest. Write to W. ;igHAW
Pres., ' Yong, and "award Ste.,
oronto. �O
The Busy Hardware House
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery
Soon oltswill be thank-
ing it is time to get that
�lev� Range.
We have a. full line of
Ranges off our floor at
e venrange bas been
the leader for • some
time. Let us show you.
We mightsay' that we cannot replace these stoves at
the same price at,which • •
we are offering same to-
day, Stove manufact-
urers tell 'us' that sup=
plies are: very hard to
g•e-t--arid aild iron and
steel is going up in
price by leaps, assd
bounds. Stoves have
taken another advance
of abort 10 per cent. during
the last two weeks. - Wer
strongly advise yo`u • to mat e
your purchase before the, price
goes .still higher. These cuts
are seine of the many -designs
of which we can y, lay a will
be pleased to show, you our
*Clary. end. Perfection Oil Heaters
Rrltiab, American (5,1 115 end
Oaioline- Rogers' Par land Lenient
-Lime and Piaster -Window Sasb.
Primled and Glazed..
The Sore Where Your Money Goes Farthest
L ,
t: M'raewilwlye �
Have a QQod Assortment
. of
and Brussels Rugs
Prices are much lower than they t h •
t wllbe inspring.
ow time ;buy if you
..:�_,. .
would save money. . ,
See o • i
ur Congoleum Rugs. A few good :at.
. P
• • terns in Linoleum now In satock
Men's Raincoats latest stsle good quality,
at $16.50. Ladies' Raincoats juSt
received, special at $14:50:
Men's Sweater -Celts,: best knit, .$4, to
For Ladies'. Fine Dresses see our Poplins and Silks.
Our oldspecial in black at. $2.0 per . d.
The Millinery Department is receiving special • °at-
tention to keep it stocked with the newest
in Hats` and Trimmings.
j T is not, necessary to visit the Bank of
, personally in order to open 'a
Savings,Account. Send your deposits by
Inail, in cheque Or money order. Do -not
keep money in the house.: It, does not, earn
interestand it his not • safe. •
JT A- GLEN1+iiE.---Manager.
entral" Training means Success Insurance
The one who holds • our diploma
- loma knows that he is, .
p flea]]
fied to hold the very best office positions, `and what is
more,the business men : of Ontario know it too.
This explains why we so easily place our graduates in
' • desirable positions.
D. A. McLa calint 'President, • ` A• Iieivilis f, t disc**,
P ..