HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-24, Page 5•
: T.housands upon thousands,
endless thousands, hold ,,their
lives cheap as , the price of
Victorious Peace.
.And.we—as. we watch frchn
Afar their ' heroic • efforts:—
fforts:–may we: 'be able to, say,• that
the little4',we at .home could„
do:. we have done; •
—that•in °so 'far as we a -could
support them; 1ightenk . `their
burdens, bring* thein^ `coni -
forts, we have doneit;
that vie ave ~ striven urs-
ceasingly: to' shorten their'
stay in ithe Hun made -Hell;.
—that °freely, fervently;.
unites r, :vac have ' laid ` Our
humble �, offerings: alongside
their 'le' sacrifices on the
:. altar of ''ictory—and Peace
susommeurts PVT° SOS OVERSEAS
Idaroa. County .lied ems aed 1lfaiar
Contingent Association. abipped 60,030
irides during the year ending Sept, 1,.
%Acrid, Shipping maitre - Aiapba
Leaf Chapter of I. 0. D. E, 2890 ar-
ticl(4s Goderich Red Crow 3833; Beu-
miller Red Crows 1813; United Butriotie
`Soetety ot, Goderich township 1-95;.
Cociertcit Women's.institute 069; Aqaba
field Soldiers.' Aid 1837; Salford: Red
Carols 1268; 'Taylor's Corners 448; Col -
berm, Red Cross, 834; I entail• Wetneres
Institute" 820;-Britania. Chapter -of the
I. 0. 1) E 36,3, Leeborne Red Crosti
793;'Dungannon, Women'' Institute 421.
. Hensall Shipping Centre--Hillagreen.
� P
-1-010ai4i---= -Society
Kippeu 671; Hay Tp. 64 Blake 588;
Zurleh 635, •'.Sex$mith 324; Carmel
Church • 'Mission Band, .36;: Lutheran
Church, Zurich:56,
Seaford- Shipping Centre•.-Seaforth
Red groes 11384;. Seaforth Wowed.
Auxiliary 280..
Exeter Shipping Centre Exeter
-Women's. Institute,- .3t3 - articleer Zinn -
Red ;Cross 010; Elimville .:and Sunshine
776i Centralia: 814; Soldiers' Aid, Exeter
2272; Crediton >31i2; Thames Read 856;.
Dashwood 368; Farquhar Red Coss
172; Little Camas, Exet@r 74, Patriotic
League; Exeter 3142; Burondale 1I06
Blyth Shipping Centre --- Burnt'
Chinch Ladies' Aid 77; : Walton Red
Cross: Ulnion $634; D A. M I.' D:' K.
Club 134;. Westfield Red Cross Circle
443; Blyth girls' War Aux, 913; Gorrie
164; Blyth, Red 'Cross,' Circle; 2059;'
'School No, 1, B. Wawanosh 068•, Blyth
Women's Instituie 111 Mountcrifi'
Red :Cross : Circle 268; : Ora'nge y Hi11
'Ladies' . Aid' 65 Londeaboro 36 boxes
valued at $30 00.' ` 4
Clinton ShippingUentre— sol nesville
.198 articles;Summerhill 534, Bayfield
574; Turner's Church 375; Bethany 181;
' ftnity. Club' 374;. Stanley Maple. Leaf
424; 'Clinton Patriotic Society 2826;.
Varna 822 'Y. L.: of south end ot god,,
erich Tp. 85, Clinton Girls Auxiliary ri22
Jas1.11 Fines , Exeter,—Secy.
Another opportunity. to fend your individual
weight to the blow that will shorten the war
comes with the offering -of Victory . Etonds
„ about to be made., Let not the privilege to
do your share find youunprepared
issued by tomos'. Victory7onn Committee
is 604o/radon with the Minister of Financa
of :tha'Dominion of Canada.
Huron Co "nt
. u• y News
• .A R. Spotton, of Goose, has bought
the marble works at Wingbam and
has taken ov,er the- business.
Miss; Maud Hanna,: 'daughter of
Mrs. llantia,' Wingham, who bas been
. oyerseasland Of for soma time, arrived
in Montreal recently oi>iher. wayhome.
"1.2. Cretan, a former resident of
Wingbat• , but for the past_ ten years.
.fti_li..niny...Rlver__!ite a he;had- the et:'-
ceetric lighting., plant; will shnttly re•
:t ..
dto'Winghain. Ile has sold his
• plant to the totwn but will -mana a it
• for tit short tittle ufltit Ehe,tow a secures
another` mita.
Tstol ••
'.< ' rtisir1 FeAnclt,-:•-From the
achaol inspectorate of East' Aaron,
the follow .: teachers are serving the
ofttintry at the :front.
. • Pte. A. L I'ealif• •.
Alta, Leslie *inch..
I'te Ngtmaa Gleddc5,
Pte: W. H. Stafford. •'
?to: Harold Work.
Pte. Gordon Jefferson: '
Pte.. Walter M.; Nelson:
V(37 stle'
:lists to. be used .in the forthcoming
bye election in North fluronare being
.prepared -undar the direction of the
registration_' board for the County of
Huron composed of the county judges,
_Messrs,_.Dickson. and Lewis, Count
Crown Yttarne eagoivSherriff•Rey-
Holds and the registrar of the High
Court,* Mr. D. ;McDtnald, . Enumor•
ators prepare the lists for the various
polling subdivisions; theseare cub -
witted Co the.regisfratiou board and
and are printed or .t . typewritten, and'
P ylz ►
provision: is then made for the bearing.
of appeals. The system •is' a new one
which hale'collieinto ei%ot along with
the extension' of the• franchise to
women. ''
. STOLE CAVAN. . Zn., _hbe . County
Judge'M t%riaitnail Court ply Oct,' stab,
before': His -Honor Judge'. Dickson, be stole four - head of cattle . from
William of a
g ., the ;Township farmer,:dro've them nine miles to his
of Logan, pleaded : 'guilty to: three owil lace,` and sold• them to a drover,
.charges of Stealing cattle. • Tn one case 'using the • as .art p a y men
. money P. A� toil
an autofnobile. I't' was six weeks be
fore the 'owner' found out what bad'.
happened to •his cattle and recovered
them. . Two head of cattle belonging
to another farmer. were taken at the
same time and the thirdch ` ��e.:dated
- ..41E -3 --:
tom- -
•baok'to Dethinher, 1)16'.' 41E -J. M.
Beat, of Seaforth, - who appeared for
Seated t .. , .•..
enders, addressed to the :Jost -1 Brodiagen, 'put in a strong plea for
master'General, will -be received at Ot=
tawa until noon,' on Friday, the lSth day
of November, 1918, for the conveyance
of His Majesty's Mails, on -a proposed
contract for four years,, Si* tithes per
week, over I.uckttow No. 5, Rural' Route,
frcui the ls't day of ,April next.
Printed notices containing further .m.
formation as to conditions of proposed
Contract m•ty be seen and biank•forms
of tender may be obtained at the, Yost
Offices, of. I,ncknow, t • Rolyrood ° and
Whitechurch, and at the ofil ie. of the',
Posh U�ce Inopeetor, Loudon. •
� , .=•��.�,,. �: rte".. 0`i�?:7i'�'F}}:
leniency. Sia Honor sentenced the
prisoner to three months in jail and a
fine 'of $200 and costs of 1.18 and
$80 for compensation, and in°default
of payment, 'and in pefault of payment.
an additional six months in jail.
It. • is .estimated that nearly five mil-
lion people have died of starvation or
post once -egg ; vision malnutrition during the war. This total
Inrpeetor n office, 1', • , ns for ie more tbaa half the - r1)11.4 lt4oa of
nd ill • A I 1>es c' i s O o
Qtb oht,a 1`?34t f*1i�e l:Cagada.
W a:kerton ;' •
The Busy Hardware gauss
Phone S#zty-Six for Prompt Delivery
Soon you will be think-
ing it is time to get that
Ne Range.
W have a full line of
Ranges on our door at
present.' This High
OvenRange has been
the leader f r some
time,; Let us show you
We mig ht sa that we cannot, replace these ,stoves ..at g v
the same priee`at which :..
we are,offerfng same to
day.Stove manufact-
urers tell us that sup.
plies are very hard to.
get and `that -iron and
steel Is going up . in, .
—price— by -sleeps- d_.---.
bounds. Stoves have.
:taken another- advance '=
of.aWilt 10 per cent. during'
the last ,two weeks. We
strongly advise you to mate
your purchases before the price
goes still higher. Theta. cuts
„ . are some of the many designs '
of which we carry.' ,R e will
be ".pleased: to show you our. t
fall line.
McClary and Perfection 011 Heaters:
—British American aLna1 4i1 end
Gasoline, gagers' Pardon!! Gement
-Lime and. Plaster—Window 'Sash
Primed: and Blazed. •
The Store Where. Your Money Goes. Farthest -
tww+�• rwr . 111�r�Adrastl1
�e flave a Good Asso'i tmer :t ; of
Tapestry and Brussels
Prices are much lower- than they will be in :spring..
Now is the timto buy if you would save money.
Monday, Oct `21
• Wherever •the flu.'epideruic lights it
areemg to strike everybody in the house-
•hold.• This makes it difficult for 'patients
to be waited en.• Itis of course, impos-
sible, to get nurses: -There are. few if any
of rel Sp ;nish. fist in Walkerton yet our:
local V. A.. •D.'s are• ready -for .emergen-
crps. .These young•ladieo: have recently
completed a ,course in home nursing,
first aid, etc ,, and several:' of, them have
volunteered' their services as nurses in
the town. ' Four metre have volunteered'
to act°if the sitstation becoirea serious. Airs.. W. ,'41,. Shaw, president."of the V.•
A. 0: and Miss Florence Rowl find wait
ed upon. the town council and enlisted
the support and co-operation of the town
fathers ina scheme to • help -meet :' the-
Hu situation. '• Therscheme-includes :the
opening of a diet kitchen in the tea .room
premises where with th3 assistance of
the.: tea room girls; .soup$; junket• and
otherdishes-used in the sick room, will
be made up... The V, A.' D:'8 are to re-
active 25 cent an hour for their services;
and in the case of indigent citazen5 the
bill will be paid by the town:. The town's
,part ii the..schenie is embodied in the.
a following motion.- passed by the. bona -
'ell, Moved. by Mr Lettner, Seconded
by Mr. George that the council :make a
grant of 1130 to` Mrs._ Shaw .as_.presiden
cif the V. A. I': nurses to assist in' nuts=
ing and diet kitchen, and the'nuraea: be
paid 26 cents per hour when nursing in
eigerrt patients to: be paid by the doctor,,
and tha doctor's account-tti be...hande...
•in..to,the council by'30.'days•after ' the
patient . is out• and that the mayor and
and reeve be a :committee to got a suit.
able 'room for the •'nurses for disinfect-
ion, purposes. , •
See 'our '`t~ongoleum ;Rugs. A few . god pat-
terns • in'Linoletim now fin, stock:
Men's Raincoats, latest stylet good quality*
at $16.50. Ladies.' Raincoats just
received, special at $•14.50:
Men's Sweater Coati; ' best :knit, • $4 tog.
or Ladies' Fine Dresses .see dour . Poplins and Silks.
Our-old'apeeialin 'black. $2 50 per yd
The Millinery' Department is receiving special tat
tendon to keep it stocked.with. the newest'
in 'Hats and Trimmings:
*fol•; fMitl
Cost -of Last Loan
In some quarters • there is suspicion
thatoptebody ,made altogether tog
much ont of the floating of the 1917
Victory Loan; that' or the.. means em-
ployed were ' :unreasonably ; wastef sol.
_ Mr Deo. D. McK `y, -_Secy _of..the-Bruce-
Oou-nty Organization_ for- --the
1918 bonds recently wrote to the klead-
quarters at Toronto regarding` thi8' and
he received the following reply:
'Answering'your inquiry in this. con=
nection, I beg to soy that commissions
paid, remuneration to brokers, and ori
ganiaation expenses amounted to.. .54
Newspaper work and other pub-
licity ,.,..:,;, ,.10
• This is the cheapest Loan that ever
was boated by' the Dominion of Canada;'
Yours y'ery truly, ,
(7 E A. GoxnkrArr,
• Divisional Organizer,
[We underatsnd the .64 to glean that
€rgetion of one per cent,]
I L ii.LT,o•N
HE. present is a,goodaime to sell to s_
,ahem labor, produce or merchandise;
at : high prices..' It ,is also a very time
tobu anything thin."• that 'is..�
Y::• y g . not •absolutely•:nec
essary. Earn to the limit, ' :Save to, .the
That is the road to' prosperity. p . .Open
a, Savings Account with the Bank of Hain..
1. A. GLBNNIE. Manner. • •
Training means SuccesS Insurance
one who -holds our .diploma i
- -knows that•�he is. • quali-
fled to hold fife veryq ..
best office positrons; and what is
more, the business men of Ontario 'know it too.
This 'explains why we 'so• easily . place our: •
• g>?acllzateS in
desirable positions.
WINGHA 1 ONT• • . ,
• D. A. ins4ehilot Prlessidsnt. A.-H11vUUa ndt Prluccipii q.