HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-24, Page 1• l'ak
„ -ere, n -eeetente.
Sr.so per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise
Great wu the shock end surprise to
Vie people of Inekuow when they loan.
i1ly Tueadayms Torento poen that
Mr. Williem Geddes; of Ihmilton, bad
passed away xus Monday.
No num was better known in Luck-
uow than the late Mr Gedde,.1...s 0,nd only
three week e age he wit,e, allloirt14 eat.
jog on U bi.former friendo and ac -
&u1 greatly eijoyingbi
visit -to the town, Ile, lioweverdid
riot appear 40 all Strew& and thist(the
vital vurrent 'Wee mining low wee avid,
mit to all who knew him in fernier.
•years. Ire yvaa br gi.ta»d cheerful, and,
•to eh appearence looked forward ts Kr/ -
trill years ef activity and .orloYMont of
- -lie with Iris wife and daughter in the.
coMiortable homehe bad built on thd
• mountain at Ititinilton. .
-11Mailes: wait arnong the ilist Men 2
to start bsznw 14 Lucknow; and he
'alwaya stated with, pride that he had,
been ha riare rn business here asa
ooper. He delighted in building houees.
and had almost dozen to his credit.
Re was rilWaya remarkable for hie cheer.
fulneve and ppilinistie outkok, thiti
ebaracteristic being Strongly evident
during his recent visit. He Was in 'Ida
Met year and he leaves a. widow and
one daughter, Thenturierat Will be held
at 2. o'clock this,(Thursday) afternoon
tor Hamilton Ceineteri ,
• 31180 Margaret Henderson, of Toronto'
epent a few deYs of laBt week at her.
home here.
The. -Thanksgiving 'meeting of the
..AohRetel. MN'S. -which was to be held
. at Blake's church 'Oct 27 is postponed
to some indeAnite time,
, . „ .
ThoTreasurer of the wonien'a Bransh
of, thl Petriotte League -has reeeitedu
donation, :of $14 00 from the staff in
charge, of the - Work of Registration in
the.nortli ward of Lucknow. this amount
rePregelltie8 the fees for lite, day's work
those vvho -Wore .,b3:-ch,,efie have
kindly _turned over to. the treasury Of
• the Patriotic League. -• •
Those Soldiers' Addresses
Dou't do your soldier out of a uiCO
box of °uteri° applcs by neglecting tc
send his addreas to The fientinel Office.
• The Luekuow Fire Coinuany.liaveki
cided to send a boxf„tappla3 aq, a';i teat
from borne to every tioldier whe is over-- .
• seas and who weet from Lucknoiv, Kin.
los% West Waseeoali'itud parts Jot Ash.
field anti Irmo towneltee„,:teeeet
be roughly defined„ as Liteknow and
diatract. They Want the presebt ad.
dresses of thea men and have arranged
to 'have these lasted at The Sentinel
Office. Don't let this week ge.by with
mit condlogiuthe address of the soldier
from your hinugeheld, or the address of
any other sqlclier may he over-'.
icielted• The time ie pow ahert ha which
bege,s ;can-bearaiteikutime
by by Cliristrhas.' A number -of -a
dresses have :been received bnt. not the
number that should have been sentin.,
1 -
, •
Oce. MNaIJ Teougli WetauleJ r,:eet tits
l'he details of br,ttio if grim are
tereeting. The letter published bel
written by Pte. george McNeil of ler
• Huron •Co , to hie father makes litu
tprestinit story 6f adventure. George
known te "Laurie letteleeow, and it w
be remembend *at irt April last he •w
steorded -the et -al -MeV Irezdat -V-R-14;c1-4
work during a read •on the Wien)
trehelies• Hu •enlisted with de 71
rind has .served*three years in Fran
Front an hospital in Beglandhe wro
en Sept. Oth.ias follows:•
• Dear frathere'-,Tilet eefew lines to s
I rim ,well, hoping my, letter .finds yo
all well athoine. We ere ha:ving loVe
weather here just noW"ancl Cho advance
Single Copies 3 cents
Von ean help to end the war py buy
ng a Victary md,
Sunders without Church service Beem
• very long and very Ida
• pctober weather ie making up tor
wet and dieegreeable September.
If •you have a Soldier., oversee% send
els tiildress at oneefto_Tun ISeNworEti
-Mr. D. 0. •Monovan borne after
• "spending n• MOrttlit the home of a
tjiater rear Grineihi, ) ••
. .
Mr. phillip MacMillan and daughter
• Isabel have returned_ Ifrorc a three week;
wilt with ifieuds‘itt$ortli Dakota:and
Mni4ernpleflitirl4en. sOn74,011glii
came. up from Loudon, end are visiting
her mother. Mr. Clark has moved from
London to TorontO. 6
the,- -444.40.AtInuinat07400,-If„---an
tiiros Mit the war 4 should be tver
before I go to the old French eml again,
My Wetied is healing, tine, and I ex.
,pect to 'be up beforo Christmas /Male
time. It will riot effect Me in 'We leakit
when it heals up.. It was a 'very lucky
one for mo Neste about 30 fdet off the
sniper ''Snet he..fiie,s1 four shote at me.
Oue went past my head', two. past ,the
chest; and the ,fourth got Me in the leg,
throUgh the thigh on the riglitleg. It
Vte. Fred Chthhl a -Wifitechurch. biy
who went overseas %,v1.th a Saekatolle*On
draft) hi reperteeklenong the killed.
Mr. and #0,vict Huston have ro* •
ceived ward that theif eon, 'William, has-
been wetinded. This is eepend time.
he has keen hit.. •
, •
Meng the Men known here anti., re-
ported killed in action during 0;3. we*
a PeLeinnielvlill:inird, sotrof ltev.
Idilliardwho war iitimister in the Meth-
odist OhurC'll„ here some. years Lip;
DeleininS' was but a Bede -lad, when the.
inn* v.re,s Imre.
• .
• Oliff St John Mathers,, VairCouver)
a young .naan of 19, who Was training' in
the „Royal Air Porte at:Torono,. was
seriously last .week.nt the -homo. of
his 40q1e, Mr. Ifenr,y 'Alethers, ' The
young air -man bad contreeterVa told at
• Toronto, and canici the-cOuntry TO a*
0160 rest: Going to the Winghain J.
he siatered. relapse -'ind‘eilt'aVel-oneif
infteehek Well OW the!. way
to, recovery,. • 'r
• •
Mrs. Main Dalinier;. of Kineardilie
was'notofied'on Oct. 6, that her hrether
Pte. Waiter, E. Lovett, had been killed
:in , action on Sep *27 Pte, "Lb:vett 'en:
listed at Lucknow 'known
• here, „liming lived in this for
some time*.efter coming frolic the,.Old
Country. . enlisted three .Yettee igo
-last Segteinber' and was in Prue° for
More- than two years. HU has a lather
prisoner of war in Turkey, .Onta at the
front in Prance and another 'home on
leave. •
7,eafetttley,' Oct. ,21'-
-.Our burg is free trona Untie, yet the.
'imboal and church are close& ,
Mr: 0. Innes is visiting, friends .inthis
neighborhood., - • ••,
Mr. „•DeVideFaleoner and Mee :John
Murray Went yi the Presbytery meriting
, at ,Winghtun last Week to preeent ,the.
'call for a ilinisteri'..Mr; &obit) being the
. choice."'
has rtn attraction . for one of
our boys Semi drive to Lanes Church.
0-4Tuesday, Oct. 22
James Stanley is -having his stable
• Veneered with cementthis Week.
' The many.friendsOf 'Mr, Vim. Stanley
sr. will be sorry to learn that he urnum-
bered .vv,itIr tile sick.
. Mr. Leslie Anil Misses Myrtle ,and
Pltiebe Congram "spent Sunday at W.
H. Scott's. • ' • •'
Mi. and Mrs. W., H. Ferry and child-
ren, of Teroato,.have ..retired .0 -their
home after Emending two weeke with
• My, and Mrs. Wall IL 'Stott.
Landmvaexs, Attention I _
e Having finished our own plowing and
some ethee contracts (11-5 acres in ill)
. wa are now at liberty to plow for ethers.
We are .operating two.horie drawn, two.
•igreeee_e_terreeekeit. reeekahntt gimp with
frillitiC -coulters and barmier ,bettorns.
Our • work can be seen at either David
Mines- or Thifilte Terme-..
two dollen. per acre for stubble, two
fifty for sod, board and horse teed in
eluded D. II. MenVie, Whitechurefi
• .4) o.; 1%Torth ,Thrron line131.5 r 14. '
(Correeted tip to Wednesday noon)
, Wileast•• 4,••• • • V., • • 10,112 10 2 12
Oata 1,64114atilky414.4••• /4 75
Barley- If Y. lor061.1 •••••4114.1 .00 1 05
" Peas . •is4•1,•,144_1, 42 25 2. 50
Butter, • b 4141..14 # • 41; • 42 44
neW laid. ••1,164646••• 63
Choice heavy steerb......$13- 75 to it14 SO
Choice ....... to 11 25
Phoide butchers' rows... 10 -00' to 11•00
Good fettle-me...eV, ..... •0 SO to 11 00
.. t . 100 t0 to 160 00
Hogs,. led and watered.. 18 25 to. •
Fall Wheat ...... ........ -2 14 tO
Goose Wheat ' 2.10. to • .
Oats ; 95 to 94
Tittiothy ll/Iri•.•••46••••••14 la 00 WI 16 05
Uggs neW laid ..... 60 to 62
Satter, Creamery ?rims -01 to • -
;hitter, Dairy 40 to 46
•I`brongbont. the lopgpeeilieteepeet by
the Bruce:Batealion in training bosh in
pinada and in Engliend,' often • did " the
thought oecurr to friends of the boy
"Willthe "180th ever -gee' tO the. 'firing,
- litre; and how will:the boys fare if the
--elo 'pit into actionr I: Most :of the Mia.
,have. now been throtigh ‘jbaptisin of
.fire and many, have -fallen' and not S. fe"sleepthe sleep "ii
that krkoWi 110 'Waking
'This week wieheve to :report the death
of Corp. Jim Bittreie, near St He1eos
and our TeesWeter cerree'peodent repots7
that Word ha been kedeitred that Capt.
d. a Little, who was 'atrieng the first to
enhst With °the is othetailt raped-.
leaTies'a. widow
and fi.Ve.childreii! CiPt• *"3 born
and brought up in Tegsvvater;For more
..than, a year he Was editor of The •Tes
water Neill:. Ile was 'married :shortly'.
before theebeitalitne WOO •eeerseaite:' '
Oct 2/.
We are glad thsteport that the sufferees from the "114" Afe alLemproving.
1418ses,Tiolet MacLennan and Jessie
Buskinghain are .horne owing to the
Lucknow RighSchool being clotted. ,
Miss Mat,lohnstWef Torentorapent
Thanksgiving At her home here: •
• - (Intended for letiVkveek)
• -Miss F.,--lifiicDorialcl, ef Detrnit
guest of Mrs K T Macketzle..
Miss 11.' Wiley has returned tote:.
trek after visiting tier brother, Wm.
Wiley, for a tevr.daiii, •
Mimi Tana ICemptoe is bonne' far a
few days from Ch,athant. •
number in this vicinity are stifferCogfroto Spank& '
hurt much then, so I just lay ifff
tbough he had killed nei,:aiid when he
thoughe I was &mei hnstaried over with
the 1 T
...e expect togetsome_souv.
enirs (we call it “frielehag"." them). Well
when he crawled out of the hole he was
in 1fired and got nim through the heitil.„
,.Ife 'never knew what •-hit hien; and. he
hka :a very nice -.revolier, which 000 of'
the "bereget for me when 'they came
Ho also had ae rifle but it was no
goaa to me; was not able to -stand
but theygot the nice Stretcher .end
toe); me out and when they put Me in
the dd. bailance went,right to•sieep;'
sad when I Woke hp I *gain dreeeing
00,6161:awl a fellow, was asking Me, ill
-drink. of . tea', .noursal-
refittraftel: net hijiitigaiiY:
thing 14 eat or drink for 48 lhours, and
no sleep for four. days •and three nights,
were e advancine• and could not
c'ene an eye: Well. ,flad some .good.
'tea and cake ' andei 'hit some bettee
Whea-"I got to *the lease, ' I had a temperature 104. and •I Sett pretty rink.
went under itnY.. operati.on next day
and Was marked Blighty, and 'left that
'night, Andarrived in this hospital the
. following merning, o'clock., f •
So now I think dad thave given ybu
about all the • details. I am proud pt
'one' fhIng and that :ta ,tinat killed the
ditty, ernte.,that 'Wounded me. Ope of
eueedicera has the re Vet, he "had and
is going to Send Wen. to me., litt not
•bring it along, as I . thought. Borne one
would tpinch It is a Lugeur auto
, ...INT:owl:Magi close, With love to all. e;
' Your levinesop,
The Ban off Using Gasoline
%.ere delighted to learn at the end
_of last week that the fuel contr.-oilers of
Camille and .the 'United States had an.
nbuteed . that the sittuktion7 regrading
the .snpply of gasoline had so far hal-
proved that it was no • longer neoesiary
foraiitoino:bili owners to refrain from
using their cation Sunccay. Ms,uy, doubt-
less .
bad planned to be put for trips see-
eret .weeles :delayed, but the weather
:man stepped in and, with,gentle showers
-aluidst -as afirectrot.ately as the coptrol.:
, _
terse persuaded folk to stay indoors. &.),
there weather gestese SundayL„,:__
• F, lawerdale
alonday, Oct. 21.
Me iiiictMrs• ,ltnbt, Mt0Ornsick and
daughter,. of Betvie, Suiedayed .t Mr
M. J. MoMurthy's, • •• • •
• Mr.:,tindlay Bess,, ofeToroilto, visited
'at:Jeio. P. McDonald's last week
• Quite renumber in the dale are Baiter.
Itilluenzc Ito hope
for their speedy reenvery.
Nit 0, Black, who has been in the
West foe the attininer Months; Arri:Vcd
home Monday, night„. • •
Nurse Mtgitrchy is at present on 4
ectee of pnenimonia in Blyth. *
Miss IL Ceilings; of Lendoti, visited
at thelome 'of her sister, Mrs, Alsickt,
last week,•
4 •
4... • : : • .
Mr Geerge Haig ot Seaforth, who
wes dangerously with, influenza lese
week ha e geeetly impeoved and is now
though i to be ciut ef"elangbre
Oeuncillor W. ,t liendersoif Was
among. the sick lastavesk is 'Omit and
quit'S well again. gra. Henderson is
also well ori the wal to recovery.
Ct;liteRI140 lelIfetTNARY
Selling. out entire stack, so offering you
big bargains. Come early and secure your
choice.-MIsS'AL A4.14sTitotqc. 24-10-p.
Misa gene Murray, who spent the
summer with her sister, Mrs Jos. ,Jus. PION
at her country Place "Glen Evan" Valois,
N. Y., will remain with. her and spend
• . • .
the whitey. r4.-Ypaero, N. Y. •
IsolitiTRYWA/sle.OD-Delivery taken
at. Lucknow, (back of N. lVfackenzie's
store) each Wednesday. At Kinlossatd
Kinlough each Tuesday coMmencing
Oct 29th. Thkittiri at Mackenzie's-store
for particulars. J. T. 14-VoNs.
Mass , Mae Davison', •Wlio 'has expel.-
ienCed a period. ,61 ill health 'extending
over, several .teopthrt hien, 4.,e.se ear :ze..
'covered' -Mr tiatte;'sitileto-,resitine!, her
Position 'in Mr. 'W. W. *His grocery
. • . •
, Acting orethevinciple that an`ounce,,,
"of preveptionis 'letter than a pound of
cure" the Lucknovi Board of Heatth; on
Thursday of ..last week orderedthe.
,sehoole the churches and library% closed
until; further notice, and also forbade
the holding of pubrio, meetings of of aiii
Similar. action appears to have
• been taken throughout the province sos
'that the country es ,well meth! town
schools are closed. • ; '
Th,wn Ashfield and along the lake
shore theenflieenziapPears: to be eub-
siding, and most of the cases which were
serious a week agoarenow on the way
to recovery. The few cases' which de-
veloped in Lucknow .did net become
-very serions, though the disease appears
to leave its.victims. in a greatly weaken-
ed bondition. It ithould not be forgot-
ten, however, that. all danger is nokover,
as it tikes a •few weeks fur the whole
popUlation to be exposed to the elieeseie.
As to the extent of the epidemic else.
vvhere there irPoears •to : hitee been a
geed deal of exaggeration. Urn the'''.
neighbering. town of Whigham anexe
that Wingh ped 300 cases of • influ-
of toh4swit was reported here
but on visiting the town_ one
learned. that tilt doctors put the num:
bereof . cases Of real influenza at about
50. At few instances make the situation
appear much Worse than it really is.
For instance, one family of six was all
in the hospitsd at the.earna time. There
ly allethe Ineeleim17rti 'tiff caught ihe
disease so that outside help had to be
called in. It is likely that a like exag,
gelation has taken place regarding- con-
ditions eeehee towns such as Seaford'
and Cloclerich.
Campaign Will Go On.
'no following plat is laid to have
been sent ia the King and Queen of
England by 8 readmit of Bruce CeuntY,
villas° son ite a Member of the 1st depot
Battalion,. Western Ontarie-Ilegireent
• Thin is an eaaet duplicate of the letter
Sent MA May t8", 1018, by the father,
I1 eame into the possession of certain
Military .authorities at Wolseley Bar-
rackaandAvas giyen out for publication
by them a short time age..
The boy wan examined by a medical
board a number a times, upon. the geo-
quest, ,of himself and fends, and Was
found to in. good -health. Later Ire
was placed in it. military- hospital fo
Observation. He Wael found to be pe
featly At and retUrned to his unit.
To-.Ide-Majeaty,--Oni-King atia tufo
pu Earth. ••
Dear Rhig and Queen:- It ism
•painful and humble duty to itsk for .m
- • •
The propesed--ir-euit-of Chautanqua
entertainments wiiiiii was plumed to
cover Lueknew an:1* anent SO other towns,
in this district heti leeeertaneelled. This
step was found. necessary by tho man
•agement because 211 etit 41)31IY 'Plana the
boarde- oflebeelth leeleferteidden -e
holding of public Meetings as a, means
•of checkmg the epidende of • influenza,
In annul:awing this cancellation the
Chateauqua inangament request 'that
thie be regarded merely as a so:Tension ,
Of " the orrangemente nutade', and Oat;
that they will again -open correspond -
r Ante wi0. the local committees as sOn
re as conditions are more favorable. . This
_ ,.. -,
will not likely, be teneiteerli.pextspring
r ' (-Ina itis felt 'bee ths Lucknow 064/init,
y the present even if 1..hoie- were no ep.
idenne., •
tee tlaat this will be a more suitable
, 1 ., . ,
y . time for a eeries of entertaineeente than'
nava idea sons discharge frone the. Arm-
• ouries at London, 'Ontario, al) lushes
been. unhealthy:since childhood .and
has scareely done any work of any kind
!deice July 4the 1916, ha,s been tieing
doctorstreatments regular and, his
chief diets .9 oils. • We trustin God for
his discharge as he haii been unrighte
eouely judged by earthly jidges, by the
• , physical unfitiiess of his condition.
I humbly ask pardon from his Majesty
our King and. the Lord God in Heaven,
our Creator and Redeemer, and that He
shall judge myself,my son and the 'em-
pire and, that He may overthrow the
unrighteous. . Hoping :•S'On. will grant
me my request for inyetion as he would
do for the' empire if he were physically
. "God Save ',our King and Queen,
long may they .live to reign over us,
God save the King" • . '
The name of the bey end • signature..
Seafl,Tlic.4„ Early.
The postmaster general states that
dliruitenas parcels for the Canadian ex-
peditipnary forces in France •thoulds-be
mailed ill time to be despatched from
Canadian -ports not la:ter, than the
middle • of November. Transportation
is congested during the Chrietinas sea -
eon, and those who are sendiug parcels
to their friends in the, trenches , are
urged e to post them' early if theY wish
to have them delivered by Christman.
• One Hundred Dollar Victory,-
. Bond Will :
Pay 80 men for 1 day, or,,
Buy 3 rifles and their,bayonets, or,
• ' 110 bushels of oats or.
'•8 75 nunfield glen shell, or, •
200 hand grenades, or - • ,
• T.N.r for the bursting charge Of
a 14 inch shell,- or, '• • •
incendiary :airplane le:mbs; or,
' Provide 25 lbs of ether for anaes-
. •
t5hot waa4°trei
14 r' bags, or,
Pay Canada's war bill for 9 seconds.
End of Daylight Sailing
We have a•line a
0 ES
right for Right Contribute. You• ,
Mite - Buy Victory Bond*
Daylight Saving in Canada and t
United States will cone to an end me
•Monday morning. Where time Is a
important factor, 'as with the railway
clocks will be mov.eil ba.cle at two o'ctoc
Xenday niorning as Seien months ag
they -were moved on Most people wb
have observed the "new time" will s
their time pieces' back hefore*retirie
SiindaY night and , sleeping past th
offiCial change will never noteee the. is.
They will get up in the Morning to fin
that daylight .has :made considerahl
progress. •
•As ,to whether daylight Saving has.
been an Ovintage there ie'differenee of
opinion. The the "fact seems tO be that
whale to town and city dwellers it was, a
distipct improvement; it was,. no - ad
Vantage lei- Country resident.. The
factory; •• shop and office 'employee bad,
his eitre lionir of daylight in' the even-
ing all right, at.id:hsused it to.. Werk Or:
playas suited his bene „There, 'can be,
no doubt that a great. deal of garden
wOrk, WAS done during the evening
hours that otherwise "would net have
.bein ,!:lone,. for the Arne rising in'the
, morning is mire tb he, fixed by the hour.
at which the regular day's work in' fact-
lcinds of n�s try ar4eti H1g Moo.:
_Paid% and aecording to unfl. Also air '
kinds of hides. elms, Jeel4 0141100.
• et. JAKE. Labe; Kobe
LOS'V.--On the road betveen Mrs. A. flitch:al
gate and Robert Ritchie's gata a plush lab
rug. Finder kindly report to ROO tmy Uric
' cuts or leave it atTim Snzii•m/Oimmu.
, ,• .111-10,P,
et .MONBY TO LOAN. -On MOrtgageS and: not -e:
. at reasonable rates. Vire ,insurance. both
. ego. eigeloreeete. Broiree.etecknow
p..41tX41,t, 08TIMPATIT, at C,airt 11Misrs.,
,•%Lucknew..every Wedn9s4sYaftaractla• 41' .
chrOnic diseases successfully mazett_ ete:
teopathy rennoves the physical eauses. of -
dis.ease, Adjustment of the spine is More
• qmeklY Secured and .witit fewer treat,rnent4 ' „
Osteepatby than by any, other method.'
tory or 'office begins.
With fartnere it was different. They
had habitually gene to Werk at early ie
theday as conditions permitted, and
there was no reasel • whithey should
quit inthe late ititernoori; The "old
time" suited this work- better than the
"new!" They an easy_ remedy by
stareirig and. quitting one hour later
ehan before, but Mott seem to have Pre-
ferred to leave their cloeks at. the "'old
Citizens of the village will do Well to
gatlger dbstroy all the Wick leaves
about 'their premises. I eft to -decay
they create unhealthy _conditions next
spring. Clean .out eavetroughs, ditches
and drains so as to let the water flow •
freely.. • •;:'
By order of The Connell.
• G. H. Wood, chairman of the Ontario
organization for the sale of the 1018
Victory Bonds has issueda statement in
connection with the, gelling campaign
as affected by the inflitenze . epidemic.
mime quarters it was thought the
sale of thebonds should be delayed be-
cause -ofethe epidemic,- -but a -study -of
the whole situation has remitted in a
determination .eo go on as though con-
ditions were normal. Where the
Waa worst thereat() signs of abate.
• ment, and nowhere is it expected to be
Of long duration. Besides the extent
and virulebee ofethe disease ,varies lil
the different„ ptovinces. The Onttrio
Goiternment has gone so tar as to ask
the lanids of munidpalities to permit
public ineetiligs in the interests �f the
Foch and Freedom!
.Bvy vicroRy BONDS -
The-day-ofevery-Ctenedien-oftteen 12151am-es plain- as -the .
duty of every Canadian soldier
The soldier's dirty is- to fight for Victory..
, _The_ eitizeta2U ttitay-fa t Ica& l'ckle
• The time has eone thy for merely doing our , We must
• do •all we can. No true patriot can be content with a supscrip-
tion to the Victory Loan than is less than ho can afford. • :
Buy ‘iittory-Bonds and buy to your nter4it:' :ThO "low;
larger than before, the effort, therefore, tnuet 'be greater than
before, the oblieatien on each and .eVoryt one of us IS ',greater, ,
Buy all the boats you earl, and if :you do 'nee hold any War::
Bonds now, diet is more reason that" over that you Should sub- • •
scribe to the Victory Loan.• . • - -•
• Back up our boysPreece With a emaehing overTubscrip• -
tion of the Victory Loan -an over•subseription that will 'make- - •
- -the echoes in ;Berlin.
' Every dollar you subscriber goes to ateme equip and protect
our boys in Feanea to save the livos.. of those inestiniably dear,.
, to bring them home Safely. '
• . .
Let your suEScription measure up to your Patriotism.
Buy Victory Bends—and Buy to the 'utmost.
County ,Publicity Committee, 'Victory Loan Headquarters,
Walkerton, Ontario. 0
Buy Victory Bonds!
FOR SAIot•-Now frame Ma Rouse. ApOir
to{.05.,O. S'XnnaLb. la.114fe.
FOB.$41.4--3 well Ili -4151(11I51}40., 12 ith all
latds Oonve . ear pariicularsapply .
toO. $10.0.1,14„ ..1 43 tie,
irOR SALJ - Driving' horse, • colt (Cherrr
WertbY) alle r;ood-b,reggy,. set of single hat-
pes1 tioymg'gr 14ivistiv Srant.g, Dun-
• gannon. 2l40 -p.
FOR SALU-Teu purebred. .0.1ord Bala Tritinba
and three purebred Sloops Ire Item Lambs,.
411 good breeding stock. --11, Iltnrrols*,
-Lucknow.•• 1,1-11 0,
- • •
-von ALE'..-Pute.,Breallogistcred Lisicester
• Sheep. 13ot1isen'es. About dOto hhoose &MA.
Also three Darhatu bull calves. registered.,
APPIsr to PintsVES.• RUM 2. miles Boa of
• Luoltnow..Zikl. • - •
ii/00-80 l'OR .84.LE--kiew frame' two-story
house,' on blavelook stsout14,.gOod
' hard and soft water, half aerennolee garde
good. stable *11-ProRcrtP-4rerY suitable for
a retired former.. „vox particulars elmly .
• Box iftt, Lackboiv. W-1)-ito
RuirIgETIOLD En`BCTS-At the reSidenest
of idrs. 18 Pritchard, Ross St LuCknow,
Oct.• 26. ooninionenlgat3 ololookp,m. TEasta,
.L.Casb. R. McOgantEs, 21.1.03.
For ail matters regarditig 'Green' hill oerantery •
'refer 80 1). O., Taylbr. Peorbtarr• *
Lucknoiv. 'Studio open Mondai.,
: Tuesday and Wedneaday. .ratuily'groups.,
tahen,ht home. •
• • •
The Assizriee of the estate of MeFar-.:
Iiibe.& Maize, of l?ungannon, county of .
Huron, 'General Merchants, wilrafer. ior .
saTeby public auction on the prentises at
Dunga.nuon, og.Saturday, ,the 26t1i day '
of OcteberislA, at eleven o/elpelonj
the forenoon,. the stock -in -trade of, thei.
-insolventl,•consisting of ' •
Dry GOV:rds . , ,, ,,,$L537 05
.. Groceries and Miecellaneous 119 Ao
oots aners'hoes= .. .
, Crockery and China • 142.76
Diugs'and Patent Medicines 58.74 '
tre Fixtures ' '.St 90
The stock Will :be offered itis2s.81e6Seit
•blociirat a tate on the dollar as per
ric-trtesaid e Pliricesfd and'plaee'.ilieret evi.
also be offered for sale 1 Ttain of horses,
grocer's avagoie • barnese,
Were used in connection witle;saief,
gy &4.r. -20 pet •tent
balance in. 30 dayw•secured. to the -saris..
faction Of the Assignee. • . ,
-.Immediate pcitsession •
Vuither particulars Alia an-examirevi
Hon of thestock stefgs41 be' furnish •
ed oa application at, the ofhce of tho.
ig. naed:Goar,ich.
• PROVDVOOT, Kir..r.ou.k..a & deogs,
Tiros GNXMZ olicitors for Assignee)
Assignee, ••
' Godoich.
Notice•re Eleetri`c Cights
The 'Village 'Council have tuade are
rangernents with Weeetewatt & Son to
tontitine the electrie lighting servkqe
the village until such Aline as a *by-law
proposing to purchase of the plant COI
besubmitted to the rateliayers. This is
on the understanding tlqt such a by-1aee
be prepared and sithiniited"as soon ti4
possible. -I. li Awenvie Clerk,
. •
,904.1.411114,41.11•144'2,01161.4.40111111.?!... .4L •