HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-17, Page 1••••••• !AT,' er° :1144 77. • • • ; .7•17111. a IAA '''`'•`°,••"°°°• war. The minimeim anneint whicb, the Minister ofFinanee asks for is 4300,000,t • OJO. 'The 'weer amount Will be raked U possible. • There are no 20.year bnod n thia issdt3, Five and 15 you bonds will lie available in the netatoen. The selling campaign for thenewsloan will begin Monday, Oct, 20, next; and ,wIt continue until Sunder, Nov. 16. - "a -Bonds -of- thireissuiewillebe -tree freer taxation-inchadmg Any income tax -a. in pursuance of legislation en- acted by „Parliaident of Canada, and will carry the privilege of conversion in- to any fliture &mimetic issues of like. maturity or longer, issued by the Gov- ernment, during the remaining periCd of the war. • "The Victory Loom is an undertaking • of the utmost national imperbince to the .people of Canada. It success hi abso- lutely eseential to :our continued pros. ecution of the war. and maintenance Of prosperity Upon which, our war effort necessardi depends. Canada; reliefs up- on . the Victory Loan to enable he to carry on." , "Every Victory Bond is a financial soldier fighting against the Keiser. Can- ada 'can show •the solidiarity of her people and her .determipation to see the .viar to a victorious ending by an Over- whelming subscription to -the 'Victory , Lean." . "Canada to day ta in the Iodinate ••• . a Position of issuing her second Victory loan at a time when the securities of the first Victoty loan amid above their -aissue pricetoahepublie, The best fn. "tine ctistomer is the pleased customer Of the peat. 'What an advantage to a Canadian 'finance , after the -war if, SS was most 'probable every holder of Ce ridian bends would see arena quoted on the market at a literal= over their 3. issue price. ,No matter what happened abroad Canada would be in such citeum- stances able to carry on her further 'financing within her Om frontiers The : rate of interest' upon the new loan is most attractive to all. . This is s nape . Where .each subscriber in helping Can- ada would also benefit himself."' •-,.. Sx.so per year, in advance; $a.00 otherwise POINTS ABOUT THE 1 ONTARIO S. S. CONVENTION 1QNU 'FIFTY DOLLAR VICTORY liFS1 VICTORY LOAM The Outerio 6;ndat' 'School Associat. ion will thii month hold their Ofteetinal manual convention in MaseeY Ile% or pate, Oct. 22nd to 20th, and.the indicat- ion/I *re it will **Imams in excellenee previoys ptheriugs. Mies Margaret Slattery, of Boston, a well known Sunday School expeet, has been secured, and Will deliver MX le4ures. Miss Slettery's reputation as a platform gaeakee. entitke bo. to rank ne the world's Meet forceful and. thrilling LUCKNOW0 ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 17th.,, late. Single Copies 3 From a eneeth by Sir Thorium White e Milliliter of Fiume. at Winutpeg: •Five hundred Millions of •dollaris • the ameeint required to be reified by the lilteadian Government to oarrybn Can. Cana.deal part in the prosecution of the L1LICHNOW" - Foik 11 • • : Science Notes and Oollectiens. e • IL MeIntalt 74; :R Reid 72, E: Bewles 88, W., Elliott 65, J. MacDonald 04, L MacDonald 62, L.. Garbutt 58, J. , Towle 57, H. Nixon 57, A. Towle 53, E. . Wilson 53; E. MiteDiarmid Vi, M. Mo - Ivor 49; f', Agar 48, J: Smith46. • •11 A. Dogne, Principal • eFonie I MeDiarmid 79, J. Spindler 79, A. McNay 70, R Murdie 79,' G. -Lockhart 78, V. MeGuire 75, J. Ketchabaw 75, V, Meguillin 72, A. Reid 70, P. Matheris • .67, J. Roes 66, C Johnston 65, B. Grant •.02, W. Alton -62, A. Armstrong 60, J. Gillies 59; II. MacDonald 59; 0. Rath well 69; W. Treleaven 00, 5: Burgs 08, G. Douglas 53; H. MacDougall 49; A. Pickering 47. A. Andrew 45, A. McCon- nell 35, if Agnew 28,'.1..lieCalltini 20, cath 19. ' 3, women lecturer: Ji edditionetsa this noted lady, among others the following have been secured; Dr- Gee..C. Pidgeon, Toronto; Uri, M.j. ''Beldwin, Chicago, elinnerintendent-ef-the Vhildran'ti Divisiou, International Sunday Scnotil Aseeciation; 'Mr. Peeston G. Orwig, • Philadelphia, Pa , -well known a few years ago as an Ontario Sunday School enthusiast hi boys' work; Dr. Henry Ohatara. Special diusic will be featured , at the convention by frofes- aora Excell and Roper. . ••• • • In the• planning of the conveptiontlie idea in mind has been to make it effect- • ive ais contributing force in connect ion with the Sundatt School's relation to 'Venetia's new Day, THE MEN IN. 101410 Pte. Ewen MacQueag eends a note of • thanks •to the ladies of Lucknow for 'socks recently received. • • Among the wounded ;reported during the week is R. M. Sinclair, of 'Brussels, • who Will be remembered as having a picture how here for some months at the out -break of ehe war: .He enlisted With the mat, .. : . • Shortly' before he was himself reteirt: ed in hospital suffering from gas poienn- hue Lieut, . Hal Idoltean, of ' Winglmon, • writing home stated neneas the only _of- . ficet of his batt. (52nd) which was not • either killed or wounded... ' Three of the four Kennedy.• brothers frqm near Whitechurch, were. recently rerlorted among the Woliaded. 'John • wounded in the arm and leg,' Alex, gen- sera, . and Dave wounded in the font. Will,..the eroniigest A still:unhurt. After , serving for some months, in France Lieut. Ewart D. Cameron was - transferred Co the Royal Air Force as %%ling observer" and has now passed his examinations taaing the highest per eentage of any in the. elase:a.a'a in the Idifferent branches Of the 'work. , Mr and afra. jno. MeKinnon, of the 5•Con. Culross, have .keceived word that their. eon, James (or Jimmie as.he.was known) has Made Inc supreine sacrifices ..--being reported killed in the 'recent fighting,. Hewas the second rn. age of their three boys . "'He enlisted' With the 160th._ • • . . Mr. Robt. Graltani a fentdays ego re- , • ceived a couple of sottienira of the wet hem his son, Gunner. Herb Graham, They consist of a piece of linen from the wing of a German airplane Which fell near the battery, and a five -mark Ger- • man note taken from a Hunon the: bat.; tlefield. ;MARKETS to Wednesday' noon) , ;.. ••••••16` • . 2 • 10. 2 .12 00 1 05 .. Pet e .. . . 2 25 2 50 flu. Butter 42 44 ••.•••1#.60 +.•46 Egg,s, new laid. •••••••••••• 63 HOga••••••• ••••••# • ....... 17,25 TORONTO MARKETS ' Choke heavy steers... ,513 ZS to:11(.50 Choice.butchers.. ..... 10 e0 to 11 25 Choice butchers' cows.. 10 (OE. to 11 00 • Good feeders .. . . . . 9 SO to 11 00 Good mil& .100 00 to 160 00 Hogs, fed. and watered.. 23 to. Fall Wheat 2 14 to . • •• Goose Wheat ' 2 10 Co , •Oats 4.... ;... 93 to 94 - Timothy Hay. . . .. 13 Pa to 16 00 Itgge, uew laid."... a, 60 to 62 }hatter, erelithery Prints 51 te osrafr•r„ 'Delve Prints. .. 45 to 46 11.0i—•••16.1;iommiiiiimmisaimin4••••••••••••••iwiiiii,' • , . • Among those reported killed in action this weekis Pte. John W. Triudson, son of `Mr. and Mrs Wesley Hudson, of the Second Line Kbeloss. . Pte Iludson en hated with the 160th at Lizeknew. He_ Was a fine type of a young man and at the fropt was taking adviatage of all the educational facilities back of the lie», A brother, Roy vent overeeao ni the early spring. Death Of Peter Kenny • •People of Lucknow and vicinity were hocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Peter Kenny, a farmer of the 6th .con. of Kinloss, which took place at an hospital' in London nti Saturday. last., To many of his friends it was not known that Mr. Reitny was ill uotil hiB deii‘th was reported. It appears that he de- , • • • velopea mood poisoning and . neath re- sulted gnite unexpectedly. C:ate waa a strong and healthy looking man and • but 47 years of age. Of a quiet disposi- tion he was "teemed by All who knew him. The funeral to the ceinetery at Relyrood was held on Viredneedity. • BOND WILL ,Buy 11,400 rifle cartridges, or 100 band grenades, or, 104-ralle grenades, or. • 10 gas noaske, or, 50 pair of soldiers' socks, or, 9 la pair a soldiereboots. or, Knives forks and spoons for a cone, • pan,or,. Pay Cenacta's war bilkfor 413 seconds .or, • One soldier for 46 days-, cor, '- Feed 100 soldiers tor 40 dos, or, • Bay 1,000 yards of adhesive tape. • CH CH NEVVS ; PRgSBYTERIA Services net Lord'. Thy at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. The- anornmeaservice-willbercondut. e by Rev. R. B. Stevenson.. of the Lord's Day Alliance, Evening aubtect, "Re. conciled by Rio Death.' The second of a series of sermons upon the Great Tenth of the New Testanaent. • \The Board of Managers ot the Luck - now Presbyterian, Church last week carried out a canvass of the congrega- tion with , a view to raising $2200 00, the, sum enquired to pay for new furnaces recently installed in .the thumb and to cleer off an unpaid balance against the manse fund, The canvassers met with unexpected success, the sum of $2,650.00 being subscribed. , Of this subscription 01,438 00 was put on ' the collection plates on Sunday as especial thankcifer ing. , • A• Big !llurphy" Big potatoes are notepleetifel in this part. orthe country Oils year, in -fact With , many the.• crop has been :pretty much' a failure. Becattise of this we, 'were .41 th3 more eurprised when Mr. Robt. Graham presented _at our tiffiee.a big potato of the .Irish Cobbler variety Willa measures 6 inin length. and -43 - inches across Ma: Graham explained that thebig tuber had been. sent. to bine by Mr, Ilerry McCabe:ries who bad put. in the euinmeoin the. Sudbury district. where he cultivated several acres of potatoes He says they were a fine crop, the virgin soil of the north giving thein good size and a fine clean appeatance. . . Ciotpes Caught Fire •'The followingparagraph from aWalk- erten paper bas reference to a girl, .who for a year or more was with Mrs Coe- tiett in the•Cain ' tenet Mary Cronin, dining anom.girl at the Queen's Hotelhere, 'severely burned anent the limbs and body, When her clothes caught' are from the kiteben „range on Monday morning. Her cries brought immediate help to the scene • and although rugs - and carpets were hastily wrapped around her .in an efforti to. smother the flames, 'yet she was so badly berried that. she collapsed and fainted away before the blaze could be eetingiiished. A doctor was summoned and she was later removed to Bruce Co, Hospital for treatment. For The Patriotic Work • A letter from a former Lucknow lady, Mrs.. 3 Murray Holt, of New York, to .a friend . here; exjpreases interest in and appreciation of the work being done by the aocatPatriotio Sobiety and as tang - able proof of Gilt appreciation, ten dole htra was enclosed, a contribution to the . funds ky Mrs Rolt and her sister, Miss' Marie Murray; , Mrs Holt is an. en- ergetic workeain the tEdISS of. the allies and her son, Lieut. Holtla new among thewoundedin France • The treasurer has also received and. 'acknoWledges with gratitude -the stem et lour dollars from a Mother "it loving memory of one who hes made• 'the au- preine sacrifice." .Death of Mrs. Gates . I .LOCAL AND CENERAL Mr. Berwick Sheriff was up. from Driimbo for the weeit-end. Mies Orisoie MeDiaraiid, of Detroit, its visiting her ,norae in Paramount. Dr. 'Newton was .in Toronto for the leolideV visiting bisons-•}18/0.111 2394 . • trn2k. Miss Mae Armstrong was ;in town for the. recent holiday visiting her Sister, Mrs. ° McCreath. •° • Mrs. J. Armstrong, Pf Toronto, , was the guest of Miss.A. I39yd for a few days of, the week. , Ilay Grehana has gone to Tor- onto to take a poSition as stenographer theAlcePetiallanke Mrs, .MacLean, of Welland, (formerly Miss Irene Sheriff) is at her fernier home. here. Miss Ann Guilfoyle; of- Erin, was- a .guest at the home _0 Mrs D. Douglas Saturday until Monday. • Dime Armstrong, of Tata, who was Et guest at the Manse for a few days, re- turned to her borne on. Tuesday.. SAM McDiartnice *hb. is with. the lioyal Flying Corps at Toronto, wa's at . his home n the 4th Con, Kinloss over Sunday, Mrs. A. Loutitt and two children and Miss Gertrude Begley, of Winghane were guests of Mrs. Matt. Sproal on Thanksgiving Day. • CLKABING. BAT4B- Selling .out entira stock, so offering you. big bargains: Come early and' secure your 11/-.Anusrnoislo. Mas 11 Pritchard ••bas sold her real - deuce on Ross st, to Mr. .114 Smith who Will moveet.o town iropt Kieloss. She will sell her houeehold effects on 'Oct. Mater F.airbank announces that there ate openings for volunteers in the Tank :Battalion and in the Mathine GunSect- ion and ;the artillery for the Siberian • Nonce -To' promote the safety of the puplic health, my store will he closed every evening at 7. o'clock p.m. until: the outbreak of. Spanish Influenza is eon en• 'under c�ntrol. J.A. McKaNn- RIC*, lochalsh." " • . • • Lltelt13 OW "students attenting High School And Business College at Wing ham, ell came home on Wednesday, the scheold havingbeen closed - as a precatio tion against the tipread of Spanish In- fluenza. •• e . • • POIJI,T13.1t WANTED -Delivery taken at bucknow, (back • of IsT. Mackeni,e's stOre) each Wednesday. At Kinloss and Kinlongii each. Tuesday' commencing Oct 29th; "Baquire at Mackenzie's store for particulars. j. T. listows: 11,10 tf. Mrs, J. Dingwall returned home to • Wesley on Tuesday :alter spending a month with her cousins, 'Mrs A. • D; Mackenzie and -Miss Lees, She was' ac; companied home by her grandaughter, Miss Cora- Hammer who was in. town for Thanksgiving , Mr. j. W. Murray, naSprueedela was here attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Sutherland, Who was. buried at Lochalsh on Monday. Mrs. Sutherland Passed_ away at Echnonton where she had lived for a number of years. • Old, tim.ers will remember the tragic death of her husband.Which occurred about forty years age, he being ,the *intim of tothreihieg niechine adaident. • Han Uosed, No Meetings' • • At ,. a spectel meeting Of the Village Conned held Tuesday evening the coun- ail passedan order 'closing the. Town Hell to all meetings until further notice. The etep was taken because of the prev- alence of inflamein the town and sur- rounding.country, This has netessitated the cancellation of the Chautauqua Festival*slaMd for Lucknow tin the 29, 30, add 31 of this month: Mri. Gates, widow of the late Jacob Gatee, of Ripley, who had ceme tostay ter 'Cohort time with her daughter, Mrs. ,Jas. Johnston in tiewie died quite sud- denly on Monday. The funeral will be .held thiSafternoon to the Ripley Cemea ery. •She Was in her 58th year and had been a widow for little °vests year. Dance -called Off On account of the outbreak of infita enza The Luclanne Fire Company have cancelled the dance which they ,adver. tised, last week to be held rei Oct. 18tle The draw of tickets for the horse is therefore postponed until a date to be announced later. CHAUTAUQUA IN LUCKNOW OCTOBER 29, 30 ANO PROGRAM FIRST DAY .. Mg. AND MES, AfiellITARO ONGAWA, county Secretary, Geo. D. idelfala Walkerton; •County Organizer, W. 5. brown, Toronto. • County EXCCILItiVe , Octal. Counta Charmalie-Vice-aihnirinaa, 'County Sec- retary, County Organizer, Chairman of County Committees, • County Honorary Com-: MWalker- I ton,. s Honour judge Klein; Wier- ton, Gideon Kastner, Warden; Rep, worth, James Douglas; Tera. James McDonald; Obeisley; W., D. Bell; CouthamPton, C. M. Bowman, M,P,P. Port Elgin,' 11, H. Stevens; Kincar- dine, J. J. Hunter; ireeeevater- S. R. Brill; Lucknow. John ,Toynt; BipleY, Rev,___Geo. Gibnorelifildmiy,__ Dr .7. A. 'Wilson.; Paisley, I. Shoemaker- cergill, W. D. Cargill, M. P. P: •County Publicity Committee: le VIOWORY WAN Ma& •••••••••••••••••••• County of -Drage qrgwalmillono County Chairman, David -Robert, son, X. C. Walkerton; County Vie. Chairman, C. J. NiekTe, Cheeley; • well known On the Chanitauttea plat- form, will give theopening entertain - Bootleg an old Japanese play, entitled "The Mirror" and a scene from Medern , Japanese Life under the captiOn of "On • the Road to' Tokio," both alenielantly enriched by the Liana Japanese scenery; • Japanese costumes, Japanese objects of art, and the 'Japanese mueical instru- • merits and songs. .There is nothiPia mere unique and fascinating than these • wonderfal entertainments, brought out of theeverrireartnatrebywhiglree dais native and his 'wife, revealing the. enchantments of the Island Empire of the Pacific. We will learn mach from Eedee Walkerton; J A. Wesley, these two enti3rtaininents regarding life walkerton; ta H. Mchlainara,, Walk - among - among Our allies in far away Japan. • erton; • PITT PAnKER, the famous cartoonist The Minimum Objective of sub - and clay modeller, will also appear both scriptions to be, raised for the County efternoon and evening, with entertain.- i of Bruce is Two Millicut Dollars, • =eta that 'sparkle with wisdomThe nee ges. I • inunipipalitYminimum ObJective for each, or for each district if enolustered in se•ttings ef wit, and em - grouped, will be announced in tu'a bellishecl with beautiful areations of art next issue of this paper. , It must be in crayon and .clity: • Ile combines the remembered this is only the minimum lecturer and the entertainer in aemose ObJectve ,iand. in. the majority of dis.! clever manner, astonishing the audience tricts it is expected that the maximum wit, .his versatility, talking every me- ; objective eelle greatly exceed this a- tnent that lie Works at his sketches and mount, , Pler talks is.and working ever' moment thati The Publicity Committee in . each he ' town and village will shortly receive . SECOND DAY • supplies of Literature) ,Posters, Win- dow Card ; Auto Sticker's Parcel Stilt; The Imperial Entertainers will pie- ' fere and other matter to interest the sentain offering of great attractiveness,„ blie and to dravitheirattentio to rendering e fait 'peogram' at_ their after- nooirappearance and preluding the lecture by ShOrsluid F. Fannon in the • evening. They consist of thlf following •fonr nonmiers••• . ALEXANDER SiffiliNSRY; a &Makin violinist of remarkable ability; He is fact one of the very heist violinists it has our good fortune secure fOr •Chautauqua. Mr. Skibinsky uses hi violin with dashing, careless Confidence,. energy; true. intonation and makked . • keTilkietYr.ernarkahle -thing 'about Skibire sky is thaile had his lefehand shatter; ea in an aecklent eight' years Ago., losing . - the greater pottier'k . :of his index finger • and pow. fingers bis violin as well es ever. With the : Mechanical Annex which he bimself.invented7a wonderful example of determined- perseisrance. , • Hinny -Bret, thi well known:' popular catio.dian baritone, who lam; just• . fihished a summer's engagement withus with reinarkable aecepteracer He please.; immensely both by voice and manner. • Mr. DeMille renders both clasicel and. peptilat selections, blending- the serions. and the liumoroui in a war to thorough.- . , ,..ly captivate anditors - Mls$13ERTHA: WELLS, Reader, Trom- bonist, Eateetainer. She has'a personal . magnetism' an • •markicl. deg*.Eler repertoiees is varied; and , her interpreta: done are characterized :by e manifest sincerity; Her trembone. Work adds variety to the pregnant In. the .two Sisters Wells, there is *found the perfect .enSeinble that rightly belongs to Members of one family, and this shows excellently in their %Tome bene and . Piano work, while each as a Reader. inanifeets that .naturalness and , eimPlicitY to be found only .in the good artist. • 'Miss Miteneri • Viretaa -Anconipapiate. Pianist, Reader. Her character define- atiOni are of rare 'Merit As a Pianist she is syinpathetic, and completely 'unites ea with the singer in ienderingjUra the Support needed to 'secure the best results.• • Her charecter delineation's re.' Veott her artist with discriraination in sketch and character that-tentier her work a delight. • • . SuoneeeCto .F.. Feettion, a vigorous lecture'', full of "gingen". a hard bitter, with. a vital ,message. He 'will' give. his we'll known lecture upon "Community Paraaites," which deals with Coninmeity Problems and is a greet booster for the home • town. Mr. Fannon hies been 'in community betterieent work for over 10 .years, has been haslet:int toOdininer cial Club, and is an expert in diagnosing "commtinititisa" the chistetee So prevalent In the imagination of fault-finders when "It's not your town,. but yon" that's to. pu • tne necessity of investing them ir oney in Victory Bonds . • It isthe, intention of the County Hetins. Publicity Com. to place ell the information it can , in the hands of the needing Local Publicity Committees are found in every Town and yillage not onlY for .the TurpOse of 'co -operating -with Om Headquarters -Publicity Committee, but more:for the 'circulation of inforliation in the dif- ferent canvassing districts. Anyone aesiring information about.. invest - Mont in Victory Bonds whim' *do well to • either consult the local •publicity COmmittett or the .ganvasiers duly ap- pointed ' for the ' District County Headquarters at Walkerton is always :available for any, anfotmation :ineany Way connected with the .Victory,tenin• • • Please do not hesitate. to Comment-, cate with us, -ditectlY. or Indirectly, and. we shall reply preimptly. MARRIED - Ont., .on Monday, Sept 30, 1918, . • by the Rev .1 Weak Mira- Cassie IdeeDeiteld, f Xrnloss, end Mr. •John Caversinf Foothill, Ont. . blameYH�wiil deliver the above lect- ure the *second night Of the Festival and; give iabrief lecinfe also in the afternoon . , .THIRD DAY. TUE PXLOERIM Ganis an • orchestra of six pieces, composed of. a render and flee .soloists. They esent a vaned program ..--earcheatia numbers, solos, Woe, duets, readings, From"aniting their nittaber they produce n' cornetist, a clarionetist, a Sopron() soloist,- a a violin drummer, an xylophone playeree pianist' and. readet.' A"stetling band of brilliant enterteinera 'e One of the strongest mus ital panies - ',- ALBERT. -EDWARD WIGGAM Wali sent to the front to secure Oratliand.lettlia; me:den fer Chautauqua audiences, and he gives it ealtli the caption ,!'Under the Stem and Stripes in France." Ile was raertilierlof the Pribliaty Comniission. .which came to Cariada,1 rent the Stites. He describes. interesting experiences with Canadian boys in Paris during the drive : of. March and APrd. He typifies the. American spirit of unstinted preparation Ito win the war, and is the embodiment of the splendid appreciatierea the $tates, ef her sister nation on tee North _•It will be'a rare treat to hear Mr..Wiggam and to see the War souvenirs that he nx- hibite. He has a big War leature, eloquent, significant andInspiring. Mr. Wiggam is a sbientist; tie hundred. newspapers Mee his Scientific_ articles. -His knowledge is vast; and he uses it t� enrich his lectureem the war. We have a line of WOMEN'S WEARING tfl SHO S ‘r, sizes, box kip, leather insoles, for • Why not try a.Pair W. J. urrLe • EVERYBODY'S. coLumii :WANTED AT,ONCE-Two girls for finishing room at the °I,uoknow Table . Ifactory. Steady work—good wages, APIO at th OrTion. LtiVict•ZOws1'Ant,E00. 17-10-c. I am buying* all kinds of junk -rags. old Iran etc,, etc.• Highest prices paid, — LIBEL. Phone.Sa „•• . MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and notea at reasonable rates, Fire Insurance, both Stook and" Mutual Companies. Convey aiming done with neatness and despatch.. . GEO. A. ISIDDAI,L. Broker. Lucknow Deo PARKEft,*0$TEOPAT at Cain House. Luoknow, every Wednesdiv afternoon. All chronic diseases successfu y treated. Os- teopathy removes the physical CaUF•08 cf disease. Adjustment of the spine is =Mu quickly secured and with•feWer treatment.) . by Osteopathy than by any other method. FOR SALE • •FOR BALE -New Immo Hen Ilouse. APOIY • to Ono. A strib.a.r..L. *2o-tro, ?OR 8ALE-1 'Well finished houses with 'an • latest conveniences: For particulars apply to G. A. litnnamk , 18 tfc. • ' • . FOR 8A.I.E.—Pur.. Bred ItegistVred Leicester • •' • Sheep. tioth sexes. About toehoose from. ' Aloo throe DurhaM Mill calves.' registered.. • Apply to Pintvzst Baas, 2 miles East (if • Ltioknow.4.11-p. •• 'HOUSE FOR SALE—ow franie two-story 'house on Bavidook st. south; good cellar. . hard and soft water, half acre choice garden . . good stable on property—very'suitable for ' retired farmer. For particulars apply to . Box 163, Lucknow. ' 269.ifo AUCTION 'SALE.' EfoUSEBOLD EFFECiTS-:At the residence • of 2ars. H. Pritchard, Ross St. Luoknow. •Oct.:26. coramencmgat o'clock p.m Tmots --Cash. R. McChimn.r.s. Amu., • 21,10-c. 11110T.IGE • For matters regarding Greenhill oemeiers refer to D. C. Taylor BeeretarY. • . , • • IP ill OTOGRAPHYC)* • pima Luoknow. •StUdio%Pit. Monday. • Tuesday. afid„ Wednesday.. /Pamily groups • taken_at Mime. • ' • . • • 1-7 tfe • ASSIGNEE'S SALVE OF INSOLVENTS' STOCK.. The. A.ssienee of the estate Of MeVar- lane 8z. Maize, -of Dungannon, County of .finron, General Merchants. Willoffer for sale by public auction on the premises at Dungannon, on Saturday, the 26th day' of October, _1918, -at eleven o'clock • in • the forenoon, the. stock -in -trade of the - insolvents, consisting of: • Dry Goods . $1537.05 • Groceries and Miscellaneous 1191.39 ". Boots and Shoes ' .763.85 Crockery and . . . '142.76 •-' . Dings and Patent Medicines ' . 58.74 Store Fixtures. • 7 484.90 • • $4178 68 . •• The stock will be :Offered for sale en. bloc at a rite on. the dollar as per in- voice the slcald-tilue and. p. lace there Will • also be offered for. sale 1 Tcain of -horses, grocer's Wagon, harness, etc„, which • were used in connection with said .busi-• • •TERMS OF SAI,14.--20 per cent cash,, blanco in 30 day:C.:N.-Cured to the . sazis. faction.of the Assignee. • •Iminediateipossession.'• Further particulars -and anexaminar:tion of the stock sheets' willbe furnish- ed a onapplication nt-the oface of the undersigned DGe'deriCh this 14ili October, 1918. • • . . PROUDP03T,. NM:LORAN & Cocoon.: , TaoseGozeinty,. Solicitors for Assignee; • Assignee, GOderich. ' mEmomAivi • 44 'In knit*. memory, of 'Mr. James. Rose who died et *Lanes, •Huron County,. on October 10the 1912. • "Gone but not forgotten.", His Loviein.Smenioalen 13RO.Tling . . rbansm by buying # • 4° • 4.44 4.44,4,4