HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-10, Page 5xri
The Pandora
Brings' Reiief
You won't k ow the
relief ill store for you,
and the new pleasure
° in life. too, until you
have a Pandora range.
set up In your kitchen
-daylight oven, tiler.,
=meter on the oven,
door that banishes the
guess from your bala;-
g —a hundred con- .
venfe-races m cooking
and kitchen work all
combined in one range
. • --the Pandora. - •
Pull inform4tieon. 'about the Pandora
a any
Range will be sent tree to. -d
g dress
upon request to nearest branch office..
]Condom Toronto • ' Montreal
St, -John, .B.liamilton Calgary
Winnipeg Vancouver..
Rdmonton Saskatoon.
rhe following contributions from
Sheppardton 'are acicnowiedged; 'Mrs.
'Wm, Johnston, 10. pis.; Mrs.. T. Dough.
erty, 6 pr.;, Mrs. 4. B, Graham, 5 pr..;
Mrs Eby, 5 pr.;.. Mrs. Wm. Carey,
D7`te.` Sill%b, 2 pr. each; Miss Marie'
and Ida Hawkins, 1 pr. each.. • .
The. Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle'
gratefully acknowledge the reeeipt of
$21.70 from the ladies of Kingsbridge;
also the sum of $47.30, proceeds of box
social at PortAlbert,
and $88 46, tr0
seeds of entertainmenat Sheppardon:
Thanks, are due the following ladies
for sewing: Mrs. Henry Gardiner; 5
tahirts; Mrs John Quaid, -4 shirts;
Mise "Ethel 'McWhinney, Miss Mary
-Altari,'3 shirts each; Mrs. Wm. Stot
hers, Mrs. Jno helm, Mrs T. Douai-
erty, ' 2 shirts each; Mrs. Will Mc.
Knight, Mrs: Jas: 'E "Ritchie, Mrs, D.
McIlwain, Mrs. Itd. Gardiner, Mrs.
Hunter•,. Mrs. Albert Helm, Mrs.
Findlay, i3.laF e, Mrs. Wm.. Mies
' Rae Stothers, Miss Isobel; Nixon,;1Vfrs.
, David Stroud, Mrs. Jas Culbert, IV! iss
• M, Cunningham, Mrs. J. Hunter,.
Mrs, 'R. Nixon; 'Mrs', Carey, Mrs: J.
jr., Mrs: D.
Hayden,'tlep, Mrs J. Bonnet
McWhinney, Mrs: Dwyer; Miss
Caird, Miss M. Smibli .(l�Tile)r1 shirt
Thanks aredue. the following a'so
foramking pyjama .sults: Mrs. Jno..
Campbell, 6; . Mrs.. Jno. Mullen alid
Mrs. -E. Dougherty 4; Mrs. Roy. Ai'.
ton; Mrs, Chas. Crawford,. 3 each;
Mrs; Bert McWhinney, Mrs. Bert
Johnfton, Miss Marie Hawkins; (Miss,
Ethel Brown 3 suite), Mrs, ,no. Ben
nett, jr,, Mrs Frank Willis, Plias
Janet Hackett,' 2, each; • Mrs. Geo. `•
Johnston, MissDaisy D, sy Joh'nston, Miss
1-I, Hayden, 11Irs. N. 'Graham, Mrs., •
W. Finley, Mrs. W. G,, Gardner, Mrs:
Jno. Reid, M'rs. E. Gardner, 1 erch;
to Mrs. Albert Alton, donations, 1.50;'
and to the following ladies fur the
towel shower: MrsJos. Hackett; 4;
Mrs. Win.. Blake, Mrs. 'D. K. -Alton,
_Ws. 'Wm. Finlay, Mrs. W Z.: Gard
ner, Mrs. Jas. Ritchie, Mrs. E nest'
Gardner, Mrs. Jno.. Helm, Mrs. Rd. -
Gardner, M rs. • : Henry. Gardner, Mrs.
Jno.Blake,. B e felts. Albert ielm Mrs.'
Rd. AfoWhinney, - Mrs.' Jas. Phillips,
Mrs. Mary Stothex s, Mrs. Win: Pep •
per, Mrs. -T. Dougherty, Mrs-. Jno..
Stothers, Mrs D. Andrew-, Mrs: ilii3s:
`Ferguson, -Mrs, Ed,. , Andrew;. Miss
i t ct 't:l(,'alPeE0 ? 4i ftIIt 1tlba.a In
- 1 ri. Jelin /vi tv- ',k 1'tiv.G'i'1 knell; TAN,:
des:.11lavden, .51r•s. Jolla 1'ela;lcen4le,
Mrs K. Gordon, Miss Mary Alton, 1:
towel each. •
Thanks aro due :also the following
for malting sheets, elm : ;Prole W. M.
S., 3 mattress covers' 11liri. Leslie Mo
l ieth, Mrs. Chas.' Oraxvford, Mrs.
Thos Ferguson, 1 mattress cover; Mrs.
ul. -Maize, Mrs.. Win. Blahs. 3
sheets1.Mrs.. 1ad. Gaardi er. Mrs. Will
Hastyy, :a'" sheets.; Mr's. W F :day, Mrs.
'flits. Dougherty, 1 shet•t tach; Mrs:
Jno. Mrauary, lt) towels; • Mrs, Rd
Gardner,. 7 towels; Mr s.Thog. Dough
erty, Mfrs. 'l•ho1 Fer'gnsbn, 2 towels;
b rs John-?1lciecnzk, 1 towoa,
'l'hatxltc. iu clue to the girls of Cedar
Valley, for 17 property. bags; Miss M.
Altbn;. 0 bags; Mrs •Wit!• Ifinlay, :5
bag ;° A1iss C. Dougherty, 97trench
caps; Mrs Carey, 3 quilts. •
.Donations-. v rs. • FI. Leslie Me
Keith,-. 3 °pillow, slips and. 2 hospital
towels; -Mrs (;has. liitcshie, 4'Ei,:0ivs;
Airs Uhas.. • 1tate'hie, 4 pilluwti; M rs.
David. A.ndrev�, ,?-pillow slips; Mrs.
McWhinney;'_�11rs: Alex, • Woods,
Mrs. Wm..1�.1u.ko, 2. pillowslips; Mrs,
-Dave McWhinney,.:1,tronch' towels,
`izx boxes .were packed 'end sent:.to'
`inya uvec,oas__.valu�d,itE",70 2.
T1ii1 CIrrsLi . i'NF"i`kii,enisn tells the
following: ',la::,s4:`t'huraday while assist
•ing at the tlxxesh1ng of Mr Henry Janke,
a torribliyaceident 'bappe rf d to Walter,
the 17 -year-old son 'of Mr; -and Mrs,
Albert Sulke, of. the ]2.h concession of
Sullivan, when he; fell through the sof'
fpld and into: the oylindOr of the seprira-
There was -'so much straw came down
with the young man that.' those nearest
the eyliuder did not notice that Walter's
leg,swas in the cyheder until the impiict
of the been between' the teeth of the qy.
Boder and the concave: threw off the
belt and' stopped' the machine: It was
necessary to.ake. t-th
t out e. ¢' finder in.
order to set' the young• man's, leg free,
It was:tadly. mutilated and three doct-
ors who were nailed' in amputated the
lirnty about four inches from ,the body:
• The vnang m;tn helped-. to extricate
his leg f,•.im the machine ,and when the
doctors were ready to take off his .leg leghe
told 0611.0 give.hitn lots of the anaest•
h'etie i,o that he would not feel the pain. •
Ile.stood the double shock splendidly
and being a young man in good health
and of sound' constitution. c i utton• his. medical m icl.
attendants think his 'chances Of pulling
through are splendid.
The . opening thrnugh , which he fell
was . about four feet wide,.. Had .there
been, enough straw over it it would have
supported his weight.:...` .
Saves M�ney.
For The Farme:r
DRhCES of farm products
'.lave reached a high level.
The farnlr can take full ad
vantage of this situation only
by _adding to his equipment
ofjji canal labor-saving
chinery. Time and:labor are
money.: when, time and labor
are saved, money is saved.
Time and labor-saving de-
vices for working tfie land do
not produce complete
e results
in the selves�he_ farmer
must have rapid and depend:-
ependable means of placing his'
products on the market. ,
The Ford One -Ton Truck will'
make "trips to town so much more
quickly than the horse that you will •
have many extra hours of time to
devote to productive work. A. large
number of farmers have proven the
, Ford 'One -Ton Truck to be a time, .
and money -saver ---have you?
' Price 'chassis only) $750
F. O. B. Ford, 'Ontario
Runabout - $, 660•
,„ Touring' °1 " 690
&�. O. 13. Forel, Ontario
All prices mbject to war taw •
charsc, ecepttrucla and chassis '
Alt priccb auidect fo chaaneo without notice
Coupe `. • ,• S, 8.5
Sedan - + 1075
.„ A. RENWIC elle LUCK OW . •
•ter, naw .
cieniti tire
A Treatnent which Raa Prelim
a .Wonderful Healer of the
Skin Certified Evidence
of Lasting Cure,
The eld notices oast .eczema isa
diseasoa of the blood is refuted time:
and time again by the aures .that are
daily being; effected .by Er. Chase's,
Ointment. .
It matters not what the cause maynave maat.
Ointment regularly you will. obtain
relief and euro of eczema,. .Nero is
the proof :
Mrs. Stephen: G. TIswaites, Sox 206,
Jordan, Ont., writes : ."lily brother
had a bad case of eczema on bis legs..
He was troubled nearly all one fall
and; winter with it, and could not work
jr days at a time. He tried differ-.
rant salves and ointments, but none
enred him. One day he tried Dr..
Chase's Ointment, and it gave almost
instant relief. lie continued its use.
but had not, quite finished the second
box when he was cured. 'It is now
about .five years since then, and it has
never returned. We certainly can re-
-commeii$, Drhasers• (Hutment -wad.
are very .grateful for my brother's
cure." - -
(Rev. S. F. Coffman, Vineland, Ont.,
states : "This is to- certify that I know
Mrs, Thwaites" and the party to whom
she,. refers, andher statements are
correct.") '
Mr. J. B. Tones, 228 tiniversity
avenue, Kingston, Ont„ writes : "I had
eczema in my ' hand for about five
rears. I tried a great many remedies.
but found that while, some of them.
checked it,'none cured it permanently.
Finally I tried Dr, Chase's Ointment,
, and in six weeks my hand was com-
pletely better. I would not do without
a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment in the
house if -it cost $2 •. box. I aril giving.
my name to this firm so that' it wilt
get to those who suffer as I did."
Dr. Chase's Oin+meat, 60 •cents a
box, at all dealers or Edmanson,
Bates . & Co.,, Limited, Toronto, Sub-
stitutes will only disappoint you, rn-'
gist on getting what you, ask for,
(Iiuron County News'
Chas, Ross,of
.Oxford £ d St: Clinton
received word notifying, him that his
ss no AcSer ti n� gt C1ias.• Donald Ross;:
of the infaitry, was otllcialiyreorted
dange.ous)y wounded .in . 33 casualty
clearing• station on Sep. 22, with
'woutide in .hips and le•g..Acfing Sergi.
•Rossalso went from with the 161st
1Vin. Walters, of Colbornep� •
ceived`: a cable stating that his
song Lieut. --Roy Allen Walters :.of the
infantry, was officially. 'r`eported died,
of wounds on; Sep. '29. • Lieut. Walt-
ers was a member of the 161st; and at
the time of enlistment was attending
college in Toronto.
A=-rerlet weddfug-tonic 'Flake at" the
Manse, ;Ely th, on;Saturday,--Sep ; 21,
at .l 1• o'clock in the forenoon,. when
Mr, Win. J. Russell,, post.master, of
•Exeter, and son of Mr. end 'Mrs.. Wm.
Russell,' of *Exeter,' was !parried to
Miss Rim Paterson, of Blyth, ! After.
tho ceremony dinner at the home of
the bride's brother, the young couple
took the .2 :olio. ,C. P, ii.: traill on a
trip to Toronto and other points.
County headquarters of the Victory
Loan • campaign havebeen opened'in
Godcrich: Mr. Tori ice' is again `the
organizer for the county and theAbflic:
ers have been appointed: Chairman,
Wm. Coats; vice:chairman, G. L. Par
sons; secretary, ; Thos.: H. Mitebel-l.
The actual selling campaign will start
-Oct.-270-7- ?or the -last loan -'the sum -
of $.2,490',000 was raised in the county'
and the
for Ilur
op county
for: the -now leg Fr -ns --1,,?-.1;750 000 ,with
-the, prospect of this ,suns being
possib-ly donbled;' ,
Mrs.-Robt: Ptuntrek of the 3�•(i Con.
West Wa.wa.nosh, '.has been: she win;
to callers a cariosity in the way. of a
gdcse egg. • •The egg is unusually large
measuring.in circumference, one way
1-4,1 inches:and,' the other way 9 in,.
The, shell of the e y Lias leen pnrlet
in e l :at -both ends . and the contents
blown out. Not -all, however, as .it.
was found' that inside the' big egg was
a smaller egg with a hang shell `and.
about the size of a.ducfc's egg...
The u,rcertainity of life has been:
a;. in impressed upon, the coinrunnity.
by the sudden death of 'Margaret
Casemore . relict :,f the.late Andrew
Balfour,' of Turnberry. On Sop: 29,
she was driving over, to her son, Fran
cis' home in they Tp., because of the
death of his wife, and when returning,
'befoi.c, i e,echin„ borne she:passed away
in the buggy.. Mrs. Balfour was the
youngest of it`family of eight and the.
last of the family to pass to the Gnat
Ileyond,• • She was in her '.itiitlr year.
Iiinit6 _ eeuncil met for busineCti at
the townshiig hall on Sept. 23rd. Conn.
ell members were all. present, Reeve
McDonald occupiiqd the chair. Minutes
of last meeting were read, and on mo•
tion by ¥eDiarmid and. Tiffin were
Bills o.f account,examined and passed
the following cbeques were issued:
Richard .Charters, 2 sheep killed 'by dogs,
.24,00;. Thos, .Ross, 400 .ft. plank, 12 00;
Dan Mclunes, for gravel, 3214; Chas.
'JL'hotopson 80yds. gravel, ,6 40;'fi'iilratea'
Thompson, 130 yds. gravel, 10 40; Geo.
Malcolm, 125 ;yds: gravel, 10 00; Albert
Therpson; gravel and damages, ,3 92.j
Wm. Piercy. 36 yds. gravel, 2 40r Jamen,
Brealey; S yds. gravel,,. 64e;, Chas, Ellis,
22 yds. gravel, 1.75; 4ym. Guest, repairs.
on. 5th aideroad 1st '1i• 8, 3 80;l1ichard .
•Guest,, gravel and repairs to road, 1.10;
Reuben Stader, 7 yds, gravel, 56c,
Frank ' Baechler, 1750- tf. plank, 49.00;
m--Heudersony — 72=-.yds--gravel,--tr76;
Dan McKenzie, • 24 yds. gravel, 1 92;
John McLeod', 113 yds, gravel,.9 04;
James Irwin, filling washout, K. and' R.
boundary, 2 50; Chas. Baird, removing
brushwood Kin. ond'Ashfxeld bdy, 1.00;
Alex. McKenzie, grading 5th sideroad,
4,00; Ackert Bios, for .plank.and team-
ing; 20 20. Business being over meeting
adjourned sine•. dine. •
Council;resunling business as a court
of revision to' consider appeals against
the award made by C.'E Jones, ':civrl
engineer on the Mc,Creight drain; and
'alsothe by-law No. 97 of the Township
of Kinloss to provide the necessary funds
for the payment of .that .part of- said
drain chargeable to 'the. Township of
Kinloss as set forth. by the said C. F.
Jones in his award made on said .drain.
There being no appeals made to the
court against the • engineer's award and
noa appeals ale to court to quash the town -
skip by-lavt, or any part' thereof, it was
moved, by Tiffin andseconded by .Mc-
Diarmid that the said by-law No. 97 he;
now reed's first, second and third time"
and finally passed this 23rd day 4f Sep-
tember, 1918. ' By -Jaw' read as above
and motion carried. By law passed and
confirinen, the court adjourned.
Council- resuming general business; it
WO moved by McDiarmnd and seco'3nded.
by Tiffin that. the reeve and' treasurer
behereby,' empowered to' borrow on the
credit of the Township of Kinloss ; the
sum of $89, 'being. the amount charged
ro Kinloss -hi the engineer's award made'
on the Mc0reight _ drain. -Carried: '
Business being over the meeting was
adjoetrned, . council to again meet for
business at' the usual place on'Monday,
Oct. 21, 91 '10 .a m: •
The Busy Hardware House
Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery
Soyou will be think-
ing it is time to get that
New •flange.
We have a full line of
Ranges on our ficor at
present. This' igh
�ivonil axle? has _i en
the leader f o,r ' sone.
time. ' Let us show you
We riiight say that we cannot replace these stoves'at'
the same ,price at which.
we areoffering same to-
o day.• Stove manufact-
urers tell us that sup-
plies •are very hard=er ....
get and that iron and
steel is going up ' in - -
price by leaps , a : d
bounds Stoves have
taken• =other advance
of about, 10 per' (ant during
the last two weeks. We
strongly advise ycu to mage
your purchase before the price
• goes still higher. These cuts
are some of the many designs
, of which we. carry. R e will
,be pleased to show you our
fall line.
McClary and Perfeetion'Oil Heaters
British .'Am-erlcun L'ntI 011 end.
Gasoline- Rogers' Por land Lenient
`-1.ime,and Plaster -Window Sash. •
Primed and • Glazed.
` he Store 1Nhere•Youe Money Goes�Farthes•
Great Britain and her Allies have been,
short of tutter'for sereral months, and,
'the Canada Food Board have been ask
ed to take steps to relieve the'condition
which'has:borne heavily upon the people
of Great Britain, France, Italy and Bel •
gium. The pressure upon cargo space
has been heavier' than ever, Pince .the
United States has entered' the war, and
began moving her troops across the At-
lantic. ` Ships are needed for soldiers
and munitions of war as well as fo food
stuffs.. The main. stxaple.food Stuffs eat:
urally receive the first consideration.
• To:day in Great Britain . one-half
pound butter or magarine per month,
per p irson, is all that the supply allows•
as compared to th.e.creamery butter con- •
Sumption of two pounds per person, per
month in Canada. '
'The Canadian Government on the
recommendation of the Minister of Ag-.
rtcult re and• the e Lan
da Food .Board'
Canada ,
at the request of the British Ministry of
Food 'iorincreased shipment has corn:
mandeered ail the creamery butter made.
between September 30th, and November
0th,, inclusive, in. the_ Provinces nf Al
berta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario;
and Quebec for export to Great Britain.
and Allies. -
This does not mean, however, that
Canadians need be panic stricken, nor
does it mewin-that-there is the least -just-
ifica'tion for . ho tying or - pr`ofit-eering:
The are in storage, unaffected by this,,
crimmandegring Order, 20,030,00) lbs.
Of creamery butter male before Septem-
ber 30th. Dairybutter .is.pct affected
by the Order.. The average cost to cold
Storage Companies for butter now in.
store is about 44.1 cents a pound, The
profits of Storage Companies selling to
wholesalers are limited by the Canada
rood„Board . Order No. 45 of. June 5th,
tn. 4 per cent: and of wholesaletts selling
to retailers to 10 per cent -over, ceSt 4e• li
J~f verged to warehouse. • '
The present supply of creamery butter
in stortge together with dairy butter
produced during the next aix weeks will
be quite sufficient to fill the ordinar y
demandsof. the Canadian public,
«- hl i 41'11/141A/N444/►+1rrwaa104010 +e�41
We Have aa' Good Assortment, of
Tapestry' and. Brssels u
Prices are much lower 'than they will. be..in s ern .
Now is: the time to bu .. ifyou would save' none
y S
See our Congoleum 'Rugs.. A .few' good pat= •
ternssn Linoleum now in stock, -
Ten's Raincoats, latest style, good:(quality,
gat i 6 -50_ ±_k dies' Raincoatslus L_
received„- -special at $ 4.50.
Men's Sweater Coats, best knit,., '$4: to $9.
or Ladies' Fine Dresses see our Poplins and Silks.,
Out' old°special' in black at ;2,.50 per yd.
The .Millinery Department is receiving, special at - •
tentioli to keep -it stocked with the newest
' in Hats and Trimmings:
moi., ,...�.
"Central":Training'ineaiis Success Insurance
The one who' holds :otir diploma knows that he is guali-
fied to hold the , very best office. positions, and. 'what is
more, the business limen of Ontario know It too. .
This explains why we so easily place aur graduates in
desirable positions.
11). A, McLachlin, Pre`lident o A. Hatsalatittt Principals
. (:). :ALTO
LtTXITRY bought now Nvi1.1 cost more
thatl.i: will later on: Do•withottt noir .
and save the. money. :until tlle:.;time conies
, when you Neill get better value for your dol-. ,
far. - In the ' ueantitne your. money will.
enable the•- ' banks to help the Coverrimetit
,win the -war. Opeu .a Savings Account • in
' the Bank . of Hamilton. . -
J. A. 'GLENN1E. 14iarrar. er. -i
moi., ,...�.
"Central":Training'ineaiis Success Insurance
The one who' holds :otir diploma knows that he is guali-
fied to hold the , very best office. positions, and. 'what is
more, the business limen of Ontario know It too. .
This explains why we so easily place aur graduates in
desirable positions.
11). A, McLachlin, Pre`lident o A. Hatsalatittt Principals