HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-10, Page 4ersesssfearrr's - )iier,477 -.9rximprk- CREAM WANTED 0111,1Pc MUM* Au NOM sum NON IMUTHIska.S.NO&IitAled,Ltd.,tittelpit. Owt,, Isiefueneit. tire *Ad Maria*. 1.0. 0.W. Lwassew L. news teary Maar erreelier at err vietar.ia their JesU. tamp. belt alma. All brethree earstially Orriteci. Oteoere:,--Nolmie thud, C. Altaltepou; 'Vie* Goad, W. Meektreste; Her. See., A. H. Boyd: Via. D. Bateman Tremerer. Mex. Bow. We went crew. Onr hashwat motto is: Prompt write and smistsetory zotntsm. We geamiatee our testing atr. ode sad our prices the hair. Ship your cream direct awl save cow- usons It all cows oat of 1314 prodocer. We famish cans, pay express. I charges and remit twise each month. Write us to -day for prices __ or MC I .11 • [3 & O. It. C. OitildeittLodeefaeets eyerylinariday night ou•or before the felt awes, la the wasonie Hall. Havelock street Lueksow. Y,.K. W. J. Harlem; C. Lindsey; J. vs., X. McGuire; *bey.. W. I SettforthereaineryCo. I Snalorth, Oat. The Anker floltb selpaakincing Bowl „ Cream Separator th S. YOWLER, 14 8., 1.1. O. re 011icu up etairebt Bettou Block, Teeswater. *pee edattentioutsgeld elates, crownint awl bridgework, visite Ale'reseter ist. and ard. Wedueeday oteagh mOilthf Gerrie Thur, IL A.IsIEWTON_, 8.. Dentist. Office Atha Meek, teteknew, CHU. All modern . methods; need.« Beet meieriale forte:31". --Creree-efr4 rizeike- were. "eainiese extract- ion by the use or the latest, simplest and whit rentedr. f3OHNOY0B31. Neweet Balogh% artificial teeth. Abater= 0404 eee reeeeetwee SIMPLICITY.. . The more simple, least complicated get-atsa.ble any reacIrinetY, the longer, •it will fast with lees troubls and expenee. Note the eimplicity of the Ankor-Holth, By Unfutening one burr the upper part; I of the machine, in lifted over and all the various gear parte aro exposed to view. Aecessibility to all parte gives thli Ank- or-Drilth an individuality all ita. Own. The ripper part is placed in this position when filing the oil chamber. • ' SANITATION Health anthoritieri are constantly de - mending greater eleanli iess in tlie hand- ling,of milk. As milk is conieminated io easily every 'ateneil used must be readily subjected to a thorougb cleaning. in the construction of the Anker-Holth ' the isleir of extreme sanitation has ever been, eort81dere4. Intending Prtrehatsere should see this wonderful machine before buying, WA „ know that year judgment will be the 'fume SS ours. - Creatn Wanted .IducknowFruit &Produce Company Joys* Block, Liteitsibto. Phone 47. Tin.stnjthin I3avetronghiiig Eurrialeee All kinds of Tinware • - promptly repaired. G. Drinkwalter. GRANDTRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Highlands of Ontario Canada. , The Home of the Reti Deers and- Moose oPgs SEASONS - p}Put-Novemiler lsttONovember f5t ifl_ li • MOOSItsTSItsrember 1st td /4evember 15th, inclUsiire. sonte of the. • Northern Distriets of .Ontario, in - eluding limagami and .the territory north and south of the Canadian Covernment Railway from the Que- .. bee io Ataultoba Boundary open sets - son for Moose is from October 1st to November 10th, inclusive. • • Write for copy of "Playgrounds -The *Haunts of Fish and 'Game." giving iltrstiriss-Ilegrilotitosss, cte., to C. IS. •Horning, Distrio.t Passenger Agent, Enion Station, Toronto, Onts. G.T.R. Agent. Lneknow. Plume 2. Kinlough . -Tuesday, Oct I. On Tuesday, Oct. 1st, Mr. Wm. Walsh sand Mrs. S. Robinson were united' in marriage at the *Manse by Bev. a , McKenzie: • - The Red Cross Society, BinIotigh, held their auntie) butiness Meeting on Sept 19th.. During the year they made .16 pyjama. suits, 16 pile° snip, 56 towels, 28 arm dingo, 32 P. P. bags, .5 stretcher taps, 9. doz. haddlterchiefs, 34 dozen sponges, lir ,tioz. Washcloths, 533 pairs socks.' A box we.s sent to Queen Mary's • Siker Wedding Shower., valued at Ja.$53 10; . • 30 Bed. counrcy granb....$ 73 05 A.tig. 14 Ittes county' grant... t 182 74 Other xeceipts.during year, 513 53 'W rineipts Totill expenditures . s 70932 .. . 480 15 Lyons, G. Feyge; Mulorcas, hew W. Balsille6 on band $ . 33 36 Tarm''' orphi.nglon, huff; Cock: S. .3dansOn; hen. IC Parrieh, AMC. Eiclutout erntinel published every Thuosiermoruine , etLuolatow, Ontario., AeD. HAVECENZIE, Prooletor " and Editor, Teems or Suescarertost-To any address anwla ar-GreaLliffriaille0sCrear 1-60, sbc months 75e., three months 400. .to- the United States, one Year V.00. Theee ere the paid in advent:orate& 'Wien paid in arrears the ,rato le 50e. per year higher. Subscriber; who fail to receive The Sentinel neularir by mail will confer a faver,„by ac- quaintingue of the fact at as early ads.% as possible. Whenehan. ge of. address is desired, both old and the new address should be given. ° Advertising Rotes. DisPLAYADyininensiGittalwa-lkitide knew') on application. STRAY. AravaLe-rone insertion see; throe in- sertions ILK . Farms or Real Estate for sale 500 eacii: aer- IFYIIitlrell.31olar.r_oUullteigtO.. tlee.,7i2e2t Local Readers, muses, etc., .100 per line per in- bc each subsequent insertion; special rate of So to regular display advertisers. Card of Thanks 25e, Coming- Events 80 end SC Per line, no noticeless than 26,1; Legal advertising 10c and So per line. Auction Sales; brief notice 50c, longer notioe 100 per line for first insertion Sc for each subsequent insertion. Black -faced lype count 2 lines for 4. •• • • Any 'pedal hpilie, the abject of which, little pecuniary benefit of any ladividual or 'triode. tiem to be considered an advertisement 'end ckarged accordingly. " . Vastness Curds of six line, and under WO per rear. *THURSDAY', OCT. 10th; 1918. !Mg LUtKNOW FALL PAIR - T1113 PRIZE WINNERS _ (Continued from Page One) ed Cow: V. q i'odd, (.1 &.. 2); Two- Year-eld Heifer': F. :G. Todd (1 & 2) ; One -year-old Heifskri F G Todd (1 & 2); Female any age: F G.Todd; Herd one male and three females: Todd : Heifer Calf P. G Todd 8c 2); Male any age Durham,- Hereferdear Polled Angus: S. E. Robertson. Grade -Grade Cew:' McKay Bros, W. H. Taylor; Two-year-old . Heifer; A. Nicholson, a:: A Greer; One -year- old Heifer: p 1K. Alton; -W.- H Tay- lor; Heifre Calf:- W ILTaylor,-G . A. Greer.;_Best shirt -keep. Steer: D K. Alton, W Taylor; 'tone -year-old 'Steer : W.: H. laylOr Steer Calf,: W.. R. Taylor, G. ''.A. Greer; Dairy Csow,_any breed owned acid kept in the Village Of Lucknow: D , Milne (1- & 2); Herd Of one,cow, two heif- ers, two steers: W. H. Taylor; , Beet Bleck Animal On ground 11 Durnin; A. Nicholson. . - Grade Cattle for Dba1ers4TWOI:yearl old Heifer: A, Nieholson; Two-year- old.Steer: A. Nicholson (i & 2) e Fat- ted Cow, Steer or Heifer; A. Nichol- ' don; Best three st4welc Steers A. Niehol son; Best Steer, age or breed net con- sidered: A. Nicholson: 'idrsey-Phmale, 'any age; D. K. Webster (1 &'2); Cve, evidently giv- ing milk: H. Campbell; Bankers'' Zonipetition, cam,. W_Lyens, Carrick Douglas • .* .* SHEEP. - Leicester --Aged Ram: Purvis Bros Shearling Ram: Purvis Bros, T.' Me- Quillin; ,Ra,m Lamb: Purvis Briss; &-2)ti -Aged -EVee ( 1 &d).1' :Shear - ling Ewe: J. MeQUillin, Purvis Eros; Ewe LOA: • Purvis Brod (-1. & 2); Pee: Purvis Bros., 10s,ford'A_, t rerrieir Douglas; sViTHIE : Berkshire -Stour:. "J; 'Alton e Sow, farrowed4n 1918: Alton. . YerkshireBoar: Alton; Sow, that had raised Pigs in 1918: J..pe.rrieh, J. Alton; Sow, far - Tweed in 1910: S. Alton., J. Parrish; Boer, farreived in. 1918: .t. Parrish, J. Altim; Boar, twleve months. and -enders J. Parrisb; Sow twelve Months And finder; S."Fatriali '(I & 2); Boar, fiti,X. months and Under J. Alton, I .1earrish,; Sow': ei zelenths and'.1100: 3. Alton, (1 & 2 ). Tamworth -Boar; S. Alton; Sow, tartowed in 1918: 3 AitOn' • Obis -22,-L-Three Bacon HOP: js, Fairish, J. Altort; 13est peri 'of Hogs: i. Fatrisli, 3. Alton. ' , Bankers' competition, Hop: Car- rick Douglas, W. W. Alton. POULTRY; - Powl-ssilinconas; Jas. Johnston ; hen; Jae. Johnston; AndabisiafiS, cock Sas. Johnston; hen; jas. jahnstoui. bantams, ornamental:. anl variety; Solinstori; Leghorn, white cock ; J. Johnston, G Feyce; hen: W. a Plyrboutli Aork. btrisd, coek:3.Johnston,t Alton: hew J. Johneton, 3. Alien's Any other etads ard variety, named: 3. Johnston; be 3. Johneton; Duels Pekin, pair; W. Lyons, J. Alton; Geese, gentler: J. .A !- ton, G. Feyge; goose: J. Alton, G.. Feyge; Best breeding Pen In Medit- erranean class: G. Feyge; Best breeds lug pen in Amerlean or English dose: j. Johnston. Gs Feyge; Special for ex- hibitor winung* greatest number of first prizes in Class tiaz. Johnston. Chickens Ancona. pullet: G. Fevge; Leghorn, white cockerel: Johnston. J. Alton; Leghorn, pullet,: J. Alton; Orphingtons, buff, cokerel: J. Selinston; pullet; 3. Johnston; Ply- mouth Ittick„s, harred,s.seockerel,---sts Johnston, 3. Alton; pullet: J. Alton, 3. Jobaston; Plymouth ; itock; any' other variety, waisted, cockerel:. J. Zolmstrin; pullet; T. Soleseston, :Bent pair ef Cockerels: 'errs, j..McCarrOl, j. Altoril Best Exhibit ot,Pigeoni: G. Feyge, W. Thompson; Domestic Pets, any.dnd G. Feyge; One dozen eggs: 0. Douglas,. Mrs. J. Webster; Onedoz- en 1;gesheaviest, brown: Mrs. J. WebStfir„ Mrs. W. A. gammon; Speo- Jai for Exhibitor *inning most prize OPAL 24.essIs-ssaiolsnstossisstests best dressed Cockerelcifrs. G. Hun- ter, W. Lyons, : . GRAIN One Bushel Fall -Wheat, red or am- ber: A. Schlitild.t; • One bushel Fall Wheat, White, correctly named: A. Schmidt, 3. Alton.; One bushel Spring Wheat: X, Webster,. ses Schmidt, J. Alton; One bu. Oats, long, whites: A. Schmidt, J. lYteDiarmid, S, Alton; One bu Oats, arty variety: A. Schmidt. j. Alton, J. IL Ackert; One bu tarley: 3. Altone.T. Webster, ; One bis Peas; J. Webster,' J. Alton,; One peck Red Clover: Roy Alton, A.• Schmidt, 3. Alton; $IX largest and, best stalks of Field Corn: Willie tyon; Six Ears Field Corn; A. Schmidt, ji Webster; Three Sunflowers: Mrs. A. McOarrol , Mrs. W it Hamilton; Sheaf Fall Wheat Sai Phihlps, J. Webster; Sheaf 'Barley: A. SChmiat; Shoat' Oats: A. "Schmidt, .J, Webster; Best 'Collectionot Mengel, Turnip, Carrot or. Beet Seed: Mrs. D. M.. Thompson; Best collection of Weed Seeds: Schmtilt: G. Thonipson; Largest. and best Collection of Grain. and Seeds! '.A". Schmidt, 3. Alton, G. Tharapson; argest, and hest arranged coilectioti .of Corn, Grain and Grasses in strew:: Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Special for ex-' itikifor. winning greatest number of Arseprized in class at': 'A. 'Schmidt. •-• .Roots and_Vegetables-:-TWo varlets - Ms' poratoes; •pchmidt, X, it. Mac- kenzie; peck • early pottitoeS: A, Scinildt; .peek large potat- oes:. 'A.; Sehniidt, Itatierizie; Mengel, Wuzel, red: A. Schmidt, Lyons.; lyiatigellturieIr A Schutt& Willie LYenS; Turnips, Swede: ,Wilile Lynne, S. Lyons, , Turnips any Other variety:. Willie Lyons,, A. Schindt;“ Sugar Beets: A. Schmidt; It. J Weeds: 'Field' • .Carrets., • .A. • Schmidt, Woods;- TWO winter Cabbage ,: .A. Schniidt,J..Miller; Two Winter squash. Mrs., Hatellton, M Connell; ColiectiOn of field 'roots: A, Schmidt, 'Willie Lyons; Largest Squash.; Car - rick Douglas, :Mrs; D Thompson' ; Largest p. nt,kin Mrs D Thompson, Ta.o•citrone:. G. Todd; Mrs. W. E.: Hamilton; -Pee enips; .4 Schmidt J Milielf• Title Carrots: A.: ,Schinidt, V, J. Li‘!Ons; able Carrots, 'shrift; .W J. LyOnd; Table Carrots, short: W.. j. LOn, .T. Paekett; Beets, long: A. Sclinsfilt, 'W. It. Ferrier; 'Beets, short A:,.9ehnfidt, W; Hunter; Winter Rad- ish:. A. Schnitit, Willie Lyons; Tom- atoes:, Mre, 1;1 Therepsen, Mrs W. IL Hamilton; Celery;. Mrs, R. Brown, • Congram; Cauliflower: Mrs. D. Temnpson; Watermelon: G 11. kinith; '31.tsitnielon: Mrs. W. R. Rant:Men; Beans, small white: K. .11. Maeltenzie, G. Feyge; Dutch efs:W. J. Lens, C. Douglas, ' tap Onions: W,.j Lyens, „Hsinters Onions, red, A Schrifidt,.';31. Connell;, Onions, yellover A. ScIthniiiiteW., HU!). ter; Three varieties vegettililete A. Sch,nidt; Collection Of . 'Garden 'Pre- -dude: 'Mrs. D. Thonipeon, Schmidt; Special for the Exhibitor ;winnig the greatest number of first prizes; A. Schmidt --IAIRT AND TABLE SUPPLIES:-• Snead. Coilectien of 'Butter: Mrs.• j. Lyons,:Mes. 1. Congram, Mrs.1)..X. Webster; Crock Of butter, 10 lbse Mrs 3- Lions; Mfg. L Congrank Mrs. ti K Webster; Batter, In Prints: Mrs. D.L. Webster, Mrs Lyons,_ Mrs. Con - gram; .Home-made tread,sxhite: Mr -s. Xt. Webster, Mrs: W.R. Parrier,,Mrs. A,'Schmidt;'' I:tomb-made breast brows krs.-rarier, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. 3. 'Web- ster; Hoiae-anide breed: 'made front Havelock Pure Manitoba, Flour: Mrs. -Farrier, Mrs. .15. M.' Thompson, Mrs. It. WebSter; mite -Made bread, made from Seedy, blended IF. lour: Mr. Par- rier, Mts. R. -.Webster, Mrs, J. Web- ster; collection of randy' Jellies: Mrs, A. MeCalrol; teat eupper for work- ing man; Mrs. D. Ruston, Sire... J. Webster; Best. baking made •froto Maple leaf Baking Powder: Mrs. D. Farrier, MM. 1. Lyons; liome-made buns, plain, Mr. W. It Perrier, Mrs, Lyons; Home-made tea buscuits, white,. Mrs. R. Webster, Mre. Perrier; Iletst-niade tea" biscUlts: rt 14 loHdt air .ic. &Mind, Um It Huston; Old filabion- ad oat cakes: Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. R. Webster; Layer cake, light: Mrs. D. LoYer eake. dark: Orris. j. Gaunt. Mrs. D. Huston; „Johan* Cakes Mrs. D. Huston, Mrs. 3.1400s; Cookies. three 'varieties: Mrs. J; Mil- ler; Pie, Lemon; Mrs. R. Brown. Mrs D. Huston; Pie, Pumpkin: Mrs. D. Huston; Pie, Apple, Mrs. D. Huston, ars. W. R. Farrier; COJIWt1011 a war bread: Mrs. 3. Gaunt, Um. J. Miller; colleetien of Honey: Mrs. A. Csrrol; Collectien of canned fruits.: Mrs. A. McCarron Mres D Huston; Collection. of Marnialade: Mrs. A. McCarron Mrs D. M.:Thompson; Collection of Field - es: Mrs- AssMeCarrels.Mrs- ;Ss TeYonss- Collection of 3e1Ues 3rs. A. Afeetirs rol, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Maple Syrup: Mrs. Rs Webster, Mrs. 1. Con - gram; Best friut salad; Mrs. A. Mes Carron Mrs. D. Ms Thomsen; test Vegetable salad; Mrs. A. McCarrol, Mis, D, M. Thcenlison; Hard Soap: Mr. A. Mcenrrol, Nfrs Et. Webster; 1:014nlair to, C,onsist of Ontario grown Pruitssand vegtables, etc,: Mrs. A. Me- Oarrel,.Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Great- est ninaber of first prizes in cblass 27' McCartrolit. m • Apples -Alexander Wm, Hunter, •Mrs. D. Huston; Baldwins: X, Camer- on, G. A. Greer; Ben, Davis: K. •Cele' eron, W. E. MacDonald; Cirlberte: K Cameron, jos. Hackett; • Cayuga, red. streak: X, Cameron, Mrs. D. Huston; Duchess; Mrs D., M. 'Thompson, W. MacDonald; Muir AppIest: Is Miller,' kart Connell; Wealthy: Greer, R. • 1.• IiVood; King of Tompkins Co: Jas. Hackett, W. R. MacDonald; „pallo Water.: las. Hackett, W. Hunter ; Mann Apples: 0, A. Greer, K. Cam- eron; Wolf River:, X. Cameron; Xing Pippins: Jas. Hackett; Eilenhehn Jos. . Hackett; Ribson Pippins MacKenzie,' J.. Miller; Ontario; K, caraerdn,.- W. E. MaeDonald; Rhode Island Greenings: Mrs. D. 'Huston, X. R: MacKenZie; Roxboro Russets: Sas, Alton; Golden Russets: W. Mc'7, Donald, X Cameron; Famens or Snow G: A. Greer, Jas. AltourNorthern,Spy• X, Cameron, G. A:, Greer; Wagners: R. J.. Woods, Jas. Alton; MeIntosli Red. W..E, McDonald... X Cameron; AnY other Fall- Variety: 0, A .Greer, las. Hackett; •AnY other Winter var- iety: E: McDehald, A. Schmidt; Three''verietiee Pail: K Camerbn, B.. McDonald; Five Varieties, Winter; •K. Cameren;.W. P. McDonald; Best Five fall pears': W.. R. MacDortald, A. Schmidt; Winter Pears: las.. Al- ten,'D lc Alton; PIUms, bine:: Webster, .Jas • Hackett' PlUms„, red: W. E. MacDonald, L'Congra.m; Plums Tellover-jasellackett; Bunehee, Grap-1 es: W. E. MacIrOnaid; Tatman. Sweets K. Cameron, Jas. Alton; Cranberry Pippins: W: E. 'MacDonald; Maiden Blustte W. E. MacDonald, I. Cone gram; Best Collection t. Of ..Apples;:: jah.eHackett, W. E. Mat:Di:Mal& • LADIES' DEPARTMENT: Homo- Manufacture -Collection •.or 'Fancy.. Work:. Mrs. K. McLeod, M. ',Mug:stone, Mrs 11 W TaitiiAytt; I.Collection of Irish Lace: Mrs.1K. Mc- Leod, Ms H Tamblyn, Miss 'Belle Mackenzie; Colleetion Of Ladies' work • 'not. faneye•Itirs. j. Mackenzie, Mrs: R. Brown, Mrs. D M Thompson; 001 - lection of ICstilide Goods for family Use: Mrs. .7. McKenzie, Mrs. X. Ike- tded, Mrs. D. k •Webstre; Colettion. of Irish Crochet Work:, Mrs, Tarablyn. Mrs. MeleAediApron, Kitchen: Mrs. J., gicKenzie, Mrs. Tamblyn ; AVion, fancy: Mrs. J. Lyons; IrIrs...Tamblyn; Baby's. Bennet; Mrs.,Livingstone, Mrs 3 MacKenzie; Boudoir Cap:. !Mrs. ingstone, :Mrs Tanibiyn; Bedroom Stripers.: „ Mrs, Tanthlyn, Mrs'. Living - stories Baby's Outfit: Mrs. Livingstone Mrs.. Tamblyn' "Bath Vowel and Wash Cloth knitted: Mrs. 3: McKenzie,Mrs K. McLeod; .:Bedspread, 'fancy,. had - made: LeDurriin; Dress, girl'el cotton: Miss Livngstone; Dress, lady's cotton,. house.; .1.1r4; Tioiblyns Mrs: :3; --Mats Xelizie; Dtesser and Stand Cover. Mrs Lice* Mrs., K. 9Me.Leod; Draps„ Side, beard, linen:: Mira. Lyons, Mrs. -Verse Kettiie; Darniag, sainplesonsweel-asid- eotton: *--L; Praire, Werk, linen Mrs. 'Tanthlyn. , Mrs. LivingstOne.r Erne Oroidery, eyelets Miss M Lyons, miss S. Lyons; EMbroidery„ Mount. Miallick Mrs. Livingstone, Mrs, Layoffs:. °Em- broidery, Hardinger: Mrs. . TamblYri, Mrs.. Livingstone; Embroidery, any other:. Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Jae Lyons; Pive O'clock Tea dioth, White. With croChet border.: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mr. JK. McLeod; tlitedIreestiefss Mrs 3 .MaeKenzie, Mit. X. McLeod; Hug-me- .fight;:erochet or knitted: Mrs. J. Mae.; Xeurie, Mrs, Vairiblyit; • Irish Crochet •Ea,: Mrs.tivingstone,,Milf.`Tarablyn; Lace, Honiten orsPoint:Mrs McLeod, Mrs; tamblYit; Lace, Duelieks: Mrs. Moteod, Mrs. Livingstone; ,Lace, knit- ted (thread).: Mrs., Livingstone, Mrs. McLeod; Lace, crochet, not othertrise Mentioned,: Mrs, McLeod, Mrs: Tam- blyn, 'Lace, EattenbUrg: Mrs. Tam- blyn; :Are. Livingstone; Lunch , Set, loth etc: Mrs.: Lyons,: Mrs. J. Mae- leenz:ei nundry peg: Mrs. Livings stones Mats, fancy table: Tamblyil, Mrs, 3.14acXezie; MItts, pair man's dorible: Mrs. McLeod; isietting: Nits. i. MaciCenzio, Mrs. Livingstone; Nigntgewn or underwaist yoke • in Cicebete , Mrs. D. M. Thep's sea; PilloW case, embroidered, day: brown: Mrs, Lyons, Mrs. W. It. Par. • M. 4ou, Mr.tiltibiyaf; 10* eask:S. embrUidered. night; Mrs. LYOnS, ars. Livingstone; Pillow caseS crochet lace. night: Miss. M. Lyons, Mrs. 'rainblyn; Pair Curtains, cotton, trimmed wills eroehet--; Owls - JOTS embroidered: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. S. types; Quilt, erochet: Mrs; Tara- idyn; goat. knitted,: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. 3; MitUenzie;,. Quilt, pieced eots' ton: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. J. M.a.eXens zie: Quilt, pieced wool: Mrs. TrunklYst Mrs. J. Mactenzie; Quilt silk or vel- vet; Um Tamblyn, Mrs. T. MacKen- zie; Plumber rug: Mrs, Tamblyn; Set of bedroom linen: Mrs. J. Macifenzie Mrs. LYorte; Shirt Man'cotton, work Mg; Mrs. J. MacKenzie; Sox, 1 pr Thompscre Mrs. D. Huston; Sox 1 pr nian's fine: Mrs. Tainhlyn, Mrs. lIns- ton; elta.va, lady's handmade; woollen. Mra. .11,, Primo. Mrfe Livingstone; Saeque, lady's dressing: Mrs. Livings stone, MT% Mceod; Sera pillow, hand - painted: ,Mrs. 3. Lyons, Mrs. Isfring- stone;' St fa pillow, embroidered.; Mrs. Livingssone, Mrs, McLeod; Sofa pit - low, any other: Mrs. J. 1.70110, Mrs.. J. Mackenzie; Towel Collection, not more than four: ars: Lyons, Mrs. j lilaerieneie; Towel, embroidered; Mrs. vingstoite,-114. Lyons; Main; COT-- leetion: Mrs. LivingstMte, MrS. Mae - Kenzie; Table centre piece, White: Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. W. R. Hamilton; Table (=ire plece,.colored, Mrs. Liss. ingstone, Mrs. R. Brown; ira,bfe run - nor; WO, Tamblyn, Mrs. D. M.,Thom- won; Tray Cloth, embroidered: Mrs. Lyene, Miss M, Lyons; Tea cosy', ent- broldered: tVingstone, Mrs. Lyons; .Underwear, lady's hand Made; Mre. Lyons; Woit bag, fancy: Mrs. Living- stene, Mrs, McLeod; Collection of old fashioned household articles: Mrs, McLeod, Mrs. D. BUThompson.. • . FINE A.R.TS AND FLOWERS: - Word Carving -Collection of car-. veil. articles: K. Parrish. • ' China. Painting-eingle piece: Mk D. M. Thompson. • Paintinge-;-01(1-Marine Mrs 'Tainblyn, Mrs. Livingstone; .p,igurer Mrs. Livingstone, 0 Feyge, Ambnals: Mrs, LiVingstone; Gbreyge; Canadian, landscape: 'Mrs. Lreings-tOne, Miss Bell MacKenzie; .13 est Single paiiting Mrs. D. M, Thompson, Mrs. ,tiviegs-• tcine. . Water Colors -Marine View:.Mrs Livingstone,. Mrs. Thompson; 'Figure Paintlng Mrs Livingstone; Mrs. 'Moms:lion; russets:, Mrs. Living7 stcine; tandseape scenery: Mrs. Thom ;mon,' Mrs. Livingstone; Painting on glass or pottery: Mrs. Thcrrepson.. 63.0t rmayer 8 .n4 hColarato; rpesooszli ;aiwn dr Mrs. ni.,,Igiv:InrigoctrQanye- In Charcoal Mts. ThOmpson; G. Feyge Pell and Ink Sketeh: Mrs. Thome-sons Mr's, isivingstoms; Pencil' Drawing:. G: Feyge, Mary COnnell. • lit•I'LOWERS: geraniu.ln.e: Mrs. A. McCerrol...; Cac- tus: Mrs. McCarrol; Ferns; Mrs. Me- , CarroS, Mre. D. U. Thompson; Foliage Mrs. *Huston, 'Mrs Thompson, Home' Pie n Yrs :Tlicirrn,;(;)rf Asrrwn.zFprn MrS.-Thenlpscor,Begenia, re-x:--Mrs.It McDeed,. Mrs, Thompson; Begonian; tuberous in blooin: Mrs Thom.pson;" P'uscliia, In blOoni: Mrs. H. Malhers; .Asters : Mrs. W. R. gammon, Mrs: Alec/al-rat:. Dahlias.: Mrs. J. :Webster, Mrs...D. Hustone.'41adioli: Mrs. Mc- Carron Mrs, Hamilton; -.Marigolds, collection: Mrs. -Thoinpscias Sweet Teas, collection*: Mrs. Th'ompsort; Pan 'sies; Mrs. Lyons, Mrs.. Thompson; Phlox, perennial, collection: Mr's. Me-: Cerro]. Mrs.: Hamilton,' Phlox,dram- mondii: Collection: Mrs.. Thompson; Petunias, 'eolleationt Mrs, -W. E. MaeS Donald, . Mrs. 'Phompsbn; Sunflowers. collection:*Mrs. MeCarrot; Mrs. Thom- pson; : Basket 'Animals: Mrs. Thomp- son, .MrS. MCCarrol; Table Bouquet:,, ornamental; Mrs. MeCarroi,' Mrs.. W. R. Hamilton; Autitmn Leaves .: G. H. Mrs.:rhomnsen. • • INVISCELLANEOUS Collection of curios or oddities: Mrs. K. McLeod, Mrs.. TlicenkSen; daie Of eluffeil birds„ Canadian:. .1.; Lyons; 'mule tyone; C011ection o Coini: Mrs. Thompson. • ' : -011-tritistITS7" comikriliA614- B eye' ince, 100 yds:, Gs Thompson, It Andrew, W. Webster; 130yes potato rate: Alton,, W.' Thompson ., E. Reid Backward Race:',0 Thourpsen, ThoMpdon, IL Andrew- • , SCHOOL CHILDREN'S 'DEPART, ' MENT: ' csroebet :work in COttOil Jean Spin - div, .'neTyn. Lockhart; boll; most. tastefully dressed: E., Lockhart, 3.. Spindler:, Embroidery; any kiwi: Et Lockhart, 3..SpindIer; Towels, hand- made: E.Lockhart; Cellection Ur gen- aril work, not fancy: E. Lockhart. : Best specimen 'water color drawing: Wiontfred Farrier,: Tens Best .specimen pencil" drawing: • W. Ferrier, W. P. Tholitpton; Best speck - men of writhig: Margaret MeCallum, Carrick Douglas; or. children under 10 years: Winnifred Douglas/ Mar- garet Henderson. Six beets, short: Gordon Thompson Winifred Farrier; 'Six Carrots, short: .W.•Farrier, G. ThistriPson;sVegetableS E. Lockhart, G. Thompson; BouqueL of Garden Flowersi; • 6. Thompson, W. Perrier; Drawing of your garden as planted for 1918: E. Lockhart, W. T. 'Thompson; Essay 'My Garden at Witealfred Farrier, Caserta' Douglas* . • .. , . . ..... E IMICOLS10,;_NS BANK, CAPITAL, AD NRuSuxVii 48,800'10w I iSranches in Canada General panking Osisiness:Pansacted Cireurar Letters of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest allowed let highest current rate , • .PIANTOS .Weare agents for the following "-"." high:grade instruments: Gouriay Winter and Lemming, Heintzman & CO. ,.3114. the Newcombe Pialso CO, 0 c., ' iq1P); XI)/ !PI II 4444Rime The main feature,s of TheNe*: Wiliiains Macliinc - are its easy and quiet action, its Simplicity, durability and free- dom from repairs. See us before buying. Second=“and Goods puggyi' 2* Organs, x Sewing 'Machine, t• 1Via.nure , Spreader,..I 'Oliver Sulky Plow. . 0.-ANbIZPVyi. NOTICE -MILITARY SERVICE ACT, 1917 REGISTRATION OF UNITED STATES CITIZENS Male citizens Of the United States living in Canada of AGES. 21-30, both' inclusive, MUST REGISTER BY RE7 GISTERED POST With 'the Registrar iffider the Military Service Act of the district in which they live, during the TEN :DAYS NEXT.FOLLOWING SEPTEMBER 28th; 1918; and such CITIZENS QF THE. AGES .19, 20AND 31-44,. both inclusive, must so register during the TEN DAYS NEXT FOLLOWING OCTOBER I.2th, 1918. 'It must be emphasized • that THIS INCLUDES AMERICANS LIVING IN CANADA OF THE:ABOVE AGES, MARRIED AND. SINGLE, and in- cludes ALSO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE SECURED DipLo- yrATIc EXE,MPTION OR HAVE REGISTERED WITH AN AMERICAN CONSUL, o; HAVE REGISTERED FOR. lyIILITARY SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. 4 • . Registration' letters -may be handed to local Postmasters for despatch to the proper Registrar, under the Military Service Act. , MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH. • •EjitQTIC'E4fgLrfARY:SERVI F ACT f°11 g- MEN EXEMPTED AS FARMERS • Having in view the importance a leaving a suffi- cient number of men on those faryris, Which are • actually contributing to the National Food Supply, notice is hereby given as follows . e 1. AIL MEMBERS OF CLASS I POSSES. SING EXEMPTION AS FARMERS which in eXpiring and WHO WISH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate with the Registrars under the M.S.A., of ,thbir .respective districts. . REQUESTING AN EXTENSION IN TIME • OF' SUCH EXEMPTION, Questionnaires will thereupon be issued to these men by the Registrar and they will receive further exemption upon furnishing satisfactory . proof that (hey are coritributingislifficiently US the National Food Supply. - 2. In order to tscilitate productive employinentdurina, the Winter months MEN EXEMPT ] AS FARMERS sHouLp APPLY...TO THE REGISTRARS FOR .P.ERMITS TO ENGAGE FOR THE WINTER IN SOME OCCUPA- TION OF NATIONAL INTEREST, SUCH AS LUMBER- ING, MUNITION WORK, ETC. Such permitS will servo to enable exempted farmers to pursue other useful occupations for the months dur•ing which farrning operations convot carried on. • MOLITAIRtli SZlk RYICE 1311AiaL