HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-10, Page 4ersesssfearrr's
- )iier,477
MUM* Au NOM sum
NON IMUTHIska.S.NO&IitAled,Ltd.,tittelpit.
Owt,, Isiefueneit. tire *Ad Maria*.
1.0. 0.W. Lwassew L. news teary Maar
erreelier at err vietar.ia their JesU. tamp.
belt alma. All brethree earstially Orriteci.
Oteoere:,--Nolmie thud, C. Altaltepou; 'Vie*
Goad, W. Meektreste; Her. See., A. H.
Boyd: Via.
D. Bateman Tremerer.
Mex. Bow.
We went crew.
Onr hashwat motto is: Prompt
write and smistsetory zotntsm.
We geamiatee our testing atr.
ode sad our prices the hair. Ship
your cream direct awl save cow-
usons It all cows oat of 1314
We famish cans, pay express.
charges and remit twise each
month. Write us to -day for prices
or MC
• [3
& O. It. C. OitildeittLodeefaeets
eyerylinariday night ou•or before the felt
awes, la the wasonie Hall. Havelock street
Lueksow. Y,.K. W. J. Harlem;
C. Lindsey; J. vs., X. McGuire; *bey.. W.
I SettforthereaineryCo. I
Snalorth, Oat.
The Anker floltb
selpaakincing Bowl „
Cream Separator
th S. YOWLER, 14 8., 1.1. O. re 011icu up
etairebt Bettou Block, Teeswater. *pee
edattentioutsgeld elates, crownint awl
bridgework, visite Ale'reseter ist. and ard.
Wedueeday oteagh mOilthf Gerrie Thur,
IL A.IsIEWTON_, 8.. Dentist. Office
Atha Meek, teteknew, CHU. All modern
. methods; need.« Beet meieriale forte:31".
--Creree-efr4 rizeike- were. "eainiese extract-
ion by the use or the latest, simplest and
whit rentedr. f3OHNOY0B31. Neweet
Balogh% artificial teeth. Abater= 0404
eee reeeeetwee
The more simple, least complicated
get-atsa.ble any reacIrinetY, the longer,
•it will fast with lees troubls and expenee.
Note the eimplicity of the Ankor-Holth,
By Unfutening one burr the upper part;
of the machine, in lifted over and all the
various gear parte aro exposed to view.
Aecessibility to all parte gives thli Ank-
or-Drilth an individuality all ita. Own.
The ripper part is placed in this position
when filing the oil chamber. •
Health anthoritieri are constantly de -
mending greater eleanli iess in tlie hand-
ling,of milk. As milk is conieminated
io easily every 'ateneil used must be
readily subjected to a thorougb cleaning.
in the construction of the Anker-Holth
' the isleir of extreme sanitation has ever
been, eort81dere4.
Intending Prtrehatsere should see this
wonderful machine before buying, WA
„ know that year judgment will be the
'fume SS ours. -
Creatn Wanted
.IducknowFruit &Produce
Joys* Block, Liteitsibto. Phone 47.
All kinds of Tinware •
- promptly repaired.
G. Drinkwalter.
Highlands of Ontario
Canada. ,
The Home of the Reti Deers and- Moose
p}Put-Novemiler lsttONovember f5t
ifl_ li
MOOSItsTSItsrember 1st td /4evember
15th, inclUsiire. sonte of the.
• Northern Distriets of .Ontario, in -
eluding limagami and .the territory
north and south of the Canadian
Covernment Railway from the Que-
.. bee io Ataultoba Boundary open sets -
son for Moose is from October 1st
to November 10th, inclusive. •
• Write for copy of "Playgrounds -The
*Haunts of Fish and 'Game." giving
iltrstiriss-Ilegrilotitosss, cte.,
to C. IS. •Horning, Distrio.t Passenger
Agent, Enion Station, Toronto, Onts.
G.T.R. Agent. Lneknow. Plume 2.
. -Tuesday, Oct I.
On Tuesday, Oct. 1st, Mr. Wm. Walsh
sand Mrs. S. Robinson were united' in
marriage at the *Manse by Bev. a
, McKenzie: • -
The Red Cross Society, BinIotigh, held
their auntie) butiness Meeting on Sept
19th.. During the year they made .16
pyjama. suits, 16 pile° snip, 56 towels,
28 arm dingo, 32 P. P. bags, .5 stretcher
taps, 9. doz. haddlterchiefs, 34 dozen
sponges, lir ,tioz. Washcloths, 533 pairs
socks.' A box we.s sent to Queen Mary's •
Siker Wedding Shower., valued at
Ja.$53 10; . •
30 Bed. counrcy granb....$ 73 05
A.tig. 14 Ittes county' grant... t 182 74
Other xeceipts.during year, 513 53
'W rineipts
Totill expenditures .
s 70932
.. . 480 15
Lyons, G. Feyge; Mulorcas, hew W.
Balsille6 on band $ . 33 36 Tarm''' orphi.nglon, huff;
Cock: S. .3dansOn; hen. IC Parrieh,
Eiclutout erntinel
published every Thuosiermoruine
, etLuolatow, Ontario.,
AeD. HAVECENZIE, Prooletor
" and Editor,
Teems or Suescarertost-To any address
anwla ar-GreaLliffriaille0sCrear 1-60, sbc
months 75e., three months 400. .to- the United
States, one Year V.00. Theee ere the paid in
advent:orate& 'Wien paid in arrears the ,rato
le 50e. per year higher.
Subscriber; who fail to receive The Sentinel
neularir by mail will confer a faver,„by ac-
quaintingue of the fact at as early ads.% as
Whenehan. ge of. address is desired, both old
and the new address should be given.
° Advertising Rotes.
DisPLAYADyininensiGittalwa-lkitide knew')
on application.
STRAY. AravaLe-rone insertion see; throe in-
sertions ILK .
Farms or Real Estate for sale 500 eacii: aer-
IFYIIitlrell.31olar.r_oUullteigtO.. tlee.,7i2e2t
Local Readers, muses, etc., .100 per line per in-
bc each subsequent insertion; special
rate of So to regular display advertisers. Card
of Thanks 25e, Coming- Events 80 end SC Per
line, no noticeless than 26,1; Legal advertising
10c and So per line. Auction Sales; brief notice
50c, longer notioe 100 per line for first insertion
Sc for each subsequent insertion. Black -faced
lype count 2 lines for 4. •• •
Any 'pedal hpilie, the abject of which, little
pecuniary benefit of any ladividual or 'triode.
tiem to be considered an advertisement 'end
ckarged accordingly. " .
Vastness Curds of six line, and under WO
per rear.
*THURSDAY', OCT. 10th; 1918.
(Continued from Page One)
ed Cow: V. q i'odd, (.1 &.. 2); Two-
Year-eld Heifer': F. :G. Todd (1 & 2) ;
One -year-old Heifskri F G Todd (1 &
2); Female any age: F G.Todd; Herd
one male and three females:
Todd : Heifer Calf P. G Todd 8c 2);
Male any age Durham,- Hereferdear
Polled Angus: S. E. Robertson.
Grade -Grade Cew:' McKay Bros,
W. H. Taylor; Two-year-old . Heifer;
A. Nicholson, a:: A Greer; One -year-
old Heifer: p 1K. Alton; -W.- H Tay-
lor; Heifre Calf:- W ILTaylor,-G . A.
Greer.;_Best shirt -keep. Steer: D K.
Alton, W Taylor; 'tone -year-old
'Steer : W.: H. laylOr Steer
Calf,: W.. R. Taylor, G. ''.A. Greer;
Dairy Csow,_any breed owned acid kept
in the Village Of Lucknow: D , Milne
(1- & 2); Herd Of one,cow, two heif-
ers, two steers: W. H. Taylor; , Beet
Bleck Animal On ground 11 Durnin;
A. Nicholson. . -
Grade Cattle for Dba1ers4TWOI:yearl
old Heifer: A, Nieholson; Two-year-
old.Steer: A. Nicholson (i & 2) e Fat-
ted Cow, Steer or Heifer; A. Nichol- '
don; Best three st4welc Steers A. Niehol
son; Best Steer, age or breed net con-
sidered: A. Nicholson:
'idrsey-Phmale, 'any age; D. K.
Webster (1 &'2); Cve, evidently giv-
ing milk: H. Campbell; Bankers''
Zonipetition, cam,. W_Lyens, Carrick
Douglas •
.* SHEEP. -
Leicester --Aged Ram: Purvis Bros
Shearling Ram: Purvis Bros, T.' Me-
Quillin; ,Ra,m Lamb: Purvis Briss;
&-2)ti -Aged -EVee ( 1 &d).1' :Shear -
ling Ewe: J. MeQUillin, Purvis Eros;
Ewe LOA: • Purvis Brod (-1. & 2);
Pee: Purvis Bros.,
10s,ford'A_, t rerrieir
Berkshire -Stour:. "J; 'Alton e Sow,
farrowed4n 1918: Alton.
. YerkshireBoar:
Alton; Sow, that had raised Pigs in
1918: J..pe.rrieh, J. Alton; Sow, far -
Tweed in 1910: S. Alton., J. Parrish;
Boer, farreived in. 1918: .t. Parrish,
J. Altim; Boar, twleve months. and
-enders J. Parrisb; Sow twelve Months
And finder; S."Fatriali '(I & 2); Boar,
fiti,X. months and Under J. Alton, I
.1earrish,; Sow': ei zelenths and'.1100:
3. Alton, (1 & 2 ).
Tamworth -Boar; S. Alton; Sow,
tartowed in 1918: 3 AitOn' •
Obis -22,-L-Three Bacon HOP: js,
Fairish, J. Altort; 13est peri 'of Hogs:
i. Fatrisli, 3. Alton. '
, Bankers' competition, Hop: Car-
rick Douglas, W. W. Alton.
Powl-ssilinconas; Jas. Johnston ;
hen; Jae. Johnston; AndabisiafiS, cock
Sas. Johnston; hen; jas. jahnstoui.
bantams, ornamental:. anl variety;
Solinstori; Leghorn, white cock ;
J. Johnston, G Feyce; hen: W.
Plyrboutli Aork. btrisd,
coek:3.Johnston,t Alton: hew J.
Johneton, 3. Alien's Any other etads
ard variety, named: 3. Johnston; be
3. Johneton; Duels Pekin, pair; W.
Lyons, J. Alton; Geese, gentler: J. .A !-
ton, G. Feyge; goose: J. Alton, G..
Feyge; Best breeding Pen In Medit-
erranean class: G. Feyge; Best breeds
lug pen in Amerlean or English dose:
j. Johnston. Gs Feyge; Special for ex-
hibitor winung* greatest number of
first prizes in Class tiaz. Johnston.
Chickens Ancona. pullet: G.
Fevge; Leghorn, white cockerel:
Johnston. J. Alton; Leghorn, pullet,:
J. Alton; Orphingtons, buff, cokerel:
J. Selinston; pullet; 3. Johnston; Ply-
mouth Ittick„s, harred,s.seockerel,---sts
Johnston, 3. Alton; pullet: J. Alton,
3. Jobaston; Plymouth ; itock; any'
other variety, waisted, cockerel:. J.
Zolmstrin; pullet; T. Soleseston, :Bent
pair ef Cockerels: 'errs, j..McCarrOl,
j. Altoril Best Exhibit ot,Pigeoni: G.
Feyge, W. Thompson; Domestic Pets,
any.dnd G. Feyge; One dozen eggs:
0. Douglas,. Mrs. J. Webster; Onedoz-
1;gesheaviest, brown: Mrs. J.
WebStfir„ Mrs. W. A. gammon; Speo-
Jai for Exhibitor *inning most prize
OPAL 24.essIs-ssaiolsnstossisstests
best dressed Cockerelcifrs. G. Hun-
ter, W. Lyons, :
One Bushel Fall -Wheat, red or am-
ber: A. Schlitild.t; • One bushel Fall
Wheat, White, correctly named: A.
Schmidt, 3. Alton.; One bushel Spring
Wheat: X, Webster,. ses Schmidt, J.
Alton; One bu. Oats, long, whites:
A. Schmidt, J. lYteDiarmid, S, Alton;
One bu Oats, arty variety: A. Schmidt.
j. Alton, J. IL Ackert; One bu tarley:
3. Altone.T. Webster, ; One bis Peas;
J. Webster,' J. Alton,; One peck Red
Clover: Roy Alton, A.• Schmidt, 3.
Alton; $IX largest and, best stalks
of Field Corn: Willie tyon; Six Ears
Field Corn; A. Schmidt, ji Webster;
Three Sunflowers: Mrs. A. McOarrol ,
Mrs. W it Hamilton; Sheaf Fall
Wheat Sai Phihlps, J. Webster;
Sheaf 'Barley: A. SChmiat; Shoat'
Oats: A. "Schmidt, .J, Webster; Best
'Collectionot Mengel, Turnip, Carrot
or. Beet Seed: Mrs. D. M.. Thompson;
Best collection of Weed Seeds:
Schmtilt: G. Thonipson; Largest. and
best Collection of Grain. and Seeds!
'.A". Schmidt, 3. Alton, G. Tharapson;
argest, and hest arranged coilectioti
.of Corn, Grain and Grasses in strew::
Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Special for ex-'
itikifor. winning greatest number of
Arseprized in class at': 'A. 'Schmidt.
•-• .Roots and_Vegetables-:-TWo varlets -
Ms' poratoes; •pchmidt, X, it. Mac-
kenzie; peck • early pottitoeS:
A, Scinildt; .peek large potat-
oes:. 'A.; Sehniidt, Itatierizie;
Mengel, Wuzel, red: A. Schmidt,
Lyons.; lyiatigellturieIr A Schutt&
Willie LYenS; Turnips, Swede: ,Wilile
Lynne, S. Lyons, , Turnips any Other
variety:. Willie Lyons,, A. Schindt;“
Sugar Beets: A. Schmidt; It. J Weeds:
'Field' • .Carrets., • .A. • Schmidt,
Woods;- TWO winter Cabbage ,: .A.
Schniidt,J..Miller; Two Winter squash.
Mrs., Hatellton, M Connell;
ColiectiOn of field 'roots: A, Schmidt,
'Willie Lyons; Largest Squash.; Car -
rick Douglas, :Mrs; D Thompson' ;
Largest p. nt,kin Mrs D Thompson,
Ta.o•citrone:. G. Todd; Mrs. W. E.:
Hamilton; -Pee enips; .4 Schmidt J
Milielf• Title Carrots: A.: ,Schinidt,
V, J. Li‘!Ons; able Carrots, 'shrift;
.W J. LyOnd; Table Carrots, short: W..
j. LOn, .T. Paekett; Beets, long: A.
Sclinsfilt, 'W. It. Ferrier; 'Beets, short
A:,.9ehnfidt, W; Hunter; Winter Rad-
ish:. A. Schnitit, Willie Lyons; Tom-
atoes:, Mre, 1;1 Therepsen, Mrs W. IL
Hamilton; Celery;. Mrs, R. Brown,
• Congram; Cauliflower: Mrs. D.
Temnpson; Watermelon: G 11.
kinith; '31.tsitnielon: Mrs.
W. R. Rant:Men; Beans, small white:
K. .11. Maeltenzie, G. Feyge; Dutch
efs:W. J. Lens, C. Douglas, ' tap
Onions: W,.j Lyens, „Hsinters
Onions, red, A Schrifidt,.';31. Connell;,
Onions, yellover A. ScIthniiiiteW., HU!).
ter; Three varieties vegettililete A.
Sch,nidt; Collection Of . 'Garden 'Pre-
-dude: 'Mrs. D. Thonipeon, Schmidt;
Special for the Exhibitor ;winnig the
greatest number of first prizes; A.
Snead. Coilectien of 'Butter: Mrs.•
j. Lyons,:Mes. 1. Congram, Mrs.1)..X.
Webster; Crock Of butter, 10 lbse Mrs
3- Lions; Mfg. L Congrank Mrs. ti K
Webster; Batter, In Prints: Mrs. D.L.
Webster, Mrs Lyons,_ Mrs. Con -
gram; .Home-made tread,sxhite: Mr -s.
Xt. Webster, Mrs: W.R. Parrier,,Mrs.
A,'Schmidt;'' I:tomb-made breast brows
krs.-rarier, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. 3. 'Web-
ster; Hoiae-anide breed: 'made front
Havelock Pure Manitoba, Flour: Mrs.
-Farrier, Mrs. .15. M.' Thompson, Mrs.
It. WebSter; mite -Made bread, made
from Seedy, blended IF. lour: Mr. Par-
rier, Mts. R. -.Webster, Mrs, J. Web-
ster; collection of randy' Jellies: Mrs,
A. MeCalrol; teat eupper for work-
ing man; Mrs. D. Ruston, Sire... J.
Webster; Best. baking made •froto
Maple leaf Baking Powder: Mrs. D.
Farrier, MM. 1. Lyons; liome-made
buns, plain, Mr. W. It Perrier, Mrs,
Lyons; Home-made tea buscuits,
white,. Mrs. R. Webster, Mre.
Perrier; Iletst-niade tea" biscUlts:
rt 14 loHdt air .ic.
&Mind, Um It Huston; Old filabion-
ad oat cakes: Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. R.
Webster; Layer cake, light: Mrs. D.
LoYer eake. dark: Orris.
j. Gaunt. Mrs. D. Huston; „Johan*
Cakes Mrs. D. Huston, Mrs. 3.1400s;
Cookies. three 'varieties: Mrs. J; Mil-
ler; Pie, Lemon; Mrs. R. Brown. Mrs
D. Huston; Pie, Pumpkin: Mrs. D.
Huston; Pie, Apple, Mrs. D. Huston,
ars. W. R. Farrier; COJIWt1011 a war
bread: Mrs. 3. Gaunt, Um. J. Miller;
colleetien of Honey: Mrs. A. Csrrol;
Collectien of canned fruits.: Mrs. A.
McCarron Mres D Huston; Collection.
of Marnialade: Mrs. A. McCarron Mrs
D. M.:Thompson; Collection of Field -
es: Mrs- AssMeCarrels.Mrs- ;Ss TeYonss-
Collection of 3e1Ues 3rs. A. Afeetirs
rol, Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Maple
Syrup: Mrs. Rs Webster, Mrs. 1. Con -
gram; Best friut salad; Mrs. A. Mes
Carron Mrs. D. Ms Thomsen; test
Vegetable salad; Mrs. A. McCarrol,
Mis, D, M. Thcenlison; Hard Soap:
Mr. A. Mcenrrol, Nfrs Et. Webster;
1:014nlair to, C,onsist of Ontario grown
Pruitssand vegtables, etc,: Mrs. A. Me-
Oarrel,.Mrs. D. M. Thompson; Great-
est ninaber of first prizes in cblass 27'
McCartrolit. m
Apples -Alexander Wm, Hunter,
•Mrs. D. Huston; Baldwins: X, Camer-
on, G. A. Greer; Ben, Davis: K. •Cele'
eron, W. E. MacDonald; Cirlberte: K
Cameron, jos. Hackett; • Cayuga, red.
streak: X, Cameron, Mrs. D. Huston;
Duchess; Mrs D., M. 'Thompson, W.
MacDonald; Muir AppIest: Is Miller,'
kart Connell; Wealthy: Greer,
R. • 1.• IiVood; King of Tompkins Co:
Jas. Hackett, W. R. MacDonald; „pallo
Water.: las. Hackett, W. Hunter ;
Mann Apples: 0, A. Greer, K. Cam-
eron; Wolf River:, X. Cameron; Xing
Pippins: Jas. Hackett; Eilenhehn
Jos. . Hackett; Ribson Pippins
MacKenzie,' J.. Miller; Ontario; K,
caraerdn,.- W. E. MaeDonald; Rhode
Island Greenings: Mrs. D. 'Huston,
X. R: MacKenZie; Roxboro Russets:
Sas, Alton; Golden Russets: W. Mc'7,
Donald, X Cameron; Famens or Snow
G: A. Greer, Jas. AltourNorthern,Spy•
X, Cameron, G. A:, Greer; Wagners:
R. J.. Woods, Jas. Alton; MeIntosli
Red. W..E, McDonald... X Cameron;
AnY other Fall- Variety: 0, A .Greer,
las. Hackett; •AnY other Winter var-
iety: E: McDehald, A. Schmidt;
Three''verietiee Pail: K Camerbn,
B.. McDonald; Five Varieties, Winter;
•K. Cameren;.W. P. McDonald; Best
Five fall pears': W.. R. MacDortald,
A. Schmidt; Winter Pears: las.. Al-
ten,'D lc Alton; PIUms, bine::
Webster, .Jas • Hackett' PlUms„, red:
W. E. MacDonald, L'Congra.m; Plums
Tellover-jasellackett; Bunehee, Grap-1
es: W. E. MacIrOnaid; Tatman. Sweets
K. Cameron, Jas. Alton; Cranberry
Pippins: W: E. 'MacDonald; Maiden
Blustte W. E. MacDonald, I. Cone
gram; Best Collection t. Of ..Apples;::
jah.eHackett, W. E. Mat:Di:Mal&
Homo- Manufacture -Collection •.or
'Fancy.. Work:. Mrs. K. McLeod, M.
',Mug:stone, Mrs 11 W TaitiiAytt;
I.Collection of Irish Lace: Mrs.1K. Mc-
Leod, Ms H Tamblyn, Miss 'Belle
Mackenzie; Colleetion Of Ladies' work •
'not. faneye•Itirs. j. Mackenzie, Mrs: R.
Brown, Mrs. D M Thompson; 001 -
lection of ICstilide Goods for family
Use: Mrs. .7. McKenzie, Mrs. X. Ike-
tded, Mrs. D. k •Webstre; Colettion.
of Irish Crochet Work:, Mrs, Tarablyn.
Mrs. MeleAediApron, Kitchen: Mrs.
J., gicKenzie, Mrs. Tamblyn ; AVion,
fancy: Mrs. J. Lyons; IrIrs...Tamblyn;
Baby's. Bennet; Mrs.,Livingstone, Mrs
3 MacKenzie; Boudoir Cap:. !Mrs.
ingstone, :Mrs Tanibiyn; Bedroom
Stripers.: „ Mrs, Tanthlyn, Mrs'. Living -
stories Baby's Outfit: Mrs. Livingstone
Mrs.. Tamblyn' "Bath Vowel and Wash
Cloth knitted: Mrs. 3: McKenzie,Mrs
K. McLeod; .:Bedspread, 'fancy,.
had -
made: LeDurriin; Dress, girl'el cotton:
Miss Livngstone; Dress, lady's cotton,.
house.; .1.1r4; Tioiblyns Mrs: :3; --Mats
Xelizie; Dtesser and Stand Cover. Mrs
Lice* Mrs., K. 9Me.Leod; Draps„ Side,
beard, linen:: Mira. Lyons, Mrs. -Verse
Kettiie; Darniag, sainplesonsweel-asid-
eotton: *--L; Praire, Werk, linen
Mrs. 'Tanthlyn. , Mrs. LivingstOne.r Erne
Oroidery, eyelets Miss M Lyons, miss
S. Lyons; EMbroidery„ Mount. Miallick
Mrs. Livingstone, Mrs, Layoffs:. °Em-
broidery, Hardinger: Mrs. . TamblYri,
Mrs.. Livingstone; Embroidery, any
other:. Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. Jae Lyons;
Pive O'clock Tea dioth, White. With
croChet border.: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mr.
JK. McLeod; tlitedIreestiefss Mrs 3
.MaeKenzie, Mit. X. McLeod; Hug-me-
.fight;:erochet or knitted: Mrs. J. Mae.;
Xeurie, Mrs, Vairiblyit; • Irish Crochet
•Ea,: Mrs.tivingstone,,Milf.`Tarablyn;
Lace, Honiten orsPoint:Mrs McLeod,
Mrs; tamblYit; Lace, Duelieks: Mrs.
Moteod, Mrs. Livingstone; ,Lace, knit-
ted (thread).: Mrs., Livingstone, Mrs.
McLeod; Lace, crochet, not othertrise
Mentioned,: Mrs, McLeod, Mrs: Tam-
blyn, 'Lace, EattenbUrg: Mrs. Tam-
blyn; :Are. Livingstone; Lunch , Set,
loth etc: Mrs.: Lyons,: Mrs. J. Mae-
leenz:ei nundry peg: Mrs. Livings
stones Mats, fancy table: Tamblyil,
Mrs, 3.14acXezie; MItts, pair man's
dorible: Mrs. McLeod; isietting: Nits.
i. MaciCenzio, Mrs. Livingstone;
Nigntgewn or underwaist yoke • in
Cicebete , Mrs. D. M. Thep's
sea; PilloW case, embroidered, day:
brown: Mrs, Lyons, Mrs. W. It. Par.
M. 4ou, Mr.tiltibiyaf;
10* eask:S. embrUidered. night; Mrs.
LYOnS, ars. Livingstone; Pillow caseS
crochet lace. night: Miss. M. Lyons,
Mrs. 'rainblyn; Pair Curtains, cotton,
trimmed wills eroehet--; Owls -
JOTS embroidered: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs.
S. types; Quilt, erochet: Mrs; Tara-
idyn; goat. knitted,: Mrs. Tamblyn,
Mrs. 3; MitUenzie;,. Quilt, pieced eots'
ton: Mrs. Tamblyn, Mrs. J. M.a.eXens
zie: Quilt, pieced wool: Mrs. TrunklYst
Mrs. J. Mactenzie; Quilt silk or vel-
vet; Um Tamblyn, Mrs. T. MacKen-
zie; Plumber rug: Mrs, Tamblyn; Set
of bedroom linen: Mrs. J. Macifenzie
Mrs. LYorte; Shirt Man'cotton, work
Mg; Mrs. J. MacKenzie; Sox, 1 pr
Thompscre Mrs. D. Huston; Sox 1 pr
nian's fine: Mrs. Tainhlyn, Mrs. lIns-
ton; elta.va, lady's handmade; woollen.
Mra. .11,, Primo. Mrfe Livingstone;
Saeque, lady's dressing: Mrs. Livings
stone, MT% Mceod; Sera pillow, hand -
painted: ,Mrs. 3. Lyons, Mrs. Isfring-
stone;' St fa pillow, embroidered.; Mrs.
Livingssone, Mrs, McLeod; Sofa pit -
low, any other: Mrs. J. 1.70110, Mrs..
J. Mackenzie; Towel Collection, not
more than four: ars: Lyons, Mrs. j
lilaerieneie; Towel, embroidered; Mrs.
vingstoite,-114. Lyons; Main; COT--
leetion: Mrs. LivingstMte, MrS. Mae -
Kenzie; Table centre piece, White:
Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. W. R. Hamilton;
Table (=ire plece,.colored, Mrs. Liss.
ingstone, Mrs. R. Brown; ira,bfe run -
nor; WO, Tamblyn, Mrs. D. M.,Thom-
won; Tray Cloth, embroidered: Mrs.
Lyene, Miss M, Lyons; Tea cosy', ent-
broldered: tVingstone, Mrs. Lyons;
.Underwear, lady's hand Made; Mre.
Lyons; Woit bag, fancy: Mrs. Living-
stene, Mrs, McLeod; Collection of old
fashioned household articles: Mrs,
McLeod, Mrs. D. BUThompson.. •
Word Carving -Collection of car-.
veil. articles: K. Parrish. • '
China. Painting-eingle piece: Mk
D. M. Thompson. •
Paintinge-;-01(1-Marine Mrs
'Tainblyn, Mrs. Livingstone; .p,igurer
Mrs. Livingstone, 0 Feyge, Ambnals:
Mrs, LiVingstone; Gbreyge; Canadian,
landscape: 'Mrs. Lreings-tOne, Miss
Bell MacKenzie; .13 est Single paiiting
Mrs. D. M, Thompson, Mrs. ,tiviegs-•
tcine. .
Water Colors -Marine View:.Mrs
Livingstone,. Mrs. Thompson; 'Figure
Paintlng Mrs Livingstone; Mrs.
'Moms:lion; russets:, Mrs. Living7
stcine; tandseape scenery: Mrs. Thom
;mon,' Mrs. Livingstone; Painting on
glass or pottery: Mrs. Thcrrepson..
63.0t rmayer 8 .n4 hColarato; rpesooszli ;aiwn dr Mrs.
In Charcoal Mts. ThOmpson; G. Feyge
Pell and Ink Sketeh: Mrs. Thome-sons
Mr's, isivingstoms; Pencil' Drawing:.
G: Feyge, Mary COnnell.
• lit•I'LOWERS:
geraniu.ln.e: Mrs. A. McCerrol...; Cac-
tus: Mrs. McCarrol; Ferns; Mrs. Me- ,
CarroS, Mre. D. U. Thompson; Foliage
Mrs. *Huston, 'Mrs Thompson, Home'
Pie n Yrs :Tlicirrn,;(;)rf Asrrwn.zFprn
MrS.-Thenlpscor,Begenia, re-x:--Mrs.It
McDeed,. Mrs, Thompson; Begonian;
tuberous in blooin: Mrs Thom.pson;"
P'uscliia, In blOoni: Mrs. H. Malhers;
.Asters : Mrs. W. R. gammon, Mrs:
Alec/al-rat:. Dahlias.: Mrs. J. :Webster,
Mrs...D. Hustone.'41adioli: Mrs. Mc-
Carron Mrs, Hamilton; -.Marigolds,
collection: Mrs. -Thoinpscias Sweet
Teas, collection*: Mrs. Th'ompsort; Pan
'sies; Mrs. Lyons, Mrs.. Thompson;
Phlox, perennial, collection: Mr's. Me-:
Cerro]. Mrs.: Hamilton,' Phlox,dram-
mondii: Collection: Mrs.. Thompson;
Petunias, 'eolleationt Mrs, -W. E. MaeS
Donald, . Mrs. 'Phompsbn; Sunflowers.
collection:*Mrs. MeCarrot; Mrs. Thom-
pson; : Basket 'Animals: Mrs. Thomp-
son, .MrS. MCCarrol; Table Bouquet:,,
ornamental; Mrs. MeCarroi,' Mrs.. W.
R. Hamilton; Autitmn Leaves .: G. H.
Mrs.:rhomnsen. •
Collection of curios or oddities:
Mrs. K. McLeod, Mrs.. TlicenkSen;
daie Of eluffeil birds„ Canadian:. .1.;
Lyons; 'mule tyone; C011ection o
Coini: Mrs. Thompson. • ' :
-011-tritistITS7" comikriliA614-
B eye' ince, 100 yds:, Gs Thompson,
It Andrew, W. Webster; 130yes potato
rate: Alton,, W.' Thompson ., E. Reid
Backward Race:',0 Thourpsen,
ThoMpdon, IL Andrew- • ,
' MENT: '
csroebet :work in COttOil Jean Spin -
div, .'neTyn. Lockhart; boll; most.
tastefully dressed: E., Lockhart, 3..
Spindler:, Embroidery; any kiwi: Et
Lockhart, 3..SpindIer; Towels, hand-
made: E.Lockhart; Cellection Ur gen-
aril work, not fancy: E. Lockhart.
: Best specimen 'water color drawing:
Wiontfred Farrier,: Tens
Best .specimen pencil" drawing: • W.
Ferrier, W. P. Tholitpton; Best speck -
men of writhig: Margaret MeCallum,
Carrick Douglas; or. children under
10 years: Winnifred Douglas/ Mar-
garet Henderson.
Six beets, short: Gordon Thompson
Winifred Farrier; 'Six Carrots, short:
.W.•Farrier, G. ThistriPson;sVegetableS
E. Lockhart, G. Thompson; BouqueL
of Garden Flowersi; • 6. Thompson,
W. Perrier; Drawing of your garden
as planted for 1918: E. Lockhart, W.
T. 'Thompson; Essay 'My Garden at
Witealfred Farrier, Caserta'
Douglas* .
.. , . . .....
CAPITAL, AD NRuSuxVii 48,800'10w I
iSranches in Canada
General panking Osisiness:Pansacted
Cireurar Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders
interest allowed let highest current rate ,
.PIANTOS .Weare agents for the following
"-"." high:grade instruments: Gouriay
Winter and Lemming, Heintzman & CO. ,.3114. the
Newcombe Pialso CO,
iq1P); XI)/
The main feature,s of
- are its easy and quiet
action, its Simplicity,
durability and free-
dom from repairs.
See us before buying.
Second=“and Goods
puggyi' 2* Organs, x Sewing 'Machine, t• 1Via.nure
, Spreader,..I 'Oliver Sulky Plow. .
Male citizens Of the United States living in Canada of
AGES. 21-30, both' inclusive, MUST REGISTER BY RE7
GISTERED POST With 'the Registrar iffider the Military
Service Act of the district in which they live, during the TEN
such CITIZENS QF THE. AGES .19, 20AND 31-44,. both
inclusive, must so register during the TEN DAYS NEXT
FOLLOWING OCTOBER I.2th, 1918. 'It must be emphasized •
4 • .
Registration' letters -may be handed to local Postmasters
for despatch to the proper Registrar, under the Military
Service Act. ,
F ACT f°11
• Having in view the importance a leaving a suffi-
cient number of men on those faryris, Which are
• actually contributing to the National Food Supply,
notice is hereby given as follows .
EXEMPTION AS FARMERS which in eXpiring and WHO
WISH TO REMAIN EXEMPT should communicate with
the Registrars under the M.S.A., of ,thbir .respective districts. .
EXEMPTION, Questionnaires will thereupon be issued to
these men by the Registrar and they will receive further
exemption upon furnishing satisfactory . proof that (hey are
coritributingislifficiently US the National Food Supply. -
2. In order to tscilitate productive employinentdurina, the
ING, MUNITION WORK, ETC. Such permitS will servo
to enable exempted farmers to pursue other useful occupations
for the months dur•ing which farrning operations convot
carried on.
RYICE 1311AiaL