HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-03, Page 70; 144 a ' ' 'W dirtge.tertera V l'h7frt"irthereaterirer ,0440404 lay Agrouomlit. TM* Department Is for •the use et our farm readers who want the advice •ef an expert on any epieetlen regarding's-41U, seed, crops, etc. If your queetion fe if sogollepit general Interest, it will be aniwored through the; solemn. If *tamped and addressed envelope is enclosed with your letter, a complete Asswer wilt be mailed to you, Addrese Agronomist, care of Willson Publtshing . Ve., 444, 7$ Adelaide- lit. We Toronto. 1 • A ilarvealing and Storing 'Certain straw over the soil tigaiti, frost treiy . , Vegetables, be kept out, titn4 tile celery dug mat While vegetehles have been bar. as required. ' 'vested eontinuously in many gardens In harvesting potatoes, any which dn Ceuada since radishea and epinaeh show signs of decay should be kept were ready fer use in early aiming, tf,,,,iiseparate from the t, ud used first, tine hes come, when the hulk ef the thus lielPlug to aveld the development when YOU dairymen will not Ue a erop must be gathered to escape ego of rot when stored. Potatoes Omni& mind of protein from one source with frosts. , ••' , be dry when they are stored: a pound from another. Some of the t. As beandiscolor and IreP onions OM . epread thinly. protein feeds yea give us are simply s mould very e readily, it is. important to dry them qMsabsa IminP-Itlxis 4144 ---mUmss- 4-IviiirlOt" tale ea anddigett YIANTED FIATHUS • tillgbeet Prteett Pekt Pronthe Reterne-Na Oostaildeeiete P. POULIN 11; CO. theaossietwe Illesziree elleaterall teseheieeemeetaletetetteettettie 'Palo Whit the Cow Would say, We need period of rest after we have worked for you till the year, that we may properly nourish our %dyes alai build up our energies for another settiont's work. NOV IRRIERED• MAD TAMES WRY WO Our food ehould be well *lanced, WEN HUNGRY A Am. but we hope that. the tune ina ' FIRD SELECTIO 14 OF SEED 41 THE Jr "E'll LIM'S GUM thuds of (lathering, Curing and Storing Seed"Curit Calculated to Peirelop 'Strains of High -Yielding Corn in Ontario. •,One October dusk wise* Nage Moulton-ratered his luiliii0Wili library _ Right now lathe thee to make plans, the value of *tout, vigorous, Jody. he Semi Ilse feminine xassabors si dab for gathering anti etoring sufficient: stalks, that produce ears at a convente' family in deep discussion0 good ears for next stiring's supply of 1,ent height for hervetting aud huekinct "Lucy again?" he *eked, seed. The very basie of SUCCOMS with, and with Shenks just long enough to "Yes, Lucy; but it's the worst Pk" next year's corn crop lies in thetcare i *how the ear to droop nicely. As a' said Mrs. Grant. 00 Uncle Prescott, and commorrsense with which the; rule etslics of this type will bear good if on could 410 eomethiniet The Cart I ringtons are planuing * three-day . seed corn saved to prodvice this crop is: eerie gathered and cerea tide fall. Tobe ; It il always better to have 4 milr.1 motor ° trip Into the reOuntitiost-sig sure, the importance of testing seed plus a seed stored away in the falti young people and Mr. And Srie Cer- ;ern in the epring cannot he overes-; And to make final selections Of seed newton. Bob Carrington invited timated, but at best spring thsting ; ears before planting in the spring. It l Lucy, and she asked biro why he &het eimply serves as a check or safeguard: is also important that fairly mature' invite Celia Ventig4 inetead, beeaues in determining the efficiency of' the ears be selected, 44 the irematerat the was so much more entertaining. revious handling and curing which' ones are apt to cause mord, and at So he took her at her word. And now 0.100...............41,01011 VVVINA/VP..,....,•••• a• ..,,,p thQ corn has eat. I best arc very difficult' to cure. Such! Lucy is crying her eyes out, for • elm 'Mff If MY NOSE KCEIVES ME NOT ' , The first step toward securing bet.: immature seed, even though it mar" really wanted to go, and she can't see MY MO1Ittlr5 MAKINCA JAM°. ter seed ears for planting is that'ofl, possess high germinating etnalitie.e,:tta it,D -411 tea ewe neale,-,- neethes- - •selecting veriettea_thateewill -maturehlittenehitileney to -produce weak -grow -h, I don't know what yin going to do during the normal growing treason. To; ing oplante, unless weather and toil, with her." ' hnteesify early. metering tendencies' conditions are especially faverable.i, "People will he calling her tepees' and enable one to examine the Char- I This serves to emphasize the import-: pretty scow, it they aren't already; actee of the growing stock tie well as, ance of °growing a variety of corn that eald Chrietine. "And when a girl get* the ear that is atteclied to it, it Is I will mature well and which, by care-, that title, her ease is hopeless." ' • ' preferable te select seed ears from ; fill eami selection, may prove adapt- ' "You can manege her better than f Anyone 'else. If you could inahe her the' field Omit the middle of SepWla-, able to climatic conditione. 'bee, This gives seed corn that will I No amount of attention to 'scientifie see hohs fethlieh her shyness re-" said make good silage and mature sound , field selection will solve the problem Mrs. Grant, leaving the sentence en- grain during a norenel growing sea- : of seed eorn selection enless adequate' finished, an open door to her hope. , son. Only careful seed selectien will i plans are Made to get the teed ears tfrlie go up," Judge Moulton ans. . s'... I enable-Ontari ,(0anners-to, gradually-rinte-stomge---promptly.— ._ ._. - _wered.------ - , • intensify the early maturing tend -1 The Method which will bring about Ile: climbed the stairs slowly -not encies of their corn until it is, possible ; the quickest drying of the ears is the because Te was growing older but be- te mature *i maximum quantity, of most efficient. In general, any prac- cause he was thinking how hard life • . (lent corn. I tical method of sterna that will Ithen often is for young persons before they . - . . NIN, seeaetimes feel ea though we • . AS soon as possible, and. 0, keep them 811941(1 betheht in 4 reederately irattn, were All out of whack. We can only i not g ,cool, place, elry. TheheshouId be spread ceit thine . t , ' lay ties feeling to the way in which ' ly under coveraand turned. every two . cr three days until quite dry. u e .Aftertilervest ailtivatiOn.: • . touurer tea-lei:wee:, have •interfered with mt.. .1 , is neeessary to 'harvest Abe' plant* Adequate cultivation is Just as est s • before they are thorough* ripe theY sealed, tor the production of maximum ' You have .bred us so that it is, cier 1 t van be lning up Outside until dry. cyrop,seata ie the aPPlication of manures: very nature to put mfr. fat into There wp bc,,, many tomateee .which An ..1-aci, many farmers assert that Pall, and when we get short rations .7ttin not r_ipea_ wore_ the plants are plenty of intelligent tillage is almost we Pat the flesh of our own bodies ! lailea bi, the .-free-t. , -If the fulry.:. eque,L_to_ aeliteteeof manure. Such into your Milk. The dram on our grown green specimens are picked, statements do not 'detract triM 'the ayatiie.-Ikawfa e e It seems as 1 though you thought .of .., 4.efore being frozen, and 'elich sped- value of manuree or other fertilizers, nien wrapped in PaPer and stored in but they iserVe, in some measure, to nothing except •buying more protein, closed boxes, they will be found, from bterilaf inttho. resloleite, the need for maintl Making More milk, and facing lie to , teetsenade at the Experimental Farm, . . n the best possible our very limit, rie you weeder we, le limited to. a few days if the full e In selecting seed from the 'field one thq ears separate so"as to prevent ne- have lived long •enough to gain a to ripen hetterthan hy expesing them tilth. The Proper time -tit commence get tuberculosis, garget, and that we y . after o crop. play ‘ under soc care. an feeding. value • of. the corn ' to b --- - - -,-". should not per. ist in Wetting cars tual minted of one. ear with soother', sense. ot• proportion. Lucy- alwaYe bad • ' ! to. the sun; ,Letext it put uttstettostd till ge ite immediatel aft the cod und h d treat -retained simply because they are big.. Tile prod and allow free circulation of the air, been his special comrade. e — , boxes without wrapping each Specie has :bee d If 'I 1 • met' n remove . the soi s in- _ e . t . . N Fall plowingt. seeding f winter ; Andrea Mut te •the. size, .ef the„ oath is round each ear will give the best re -I it the door he tapped three times-. ' men, they ripen, well, , rested with-weecisi shall* cultivation, When' you • con.fint 145 t° sucli liar' wheat and digging potatoe:rmUetb aslarge as will Mature oe one's farin.esults.. One of the best and *cheapest; their old signal. Re bad to wait be* ' either with a gang -plough or a disc- row ratione as Many of . YOU 41417 done on many • farms at about the, Frequently cauliflowers are just het harroW immediately after harvestt will. farraere, do, we -cannot use our.instinct In selectin' .eqrs that have readied a; methods *....that of having wren wire, fore Lucy opened it, and when he did ginning to head when it becomes Ire -same time. , In such cesesethe timeli- fiiii maturity tefore it. is time to hatecut up into strands: The eers are. she kept her face turned from the. , eause the •germination of • the weed tive preferences. in the c'hoice of. our nem. and ease of accomplishing the vest the maincrop diet( may have ii; easily .attached to these strands and, light. But the )udge's voice w4S essary to harvest theni -owing tO Sev-- seeds,'-- Subsequenricultivation will foods enti when YOU choose our food' work are determining• faetore in doh are frosts, . If the Sante ate pulled kill these Yelling • plants slide if the for us, you should. &CU _Wisely. . 11- Celine the advisability4 ushis coin.1 a deep grain,. but neva as large a. col?' dre -rapidly. Axil:Aber eeed •seheme is' -quite casual. . 1 it the seemlegly large ears that ha- ,that of driving finishing •nalls into- al "Hello, little giell tSuppeee artyone'e ond replanted ha boxesehn the cellar,. ploughinghae been done early enough.1 We eittea scene succulent food to cutting machhinetrya kTeheh Mireltlhinthd- et thre latite, or ea those that ere •not cedar post far enough apart to hold using the vinery?" • ' • - . - and kept watered, they .will, go - OU it may he' possible to effect • the ger- keep our bowels In condition and age ' develtiping, end. one can: have mull- initiation of a sect.' ' growth of weed sist us in the 'digestion and- assinilla- :earn. doe: themature, 'after heavy froste. The big., each ear eeparately. Several nianuti Lucy led the way without a word. Rawer for smite 'week e; • Brussels seeds before the .fintil • "ginig-up" tion .ofehhe heavy erain foods we are • meet satisfactoryresults are ebtained i stiindgh 7ineirrig.a when &eat* ness, or circumference of ' the cob, facturers have put on,ehe market elet The nureere, long, disused; but dear 1 should correspond with the length of vices for keeping the em separateme a. because of old mories, was alwayit, e • sprouts can also be teplanted In this Pleilihing is. dt•oe late in the fall compelled to eat . . with a . three -horse team, and some-, . . the growing season. This point is im- 1 No' place on the average .faent is, a comfortnig-eplace of retreat 411 • ,, • ,- WO . Both.of these vegetables mat', This is °noel the inost effeetive means ' .. If you would feed us Aftittle more ' however, be left • in the greund, for a combatting such weeds as wildof the good things that you grow here. times four borses Are neceesary when. pothant because. it enables the grinver better adapted to hiring seed porn for' she pushed -thf door open, elle eurned.' some time yet. ' s oats and. mustard. . • • en the farm, and not ao.nuich 'of those ..: ri lie •Ordinary yields, one man operating the corn is heavy or the ground billy. to keep the size of the ear adapted moderate plantings than the ordinary, with a•sudden cry. .• 1 to his soil and climate.... After•one has well -ventilated. garret with - Window* "Vella' can't People etay little? It : . If Cabbage begin tp split and It ie • Where the • land -is comparatively boughten feeds, we should make bete the 'binder will • keep two men busy, selected his veriety..and finds that it that may be opened topermit breezes was e6. muck eager then. .1 hate : not .yet . time to harvest, .theile, the free from weeds some advocates ter milk, and we . 'should havebetter gathering .•the'' bundles- and shocking suits his :soil, latitude and requires': to blow through •fteely. In such ' a things. 'now. I hate being different - splitting will be prevented to some eke of, aftershervest • . cultivation favor- (*Ives tit tette oar placeeeedien wh:are them.. - These ,theee men cutting and menta.then lie 'should' aim to grow as pliee the eais Will not be injured- by :and .left out-" i • • s .tent by twisting therpiants. so as to deeper ploughing, for the purpose a sent. to the shambles. •• . •• ••••••••••••••,................,••• ' • shocking by hand would seareely, big ears and no larger than will make frosts during the and at the same. He drew her down beside him on • . locieee theni.. This checks the flow retainhig more moisture hem . the . ' Over armee than -four acres in a day • • . a Maximum ;:trop of sound 'cern. '.. i time be protected from the rain and the arm. of the big chair. • of sap intei the head., If the cellar autumn rains. - - This is a matter of , : " Machine Corn Cutting •:- • .. 'eke' • t k. • . . it Would- be. necessary o tvor t . Only the inexperienced or the uhob-, storm. The room above the kitehend • tLuce " he"what Would you , , asked,,y . is wprm rand. dry, and the cabbage .expenence. and the nide/ideal farmer- ithie. nian• with' a corn knife ' .b much harder than. when the cern-hind.' • . . ' have to be harthsted -owing tizr.3he should eepeiiment and decide fee hitn" . wor . ng 'hard' can cut and shock, an ,er is used,thus the machine requiring ki ' 'Y '1.- . ' h - serving geoWer persists le eelecting where the stovepipe nasees threighe think ot a stotekeeper who wben 'a" - • ears simplybecause they are big. Yet , will furnish ideal conditions for cur- l customer•ceme in declared that he had: frost; they will keep well fora time eelf Which method is most suitable to average of one and one-half . acres a less leborious, work takes from one - Where • the aceemmedetion ia. p00; The final ploughing in the. autumn vester can harvest four or five acres 'given acreage. • ' • : ... d . ' farm arii.,A . Nothing willIfire one -a better idea. er win) began every le.sson by ,Saying - I nothing worth buying. Or atteach- , outeideif mimed With leaves. , the needs ef his soil. ' • ' ' day. Two men. with. ii platform har- half to two-thirds as long to cut a b i • the charm of bigness is . over many the seed ears: . .• • - - • • celery May be kept outside .int . so 'me time, andthreemen with • . - . ---e-t-te-h* — • ree ers f o corn as , well it s • mats. :The fact that this idea of big- , of the value of providing ample. &mei she didn't know. enough to teach?. Or the should leave the land ridged,that in the sa a corn -binder le e ten hour day can . ' The hoarder, the leaner, the slacker; , -ness of ear associates with the idea of , Mg fadilitiee for corn than the testsr, a doctor who ' • • h t h: . 't • soil well into the tvinter by opening a frost action Will pulverize :it thee- .. . timid', preferably , a narroW oee. otighly ..,- in this, way a fine surface cut and shock from • *seven to , nine And other guest cows of that ilk, •. ,bie-nese . of ' crop is se unieerstir that for ,.getinination ,in .the seeing. Let: competent tpraCtice? Do you thielt o .. • • eerere acres.' Thiayeae when fatna help is. Should be hunted .aviatt to the 'but- corn growers /mist devote special ate: the farmer tele 'believes that proper l it would be very long before lthe • t • ., 1 , , ,,, .. ' ti t tud ing the problem be.. ' curing of: his seed ears der•ing etife • weild 'took there at their own value- •", . fifteen - Or: sin -teen lathes wide, and, mulch is forme& diirieg the eteit deep enottgA so that the tops of the Which dries out quickly. in the spring; sq scarce there: is urgent need. for • . clier- , .....,. ... . . . .. celery will •conte aletut level with the at the seine' time it forms an eXcelleitte the use of s rabot-eivieg • machinert : . They Ulm ell. the profit from. milk. le fore they min succeed in developing fall does not pay, test out ears pro .t; tion? t ' . . • .. • • strains of high -yielding corn adapted , perly• cured and , those stored.. in the! YWhy., :;I' sUpppee notp- lLaicy • ans- : "---'"-- .' - ' ' ' ,'• . i to their soil and Min -lade •eoriditiens.' Vice house Or barn ana the results will i wer 'sedate, of . the ground. • The celery .geed bed and praectiOn for sub -sur Wherever possible.s. • Cutting mien be ' • - .. • • With the big paying crop ever before; prove to his satisfaetion that propel1 • "Wellethen, your biashiees just now 'ed slowly . - , .• t face •ntalliture. • • ' -. • • . hand is! a bard, disagreeable . task, ' .Have you,.. won e.' riltbon at the , -------- cercitn.sef labor mamake ,this ,and_the time when -it should be done - - --- - nty • .- en— eete l-- ____.. _ _ . . mi ••• .... . out_ i,ai, we may geehe sacrifice citring pays. But such a test .does net : is to be a sweet, happy, . frieehly. , _ S.y_ ' eoee.? • ' :, t . prose...difficult, If 'not iiiiptiesiblee On t • . • . . • l . lei liege. Of eers for soundness,- quality -7-4111Y 'determine the vallie-:•eflitOper!"gIrt--7.People--your old -uncle inelud- mai:farina. '-' Seth viliete atelielietidthee . • The eticeessfut eerie . grower' Who : germinate readily do not 'produce eti ; if you iteep ineisting Mit you ,aren t . • - • . tivation, It is a fector of prime imh . twelve to fifteen inches of soil over 1:enhance 'in inereasiog production next •• • plants are put close together in in and before there,,o1•0 severe frosts, a tide hirer. of _etrew, or leave. is :Pnt ether the ton. When. the cold weath- • • ' . eer comes a heavier covering' of leaves may be pet over, it it Is desirable to leave the celery longer, arid then caps do riot exiet, elery eftert should' - and inattiriti.- 'Miring:- :Many' kernels oftherit that Led -have an idea. that rex are. But teles particular peide in developing I, vigorous plant. It is only well cured -don't you see"thal yhti aeen't play - he made to practice after harvest GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX, • that. By putting •sufficient leaves or year, • The best time to select ,breeding * ewes for next year's crop of lambs is Just about the time they are taken from their lambs this year.. 'The ewe, like the alai* Cow, should be judged largely upon her 'performance. The ewes that bring. large, thrifty lainbs and proejde them With plenty of nonrishment are the kind that pay •for their keep and return a profit. For the man who already has his land picked out, and is the posseasor Of suitable buildings for the Purpose - of wintering, etuly fall is the tim'e for starting hi sheep raising, and if the beginner has sufficient 'confidefice in bis own ability as a judge of sheep, ' he has no better opportunity to select his foundation stock than is provided • at the Fall Fairs. Many of, the tihowmeti at the big exhibitions will • be found to have, in addition to their t first Priteheinnerseplenty of desirable ' in their shoet stting, especial- ly hi thetente of young 1‘0111$1,.. ENvesk also can be procured more readily at • this season than at any other, and the purchaser. S0.11 haire the opportuaity of- providing 1*Os newly acquired flock with feed at anion costfOr smile weeks tended a uniform strain of seed dorn adapted seeds _that produce 'strong vigorous, Mg fair, that you are. shirking tjae'. to his farm finds it pays to strap el plants: Life processes go on in stile; business God set you th do, by run - . • By• Andrew P. Currter, M.D.. ,- Dr, Carder 'will tinswer.-iii- signed letters pretaintng to Health. It your • bag oz basket 'Ter - ou.der.. and ; seed kernels at a very slow rate. Ex- fling yourself down? his hli 1 • tuestion Is of•general interest it will be answered thquith these columns; go through the field 'before the corn' pose the seed ears to damp, freezing; •"Shirkingre'Lucy cried.' . U not. it will be answered pertonaily if stamped, addressed .eelope is ea. i .04 and nd'd wn the ewe' azA thawitig• weather and the gerini-; Inthe dusk her 'uncle evened. What- • St. West Toronto. • . .• • . , ° ' 13 "alai" standing etalks. In case he has no • weakened to midi an extent that it is ' • - . kddiess Dr. Alidrew bt. Currier. elm et Wilson• Publishing Co.. special seed plats, he maydfindeittrs-4 deffieelt to meireatt lall_stand, - -Pro- 1.-- 7 - -- /* The sentry, Suggestions Relating:to Side Diseitees - penetrates beyond:. the urf 'ce inus't bl _ ;ILL rr e;ethe fleell:11 leTr's relagu;nth.e oafnr veitasleietcyl Red, White. and Blue Pullets. • _ The .Prevalence of ' skin diseases ' tieceisarily leave a- sea: henee there' from e- teherebeset eteenre7 until . It's cold out here in the rain and sleet among Canadian people is astounding. ! is danger of .disfiguremerit- front lo crone At .any rate he must have in ',in the kernels and keeps it there 4. I:t1 rather b9 home eight' under Reefer the, six -month-old layers, menthe, and bite for those laying at Seine are shin:4e, local,. and dasiry'. tient; advertised to remove freckles, mind the type and qualities of a good I it is set free by the soil to produce a! An a sheet , white for those first hieing at seven festations of inteinal disease • ahd ` powerful enough to do this. . • i through; , • ' ' • ... boots are • wet and are leaking . . , ' ht ths the ler-band 'colors ' - , 7 i ' . Ilia ; 'fttolei and liver spots if they aro ear. end stalk.. He Must appreciate healthy; vigorous -growing plant. I MY tisett by •some poultrymen to keep informed of the 'egg production by others aro stubborn local diseases I The removal of parasiteseend ver- - ,walkup Et 0 dosed. Dr: Currier will, not prescribe tor ledivid,ual cases' or dlagli°1111 selecting' the t bet seed ears from the I nether powers nee either destroyed eel ever' else she Was,:hucYwas eitt „ • * - i • • the new- crop of pullets. Those facts, lastlng months and. years. min from the skin requires 'not only Spreading Flinn Manures. , My' socks are wet, and my feet are, - as well as others which are valuable, In . all "skin diseases it is' safe to; judgment in selecting • medicines but taltes.as long to •load a manure The farni is your friend; be a friend: A Be a Friend of the Parni: - too. • • • • - in culling for the second year assume as ,za fundamental hrinciple skill in tiding it. ' spreader as it does, a wagon ho?c,. hut of the feria. Seine 'folkslive cm the Then cold it thins as•I write- titer (tweet comes oeer my face at times. and bit making Up breeding. pens, are obtain- that the• bowels must always be kept ' There are good sulphur soaps. and the speeaher will 'unload and, spread* farm but • have no love for it. They e • n •••• •• . • My- back it,. aches from , 'standing ed by notitievilien the -handed pullets. freely Open for the skin is 1 t • t f th itch -it d * , comp e- trien s or e . pares e an the manure in a third 'of the time. thke an they can eat of it, and then' Mentary to the intestines in elim- if they fait a sulphur ba ea. Hauling manure in a wagon .box and kick it for what diets done fortthem. I • straight,. t'S 'are , . Bence cathartic . mineral • waters, I e Mercurial ointments are neces- fork is bard and disagreeable work, Because the farm that le petted Spreading it an the field with a harrd- It pays to keep friends with the farm a I feel as itcarrieda cargo of freight , molt and begin to lay. Usually, but: not invariably the reel -handed birds .11 ti bath will always sent to market. as yearlings; %salts Of. various kinds ahd laxative; sary for the parasites it get at It can be done much eased, with ea made mu& of will givtaback more.; and The eloves I wear are eo , ' ld and stiff* i____I i a ng poisons from e o y. .• I it• to . . • • f th te d l ' .11 the ' b • ' ' . • . red-b,anded ones seldom are. The, oils are- important in treating skin ' the 'roots of' hair but the mustebe 'spreader „ and- the material is' more Evert bare 'ground feels . the touch of I'd rather *beehome beside the "Wif." B .cl‘ I molt, last lue-bande • pul e • • . l. e, I used • cautious* for " mereuYriall peis...I evenly distrihuted. The spreader the Man with the true farmer -spirit' ' ' o'er, . • , ,, Then I think of the, Men I'm watching . ., . determine whether it rill be profit- • valent during yeah and they often ' usual, especially among ehildren• I time when manure is to be spread, but for 'him; it, gives the very best for, • war, • - . ' ' - , The men who came out to :end * this age at. which a ' pull8t starts laying ' diseasee, . ' and the date when she begins l'tci' molt; akin. diseases eie-• especially pre-; oning from 'such a source is not un- is a useful implement to have at ...11Uy in his heart. It leaps to do it e 'beet: The first bands in the case of heavy• ye ken; ,.. I'm glad that I'm hoeored to ,. . able to keep her another „year. Birds ' Rustic en corrosive ointments particularly- , gives , e verere is in; And attack the face and neck, the most' ' C • a • '-'. so now when !abor is him. it ' the y best there •' ' about tie beauty' l' t - f tl • king an ei esa :. • . • guard these men 1 conspiculnis par of the body and, and salvos -are often Advertised to I scarce and the need for -increased it ' Sing and the farm ,responds,, . . . , ' ' . , — . • , w ich young people are always most They are painful and destruitive . 1 crops' aethands that not ti. pound of lau h ' d the farmh sitil back t. The cream of the manhood of lands, . fertility be wasted. . Save time and you and pours yeur.lap full d good' ' . ' without bands atinto be culled: ' 1 - - • ' • " - • or ug mess o treat ean5er o ie -s. • ages are r g rn • • - • I ' You cannot blarne young 'persons' who are ' familiar ‘. ith - their action' • . - an should- e tat --only- y ose a s e- .y epree er. ethings e • . e amount of hauling is not suificient to . ' '-l—e-at--the--- e - 'ThatWithnot much. ussom lit le soun_ t - • - • • ' ' So I buckle up and pace the ground, ' ' • h . a t d breeders are often put on at six and e• • • sensitive . -• ' ' --- - - . e e e G Ili , void wa te bu a • d If th . . eneahalf or seven Months.' The ribeVe' for Le he s • The test is, sernetimes the trapnest, for mortificatio or thane) when And with the diseases for which they a 'band of one calor being placed en, the Mime reveals .blotehes and, Me appropriate. pullets whOn toming into laying.. blackheads and sores , 'and swellings' • Disease of the side is often • in - Sometimes PhYtital eitaminati°11 id; which disfigure their . countenance duhed by substances used upon it. ' for fall plowing, end on the stubble - e : and wound their .pride, ,and I al- This is especially true ' of ,cosme- • • ' . Leaves as Fertilieer. used instead of trapnesting. In the ways try to land a sympathetic ear tics which clog the tubes or tne , • Dead leaves, contrary to eomnlon ers s o • latter case there are reliable signs • It is perhaps hieo for the new be- tee conditiop of the " based upon stick disfigurement and skin with materials which will not value. Most of the elements of plants ening and preserving... insu;iaphtiton:s, tug,: otprazie,trit ,..:, to follow. 'The color ofuttyliien'ev,e,rtenneds, to. ' their tales of 'wee when they ariel sweat and sebaceous glande , of the' belief, have practically. no fertilizing take.the place of sugar hoth for -sweet- hd . doreezrinsg, ! nnoyance. • ' • - dissolve, .which interfere with the food pass into the body of the tree. on Too !milli People have used bone will lie about the deck. A gong. • justify the investmente it may be use Honey, ave Sugar . ' - ! the men Will rest tied- sleep 'While a careful guard I keep. • Aboet sixth pounds ot sugar (tree . .F..1.. C., 1918. 'consumed each year in Canada by.; ,. every man, woman and child,- . With i • • ' Ait-Cure. for Airmen. , the increased price of sugar beekeere, ' b i t h On a Cingaleee.fishing-boat, in the - worth while to rent or borrow your 'neighbor's. to come on grassland that • ginner with sheep to start with good change 5uiekly when a pullet be' ins' P begms • . into the pure-bred line immediately, vent., The laying bones become pli- others must always be measured if charge of sweat and sebaceous mat- -sounds! the paialyzed.d vers. flop an , grade ewes, than to endeavor to get to lay. The yellow color leaves the, The griefs and ''cliscomforta of circulatioit a the blood and the /Its:. the approach of winter. ti.;i A toil of only as a seread fer bread antlgriddle- • Experience with the less Valuable ant" able and theft& between them and 1possible from their standpoint. • 1 ter and will make the skin dry and mals will fit him to produce fancy the end of the breast -bone , grows, The patent medicine vendos find i* hard . even if they do not • produce flock headers and exhibition stock loose and flabby. ' With experience 1 • later, Alia m in•the meanwhile his profits the poultry keeper Acquires suell eatit" victims in those who eruptive disease ouffet 1 . • ttenehfor _they grasp at every Theatrical peotee arid others whoa° Iron disposal of wool and mutton will reeding theae signs. A little later' front be eatisfactoty• provided he Proves a the -combs of laying- pullets will be straw which gives any prtisPect of; I taste or preferenee induces the. use of a good shepherd. The . plump and smooth Lod, fe. the relief, . 1 rouges and Cosmetics often • find the disposiegof red, plu Rut if there is a. patent medicine redults of such maltreatment of the any considerable eumber of top .ntatth case of Leghorris, the ear -lobes will Iwhich evill mire. tittle, , I have tiever skin sufficiently disastrous. . • Pure-bredi, onetbe other heed, is, be white, When pullets are examin-; I teen it. , • i - Ointments are usually preferable '• somewhat of almieinees, in which al ed, birds found Malformed or veryThere are some Which may help to liquids or lotions for application Malt requires, first a reputation for much undersized are culled, as well' it especially .when joined with ca. to the skin as they tire more readily' . his 'stock and second a wide connection , as thoet whose eonformatioe indie-h thartics, Massage, told other means applied and more -readily retained, in the breeding fraternity. . The use i ates they will make peer layers. • foe improviog the eiteultition in the and their bases are lard, vaseline, of only the best in the way 'of rams , , • ' le nedessere however, in any case,: midi: skin. lanolin, cocoa bittter, _etc. ' In the long rtin it is Short-sighted . ° Possibly the new-feshioned method The lard in -ointments often be- must\I co:1116111y 6 kill Productive cows. tt: of treeting. acne with injections of ,corties rancid and irritating to the it goes• without ,eaying that the ram ; ' t ' ' be a pure-bred. , .1 is not only patriotic to keep,. every' venire Mae' goitre the difficulty. skfn. . 46 . et• --, ' I • . goOd mileli COW, but it is the only Way; Freckles are - another source „ 'o----.intnients for itching ,eruptions When .1"7rtbs are weaned keep there to maintain ' an intuitry whielt . ia ee- ' orinoyanea to Young • people, these contain tar,'tine telpher, eta, rola on the old pastures for a few days and eential (luring the war and after. 'Per being deposits of pigment below the one great adeant'age 6f these and remove the eteet to pasturee. as .-trir- nfter the war turopeao countries will , stn•faco of the 'slt:ri and ileshroyed other exteretal applications ft that away tis ptitsible. When accuSlinlied 'knock at ettr*doed: for animals for. only bY ecide and stt•ong reinerel they are upon the surface where to being' by . thenaselveh•-•the laielh foundation !tents. Be ready to open eiutittances, . . •• their attion tan be watehed from day :should be tint ori good leesh feed. ,the door; 4 Any of these sea. ta ..",e e it *hieh to day. • the best quality. of autumn leaves cakes forgetting, that ncagneabee-sussued flounder n g tte y ontaies SIX pounds of potash, less in.te; and coffee in ki k ' d fish, to ' the side; then •theY . topple than three pounds of phospliorjle acid, preserving. over.. To demo?' No; for, like the Leaves are of practical value when ter, and saving the *este so that our they are We hear mu& about the *Clean plat- great Ash, again, once in the water . . quite theinselete. * The San - in the proper state -of decomposition.. • 0 theother. id f the e can (teethe gave them their ' paralysis. Leaf mold' is used in all well-equipped- be fed; yet in the matter of securing The seahltaithe take it away. • ficaolrisptiaenststa.blishments for mixing with honey there 11% a fearful amount go - potting soil. Soil made In this Man- cause there_ere' no bees in certain lot sure palms, and other woodland and tropit gfven •by, the ilowers. sand end garden loam to -make h hood Ing to waste every, year simply be- sudden e engem ner -is especially valuable for ferns, calitiee to gather the nectar se freely cures like," pay the homoeopathists, and if i diver has contracted paraly. Divers' paralysis is due to the too - sand diverse uridetgo. "Like ' of p • sis lir Ting' too suddenly from i Composting leaves, manure, • and .c Tit unYtv at hit el h . dent o eeventy •feet, he can cure . robbish is not uncommon. . A low e-- al l - e l! - . -e -- a an himself .hy going down.. to seventy been tonne& in Vietoria II.C., hien , place is selected for the • which is altowed to 'stand 'for two le eeAtried4anoll; to -day our airmeti, des. compost, Brantford, Oxit - . .. • ' • years. It will be found advantageous P.(l'r cabbage -worms': Milr °lie Parti cending in nose-dives and vrilles front of eh...slotted' lime, and hest it on to eiee•the pile diiring the dry season. the plants at. regular intervals, heights of 20,000 feet or 25,000 feet, ' The leaves keep the soil ,loose end 'pre- are attacked in their turn by a ditease veld its Packing tokether lett) a Itera Silage is the war ration for beet shelter to that of the pearl -diver: The t • Milk, mutton and wool. - A silo full euro is similar. mass. rm each farm is the allowance. It is 'Teble linen shoal b ' dem sdsts ith 1:itttliplf:t;e.ed or gram and torte! .takes 4tii-S7114ipths erar" flare; they Ida not threads from the ravelete, 1 - .* like at •