HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-03, Page 2lanet""144 e*
1 . ,,„„.e WI efielbefeelege"
Ilis pow sew ise demo- Tiny 'chili ahem Vita* Here "J•loed
it wale a geese eietetee for
a mar armee with asw staffs, in a
Isom esestry. heeause it was a vwtory
tor exasteees in thinkiag and prod -
ONLY FATLY WNW aim be weeetser,
11,111111tRAIING GRRIRANS WswIlk WithhoWl. Frost lehlkiiiteats•
The inhabitents of the *Anent were
Immo* abaci/tit** ignorant of the event* of
• usissabood jay ae leehookasta Wu* history la the last four years, know -
1 lerence.Americati Tree,* 1;elieilee ilairthere°.1117Hewrrttlietheisadr elistoPritatie hiAlheardlan
of France were accentuated by the
' Ilse capture of Ste, Mihiel, tater ite Ion g year* ot German, control, vehicle
. Veer Years of reartYrdoet. es reteeded had isolated the people from news
_ as one of the meet ' i ideate f relstives and of world happeninge•
. seem:4 kind in tte mord* of the wear. L Every Airflow; entering toe, ,•ri.
at' a m•u" aiNva' vAil°rielmed 44° buil* 3";Cci."14 the front a the stage is those small4hVilllars' °Ile huge lateen °all la tha '
ttion. The setting is the world mid
in SePt. 12.4 They had. made life a as that given Generel Pershing mid ; _ie.+ ee. e e
i f th ld known no Great propelling power, and the mast, which 1 hecinne clogged, the atom which has wows, welch is very
e esegaemeee -ree-tose, enemeetentse vim his nerte. Aged men and women' er" eee e te
ritaineenti Flanders Pies"The
is oleo iliort and *Wk. slentorback. accumulated in the radiator, Koichi& * loose eonnectiug etei Inir end ana .e.
7 --------------------------------- Itiseed the heuile of elle marshalling or mo„, teem un eiesetere ward_ to the stern. and ceu. be dropped ,
-ii id at will be wee= ot g swivel ease. Iii'. wl,400 Peale. "
, 1 I a iniet Valves do ;eve, gees eesiarli te 'tinpflidte:ehleeratilgonalrrget:frlittierion.alle%
an eauttet, forces . an °Peeing. at the most neticeable et elew motor speeds
It „flywheel for auch leosenese Where
a knock e,annot be voile" located.. •
Some ear ownere are 'using alu-
inonia solution to brighten up , the
hood when the latter , becomee dull.
This is bad practice, though Vie Ira.
mediate results eeena to.be go'od, Ain-
nionia deetroys the finish and should
notbe used; in fact, body makers and
tviapeninmehtoeekone:epri-Tre.he :afriatewt-estinsitruroince
atablestand barns so that the =melee
from.the manore will not %jure the
body finish. '
ee Thaw From seadegie, - the whole of the reclaimed 'districts
Up" ter the Camelot,
They Itellee :relates most reroute
twee a the British isles, sad visitors
WOMEN FROM ALL THE CLIMES ;,tveuitieptle'rshtiinsfeuirioeuser wrasZngettetreeeue:.
UNITE IN WAR, sEirillal !blew leaving tor the herring Setting,
or returning later with their spoils. Mired
Theyowere to be numbered in their Helpful Hist* to Keiterist. 1 slow The sound is due to an u
arvellens Mae Been the Accomplish- thousande, all geuerally of the same A aliPPhig cone clutch moy be tern- charge. which filbi the Wriunlikt Part
meat of Women in the Engeseer- sh,ePe elei size.
Weblike" are only small ireseelie till, u wooden wedges under the feegig,echarge passee the leave. Such a nese
Porarily repaired by forcing (several' and Ls ernitee when the mixt fired
1 leg Vie Cheated Trades. die biggest sometimea being only tor. A SUPPing brakeebend reey be cured.; fire WOW he due to weak mixture or to
A wonderful panorema can be bilge tY tons. Vat thee" bees great sPeed. - go' en a -similar wayby driving nails be -I intermittently frailty ignition. e
up "in the mind's eye" by It *onetime)* happens feat the holts
any ene, shale they are squat and double -bowed, ; twee". the lining lied the hand-
*fted with. the least bit of inesiginael:aa4 while in 8°M8 Va6" a deck -11°4a A leak in. a radiator is often causecleholding theAywheel to the fienee on
is seen. anore often, they are steeredelty excessive steam preeeure. If the "the craekehaft erratic a trifle 140Ss, with
'$ eaps and overflow the result *et art irreguier
le like that of
ram -morn mAyaronsits-
Wooderted ExPeatilen Of the British
Army Veteriaary ilorps Since
Beginning a Wine
It may be some satisfaction te
those who have had favorite horses
commendeered tet know that no arinY
In the wale viogi fou. env:tee ae
does Mire, eay li an English writer.
We were the first country to °nano
tee e corps,. the duty of which i$ to '
ettend to sick and wounded heroes. •
It °did good work lone before 101.e,
but the Niiat. sAen- a wonderful
expaineion Mee Arnay Vetertnare!
Corps and we have a splendidly °rip ,
;Weed syetem of dreseing-stations,
eplendidly equipped and efficiently
Some of the hospitals have accent-
roolatiop for' over a thousend equine
ratleuto. The first I ever paw vtaS
X„,bail been detailed to
go to reinforcement- camp sch-eOrtV -
train 'some recruits in 'trench warfare.
As the train, drew near the station,'
sew near at hand an immense som.
pound. In the open &quart! a large
number of horses wee tethered; many e
of thein white-baridaged. The four
eidee were completely enclosed by,
iong `stretchy! of wooden buildings.
It was a "horse heipitaie! The next
day I was introduced to one. Of the
staff, and I fished for, and .obtained
'aii.invitation to look over the hospi-
tal. We 'went up together. As we
were entering a big ambulance drove
up. • White-overalled •orilerliea beer-
elect out, .the doors were flung open, "
and a horse,' badly wounded in the
heed by shraPnel, was taken front. the,
ambulance to 'the operating chamber,
There was a hie piece of shraphel'
still .einbedded in its elm% and the
surgeoti in charge decided to Operate
eaesay occupied the city. All the'boys officers and corresponderets, ervi g
- of the glolie all bound tne or
most impassive; but far beyond
from ten to sixteen years old had and laughing, the curiously aged - - trout is a handy little wine
of honor would malce a sight to thrill log iti the herringnete.
! 'been deported, and the old people children imitating their elders' un- th
' forced to work for the conquerors. knowingly. .
. hot as exhsiust • valves and conse-
Today most "nobbles" are provided quently -do net 'expand as much, For
The gratitude a the remaining ht -1 For Ounr own gomPatriots, how. *flue
, d • of women hastening to the fiarite spot
picture Is the other -the troops 1
I with 'Useful littie•oil-engines, and liune this reason- ieee eleaTenee ehellid• be
habitants to the French and Amer- ; ever, the greetleg was aeeper, an „....a ....A.,. wherever the need is . &ode a them. have been. cemraan• allowed between the steins and push
kaa tsoops was boundless. They were the 'French patrols and troops follow- 1 eee eseee..e.
greatest. From office and shop, from deered by the Navy The- largeet ds than allowed etween the
rods is b ' '
at loast free to :meek without fe r int r
_ a , we e even more affected then: farm end citY, erora do t• •
mes ie service i
. boast a grim -looking gnu in. the 'item, atoms and push rode of exhaust
of vengeance from the tyrants thet those who hied been delivered. , e - del ele li h 1 nd Ileg
.,„.._. • eted uet a tew beve their depth- valves% _ s
heel ruled over theta.
In passing through other villageei THE. FUNERAL PROCESSION. tram hornet' of lettere andefrom the 1,-aehargees'e -TheYeetillereetathetheire,
-ittle attic work shop of the sniall "er eee Peet lettere" Pet Yee ere eme latervala-and eseeallalr'
tome eekatlemetintee a sharp ltissieg sound is
at the wee' to St. Mildel the remora
all roar high se oe s -a 981
dressmaker and milliner; from the in betting. that though they bear Ar., etTle fro* olle of the cedinders. Often
• could see that the people had lest How the War Binds AU France Into ff • ei • broth on their bore their home is etble Mistaken for a leak, bile the
efsr-o corners of„cen eation from .
'One. Family. . • 'New Zealand', and Australia South !semewhcre else' . , irregiffaity of Its occurence clestroye
i nee:, and the drive into this comet, ' Naval men talk.of them as "%caven. this b,Yeotileehe lie a leaie would oe-
-, notable experience. A French. Mille lustretes the spirit of lovieg come tlees precession but ate meetly engaged, in salvage.* ---e----ee
They are not mine•eweepees, cur *V even" period of hige Compres-
6 wrecked paradise of gladness ,was a An affecting little incident that ile I Africa and "Canada comes tile Cud- I
, their ordinary wartime look of wearie ,
*Airy band had come lit over the first radeship that under the strain of war , to serve (and what is better than all
of women, all eager ; gere. .
work. When a Vessel is euult yeeZwill; TOE FORTRRSS OF IslErZ
bridg•e erected to honor the victor- binde Frarice together like. one fain- -.else) *11 capable of serving. see any number ot "nobbles," buzzing' ..,
Loos generals and was playing in the ilY is tehl ber Xrs• liferer ging Wailt1 "All Sorts and Conditions." . ---
dington in My War Diary. .- eounci th.e place like wasp! round a Two Thousand Years Old, it Yielded
Once to a 54 -Day fdlege
• ing inhabitants mostly Women, were i: -- -- ' -uncommon eight in Reg Their ellgineS give them a good. turn .
square, about which all the retold*, 1 , • I At the very beginning it was no eoney-pot
* bled. Their eye* °were radiant noon AM found our cashier, who had.. facteilee to see such a collection ait
Usti munition
of speed, and- so, in company with their Metz 10 the etrongeet fortrese in
Ment to the ouvroir thin ef-
inst. arrived, tether nervons at being ,this: side by side an earl's daughter the world. to -day. With its double
. They Were volubly comrauni- late. l' thought she had had bad news , and the maid who -tied this titledI ring of outer and inner forts it could
end their bearing that of prisoners bigger sisters, the dieters,lhey are of-frer
work. Sofia -
Of her luisband, who is at. the front; lady% shoes in the "days of peace, a ten engaged inwithatend attack .for menthe. Of
hero any one wearing an American. whan she explained, e learned that shop -keeper's widow, a Girton graft-, "eatables" bearleg along he line, 'bows it could be battered
cative and determined to treat AS a times yoetewill lies as many as tory course, in time,
it was a different matter. Shs, was ate, a cook and a girl from a
the chop, mid wider sweeP• to pieces with heavy guns, for eo
those • h be- ing from Mem to stern, When they ara f od
structure can stand the -repeated
Routh dipping in
tpact o in ern ereillery of the high-.
with only a shawl on her soulders African farm. Some o
fore *CI 'War found life. rather tire- under naval control they no longer use
General 'Petain and. General Pere
• ' 1 etanding at the door of her house •
- :ling were given an immense reeepe e sails, .but their engine* are for ever.
. I flanked and it could be surrounded,
I est calibre and ;range. It cou be
* e uniform.
Aged women and girls crowded , in tne
1 but this 'would take an armee so
tion. , . ileuele she sal' a %arse Vass 'with a some have achieved distinction
'emelt coffin, evidently that of a child, 1 advanced processes 'Of munition 4mak - :.
humming, and from their sterns comes
and a soldier' walking behind it quite in, Lady Scott; wife of the Atte • a cloud Ot dust -like smoke. . large, that much better occupatiofl.
about the two generals to express gee. crying. g She seed that Ferric- arctic explorer, took up this sort of They are "auxiliaries,' ht the truest could be found for the titoopi on
their thanks and pa* homage to their 'tegget,,_ ee
she did not know what-em,ov- work at the first cell; Lady Gertrude sense of the word and their ereWs. are
. deliverers. It was not merely curie , ed her to run out into- the street. She Crawford, who.is at present bead of slinple fishermen turned into fighters. .
; fp Orfields.
th •
, „osity; it was an emotional outburst' Went out, slipped her' arm lute the ethe Women's Flying Ceres, began_ ' e'----7---ee-e--- • • Metz in all its long history of more Minister to Sweden in his ree n
following almost three years of the eoldieres and walked along with hint/ ter public service as. supervisor or. ee
HIM GERMANS LOST PARIS than two • thousand years, hail' been
su ary , of/the feed situation he
• conquerors stone
” suppres t • e Ieuerendered to an enemy only meek ,..., an
y sue the extreme unlikeli-
IA fa old concierge next door did the !women s work in shipyards. • , " ---- and that was when Marshal BasSine, ele d f b lcdown in the spirit of
Town Not leadlY Dentate& mime thing, first stopping and buying / women, who previous to the war
ee. Kaiser Ordered Ordered Army Halted 'lintel
after a siege of fifty-four ' da•'"' loyalty among ,
ee 'nee o a rea „
the people of the Gen-
, governesses or children'e maids hove : trat Empire as a result of famine,
'e, ' e. Tho town' was Maly partly ruined. ,a few pennies wort o Owe f were kit h niaids d 8
Fes mal(aKae ; Crown Prince Coald Lead "March. , , y i a 1. d e d tile forteese with his army of
, That part adjoining the river was al- 'a cart to put on the coffee Several
WAR 11S. °4 N
.4•11111.. •
Methods of Distribution Calculated to
Prevent Itprising-LiberaleSup-
ply for Soldiers. „
Adtrocateof the policy Of 'Winning
the wee onthe Weetern. Frontagree
with Ire Nelson Morrie, American
, been scarcely', damaged:. The attack dozen persons willting bohind the in electrical • works, at ship-buileing inierested the Britiele military cora- son, found guilty of.entertaining .
trer.. i says a as n despatch.. This
strengthens the argument for 'vigor-
. most entirely gone; but there vrere others Settled them, eead ia" the
ecores of houses elsewhere that had they reached the cemetery there were
time accomplished remarkable things in Ise version of the Germans' conclue * -
the ,enghieering and, chemical trades, at the. first Marne battle, which ha's this he Was tried on a charge .of SitUatiOn0 from their point oef view,
nits such a. SurPriSe that the enemy hearse. . • taidcie and. draUghting.. More •• than menders and has been accepted by th i with. 11' elaY a d --ous-- piesecution of the war on the
a_tetiat ens t e ep n .
t 173,000 en o
W95 unable to Undertake his Jima' I The poor man was too •dazed at Mice young girls have been `unable to soldiers on the ...sateen feent ais au** n. aver r- te Front. • '
imprkened, but eecaped
work of wreckage. ete laid handsel first to speak, but finally told thent resist.the tall Of the blood. Descended eetic, was gken in New York recent- turrtea to France • 1 mews in Washington.. in a post -
however, oit evererthing he ceuld that it was his ooly flied; his wife from soldiers and sailors and finding ly by the Rev.ejohn Robteison There ie no nrobability ethat. this tion to' know indicate *at German
lit onee. • • •
In the Operatieg Rooin.
There seeined to be as Much
'and' care used he the Operation as in
a similar 'operation in the theatre
of an ordinary 11°21)441. anaes• • .
thetic was Used, a big piece a iron
extracted, and the Wound. afterwards
'earefelly dressed. I went into the
comfortaele, well-waimed stalls. the
patients .occuplect. On the wall of :
each was a "caseeeheet".ea slate)
which. was reciirded ithe patient% tem-
pereture and other necessary •dettels
for the surgeoiee guidance. patients
weee. preset:Died speciet. diets iieeord- .
ing to their medical ettendantes judge •
ment, of their needs, there *ere both
day and. night attendanto-tA.V.C.
orderlies -40 attend to their neetlee-ettee
in short, .every consideratiqu. "that .
humanity could suggest or skill de-
vise was shown to the wounded hors-
es of war. . .
LL 1 • * ' iiid 1 eic 't oitunity to do Martial' seivicee. : valeta like that a Geretfeettreee,.
thee :coterie .theee .gieleehave imized known throughout Frage fot , his lwould shut hp large army hi a
in the British arnly and .is l'Gernians. Nowadays no etimmatider
•i•r ndered itelse raote-eikelye•te e"
however etreieg. If Metz i4 quertere sad aneng. eer_
iculatod to . prevent_any effectual
reetliOds of food distributiore.aie cal-
great the diseentent
I -1 meets eWithoilt-reard:to the_
torn from the tede and, loaded on to leave to come itiid'bury the cliild, He surrender will be ,repeated by the
carry off. Sheets and blankets' were 'was ill, and heiMdetwenty-fOur hOurli' that for:the first time hi geneeationse p., B.E.F.; holdi t e raidt
wagons, but` it . le that :toot.. bbs nwno and address, swillrould. :their family had no man to send to major
those wagons by this time now, are be so grate u _
itt Allied halide, since the enemy had after his wife. He was going -back
only twelve hours to escape, from one to the. front that night. . Attain skin in' Eitohjeijuic. •
of the clime closing across the mt.! , Jeanne went over 6 13, 0 .
houses but the inmates extinguished little ream, ill and depressed. * A doing to -day, besides making inure 1
. , at Ab'beville *soon 'after that , whole. of Alsace-Lorraine, taken, from
!the fiehting line and the munitions
lent.. The enemy set fire to a few found the poor woman in ti miserable Seine of the things,that wome _,... 1 tank who kid been captured and was .
. Nothing could better illustrate the the oierrier will see that she le prep- and gauge _making women who pr
are Ornate past belief. In tom ,
a e-, the story, which afterward. interested : great
Paris' . which -1 industries. A third cleat, represent-
" engaged . e
the -flainere 'neighbor looked after her. Of course ions, leak], Dr. Robertson, "(and he told me her in 1870. - Like Mont Valerien, the ; woritero and others in war
increasing weakness of the German erly eared for, and try to find, Some -viously thought "a miss is as goo a
(al 1, many military guthorities and has ' continued td .flre on the besiegers of • . g
fort defending
. irt fr Eihisiderabie ' portion of the
aeras than. the 'ease with -which the work for her when she gets stronger'. a' mile"' have mastered the advance I been considered entirely , possible. 1the cit yuntil enact! was signed, the .
population, 'comprises .the producers
Franco-Ameilean -force intrusted ' - - 54, . processes and are finishing to image Ile said that when the action had fete er higt-z--IS--mer1L-likelYe- te-' be of food supplies, Wholeell-therigelves
ite !reached apoint entirelyfavorable' to
. eee . . . • ifirst,, ie spite of all regulations. The
_ -_- -
determined after the wee than during .. •
• uremente that literally correspond to . . ,
teed out, but one•rarely has witness- leememereial instinct will etop? And; Mg is the' very common sight of woe crash at the French and British lines ltsMP"angelirb-ile. there are tha iron
cif Brieet, the cavern% of which. would
mines- .',effect a this iiittiation is that 60,000, -
fairly. welt provided for, leaving 15,-
Mildel salient. It is tree the opera, , the fraction'of a ha . Qu the forces it was arranged
'tion was admirably /llama and eae_ , Is there any point . at velecch the. , different from this but equally amaze 1 tlia.t on a certain morning he final i 000 out of the 65,000,000,4ermans are
lee breadth
witii the task advincee in the St. - ' Bottled ,Sunlight,
fl bl neavier th ally that would be ,
ie..' 000,000 to bear the brunt Theee liev. *3 artificial respiratime Some patients „
little or no voice in affairs, and can
*if not ought there to be? . 'men perched ort cialler, MOVillf; among '• -g regal d inflict on Getmany damage ten times " -
Press Division on West Front. were bandaged about the head, some ,
the '"Mystery of -Me at the Marne ttliat #:71.1'_1 be aS, the- resultof terms
'toed supply, rationa have een liberal
inim •ollicee gave the explanation of
• 1 d'' the retutn to .Yeance . of the :
iteroug., e,overrionent regulations to
t I ast two classes, the soldiers on
11 talked with a ‘Gerinnll Oriligh imposcd by the ...Allies which will in- e
• There was a sterilizer,' in winch
evertrthing likely to come late emitact
with a wohnd wag reneeted sterile,
peevent infection, 'met several•em.
erattng tahlea. I iew aintraileee-
that had Just Undergone an operation '
under an .anaesthetic.ebeing brought
nd by men workiee its lirabe--
. 0 ridi should,. be Made. ve ng seeme
bring no political pressure to bear. th
day's fighting. • I Practleally evetythinge that can be the rafters of the factory ro to favor the success n • ,
but not a very terrific affair as 4; 14arich sarasbaci?-s 4' the tf t 1 the loss of Metz.
e silYthingeeikethe ease of the first
pocket. Leto nd., bienalicmagnd forth quite
of ;Vet at
ottehein last
titto moment
eGn term. a ti officei but cereefi bY
• There was, 'of course, a barest.. 1 cal -dared fer Vie Market. is used
genera} I Vont- '
rages go. After the barrage there tweed-, food, clothuig, fuel, nearly all ten ingots far below; Enginering Kluk received an Order from
. the necessities of life are exploited. seeins to bi volumes work and elle Kaiser to ,halt all action so that the I ..
• . THE "eftoss.
was nothing very startling en the way If sunlight could be bottled, eve, should competent to judge both sides of the Crown Prince might come up and ride • -
a -gunfire ane the machine-gun rat- • • '
tla produced quite an effect but harp busmess question says that .with a year or
h Id at the head of the victorious German' On the Grave of an Unknown British
German Insufficiency. I a good profit) in nice, convenient. ship entirely by women's work. The when this message was received lind ' The Cross some an as shaped
-a' . Soldier. .
h d h
- coming .now and tlien. . , . . . . troops through the Arc de Tri. omplie:t
• ' 1 men planning to get a corner' in more iadditional training e wou
oxeye find some umon of s 4, , . .
fitethat they nught distribute it (for not hesitate to build an ocean-going He said that Von Kink was in a rage ,
- The Cross is twined with gossamer, -
All the while tbe Americans were fermi . 1 Ministry of Munitions is taking ace
. that the German forces were wheeled! ' . with care-- .
going forward with the steadiness of ', 'Without doubt the idea of posses- tier continuously to reduce hours of . • And by his grave the grasses stir. .
cit. ba into the trenches from. which 1
' aide- and passing mit of them- on the sunlight is not due merely to fts to, protect the workers, and much of ' advanced. In the recital the bilker I The- guns sneak loud: he hears theni
again successfully 13,ut he la silent sleeping thOre. ..,
° a Rood, -trickling into woods on one 'sion can be overdone.. 'Our . joy he overtime, abolish ' Sunday labor and they were . never
, other, spreading about a village and• warmth, it is due to the fact that it. this- is niade necessary, doubtless, by himself showed the deepest iedigese 1 not, • . '
over4elming it, and breaking again- is universal, like the free air • we the fact that the zeal of the women
nor • ' IP
tion at the ordet and its result -to the . The night -gees. by; be -doea not
st a hill or a rootintain. and gradually,„ bfeathe an we gaze kers allowed neither • holidaysGerman arms.
knoW- •
working over the to. They move ' across, Iiet us rejoice, while we maY. Sunday teat periods:, , 1 •___—.e -e--- ..
but always well ahead Of schedule.- limits; and that there are , a few 1 .
•. .• • :---.--4,.---7--. -:'• 1 • ‘ n . , • 1 A lone White cross etands on the epot
: • ..- What He Felt. e -' for they are mammals, like eattle and., , _. . _ e ' •
like something worked by a clock, that the Ring, of Commerce bath. leis The term roeat applies to wha es, And tells of one who sleeps. beic•w.
Rate -soaked and slipping - about in effeligs left vrhich, with all his eunnei The teacher had asked the children ! sheep; they suckle their young. and' The brooding night ii hushed and still,.
the mud, they. still went forward, eing, he is still unable to touch. .
to Write their autoblograffilie. ' and; thole flesh- le Meat, .not ileh. It had ee The erooitinge breeze draws quiet
whilo back along the flood 011ie lone' r ---4".--- e the essays Were not very pleturesqueel no fishy taste and bears soMe..re`seni- " breatb, . . - ' .". • ..:
teen twaiiiixeil in its cour-dt. A ;tar -shell flares upon the hill . . . '
And lights the lonely house ot death.
linel a gray blue treatures who had - Fuel From Peat. . .. "NOW, children," she tied, rf a 't
' -. eori - I blame to beef. '
1 ty f ' . li d ' . -
A ec.mparry Lae beea torme.d ini want you mply -to vnite the happen- e . Th, .. .
the body, some theeiege, an
eressings were • constantly reneeted. •
Orderlies went, their rounds . adminise
tering doses of medicine-erather-
later defies tban 1 deed to receiere
hospital-eand taking, temperature",
and one horse was, fixed in stocks eo
that ies wounde inight be more eeellY
dressed. . .
An Old 'Soldier.: • • •
I le rned quite a lot etbout horses
That the outlook haa not improved
since harvest is indicated, ,however,
tier the feet that the Hun .ration
throughout has, ilot been increased as
alio earlier proenited by the German
Government. This is taleen to mean
that the harvest bas.eereiitted of no
increase on the one hend, ,and on the
th r that supplies from the East
Whatever way one • looked.' there Noway for making fuel from. peat by ings of your life; write what- You e ee seem o sugar as e •.
were sure to .be Germans -men as the Itosendahl method. The raw mat -1 really feel inside e . 1 great deman or oney. oney ean o r
df h H le eedomei =moo hie Me he gave
..ne as you could wish foi, ereatu i ' • ' I be used in piece of sugar 'tor cooking. - And dared the battle, purpose sure,
lO 0Or that their presence la 'tne 'chiefly t from the extensive Ner-I t • "Inside I feel a heerte liver,
,_ rr erial for the new • iiidustiy will be; • Little:Willie in les second attempt,
1 Children relish bread or biseuits and A hero. Write upon his grace
line afforded. the most damning Proof t weal h ne r , but an other mater•e; lu e. d to a and . ed tele i honey. ' "He died that Britain n2ight endtire:'
of German iusufficienest hi inan-pow, ebeeemaa y xuss:„.,...J. which/. is cienteel set-linitaa'ehanI feelanal%Plee,,a corn ball, i Extensive experiments in' SWeden 1 • --.'
tr. • • • I abtmdant in the neighborhood of the a pickle and a glass of milk!' . • 1 have ihmen that woore cellulose is an • •,: • * •
eSwedish,. Budget goer:canning-an ounce of
There is nO disputing that the factory, particolarii wood waste. The .. ' , ,.----o------ 1 I excellent cattle feed, and th •
iodic Made a poor shoveing, but lio. tonight. may save ten etounde. of im-
was for the first time up against ale , English coal 1 " product • is said to greatly 'resemble ' When A evoman eats picklea she W Government is pushing its. manufac-
' ' ' ` hi levee -with the'pickles. ' tures as much as possible. .. 1 gar- .. •
hal,C\ been And ,continued to be disap- frere my guide as we went tame; but . •
pointing,- with small prospects of I l'eati surptised when he eointed out .
growing better.
Here, again, the argument is made
for pressing forward by the Allies to
the utmoit ior a final decision on the
. .
112111.637' oll*Wel- Clog .utt13-13
$UES ,t voteT arr
iftsk OP•Solt4d,
gljr TO r.AT WHEN
ea PANef,
OM IS A midwfY
Viet& 10V Slieitseee i Luce
A UrrUS CHANG* ()ma
Ili A Velieter YOU mai
likiallaVa AteceiSTele coarele,Oles.
CRUM 01` ToteATO, SOMS 611.1eFett
celstrt, AN esetisii motroNc140P,
elteecii eitur.P voTavor.6,PRateell
PEAS. • elefTeefi SALAD, o3FFSEI
A1-10 Filei4Cil
' ' pAsT
LET. Ma 11AVe A MAritiNnAll cocomi.,
ammo of4106 HALF-smuk, APi.tulKS0
CRACI(ORs kaE at
one or two horses as malingerer .
"You see this horse,' he \eel.
"There's nothing at alt the matter
with it, but We've had it oil our hands....
Western •Front. Demoralized Russia, severaltimes now. . It's ip,p. .
is held, cannot be made te give right when it's down . here,eer any-
econemic returns within shoe of a where doWn the line, but as soon as , ..
yeeee vdeitever ,TegObiliZation• might , it gets into the danger vele itiegeets . • .4 . .
be effected through Getman agencleet seek: It Aimee to shiver alt over ewe
later. Midi a measui% of Counter in- items all the symeterns of ii..daneere
&mimes exerted by the Allies in Rus- oue Meese. Then ills seet clovie 'here
,sia, oa no cessation of blows in the arid it's ad tight, as table The beg- '
west, the week of :bringing the Ger- 1 gar knows Whet Is doing. , There's
man militant machine to the ground i quite a lot of horses reline.* rnalieg-
will he carried on along the lines 1 erers; there is no other explanittion
• • - •
• A 3T left the hoiretal a string .01' -
horses canietrottine gently along the
treoshaded road. They Were itotiva-
lescents at, exercise:. beim; fitted ogee
whkh the logie of existing conditior's for it. '
has so clearly dictated. •
Save every drop of juice.
A liht4 45AllemiGH -
. „
moie toe active service.. ,
• ...—.....--..„4-..-
.• . Character and Color.
An old cavalry officesa5 that one
may. ledge the eoestitution ana char- - •
actor of a terser from its -eolor.
\Bright chestnuts eta liglit bayare.
high 'spirited, but nervoue reed deli-
cate. Dark Chestnuts Deed gleetee'
bleats are beedy arid good tempered. '
Rich baye have great spirit,' but are
teichable. Dark and iron-greye . are
hardy and sound, while light grey,s
are the opposite. .
Roane, either etrawberry or bete,
are the hardiest and best working a
Ildl, even tempered; easieSt to train, '
taking kindly tie evetething. BIlete
blacks •art.s diStingUiShed for their ,.
plielmadedness. A horse's •" white '
stockings gives tenothereclue to char.
*Ater. A bete° with one White be
In a bad ons, with two Its totter is
tmeertatn, with three it is absolutelY
Safe, with lour may be trusted for -
it.ttile ent/7-, ,
. ,