HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-10-03, Page 1*J.
4* -
'11.4."‘ ":1');.17".• It •,..%"*,,;,••,+ort z
$t.,5a per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise
Mr, jaa. Barlier, of Xtriesttlios, spent
a•-4, . - •
LUCKNOliii, ONT., THIMSDAY, OCT. 3r4., ,1918.
Single Copies 3 cents
Very sodded and .uneic1;ectedAvos the
a few days iu towu thin Week. death of Theme -Webster, an old raid
The Fire Co. clewed $50 out of tha out of Bon Sti wbieb Wok' place yester-
dance held after the winged on show day morning about7 30'60100k Though
day. a very old man and confined to the
OR Sar.U.-00441-leater, coal or wood house for some rare by infirmities Mr.
in A 1 condition. APPIY at TIM Ut'a". -Webster wag enjoying good health, and
o*w.-4 vciy swig boost,
well situated, good rooms, good cellar,
bard and softwater'large wawa. See
it. Apply to G. A.141(VON. •
Mrs. Lawrence Reid heti gone on MI
extended visit to her wreath in Sault
Iste, Made, and will visit at other pointe
- before returning home;
ioet money 'aciVertiriect fo; in la-st
Tuesday night enntirolitly
well. About nine O'clock he suffered
etroke.. of paralysis and he gradually
sank nutil morning wherl be passet
He was one of a large Pioneer fa nab'',
remarkable for good health and long.
evity, but of late years the Grim Reiner
has been bus y with aving
. _ _ _
eceek's Sentinel was. found and returned died within the pest three -years. The
fetidly arrived in Ashfield in the early
days when the site of. Lucknow was
solidly covered with bugh, They located
on the efarin, 'fotraing the north.east
corner of Aehfieicla4 the late Mr, Web
to the owner. It was a tidy aum, too.
--&U finders of money do not Wish to
keep it. _
• Eveningi.ehurch eervices will cow,
• mencenext Sunday at 7 o'clock instead
of at 13, , we 'understand is to eon- ster has lived there practically ever since,
tinge until the official change of time on He.never merrier!., he awl a sister, I.jz
Out , ate, making their home together. Mr,
Virebater Wall for many years au active
Mejor Fairbanks, a London; states
fanner and dealer in cattle.. Remarkable
emit recruits are wanted for Military
• Mounted Policeiberian orce,
Must for honorable dealing and a kindly dis• -
; SF
position' he was esteemed by all who
be category A men, and have had
knew him. The funeral will be held
Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock to Green -
Mr. William kliddee, of Hamilton, is hill Cemetery. • •
spending thie week with Luckier
▪ friende.' spite of his 81 years he 'is
• still-eheerflil anti active, making the trip
from Hamilton alone .-
. mounted training:
, . ,Douglaitroshave secured the con.
tract, of delivering the mail on route 1,
Lucknow, and started on Tuesday, -M.
M. Johnston. bas the contract on route
6, but will not take chaige until Jam 1
,The local lodge of Chosen Friends
will hold their annual Box retial and
dance in the Town Hall,' Tnesday, Oct.
8, commencing at 13 ,o'ciock. Gentle.
men $1.00. Ladies with boxes only ad-
mitted. * • , •
- We notice thrit Mr.- and Mrs.. -Win.
Irwin have left their fine home on the
loth con. of Ashifeld and e.re moving,to
*; • • town. . They have moved into the resi
' •
Bence formerly occupied by Miss Hattie
Gallagher. .
- •
Mr, Cameron Geddes left on Saturday
'for Chicago where he hataactepted anew:
gagement with the Chautauqua. He
_ will be one of a male ,quartette -taking
The , Women'a Missionary Auxiliary;
of .LircknoW 'Presbyterian Church will.
hold their annual Thankoffering meeting
on. Thursday. evening of this week at 8
o'clock. The spea.ksr for the evening
will be Mrs, it. Gstruttiers, of- China
toil are 'cordililly invited to come •
• The Presbyterians. at St: Helens will
hold anniversary services 'on Sandy,
Oct. i„when W. R. Macintoeh, of Lon.'
den, will preach Morning °and evening
• at 11 and 7 °clock (old time). On Mont.
day following an entertainment will be
°given in the church at which Rev: Mr.
Macintosh and local speakers will give
addrese, and there will be a program by
Lucknow, Wingham Helens
part in the Chautauqua enter:,
• tainments. •
• The Lucknow Pipe Bind was out in
good strength enlivening Show Day with
the "skirl o' the pipes Jimmie Hunter,
. last survivor of the Caledonian Soctety,
his famous Tam O'Shanteri rioted as
° • pipe Major.
lwvvratioN.-Murdoch & Cameron
Co. invite.ell those interested in seeing
• the latest styles of Fall Coats and Suits,
to ebeir store to -day, Thursday, .0ct.
at their Semi -Annual Demonstration of
rliocess Garments. Special orders in
exclusive styles taken end garments
. ligered uithin two weeks,. See our Ad."
•this week. •
The Liberal colyiention at Wingham
on Tuesday offered the nomination as
candidate to W. H. Fraser, reere c f Mor -
'via Township. He did not deeli ne, but
asked for a day in which to -consider ac-
• cepting. GOO. SpOtton has resigned
- itown ,counpil and is
THE Goirae.--"After The War !" The
words have a glad ring in them -some-
thing like "Christrivis is coming" used
to sound to lie when we were children;•
and the good news- that Bulgaria yari
dropped out of the war, together with
the good news from many other battle
• fronts,. acts like a hand which draws a
side the curtain of smoke and enables
us to realize that: some- time sooner • or
later, there vvill.be an end to the war
And an after -the -war period. The After
The War Period will bring. with it After
from the Wnghani
PILFSBYTERIAN C111.111.611, Scrvicea
next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.M.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be observed :at :the morning service.
Evening subject, "So Great Salvation."
• - 6
This will be the first •of & series artier -
mono i.m the great texts of the New Teti
tempt Pre -Communion 'service on
Friday evening ritX &Clock will be Con-
ducted by:Rev. D. A. McLean,. of RV
ley, and on Saturday, afternoon at 3.
&Chick by Rev, W. A Bradley, of Tees.
water '
The War Preblems, and it, was on this,
out with a peAtion for his own notainte. -sUbject that Mr R. D. Cameron address-
* tion as an independent Conservative: '
Teachers' Convention.
The annual meeting of the West Bruce
• Teachers' Association will be held in the
public school, Southampton, on Oct. 10
• and 111 and the schools, of.course, will
• lee elated ori those dates. • •
4. 1 • MARKETS -
grain were: reading,by. Miss McCal-
•ed the . Gaildites on Monday evening. -
Some of the points on which he touched
perm Sabbath Day Observance, Stricter
laws governing the sale of cigarettes to
boys; Permanent prohibition; Inimigrat-
ion problems; The problem of the ye-
• turned soldier, etc. The address was
edifying and interesting =in the extieme,
and it was much appreciated.' • The Mis-
• sionAry Committee was in charge of the
meeting, and the niimbers on the pro,
(Corrected up to Wednesday noon
Wheat.,•. • . I 4 I • * *** • • • • • 2' 10
* Oat/L.446 666 416••••••••• ••,•••
Baxley, . 00
• Peas 25
Buckwheat.... .
..:... 41
Eggs, new laid... .30
Boom— .•oboto-etd,-• . otd . •• 18
Choice heavy Steers $14 25 to 111
Choice bfitchers..., , 10 50 to 1
•Ohoice butchers' cows., 10 75 to 1
Good feeders ;- .... 9 50 to 3.
Good milch cows.. ...100 00 to 16
Hags, fed andwatered. 19 2.5 -to
•Oen Wheat.. .. . .. 2 14 to
• Goose 'Wheat 210 td
Oats 1.11.1 03 to
• Timothy gay.... sl is 13 00 03 1
lurn, "Do Miiiiintle Pee.' A. solo by-
Altehison-.-“Say -a Prayer For
h '” N
2 50 evening the Guild will entertain the
High School students, and the Social
and -Literary Committee will bo ch arge.
An Advertisement by Charles Dickens .0..
rNHA4.1.4ES DICkESIS is pne of the world s great tea.chers..
Here is what he has to say in one 'of his book -s:
• "My other piece 45( advice, Copperfiekl," said M▪ r. ,
Micawber, "you know. Annual income no; annual •
expenditure £19. 19..6—result, happiness. Annual
' . income £20, annual expenditure L20. 0. 6—result,
. • Misery. The blossom is blighted, the leaf Is withered, -
the God of Day goes down upon the dreary scene,
and—and in short you are forever floored. As r am,"
..• . „
The saving of a part of one's in- There iS war -shortening work wait -
come was always a. good policy, •• . ing for every 'dolla.'r that an be •
• saved: • '
Prudent Men and women have . ,
-alwnys inaintamed a- margiu of - IF Charles Dickens were writing
saving.••• to Canadians to -day he would
probably _give us advice to this
But to -day we musegolladher in effect: ,.., • --. - .• ,- °
our efforts to save than ever before. .
• ,"My other piece of -advice Canadians'
To -day it is . a' matter of the .• You know. No matter what percentage
of your ' annual income you have pre -
gravest importance that each , vrously saved, your efforts to -day should
Canadian seek ways and means ' be .to save more The advantage of so
• to eCOnOiniZe bY cutting down ex- il
°mg is threefold: By the Practice of
peridittireA for unnecessary things, - -. econotny you conserve the material and
• saving -the money. he spends on labor which must be devoted to the grim
• • • things he could do :without, so
habit of thrift. you gather more and,
task before us(yV cultivate the priceless
" that wh.en the Nation needs to • more money to lend to the Nation for the
borrow money he will be in a posi- ' proSecraion of thewar to a guile and
tion- to do.his full duty: - • •" certain Victory.'-'
• ••
Published under the authority of the
• IV/inister of Finance of Canada • •• . " •
. • • .
Luolgtow Dramatic Club came in for
much high praise tor its work at the
cooled at 'Kincardine the nightv‘pf the
fall 'fair in that town. Here is .what
4TiabyaseB.e: port!.r" had 0, 091 about thee
09 Friday evening, September 99th;ty t„-1
t thLifB
the Lucknow Dramaticee C- uOy
Club presented kll
that splendid farce, "Captain EackettP
before a crowded audience in the opera
house. T.fia-t-the—phii ' was --e. Omcess1 - 7 --i IN ' - - '
Alk r iv
was evidenced by the 'continual tip- "11‘ p
64 A., ,:i s
plause and laughter that greeted the
performers from the rising of the cur-
tain. Scope after scene of clean,'whole• .
some fun followed rapidly and the
At Little's Shoe Store
aUdience was kept in roars:
ol They don't Cost .Ity mor
v,a2 a light comedy. bit in this day
Lcrruw and sadness it is well that we .tha
inferior Rubbers.
hav3 those viibo can mekelerlangh and- - - - - - :-
help relieve the terrible strain and
tension the people are living under.
Mr. D. Gilbertson as Capt. Robt, Rack-
ett, had a'sylendid part which he acted
• perfectly.. Rich scene was •given jinn -
the right touch to appeal to the audience,
"Mt Thos. Watson, as Obadiah Dawson,
was splendi4 and again floored, as an
amateur of splendid ability, Mr. Robt,
• Brown, as Timothy Tollman, hada good
• part which he sustained well throughout,
• Mr. T. 8, Reid as Mr. Dalroy, was in-
deed a illy old cover, and played his
part excellenrly. So well did he imitate
the wooden 'logged mart that one lady
was heard to. express regret that so fine
an old gentleman wasa cripple. • Miss
Rena Gordon, as the captain's pretty
wife, will not soon be forgotten. She
put pep and vim iisto her work and no .
scene in wbich she took part lacked
action. ' Mrs., W. „IA. McKenzie, as Mrs.
Xollman, sure was a lady of remper,
and did her part in a most finished man
ner throughout. Miss S, McCallum, as
• the. mischevious Maid, was capital -and
hes work was of the kind that gave the
principals the full e.ssistance which made
thd, whole play go with a swing. °Once
mere Lucknow have 'pleased and added
• The following casualties have been re-
ported since Our lest lame:
1 05 e nye ver ere. ext; Mender
5 Do
1 25
1. 50
• •
tit* ltild • • 11., 4, $7 to
Batter, Crolnitty Print. 50 to
PittDOTY 71110111. • g 44 la
• •
11. D. Naughton, Tiverton,. killed
(only son of Dan McNaughton)
W. J. White, Paisley, killed.
• 3 -Woods, ChetileY, klIled
S. 13. -Woodbridge, Chesley, killed. •
B. Brown, Itipleyi ;
G. Malvin Clark, Lucknow, died. of
(The above were all in, the 160th)
R Murdie, Tara, died of- wounds.
0. E. Globe], Teeserifer, woueded.
• It. R. McFadden, Dobbington, woupd-
Liieknow, on Sapt, 12, 108,
to Mr. and Mra. C. B. .Allin, a son
, -
Harold Vernon. •
ARMSTRONG. -In Luelthow, on Friday,
Sept. 27th, 1918, to Mr, and Mrs. W.
04 G. Armstrong, a sen --.J. O.
6 00
•grronut,—Iti the Towhin of Ashilelds
• on Etspt, sotit, 1018. to Mr. and Mrs,
• Win, rtitolii9% twin, daughter%
• •
Entries Ran Well Over 1,500—
OateReceipts a -Little Down •
—Day Was Fine•
Lucknow' annual Fall Exhibition
• was ono of the fortunate ones in the -en
impOrtant matter of Weather. Friday
afternoon was fine, and -sight Seers froni
near and far came to Caledonia Park to
enjoy a day in the open and to see the
hundreds of exhibits put in competition.
- The number of entries surpassed that
at any -of the society's fairs in recent
years. There was a fine •crowd too,
though kate receipta showed a slight
falling off as compared ivitib. last' -year• .
They amounted to II3L17 OD.
The quality of the exhibits was re-'
teelkableconsidering the season. •Fruit,.
especially Apples, the good varieties of
which are supposed to be "off' this
year, was more abundant than ever; and
the quality of these rerched a very high
There was a fine exhibit of grain and
• seeds, a welcothe feature being the ex -
Mbit .of sprieg wheat, which for years
has been almost absent as a crop from
Ontario farms. •
- It is said that the ladies' work was
not so abundant ati it bas beim for some
years 'back, but -much of the 'Work was
of . a hitch order.' There was. the. usual
splendid exhibition of cookery.
• In The outsiclo depar#sents the record
J. Buctioven. Wiarton, missing.
Alex Campbell, (160) Lucknow, killed.
J. Stanley Finlayson. Lora, (164) kill-
Robt. Hibbin, Lucknow,,,(160) died
Of wounds. - •
Corp. Herb‘Miller,-Lucknow, wound -
11 ntON COUNTY •
B B. Hill, Clinton,_killed.
G C. Patterson, Wingliarn, wounded.
W. J. Buchanan, Goderich, wounded.
J. L Dean, Goderich, gassed.
If You Want Your _Mali
As' a number of the rural mail deliv-
try contracts Out of Lucknow are chang-
• ing hands it is important that occupants
of these routes have their names put on
• their mail boxes.. Otherwise there can
be no assurance that, they will receive
Sole. Agent in Lucknow
another laurel to their fame. •
• Beside the above splendid comedy the
specials between the acts were of a very
high order. Mia Mabel Allin's solos
woe de1ightfllY rendered; and her
voice. has improved in quality and tone
since her • last appearance here. Mrs.
Wes, Joynt has also alwaysbeen a favor-
• ite here and 'was heard again with rare
pleasure. Mr. 'Canteen Geddes is a
finished' artist and his •singing will long
• be remetilbered here. A bass voice of
• sweetness and rotundity, „which helloes
with great ease. Added, to' this a com-
manding stage' appearance, which 'all
adds ta hiswork Ms songs were well
chosen and the audience showed their
pleasure bygoodly applause. A most
pleasing nuniber was the duett given by
Miss Allen and Mrs. Joynt. The Hen,
derson National dancers also gave some
fine dances which added to the evening's,
. ROOM II . •
. .(lass x.-(Winnifred. ,Douglae,
Doris Durnin,.Robt. .McOallaps, Rena
MacDonald. Morgan Henderson.). Good- *'
(Pearl Nixon, .Dean Mcionee, Grant • .
ffacKervzie, Gordon • Fisher) Stewart
Huston, Gordon Johnston, Mayley Arm-
strong, Cecil Webeter, Geo. McInnes,
Harvey Webster Melvin Webster, Syd-
ney- Decker, Dave Milne, Calvin Bleitz-
Jr. Class Ex.-(Dra.nnen Maclatosh,
• Jessie Stewart, Mary Douglas.) . Good:
(Sadie Jetilit. Kenneth Thompson, Flor-
ence Mcinnes.)„,Than MacDonald, Wing- „
fred-Nixon, 'Margaret MeQuillin, Willie
Agnew. • • .
•W. MAcCALLtrat, Teacher.
in past years in horses and other farm
stock' was well Maintained. Tne popu-
larity of the hen watereade. evident by
• unusually large exhibit ot• poultry,
• and, we Most not forget, to mention the
fineexhibit ofi rOotti:incl Vegetables.
We are unable to publish- the list of
p'riie-winners this week as it was found
.- It hcwever will Appear next
impossible to prepar e it for the printer
in time
The concert at night drevi a full house
and addekinaterially to the revenue of
the society. The Lucknow Dramatic
Company supplied the program, present-
ing the comedy-dtame "Captain'itatket"
which they had even a week earlier at
Kincardine with such marked -success,
a S. No. 12 ASUFIELD
__Names, given in order of merit for_the
• mouths of Sept.,' Those marked. with
• an asterisk missed some of the tests.
• V -Mary Ross 70% •• '
Sr 1.0th-F, Wells 72, If, MeLen-
tan 60. •
Jr. TOth-Jas. Wain 70, C. Ross
op, L. Robb 65*, B. Blue, 55.
IJr. Jamieson, 64, J. Mac-
Lennan, 62. •
Sr. fl -D. Boyd 85, A. McNeill 80
E Shielle 78, Jessie It'oss 65, •
i3rimer-A. McKenzie, W. Itohb, It.
A. Plaas—t MeLean, K. Boyd.
on roll 20. Aver, attendance 17.
• T Mgrows, Teaolier,
I am buying all kinds of junk -rage sill iron
etc., ete.--JATCE LIBEL. Phone 80.
STEER ASTRAY., -Strayed from the premises •
of Jas: Boyle. 9th con. of Ashilield, about •
Sept. 27t11,9. three-year-old Steer. anyone • "-
having information regarding the sante -
kindly_ report to_ A E._13urain,lAtrknont.
- Phone 85. • -
LOST.-TOn. Thursday. &apt. 266h, bitiween 141n- '
•• tail -and Port Albert. man's
Finder please communicate with Kintail
post office and receive reward. • 14.10-p
Clarence Spence has Completed his
aviation coupe in England, and afte
spending a few months asinstructOr ex-
pects to go to France for service at the
front. • •'
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller, of Kinloss,
right leg. He was admitted to hospitaloti S3p. 1st
Alex Campbell who was last week re
able young fellows who took nrelimary
Herb Miller, has been wounded in the
pOrted killed in action will be • remetn•
bared at one of the tactAlively and agree-
•tralning with the Lucknow squad of
have receivedwordtliat-their son,Corp.
the 160th, •lie gave up a farm in the
West and came here to enlist because
his early home was at Lodges's.
Robert Hibbin is andther member of
Called upon to record this week: • He
weethe. son of English perents who live
in Ashfielci, He enlisted at Luekrusw
and was with the -squad-heruntil the
battalion was mobolized at Walkerton.
Pte. Hibbin was wounded in the eye
• and. was in a hospital in Prance =for a
. •i Vgloyrerraavigreeigeggenhsin conlotets'
short time before he passed away
Pte. Melvin. Clark, whose condition
was last week reportednis having did o
his wounds. Pte. Clark, though a well
grown and manly -looking lad, Wan One
of the youngest members ofthe 160th
Battu. He was only 15 years and .11
months when he signed up on June 14, •
*e reported a number of times recently,
that it wee a duty to join the army. Re G.timindeknowewan.94tisatttovuotitrugoondepi
1016 and he took the step, from a feeling
the Bruce Battn, whose death we are
1.7 tti
died 011 Sep, ilOth. ta 4m at name,
MONEY T() LOAN. -On mortgages and Antes
. at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance, both
Stock and. Mutual Companies. Convey
ancing done with neatness and despatch.
GEO. A. SIDDALL. Broker. Luoknow
HELP I% ANTED --For finishing robin in tlie •
Table Factory. No •experience necessary,
stettey employment. Apply at office. Nun `
LuoittiOW TABLE Co. .10-10-e.
YANTED.-1A2farm tosent, 100 acres. suitable
for xed farming, with fair 'house and
other buildings. .Apply to Win. WE/JANOS, ,
Holyrood. - 3-1044
STEER ASMAY--.Strayed from lot 84, con. 7. .
• Oulross. since first Sept., a roan, Stag with
ring in his nose -weighing about 800. Any . •
• one giving information to his whereabouts
will be suitably reWcarded.-JOS. SWITzga,
Tecswater ik 3. • 3-10-p
Lueknow, every Wednesday afternoon. All
chronic diseases successfully treated. Os-
teopathy removes the physical causes. of
disease. Adjustment ot thespine 1 more
quickly secured and with fewer tres.tmenbi
' by Osteopathy than by any other method.
CELERY FOR 4ALE, good quality. Apply to
BAxgrai 10•10.0 •
FOR SALM-Se:end hand automobiles in gQbd.
• condition-ApPlY to GEo., U.
FOR SALE -New frame Hen House. Apply
• to GEO. ASIonet.i. ,42-9-t1o.
wefl finished house .s.‘tth all:
latest convenIences. For vartieulan. apialy
to (3.• A. SIDDALL. ' 18 tie..
FOR SALE. -Pure 13red Registered Leicester •
Sheep, both sexes. About SO to choose from.
MSG three Durhata bull cares. registered.
Apply to PoitatsS miles' FAA. -or
HOUSE ron SALE --Novi Immo two -torr
house on Havelock at. south; good cellar,
hard and soft, water, half acre choieegaxden -
good stable on property -very suitable for,
a retired farmer. For particulars 'apply to .
Box 163, Itatclotow. • . . 26946 .'
R. IL Long will have an auction sale ofspring
calves and yearling cattle at the Cain .
House barn, Lucknow ott Oct. 7. conntienc.
ing at 9 o'clock p.m. J. PURVIS, ARC
AUCTION SALE.-MessrS. Middleton unit
- K. McDonald. Will have am Auction unto ot.
Farm Stock at Lot 3, Coo. 3, Wayless, on '
Oct. 10. Cows, Calves and quite a number
•of other Young Cattle are A feature of WA
Sale. J. FORM, Ain.
AUCTION SALE -Clearing anctiolt sale of.
farm StOck andiniplements, ineluiling
, number of pure-bred Hertfordcattle, at
Lot Stake Range, A.shfield-000b311
• north of Port Albert on Oct. 10.--.TAg. SrEV.
EnsON,Prop. Tints. GCNOur.