HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-09-12, Page 3•
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ou par 401),e 41/1110 Waho tai:Xt
on a pound crictiewvot, tea
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and pay Ae *rine
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esesinnike • Se
Raspberries and blackberries are point in selecting hometgrowa seed.
Fall Printing of Ilen'y Bushes, I colitideratieri --winch le an important
,eonsidered by the majority of people Wait until the 'seed matures, then
to be the beat entail, fruits see have; dry it thoroughly banatediately after jt
for table use. Even When they are hats been barvested, Put it in, pack -
selling for double what they ustially; ages swell labeled TAIld store in a dry
do, we see the Poor as well as the; place where it can net be deetroyed
rich buying them by the crate for , by insects rats or taiee. • t
Preserving purposee. In' order to! Of come, it is a good thing to save
`nap all the raspberry and blachberry garden .seed.,. But carefully saved
plants in this prevince bearing in good seed sbouln be well labeled and stored
shape each year they must be aro.: to save aufaion next spring.. Cloth
perly pruned. You will hear people bags, eve, the beat Containers for
saYt "What b the use of pruning, my large aced and,noil sealed envelopes
_Plants bear' 'Misty year That is are satiefactay or smaller kinds.
. not what we, prune for; we prime to,e-Beefy envelope or Container
make the plants near mare every yeashow the kind' end varieties a seed,
and keep free from disease. It used, the date; including month and year
to be the custom to do itll tine pruning: When harvested, and the place where
in the spring, but there, is a great! grown.
Whatever we army think a the in-
t' spiretien Holy Writ, who can deny
that there is more human. nature in it
than in any ether bit a writing ex-
tant?, Written thousands a years
ago, as most of it was, much a it by
unk-nown authere, banded down for
centurieFI, by word a mouth, sod oda-
staltingly translated ante gmeliab. anti
a few centuries ago, it still tell* eif
with marked fidelity the trait* a hte,
mans to -day. Go warb** to Genesis
rush of work at that season of the! A. single ear of sweet dorn will far-,
,e year and many times,the pruning is nish eneugh seed Or a, small garden.,
Only half done or not 'done at and. Thinic'how easy it IS to save the best
• to it is very taidlintell which canes ; eirrti predated this-79er-for-nlantn-
are old and which are new in the ing next spring when seed may ie
sprint ,of the year. The best and hard to obtain. All that Is required
proper time to do the raspberry enn is to dry it thoroughly and store it
blackberrisPruning is during the latwhere it will not be 'inbred. But
ter Part of August or first of Septem.! saying seed from the 'garden hold
berafter all the trop of fruit has been not be limited to sweet core. Seed
harvested. • • I tram the best beans, peas, tematoes
Raspberries and blackberries are and other vegetebles shoyin be spied -
fruits svhich grow weed the Arst year ed this fall when they can be obtained
and then the second year tbis wood, easily and the euptoly is ,aintndant.
produces berries. So after the sec -1
ond year's growth of thecane is Rest, I • •
7 it is no good to the plant for fruiti Hints For Stockmen
produetion. It should be. removed:I' Waits can be removed with iodine
at thime in order to give all the', and eitunk-Oil well mixed, one-eightth
vitality d the plant to theefruit-bear-; iodine, seven -eighths sltunitil on
ing canes. , When the canes are cut, glycerine. •
Mite eCOrtOln/Y, rnolo
heal inTed 7oe7pa
..iiimmio; yaw eineenee
wa4% tone
serenerset enneignige eseene•
Methane ago slaughters of on ages aro cordially invited to writ, tn Ito*
Ifspentment. Initials will will be pen:dieted with each questien and Its *flavor
o insane 0 identification, but fell nom* end address must be alveoli in leash
!letter, 'Write en ono, side 0 paper eniy. Answers win oe malted direct if
Stamped and addropsod envelops is enclosed. -
address ell Qorremponellencol: tea this department ta Mrs. Hein si.ew. 231
Woodbine Ave., Tema*,
for youg "hope cheet"? First on the
Nut -Brown, Mein: What ,te melte thote well -made. car Ofies, yea will and in the eecoadesbepter we find the
Creator caning, "It is not goon that
liet comes bentlinen Th's includes *
be proud of it and its contents.
&beets, gastow-enses, mattreas a
- • ' hike Middle Ages ran approximately notes the keynote) of society was
Student; I. The period Itneena as Man should be alone" In these
nate, yleoleets and countertfa4n-eSs:* from, the deetruction of the Remelt' stnnek, and thus early in the world's
EmPiro to IOW revival Of
1°1421111g" ' ilthi4tat"Ymaint wl3eeasa‘nlinctetndereneel;tedsgsfieatety -
For, table-litiont you will went both. from MO to 1500 A. 1) • 2, A little
—not to live ahermit exteterno.
cloth (to use under h table -cloth); •
long and short table -clothe; a silenee lembn.juice en the bads will ottani
terctet the effect of bot soapy toter. tenBeivederntoepnrOoevrebtnheins rratili.h.e n4fdlip:ntehdad,
,Slita-terset T6 .entertain friends r
T. 11. Estabrooks Co.,
St. Jetut Toronto Winnipeg Calartri irk
• cannuat rood Ceepol License iSTo. 6.2.7f1;
from the plaits` they should be piled For einkworrn op. stock use stronge
all insects and diseases "en them. By , and cleansing -the affected part apply , .
Practical' experience has shown that
in heaps and burned sp as to destroy, iodine ointment. After scrubbing
your plot a raspberries or 'black- , disinfect stalls. t ,, ,, t• the most
t . crate fattenipg Is no only
doing this every fall you will keep ointment very other day. Cleanse and
satisfactory but the .vmouolsttryec;iionrommatcar!
'berries in a very healthy candition. I When the sans' aftefbirth is pass- „method of finishing
are cut oat the young canes and pucks' at once and buried or burned. There, ket' The swillig in the amount of
•At the same time that the old canes ed; it should be removed from the penr
e ers shauld be thinned. In doing this is need reason -to believe that eating feed required tot produce •each pound
thin out the weak, canes and suckera, the afterbirth is often the beginning 0 gam is a great object these day,
'leaVing the strong healthy ones for of the habit of eating pigs. aid the feeder is enabled by this me-
. the rlext year's 'feult crop. This gives . sWhen Pigs scour, ciit down the the(' to observe to better advantage
- the canes lett • more sunlight - and 4 :sow's . feed ineinediately. • Give her nes feeds. ene can fatten the fowls
the progress being made by the vain
s nrowth., To get, a good erop of very iron (copperas) ia her slop mornieg in shorter time, thus vaulting them to
better chence , to make a strong fifteen to twenty grains of sulphate of
• fermi berries it Would be best to thin and evening, and if necessary inerease attain their 'maintain% weight and
the canes so that they are about' six the dose until results are obtained. having them ready' for sale with less
expense for Woo
to- eight inches apart e . ] Purchased animals Should never be ' r and feed • •
, The fattening` crate ythich we have
enough raspberries for their ewe use on the farm mstil • they have beep, haegreatest success with: is six feet
Some • people who want . only _allowed to mingle avitiv other aeiniale
have a system of pruning so is to en- ' examined' by a veterinarian. Efforts long, twenty inches high, sixteen inch:
tend the fruiting season from two to should be made to ,determine wlikher es wide. It is divided into three
four weeks a . It works out gene well purcliesed `annisale have been tested equal parts by means of tyro tight'
a . wooden , partitions, • . The. Material
and other infectious diseases, usedsin the fame Is two inches wide
on a small Well, but reduces the crop for tuberculosis, contagions abortion
- tion for the cOmmercial fruit growern . When a cow milks a fine stream by seven -eighths inth thick." The
too much to be a profitable ptoposi-
All the canes are cut back to within ,which is very hard to press dut, we frame is covered wjth slate which rim
bot -
about one footfront• the ground in have found -that 'the best way toover- leegthwise on the *op, back and e the fall to • causethe late' tinting the come the diffimilty is te put one. or tom and yerticanen the front -and -ern
made of material seven -eighths of an
following gear. The str gthnbf the. two calves with bet to suck for a cou-
plant the fellowitig spring goes to the .ple of Months. After calves are
lower buds first and a long shoot is weaned the cow will usually be found
made before the flowers appear be* the to milk a large stream and easily.
• canes.' 13y his late flowering process ,
yrau can make your patch of berries • n
beer for a long nine during the sum-
. •
Henry's Oil Stick.
mer, Prune .part of the patch ,for
ineh wide, and five-eiglvt•hs thzelt.
The ' slats, are placed i`twO inches'
. •
apart on the top and Iran, one and
one-half on the .back, and from one-
half to three-fourths,' oil the bottom.
Cate is taken to have the outer slate
On the bottom at least half an inch
• a late :crop and prune the rest • as One of the unhandy things aliout from the. frame in order to. provide
4, you would ordinarily, and' your sea- driving "the aniversaY earn is that it ..for cleaning. -The top slets are cen
son Of fresh raspberries will be, sev- often necessary to get down under through at each partnipte and, con -
.n1 weeks longer than. it would be it with a pair .q pliers in order to as- cted by two-inch strips, nailed
cloths, dondes and centrepieces. AS a heavy Pernil, and if possible travel thls, eafest nor the most pleas -
el' and .1uneeeen °E Witliont mil expense Wilk not' have a •"Re travels the lightest Who
alone," also followt that he doesn'tn't
hapidre-nbotla dban '
breaiadet size, arid the smaller size Poverty Patty!? Write the invite -
When serving refres'hanents; carving tions on scraps of brodva paper, tieing
is almost prohibitive in the* delivered by meseenger nane, bornood bas ins recluse, the man ?et..
have antly. Probably every pantry neigh-
price,- many Idisseneeperseare diepense tatteredateltore and as -talent look's
ing with the ealaleeloths, sating their ing as possible. Decorate your
table with dories hasteadt You wiX roomswith corn -stalks, wild flowers
want face towels; bath towels and and gra,szes, and illuininate theta by
washscriorths. While.for thelsitchen Means of lanterns and candles.
you, wisil need hand towels, glass and freihrherits should consist nrown
The objeet in crate feeding is not
only to increase the amount of fat and
• lean meat on the body, but else in
soften the tissues and muscles that
have been hardened through constant
,exercise on free range. The duratipa
I,of the feeding period varies from
fourteen to twenty-one dans, depend.:
Ing entirely unen the • thrifeinets 'of
the birds. Some birds, given judicit
oas feeding and good care continue
-to make satisfactory gains. for even
longer periods then three weeks
Birds ,placed in the crates with.
&Asps full 'should isot he -fed for the-
titst twelve or • • eighteen hOurs , in
order thet they may Isecome more
. under tormal Conditions. , certism whether or not there is- suffr
dent cylinder oil. A broom stick
Sane Yea Own , Garden Seed. cut off so that it 15 ab'out thinty inches
Some of the garden seed now longscan be made to do this job easily
h Th' 1 t
• growing abundant in your garden will
anderneatin By hinging these .Strips
to the rear frame piece, three doors
are made: A, liglit V-shaped trough
two and a half inches wide is placed
in front a each crate, and ts carried
time comes t Better save a .supply turning part of the 'petcock will fit the crane The bottom. of this is
two brackets mailed to the ends of
be cut Wide enough so that the on
be aeeded next near when planting • IntiSt
while you can. It is not hard to save. into it. By using this stick it is a four inches above the bottom of the
- seed and -quite frequently the home- ! very easy matter to stoop over at the crate, and the upper inside edge two
- grown supply is better than any that side 0 the machine and inp the pd. inc,hes from the front of the crate -
can be bought from the seed man! cocks to see whether enough oil is on In crate .feeding the best results
. Home-grown seeds, are stilted to local, hand. This • simple device, 'obtiates On be ;Secured. only from the. use of
, environment and the vigor and igen the necessity of getting under the strong,healthy,- vigorous c:relc, of the
. • ductiveaess of the plants from which machine with the pliers and makes it
s they are selected can be taken into: unneeessary to be so careful about
the woolen tvho shuns kind and
'litellatinitnifided leneenitittnientedst7
wife or husband, ebildren parentst
neighbors or friends- One avoid* .14
Jot .of work or respontibility 4te that
•viaY but who of us, 'would change
tea towels, dish -cloths, covers for the bread end eatagetcheese sanclenehes, Sae° with the her191t7
ironing -board, non and pot holders. potato nelad„apple turnovers, coffee ly selfish, abominably dirty or pandit:I-
A goodly supply of dusters and hose in tincuPt,sgIngerhreee and, cookies. neat, eeeercling te se; euelliiej°1•14
or strub-clothi• should not be over Dispenve with the tstble-cloth and use mercenary; groueleY, titloving and un -
looked, and a few geed stout hags for paper napkins. Give prizes for the loved—who would choose Auch a la
odds and ends ehoutd find a place in most poverty-strieken costume seal voluntarily, even to avoid' the pint* .
the new home. A bag of onting for the best hard -luck story. ' of poverty or the gaud a hard labor?
flannel large enough to cover a‘broom Rose.: When a 'beide and bride- Normal human beings prefer society'
will come in nicely when you wish to groom are married in travelling suite with its attendant responsibilities and
ee. tweet. ee blessings to isolation 'With its eon-
elen'euTilageset. ',.°eqlslOenxiet onifeurtaNIV0-12111.dd ZrIbitil4rcIrlectillbo.ose
and such a condition,' but in' these busy
days there is danger of • many hose -
wives gettiug into much the same her"
mit ntate a miuct guite nuncens,cious-
ly. Help for the kitchen is not sitneine
scarce, it is aneinknown quaatity. Un-
less the clindren are grown, the aver-
age farm woman has more to no than
any two women ought to be staked to
do, and wliether she will or not, she
finds herself g, hermit. For, while
little ehildren, are comeany, they fur-
nish no .particutar .xnental stimulus
and the busy woman fieds ...herself
alone, except at meal time, with
but her work and her own
theughni for eompany. Having • no
Quiet oppoeitien the iVle into a feel- „
tal rut. She goes. through the same
routine day after day, ber plied and ,
hands busy with the sante 'Wake done
in the name way, becausesthere is no-
one to suggest any other way. Shtt
becomes perfeetnt satisfied with ters
self and her Way of dieing ,thingnnand
acquires a quite superior' feeling to
everyone who does differently than
she doet. In a wad, she gets to a
Orrin: What -St -then% Mateo leartringsage -
atid then her cese becomes nopeless..
Instead of eravieg, society; Which it a.
normal, healthy feeling and ppe much -
to. be desired, she doesn't Want to go
out, and is peeved if annone comes . •
and interrupts her sehedul.e.
She drawn nientattpictures of- her-
self in comparison to the Other wo-
men she knows, much to the otherne
disparagement -and her •own aggrand- " •
izement—a fatal thing to do. Her
family; her .children; her husband, 'her
way of doing things become in here
eyes ' models for everyone ,in the
universe 'to copy. She, herself; boa
nothing to learn. .
. Thus, entirely without her knowing
it and through stress d work; she bez
cOmes as muck a a hermit as though
she lived. on an inaccessible Mountain
peak. Often more of one for the
herniit who is isolated in fact Could .
often be converted if ,you reached her.
Indeed she is often rust a hermit in
mind,,for she realizes her danger and .
,fights against it. While the woman
'who, surrounded by society, beeomee
a mental hermit, is eal too often hope.
less. She doesn't watt to be differ-
bruth down your walls. Covers for it is usual to have a nand
bureaus and for tables may be adden, a bridesmaid and a bat
and, as many knots, is you have time Wear suits also, bat a larger
to make. Your lingerie also goes into of attendants . a not gustoanary
the chest, and if the that is one of would -not be correct.
Lesson • XI. Winning The World To
Christ --Matt. 5 13-16. 28 .18 •
-20; ants, 16. 6-10. Golden
teit, kark 16. 15: •
18. All ,authority bath beers given
unto me, in heaven and on earthe--"Afl
power" is the reading of th,e oldver-
glom The infallible King himself an -
flounces his, eterhal possession of the
Kingdom—a fact, recorded ennly , by
Matthew. : •
19Make disciples of all the nations
—This accords -with Ine commiesion
given:in Actsentwitneases to the ut-
termost Parte of the earth," the
implication is that they are to dise
hiple all nations by instructing them.
B. aptizing thean into the name—Sew-
len proselytes were baptized into the
quicklar accustomed to the .change in • . Matt. 5. 1,3-1.0 • Mime of` the Father. Jesus adds the
' The "Sermon "Sermon on the Mount," from name of •the Son and the Hone- Spirit.
diet.. Many feeders Practice giving •
three light feeds 'per' day for the first which this., selection is taken, has by ,In the instance of baptism recorded
three days, thee two feeds a day for some neen called then"Magna thane"; in Atte 2. 83; 8. an; 10. 48; 19., 5, the
gieet, 11.10,ee .of the kingdom a God,. for it sets name of Jesus Christ (a :the i Lord
. the remainder a the fattening period.
'The birds 'should not be forth the fundamental 'principles of Jesus) alone occurs in the baptismal
feed at °one time than they will eat
Inn dean In twenty 'ininute•s. After
this the troughs shouild be taken
away or tuned upside .down. m: the.
supports, so Se that nothing it lentsto. be
plait& at between meals, . : , , . •
The following five Meal mixteres, in
wii ANTED FE'Sgt.alT.
„Highest -Prices Paid"
'Prompt R0tUr9.90. COM132i9910ri
89 noacietotent *grieve
getting one's clothes: dirty.—I. I;
Mathews. . - •
-Arr"41..roo r
era s
'The Stars.
6h, many the stairs of the Antes,
A million, .or inakbe mere, 2.
When they twinkle at night on high' .
I try to number, them o'et; ,
. But before I can get yeey far
Fertilize** the And before I could count every star
I am Test in the 'Milky Way;
N G I think twould be almost day.
ece3oarv ear
- Often nye Wisbed I cpuld hold .
rertilizen made hut's,- And fled if it's made of gold
And how sts twinkles are planned.
I've seer; them fall from the sky;
One night there 'were 'almost ten,
, but none of them fell...near by, .•
And I never saw them again. •
But bete is a star that the sea ,
Has playfully cost on the sand;
. The waters have brought. it to me,
And I pick it .up in my hand.
Torbay.; it has fallen to -clay, -..-
There are stars by day,. am told,—
`s• But its twinkles, where are they?
"\, do not find any Etoldl
general-purpose breede, eh e .
of the Christian life to the best 'out again from Aatiech for a second
greatest gains , are obtained on birds teen Pounds of milk: If the fowls ape, grant
that weigh from three and a half to pear tonstipated it any time, 'careful-. advantage so that all who come with- .tour. . After :Visiting the. churches
for and a half pounds when they are ly Mix and dissolve e sniall ,gtiantity in the range of his influence snail establishedduring the first tourthey
benefit by his character. : That they . press on 'westward, coming „finally tes,
ready to be placed in the .crates. They of Epsom salts in one fan, add a lit -
should have attained thisweight in tie" charcoal to one feed; Give grit may see yoer good works, arid nlotifytTrolie; Where 'Peel, everndreaming r4
your rather—The good works are the Carry
'inn the gospel tothe a .' . distant
from four to five months. Leghorns, and green .food twice a week. '' All
Ilamburgs, and • 'other light weight food should be rnixed twelve hours be- fruits a the life. These men 'can! parts, Sees in a vision it man from
stock do not make suitable stock for fore feeding and a very Small quantity •
seeand appreciate_ they' are ' to ; Macedonia appealing .for help. He
the crate feeding method. All: birds of fine table salt ad,dedenot more than turn men not to the disciple but to the , interprets this vision as a positive call
with innoe-qLord.. It is the Pharisee who does ' and 'immediately takes ship from
snoald be _tliotoaghly dusted , rruarter of one per cent Before
sool Powder, or common' yellow sill- being killed the' fowls shoultibe stare- his good Works to be seen of mei and ;'nroas• and in about three -days. sets
phur before being ptacen in the =tee, ed for twenty-fourhours, water Only to iae admired ofbut the genu-; foot upon Europese . soil, beginning
,...s........a. ..............:.... .
and, again ead..ef the firet week. behig given.—E. W, Gage.
• •
the -kingdom ,
Vase Ye are the salt of the
eartht-What salt' is' to the.' Mass of
formula, but, the promise of the Holy
Spirit is given (2. 38) or, the gift f
the Holy Spirit follows the rite (8.
narithahletfoodsesons•theepresence -of 17)- erpreeedes.it. 410e 44-47.)._
the ehildren of -God in a. sinfal world. 20. Teaching them. to observe all
Salt is alio essential to organized life, things whatsoever I commanded' you
• t II that is nisi id —The ideals of Jesus for the indivin-
the order of •theit metit, have been r gives
he gospel alone dan• give zest and ual and for society—this is the core
found satiefactoreifor crate feedieg. 'Meaning to society,' It .ile .essential of the message, which .meant "salve -
It should be remembered that ground to the life Of the world. . ,. , e thin" in, its largest sense. We are
corn fed in excess will produce yellow 14: Ye are the light of the world t Slowly coming to get some ,glitnpse of
fleets of inferior quality, and that A, city set On a lullt-Tne ;beacon light Jesus' meaning of • the worn which
ground peas impart ,a hardnees of is to guide 'men and save them from makes' it 'man infinitely MOTO than
flesh1Two parts of finely ground danger. The city is by some thought the retorting of a soul from punish;
: .
oats, one part ground buckwheat,one to be the city Of Safed which occupies ment ' It Is rather the brieging of a
Pat cornmeal, 2. Equal parte finely a nobte summit to the northwest of man to his best in every part of his
grown oats, buckwbeat end barley the Sea " of Galilee. • .. nature and bringng the world to the
3. Equal parts finely ground oats; bat- 15. It shineth unto all that are realization. of God's will as the rule
ley and shorts. .4. Two parts finely in the house—The lamp stand in the of the nations. . ' .' ..• •
ground oats, one pert of cornmeal, one Orientainouse was -obviously the pro- Acts 16. 640
part shorts. „ 5. Two parte barley, per place for the light: There is a . • This is taken from Paul's second
two parts low-grade flour or Shorts, fitness in leaving things so placed that missionary tourIn the.first tourhe
one part of wheat bean. The husks they will serve the purpose designed had started .out from Antioch in can -
for them. A lamp under a'bushel is Pany. with Barnabas, • and after
only a ridiculous perversion a the Preaching in the Island of Cyprus
uses a a lamp. Put a lamp where it they crossed over to the mainland a
uren by 'weight and mixed to a thin belongs. ' ' • . Asia Minor, preaching in the provinte
porridge with thick %our milk, or but- 16. Even so let your light shine be- •of Galatia ,and establishing churches
• ' •
termilk. On the average tenspounds .fore men—Let a Christian be placed M various places., Returning to
of meal requires Beam fifteen to seven- th t h may -show forth the Jerusalem for a confaence, they start
Should be sifted from the eats, bar-
ley or buckwheat. .
These proportions snotild be , meas.
" .Just one little star in my hand, ..
dreds of aeree, 000_,Pg •1
enough to surviVe tue
• bid. condition* of htst
winter and spring.
IDo what .;r41.1..LI, to tAl•
sure best wheat coilgitigke
' forthiafall andoestwfett,‘ ,
. Fertilize!
WeierVici.-free be0001-Ce.
Musa Predikika ,
The Sofia ers,
ot the neemitestareintisin
1111 Temple fikeits.•
Tite things of the,sect. and the slc3ei
got little' we know what they are!
And hether far off or near 'hi,
• A t!teaderful thing Is a star!
But vultether they twinkle or fall,
Or drift to the shore a the sett,
We icnic)W that the Maker of all
Is t1 Maker ef yeti and me.
frequently. results in diseases of vari-
ous kindt.
The cow sho:e isolated a few
and after birth will eliminate clanger wil prevent • any possible injury or doe on a itieuntain in Galilee. • led all over the ,einpire. •
The feeding.. of some concentrates-- terage around the field margins, three
She should also be kept out of reach
-come cress, and they should be hand -
few weeks before' the cow is due
to, freshen is helpful both to e mo
Inc disciple gives forth in his life the the proelemation of the need news a
light a the-ginty-ofsGon• • I the RbtOrtaztOliallra-7PhiliiPPi..1-10-Mas,
. . Matt nn 18-20 i uot the first Chriatian preacher in
These impressive words occur in Europe, for already the gospel .had
the last intervieW a Jesub with his •reached Rome through the Christians
'A few simple rules observed before 47 before the tali is exPected. This disciples. n It is after his reeurrec- ' who had by this time ecome sca e
worry either to ; her or . net offepring.
either to the cow or her offspring.
of 'hogs. At thiS period cows be -
cottonseed meal, brae, or linseed meal'
- led carefully in order to prevent den..
eand her offspring ,
ger to strangers er owners.
)r- feeding If' a cow doet not cleair ProPerin The fact Is well known that geese A flock of about BO head is sufficient
,r . v !I- g
probanly 11.9 i
clogged -the elinunstivwithin ten or twelve bouts `artificial are the4 best gratatt all poultry to- keep our cultivated fields free of
9 e , ,
mane should be taken imm, ediatety, kind. And of' late years there. is a vreeds; I have found no other fowls
orgatg—the towels, the kidneys, and
the skin. ' •
because, the prokingation of this eon- growing tendency to make, ese of that realize me as much profit from
to five geese to the acre will thrive.
My geese keep practically free frOrri
• • .cilsease and are not troubled by hawks
Geese as Crap Weeders. . or ether poultry enemies or parasites.
To a greatextent these doncentrat- dition is likely to injure delicate or- geese as -weeders of cropeteparticular-
a feed's -Will ccirreet 'this' andition. :gang and impair he as a breeding ly cultivated drops at tertain• stages
Cottonseed meal- shoul,d pot ne given 'unman If the membrane does not, of growth, as corn; also freit• or
to those tows that are exceptionally come with the calf or soon afterwarcig chards. ' ...
heavy milkers, because It ineree8" the cow should: be given at least One Of course, 'geese' do .not ' take the
the flow. of milk and' might calla milk tamed of Idtinom smite dissolved in place of the eultivation of crops.
fever. ' It is a good plan to give to lukewarm miter. This is for a cow Their special help is In cleaning the
heavy milkers a medium to small dee° weighing 900 pounds. The close Must weeds, grass; and insects from be -
of gesont. ealtainft 0 12 elinces Man be Increased aecording to the weight tweet) the plant§ and In, the hillt, Sea
f erie ' tow einem- 900-pounde. "destroying the agaentaid wee
•dd "Wild -
solved tin water—WO' to three days- o,e.
apart, just before the cow is expeet- Calves- should be ntoteeted from the ' a b'y -the eultivater. Ran er Mao,
ed to freshen. This *ill .help kit -09 'weather. Red insanitary surroundinga.1 'wet or dry, 'SUMO' and 'week day, the
down the congestion. The cow should beltailked four W ten geese tettiette on the job,.
Expoeute to cold, rains, and strong
winds nate ' the effeet of driving the
blood \of the animal front the sur-
face to the Internet ' organs, • Which
hours after calving. This will Al-
low the calf plenty of the first milk.
Subsequently the cow should be itink.
ed regularly.. .
Where tobacco mad Cern, aye fairly
well cultivated,. from one to thrti
&olio to the acre will be suffieleat;
bull wheit there is dObeideralbie PAS.
the capital investecl, and since the
femitle geese. centime productive as
breeders for. a dozen or more years
the renewing of breeding., stock is a
small Matter..
Another adVatitage • over chickens
and turkeys that strongly appeals to
me Is the short period that goslings
'require special Cate after hatching.
After the Brat week they need but lit-
tle attention, except ORS or two tOOdi
a ground grails or roill feed, and 4
dry pletee in which to sleep. When
0410 wkealts old they gen rue in two
ftelds with the old hresdini *.eilot and
one 1,111411V14 of gran daily will keep
we= pOweiejr
Theee are busy days and it Sevilla
ridiculous to ask women to di) more.
So 1 am not going to, I am going
to ask you to do less and ,talie time •
.th play.* At least once a week go •
Visiting. If there is noel.pgti and
Spend a day 'With your nearest .neiglet
.bor and talk nendeaf, dumb and Mind.
If you &imply can't steal Monday, ..
Or Friday or Saturcleya take Sunday. •
Don't work on Sunday...You cook and .
tatke and dig and scrub all the vneeka
On Sunday net the fartilln eat bread •
and milk, if that, is the only way you
can get a day off. ! It you 'can't, or
won't,go to church, get out and see a
neighbor.. Get. away from yourself .
some wIny,,erid pick up at least one
new idea. Don't be a "hermit!
How to Keep Butter Fresh and Sweet
•- • For Winter: -
Last fall I had more butter than
could use, so I decided to store it -
away for the winter. 1 took a stone.
jar,' filled it half lull of water and
Made a brine salty enough to float •
an egg. All during the week when
had more butter than I used, I wash.
ed and salted it just as eou would de ,
for immediate use, Patted it into s
firm ball, wrapped a pica of srandia
about it, and dropped the butter into
Ate-briTio, When 7ou wish_ to iso tia
all that Is neceesuty I to rinse it oft. i
I lawn kept butter fresh lelid liweet; all
winter by this method.--P.O.B. •
Provide shade tor the poultry yard* I
during *term revalue)!