HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-09-12, Page 1• t tee $1,5o per year,. In advance; $2.00 otherwise •••••m=44,.....*****5,...466-461**14.6.4•,*--,..66...****•**6 - tntitnet. • 141JCIENOW,: ONT.,' THURSDAY, SEPT. 12t1;., 1918. Remembers Lucknow Friends Signaler Arthur Newman, who will be remembered as one of TOE SENTINEL ;HOT before the War, writes to lie MI Aug 16th as follows "Would 3a:tu mind allowing me just a small space in your paper to thank the members ot the Presbyterian Guild for. the most heartily enjoyed parcel I. rec- sired. s week ago* .Believe me it was highly appreciated. We cannot thank those societies too much for the excel- lent week they are doing for the boys at the front, and we certainly appreciate it. Tours sincerely, AATTIE01 NEWMAN: In personal letter Arthur says that he is still OX and goTng strong, Though- , he has been long at the front and has had iiiany clese calls he bee so far map - ed without a scratch or serious illness He says; "We sure had some time thie month, and old Fritz tried bard to get me with his mrcnine gun fire and. came , . • within an act of making a direct hit On • our little funk hole. But the spirits of . the troops is mervelous, and we are go. ing to drive him ,(the enemy) out to a finisb,,this year.' a. 4-, Corporal John Kennedy Mr. and'aars. Devid KenneclY, of the , Boundary 'best of.leteknow, 'last week received the tad news that their son, Corp. John Kennedy, M.M. had been killed in action in France. He enlisted about three years ago in the )7 litt Battu. • and went overseas ba March Of 1916, By 'June of that year he was in irance, and so had been at the front more than two years,. For the greater patt of that time, be was a bomb thrower, midfor enterprise and braVery he had received . -the Military Medal and *bar. Thee, • his mother received only two weeks be- • fore the announcement of his. death . . . . came.. Corp. Kennedy was only 21 years of age and he had hen in the trenches. . eeyeral 'inoxithe before he was twenty A brother Duncan, now living at White- church, has also done his hit in France, and being severely., wounded in the back ie unfit for further emlitary service, The • four soldier brothers whose picture we published eome time ago are cousins of of these boys., Mr. and Mrs 1enned • have the sincere sympathy .• friends. • ny WHOLE STORY -WAS FICTION Re W. JOHNSTON, OF HURON TOWNSHIP, TELLS e130 T TURNING COM ee INTO CROP' • • • ... „ A Pleb too late for publication last week, the Mail brought us the letter publielied below, It explains itself; but in order that it play be the mere readily under- etotela,ita refer eeedere to an article which we peblished on August e2. It had reference to a story about Mr. Jobs* ton, of the 8tli 'cop. Huron, having turnad his cattle into his cropbecause 'a2wasesaid) he coteld gat no help for the harvesting 3 To The Lueknow Sentinelc—, I see that Mr. Mooney (Editor of The Ripley., EiPresi)itill'haS the &Lai - its my Crop, Now, Mr. Ritter, I am go. lug to give you the trim details of this great controversy. In the first place, I wee short of help, Mid as the baying was on, I started to tut early, The first field I cut was clover, and as there was considerable rain, it grew up 'fiae again—nearlytis The Men In kluki W 1 'Word has been a1LOCAL AND GENERAL{ Waved that rte. .„.........,..„,-,..,..,--...„ IledleY4ta now in France. He ° Miss Lorna Campbell is visiting with a machine gun company. friends ha Guelph.. The town of Clinton was hard hit by Thanksgiving imin40 been fixed, for the war last week, three of its boys be Monday, Oct 14th. ing reported killed, three Wounded and one gassed. .' • Miss Clara Johnston is back in charge Tuesday's Pt6f "killed in action', of the millinery department at Mr. Con - contained the names of Moja G. a isell's store . ,Musgroie, D.S.O., of "lawyer; and T. Mt. Arch. McCaul left op, Tuesday for P. Joh iston, of Chesley, and J. L Snow- Maple' Creek, Alta., and will he %way' don, of Kincardine is among these "died for a mouth; ' Single Copies 3 cents of woutide." Mr. and 'We aos. Nigel), of town, had Sept. '26 afid 27. Get 6. prize list from a'tneesage Thursday of lass week stating the Secretary. "The dates of Isucknow -Fall Flair are thatestheireson,-Joe-Nixone bad been - wounded in Frence. It Is naderstood Mr. Edward Smeltzer, of Mereford, is to be a blinet wound through • the spending the weeliwith his brother,. Mr. shoulder Joe was one of the big fine- Paul Smeltzer. . . looking fellows of the 160th. Harold Burne and Mies Ethel, }owe Tie Chestey Enterprise reports ‘the are taking a Course in the Central:Ruse ,deathein action of rte. Ernie Wright inees, College, Wingleanh • 'Who at the time he etilistea with the - ' Mr.. and Mrs Pahl Smelizer have ,E , 160th was toremanie the mechanical good as. the first crop. I have eight, s department of The Euterrise. Ile its cows,, end as the grass was short, I was the second who held that position to fall anxious to, change them to a new. field. at the front, the other being namedJohn There were two acres of oats in the field MeDoeigall, • • where I had cut the clever bay. I cut Friends at ParamOunt.have had alet- half of „this aid cured* oats for green ter from the nurse.„ in charge of Pte. feed,. 'and r &e. cows into the Melvin Clark, who some time since was rest • • reported dangerously ill. The letter is Soon after,,I saw "The Express", and not very encouraging, and 'speaks of the a fine .story be bad in he 8aYs' case as being very serilius. Pte. Clark he had interviewed me, and that the „nil hit the head- by abeepnee the Semi hi The Correct Address 'Will relatives of Lucknow boys over- seas kindly send in at oce to Mrs. N. L. Campbell, or to any member of the patriotic committee, the latest and cor- rect address 'of those in whom 04 are intereeteda The swiftness with which things are moving at the front of late - baa been. the Wish oUnianychanges Or ud the ladies of the committee are anxious to receive the correct address ,,of all Lueknow boys in order that *ttoec nove op baud maybe sent forward immediately. Plea,se do not neglect to attend to the matter of furnishing the correct address at once.—SEox. 'WEDDING BELLS' Germasete-ellower A quiet but pretty marriage was sol- emnized in George street Methodist 'Church Peterboro on Tuesday evening Aug. 27, by nay. 8. Crookshankr when • was correct. Now; he never inter- fragments penetrating his helmet and vieived me nor any one of the hominoid; breaking the skull. 2. He waft One of the nor ever mentioned it tO me yet; but he youngest soldiers in the 160th being un - IS kVA' all net to do so. T we years der 17 evhen he enlisted ' • ago, I turned my cows,into three thief; " Mrs. Wm. Allin receiveda letter last as much, and I never beard of it, Rea week from her son, Corp. Harold, Which now, Mr. Baiter; Mooney lies; but not any more than this neighbor who gates s'ia# written ineP able .days before be wet; wounded. rhe letter contained .% . the news to , The Wingham ,Advence, This man soya the crop was eaten up by number of German postcards, sent over wireworinsas souviners. They evidently were taken :Now, there never was wire as .9., German prisoner. . A noticeable worm in this field and a finer crop could feature was the *neat clear writing on not grow than this bit of oats was He the cards—evidently • says that I have a.boy 14, and ahe eards—evidentlx the work of an en girl ,older. If he is a neighbor of mine; mated Person', At the time 'of writing Corp, Allhad just cemPleted a ``-gas ,one thing I have to say is -that he has / have course". end. had been recommended . not ituch regard for the truth. ' New Sugar Regulations New sugar reparations have been put into effect by the Canada Food Board by which restaurants are limited to two pounds of sugar for every 90 meals serv- ed, while Soda fountains and ice cream establishments re restricted to 25 per cent. Of the a-verage monthly amount of sugar usecrduring 1917. The various manutactureters using sugar have .also been subjected to revisea <regulations. three boys.. One' is 21;-tlio Other il' and for. Company Gas ' the third is 8. Xeir Mr. 'Editor, to show you the CHURCH NEWS . kind of neighbors I have: When they ee'. . . got &rough with their own harvest, three RevDrOaten, of theDominion Al- ,hance, will occupy the pulpit of . tae of them with a team came over 'and Methottiet church next Sunday evening. worked like heroes and wound mine up. That is the kind of neighbors I have. . PEESBYTERTAN, Clii7UOR $ervices- next Lord's Day at 11 amt. and 8 p.m The. morning service will be conducted by the Rey. DF. F. J. Oaten ot the Do- minion Alliance. . Evening subject "The -Doer of Geocl."'• payer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Who this other antighbor is, I do nut knew., But he has very little respect fee the, triith—I think jest a little less than our distress Elitor. Now, Mr. Eiitor, I hope that I have outlined thiteso that the public will see tthe truth of this great "ealamity". Thanking you for space • in your vain- • ablepaper, I am- . Tones very truly • R W. Jonteseoer, Con 8, Hur- on Twp. GRAND TRU N RitrEt'il Highlands- of Ontario 'Canada -- The Home of the Red Deer.. and. Madie ' . OPEN sgAsori DEER --November 1st-0November 15th , • e inclusive. _ • • - - A1009E- November Id to November 15th, Inclusive in 'same' of the Northern Distriets Ontario, in-; a eluding 1 iinagami and the territory • north and south of - the Canadian, COvernifient Railway from the Que- .: ' bec to Manitoba Boundary' open sea- . son for Moose is front October 1st to November .0th, inclusive. ° • Write for copy of "P▪ laygrounds—The . • • Haunts of Fish and Game," giving . Game Laws. Hunting Itegulations, etc., ' to C. It. Horning, District Passenger ,Agent; Union Station, Toronto cult • G.T.R. Agent. Lucknow. 1?hane'3. MARKETS (Corrected' up to Wednesday noon) Wheat.'. Is VA •••164.164.1 .4 4 40 Oats. *••••Iiirrillii1114/44 -r-lligiri,22Z.Lvirr.,-444+ "440400.* Peas : . 4 a a 6 6 • Yr.**4.144: Buckwheat........;61:••••••6%0 42 Butter, ' . $ , $ 4446 • err se 44,44 Eggs, new latd. 44 4664 0-6411** 40' e 41 Hogs... *al 4t. $ $ o 69. oo ye o • 19 tit: . T01fg14'iii TC - Choice heavy steers....$14 25 to $16 00 Choice hatchets o . 11 $0 to la 50 • ehoice butchers' Ctiws.. 10' 75 to 11 50 ,,, Good feeders ...... • 9 50 to 11 00 Good mild". ...I00 00 to 160 00 hogs, fed and watered'. 19 56 .to rem oust.. ••411i. • $ 't 14 to Gooee Wheat 2 10 to Caste 46 ... ... 44610 640 03 to 94 ed Timothy ay., .. • .• IA 13 00 to, 16 00 Itgless new laid ....****,_ 47 to Illuttee, Creamery Milt' 4510 • 41, to 44 Glucose as Sugar . If you lack sugar for preserving try glucose. Glacoselievente fermentation -of-fruit and crystalizetion of the syrup in jams and jellies which 'sometimes occurs on the top, Glucose . can be bought in all grocer.), stores in the form of syrup put up in cans under 'different namesor you can him glucose five pounds at a timeand make the syrup at home, .add 1.1151.11ids- of -sugar and S quarts- of water to each 6 pounds of glucose After boilieg for a fe* minutes the syrup is ready for preserving,. , . crd yce —Monday, Sept., 9. Mr. Ian, Itow, jr., has had a North Huron telephone installed in his home. Rieg.25 on 015. • Miss Ealythe and Marjorie Wille, of Winghatt-spent a week at Peter Lilac'. nes.. ' ' Mine Priscilla Champion, of Brussels, is spending refew weeksvith her cousin, Victoria Champion. ' Lillian Longman spent the week end at her home in Whitechurch, . - l'• Mt end- Mreejohre Terrace attended- TOk .011t0 -exhibition last week. , M41400 Xelly Spent the week.ind at prank "Ooyle'a. . Mr. tlaniel Martin has purchased 'a new &lin*, , We at " sorry to report the sudden et illness of tn. Wes. Xennalatin. Mr„. Ea, ey and Orate. Armstrong, of Beigtave, spent Sunday at Win. Arm. strong% .. ,. jkOztOto, Thdrf Pit Joe Purdy Makes a Call caller at our office,on Monday was Joe Purdy, -the old ei-Eritish soldier, who lives up about .Kinlough. -In the Waretime scarcity Of mee , Mr: Purdy went to Kincardine tO work in a furni- ture factory. There he was' unfortunate in having his right hand come in contact With a saw, and the two fingers next the thumb were taken off where they join the hod. The Workingmen's Compete- satioe .Board aflowmI him e peusion of $460 per week .while ..he lives His band healed up .quickly, but he has not - Jelly 'recoyered from the shock Of. the accident and operation. • • Eighth. Cone,. Kinloss.. Laionday, Sep. 9th Mise Alice Needham, of Paltenhapi, has returned to her home after spending a month with her cousin, Mrs. .Tno.Cul bat, and with Eincardine kinds. • Mrs. M. *Pherson spent a few days with Lecknow friends. • Misses Edna and 'Eva Culbert, of Wingham, . spent.the week -end at their home on the 10th Cdn. ' • Mitts Blanche McMillan, oi Toronto, is paying a week's visit At Mao. &hides., Miss Phoebe °engrain has returned to Lucknovi High Scheel to resume her studies. * Mr. and Mrs. Gleo.„Neeham, and „son, Ogle; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wolvely, of Pinkorton;.Mrs. A. Stanley and son, Billie, of Kinioes, were. Visitors at J. Culbert's on Sunday, ' Mr- Gordon McPherson made a bus- iness trip to Moscow oriMonday. Rey. Mr. James and wife, Of Wittrt0h, tailed on friends on the 8th one day last week. me ia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J., G. moved into their Lucknow residence, Howey of Luckuow, became the bride which has been. extensively renovated. , • of Gordou William Gardner, son of Mr. Mr, James Campbell and clatighter and Mrs. It (Jeri:leer, Norwood, Oat The Annie left on Tuesday for the West bride wore -a gown 'of georgette erepe where they intend tp reeale in the future. In a clatsely contesteil game of bowls - at Teeewater on Monday, a Ohesley team won the Keyetone trophy from Tees, water . • • • The T.eeswater Neves reports that 'David Kirkland of near Teesevater, last week 'delivered to Wm MacKenzie, of Lucknow, a horse which weighed 1750 Mt. E. MacKenzie, of Winnipeg, vis- ited a few days last week with his sis.' ters here. 77 is visiting. friends in Tbr- :onto, Oshawa and Montreal before going West agaip. . . . . • . , • The big bills announcing the Lucks' , now Fall, Fair are out: ' The directors are leaving nothing ,undone to make it a success. 'There . will be a concert in '. . the town-hal'.in the•eve..Iling- 2 - Reeve jobeeton'acknowledgee receipt of $2,0, a donation by MrsWmMae- Donald; of Riversdale, -- .to the Navy League Relief Fund. This is a fine do. nation from Mrs. MacDonald and to a most deserving cause. , . ' • : Candy manufacturers in Canada have Peed, in tae past, eleven 'percent. of all the auger consumed in Canada. this has been reduced ton 'maximum of 5a Per centby the Canada Food Board, Owing to the sugar situation, Zion Methodist elinrch, Asbfield, will hold re-oponink services Sunday Sep. .22. The preacher for the day will be a former pastor, T. E Sawyer, of tondea boro—A large choir and special music —A splendid big concert Monday.even- mg feep. 23. The teller monthly Meeting ofthe Women's Institute :will be held in the Council Chamber, on Friday, Sept. lath, over silk with wedding veil and orange blossoms. The happy couple left later in the evening for a short wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points. The bride wearing a travelling suit of sayer - grey silk with hat to match. On their returh they will reside in Norwood. Won at Toronto Mr. Sam Phillips, of near St. Helens,' got third prize in the spring wheat sheaf competition at Toronto Exhibition, and. John MeDiarmid, of •Kinloss,' got third fot threshed -oats—an exhibit. of two bushels. Mr. Phillips had also won est prize forspring wheat, standing grain S.O.S. BOYS 6ET BADGES EVERYBODY% COLUMN, Presentation' Friday Evening— mo.Nisz...y wosaLbt. 4141.n ymiroartgutguert Lend. Lot Addresses Helpful to ancing done with and deepatab. Steck and *mai Colillianies. V•0070Y YOUllg Men 0ft0- 4. eeeiLthee &our. Luaus.. . sixty-two young feilows_bin of 13 VOULTRY WANTED -i6 to 25e Per Wilma Jive weight for good birds. Loniulte nlitzstones.luiclinow. A. Mit 4N. 20 Olio to 19 years of age—lined up on the plat- form' in the Town Hall, Lueknow on Friday evening last to receive the S.O.S .badge. - This was the closing feature of a program which lasted from 30 until about eleven o'clock. Besides. the 62 hope three girls.. who had wOrked on the land also received, badges, and M. R. D. Cameron stated that no less than 80 boys' had filled in cards. making aP- plication for the badge. About one-third., of the boys present and tae three girls were from the village, and the otheas were country lads. They were the young folk who in response to the appeals of the 1)Outtnion Government, and the Re- sources Committee had taken part in the Greater :Produetion enevement The badges arn.peovul.ed. by the govern, went and are given as evidence that the, holder of if was a volunteer in the "sec end line of defence"—the producers- of f ond stuffe • There were about 250 people in the Hall and quite in entertaining program was given by home talent. Mrs R. C. Sidenips, pf the National Conned of the Y.M.C.A , opened the program by having the boys sing a num- ber of patriotic songs. He later gave an inspirational: address in which he sin- phesised , the imporSance TA school vitt: cation for boys, and said that every boy, if at all possible, should go as far as matriculation. This would. greatly in- crease the boy's efficiencey in every way no matter what line of *eta he decided competition conducted by the Lucknow to fakeupHe pointed out that the • Agricultural Society. , These winnings speak, for themselves, • It is no small teat to wt at Toronto in Competition with the whole country. we may convey to you our goodwill and best wishes. as you go to the aid of .student at the O.A 0, . His talk along the line of the importance, to boys, of your countryin .n oversees .spott and physical culture. There was a :Although your college training--- has separated. us toa great eitent in the past few Years, we are not fcrgetful of the influence for good you have exerted at 2 30 p.m. Topic, elle Are of Right, unconsciously over the community in Living," given by' Rev; Mr. McCallum.' %which: Yon spent Your early days, we A. good program will be given and visitors welcome • , A, collection taken at the Sons a the Soil Meeting 'last Friday 'evening sup - • Presentation to Soldier The 'members of South Kialoss choir .nciet recently at the home of Mr. D. A.. MacDonald. 'and presented Mr. Hugh MacMillan, a framer • member of the choir, with a parse of gold and the W- ing address:—' To HuglaidaeMillan • • On learning Of your departure froan us in the near future,, we as inembers of 'South Kinloss choir, have gathered thrie evenieg that we: may express" our appreciation of your effic lent, services in our char in the Past and also that boys of the "teen age" !heated 'worked op farms and in gerdene last year had added enough to the production of this country to feed our artily at the front. This Was no mere -guess, but the Conclus-, ion of a careful estimate. . trof. Dean, of theOAC,znan ex- cellent address said that unfortunately there had developed a sentiment in this country which looked clan (in those who worked on the land. Theie arci, too - many who are after at job at which t ey can wear a white shirt- and collar. looked however, that e better day fo the agriculturalist had come and the fi. ancial returns would be more in propor- tion to, the labor. Farmers, he said; had been working too much, with theithands and not enough with their heads. A nuMber, not on the origin -el program was an address by Mr. Duncan Mathes-. on, of Lochalsh, who is a third -year plied more money, than was necessary to te :cover extienscis, and the overplue amounting to, about$10, was sent,to the 80etore Depend -mess" Wier ' italied=ea very worthy,catise. . Mr. Geo: . Button; of 4, eeswater, brother to Mr. Jno. Button of town, was the victim of a painful accident last week.. He was shingling his residence when the scaffolding gave way and he fell to the ground. • He sustained a frac- ture of the.shonkter and was otherwitie badly shacken up, The Patriotic Work • • . • The tieasuier, of the Wemen's Com- mittee acknowledges receipt of $19, the result of the sale at the bag preeented to the society by Miss Miva Graham, and $17.16 ai a teinit of the sale 'of the :quilt' donated -by Mee Freeman. To did dOnOrS as Well eS th those who took charge of the aale, the committee Mt - tends its hearty thanks. A cull dona- den of $1.00 has also bee is received from Miss Mary Connell, a prize re. calved by Miss Connell in an essay con- test. Thin gift also in appreciated by :those charge of the patriotic work., feel, however that the influence which we have felt will not be lost among your comrades in the -camp or trenches, wherever yonr lot may "be cast. In our: social' 'life, we shall in your cheerfal, friendly. presence. Whenever occasion ealled for your assistanee you gave un- sparingly of your time and talent , Whether in the home or in public and your life has always exemplified the fact that your ideals were worthy. , As a member of our choir we erecall the cheerful ready assistance you rend- ered in the preparation of the 'singing of God's praises. As a members of our church yen haee shewn "yOurself a true soldier of • the Cross labouring With diligence and zeal in all branches of church work. We deeply regret that your call to the colors necessitates the discentinuance of your studies in the- ology for the present at least but- we sincerely trust that you may return tin. harmed, ready to. take up the work you lave laid down with even greater zeal than yoti have yet experienced. Ate an indication of the kind thoughts' and best wishes olLthose present.,_ we ask you to accept this purse of. gold. We trust., that you may be sustained a- itia the dangers and trials which May beget you and sincerely hope for your speedy and safe return. Signed on, beealf of South KbRIOSS choir; Jno MacDonald, Ino. MacDoug- all Wm. MacDonald, jno. MacLeod, Sandy Nicholson; danger sometimes, however, of their be- ing too much sport, It waresaid at the colleges that first-year students let their atucliee interfere too much with their sport and that third year students sonic times let sport interfere with their -stud- ies. Solos wete contributed by Mr, Cather - on Geddes, Mrs. J. Wesley joint and Miss Mabelle Allia. Misses Lorna Camp. -bell and Ethel -Howe each gave a, recit- ation. •, • • Mr. R. D. Caineron , who was chair- man state& tlAit-tho-bost-wlic.-ht.d. •-mir ed badges, but 'were not present would receive -them on 'calling at Murdech Cameron Co.'s store. WM leave Ltucknow Sep. 6th and i11btac1c Sop. Mk% Keep your Poulin. Do, my turn I wll ibe paying '27 gem' or 10)4‘.. heavy hens and for chirkens. Rona under ibe, 22 to 230.-44.KE Limn. WEEP ASTRAY-Sttayed front Lot 33 and St Con. i Xinloss, on or about Aug. lelti. ▪ white ewe. Party having iuferniation re - glinting the same, kindly communicate to Jacon.alit.L.un tiLlie)EnOw. %/tow ' 10-24. 1241-P. LOST -On -the road. between eateknew.inel. - Lot 4 O5ni.72 Eltdose, a woman's rionces.i. Finder -pleas° ,Ue,alre Tim SEINT1444414 DJ" • VI= or es. deoanwiers Cones g1ides:4 rks•tfe. DU- PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain Rouse Lucknow,„every Wednesday afternoon. All -chrome diRreases succersfully treated. Os- teopathy removes the physical causes of 41sease. Adjustment of the :lime Is more quickly secured and with tower trotments by Osteopathy than by ner other matisoa• FOR SALE :•••••' FOR SALP;.,Sezond hand automobiles in goon conditi911-APOlY to Utak U. Shim. 2943•tto. • FOR SALE -Cement house and one acre ground, one mile north. of Lucknovk. Apply to Avax Nitur.oLsolf. 51)4fc, . FOR BADE OR RENT -A. nice dweninghouse -on havelock in Apply to Mits. Gals - HMO& • 12•94.0 e cr FOR SALE -New frame -Hen House. APP4 to (iso, A SieDAR.I. , FOR SALE -A well finished house viith all latest conveniences. Cot PartiettlarSaPPIY to O. A. Simloitt. JAI ttc. 1:10130 FOR SAi4f.--,./1 very snug hone°, welt, 'situated, gOod,reums, good cellsx, hard and sott water convenient, large garden. bee . it. Atudy•to O. -A. ,Whirrest. .15-(4 tfc BU1„ii3S FOR' SAI -.E -I have a good assort- • meat of bulbs, such as Daffodils, Myacintes, and Priteleia.—Buy now Or fail olanthik„ Gamino, lionnOokhurn P.ruit Farm - R. hincardine. „ 1290. FARM FOR SA is1-12,i uares, being lot Si.' Knott. u Clay in good State or cultivation, and very preductive. Plenty of wood, never -failing spring creek and good well; large bank hare with stahlins "t, trame housetgoOd bearing oreliard=ati 024` • cent:int farm'well situated. WAD. be sold - to close up estate.-IVIRS. Along alesur, ' 8, Lipknow, Ont. . 12.9-ir., • ' AUCTION, SALE , AUCTION SALE -W. G. Irwin, Lot -1 Colf. 2, Huron Township, win hold a sale of horses,: :* cows and young steers and helferaon Thursday Sept. 19. commencing at 1 o'- clock .J. Futons, Alto. . , NOTICE * For an matters regarding Oreenhill cconetelY 'refer to D. ce Taylor Secretary. • " PHOTOGRAPHY " • G. S. PRUE. Luckifow. Studio open Monday; . Tuesday and Wednesday. Pamily group taken at home. /-7 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to Monday the 16th inst., for gravel to be placedon the Streets of the Village of .1.4tteknoW as directed by an ' inspector who may be appointed to inspect -ouch work. contractors will be ' . . required to pay one-half the cost of in- , spechng and spreading. . 12-9-c, J. R. AO/.774Wy Clerk, Luektiow. .4 • . - Court of Revision • Notice --is hereby given, that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario ' Voters' Lists Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court, of the Gaudy • • ' of Bruce at the Division Lourt Room in , the Village' Of f4lltiC110‘9, on Monday the Thirtieth day of September 1918 at. 1.3Q , o'clocc in the 'afternoon, to bear and . determine , tompiaints of errors and o. omissions in the Voters' 'Lists `of the ' klunicii5ality of the Village of Litie101OW for 1918. thin.10/11114 of • " September 191,8. . • • Tonttnt AOrtftw, ' Clerk of the Village of Lucknow. 19-9-e . . D. A. MacDonald will have an Auction Sale of MIL011 COWS WITH CALVES and YOUNG CATTLE, mostly ' Good Young Steers, at the Cain. louse Barn, Lucknow, on • Saturay, September 21st, 1918 Commencing a 2 o'cl9ck. a 6 , J. PURVIS, Aucroneer, ; r r,. Nie ' • diVighli *.*