HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-08-29, Page 5T-"wr Wf•a 7,7444,44#40.4144-4m. ->7-n"1► - . - { • i ._a Pian to attend Western Ontario's Po O Exhibition 44114 ST 4 �; fitt r.1 � .,.Wllglllllllll *' ftp i • $30 000 _ IN FAMES '' Reil P a of Attractio(prs twice daily • 'wo S,peed Eremts dailyFireworks oath night; f Greeff° fora Food Show int Proc.ss $raiding Flint? of Music:,, Education, 1. inment and .Midway, Merrunsnt • • LONDON ' CANADA ° Sept. 6t to 14'h 1918 N. B, -New automobile entrance coir; Dundas and .Egerton Ste. Admi s. --=----sion l.-corerasuto nd•-driver1aneludierparking•of carr Prize List, EntryFenno, Application for Space, and all •'latformation frons, the Secretary Lt. -Cot. W. M. Gartshore, President; A.M. j;lunt„Secretary Over Half a Century of Success t'R 1'�A1 - • 1.��IYAi •e. a e •a' V od r As o tme t ` •• : �. Q S 1l �� Bl ck a � aa �C Collo ,red Silks 0 or That are extra *value, from a 2.Q 1.5. 5 Qt �► . hi ,Sera es' we .show black brown navy, hs : y .' • green and burgundy. These' are all - wool.: Buy ,iiow:,and .save money.. This week Miss Johnston and Miss Robertson are in ' 'Toronto • attending themillinery openings. Special care to get the best the market affords is altvays'our aim. The Milliliery Departnient will, be open for - arty Friday orders on aridSaturday, September 6th and. 7th BRUCE COUNTY OROANJZU1 For Navy teagui Appeal 'Walkerton, August 22.-- A general 'Meeting •trf-deieg,atc s .interested in the Navy J( eagueaa elf Ort to ra,fice monies for the". -dependents et, deceased sailors of the Mercantile .Marine who have been kille 1 by ssbin ;trine vs rrare, etas held this afternoon in the Town 1lall, Wal kerion, for tbo`°•yaurpoae of forming a County Ortaanizationt Communications were read from many who could not attend the meeting, and in every case the 'heartiest co-opera- tion in the work•was promised. In the .rural nttnnicipalitiies it . was apparent that d succi s dui 1-•ouse to Douse canvass. ould not be made at this time of year: and that themostsatisfactory way for them to contribute to this worthy cause would be by a`grant leried`rn the. usual way on'the municipality., c' ' „The matter cf organization in local municipalities was dealt with in detail, bath°-asto-reults-by-individual' ea4va sing, 'and by direct grantsfrom each municipality.' From reports: so far re ceived it was quite evident .that serious consideration hail shown that the cause of the sailors of the Mercantile Marine who have brsved the perils of the deep for the welfare of Canada, is one of the most worthy to be supported. In order to•have uniform, organization and a uni. form. Share .-of the assessment of the contribution through the different °Min, icipalities, it was- unanimously agreed that the proper channel through which to make this asfiessment would •' be through the Connty Council, As long as the local municipalities are willing to assume a,levy -for this purpose, it is the fairest way or- meeting• the public de .mands. . • • • \. It was moved, seconded nand unanim ously : carried "that 'a committee be ap- pointed :to present a requestto the County Council of .Bruce asking that a levy of three, .quarters of a mill on the dollar . be made for the Navy League's fund for the dependents of sailors of the Mercantile; Marine who have lost their lives by aubmarinc warfare. 'And that the ,County Secretary communicate :with each Reeve , `to ' ascertain if he is willing`to support the proposed grant” The T ' folio h owing committee or delegate .. were anpoiiited to appear at the County Courioil' at their next session to support the request, viz, John .Cook, Ldons Head; J. J: Tyson, Wiarton; Jas. A. McDonald, Tara;'i'V. D. Cargill, :Cargill; E. Roy Sayles; .Fort Elgin; Rev.. C. M. Farney, Chesley; John Joynt, Lucknow, and -J. J, Hunter, of Kincardine: • I C0,111'11ELL-, al�Aa�r �,t�e•��wti�a.�t: • ARM help is.scarce, but this condition can be relieved to a marked degree by usingymachines that accomplish more work in a given time with less man ower. � p Why should the farmer cling to horses -a slow, expensive _ mpanq._a�t' power., y� ..eu other-_business._is..-.adopting the truck and, thereby reducing the cost' of haulin ,,•speeding up 'deliveries, ,arid saving for human needs the food that. -the horses would otherwise consume? The motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weather. Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working, it eats only while in actual - use, and when the day's work is done it requires very little attention, and leaves you free for other "Chores" about thelace. '-Then, it can be housed in one- quarter the space of the horses, wagon and harness it replaces. It is a mistaken'idea that a truck is useful only ;for driving upon paved roads. The Ford can be driver( all over the farm,gL and . used for hauling grain, potatoes, fruit, roots, fertilizer, wood, stock,milk or any other product. The speed it the time it saves, and its low upkeep cost appeal to all users of the Ford Truck. If you need ord One . Ton Truck today. war tax charm, exgefat iruct a and'clawvia Lid ,b:' , very strong -13 help,: order your• Alb pikes aubicad • iL%"''';001 THE V''N!VERSAL .CSR One -Ton Truck 5750.. Runabout • 660 Touring' . 690 Coupe 875 Sedan w . 1,075 Chassis: 62Sy_ Ford, Ont. NVVICIs Had Pima For Teri Years 41.4 And Tried Nearly Xvorything i cupt a Surgical Operation With- out Obi Relief — Tells Row Complete Cure Woe Zfected, p p/ Piles. here •three Cures of chronic ease There are reported In all three cases rnany treatments were tried boa tore It was discovered that D. Chase's Ointment is about the only rea1 •cur". for this distressing ailment. Mrs. A. Gates, 22- Otl'kinson street, Brantford, •Qat., writes : "I inane vied D* Chaee'a ointment arsi a household remedy for -ever so long, and am par• ticul,rly Indebted it for a cure from. Piles. 1 had suffered from this an.. noying trouble, for ten years, and tried nearly everything I heard of. After t-sin1 Dr. Chaee'e Ointment a short while -I wars completely cured." ,1 Mra, Wxn. Shantz, 156 Albert street. 'Kitch ner, Ont., writes : "For several years I was troubled • with bleeding piles. 1 tried -.different remedies for -relief-wItliout,vlinrte6-s 4.. read in Dr.. Chase's Almanac of the benefits other - people were receiving from Dr. Chase's. Ointment so I -Sent.. to • your •office for a • sam"pre box. I found it gave me such relief that I went to a drug store and purchased a full-sized box. I have used- several boxes since, and have derived more benefit from its. use than - any, remedy I have ever used." --" Mra. F. Cussons,-Victoria .street, In- gersoll, Ont.,- writes : "About two years and a half ago 1. was buttering from Piles: 1 had tried many .differ-- .ente remedies for this- distressings1n g trouble, but nothing helped' me Fin- ally I got a box of Dr. Chase's Ofnt- . ment, and after:using It found .that T was completely cured and have. not been bothered in this way since. •I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's. Ointment to anyone suffering as I' •did."• • Dr. Chase's Ointment;. • 60 cents a box, at alldealeria or Edmanson, Bates dt. Co.; Limited, Toronto. There are no rivals. to Dr. Chase's Ointment sa, a treatment .tor` Piles. • . The following local committees' were appointed' for the purpose of looking after the interests of the ',Navy League in the respective municipalities, and for the purpose of educating the public tp not only the present, hut the future need of . maintaining. the dependents of our gallant sailors who have given their liven to our cause: y' Albemarle`,'. C E Waechter; 'Annabel, David Craig, WinI Cam cion; . Arran, Joseph Johnston; Brant, D.•W'illoughby, W, .A.` Bowaod, George' Sirrs; lirnce,, Tas. Johnston, A.1 Mawhinney, Ar , MacLean; . Carrick, M. YFilsinger, .C. Schmidt; Oulross,'Wm..Case, Jno. Arm- rong, E G. Kuntz; i-istnor and north,. W. aloore, Phillip Forbes,. A. Munn,, Eld slie, J. Lewis;,,J. E. Cass; Green- ock, D. Phelan, John Countries, IL J. Nelson; Huron, 0, IH. Rattle, Bev, G. ,Gilmore; Kincardine Tp., R. B,'Scottt Charles Matheson, I•Milton Alerander;: Kinloss, D. A. McDonald', John' Purvis, John McDiar'mid NiSaugeeb, G. 'Christie, Alex McCannel, Duncan Bell;. Kincar- • dine Tn., • J.. J. nter, Misses : Mac- kenzieand Scougall; Port Elgin, .H.H. Stevens, E. Roy Sa les; Southampton,. C. M. Bowman, J. C Eckford; Wiarton, J. J. Tyson, G. Ka trier; Tara, •Ii. A, Vandusen, Jas. A. cDonald; Chealey, • Rev. C. M. Farney, i. A: Halliday, :C,• J. Halliday;. Paisleys J. A Steele, Geo Carter, I Shoemaker, D. McArthur; Walkerton, D. Robertson; Geo.."D : Mac- kay, and I O.D.1.; Teeswater, D: Fer- guson, L. A. Brink; Luoknow; Robert Johnston, A. D. Mckenzie; Ripley; J. H. Chapman, D. Mc ones; Mildmay, J. A. Johnston, J M Ji ischer, Dr .1.4 Wilson: "Tiverton, ._IX "B; ';1ficDonald, John McKellar; Helpworth, Jas Doug las. The following 9ounty Officers were appointed Chairman, Dayid.Robertson, :Walkerton,,Vicc'Outman, II. :H Stev- ens,. Port 'Elgin;• Secretary, Geo:. D, Mackay,'Walkerton..; .: ' • ' G E0. 0, M L0x,iv, Secretary. Mafeking (Intended for last week)", •' Miss Hazel Webster, of Lucknaw, .ac- companied by Miss E Pearson- and Mr. • T. Howard, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs: F. Anderson, Tuesday, • • Mr. Bailie Stothers, of Toronto, is spending a coupe of .weeks vacation at Iris home hire._ . _ Miss, Jessie . Andrew spent' part of last week with.Mafeking friends. • . Miss Lottie.Johnston, of Donnybrook, spent tie weekend with her cousin; Miss Beryl Johnston. Miss Elizabeth Wilson, of Lucknow, was the guest of Miss Leila Blake over Sunday. " Mfrs- Frank Finnigan- and- daughter, o Egnonville, are visiting at Mr. Geo, Mies (trace Pepper returne Saturday from a week's visit with Mar oti Jtuiiie- son at Linder. • Mr. and Mrs. Ebner I'liilli s are:vis.. iting the fortnet'a liarente, Mr, and Mra, Jae, hillitis, Bruce C,aunty News waimmommi As.. a result of the races held in W'Olieton recently, the .Turf Club >M1 sa "abio to hand $100 to the local .. 0. A. E. and ,o the Soldiers Aid Tea Roos,,. • Tho way in which the horse is be. i automobile supplanted by the automo a e is suggested by the statement. that the proprietor. 6f the Royal Hotel, Kincardine, bus fitted tipa garage for seven cars for the accommodation of those who patronize the house. , youth 39' years .of age was arrest- ed at Eden Grove last week oh a• charge breaking the anti -loafing' law.; In other. words he was idling • about whenhe i have been might 1 a e at work. On' being taken before Aaagistrate `1'ol ton of Walkerton; the young man was giyen eight days in the county jzil. • A peculiar sort of dirty` trick Was practised ou a roan by the name of J'anies ac son,JOarrrolia`st week Some. 'miscreant went` through cue of his oat fields and cut the bands on all 'the 'sheaves,. It Would make a good deal of work for the fellow who• did the cutting and a go4deal more for Mr.. Dickson, • •• Jelin Wall, a Culross farmer,; was thevictim of ;a peculiar accident last week. lila was on g a toad of. grain and was driving into..the barn. When the wagon struck. the floor Mr. Wall was thrown up against • the upper door jamb and 'had the scalp loosened from his head; It was sewnon again, and the patient is en 'the way to recovery. Major . S. Swan,who recently was decorated by the French government with • the Crox de Guerre, is a. sop of, Bruce County, having been born in the town•of Kincardine. Major Swan. lventwest;,and when the war broke ut he was divisional 'engineer for the -C.N.R, in Vancouver. The decorat ion was in recognition of his services; in building light railroads in France; Catholic Army Huts; ` The Busy Hardware House phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery Paint: Paint : Paint l=aving bought a large quanti5ty of • ready -mixed Paint at greatly reduced prices we are, offering to the public a chance to try paint at far less than present wholesale prices while it lasts. Remember we only have the best selling colors to choose .fro which also another advantage. The following prices, while our present stock lasts, in eitherhouse or floor paints. Sale Price, per .quart, 69c. Sale Price, P .., e r ,.pint, 37c, We are arso off ering`at`a ,Special 'Mee martin- Senoizr's High Grade Barn Paint in reed only., This paint is used by many of our customers for paindng garages, barns; roofs, fences, implements, etc. ,'V can ,offer our present stock only at the following prices, as this line had greatly advanced since we bought. .=s ,44 5.gal. cans; $ro.oO per can;- • 1 gal, eans,42,25. • ' ><Z gal. cans, $1,•15. z quart cans, hoc. Any person wanting to try this -paint on anybuild- • ing can have a sample can free ;for the asking. We want you to compare these prices with other high grade paints and see if we cannot.save you money. L, McLEOD & JOYNT The Store Where Your Money Goes =Farthest 4 • The- Kni lrts•of. R. Columbus of Ontario hayetandertalten to raise funds through- out. the province for the Catholic Army huts. an organization. officially recognized among the . 'Allies. as the body which looks after the spiritual' well-being of the Canadian •Catholic. 'soldiers: and . at the same time provides many, material comforts for all: our boys, irrespective of their religous'belief.. - • . • Last year $70,000' were raised by the Knights •of Columbus for _the Catholic Huts and the. entire amount was expend• ed.in theerection.of -huts in the military camps and along the Western front, and in providing numerous religious articles for the Catholic chaplains and for the soldiersin igen' charge as well as in furnishing means 'ot sound recreation, .good' reading .:matter,.. stationery and Many • other; comforts ' to all : 'the brave. Canadian boys at the front. The great: increase inthe amount re- quired to carry ,on this :good work makes : a much larger -fund -,necessary this year and approximately $250,000 will have to be raised for the C. A. It, 'so that they `.,may : continue to be_ a source , of blessing for: the soldier when. he is in need :of relaxation 'or religious solace ' - -T'he campaign in Bruce _County for this . purpose has• been entrusted to the nearest. organized body, the Knights of Columbus of Kitchner. With the can; sent .of the .various parish priests throughout Brum t ounty-theyhave- ar- ranged for holding collection in all Catholic churches of the .county on some: un ay in September and it it hoped that all Catholics will give every possibla•assistanc'e to this patriotic work: 'The ,Iatchner'Knights of Columbus have been very successful .with their. campaign in Waterloo County., They,, raised there, in subscriptions and cob lections the sum of about $4500; so that with the County grant' of $2500, the Waterloo County has contributed $7040 to the Catholic Army huts. romgrorrouldrarormari Brute Man Offered Good- Elting_ It is reported from Walkerton that Mr. N. 0: MacKay, County represent-. aove •of the department of 4g iculture. in Bruce, has been offered' position of instructor of Animal Husbandry at the Agricultural Sohoot in Alberta. The offer came from Hon. `Duncan Marshall, minister of Agriculture in Alberta eab- inet, Mr. MacKay has been in charge of the Department in Bruce since the. branch was opened here six years ago, )e is receiving $19o0 per year, and the Alberta%department has offered to go. :$300 .per year better. Mr. MacKay has been doing very good work at Walker• ton and it is hoped by those who know flirt that arraageuients .will be made to have him remain, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONT. :a • '-4 •: ,,,The present national- need ,demands that you 'serve -. free to do so: • Our soldiers,' cannot fight " Over • There without training -you cannot serve ef- • fectively: over here without training; A course at this school will enable you to render ef- fective ffective service. It is the -work and the pride of -the-' school to make its students loo per cent.efficient, for in every.walk. of life the demand is for better trained men and women • • • We offer the following courses: Business, Stenographic; Seei e= tarial, Bus.1:10entanship .Civil Service And arranges Special Courses for Special Students Canada needs your work. ' Think it 'over and write for particulars to S F. Ward, B.A., M. Accts, Principal: Vl. A. Stone, Com. •Specialist,.'Vice- r i1►.,- Phone 208 • School opens Tuesday, September 3rd. • � • Swerior MeOur-Course- is the only appeal we make for your patranage.: If ,we could not convince you, after.tou had finished -the course, that our training is -the, best obtainable. we .would not want you to•_enroll.in the school. All our Y graduates are satisfied'an4l.successful. WINGHAM, ONT. , : D. A. McLachlin, President. A. Haviland, Principal, MANURE SPREADERS We sell the Deering Light Draft Spreaders, with. the wide .:spread, the most durable and updtowdate machine on the market. Don't fail to see it beforac hanying. . BUGGIESThe latest styles with either steel or rubber tires. FERTILIZER—Use some Homestead Fertilizer on your toots 0. . and potatoes. It paysto fertilize. Frost No. '9 Coiled Wire and Woven reties on hand. ` '. 0. ANDREW, - LUC i'oW. y A ;..