HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-08-22, Page 877 ,•77ir •71,--4,p."777,.••••••-- -•••••••—• - •••••, •-• • - •• • • n." Low Price. Doesn't Always Mean Economy The true economy of buying lies in getting the most value for the money you spend. The Class of Goods We Sell • • Are economical because they repre- sent MAXIMUM VALUE AT _MINI- MUM PRICES. This applies specially at this time to - our Staple Department, including our range of Cottons, Sheetin Towelliiigs„ Shirting's, Denims, Tiek- ings, Prints and Gingham& • MURDOCH 84 CAME • • ••• '14011111111111111111i1 ARM help is scarce, but this condition. can be relieved to a marked degree by using machines that accomplish more work in a given time with less man power. Why should the farmer cling to horses—a slow, expensive means of power—when every other business is adopting the truck and.thereby reducing the cost of hauling,, speeding up deliveries, and saving for human needs the food that • the horsewould otherwise consume? The motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weather. . Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working, it eats only while in actual use, and when the day's work is done it requires very -little attention, and leaves you free for other "Chores" about the place. Then, it can be housed in one- quarter the space of the horses, wagon and harness it replaces. It is a mistaken idea. that a truck is useful only for driving upon paved roads. The Ford can be driven all over the farm, and used for hauling grain, potatoes; fruit, roots, fertilizer, ' Wood, , stock, milk or any other poduct. The speed it VIE UNIVERSAL CAR One.Ton Truck $750 Touring • ... 620 Runabout .4 .., 660 Chassis ).625 Coupe 875 Sedan.1075 F.O.B. 'Ford,On*. • . • 'travels; the time it saves, and its ow ;upkeep cost appeal • • --very strtsagly ta-eltusers-oUthetiFord:.Trucki_itquir) Meth- - •-• • help, order your Ford One Ton Truck today, - • ' • Fourth Con, Kinloss Tuesday, Aug. 20th. Mrs. Angus McDonald whohas been Lor Amite week s laboring neder a severe illnets, is on the Way to ,recovety this week and will soon be around .agait. 13rieldayers are busy venering Mr. ;Sohn MeDiarreiti's new resideuce. nosh and their son Willie, visited at Ituaa Middletona hat week. Mr, and Mrs. lames Lyon of Wawa - The arvefit in this part olig lihiloas iadVand$4 Mgt it certainly luts beans a fine one Whereiter you look lip or down the eonsessions the most attractive object is fine stoke of grain all ready to be taken into .the barns, and not with standing -the great heat and drought of the latter part'of and the greater pert of Atigust, the grain seerne to be well filled and plump, A'shott trip to the North the other tley broteglit to view. some fine fieldf Spring wheat, uotice- ably a ten acre field of the Marquig varlet belonging to Mr. Sam Me 'Comb' ho jeets yeild o thiriy bine per tiero • This is the kindlhat produces the No.1 nerd Manitoba. It seems to be much esteemed in the northern townships of truce Co. and another year may see it permanently introduced in Ontario, as afi fall wheat le so habloto winterkilling. Westford —Monday', August 19. Threshing is the order of the day, John -Lockhart end wife and eons OSIOri intend going to tit home in Port Elgin this week whet* Mr. Lock - hat heel charge cd the Public School. Art. Haldenby lute pained his exams for the Royal Can. Air Force (eau breu-th), but will ant report till Novem- ber. Wm. Lloyd, Art. liodgius, Albert Hetherington and Art. lIaldenby ie. tend going West on Thuraday. The boys are going to be patriotic and pat - roam the governmeet railroad, 0 N.R. A.4uttiber from Westford attended the service given in the Aalican church, Kinlougb, by Re,v. Mr Byce, of Lon - '400% Wecouut of the severe. nervoile attain, G-- was given six days to re- auperate, but luereouined the offensive again Sunday evening. • A fovi at the sports took in the picnic. at the lake 'on Friday evening and re. port a good Mean. Mists Margaret Ualdenby and Mrs Dudley' Spent Monday at the home of Miss Alice Collins, parole Grove, Fes. Geo. Raldenby is threshing with Jack jolinstentrithe r. end -Mrs. Ilea Logan and family spent Monday evening et John Meru - lanes. • • —Monday, August 19, Me, • and Mre..- Will Foran; Me. end - Mrs; • Con. Peran. and kink,- of St:: Aiiguetipe, and Mie; X461)4. 'of !tinge-. bridge, V, ere Sunday visitora et Fhillip '•• .• • W. Alton. nlachr 'a -business; •trip 14 Toronto during the Week. ) 4 Mns AnnieSOOtti:Pf -,Laurier, „WentSundaywitb Miss Jean S��tt., Joliii Bowler's. Mr.:- and Um, Thomas Lannon and family; of Toronto, Mr.- and, Mrs. T. Sullivan and Will ,Ctlatughlin; of 'Chi - °ago, visited at Joseph O'Letighlin'S 'eat week, • • ' ‘• Min -viols ".Baker, :ef Toronto, is: .spendieg het -vacation at Andrew Stein's. Pte. Percy McCarthy, F. McCarthy and Misses Kate and Lizzie McCarthy and Mr.. Lou. Palk:44, of Kingsbridge, spent an -evening of last week it; John • Andrew Bawleris working with T. Sandy and 1 Grant on the new teilient bridge being built at -Dungannon, It %elm!" ;01ors...,iiiiirponaol 116 44.21) IF YOUR CHILDREN RE. DELICATE OR FRAIL undqr-sizi or under -weight remember --Scott's Emulsion' is nature's grandest growing. foodr it strengthens their bones; makes healthy blood and pro. motes sturdy growth. • Scott &Ilown&Tonsits. Oath* •• • ‘ aurier • . Aug 20 Mks, • T. McNeil; Murray 'McNeil, of Clinton, Mrs, W.• Young,- GOderich, and Mr k R.• Striithers, of China, called. 'Oa friends in this vicinity last:Saturday., • Misses Mary and 'Annie McLeod and Messrs Jim and Neil McLeod, Glaniis, • paid a flying visit to friends here on. Sunday. . Mrs. Ernie Moore and baby Toronto, are visiting at W. Keinptoo's. Mrs. T. Lumbers and" Mss Kathleen • • are visiting the formers mother, Mrs., Bueglass. • ‘. Misses Ciracis Pepper•and Eva Garth iner' were visiting their friend', Misa -Mann Jamieson, laet, week, • " "Miss Nehhte Seott is visiting hersisten Miss Annie Scott. , • Misses Mary H. McKenzie and Mary McKenzie visited friends at - Birvie, yesterdeak , Reid's 'Corner. —Tuesday, Aug. 20 Corner Institute will hold their inonthli meeting at the honiet;,f Mr's, John Walden, on Thursday atter. noon, Aug. 22, at -3 o'clock., Ito)) call will be responded to by merabere giving a.verse of poetry and naming the author; solo by-Mrs:Peter Nosing, violin- inusic by Miss Eileen Shiells, V'arn and iiew- ingfor the Red Cross will be given out. All are invited to attend. The Red Cross c�mniitee of the Womens Institute held a ineetiregat the home of Mrs. M. Moore and packed for the 'soldier boys i00 pairs of socks; one suit pyjamas and one scarf. A Ited Cross entertainment at Bruce Beach turned out very successfully. A collection taiten tip realieed '640 00 and Breda -from sales of peanuts' and candy brought the total up to $60.00. " There was, a nice prograni, • Whitechurch —Monday, Aug, 19 ldrs. Ches. Gilleepie, of Torouto, is mail* at the home of Mrs. John Oil. leapie. Mrs. Chown and heby daughter have returned home from their vaeation. MIN (ret* Fox of Winghani Genera' Hoopitel, is spending two weeks vacat- e ion at her home here. Mit* Ada Olubb has returned home pita spending three menthe with her aunt, Mrs. Dowe of eta,ffa.., Mise Freda Cam& of Ripley, is Vie- iting her sister, Mrs. Duncan MoTavisho Miee Battle, Gallagher, of Lucknow, is visiting at the home of A: Fee. Mr. and Mrs, Mowbray and family returned to Pronto. on 'Monday. ' Miss Mary and Sarah Sharpe,of Tees - water, ,are visiting at Mrs. Hen - (lemma's. . Mies Leura McCerrol, 4 -if Algoma, is traPdoloti!er,. linnOrlY Rev. Mr. McLeen, of Ripley, occupied, the pulpit intim •Presbyterien church, Sunday. • Rev. Mr. &obis, of McIntyre, will preach next Sabbath, • PiaWerdale Misses jean Stevenson and. Marion 'McGuire AN vIsiting at the home of Mr. Jobb R. MoDnnaltr; ' ; . . Mrs. J. Solomon, of Gloderich, is visiting friends on the line. • " Cella Breckenridge is -epencling a' few days with friend § in, Klimek:Hue and Tieerton, - -* • 7Mise Olive Robb is at present visit - nig friends in Xrenfryn; .- • )- Miss Finale MOrgen;'• of 'Poet Arthur, ' ited frienda on &Nine Mies Martha Camp -ell, of Fur M pie Grove; sent the week -end with her friend„ 'Mies' Bessie MokurebY, Miss Edith Breckenridge is in Tor-, onto attending the•Millinery-Openings. • Mies. Helen. Seott is at ing friends in-Llitknow. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomai, visited at' John on Thursday, present visit: • Brown, of St. R. McDonald's kloi; rood ' . • $11••••••••••••••••0 . • Monday, Aug 1 9 • Mrs • Almer Ackert is spending a few &Ws Visiting friendsin Ituron. Mr. Harry Alton has returned to hia eine in Lucknow, after working for a touple of months for Ackert 13ros. Ws a Annie- Hoclginsspent Sundayait M. Irwin's)• • • Miss Pearl Congram spent the past. week yisiting friends in, Ethel, Mrs, Mcliiiy and datigoter, from God- erich, spent Sunday at H. Pierce* Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wettings, spent Sunday at Dick Elliott's.- • Misses Jean and Violet' Bell spent -Sunday at their home 10th con. . ' • , s • Harvesters • Wanted Thousands of men are required to help intbe gr.at work of harvesting the Westem crop. Arrangements for trans. porting to the West this great tiny of 1 • workers • have been completed by the Canadian Pacific &away. Excursions from all points in- Ontario to anitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta will berm], and special trains operated Busking the trips in about thirty-six without change or transfer. 'See C.P.R. advertisement in.this• lank • Glamis ,i.".-4Monday, Aug i9 • Mr. Wm, Cunningham returned to Alliston on Saturday after a month's yisit at the honie .6f his late brother. Mrs. J. It. McLennan is in Toronto, undergoing treatment. We wish her a speedy recovery. , Miss „Margaret Campbell returned to Harristort on Monday. ltev. P. Reith attended the funeral of a friend at Gorth Pelham last week. Mr and Mrs. Albert Saskson, of Tor. onto, ha-ebeen holiday visitors at the home of his sister, Mrs. n. J. &shim The Xteletyre family are all at their cottage at Inverhuron. Misses Beere and Earns, of Haniilten, raft ied home on Friday after visiting Mrs. J. Cunningham's Mr Pans.baket and son, .Charles, of flOspele ,r are visitors aelohn Deehates. Mrs. Beaton, of Torento, was here at- tending' the funeral of her late. father, nucl..Xel.Aiglt.'11::teeli and family have been visiting at the home of Alf Abel, IlnicarsTiiz dine' Miss sle Cunningham, of Milton, Ont., if venting at the home of her late brollettl.r:TI. IC.11MtuclOirohnagmandd Jos. CI Par. dy attended the Free Methodist eon. fereies in istidgeway fuer week, Mo. Geo, Gilchrist and Janet, of Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cask -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit St AVE HAVE MANILLA ROPE In 1-2 inch and 5-8 inch, the size used for Sling Ropes, This Is much super,. -ior to either Sisal or African. Hemp and having bought It before the advance the price is right. CASTOR MACHINE fail.. Either light or heavy. - C BORUNDUM- KNIFE - SHARPENERS For the sections. SAMSON HAY FORKS: The beat on the market.' : BERGERSI • Pure. Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead and Bluestone, ° • • , . „ • . • ' The Lucknow flardware StgoalC°. ..THE sTORE-THAT NEVER014APPOPS •: 1:11 .. I Ow ------en Sound, aPent a few daya (tt Jos.1 • he AnkerH.Mtti :;R. ho.rnthr;niiisTwheYinniweewrerigaiftse7"i•e' 4 I T•SellaBalanctriii. atryvt - - . Mrs, R. W. Burgess,.- of dahri, Sask., - -: A. e' ' • ' '. ' . erasikn..,f-Tegdfairerni. e The later home ..... • . ' ,,, , '..",, : to his in Melville, thie week; Cr.ecaRME:siviS,cpRa.riwator - - and. A., B. A Cuuninghani of Melville, .., Jtev. °P. Reith conducted union Or vices here the past two ..weeksThe cream screw is.in.the toot- • '. Regular services Will be held in the tom of the 134)Wl• ' "le disS Baptist' Church on Sunday .at 11am. point downward, Causing the and 8 p M. 85; at 12 noon. • ,.., - . creini „to be drawn off ° grad - Guelph ,Mr. Anglia 34eLean .„wlio Nmontes In' uaily; and keeping. the Hospital for the past.- hi. ....- . . himretur nteodnahapamnel tblit- eWfeoerk. 4 1ssAllt ewa de lyc 0, in: fbarro 41nofbtli. le.s. ...whole ., 13. 4 im., .: . .., provement. ). •• : . • :. - - • . Mistit May Ferris is visiting in Paisley. A broken globule of fat adds more to. the butterniiik than' Miss Massie McLennan spent a few days in Killdeer:dome on3dIt6iSoin Ertileuarnsodra;V:aria retiiiie-if. to Tor - Mrs. K, Francis and Miss Mamye, of Toronto, Miss Margaret Colboree, of Buffalo, N. Y • and Mrs Jas. • Coward and babe, of Toronto, are holiday Vial - Mr. S. Stevenson. arrived front ors et Murdock McKay's. ''... oration begins. London, . on Saturday after attending '1,hteneihIg purshs- sera ;Ihsshi 'sea this tRohedfilu9nye.ral of bis, . br,otixer-in7law, Tlios. wonderful macliine-before buying. WA .... -; .. •‘'• know that your judgment will be the 'Huliror8n',3110:h.S, b°8"cpkesnati all4CdoUsplaes4 bfwitOkrits '84"1"-e as (''.-.4.0' with Mrs., Nesbitt,. -Pr. . • • ' ' . . , glee Tiffin, of ToroutoiitCat.guest of ):, Criain Wanted- '.11.4rs. A. Carr. ;"' 2-• : - Mr. Albert Pickard, of •Wiarton ..was • • . „ •—"--' ' • - ' '.. a caller in the burg last week. .., - • the top of the bowl. to the bUfter. ' . All the thilk nins through - A • eleani 'g -chamber - •in • this chamber, and all. ) ties are taken-, out biore sep: • 14' • • . • • - . ) LucknowFiuit&Produce Mr. and Mrs. hi. R Peacock and daughter have returned to their home 'tgnvanY rn Meaford. • - Joynt Blpek,'Lueknow. Phone. 47. •'• Mrs. W -J. McKenzie (nee Miss Edith Hutchison) and children have returned to their home ilea Wilkie, Sask. GRAND TRUNKRSYISTEAMY of.Toronto, have heen.visitors with hie parents --- • • Horning, District Passenger Agent, adtayin.vaeftextruraon. coilepaleehoaf;idwweeikths. hhoerlidp, nar reneyete v.ne.ehe:wdiaglipoonyantrtaiboslopeetputtettodt dwbot3:iietnitie: ellOtstrtrei."1;f:—Again has enterca.er 1%4.0 following family neighborhoodibm of t.hc old prs andi threempe vr :Ocin of1•r. pnalidseinrgIckawMayeSatwtetie hlonmehio8f h7i7sthdaugh- two oistera an residing that: hbaerevotn.aseisting Mr. A. S.yni.9.11.with,, f Albert" Brown, of Paisley, have been holidaying with relatives here. Plus ii°12C per mile beyond Mrs. R. Y. McF'adyen, of Toronto,' • Miss Lily McKinnon zeturned to Brantford last week. • the past week with her Mother, MIS. Ella and Mader .Ualville and 34ris. A E Hogarth of Toronto,•spent deceased was born jilMaePr.h.JralctlEterFsoonrseythe, of iveredale, the funeral of J. Cunningham. vine, returned to their bomb on Mon - ter, Mrs. Janieti Thompson Con. e, Bruce, on Sunday morning Aug.,,,tleth„ Gpo isf,unaenrdal 7a:eh:opt:I:ore:out: Motored here • on Thursday to attend has friend' here. - • 1018, after several waeks illness.. The The Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith of Fergus • Mr. and Mrs. .T. *Parka° end eons, ovorarndforearnkpaTrticinukeitnrnAgaeptkptiyortoc.nnty. Afit: • Mr. and Mrs. L. It Tufford, of Kearns. •:•.; - - Scotland, came to tend heartfelt IlYncipith3r. • 1 a non,nd on Tuesday a ternoon to Purdy's ttoSi and nro it; haamtsee:reant, hpapling: ehpIatl eoartion5 :Sriolornttacti. AeSttortIonit, teooribils HARVEST fiELP. - _EXCURSIONS' $12• to Winnipeg • • Thomn. r) the home Of his daughterl:imBrrait,1811 • °ES TIMIrPIS.185iwtveteill:61.)hdzi8)- Caen 01 TtiAli1C,8—Nitt. J. Ontsitin yditelansraeaddlahri:d:rnie5saldirYe:dantilsegetti:11•11e(L:2:°'41:11:20..and fatuity Bei100', 011 the farm now owned by bio eenietery. 'To the bereaved owe we t126-- viiih to exprese their g- arin:eto bme4ennyrelsreiierfrovrmitheoliviesredai:uhrtek: tehinecierrnes t6hriateodits ubitt:4evirentule: neighbors Mr. Mo SWeell has been cripple for a %rid Mei* for kindness shown during • ' . • August 22; 191.8 - ora Toronto and all stations 'vrest and South thereof in On. • •.r.,••• '• • " A -• 1. ,3'• • • • •• • •