HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-25, Page 6•
way Julietta
, By Ardor Rees, Seals*
TIOL XIII. "liere's the description ea I (whoa
Bar Tem iebseesee it frame the reeords -the Wurrell
ranch wee woe se Jun- ma, my ranch.
M. 'rite old frame Efte Wee met hers with *widen
mu in ita plea* we* irrashitY.
eamileteatiMhts erected *rotused ,.-- meretiZousg to sus_ Wurrell-
aidsa ad a nestling =Ire ids* rhe, then'!"
af tidl • 'thin were ever He end yes, returned julietta NG WITH OILS. „ •
At no time of the year ie. the use of A WOW.. an_told me elle- had no time s• g b .1
seareese seee tree*, by the soft , myself. But it's my rseacheenunee ir'eeurtteget,athyales en the diet of More to read but I observed that die found Cannon loom am ye -
And mow, coming upon it, theuglittulle: "I dela want the piece,
Wurrell-and laughs'. baby.* early summer. When conalaned m A Work. The result was a beasetful Crimsen each lance;
oopers reel hazily-
= 'ought., Juliette exclaimed in sue- Well, I'm geing_to deed it to ?fagssiel mno allee than m tilo spr.ing !and time to de yards arid yards of crochet '
"you. said you'd built a new house, Clay's; mouth tightened for e me-, salad with. a good vegetable oil, we piece of handiwork of which eke was misers of France!
tad *MY ea earth didn't yuu tell me' ment. Re was still thinking of the have a tonie which. le _both appetie- proud to *ley Idiat ebe had done it all
Steeds tenter- Aimlessly;
Vitounded are calling;
Soldiers weep shameleselee-
Comrades are falliug.
Charging victoriously,
Striving with Chance,
• Perishing gloriously- . „.
• Hussars of Francel-
The Charge.
Lama peanants, fluttering,
Kettle drums washing,
Rifle *heti sputtering*
Burnished points flashing;
Trumpets celI blarirugly,
Gallop on tlarintlet
Hussers a France!
Anroared hoofe eletteriug„
Battle flags- flying;
On, through leed epattering:
d I
more "
"You like it?" he queried, smiling.
"Like it? It'se a dream plead
!Wherever did you get the idea?",
"From a rent* I sew in Mexico."
Juliette turned upon him annteetilt.
"Y Mexico
Wurzel's." ing and refreshing, in the odd mouton s 0 op° In •
e The body muat have a liberal supply Does this not iedicate that she would
"Toed better make them give ap;
ama a the a"watalatade, Pra,Iteett, ..,taiti of muterad eaits in order to maintain rather crochet Mon read in her Odd
........**1.,b4.111b71.1418Qt: ,...b.,11. 14111 3‘1‘4....,* A I.,‘ r.,„1,3,i: itself Properly. Lettuee, spinach., 1 minutes ?
tryto "guts ant on'!" ""t.". "'" ."--- i eabbaget water cores, aeparague, eel- .I. myself should rather read and X
temp . ,
eri, radashes, stringheaus and carrots' think every woman should have the
"N 1" Sh h ld la a retesting'
reading habit to soave extent. 4 It
makes her a better companion for
herself and her,family.
In the roorningesefter breakfast I
run through the dady paper. There
I learn that some of my friends and
acquaintances have left town or have
ewbe nate He ieuebee. octet hand. "Jim Wurrell is good at bot-: contain a high percentage of muter-
s renchnom see* little of the World? Itorre-latt'd be a let different if it ids and should be freely used.
weren't for Auntie. She's good too ,t ' The vegetable oils, tile meet favor..
But hereto Tont."
A ehioarogo opened to tbook, yid but she's crusted her spirit with sal.: taut of which are olive, peeled and
Clay led the somewhat dazed Wort up:fishneee* hardness, jealousy, and petty corn Quo contain just 4A4 wadi feel
the steps and into the bottle. Thel-sPiteo aatralat's PgISW1114 herself 'with- value as high -Priced . butter Or collie
Celestial informed Clay that his aunt; spiteful intolerance. She just t
g°- bined with vegetables in a• staled they
had gone to, bed, sop ,erdering some' started wrong, and it' fi irrOWn and
grown until the.,restwontaile_en_ra,t_furms: hins_with en,ough food witeekoet
lonsionade and seed cake -brought tee „ the additional use abutter,
them,„the young rancher led julietta ered up." 5
to what he celled his "office.' t• She leaned- forward earnestly and Vegetable oils ere Pure, healthful
and economical for all cooking 'Put -
with fresh surprise -a severe room, "I've been .thinking a lot *bout it poses.: While the cost is not notice -
It was an office in reality, she yawl unburdened her soul. •
lined with Welts, m.any of these beingt since coming back* If a woman like ably much less than butter, the same
thoughts, amount will go nearly twice as far,
law books. In the centre of the room Auntie Nhurreli gets her
was a large flat -tapped desk with ai started wrong; they just run. down -i
typewriter beside it. hill with her all the time. If I can
'---34 teasnoonful salt 2 tablesnoore
French Dressing for Green Saleds,
"You're not -not a lawyer'!" rhe i force her back into ter, real self, if • - ' -
asked. eeohe didn't you, tell. me•--" we can. brealt the crest and bring the hale vinegar, dash red pepper, 6 table-
. ' b erre real Auntie out from beneath -well a spOonfuls vegetable oil. Mix the sea-
• Before end ester. ,
Conveisation et an engeged couplet
"Why' are the eters so dim?". slet•
returaeck- - Next-Yereadethe,headimes eleeeause_yoar ter.% 'trees° bright,"
of the world's happenings and stime-TiWt Withipered. -- -
times take in the Whole of an editne Conversation of game eouple mar-
• •
id, This probably creamers fifteen leads • •
minutes. , Then I go to my work in wonder' how' many telegraph
the house and garden. • poles 4t would take to reach :from
Often in the middle of the forenoon here to the stare?" she tnused.
dip dovtn for it little rest in. the "One, if it were long enough
rocking chair or an the lounge and don't you talk senses?"
then I read in full the Most ,,mport,ant
wiesunnly cans. pay express ctiergeS
alia remit deny.
Our price now is, forty-six cent*
mutual melee aiiit Creamery Co.
744,4 *the Ilte Watt ironed.
The suckers that Wring up from
raspberry and blacklierty bushes in ,
the Patches ehould be treated ae
weeds, otherwlse rows will 'become toe
wide and too thich, The seekers ean
bo trensplented if new beds are. waSt-,
' I
A Scottish: soldier., very badly
wounded, requested an Army Chit/3,-
loin to write e letter for Jinn to his,
*wife. .The chaplain ariebtus to oblige,'
sterted off withe--"My dear wife.",
• "Na, eai4 the Scotsnaane "dinna.
pit that doots Ma. wife cauna eee,
O. 111 not; .. _,.. news in the paper that I had only
ined next month for the bar. Here, think it will make *imp a lot differ- soiling and stir into the oil. Add the earlier. In this waY I
sit dovnii" He placed her in a chair ea. So make out the deed, Clay." vinegar and beat Vigorously until the glana-ed at
s. vegetables. at the time a servingat
Serve on fresh keeP Pace with the worldnews.
In the afternoon, as late as .threeor
neer the desk and, sitting down by the He turned silently to the typewrite mixture thickens., ,
typewriter, eliPPed a sheet of paper er and obeyed. •
into the machine and set to work , With a soft Patter of feet tne the table. . . four o'clock on my busiest days, I
Juliettt watched in idle, Strange. Chinaman entered the room, bearing Combination seete,_ceisp .lettuce, COMO to the end of my visite except
contentment. She liked this Places- refreslunents which he Owed on the
paring which like the poor we always
througheti windavr of cetera glees deed her *UM degree,' theY •‘"eoltsrit .e.-eldrieirengt briened4 have with us; but at this time I take
Clay's; home. HOMO As though d.es.k. :While Clay worked. on liths: ealeteedeokallerraeberevtea
she amstily perceived tlaings new to drank; then the deed made out,he redisheieVrench dreneingt, Wash the uP a magazine .for long enough et
ter, thing& that tad never Appeared handed it to her, She ammo, jeliette_ee thetouglily .fir several wetees. least to read one articleer one bright,
Pre;tiously to what was deepest With- with a t- hed *. • lot gaud Until crisp then dry betweee' cheerful fiturV.
• I/ a IS air. If I have. st.arted„ a
ok I take time for a chapter or two
in her. ' 1 "I'll hates it recorded to -morrow," towel and put in cold place until b
nese-that WO not woman's hingdom. • They drove home slowly, and for or three unless neighbor comes in
The harsh, elbowing world. of bush:, sohe said•,with coo1.4nalite.• t reedy to use. A little Muslin bag.,
of the epirit. In the newer realm, or the most part silently..At the dark- •
may be kept for the purpose of keen -
or I go out somewhere. In the e,ven-
deeper:gassiness," a higher and More to the veranda step. • At:set-N*10g time salad greetle ready for use. Jag rarely miss an hour's reading,
newer as Juliette saw it, there wee ened Wurrell ranch he helped her out M- 'e • e arrange the lettuce often 'enjoying two or three before
ennobling field of action. She thought' "Good night," she beeitinie. e ' e. ... • , .. ....4
vaguely; shyly, of children, and thrill- her hand. "And thanksalydo'uex.,Jemnuderhing44 an a large Plate ,or In a esdad bowl.
trut the sliced cucumberttagether in •This question or reading is after All
f ideals4
ea aeon es she dismissed the thought. 1-ir,ainlY she tried to adopt the Oldone Place, the sliced radishes in an., much More it matter .o an
The woman> she reflected* was the business. tone -"for taking arm' irate- Other, the celery cut iota oneeinee, standards than a 'question' .4,:if finding
man was, etrictly busing* which was fair.. • vegetablee each in separate 'piles Just -.
at'"°- - Pi*e in another pile, and the other time.--• E.F.„ . e
, .
home -maker; the We sPilere of a 39.0^,ParthershiP on this Water -right
not saying at all that women could, His hand tightened -upon hers.. She - • - -• tb- - h
. bel'ore serving Mix .m e Freee 're Be 'Or Not To Be -Efficient.
- •
not pay dirt • in the field of 'wits neater *al sure hoW it hagOened„•.
man s business-, ' .1for neither of them said. a wor more dressing in a big bawl', • • ne -She who Speeds two hours in wish.,
"A' penny fee • your thoughts!" tbut seirnehow hie, face bed con* to. Chocolate Caket-5. tableseee
Juliette glanced ute to find Clay's h rs nd • oil, 1 cupful corn syrup .2 squares uls ing dishes, that with* ordinary effit
tlie machine. , 2 eggs, it. cupful milk or Water, 11/4 '
"04, jUSt thinkingl -WIty are y011 cupfuls barley flour, 8 8 teaSpoOnfula Wilen'sbe reigbt be illPraYing liar `°9 -
studying. law, Clay? ." , ., baking PoWder, 1 teaspoonful cintia- portunities or doing sonithhing she
• "Oh, $1114 to know the law!" he mon, 1 teaspoonful • cloves, te tea- _ , •
would better like to do.
"Well, why?" ', the • The woman Who. Putters around all
"I'm a 'bit interested in good 'vv.. m4P26,,:rea pnotcltIntoe:s; th' eAdn,datebeivernillesyrup. day lintel dark, doing a washing. that
' mimicked heertone.
ernment."' , and melted chocolate. Beat the eggs '' , •
could have been finished in the fore -
She nodded- gtatelY- ' • • separately and add the laeaten Yolks to noon if sluehad only known how, is ne.
ency could be done in half an hour, s
Merry datit eyes peering atter above chocolate, 1 cupful mashed potatoea •
orhieg an hour and a half overtime
de stood inside the door, alone,
breathless, treinbling, her lips .atire.
She touched them curiously -Had she
kissed, him, then She reached out
a steadying hand to the. table; thank-
ful for the darkness that cloaked her
in friendly secrecy. '
. . . CHAPTER xiv.
She Comet; to a Bird Rieke -firing .and
- - Faces If SquareZy •
' At the brealdast table the next
Morning Mrs. Wurrell eyed her niece
tensedupontier, but she was,on guard. th;ough her elispi.cious huivrerke. , (Flatly the , stiffly ,:k,eaten, egg ites and put on the table in twentyslive
oee course, wile hoer - . Andy- Burt didn't like your min- and the baking powder; Ora into a mieutes, the aveimge woman, •will 'not
The clicking recommenced.: 31111,-. Inn' et! with young Thorpe last night, well -greased Park. and bake in a mod- believe me, ' To do this via mist
•ette surveyed the littered desk. .. she to erate oven about. forty to, forty-five have everYthing where yeti can put
Lizzie, after he took the trouble
steer's horn pointed in silver,. the 4 I m sorry,' 'murmured the girl, : Oatmeal Quick Bread Mufti ' moves. ' '••• -'
' your hands orlon it , without extra
noted the Vest inkwell foamed. of a dt ?.9.1rt fro, towntosee you." • niinutes. , e '
ee° From what:he sad, I ' And i. or. nee-, . . . ..t tit,. . ,
. in er oo wi yoU e a nt sO .
1- a t k •ehl gur i ,5' , spoonful cooking oil; 4 teaspoonfuls get the vegetables and dessert reedy
2 etaifule rolled oats, 1 egg, '1 table- It is easier to peel the po teies and.
:polished. Mexican dagger„ the•docu- 'He talked a lot after you went off •
Merits, a file of blank deeds- ,
' while doing the morning work than to
prepare them at the last Possible nil -
nett and rush through the cooking.
- I knew a ewoman who •insisted on
-having her washing on the 'line on
.Monday, rain or shine, and on having
her ironing done ' at the latest by
Wednesday noon. If it was not done
at that time everyone in the houee.
was made Most uncomfortable. . Slit
thought she was efficient and method-
ical but she was not. She tired her-
self body and soul. She was unfit to
do. .the things that made life really
worth the living. • • . • ' .
Efficiency means nothing more nor
less than doing' what we must do or
itient-to do inehe way that brings beet
results to, our everyday lives and
makes ale glad we elm do things and
"Nothing;" she said .kintilte' "1 &V% . glad to live. , . . • •
The ;Earliest Englishman.'
• ,
- . _
"I'm glad you -didn't say 'politics% the mixture then part of the flour -efficient andtwears herself, out- -in
ra hate to have you a politician. " then part of the milk, the remainder' drain' aad-mladt- • . -
"Then -you care About what I do or
. of the flour •sifteci 'with 'the spices.and When I tell you that -a good break-
. His eyes' were tudderde widened, in fast for *six people Can be prepared
ara ?
urtively. At last apeech, broke the renutinder . . .
the ni• k
11.4"'Irk kttgagiteatite.":.
r NONA/4W •
1414444r" U
the file of deeds,' slowly dilating as the Yeunge hut he ain't so old neither; a baking powder, 1ti cupfuls milk,. 2
For a moment her eyes dwe t upon
• Idea Related ,tieson her with growing -'« coUld 404,451ffht wouse." tablespoonfuls syrup, .1 cupful wheat
' force. As tne tYPettriter fel ellen Juliette etudie her coftee cup, flour, ee teaspoonful salt. Poor -the
aDid• lie commission you. to speak hot milk over the oats and let_ stand
she turned imeatientlYs that idea now
. excluding all else. - . °a lli behell• Auntie?" • ' until cold..' Add the well -beaten egg
"Hott's thits?" ' Clat, Van. out the "Well, Andy did t.alk kinder free," svrup.and the oil. Then adet the dry'
paper, and began to read while juli- admitted the other. . • "He's just, like '-
a boy about not beint able to keep his materials sifted together. ' Neat hard,
etta forced her attention to the words. our into well -greased - niiiffin pans
She 'suggested a 'change here, another feelints to himself. He says he's al- P
there; frovingly he found herasuggese ways been one t of them as laughs' and hake about one-half hour in a
' .tions good, and complied. As finish_ when folks talk' about love at first moderate oven. '
-ed, that petition, if , ever signed by sight; but he won't never laugn, at it;' •
the valley exactly whet they wanted. i ' I hear IbuFinsy dWillnonteen to Read.
:Id; °Yee can
Andrew Burt, .would `gistes everstone.ini,b1nomn owrealtshineeatuas;ayllotatb!reeseth7eeagn•rs1.7he's
"G'Inuiceil are he Won't sign it,"' "Ohl" said Juliette pensively.
"Perhape he's more ieeeeeseee, in :a. find any thee for reading."
' taughed Clay, putting in a freSli ,slieet 1 The circumstances arerare in which
..of Paper arFl falling to work , on the, certain note than he is in me." -
. job Of copying the_eorrected petition. , *Mrs. NV,urrelre fork elatt.eaed nois-• any woman is obliged, to work all of
- "Buts at least it vria-maket dear erhetille'to her plate. . - ' - - • - seethe -time.- ....Most of us have our hours
everrne wants, and Who 'wants, itet an"Land, ilea, child! • Wh,at, are you for rest anrelaxation, for calls or
. • Ju tette leaned forward and took up ' at? " --------nd there este always -be
'One, of the blank. deeds. ' When at So terrified, heti:de/3S,, and suddenly found some time for reading if the
.. length hwtad romPleted big task 'die 'aged did the older estomaneseem that, desire.is ma- • I
meet y strong.
'passed the form to him. e. • J tta ted ' • • I
"1 wish you'd niake out a deed,",
she said quietly, - • ' • .° • .
His brows lifted in tutPrige-
"Tank eitiefede it? - Well, don't
-gamble. on my egnorance, young
ady," no cleared his throat' with
assenterimportanees "Whatearsetli
metes and bounds?" .•
' "The which'?" .: • :
"The metes and boundseethe det
seriptiot 'of the tgoriertyl" !
silly -things at times, Auntie? -. • paper: "Pound it pinned on the barn - •
e"I fee), all shook up," mutteted MI.3;1 door this.moreilie and Stebbinst-tailk It is impossible to estimate' ift,cen....
Wiiirell.. ' "I feelea".. She'brOke of!,. driver told me there was one just like eueles the time that heie 'elapsed ,since
efeeing at the door As Jim temeseir it, fastened up.0a Andy' Etsrt's bank in man appeered in England, . but there
came rushing in. ' " 1 teval•" ' • ' • • is abundant 'evidence Showing that he
,,.; _ **Andy. Blereeeteseetestacieaseeeesetss Vote -the paper was scrawled: "Let, &Fel* there at 'a time When the river
afire last eighth.' he cried excitedly: the wicked beware,'Test they been"" -le • -•••
vaneys had not been tilt doteet-fd an -yet
1tte, clean thousand ton ' gone up in.,Pencil. .- •*rs. Wurzel' uttered .al„ see_ like their peeeeee :delete, ..,eeen
:"Set afire!" .echoed Juliette: eteow. .. "It's that Jake .RObliinsT.." He's ale' the aharaater .0 the aalmal lift tma
"smoker. .: ... , . • . . . . I startled cry. . .
do you know it was set etireee .. I ..waya sayin' them' seriPtare things) entirely' *Referent, from what it is to-
tnliglitelied; Juliette took fit:either "Why, 'count o' this," Wurren If Andy Burt. don't thiatainm. neladihaY',, flet 7 - *kern. art of
*blquae a 'foidede sheet of paper." . opened his hand, '.disclosing a ' Oirte',-forsit he Ain't got the spine of a je.11yeethe Island V2.3 ;Connecte0 0 by teed
- I . tti 0%, AUtitie, doll% ', *Worry .alloirt With :the coetinent. of Easel". Some,
. .
; anyone sett4ing 'fire to ,thiS place,":de- tea .eatheree froth Ito. fact that val.
Bungalow Model, .460.00
TH/1/11.11A1113 MAN°, c0.. LIMITED; OSHAWA, ONT.
canoes Oldest and &aroma Plane Maker*
grim 10 110.111.1.*llminfMlitlIMISiiilii11111111.41111,111111111111111111111111
_e• .-see
Pr'HE' Outward beauty
4 !het. dietIngulihee. • a
WIflIamsNswScale Plarso
Tis an .Index Eta Intrinsic •
worth. • ideals ,ere built
into .6404, COS, of these
ta mont• lysetruments-e.
Ideate of craftsmanship
that. Make for the most •
enthielng quality.
• • -
. anyone setting ft, Otiters11=1.131M3fel Idea ef the tetsie that 'ha elapsed ray
murred Juliette, • and tnreedt to her.. seees. tense mil:4i in width and of e
made.tMay. I beye. the irmisq aniL,fieo_ti.ee seem let ea tee tatnave
buggy this morning,, Uncle JIM? - • Is:eroded seete es, se,,e3„, ese te„ are
Want te get to. town7Pright a.v.tay.', • - 1 1 4 . . t. , , i ' 4. .ter r4=al_e,• ',Of ilia
' The inurtelle eechanged lookst thee, .fes' '-- *Pr'! .2"..g'„, . ., : :..: ... _
Jim moved to the door .half stillenlytodtruP:ar-Cutt9 .'•a"•lat'," Ma r'179 °-1
hitch np.,Neauternobile Was oath* ... - . .
ranch, elinostout of the whole .valley : :. 0 Johnny.geevi, .. •.
, .... - (To .be continued.)
------ i
first vita" tra..a teens' Meets hits to
Men,' Needed .for Harvest.. • i heel. 'lived In.t,o, te,„att ir,,..t. a irsat .4ity,
Aceorditig to latest eetimetes or: and 'tcarl, • 17.., thlteket7 o3m9 gm
the authorities, In -chaete: Of the pit- '' a a .LiNtgiatk 't chfct%.4 .24-4,
duction ,can*aigai :in the earioue pre-: eAreeetly at viikaf.e, ar.,.1-:0-..AP4 .fr.i.).•:r2.:z .4g
vineed in Canada, able-bodied Melt Will a•o*itv trand•of arch28.ctare.
be needed lerthe harvest as follows: ! "Say, .110. arioth," ee, eterearked es
British Columbia, tient 2,000.16 :3;000e 'the- ferracrapeintiog fo: tto.
Alberta; from 1,000 to 7,000; ' Saae."Why hoot they eave deesta 'eettl !wets
kit'chetven, 16,000s Meiiithesir :10,000; ' &siva in: !tete , . . • . .
Ontario, -12;000;. Quebec, 12,000; New t . "boors' Midi windotto,"' .crira,s4 111.4y
Itiunswiisk, 2,000;.:. Nova- flebtlai lie fanner, '"%ltat-aitet .a h '•'-t-Z.a,.'• /au:4V',
\outsiders. heeded; ' Prinee EdwardIs that's, hay" . .' S ' .. -. : • .
land, no .outsidere needed, These inert .; "Don't try to Joelt tee,. ele. Oiseeef"
will have to. Come' front:towed and is the Scornfulrejeinder of tee Cite
cities •of their reepeetive provineee in hoe. "Don't yen .suppoee that I /mow
Imost eases: . NOW Is the tithe ,to plan,'1 that bay Meet VOW lit itirlipii .iilid.
'prepare and otgenize,' • ' that"
e . •
.4 Sssis the elir•10
, Camping. quirk
soni clesa-luisol• "
de mules& clash.
sl charges
psfd to yllblf h011ie.
your &Air -
foot ioet $2.75;
ids& ha ohs 0.25,
When. youth takes. flight on the
wings 'of years beauty of complex-
ion goes too, unless you give your -
skin, proper and daily care. Use of
Ingram's Milkweed Cream will en- •
able you twappear youthful when '
you are no lorigeryoung. Its ills-
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from blemish:, It dots. actuallY
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plexion. Since 1885 there'll been, -
nothing else "just as good." Take
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tains Ingram'.Vekreola ouv oral ne
Face Powder,50c. It blends perk:Icily
with the complexion. A light touch
hides little blemishes', makes your,
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- full of Ingram's toilet. product,. .
Including Zodentwfot.the teeth; 25ci•1s
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With Each Ptarchatie
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ilarge portrait of a world faro ed motion
picture actress. Each time You get a
different portrait so you snake a collec-
tion for your borne. Ask your drugglit#
F. F. Ingram Co.. Windsor. Ontario •
arrows% in the "Land That Ragas
topreme in ths Camino.
, .
FOrty /Wee biome been:pent
out by the Betts's aud Foreign Bible
Society eine the beginning of the
war. •* .
De to the isreeent .6,00Q of the 20,-
000 sidnYard workers pro:indeed frone
the, armee bave been returned. •
The -Magee Of able SeaMen are now
412 A month and feed, ea against
45 before the, 01)9114 ot the war.
A large nueinte boxee Of butter,
raargariae and other peovisioneShave
been .washed, ashore between
borough and and 'Speeton.
Peaches hate been selling ei three "
ishillinge and sixpertee egcb. Mtn,
chester • • •
• e
". P. Hardee a veteran of the Wine
"hlutiey, died recently Bierainghate, •
aged eighty year%
• reeaParetells,
charles Pa Mlle, of Itteeteestle, baa
• been killed in Prance. -
Lawrence Harrison, of Stoke Lodge,
was hned for mowing his lawn
,witit a petrol -driven machine.
The !teeth took place recently front
• pneumonia of GU w Elliston, meager .
of the British Medical Journal,
I: Fred ifeinPater, the giant, who died
at Blackburn while on exhibition, re-
cruired e collie elite feet longe
The Nies= of Hyderabad has ofs
fered 4100,000 for the war, In ress•
ponse to Lbeyd George's appeal.
' The Queen .has sent a. gift of prine•
roses to the little 'patients of the ,
PoOdeagten Green Ohildree's Hoapital
Britieh civilian prisoners •in Hole •
land may not receive more than 226•
each a month, end by' money orders
only. •
' Tile death occurred suddenly of Dr.
Leonard Diplack, for over thirty years •
a member of the local authority, Chis-
Your fruits; jams and'jellies will come from the
jar, months hence', with every bit- of their "canning.
day° freshness and flavor, if you "Parowax" e011` con.
tainm . ' • • . .
• Parowax completely seals againsfair—and airtight
Jar s are imnitme to mold 4.nd fermentation.
• Lfelf the Parowax and 'pour a thin coat s'over the
,glazses, After putting on cover, dip fruit jars in
• Parowax. to seal airtight • You have sealed in goodness
and barred out "spoil." . • •
Jr to uee and costs but little, In I. lb, and I/2 lb.
cartons, at y•sur grocers or druggists. .
Branches In All Cities..
Major-General H. G. Ruggles Brise
has been apex:eaten Military Secretary
in the place of Sir Wele. PeYien, pre -
meted. „
A class in lip•reading has been. open-.
ed at BermOndeel l'or sailors and Sol- t
diererendered deaf and unfit for fur- '
tlier eeryice. • • '
Enoogh literature to. fill sii-nuedred
bags a weak is being handee in by the
public for free transmission to 'sole
diers and sailors. •°
The death hat takensplace at New-
castle or Sir Wilnam 'Stephenson, a
prominent coal owner, and who wan
six thies•hlasto• of Newcastle.
cartage contractor namedStall-
Wood • was fined 410' tor Suptlyinge
fourteen_ loeves. toaGernienseprestinerese_,
empleyed_ et_ Lankiest yellwey_ petition.
teresel was launched and the :keel .
plate of another laid on .the smile ,
berth In a few minutes, at the HeP-
burn shipyard, beating .pfavibui
records. .„ • • •
.. •
Shipe 7:hpaft' i7Nheevelsrevt3eanit. 'aeriacis„a Pariah:
That a battleship is a sort of neatieg
fere sinatimuei ese it is torthled, and S
a sett ofistand; insisrauclhas it is sur
rounded by Water and habit:lane& May •S,-•
easSly be. allewed.. But that the conee
verse shOuld be true seems: to be un -
"likely. Yet there: are 'three islands • •
happear. on Adialrelaerec..or.ds ast
The.tiest of these is a .bit sit wotert. .
surrounded teed known to every Bri-
tish tae the wide world over, Whale .
Portsminitle where :gunnery la e
taught • But the .Adniiralty deesenot .t
caa ft Whale laland, 1t ctdis
Excellent. . • • .
,Do you know where gma. „Mean-. ,
Rion is lastied at the .present enoriienat -
It is a mere "Speck (if an 'island about
three hundred • leagues N.W. of Se
Helena in the Atientic. „.
Probable not one in tee thousand In'
this aonetry ould •tell *here Or What
Haus: Diamond Rock is. It is a 'small,.
'elroiffer dented bland. oft the.eesest ef•
Mettinispie, in. the Wet Indies: It has
a record Second:to:no ship in the Nay,
datereewhets•nreehipeetriesnetateftglithatee -
fearful odds for eighteen :eioaithre
There is e rhyinekeown in the East..
End of -Ldiadon, if nowhere else; which •
a "He- who sails on the Wide sea,
Is a poahslaiener of Stepney."
Tliat is, every 'gee is, in the eyes ef
the lave, •10Cated "in the Perish • Of
StePtiey, C.mnity of Lotackee"
The usual eitelitiettion of Ohs he that
.the destine' Hoes° is in that Perish,
The. eareeigetaint undoubtedly goats
lift& to unvdays -at toys.: the •Alarist.
• who Was Comptroller of ,the Navy in
the days et Charleitthe Second: • "
Now, it hits been thelitstrediebtlyce't.iitee rneis:
incordth ea Ilditeo eaertireleahyg9;:s: bornlsvoerd:es° gelosd,
loti7t:ee h:gh
It may 'have become e tas:1794-4''
titan in this way that; as the
OT. 8tepney-Was a sOrtsof petiole.
est•to salloess the .Naitt Weigle that
Ernphasjzj thtinap--;ortersce "
pure, fresh Water for the deiey herd;
it was recently stated by an authority.,
that a , cow Weighing 1,000 lbe. and .
j. leaking 50 lbs. milk -or the equivalent
of g lbs butter -fat daily, requires no:.
proklmately 10 lbs.' water. •
•chaplains were a
hop of Step
tether to
PM% e
of tr