HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-25, Page 1• -7rQ•
x.50 per year,, in advance•, $2.00- otherwise
LUCHNOW, (NT.,, ''aHUUSD*Y, JULY 25th., (918.
Single Copied 3 cents
$itttaer, Creamery'rinti at tr: , for tic,
• W* Ask ,7E10 1. ,.. 34 .to id
r •.•vI-w'-- rpwawmw�•
, , _ . m 1•
Tins '
,:Ellwtaiaaae4' `Che Natives By Clever 6ttNO
Ii Return For Klee Treatment
_ ...•
Results iroir the Year �t $ the
El'HRAIM SNbl,l. SAIfK 1f11Mlt.L I'Ik1Q AND
Mr. R. D P'✓alrerotl W88 in London•aiR
Tuesday, -
tvliss M• Kitten,. of Toronto, is visiting.
Tm on v'ai to
Mrs, R. Mallough,f r, to, i.i .d
04 Teen rater fri vara the ant
d e p •
week.: • .
Miss: Chitin Treleaven 4 spending a
Moth: with. Michi an frihnds, on Ilio''•
g .
Lal{o II al1Ur��,
- ., , •
Mr, Geo. Matheson was back from
idrautford over the weekend returning:,
•' .
on Tuesday:morning. ,
Mas Mildred Horne
Miss Mit red Ho . e lett on Flaterdey
-tot - fot an -extended visit --lath:'
? z .,E
Etienne in oronto and Pickering
Mr, and Mrs Wm. Little a d Mrs.
Littler sister, Miss Clark visited with
: Luckno friends, Friday of last week.
The highest marks at the entrance a=-
aminations fn .the inspectorate of East
Bruce were taken by Marion Ash; a Tara
g ul,
• Miss, FrancesSpence hag gone to Rapid
City, Mich ,: where she will spend ' a ;
month's outing •with the family of Bev,
Dr-. Mahood;
,. .,
• • W.
Mrs.. J. C. .micNstbb of Winnipeg,
who has been vitiating friends here, left
on Tuesday. 'to visit friends. In Toronto
and Kingston.
. 'Boys :a _ d i le who' er•`tre at theage
n !Y rarts, .tionallyd
16 are reminded tkat the law requires
that they register within 30, days; of at
•, _..
taming their Lath ear
All candidates' for, entrance to high
school at the We kertou, nubile • school
`i p
and Separate school were successful in'
passing the examination.
Mr, ': and Mrs..: .. Ma:Donald ' Mr.
Dave MacDonald and Mtn. Dr. Tennant
went. by auto' to Sarnia on Friday last
attendthe 1. of their auntHURON
• •• • , <
Parties who have done gathering •wfld
. raspberries heave not met with much en-'
. couragement. The • continued , drouth
has"destroyed what, at one time Aromas-
hat -destroyed
ed o b u t
. �..an abuu�ds n.. crop ..
:. MYes K: iV[aoNabii teacher of entrance
class work In . Winnipeg, brag met with
- -Kate
great success in that work. This year
shprepared b3 .` n `
a rut
. pupils f9e exa dation,
all of whom pissed 441 41. takin . honors.
Miss MacNgbb ' foranerly taught in
Lucknow, ; .
« .. • •
All the boys 13 tit
FAILED xo ooh UP
h Eggs t3 r which
; i est .arl'ace iii$ ctorate
of mid young men
1Q years of age who, as: Soldiers o
; *• ---- - •
While bathingin Cranston's mill rid'
. #'o,account
We will pay top price cash or
a0. S
Furnaces in taped:;
o —
The$face Times gives the faillowing
of the visit of a couple of aviat-
ors to the Count Town;
An. impromptu aerial demonstration
h e e da n West '
The three igh et andi ,..tea ill
Bruce were :from Lucknow Public
School, Mime Irene Sheriff, teacherr-*
41e is nidi Austi Re.
ee M' . , . e, n id, George
... -
In the list given' below • the Honour
candidates are arranged according to :
their standing at the:Hx'.. . t o ''; Pass
ip alphstbetio ,der.,
• rttagxow
Honours--- • - '
• . ' -: Bessie. Murdie
Austin. Reid ''
leo. a Doutrla$.
' '.... Stewart.
The Soil,, worked ern, r klerm for three.
months. or: more during the present seas.
on wit "ty a senior of tenmi eg f Luck•
hi. l u.
eaw, win be presented with an appro
Pilau '.bade on Sept. 6th. Arran e•
. p p g
menta► to. this end, were wade ata :meet-•
ing of °nitons :held fn Murdccii
Cameron Oo's ,tor . on Mondayof this
wee14. air, Sldaneous, district silperin-
tendent of the S.O.S., was in town on
that date and called the meeting. •,
In an informal talk to the meeting.
(formerly Sumdaervaapai on the 10th
con. of West Wawanosh ou Tuesday
evening, phlaim Saefl took crampn anti
soh ill abot}t `ri .040..feet of water *std was
.drowned. The 'body' wan got recovered
., ,
' between three and four .tt'altrek'
Wedne447 wwrning: ' • .
• Snell Ivan acconlpau ed;�y two cavi-
pagiona-a,-in-aaiq, Mfr. Clamp-
bell and. Wm• Hum re ;,Corsi bell
: ,. p y jr.J
also stook .tramper but Humphrey got
hira out, after which he was unable to
find'Snell, •
" 'mil •.
We still have Soa 6 bars a c
p .
ears, :cans; for 2 ,
Pe9nt a,$d Maple Boater) o u.
bulb ani, Dazs. 1
L go
Maple and Corn S xu
two- 1e, extra g ,,. t aS ,at ver y.
special rices.
ape , p
Try our BiStl111tS, inlb. ti
p �ii �*
CCQty: -f SRtUf'(i.A only
y, y
--i'Ilppad Seeded Railsins
: ' lie per pkg.
' ' •citizensLucknow
i'roill t attention to
. • a '
P z T i N G •
co' .:
went aQ :
Shop two doors: ViP .
' i - Office
was pulled off iri Walkerton on ,Holiday
evening lash which sent plumy.
'. into a cold sweat' and caused others ° to
turn their faces in horror away, as over-
head an aviator appeered for over an
. hour to . bo courttag. with el .and
threatening • every: moment to furnish
°he remains 'for a ooronerte 'inquest. A
-. �r�nkW •
_ , t- •
.. ._..._
` rg
' • •
young cadet having got lost while mak-
ing the return trip from Collin wood to
Camp Borden, after taking some aerial:
. _... . ,.. _,...
_ _ , ._ _ - _Morning
photographs, ra4 of .gasp ia1' : e and
, -Kurus...
W'il 'e Trelea ha'
. 4 •T22
3 r. Bidaneoua gave quite a19tofln sr-
satin inform&tion, • He said that in
r&1m- Snell ware= -a 3'oun&-fs►rttier
abo ut years of age,•hia• parents home
o� 62_ .__. -
J i 1
T 3
;t11[#• .
t �/
•alighted in BobbieSimpeen s field haat;
Walkerton, The as in town beingVerna
W t g.
too coaxes, be bad to send to camp- for
the. fluid, and. in response the, military
authorities despatched a supply here in
plane driven by. F11ght Lieut. Randall,
the dare -devil of the camp and one of
most 'expert fliers on the continent..
When Randall landed with the gas he
found that. the Walkerto • `aria had de,
luged the stranded flyer with. oranges,
. cake and all kinds of delicacies and that
.. ' spread out await-
a royal was also �¢
Jack Cain
' Jearn Spindler
MacCallum '
Ontario Alone,. last year 7000 boys lied"
'helped on xarms during:the. summer,.
been near Auburn,
s He was weltknown
in Lucknow and vicinity having worked
a •
number ,of years with 'Mr. Ifeimeth•
Pearl Bo ie .
, Pisa --Meade
• Annie Armstrong
Jean Gli lieA
Ruby Kennedy
Pharie Mathers
Thisyear the movement has.been ex-
leaded .Over, the whole Dominion, •and
the number of'hoys working on farm,
ie 21i,4b0..'•It had, been figured ,out
that, aallow/ang•that-a boy did'half the
work of a man, the combined labor of
Cameron He had been drafted into
the arm .lat aurin but was home on
y K
:and had bean` helping his father -in-
at'haying. $e. was married a few
,waeeke ago to plias•(,antpbell.`adaughter
Mr. and its, Neil Campbell et' W:•
W awanosh,
gouge Fa� `
and cut sign
Huggies, Cutters . a n d
p . • . ,
t. _ er vehicles painted
and Varnished. .
Bettie McLean
these 25,000 boys would produce food
Veronica MacMillan ,
! Ada Pickering;
enough to feed our army overseas. That
is a great thing, and'the boys who are
Normial'•$tludeatS D0 Wali
• •
,..��. .:
. •
The three -da •'.
fe$tiVal N%as. Ot11 : a •
• • , Y
i , ,
taste of what it i8.,
in him. In gratitude. he decided to
g _ 8
give this town a few stunt, that wo aid-
Apt soon be; forgotteai ip local history.
Mouctin , up Into the clouds he looped
. ..
the leap, and with the machine turning
over alis over seemed to be tumbling
taking part in it may well feel proud of
Only 8 of 232 Candi ,tea Fail' to Oct Through,
their badges when they receive them.
and enty I8 U4ahle to Melt Seceid Cars
Amelia Oiheiser •
Al stated above, these badges will be,
Sadie Gallagher'Gaallagher
• Grace MacDonald �'
distributed it meeting to be held. in
the Town Hall L oknaw onthe eve
, , u . n
. .
The'record of :this years class at. the
Stratford Formal School is• an excep•
oo rine, O.ut of 232 ,. Candi-
LOST -in Lneknow<a purse c'ontainiva: sum•or
nionpy-Finder kindly leave at'FBE SENT-
zxtci, pFFit>;. t 8 tee,
1 wereal-
down • to earth. When,peop e
• George Thompson
Charles -Farquharson.
• Blanche. Hall •
ing of Sep: 6th. A_ effort will be made
to • et in, eve . be between the. a es of
B �' y g
.13 and 19 who- has' worked on : farm
within ten miles of Lucknow. • Some
dates. waiting 8 failed and 18 were nn•
to `make 'Second rias and are
able n
awarded Third, class „ertificates•
a d •' staff are to"
Dr, S. D. Silcox n his`
TWENTY-FIYEwrite r rid Yo
a r all;hen
In Kaon condition, and e• for birds over•
.,5 pounds. Don't sell your .lieu, without
issue and know.-J4srk LIBicG, phongr36.
. • "
The Potato CrOp •ill •
•`: Huron' Countdistance
vicar. listening for .the_ecaalt, be avoided
the shock by arighting the machine a
short from the gravel .and
• Anna 'McKay
Arscott :, • ,
prominent outside speaker will be se-
oared for, the occasion and there will be
an eveningg
of entert�tiri�m ant...
be congratulated .on the splendid show
iso made b 'the class:.• One of, the
Third, . Agin `D. Schat of Dashwood,
' g zt
LusT-stseotaoles in Lnoiu►o . on pimp -Inner.
or south c1 sone street Find .
. ceiQe;l W rewar,I on leaving at 'pp Sep,
Tisvi a:, ovFtoe• a 1S 7.0. '
Mn H A. `C ion, inspector of potatoes
for the Donanion Department of Agri-
culture made an :inspection' o£ the' -
tato 'crop in. Huron. County, last week
and 'reported that the crop is likely to
be somewhat lighter' than iii 1.91.7.
leaf ,• .
. Black Ie , .'mosaic -and curly•
leg, roll, Y
•, -
dwarf are the main diseases found •neon-«
aging: the potatoes $lack leg .'affect,
the nun tato• plants during; wet
Repo :.
and . backward seasons .and to poorly
edsone., The- diseas starts_ at.thet.
drain e..wards
few days the leaf.of. the'expectedEva
root, and in: a yand'
plant droo sato the round. •°i
p . g � •
Leaf roll as. a common' disease in this
'started u , again, • • Theri turning from
p d 8
the dxiy he dove like'•an •• arrow to the
earth . cauaiiig many to seek trivet ]set
he light on•, them. • When lie earned;
. ', r n ' oared
about to strike the g es d, has >
and missed b :• a few feet and he.', like
y , -
a bird down the. main :street. Ch=slug.
cro d off e`hill b lmoa knack • .• :
crowdeth y rk d
: off 'thei their -WS was another favorite. stunt
it . -
,. • „ -
with him. After ; ; carrying on. in this
e r •, i
manner for ogee an hour, he and•his
chum turned their Mediums- again to
Camp Borden,- 1s 78 miles
which "'they "to
dl8 Dv, A "' )'•
reach in less. than. half an hour..
: ... •Margaret Catbpbeil
Jeanie Case
Pearl Haldenb :...
It should not be overlooked that every
boy -whether a village or a country
bo : is i' I d' wishing to take
y nc u ed, Boys eh g
in the demonstration
' • •
did' not frit .his e>Faminations as he
drafted and missed • the Third group, of .
studies .
LosiC-op ete4tton st. a oheveolet oranlc I
dont •mean smithi.. do i ren It
,. kindly return to ;Ca gvxoLET 'outing.
25 7-w ...
Judson Jackson
• Annie. Little . •
• Nellie Marrs -afore,
part i
and desiring•
to receive sone: of the SOS. medals
Should e Wel Murdoch �& • eros Cog's
u d u h & L m
where, they will.register. This•
Sarah O.' Armstrong, Qoder, ich..
Cadre M: Asquith, Auburn, `
TEAo�it�t W•&NT tD-t ilunselne School.
i5, � oa; nsidon�l0 H��oa Townnhi�.
+' is u i) per .sevum.
Ap ly to M. r.riozT, secretary, iiipley,
7tt, No. 2.
; .
Thorza McBurney,
, - ,.Florence
. Gordon Mulvey
Muriel Namara'
may be done any day that the boy is to
town, but in good time before Sop:.6th:
, . ;
o Barber,.
Edna I Carr, Ethel.'
- :Heidsecond -class prof oval,• stateez-
• • perienoe and salary .exp -• Geo. s.8,-
R. i, sec+y
�_�.. _.._
� _ .�.__ , _ -_ : ..
._ . _. . ;�
__� . _ . _ _ _- . ;... _,,., r .
-Annie low, •Wingh'am
. _xis. Dungannon. 25 7a0aao., -.
=. = = •.
- Kokes _ :
Grace Thompson •`' •.
MAkeS flood' Aviator.
Winnie H.-Draner,, Meta .-•:
K -Came to the premises of
'eT the undersigned Lot -s, air. 91.–Ashfield..
, ;
Annie Walters
Cadet J. F. Cook was home talar week.
for a short visit. He hie now'complet;
ed phis course in aviation and secured
J. Goderich �.
• Graceapparently
Mina. Ehlers; 'D'ashwoad. .
Ella H. Elder, • Seaforth.. •
E. D.. on or about July�t, ° 19,8, a steer
year old: -Owner have
same on. ling roperty and pa ng ex-;
pe��e� sQiiY Marrrgr l, 7, LxcknGW.
PhoneDnnganon67 rs: 25.7.p.
' of the country. Over 60, percent:
of the potatoes rnapected :last year were
"' : '
"' -
- 'Annie Tully
, .
; ,•Marie Murray.....
his commission; Daring and skilful in
Managing a motorcycle and an automo- •
brig; Jack was sure to: gnake good ae an
air• man -and this ho has done.' So sac-
' Aimed,: Fiokbeiner, Creditoq,
• Elizabeth L: Ford, Clinton,
Doroth Fowlies Ba fie d
y . , . y. , i .... . . ..... . .
Ada I . Fulton; Brussels,
"MONEY TO LOIN. -011 mora' ' ee and note,
al reasonable rates.. Fire lusurance, nut,
stook and Burnet • Companies. coal e
e '
.. ;.'.. an ,done, with neatness- an despatch.
ea 4 Pa h.
A. SIDDALL, Broker. LuoknOw •
ff rte bythis • Leaf roll' re=
a d disease •
duces theyield to a veryMow mark.
_ :. . ._ _ ..
Mosaic, is also. a leaf disease and is
Spread ' using. diseased 'seed; 'Curly-
p y g «.Granger,
' Ontario'
dwarf a4 frequently met with inQ
and the only way to prevent thts des.,.
easels to secure new seed from a field
Pot effected by this disease• •
Kincardine is holding a. Chautauqua
week from Augii'at and to Fath. The
neighboring town it to be •commended
;.for its pluck in., attempting. to finance
:each a 'splendid entertaihulent. • Thee
people of this, section of Brute` will be
able to enjoy a high class programme on
, The erforrnances will have
each day p
such famous artists as: "The•Ben.Greet
• • _ :: . , •
. .
. Mrs, Dr. NlCLrIWI110p Uec�.
p: ;'
-- •Veiteh
Marville Scott „ • '•
s - •
' Edna M, Campbell
Margaret Campbell
Win. R. Culbert;
_ _ . _
easeful was he in his examinations; that
on Completing the series of courses`'
which constitutes thesevlators education,
he was recommended to .be retained inby
this count. as an instructor and so
y y
•. Auburn :':
Julia M, Hauch, Crediton.. •
Laura .Tan .•Tiolmes Bluevale,
i % '
Lila M: Howatt' Auburn:
Margaret M ' Langsing, T�olodesboro.
R. rABSF.R, osrkorATi ; at Cain House
D Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon. All
•hhronio diseases suooesefuliy ternoo. Os-
teopathy removes • the hyeical causes of
disease:;, Adjustment ofthespine ie more •
qutokly scoured and with to.vertseatmanty
U•steopathy.than by any other• methal,
sea -o„•
The many Lucknow friends -of the
MacCrimrnor faanily'. were eaddened'.to
hear of the. death on Monday, of Mrs.
. •.. :
,MacCrlmmon, who dyed at her oma in
Ripley after a week's illness: Mrs. Mac=
Cramnion 'was a native of Lucknow, the
onlydaughter of the late Janes Wil i
son,'who lived here • in earlydays of
the village. As a young woman, and as
the wife of the • -
lat•e Dr. D•. A. MaeCrim
`mon, she . was deservedly popular and •
highly:. esteemed. Her, 'husband
• . :.
.died -on.... March. -2nd ..3.917 :.-and._shelt.
survived by four daughters and three
sons. -Horace of Vancouver Hannah,-
- .goad
of, Chiaigo, Ales: of Ruby, Alaska; Mrs.
(Rev.) J, M. Horton, of Kingsville; hirer
Dr. Coi iter of Philadel hia;'$ate and
( ) . , p
Adelia,,with whom the mother lived at
:i . s - .. i ..indeed
. le . h �_ _
Ripley. T e remains were buraerl; be•
side those of her husband in Mallon
cemetery on Wednesday. :..
... .. _ , _
- • ' •
PgreRSON—Siii'm Ata the Parsonage
- Prelate, Sisk:, on Munn,} July, 15,
1919; by the lied. Will Lee; the mar-
range. was . solemnazAd o£ Miss Lillie
`Smith- and . Ms , i'loward Peterson
• . , , •,• .• i s -
'The:young couple wily reside mere-
late. The bride., is a daughter,of
- . uWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, Stauffer
Players" The • Factious "Welsh Glee
Quartette" .''The Royal' Dragoons," a
emging band.. The . Tachackowsky.
tette." • The world' re=
Quer following
newned lecturers ..Ds T. W Davidson,
Rev, ' P. J, MaeCerry, Colonel Gear, W...
Bain, and .Russel H. Conwell, will. be
heard in their famous lectures. Other
• Artiste ore. Martha .Alexander violinisti.
Hartwell DeMille baritone, Mad a Wil.-
liaiuoeon pianist, !Bertha Farmer soprano
• v" .. .Her-
soloist,'Osborne loliast,,,
Rhena Fraser may not experience the thrills and the
Verna Hooey dangers of the battlefront for some time.
-Elva M. (Jltn:).L ttle,Seaforth:..-
Anna I. McDonald' 'Zurich: . . •
N.re Oaicun�
Kate C. McDonald, Bluevale:
• For
. ,' )
• Irene. MieTavish' . CHURCH NEWS , .
Bebecea wain, Bliyth,
all ma re. Qreeub lloemetety
refer tall. d Taylor Secretary: .
Marie G. Meagh n, Dublin.
Margaret Maartyn •Rev,.SALE
• J. Wilber Liltico, •Dulnth
Agnes: Murphy, Seaforth.
....Adeline Monne ,of
: , Minn,; will preach in • the ` Methodist
,. Elizabeth Morgan: church here op.morning. . ' . '
, •: , Margaret Murray , Sunday g.
- .: . v J ' : Duncan, of Sault Ste. Marie'
Jack Reavis Rs • S ,
. _. • . .,• - _ the the Presby t
hunice -of -the -Presbyter
Olive M. 'Untold, Win ham.'.
C.Robertson,Win' ham,
g "-
' Helen.Rodaway, Clinton.
A. V. Shanahan, Clinton..
AUCTION SALE.-Thegvropertof the late
MaiT coacher consisting totooi° seta' s; a
hq public suction on July 27; tom-
mencin •at 2 o'clock p.m. Jos. Aaxlew,•.
Admin etrator , R. ascoxeausa, Aua
_. _ •_ .
• , St,-Lucknow:
r.. -
-Elwellpianist .:_.The ---entertain:-
menta are afternoon and evening end a
_ -E • _ ..•-• -, y. pulpit of er ,
,�Eanl3y-- ail occupy
Sharper Dashwood:
_. _
I (rARDINE . ran church- Lucknow on Su da . ' Re .
K N n Y Y
Honours . R. -McCallum will preach in A ghtielti
Edith Miller Presby> Brian church. ' ' •
Violet -. .
Cecina Smith, Crediton. , '.
Rath g. Sothern, Tordwich, :
Stothers Dungannon '
AUCTION SALE -Of standing"hay=50 sores
sinloth aypn f Winfred Gam.
>h ro
hie. Lot 1, Con. l0 Kinloss,. c ill. be acid .by
rublio Auction, in parcels to suit pitches-
ars, an Monday' Jnlg29yhat4,'clockpm:
:_.... ,- :
.Lucknow - WoollengRae
season ticket to hear thein all only c�st8
Single .. t
•ticket,, .afternoon.' a0o,
evening72ca ' This is a bi event and It
is hoped those financing it wilt come
cut on the night aide. An sur las. aces
Leonard Davey
'` 3 Youn Mother. Qies :
Helen Watson g
t :,
. Reliance S. Wade, Fordw ch:':
Four months o�edtt,-;rorty l'olivxs . Aug •.
-------= �--�
-------- Mi• lls •
.. _ u
.. _ ... ..
to the Local Red, Cross, J. G. Arm-
strong ties tickets. for sale in Lucknow..
,, - _ _ . _- :,__
. _ _ .. _ - _
John'McLeaod .
.Ver sad _ was the death , of.
_ �. __... - .. Y .,..
. ... , Angus McLennan - - - *,- -
�Yili. J Irwin, `the lane,
C.. A Hoffman, Zurich. Ti
.• xgiit . STANniNi
..p.:cLAss" ..
Notice To -Creditors:.
• .•
llesi rices- aid for air . four ,Cook Books_ _
ig P P Y
, .. little. of 2nd
Ruth Cayler''
Ki toes which carred on Monde of
lm :McC _ __. n, , o Y
..T1ie a ur ;,....__..:....: - ,.. � 7-�,•u:::r :. .-,....: t - ..... ,,.....-_+� . _:.
-.. • is' week, Itra Irwin -•-vas forme. i
" .. 'Rutledge the
,'Wilda ut ed
Pave-- Maes Luella Jane Henry,•and was mar-
tied a little more than a year ago to MS
Mabel Anderson
Roy Brawn Irwin. $baby was •born to Mr. end
Irene J, Allen, Wingiiaw.
_ Jessie Chesney, Seaforth. - ^
a_.v-Y.... , .•-__. _- _.:... -
Zereitla &tehii i •- c�re ." -
.. • Mary H. Gibson, Wroxeter.
Mae McChnchey; Seaforth,
Elgin L. Schatz, ,Dashwood,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Seaton
`se,+Chap.121 of theItevlsedStatutes' of •Wt..=
a ;O'.'�hAt•a�11.: EIIfl33=-::1hln➢:r-�n 9�
nr ..,
estate of, John W. Black, deceased, .who
died on or aboait ta thirdhay of Jung A.D..
1918, at the Township Kinloss an the Pre-
vince of Ontario, are required to send by 'post,
prepaid. to the undersigned administrator of
the estate of the said John W. Black,:ade eased,
on or before the Ma day of A t,A.U..
. . _ . ;
qtilltty� gUotf1C5Y OY liy= The Canada ••Food Board has just is-.
, 'I
sued four small cook books which . every .
WaSYied Wool.. housewife ought to have, 'and which
-' .• , . ,; will geip to eaYe wheat, meat and other
S ectal at-tendon:.paid to Cus.
• • footlewhich our soldiers and Allies must
• ,; . .death
tom Work: • have. The books are convenient in size
' • and attractive 'in appearance; and they
Lucknow Woollen Mills Co., can be had almost for the asking,' . The
• four will be sent. for 200 to any person
. jRnurre>r.
.:.• '
--Tuesday; July 23
' Bong -7-0.0 Saturday,20th 1018,Mrs.
to Mr. and Mrs.'B Bisset a daughter-
Con ratutataons.
Mr:: Glen. Black of'.A r ria e a 'ffi
, y . . , Y , d. y=
tug visit to friends in this locality Sun-
day last:' .g
. •
Miss Violet $o it of h to
g ,. . r . epiiardin,
spent -a few days the guest of Miss
•Tabatha-Kem ton: ' ' '
-Pte. Frank. Hamiltonspent the week
. end at his home here. :•
.. are - t r
We are glad to see Pte. Wilfred Brad.
ley back again to help on the farm.
Miss Louise MacDonald, of Toronto,
.. •
is visiting her aunt, Mrs: D. MacLennan.
Mra: Robertayon of Lucknow,e � nt a
few din a with her. dao liter Mrs. N. G.Grand
g '
H, of Lucknow and
dao titer Mita Helen of Toronto call-
8 .t > a
ed on friends here on Sunday. •
hira. Fiala of. ,Lucknow, Spent the
y, a pe .y
wee •end . with her 'da u h r M e, J.
k h � to t f �
Irwin few days ago,. and the
- Maud taivert
of the mother followed that event,
• -Mabel Collins :Leg
• Blackttoulars
A . Cargill• •Harare
1918, their names and addaxes with fall par
of Choir olairigs in Writing,and the
Of bet ca site uio any) held by by •them
The funeral was held on
,Margaret Dunlop Wednesday •
Beverly Fart • Greenhill cemetery. ;
A disease.known as' the black leg is
said to be working havoc in the cattle
d my veri ed Ystatutory eclaration.
And further take notice that after the said
first say of Au et, i91a1, chi ,tante of the said
estate will >>a ds'tributed by the aan►intecrator.
� Gladys Ferrier :• ' Fordyce
.. Jack Fetch
" .. Cather`i a Finlayson „' --,fond, .fill _22, _.
.. --- , -----.-.— . —u �.lt: y...... ..._
,, .
! • Tena. Graham .. .. '. . •Me.•alidMrs, -'Walter Lott of -White-
• Wilhelmina Griffith Mr, David- Ferrier's~
herds about Cargill.. Tt is thought that
a germ on the grass is the cause....
the._dail _':.:ateasea_s theft ane...__
patch . to_the. .. Y p y
.drover -there lost no less than 28head of
fine a few days. A
among the parties entitled theretoto,, having re-•
only to the ,claims of which they shalt
ren have notice, and the estate will not bet
liable. for. any Claims not Sled at fhb time Of
rho Bald dlotributian. , .
Dated at .liiulass-=tlnis�fouret-day o4, July`,
y -soba g, N,,; Ad••ministrator.
DCN. dministarator
. .... °
asking for them, Address Dr. A. H.
' TS Ab tt Sun Ltfe IIld , Toronto 6r in
• bar, , ... _ _. _ _._. . g �. a .
. o e ea _ . noon)...
,(Corrected iip.t 97. da►y the West) Jas, D. -McGregor, 208. Scott
Wheat:.:.:.° r.:...':,.... ;:.` • Block Winnipeg; or. the. Canada Food
Oats.. .... , • •, ► .:. + .; . Bolnrd Ottawa.
Barley. ...• 4 :...... , .. : < ..h
_ • • , , « , , ,,, , ,,, , , , , ;. BOok.No,1 tells how to deal with• fruit
Peas , ..
and• vegetables -canning, .drying ,and
' a>4Li w 38 , 37• •
. '- r i, ... � w tri: --ago.- • . - f
`Butte,`, ..... ► . •b = • . • • 43 storing. •
"new laid: , .. , ...: • : , . • ;: - No. 2 tells about Canadian fish and
>!'i,ggs, lg ,26 :
golfs , - how to cook them. • •
''-i .
TORONTO MARKETS No. S gives vegetable recipes. It
• • . .' .
rs , : , 1•t 25 to ¢i5 00 e s a wide variety of ways of cooking
Ch ale heavy sten ,.. 3 st> off
al's'_- very
Choke butchers, • I .56 las 1y
ce butchers' cows• 11 75 to 12 50 veget.' b1es, and all of themMacKenzie.
(`hol 9 50 to ,10 75 .good.
0 00 in .Mrs
Gond feeders . • t , .•` � No, � +xplatns how to use corn tion.,.Merit
Good much town , ` .:. i00' 00 .to 1�Pritchard,
ed« 18' .50 to Fi 60 '.
•1#oga, #ed and water 3 SO to barley it ur, potatoes and rather substi
ran Wheat.,...•;; •.. 10 to for wheat flour in the making of.
66086 Wheat 87 fates ,_
. 75 to �, ds. -
Oats:.....,.....« .............. to 16 00 yeast and nick brea
a ,,.,,., , .. 13 00loan be bou � ht
TitRotlly � y . d6 to Any on of the books 6
.$ .... et .„ebb. ,
. visited at
- (thumb;
•Jean Ibbotson • on Sunday.
Florence Kennedy Mr, and Mrs. W m. Rintoul •and family.ruin
grass cattle within
short period of that disease is enough to
an ordinary cattle dealer,' and it ie
The ntr
'Entrance Exams
Annie McPherson = i h ' . , • i .
r , • of Winghana, were Sunday vlsltora at
Annie I ct.randle Mr: Alex. Rintoul's.
Olive McCullough '
to he hoped. d' that the story from Cargill
is tion true.
Public School has again'
carried off the honours of the count in
•Mr. and Mrs: Ilobt, McPhergon and
. , ,Pearl Nephew fondly and Mr, cud' Mrs. Jas. Snowdon.
Walter Pollock . Y
Calvet Rea and family, also Miss McPherson, . of
Alice J. Reid - Valley visited at the home of
Harvey Ross Robt. Haines' over Sunday.... . •
tSmith • Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor spent
Sadie Swanson part of Sunday at Mr. W. M.' Champ•
Bert Fyfe: • ion's..
'Jack gall • " • Folk are hue tats berries, but
Harve Wilson' • theyseem to he very scarce' on account
� . �` a
' isIsw{,iraw, aaisn :son tat 'Ai .a. +i,aa
ARMSTRONG -In Lucknow, on Julyis,
1911), too Mr, and Mrs, F. T. Arm.
, , strong a daughter (Frances Imogene.)
BIe5ET P -In the township of Ashfield on
July „20, 1918, to Mr. and 'Mrs. R.
Bissett, a daughter.
Et7uSirsWll#i�91<.--Yn .Kinloss, on July
, 1$, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Rekeneetiller. a datiirhter (Iva May.1
the recent Entrance -to --High School
examinations. The whole class passed,
three leading in the Inspectorate -of
West Bruce and all but one taking hon.
ours. That is splendid�work, creditable
to the schOtil as o .thole, and especially
to Wise Sheriff, who taught the class.
A list of the successful candidates lin
West &nee a s talppli by tb Tnspeotoi
red t}
apps A where,
$itttaer, Creamery'rinti at tr: , for tic,
• W* Ask ,7E10 1. ,.. 34 .to id
r •.•vI-w'-- rpwawmw�•