HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-18, Page 7*PO ;11.4 see Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell - The object of this department III to place at the sera, trice of vim farm readers the advice of an acknowledged eutherity on all subjeet* pertaining to sells arid' cropV Address ail questiens to Prefessor Henry G. Bell, In . Tare of The Wilson Publishing Company, hirnited, Toronto, 'Ind aW3Wet' wHLAppear in tide column In the order in which they are received, When writing kindly snention thin PaPer. A pa ne is limited it le advisable where immediate rePlY neceeeary that a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the ansawer will be mailed direct, 4.46.114.$44 have a few sow thistica; Please give cultural direci,ons for starting to grow on my fem. Would, buckwheat. you kindly' let me know, the best Islay: • ,Answer: -1. There are varitnes• rots • to kill them. Will finite kill them, if , that attack the tomato 1 'presurde $9, what is the hest way to Plit it en? j the one you refer to•is the blight that Answer: --If your, patch 'of sow; tenses- a dark spot to start in tte, thistles is Small you will do well te1.1 flower, point of the forming fruit. watch it careful'', and keeP' the,plani$ This is caused by a fungus disease hoed down. eontinuous cutting off of vvhiclic scatters its seed spores as it the 'shoots will weaken the plant and ; eomes to matitritY on the growing illy kill it out Especially wotild I; plant. If the 'weather is damp, advise this treatnient if the weeds are these spores fly about in the air and .P.,..hoed--crimAike--6rn--or--potatoesrl-stick-to-Qther-giowing-plantsa--They- If the patch. is rather large it may be , immediately begin to grow and effect advisable to spray with a mixture of the leaves With the blight, The THE QUESTION OF SEWAGE DLSPOSAL hopper sulphate, • using about *ten' blight disease works back through the Over 45 Municipalities •In the 1astern Townships and vicinity are now ling served with light wad power by the South- ern Canada Power Company, Limited. This territory is a good industrial district, and is growing rapidly,. thus insuring increased demand for power and light. We recommend the 6% Bonds of this Com- PanY; which we are offering with bonus of common stock, thus giving investors an opport- ° unity .to participate in the future success of the Company. . Send for circular, and-inap showing territory ,servecl.' • ^ * El ta *Ow .411pmemmok".. a YOUR., PpaLEM3 MagfIELEN UAW. Mothers and dauehter* of all ages are cordially Invited to write to this* .4111. The Quiet Hour At the end a the long day 11 4- poudently picked up one of the two buckets of water waiting to be carried to the pigs, says farmer'e wife. My visitor, who had farmed longer than I bad, sail es she took the bucket,frout me, picked up its companion and walk- depal tomtit, Initials only will be publisbeit with each queesion 4hd its answer ecl easy down fie path, 9t is less U a mean" of identificetien, but foil name and address mut be given in eaoh difficult to carry two buckets at once •\ --letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers Wilt b. Planed direCt hend very Rauch easier if you will walk 'Stamped and addressed envelope is'enclosed. ,,Aec QAd bd ?or: aAve.,aoToorrroenstp:n de oc far this department to Mre. Ha'an L'aw" 235 ereaveet ,lavithbatlhanenice. oTf„liteensnluaegnei%::111°11111. , spine was built to be held erect. Iris -You should report a ease of per cent. of the Allies r q .. ' e uirementha tre. :Yes,. I hadi • been taught these this kind to the local police officials. of butter? Thiel S not good ,enoug I the °the weee4 elle f3eek$ After and finds omttey before' and. had roved their I had gr,eWn careless and for- 'EverY (loY the papers are reporting in a country where there is. such a' convict:tone for Infraction of the Food large population. of cows. Keep up . ri:n.c1r41,* le a philosopher. . In , • . Board rules. • Any woman who Your good work and enourage knows that her neighbor - or her deal- women you know to go in for dairy- er' object, essen* the eaningof lifes' is hoarding or allowing any food ing. Your enthuslasrn on the subject -and the reasons- underlying the ac-... s s l to go had should make. it her dety,•toeis•reff'eslung- • tiVities and circumetances to Which immediately eotify the Officials of. this Count rY Storekee,Per1-.. Yes, Y°11 we are called. • , state . of affairs; Waste of food is would be very well advised to keep a "There are few things. about a farm, now a criMinal offence and rightly'so,. SuPPIY of tat on hand and to encour- ,1 cannot do,,, she said, ilrom -cooking , considering conditions in . Europe' at age Your buyers to get into the habit for thrashers to ming for the Stack,' • the present time. - • ot purchasing it • People haven't ac- Plowing', seeding and cultivating. 1 Victory: -Why dont You associate quired the habit of asking for fish in know filo farm eeerearla,, Jek_audreit,,_ yourself with some svemenleerganizaertheehountry-storeeaso-advesrtise-Yogr-k---00,1 seeee'--iee ehse eeine manta job and ------- ,tierir'E'Ven if you have always steers' new wares for all you are worth, Pet I say this to you; it is when we, *O ed clear of them in the poet it is a some, pep into boosting it, for you men or men, bend under our respon." geod thing at a time like this to cul- rnust remember that the use of fish sibilities that we fail to win. You • tivate the community , spirit. Organizs means the saving of meat and this is eee," and_she •bowed her hack as I ° ed women can do more than un- what we are all striving for just at h . N914ttlif Bur sz,iiumeitAaion 'molt us IICONMIcrir rim-A=2m MIX Neatirry. THaMSON & COMPANY Investment Bankers Bleicantile Trust Bldg, Itamilton 222 St. James Street • Montreal pounds of copper sulpha -to :salt to a 40 -gallon barrel of water. • If the Sold is sprayed' at about a barrel to the acre, good results Chould •bo o1 - tabled. A. 0.z-1. lie it wise to prune tome. If so, when and how? 2, How would you destroy the 'cabbage worm? . Auswer.:-1. I have recently talked just before using. The separate Ole - with' a tomato grosver who claims he dons will stand any- length a tune gets big results from pruning tome- and still retain their strength, hut • toes. Ile tells me that he begins to When mixed' the solution should be prune the tomatoes soon after bloom used immediately, otherwise chemical has started, cutting off a considerable action will go on and spoil the spore - amount of the esutee leafage, but be, killing power .of the mixture. Spray • Ing careful of. coarse not to cut out the plant ,thoroughly- with this mix - Stem to thh' fruit•where it causee rot, The cure that has given the best re- The Installation and Use of Septic Tanks For Sewage Treatment d n oieg e -pull •of the organize women. Tjus has been preeent. ' setts is spraying with Bordeaux mix- by Isolated Homes. heavy pails, "when. I do this sny spine Proven over and over again.. It is es- -Picnickete-There are •a• good many . . . • . - ture. This is a solution of 4 pounds a cease -s th De a spane-st ss re string . , s The disposal of- sewage is a con -i where the solid. matt to agnates. or ,tirnated that only 12 •per cent. of bewildered picknickera •these el ye, of lime, 4 pounds of copper suipeate ,,eua_ .ahal as soon as it become stringy, 1 source of trouble about the less extent is depos ted. Owing to Canada's women belong to Organized aren't there? .No, you don't need to and copper sulphate should be dissolv- ed eeparately, and poured together ' • anal 49 gallons of.water. The lime "" . farm /mule and in scattered settle -1 the character of the sewage, the dee bodies of any kind Remember th t have a ficen'se and you cannot have a ments The use of privy pita ^ or; cOmposition of the solials is so active union is.strengtb-This is what thakes permite ./k, number of people are ask- . • . ., , . 4 • y - difAculties of life which are ashtrays watching7h"eisr'oppoW:h wnat h 9 ' ' rtiy:etith.ye totrieoallIsclaunedr cesspools has proven 'ineffective and i.as to prevent any serious accumulate the community canning centre so much ing for special' permits to serve foods us, leap upon our bowed shoulders and, • in many cases a ifource of disease'', ton in the bottom of the Settling more effective than canning in dndivi- contrary to the regulations at picnics. They hold the wastes in a state of- chamber. It is necessary to inspeet clufil homes, It does not matter' ,but all such are being denied. .It has putrefaction, which gives off foul' the chamber from time to time, and, whether it is Red Cross ivork or can- been found necessary to take meas- .. . . perching there fill our ears with every . temple of 'discouragement and de- spondency " ' gases, and the liquid leachings be- if undissolved •solids accumulate,. to ning, or knitting, er gardening -or re- ures to curtail the waste. that is the w fi s . . .. come a source of contamination for have ethem removed, probably about forming -the thing is to do it e wells and spring's. . • I once ja year. This accumulation mdsse, Belonging to an . serganizationn . , Dining recent, years, many in- should. then be carried to the field and is an incentive to Work, What do: you vestigations of sanitary enetheele for, spaded into the soil at once. , think about it, Victory? • ..° any frpiting branches. • From the Ore,. hemg careful to drive et uP the disposal of sewage. of isolated ' The cost of a tank built of con- Dairymaid :-Very glad to hear results that are apparent:- on the , undera,the leafage as vrell as on top. houses have been made. ; The prin- I crete, eueh as the one shown, 'will de- from a dairymaid. We want •a; few growing crop, his methods .would lip- Tho finer the spray the • More thor- which. the successful ' pend . on Cost of cement, wood for more your kind in Canada for we're pear to- be good; 2, If it is the cabs ,ongli will the application be, 2. Meet ciP143 upon treatment of sewage' ' depends is forms, ett., but the cost of all the Ma- not :doing nearly well enough where bage head worm you are enquiring any rii will grow beans A medium • ' briefly as follows.. When the * air: terial including. Siphon and east -iron about, -the green larva Which is the loam is perhaps the best type of soil , contained iti the oil is brought in , inazihele covers will be, approximate- geub from the white butterfly, you for this croP, if you, use sod laed, contact 'with dead • organic matter ly, $60.00.. One of these septic tanks -can control it by spraying the cabbage sPeaking generallY, :it shOsild be fall divided state, a eomplete, was constructed at Aylmet, Que., at a with ais insecticide emeh as lead Plowed.' Sueh preparation ops in a finolY transfermation takes place by the na- , total cost of, $53.00. -• ' arsenate or Perla green: If it is the Portunity for *Toed 'storage of • mois- ee disease tural processes of Oxidaeiezi and. nitriel . To secure subsurface disposal, 3 - maggot '. that is' doing eo much injury germ's and insects which may be.har. fication.. Ai' air is necessary .for •,inell ,agrieultural drain -tile .areelaid ' this year, that you are Making en- hexing in the grass. • 3. By PlOWIng this purPose, it is essential that the with ' Open joints,• the bottom of the . guiry. about, e You: have a much, more wider buckwheat You will .increase waste be deposited on or near the tile Orrihg within 1.2 .inehee of :the If the ground is saturated surface of the ground. These drains difficult . insect to; de/al :with. ' This 'the hamus of. your soil.. If Your soil anrfaee. for a long ,time, purification. of the . should be laid with a slight fall, say insect las* its eggs on the ground is si.• very heaery, clay or 'a light sandy goon after the plants are sit out,' Thal • or gra:velly soil, Plowing under becks liquid ceases, • consequently the' rand- , two inches Per 100 "feet,. . The ground' „ "tiny Maggots Make ;their way to the .the wheat Will Materially :improve.' ito, Pie- of. interinittent operation of 'the, eliould •be naturally or • artificially' ie disposal plant is necessary., The pre- well drained that water will descend growing plant 'jtist as Soon as they condition. .. If you have been cropping ceSs- of -applying this principle' ie- through' it readile. '' • • ' • are hatched and they begin to sat aed Year -.soil' for, a considerable length Of . . destroy the the plant stalk` inimediately.. One and have not ' been putting on, • „ • , • ' • • • • '' • • - ' . . ... _ ...... • . , , • , Cast -Iron manhole Well advanced cabbage plants are ,ats: : strawy. Manure or turning under green .5wmilssiod.6"servellim7 '''s" frame and corer - tacked ,‘Alia frequently succumb, • It crop, yeti .will do .well 'to plow ander is. beneficial to pet a pad. or disk of the huckerbeat. However, as a. gen- -tarred- paper on the-plants--.-as,-they eeraleraledt should not 'he. necessary . to are- set -out.- - This keepsthe:giVe-uP. a Whele seaserr.te growing_ a •-•, epertie-franretheetiny growirag plant green-eerop ' •sireply eetch -keen. an the astna prevents the adult from. laying thermal:: If you prow Under the.buck- -her eggs near enough teethe plant to *heat in preparation for Wheat seed - injure it, , ' „ ing be .sare to work it well • down by ' It. Se: -1. hat iii. the cause of dry thorough • . disking and harrowing, .. rot , in toma • when ripening? • Is ' 'there a. Cure? 2. 'Which is the best. • soil. for, beans," ised ‘. plowed in , the eking or: fall ' plowed, land? -' 3.. •Woeld you advise me to, plow under . my buckwheat, field for fall wheat crop?. • Will .that' ininreVe . the • soil?. . .. Cabbage, PlaTitts O 1i leading -early --anti *late varieties, 45c. per hundred.- mail pre- paid, „ $2,50 per thousand; exprese - collect, • Also CaulinoWer, Brunscla fiiprouts 11 ',Onion Planta. Ia.nts are being shipped auceeksi- ful y to all parts -of Canada: A.sk or price • . . /terold,s rarine, reitiana., ciatarie Dept. "Y" Niagara 3:district • Farmers ,who ship their wool direct to as -.get ',better prices. „than farmers who sell tee' the general Store. • . • • ASK ANY FARMER!, • who has sold hie Wool. both war, and note Whs. be 0") . better still', write as foecntr. se.Pricegatheyersilleshoweyonhovee. much you lose by selling tothe General Store.- ' • we lye the highest pikes of any firm theeotintryand aretitelargestwool dealers in emends. Payment le re- ' mated the same daiwookis received. tiO.your wool to-aay-eyeliwm:be more then pleated if you ao, and are assuted of a square deal fronrus. - a • .otherwise .theeseason. is dry' -the wheat will -suffer. from lack of imelds- teireeand will net.,'•get. as good a stand as you otherwise would. R M::!--s•Please tell me how to ex- terminate mustard which is. growing. hi our wheat: . Answer -If the pat'eh of mustard neyour Wheat is not.too large I woeld advise by all means to have At. pulled up. ariclethe *ea carried to the 'toed- . Side or: 'edge ofsthe . field and burnt 1 when dry. However, if your crop .is !.badly infeeted, Ond the grain has. not •made .,too advanced a growth, you NFill i get good -resales be. spraying the field with copperas or iron 'Sulphate s.solu-• tion; To make eip this 'solutionempty 100 Paunch sack of 'sulphate of • iron into a sto gallon ,berrer of water: Stir . this mixture Until the -salt is diisolved:' ' When it is dissolved apply -50' gallons rouseT-f \ ethe-eolueion to thee -store,- - wili be besh 'applied thrcaugh a power- ' • ' Spraying machine. Best resuitsi i_are obtainedwhen yeti. can nutintairif ee\e\\ • • • -1:tron liWre . • (LONG ITt) ..4C.T cool:rate . TANK /••-•••Nr..e•-: •k C's'\fh. • • ' ,• • Main prilafrom how& .5"711eplpe • ' 111 . :\i"LAN.j. - Septio • 11742_,)_ki Pamber opeolcunied tile .. g e pigs en , too -frequent accompaniment of the walked together, • in the daepening, picnic. If is bad enough to. waste tivilight, to the house. In my spirit, when you work but it is worse when - a Morning •liglit was breaking. My you are at play.' You i!isve simply to friend's . words • had been sent in an • • keep to the public eating house re - hour of need for my 'peels, had been • gulatimis which. are well known bv -.-- -- bowing • more and more under the now and possibly by learning more of weight of daily responsibility# • •them in this way you. will , come to The next day as I went from task to • • .. task, I pondered afresh the old truth - ' , which I had let, drop into the back of - • ---=' my mind. When 1 wheeled the heavy Orient• is oeuenon, at midnight, in berrOw.loaded vvith 'Wood, i straight-. order to avoid the heat. -Friend, lend me three loaves -It. is not unusual for ened UP, saying to myself, "I• am glad' ' to 'work! / am glad of my share. in ' the modern traveller in- the Orient, if i ilifel It is good for me to wrestle he stops at a private Soase, te hear some one banging dt the gate, shout- ingkate;7a Khalill." (0 friend, imeit the -An e!• ty-.W 6. I have nothing to setibaEwevfoeornferh:v.; ,e,dTuhperelikweainikta.gblicgi 4.0.1. ,e.f iakiilig, .to do.. eome ledf:gneelitgYviolateaPPeatlie prtalety, ever' though there were nes • thing to set before the guest. . 1Viy muscle's. ached:. I begrudged the:' . 7. Trouble me net -A. rough ans- time spent upon. it, and found myself wer implying irritation On being die., sort'lg. to myself, • 'diew shall I ever turbed.' , The door is now--shut-Lite seamiest to finish. this? Why must I week. like' this? I'd love to have time to se*, to rend, to write letters,. • to -visit -my- neighbersf ------ •----=.- --7 ' - butter is concerned. Do you knoweobserve them more st.rictly inyour that Canada supplies lese •then 1.1/e I hoine. . . • • , • - - INTERNATIONAL LESSON JULY 21 s Lesson Praying To, God -Luke 11. I -13f Pa. 145 18, 19. Golden Text, Heb.. with 'ciriumstances end gain strength of *Ned arel spinit!" ' The wheehbar- row Which might have hated becazne a chariot of grace -the wood box fill - praying in .a certain place -Itis dia- Like -11..1-13. Verse 1. As he was erally, has been' shut, closed up for the night, implying "and r do' not mean to 'cities 'knewhimas a -mandirisKeeirf open - it." --- I -.canna rise • and give theesa•Only a modified form for "I•Will• calling, upon the Father in daily per! sonal commuirion. .- They were -thus not liee' ' ---- ---.--4-----: - • conscious- thathe had through in unseen source of. strength and an .evident cower they did not possess: This led to their request: Lord, loaves! If even a reluctant man yields disciples -it was us. to pray. .• As John also taught his ceremOn. ,7fgr .. '''" God Who is not reluctant, respond to eve., eo importunity,. how much more • will Ji6ermwissizo4re.pbrbai;ettoi give their dieciples, . 9: 1 say 6#° you. ask, ., . .. . , . *When ye pray, say -There now follows What: we know as the .• • prayerV,. - - .:. • . ,,-, ,- ,,,:',.. 'seek , . .... - knooke-Each,„ werd. ' • • • Lord's •stronger than. thp. other,. indicating 8: Because of his. importunity • he will arise -Literally, because of his "shamelesenese4" unablushiing Pereiss tence. He • had Only asked for three . • The raking grew harder and, what; • Wiii than was besetting;' my /Iliad. udden- ly 1 •reznembered my .friend's counsel. , I was bowing beneath by- work phy- Sically, as well' as mentally. My 'spine was fast turning into e seriug. ° straightened ap, outside and inside.. I'gleneed .across, the •fielde and- upto • - the beautiful slcy. I heard the mea - 'clew lark's ,song tied thes glad that es Prayer, • _ o are earnestness. . • , . God had made -.birds. I Spoke given m the ,-Gospeise'the longer One, Every one that asketh regoiVethlY o Was -folio:wing my thew,. chapter 6; and, the ehorter one Biddy. wh to which we .aee accustomed; in Mats -prayer' more than quiet eche., rake for *grebe.. I let my spine rake munion It is •alSO•at times niighty, /Or me arid turned •rny thoughts with :in Luke 11.• • The' tere versions. are ; urgent desire of the seeli supplicating sympathetic :forces to women across •muttially explithatory: The addition-. Iwith all intensity:. • seas who "have harder 'rel.n tban mine al- clauseS in Matthew are not so *Mich.', 13.- God does not mock tha'sincere to tend. 'to the raking was trans - new Pet.it.i9n6 'ea 'exPertaim3 a:rid' ex:'' reduests- of -, an importunate soul, but fmoarnmeclefroa 'wdriilligiernyovireto ia retiatlitwh: :• both • grants us the response adequate for in .l.,Uke . and Matthew: , thus, rbv '''------.' our need: • lioNV much more shall h,;.ted" kingdom come" come" involves "Thy will h Father - • (Matthew; "who _a hea.ven"), Hallowed done, as in heaVen) ao on earth!. Ise thy: ."nitatrie-aln! me "Rey --,e,' your, heavenly • Fathers -Earthly par- 7 • - • • . .e... 1 ents•do mike great blundees; but even ' they know What is good -for iv and, we mast Wield hod and reke, Park . Let's place our -herdens wisely! if nor feared! • . - Spirit -Will grant•all need -,sacks of grain and pails of Water, : ,thoe On the Mount and elsewhere, buti.saeisey. That God is our ',1heavenly Father'! ea had already 'been 'taught. in the her-: ' ed spirituel grace to his •children, even bear the weight •of imaccustomed ,•re- • more felly than an earthly parent eau: the requests of -Of' now i1, is more foie/1411Y given. in the his amidram ,, sspepoanreibuiloirityetro. emndoutirre.,soinhse inpciainsweoif._ JprodeLprayer. Thy. kingdom' come -Is -Neese 18e.___e_e_hoviheisenikh_edi.4.6 .01 eleartseend friends, -Suffer suSpense, Psalm .145.- la, 19. a .. Thieswas the eeratral teaching.Of JesuS, that 'Call upon •him in truttr-I-It bl • that tax Us to the : , It ievolves the domihrince ef -the will' of God over ll the 4,1:rtle; for the :Will.: i.epagnizing: that God is :,ever Present i ee..eeesetheet new,pre . ems . . . . ... _ .. are built :etz . beat it; • our w.onderfelly' utmost, let • us. carry. load •as , we , ... Sentiment that permeates' the Psahns, t • of. God Means justice. 1,0Sre, a.S- ., a pressure .of so, to 100. pounds at.the •the; eommarislirig ideal for ,the . indivi- .„ . tee -listen to the cries of:: his people. I designed •aoines. erect, 'Mir'. heads up. nozz*e. s. eThis• mixtuee e• heuld . ' be - „ ::„ • •. . deal and for the race. • , . - : • . .. . - .:t This p5kor.. man 'cried,: aed, ,TehOvah - So 'shall heaVeness and drudgery .eed • •,.. &:(5Sor-Mee. Til'iliiition-fot-Igvelgrou.nd. 2 : . ---,--- --- .:• . _. -.bread (Matthew,. "Give -us thse,dity •.• • .., -. scharlsen the grain : cre.P.-f.or a short , • • • . • - • • -• . - • 'clriven_iiigtit. into the plants; -It will .. da.3i, . 1)3, . day all, daii?; .1hieectd him, -and.saved him •ont :of all: dis.couragenterit and bitterness and ••• s to the natural Oil by surface. Or 'etili- netes d.enth of fOur. or •fieefeesit would.be - a . country . with ..-:,at. sevet,e.., ii .:' a: Give us . . , ly• seetetialites - s _ . .. ,.....,-,....-„es. ._. , • - •volVes the.' collection of else ematerial ••• •In- abl ." •.: ' . '. ' 'failure fall alveY Irons saha • leating see ,- • ..... _ e 19 ' He: Win ':Itilfill the 'desire e • oV eon 'eel-des...en the field. of 'ClaiIY --work, etiine, but.wi k :11 the rn steed p " • .• - - - • -e - • eeLuke asks 'for coetinuous etiniolys ; The grainwillquickly, 'teepees.. and , . , . . eavey.frereftlieheuse. the sett nig out -e kiee them' their fUll.deSire. w 1 • '. i . h'ch wheri ' 'we 'thus rightly . and . climate .es parts et .Canada where Matthew' for. immediate need . rim themthat fear -NM -I -That is, he -will' 7. itke=,litiorooergENT•evero• teilattenC.ftWilleatiOn...,icifAhezileffluent -- .,- ; . , , , ... .. ,.., ._ ... ......„._ A.4..,our.stineg?.1.14411eWrii• : .,; .0-13 sl 0 ,M • " ' a• , - petition is ii prayee for heedful earth:. : .. : . strai•gliely meet ft, ie. daily Privilege . .. . . . • . • • . - . • • s--.......s_e: aided by anaerobie action, and the in-, e • es 7 ° frost 11. affeetthe .groen to it Pe . • make AS .11011110.1 grOWth. . 1 . . raCte •AbOgi . . . Surface irrigation,' or to a •specialli ground abOve the ' tile with strew, 'Pasdes,'",••Which occurs • in the churchl eaey ,to . over 'the. Surface. sif the "Fergie -0 - • ue ; ' our delite")•-,."Tress I. i iv - e 172iP's - . ___ 'Care of the Late Rateliett; . , -# ... . . . , . - . • prepared soil, as a, filter bed. .. . ...• . leaves or. ' "other'kinds • of Mulch •-• in • form, comes to us. froth • the Tyndale Por we ourselves Also ,for, 1,- • :' .• ...4 late hath the poultry ea.rti. is . . ... Fall -Wheat i • -A . Water •,su_pply is . 'eecessity:, for Order 'Le 'preveee the.frest affeeting it, version. ' .- .se Sheen Instead • of Cows? , not usually :to be encouraged. How- • . th • collection of the material, and Th e • e 'superficial area 'of the . disposal give give. very ne. that is Aide ted to us .. • - - ' Matthew emphasizes the 'fact. thee... • OPa• of tflu Most- PrOaahle farm ever as zilch' things ' will - occur oe•S: ' • --1 this can be. cbtamed and piped into PlanV•outtlined .• above wbuld not be '- aneueforgiving spirit May not ask for .- Management .sYsterne for.. baekscouits casionally :it is: better to take extra. ..- CiNTARIQ pall..wheit • the 'house by ' ritearis .- 'Of- a. hydraulic greater than 4o. feet bY .100 feet. '''' - ss forgiveness. : • : - . Brine. iii . not ,. into. try farms:has- been followed for MaoY ,pains to push the the.little things along ..: I kJ . roWer.S. frost/ many -tam opeeated by a . genial etre:ripe of : Illustration No '2 allow:9 a enteatiie temptatien-"TeinPtetsen" may mean potable water or. by reeene of ,a •deep.• face peseem adapted to •level ground: a teeth* or a trial, or it Inetinean a 1,vr' ' " ' ' . ' Years bY a lamer -:welI knoWn to. the. as,44at as , pessihle to a, Point where .-• • ' looalitres: elairii 'that fertil- . izers Saliect their 1611-18 Well fitted : With *lecithin or force the tile lines -are diValea Ante three, • . _ . . .. . . . solicitation to eyil. The:petition here- • .. . , • . . . . . . . .. . praetise intensive • farming, this man .the Winter, rather • than by :.negleet ' • • Jeer. . Too •from. therailrimato they ditti 'take etire.'af ,thernselves for , viliellt crop. HoW4did they pump. • .. . • - is difficult to explain and Can beat be went- M. for sheep. • He. foiled that cause on unnecessary lossi especially • . 'series -,leading fetire the gate Chamber, . . • • 6 i It will usually he necessary to; ilis- so 'that the ground utilized :be tee:, understood tie a p' reyer• that we may 200 In . -- ' -do it ? • eee • ... . • 4 Stoke bnceders made s flock he *yore like the present... Too Often •:511 • „ • .1. net Come into. circuneeetneee , tee . . . : . . • Pletillseis are ierilers et avali- . Pose of he ',' effluent -frena -the-settling ...lines • is given :a: cemplete rest. while . ' • - • . • ' could-rhala e nicel * In winter his - -t • ' -• 'Ail ' - Oamlser •oresepted. tank by .means. ot 'the other in use: !:-.1The length of tile ' severe for. our endurencee ._ .. • . , 1 • .1 ,g ,, .3 e , . „ . . . .the la e -latched e .#eks are, left • to . .• . labor 'with. 200 to .275., sheep- is no (shift for .thenaselveS at a seasoe Wheii '•• seeheolantelooe, This...soluble food. 1. • • . - . . • • . • • . • . . The' Wondm•fel: beetety• alid import-' Cviamisammim • H. V., ANDREWS 1 9 .13 CtiURtiSt.# TORtittLie • THE 'NlibITH-ANNOAL TORONTO insewternthrt rsorentshivehosaTterop what Last fail the fertilized. wheat FAT STOOK SHO ° r ' wider, deeper root frowth than ; imede •stro ire top ir owth and the unfertilized Wlieat Stock Yards; Toronto Last whater the ferillize'd crop min December b.'&-kuiti. poornisimp•••"1""1"Ibtrl,, • • • stood the severs weather while much unfertilized whea,t was . . • . • • 14;ot 'spring. tho fertilized wheat* I • Mite and•otrong. The anamtgement of the Ono*. ,4.wish : er„..e? elvii. °eft !rod wdhoitht. • - • ' to announce the following chelea !_. ft :let rrtyt'ich hieettevitrse teig: . ovor previous shows: ,‘% I. . susiuncr than unfertilized wheat. * There will be no classes for female Itt peysto fertilise Pall wheat. • cattle. . . . leetaa Trei •Outletin eit Fall Iklea • All stock entered:Must be veruPd- by • , Production note ready. Write ° . alehibitor at least 'ninety. der eefore, ki.••openieg date of show . , • The Soil apci:Crop: tn addition to single %title elasees• . or the Canadian Potitieer Association . Improvement 13ureau there will be classes for tbrPe animals: • T#onple Bldg., Toronto Teething( .04,t be ready for AN, • i delbation: Auguet 1st. • 00110 subsurface drainage. s - required. depend upon e e porosity greater than with nine mach owe, e , they c,an hardly be .expected to do.'asa .. Mustration No 1 shows a geed of the soil. - For a. porous seil, one ance of the Loied's Prayer- arise:eft-ore type of tank for handling the sew- foot of :tile for each gallon Of sewage (l) the tone of holy confidence in: "TIM man has 14444 sheep in this Plenty of good nourishing food, Milk, which it teaches us ta) tinpreiach God; manner for many years, and his pro..., either sweet or sour, and a ' good:. age for a family Of five and having should dispose of the 'liquid; for clay as Jour Pother, in love as well' she in , fit e are heavier...than' those of any warm coop at night, will cause them 4 capacity of 359 gallons per tlay. there should be at least three .feet: of holy fear; (2). its abeolute. unselfish- ' other farmer In his section.. . Taxes to develop very tepidly. and hatches . All sewage coming front the linage tile per gallon.-Wsj.D. -• (Commis- eess-eit is 0,1fered in the plural, not are low. "The inViStinent in stock, even as late as September will pay for passes into the - settling chamer, shin .of .COnservation). . , . b , . 'for onrselVes only but for . all .the .,while high at current market prices, is raising ‘this year. Sinee' a turkey bi-otherhpod of Man., ifs en ire actually low, asChe developed his own usually hatches two and even three It is expected that this year's we/el spirituality -of its seVezi petitions one! rale at.. calvary, will read/ ee carloads. only is for any 'earthly boon, and that- ie leeke from' t later- • small beginnings. The broods in a season if alltmed to do so, (4) its brevity I caelt velee of hie fleshhas jumped iwill be found . Via, ort tho . A. creamery at Verner, in Sudbury c'nlY for the simPlesti arid absence of all vain repetitions; (5) I:over night, as real, estate sometimes mortality in the hos. k svill not be so district, is turning out -800 lbs. of bets its simplicity, ' which requires only ' does ih) the ViehnitY of expanding great as during the more .unfavorable . ter per day, • • holinese reed sincerity for its coMpee- cities. . • . weather of spring mouthe. ' Atte/t- hefts-16n. e e. • .• . . • This mat's exPerierice point's the. Hon Mist be vigorous as regards lice 5. Which Of you --This parable, way to a new- use for many farms at in the later hatches, as the better found only in Luke, is an argument 1. present unworked In baelc country. the weather the more these pests , • from, analogy. "It is reasonable „to , Distance from the railroad has one seem to thrive. There it nothlrig Sharpen Guards. The &arch on tib inOw'er and bind- er Would. do better work if the "dab- bed over"spointe Were filedoff sharp. New plates May be required (dee, arid some guards' may be loose.. Make the machinery one hundred pee, cent. ef- ficient, ready for the:field, Liee and 'Mites i11 eatISO loSS to hendrede of 'poultry •Taisers this month. irocapirrs ORINOCO CU I tINr ron \RE Tti advantage, for dogt e are nolikely to better time the well-known insed the kind dee& that any of us' would not fail to perform." Shall go un- be So numerous in esuch sectiona as powder for this, as it le harmless ex. to .him at .midnight-Tramei in the the Y often are Tatar towne arid citieife 'tenet .,to insects. ;••••-°;;.•• 'astesse • a•-• '4+ eses