The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-18, Page 6{•".
Iream Wanted!
eaDviia cans. pity muesli douses
and remit *say.
Our price now Is forty** cents
*ate** asairr_aad, Orearearra,00. _
Mai =tar
$t' wits
WWI yeenitily you will not detect this Imitation until
Oka teeevot reveals it. Demand always the genuine
"SaIsia" la the twilled aluminum packets AM.Itel
hat et it, if you want that unique flavour of
clean, leave* properly preparedend packeds
Runaway Jglietta
By Axthur Reny Gooden
CRAFTER, XI.---(Cont'd.)
Slowly she took her Way toward the
veranda again, and once more Mrs.!
Wurrell greeted. her 'with quo:ulnas!
"Didn't find Jima, eh? You been
gone a ,hing while. Didn't eee any.
o' Jake?"
- 'Tessa" returned. Juliette absently.
"He said die was leaving."
Mr. Wurrell stirred uneesily.
"I'm *Alin' slueer--all *hook up.
Across' the horizon, and looking
much nearer than it realy could be,
red glare of light hung against the
clouds. From a tiny incredible swift -
mess bespeaking Berne highly inflam-
mable material.
"Haystacks," eaid Clay briefly,
°Mil Must be,Burt's place!" „
"Burt's 7" echoed ' Juliette-
Araly Burt?"
Yes, one of his ranches, the one
d th R bb' nch
Occurrence* in'ethe, Laid That Reigns
Supreme iu the C,,enoreer. •
tie: Wold. •
.14 correepondent writes that 'West.
moreland bids fair to be one ,wavipg
cornfield, this. year.
The King and Queen will attend one,
vice in St. Paul's in July, to commie
rnorate their silver wedding.
The new Red Cross hoapital in
Manor Road, Tottenham, has been for.
ir,aally opened by Priacess Christian.
I The men 0; the ,British Solezekt
fierce have eubscribed through their
War Saseingseasitociationsli-a=„ot
1-Z1,91,478 in War Savings C rtificates.
I • A memorial window has been dedi-
s •
icated in Lower Beetling church by the
Reiter in Lizz el" That's it, beyond. a doubt. Well, Bishop oe„Chicheeter to the late Capt.
h t let her burn. Burt won't And. many Robert Egerton Leder.
0 len y, Juliette helped er o
the house. Mrs. Wurrell sank Puf-
fing into tier big Chair; her hands
were moist, and a dull fear looked out
of her eyee. °
"Stay with me, Lizzie," she half
moaned. "I'm tooshook to be left,
t was quitepa M W few words •related what information A Roman. oven hits been discovered
tell not only was , 'shook," but feared
she had gleaned from him and the ac. in a moued, in a meadow at Chalfont
men in this valley who'll get out to I Pending negotiation's between the
save his crepe." [Transport Workers' Federation and
TQ Juliette's mind came the mem- the company the Bristol tramway
ory'ef Jake Robbins. as he had parted strikers have: returned to work.
from ber. tliat Morning—eaman brood- i
ki I An American soldier, Ede feet seven
vengeance .with a mild thirst. She inches in height, was aecideatly killed
hastily sketched him to Clay, and in a at Ruiellp.
the worst. •
She Starts A Ball To Rolling.
That same afternoon found Juliette
at the County courthouse. Searching
thedusty old records of twenty years
gone wat a tedious task. She made
no explenation to the recorder, nor
did she give him her name; but titer
an hour of labor :she verified the tale
which she had heard that morning.
There was no title company in La
Vina, but the recorder proved an able
assistant. .
The ranch had 'belonged to Larry
Dare, and no one else. This fact set-
tled, Juliette Made careful notes of
the facts as recorded, smiled her
thanks to the official', and left him
rather mystified. After which juli-
lass betook herself homeward and
kept her own counsel. •
Andy Burt drove out to the 'Wirral
ranch that evening in his car. Juli-
ette and the Wurrells were sitting on
the veranda. The euteluid dropped
behind the purple peaks, and in the
softenettlight the girl made a pleas -
Ing picture. •
The picture impremed Burt; A
'ew, stirring, enttaucing idea 'fasten-
ed upon him as he strode up the stsais
—and idea which; by; the time he had
taken the girrehand in greeting, had
ripened into firm resolve. -
Nor was his thought difficultfor
Itilietta to divine, even before he
spoke. He was another Parkis, the
"important out-of-town customer" of
the Truitt Shoe Company; ;she re-
cognized the same cokissalaself-con-
colt, the eame complacent, appraising
glance's, and it angered her into sil-
ence. -
"Thought I'ddrop up and pay my
ton takert thereon. St. Giles, Bucks.
The Northampton Tramways
"You're right," right," isail Clay gloom-
ily, starting the car forward again.
"I've no doubt that those steam were
set afire by Sake, and it's high time i
for us ranchers to get together.
Arson is bad enough; next thing we
know it may be murder, unless vire
can. find some legitimate course of ac-
tion. And that fool Burt can't see
that he's. playing With dynamite."
i "Look here, Clay!" exclaimed the
girl quickly. ,"Let's start this thing
, here and now—to-night! Let's visit
ithe nearest ranch and start the word
;around for a mass ineetitig to -morrow
r• evening; telephone everyone interest-
ed; get them all there."
1 "Good! What thea?"
"I don't know yet, • Will you do
it?" - • • • _
I"You bet I wall" He give the wheel
a spin and sent, the car sliding into
a side road. _
He was fired with enthusiasm, yet
jullettia eould see that it was not al-
together enthusiasm to crush , Andy
Burt, but it was also . an eagerness
after restraint. The sight of that
flame againstktlae sky had actedas a
brake; it had brought home suddenly
to him the danger of loosing the pos.
sions of men, and it had sobered him
into eaten. She decided that she
liked this- trait, in Clay; it -hespolce
Tooting the car's horn vigorously,
Clay drew. up before Dean's house,
and the door opened to show - old Deep
standing in the zone of lamplight.
Clay told hira of her idea. "Just
what we'll do at the meeting I don't
blow," he cencluded,•"but we can hold
It at the schoolhouse, and probably
some of us will have ideas to present."
"We great!" said Dean with em -
Scientists inform ua Quit by our i fifte per cent., with thirty per cent.
cooking methods we have been welts,' Air eabbage in boiling and fifteen per
ing much of lqature's handiwork. cent. for =rota. Steamed carrots
Take the case of.the Jrish potato. showed a gain of anti three per cent.
When you pare it end, being a 'cleanly I but the waste involved in lieraping the
person, slip it into a pan of water for fresh carrots 1,Vaa twenty Per cent.
O. while before putting It sin the Are, and that in peeling after boiling but
do you know that you pare off and ten .per cent, of the weight as pur-
eoalt out a nice round percentage) chased. -
of it e food value? Likewlee, When ' Each group abbWed at very Much
yoa pour away the first boiling watexe larger loss of gal% from boiling than
from your voat and gteeri eregetables, from ateaming. Thie also was true of
do you know that you eend down the the dissolved sugar, starches and the
'kitchen sink not a little of' the. food like, In this latter clam it wee prove
you have worked hard .to grow? ed that steamed carrots showed e, lose
The body's need of mineral toode of some six per cent. of the amount
long have been known,` tyey found in the raw substance, while
are in iegetables ready /or the using. those which were boiled whole showed
The beating of the heart; the building a lose Of'seventeen per dent, and those
t 1.000.
of the, tissues, elneforming of the red
blood cells, all depend in part on the
mineral matteretalteneintsethe-body
from the food. Calcium, sodium, po-
tassinne sulphur, phosphorus, all
these and 'more, are needed or the
work of thebodYewill not go on aatis-
Whether or tot vegetable substance
is being wasted in cooking, is not
merely a•queation of economy, reckon-
ed from the standi3oint of dollars and
cents; it is also one of nutrition, of
h'ow much we are cheating our bodies.
cently at one okour Agricultural Col-
leges to determine the exact losses in
ox anaiyses was n
boiling such. vegetables as potatoes,
mittee have decided to cease running carrots' and cabbage*
LF on Sunday and a hair-hOUr The common Irish pots.% was pared
earlier on week days. and soaked, in water fez. a short time
' Elizabeth Mary Ann being p over the fire. Then
°mimed a beforeput
etreet car conductress, lost her Me by other' lietatees were washed' irk their
falling off her car an the cure at Ken- jacketa, plunged into, boiling, water
ningtoe Ova and Cooked, Tepidly. This results
The Italians of London are coming Showed a gain of at least' fifteen per
forward. avell fortserviea under' the
Anglo -Italian Conventien. •
Mrs; Leiper, 14,1),S., has • been, 0,p4
pointed as woman, dentist by: the Es -
!sex Bducatiozt•Goairaitteis.
One hundred and. fifty more men be-
longitig to the ttrmingliara Bolide force
have joined the army. • ., .
Nathan Birchen, a Cherley -taimer.
was 111104 t10 for failing to put four
acres a lend; midet cultivation.
, xespectp, Aims Dare, he begat%„in-
, grata tgly,m
,, "Ass I said this orn-
ing, e
, two ought to. be real :good
frien 0.” He sighed, and fanned
himself. with his panama. "Fact is,
I've never been much of a lady's men.
The girls around here—,"
His voice trailed away as a flash- of
light trout the road traversed the ver-
anda. • He stared forward with a
/town. ' . .
"Huh! If there ain't . a flivver
• turning in here," exelitimed. Wurrell.
• "Yoe," mid Juliette "demurely.
' "Clay Thorpe promised to take me
for a little drive this evening:" She Juliette turned astonished and de -
rose and held out her hand to Burt,lighted eyes upon him. She had been
' „upon whose face black gloom' had thinking of. him de a big, strong, un-
, descended. • - • trained boy. andashe had found him a
She gave a. relieved sigh as she keen. forceful nialeof ettion. .
'Batik back against the cushions beside "I'll draw up the .petition Myself.
' Clay, who, sensing her mood, gave We'lldo it to-raglit," he went on with
• silent attention to the "flivver," growing fire. "Aad you Can help me,
Finally she spoke, slowly, as musing Dare. By George; we'll run right up
to my house and do it now!"
The old petty rebellion against'
meekly eithmitting to another's will
Seized upOn Juliette.. She felt eon -
ahem, ."rai be.there, and I'll phone
the other boys." .
As they turned into the main road
again, Salietta -frowned thoughtfully."Pm- afraid," she said, "that the
meeting will prove a lot of talk and
nothing definite. Isn't there anyone
who has a legal enough mind to put
things into concrete fornat" • .
"By George!" Clay jumped at the
suggestion. , "Say, we'll have a peti-
tion ready—a formal demand that
Burt recognize our water rights!
Then vre'll take it straight ,to Burt
and demand his signature." '
aloud. •
"There's lie sense In it—not a hit."
His look was ,a, question, juliebta
confirm . •
111w,as, thinking about the water fused, carried away by the force of his
proposition.". She Straightened up. will. and resented .it.
"Pin ht -earnest. 14;ven in tile Men "But r don't care to , go 'to your
. time I've been back here, what I've house, Clay," elle flared.indignaetly.
eeen awl tiArArd makes no wild to he Be only gave a greet, eager,boyish
sdoing.eomething. - Hainil the Gain- laugh, .
merce Commission jurlediction over "It's all right, Dare—my mint
public Utilities?" • Mary's there. And you're going.
"Sive But in this case Caton- You'vetstarted this ball to rolling, and
weed Creek isn't one of them, as wee. now yon can tfinish it." a • • •
tern can easily be had by puraping. The "Oh," said julietta, and leaned
Government doesn't take Into donsid, back, "oh, very *ell, cliate."
belled aftereeutting up, a lose of
twenty-six per cent. _In. boiling, _
spinael gave up more ilit/T-fiffy Per
cent. of its salts and cabbage more
than forty per cent. of all melte. pre-
sent in the fresh sehetance, while the
carrots which were diced before boil-
ing lost eleven and one-half per cent
of the total salts and twenty-three
per cent, of phoaphorus a,ddition to
the twenty-six per cent. soluble „car-
bohydrates. , •
long cooking of leveret Mire** Food contr comer
dried beans and Pe**.
Consider *low the water in wbirb
yegstsibles, *re boiled. If boiled they •
must be, do not pour off the first we. That Caroula,, is at war hie been
ter. The French investigation slum- brought home to every man, woman
ed Oise the water over which carrot* sucl. now that all bread made
six_ from standard wheat flour must be
had been steamed centained but
material 44 compared with three mid
of the total' labeled 'EVietottr Bread" and mixed
Vehundredties per cant.
with a percentage of substitutes for •
seventy -Ave hundredths per cent. wheat flour. Thl* ;the effeeb of an
found iu the water in which they had Order issued by the CanadaFood
Board in a vigorous effort to gave the
been belled.
- existing wheat aupplieti so es tO
make them last out until the wheat
f the coming harvest reaches the
flour mine and the new flour is dis-
tributed for eensumption.
Ther new Order defined substitute*
for wheat as corn, oats, barley, rice„
rye, buclesvileat, tapioca and any mix-
ture same; potato flour, bran
shorts, oatmeal, rolled oats, corn
meal, corn starch, liominy,.corn grits&
• rice wee! and Wee° meal.
, On and after July lat, olio pound of •
Wheat substitute must be used by all
bilkers, .confectioners and public eat- -
mg -places with every nine pounds of
standard wheat flour in making any '
takers' products, and .tlLie same rule
obeli apply to -every person in Caoada
who hakes bread, rolls or pastry for
Private -consumption. ' On and after
JulY-16%-in -alleCtinaditeertsteof-Port
In this method of- co'olting, the lesis
in steaming was as small, reletively,
as the gain was large, Over boiling.
Steaming conserved both. the mineral
substance of the green vegetables
and the. sugar Of the carrote; A.
French intestigation showed a similar
basses in the 'comparative cooking of
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery,
asparagus, corn, beans and lentils
which had been boiled for thirty' mi-
nutes. The average loss was thirty-
six per dent for total mineral matter
and fifty per ,cent. for potassium. A
cent, food value for the potatoes COQh- loss, se potassium as as aeaenty.
ed in their jaekets. ' two per .cent was found from the
As another experiment, apinach and
cabbage, 'selected becetise they were
of common Use mid: were known to be
of the family -of vegetahlea which lose
most through -boiling„ were irepared
as if for table service except tor the
oinission Of the • seasoning The
spinach was witalted carefully and tlie.
crushed or otherwise damaged parts
Per taking one match into a name, were tossed aside. Just the neces-,
tion factory Jessie ,Atlelaide Price, of miry cleaning was found to result in
Loyton, was lined ten shillings, a loss of One-third Of the .purchase
Birmingham collects about six lien- weight of, this vegetable, including the
dred tons of old tips a year, and sena lama 'sand and sell whicha,clings to
it for £8-00 pet ton. • 'spinach' and makes it difficult to clean.
a , That no drops of water- might adhere
TaeAinerican Red :Cross has hand-
ed the British Red Cross .Z10,004, the to the • leaves, the were carefully .
dried.' Following this-. they were
inieed, thoroughly to insure uniform,
samples and -the -whole quantity was .........._
'divided into, three parts.' - • '
VIC-4 1111...0.,...._7:14.2bilP14
sad deal -Intiide
do sokouri dough.
Delivered all chews
Paa Oro bone; or
through your Auk"
four loaf gm $2.75 s
cioht Oak $315.
• .. - • .
' end
A.rthur the proportion is to be an-
creaded te_one pound with. every four.
Pont -1. - Aithbr and the West. this in-
-crease is etill in abeyance, preceding •
the report on the quantities of sub-
etitutee available.
.It is providedin this Order that on
and after July 15th no licensed dealer ,
shall Sell for private consumption
east. of, -hut not including Pont
Arthur, white.- flour to any .perion
who does not from him sub- •
stitutes in the proportion of not less
then 'one pound to two pounds of
standard flour, West of Port Arthur
the Proportion is kept at One pound
substitutato four:pounds Wheat tour,
The brand "Victory Bread" is to be.
affixed to. every .loaf as guarantee
Ithat the prescribed amounts of , sib,
atitutes for standard wheat flour are '
being ineluded. therein.. Bread not .
bearing this label nay be seized and
atai person violating the regulation
is liable on conviction to a penalty not
exceeding $1000 and not ;less than.
$100, or imprisonnient for a 'period
not ex'ceediag three months , or both .
fine and imprisonment.. Fines are to
he. ,paid to the municipality if the. ,
municipal Aker 'secures the convic-
tion or to. tire -Provincial Treasurer,
where a Provincial Officer'esecures the.
A Treat For :airs. Coopee.
. . .
On such a glorious July day it Was
not strange that Mrs. Antoinette Law-
rence felt that it Would be wicked to .
waste. time on 'tasks that could.' be
done in any. kind of weather. •She
Meditated over the matter, while .she
.sugared -Bobby's sagtinialwa Then-her-4*-s-
brovr- cleared. '• • ' •.-
or: knowl-PlIestakesthe: babies and assaa••
get Mrs...Cooper and go lig for a'Whole
day of exploring. ; "don't believe
Mrs. Csiolier. ever'wept off' eaploring
,an automobile in her whole life."
"Are .you sure," Aunt Ann asked
dryly, "that Mrs: Cooper would•enjoy
e day' of exploriag?", . • .
"Now, Aunt 'Ann," Mrs, Lawrence
protested; • "dent cold-witer, rte,
please' Who could help -enjoying' it!
Vha,.. kit Eversley has been talking.
ever since abut the dail caalilled her
."What I -object t�," Aunt An re
plied, "is your peer psychology." a
.'"What in thieWorld do you mean? '
You. knoti°.:taim tremendously interest-. .
ed in psychology; why,'I specialized itt
it college:".:• •
"I'M •not talking, about books." said:
Aunt Ann., "I'm talking about psy-
chology applied. to Mrs. Ceoper. You'd
better look out, Antoinette!"
But Mrs. Lawrence only laughed as -
she lifted Bobby down from his ,chair.
derful -day,'
-g.s.thorth.saauvied, itrili;acost °Leen;
:Wm; nothing 't not capasa.,
biea in a 'marvellously shortsaime she
had a luncheon Tut up and, the babies
readY, In ten minutea,they were at.
Mrs.. Cooper's, and Antoltiette was
enthusiastically explaining her plan.
"I was planning to Up cherriiie,H4
said Mrs,. Cooper, shaking her head;
' "Oh, cherries!" Mrs. Lawrence cried;
."They Milt he put ' any day,. wide_
there may not be another (lair like a
this all sumniet's You've got to come; •
Mrs. Cooper. I won't take no for an .
Isnw6thre-end "she had: her NiraY
first inetalifieliterlat �T2O?
[000 to •thaatitisttiish Women's leospeie
Lord George Hamilton stated at a
meeting. of the Eradergroand Electric
Railway Company, Loadon, that they'.
curried .909,000,000.. passengers last
year. . • . '• . . • .
The wedding took Thtee' in. the
'Chapel Royal, Savoy; recently,, of Can
Min John MclalaUghton; Canadians,. and
Hon., Doris Kitson, 'daughter- •of Lord
and Lady...Airedale. ,
The..1..10use of Keys, Tale of Man; has
refused- the franchise to• conseieritiout
objectors who- refuse t� -work. of
national 'importance ,
menierial hits been.' unveiled at
Great Eitstoti, Isunioow, by General
Beale COlvitia 1/1.P., to ,Essex men who
have fallen. an the War; ' . . • the ovens of the gas rangeis. 'Fondly
The Preemaserm of North Louden these portion's were ground, ;Separate-,
will' Provide,' equip and • maletain..a
Beet pt. -motor ambulances for twelve
reenehe at the Western front. -
• None of flte street leave in Brisitil
Will be lit. during, thirteen. Suminer
weeks. • • •
The peoBleaot Zanzibar have sent to
Britadia. e. further _sum of 42.0,0010. for
war purposes.
A hospital. to be huiltain Wool
with as memorial as soldiers who
rmves7 fallen in the war.
No land. la•Hyde park will be avail-.
abie ;for allaments, it. is all. re.
United for perpoees:,
A deed, whale, measuring over
sevelitY, feet, we:a Washeil 'asisore at
Felixstowe 'a few days ago, .• .
nation. t'he cost of pumping."
She laid an eager, Impulsive hand
On Claes eleeve. •
"Now listen! If all the patties in-
terested Were to get together and. aet
• (Tobe controted.) •
• a
• Sunshine Rain In the: Cianitra. •
The first Batt •wast. put aside for
'analysis of the fresh substance. '
The 'second was steamed Over the .
kettle of 'boiling water. ,
.The third -Pardon was boiled in' as
-small a quantity of water as wai.pos-
sible without the need of replenishing..
, Tlae time regutred for the boiling
and the' Steaming • was the sante.
When the two cooked pottions Were
impovered the bulk Of the apinach left
from the steaming waS at least one-
half greeter then that left by :the boil-,
' The three portions were then spread'
on trays of enamel ware and •dried in
Of coarse in a' common coffee nun
03 clod bottled to await analysis.
Next, cabbage . took its turn. - It
was washed, the heart discarded .and
one-sixth of the Purchase weight Went
to waste. Three heads were selected,
-each divi•ded into three parts t� make
the three: samples rearesentativea The
Same Precise as for spinach was
used: onethittl, for the drying, un-
cooked; one-thitd- for the steaming
and one-third for the boiling. The
'steaming of' the cabbage required a
third mere time than the boiling and
the difference in bulk was noticeable.
',ref aaroot vegetables, carrots -tette
choien, for it had been said that the
common praetice of the housekeeper
Wireworm le doiza.,a_great &AI eg, 'afecutting the 'carrots hall or dic-
dansage in Notts, particularly. me re. Ing thein to form a more attractive
cently ploughed glass land,' . ,disti for the table, sacrificed mu`clivof
The death' took place recently at the nutritive Value; that carroti.
ed whole retained their .food values
SWanbourne House,..Winslowaof • Lord
Cotteelde, hie 'eighty-eighth. year, •
• Bee Song.
Little belted honey seekers;
.111 one Mind and one !soda-, to/nothing Oli for the rain, ;meet sunshine rain, Come and drain these briniining beak -
.o_ • he done. I'm sure,' I The efivetyirain thitt floats era! . „
Gay nodded. The gee ceeteurete yea of mist over him eee Allis Yours to have and hold—
ettgerw: plain • . atereti of toreopsia. gold;
"Let's begin right now to find that . gladdeis the flowery throats
Mu& of tileasuiseinueh of treasure, •
os miad. _Caul eve 7"
- I Wail 'Gent foe a Moment, Theit, The soft, Wafiti rain trent
the 'sultry Riches without steint or meiteure,
E es, We olossible," rettirr. • Wee, • In the cludieed hollyhocks •
bete beceese dieters tea y
— For it the Mile uplift their eyes, And If ye be generotis heated,
,And the purple spires of phlox!. -
CitlelY" 11"6"-ettell eetleg Revivieg the thirsiting things:
4t 46003 stou sea that suth eonel rot it each song,bird sings. :Whim these bland hours live depart- . ter.' Of course it required more time .
a a.
* ThERE.13-BrAliry-sli •149.
,higranlikweed COI}
P. • .• Ciantoe, r0).
nal& better. The carrots selected'
. • . .
for Oa experiment were chosen care-
fully as to • their relative tize and
weight. They also were divided into
three Iota. , Some previous experi-
ments had !shown that ;scraped carrots
'lost heavily in compatisoit with the
carrot, cooked in its outer' covering,
.mity- -very deafly heeremoved
litter cooking. : ' • =
Of these three lots one•Wee.;craped,
put through a meat grinder and•dried;
another was waehed and plunged into
boiling water; ithe thitd Was scraped„
cut into •emall. and attractive pieces
and nearly covered With boiling *a -
eto of appeal--"
ettl°1' itzt itself is °tut ° Old mother earth so dry mid bakea eds
I shall taste, as nights grow long, whole than it did for the cooking ofa
e ogit, ORA letrioa•
„1110 014TR 6".
.nnuourossossto -
Two Sizes -50c and $1
' You are young but once, but toxic"! • of Ingipm's Velveoht
• you can be ybuthful always if Souveridne Face POwder,50c.
youcarefor your complexion -Italsoconcealstherninorblem.
properly:Dailyuseofingramrs_ Ineludeclinthe-cornplete-
Milkweed Cream. prevents –line of Ingrarrestoilee products •
blemishes, overcornes pimples • at yourdruggist'i Ingrain% f
". and other eruptions. Since Zodenta for • the • teeth, 25.e. • "
1885 its distinctive therapeutic_ * -1•• pic.iti-r. a ,
. quality has been giving health •••• ' .Enach Purchase
to the skinand youthful color* wztn
the complexzon eteteepaymer . Each time you • buy pickage of
Ingralu!'e Toilet -Aids Or Perfume., •
skin toned up,:soft ati"d clean.
The refined .way to banish jfac hottattureriaderuniortilahlorntgweviipetitittleLeaitc7:77ef a word
eilineog.end-uhinincee ersneao---e- time you get a different portrait so
and induced by you make a collection' for lir
perspiration, is to apple light • boom. Ask your druggis't• . Y°
F. F. Impram.Ce., Windsor 'Ontkrie .
-" 1 ualualla.' did.- She ciiptured Mrs., •
for the 'cooking of the carrots left
ppea 2 she cried. • Why havejoa s• 4
„,ttlez, s a laleSsage to each cloud.
Honey with the `honeyed -song: tho earrets cut into email pertione.
6sit trliiig Or" After er cm&long titers ssa e
"I haven't," keynote/end. "taro been Iler harp !strings will thrill aloud.
When all .o .i tooked they vsete
erushed,'dried in gas ovens, ground 1
ilk working/. Diet you're right!) Oh fey, the rain, sweet sunshitie rain, Meeting the Labor Shor.tiige. 'weighed arid pot into 1,A„„„tties,
eolltiO I'm right! Noot, God givesin nsercy wise.
4x -t six montlia. Ivo been study -
ion sa los. tet tOfiettber- eters/tele in- It erimes—and His promise shines
A fernier itt Indiana drives a team allairsis followed.'
f rq h'tehact to io To average housekeepets, the• tabu.'
'tere --.46o I ball that,a. tire
and leads ihicohotses drawing -a ar,. lated less irk aaht/PhOSpilorud. calci -
agent "
rove Ile works nine horses and two .una and niagnesiurri unintelligible
Through the rainbow teethe skims.
modere farrriing implements, and' does - MAN ever, we ean readily under-
trier *betel"
Clay glaneideateepett S ed -down
Ws brakes 'with low w and ism
• 'By George, ont.
Scullened codfish mid riee is del- the. work of teveral Mon and teams stand the statement that the losses
elms. under the eat .1yetein of laming, frem 1).inaeli were almest
rrHE Pure, rich, meliew
A tone, and the sensitive
reeponsiveness''' of' th s
famous Instrument cone .
bine te lift It high 'above '
the, conimonplace. It ls•
piano dat nialotalit;
Ita endUrIng charitie for.
generations. • •
Georgian Model, $600.00
Canada's Oldest end Largest Piano Makers
P efoti3O•91."”•10,•11.A. kk ,, ti• 041.414
40..40 .00#"*.rirrs444.• 4,4
I Cooper, carried her for sixty laws
through a wonderful bit Of "summer
• world, and deposited her safe at henie •
' Mare 'flee o'clock. -
"I'm Very tench obliged to you, I'm
sine," Mrs. Cooper said stiffly, as she
!cot Antoinette
the hst;oispr.
A6d at
teiheet Tone and on the way Ionia
'told :him enthusiastically about the. '
treat that she had given "poor Mrs.
'Cooper," That night Torn and
mtA2tset:tkiinerikzi,agen'Tt°beii7,-"Iwwh' 'e:::4114a)trt5:14:1111 le:vet vyel :111dhrtCse.di Club.
" at in'the eorldl" Antoinette ex-.
/Then a score earne blowing out to
latent -eh het sweet stent—the Econt
dof cooking chiarries.
And suddenly. Antoinette was Silent.
Of Course, the glide.
ten •0,4111.•044
et:7 eo.e.t>eecett>_
The want a piece of Meat
•without fat4 hone or •gristla '
uggest that you, Imy al An..
"0- *. 4.....Araott.:.erataaroeei.......eassaarte•�