HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-11, Page 8Men's Shirts and Collars Warns weather suggests Negli- gee Shirts and Soft Collars for comfort and style. Our Negligee Shirts are quite the. latest in style in plain and fancy pattern stripes, neatly made, French cuffs, Priced, at 1..251 1.50 and, $I•75, and au ex- tra fine quality at $2.50. Soft Collars in plain white at 35C and Fancy Stripe Silk at 5oe are now in big demand: Men's Wash Ties in neat and new designs, special at 35e. - Men's Socks. We are s1iow- ing an excepts"onally good line in pure all wool Cashmere at 75c which we thoroughly recommend,. See our other good lines at 25, 35 and Sac. Smear..—Young Men's Silk Socks at x.2.5 and $1.5o. `,en's Belts iii black colors at , ooc to $z.00, and :Boys' Specialat 25c. Men's Summer Suspend• ers,.'worn over the undershirt and under the overskirt, give genuine comfort in hot weather. All metal parts absolutely rustproof. Good elastic webbing, price 5oc. Ladies' S t Coats. These are we made of white satin drill and nicely trimmed with pink or blue stripe on collar, cuffs and pockets ; made with belts and very neat in style. Price $x.75. Girls' Plaid Gingham Dresses with frilled skirt, collar andcuffs trimmed with chambr.y to match. 6 to 10 years, $r.19. Ladies' Print Dresses made of fancy striped print, self collars and :cuffs, neatly made in nest fit- ting style, Price, $2:25. Summer 'Caps --- What so cool and comfortable and what so • necessary for driving or motoring as a nice, lightweight Cap. .a ,See our fine Mohair and . Silk . Caps, really beautiful caps in latest 'styles at x.00 tzp to $2.00. Also a nice range of Ladies' Motor Caps in plain: and fancy desigis at x.00i 2.25, 1.50 and $2.00. Boys' Blouses in neat .stripe with collar attached, in good wash- ing material, at 75c. Boys' Jerseys in white and colors, long and short sleeves, just s suits the boys in hot weather. Get. one for your. boy, Prices 35, 5oc. LMA, LADIES° COLLEGE (Cw4a'a Eats Reneoc et.t Serena kr OkW OPEN'$ IT; Ti•IIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR ON SEPTEXIBTR SIXTEENTH. NINETEEN liIINDRED AND EIGHTEEN Thorough -courses in 3fusic, Ort, Qzratory, .ii%1x School; Business ,C'ol'lege, Dansestic ,Science and Snperiar P1.ysiccl Training 33 Vor terms, iddreas: R.1. Veneer* 111.A„ D.J)., President*. Thomas, tint,. N..URDOc.H' 8.. :.CAMERO,N CO.� ihisfor )4.1 trade mark ix a picture! of ' Orafon0 p this la trAdCmark firm ill your. � y mind. It's .dale oils_sure ..guide . to "The One lncomparable Musical Instrument." This trade . mark is on every genuine Columbia Grafonola and.Columbia R .0 o umb . Record. 1111111110111111:111111111111111 � 11tt I e , ) t—r; j - Berl and ;$osvard Barris •spent she ► week -end in Kincardine. with • their bears and friends, JENNIE PIERCE, EDNa RoBINsoN, HELEN ,SUTHERLAND,. ` ANNIE HUGHES.' .. ' Zion -s-Tuesday°, July 9. Farmers•ac'e busy at the haying... Miss Margaret Woods has retained borne from eponding some: months with her sister near Elora. ' ° • • Mrs. John Little and eon,. Tom, of Lanes,. vlacted be sister, Mrs. Albert Helm, Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs, Isaac. Andrew and daughters .Jessie,.. visited . with friends_ near Lockatsh Monday last. Mise: Margaret Ritchie has retprned home for the bolidaye. Mr. and Mrs. Baden Ritchie and family,of,Walkerville, are visiting with his brother in this vicinity: Mise Elliott, of Clinton, ie' visiting at Mrs: Gibson's. Mr. Jamese Henry and Miss Lottie were' the guests of their cousins,'. John and. Hazel Gardner on Sunday. Mr. A. T. Cooper,. of Clinton, repre sentative of the Temperance' and *oral Reform, willtake charge Of the service here Sunday, July 14, at 11.30 a m. Messrs: Andy Gaunt and Gordon Mc-, Pherson, of St. Helens, Galled on friends in the burg Sunday. 'i # ' A. large number attended the Divine Service in the church Sunday afternoon, Rev. `R. E Copeland delivereda very inspiring address ,i • We are glad to, .be able to•report at time `of writing that David Andrew, who was suddenly stricken`wttli appendicitis and anderwent' an operation in Wing- ham ineham hospital last Friday, is doing as well as can be expected; e •. ,• • 'Lanes -Monday, July 8th. " - Friends from Langeede visited at Frank ttis recentiy:_-•w • • 'Mr; and Mrs. Win. ;;Hunter visited their sons in, this neighborhood Monday.• . Pnesne remeer.-The many friends of Alfred $,itehie gathered at the home of his. mother, Mrs, Andrew Ritchie to see- him.before leavin for London to report baby girl came to stay with Mr for. military duty. {The; following add, and Mrs. Cyril "Campbell. on July 4th. ress was teed by Mr. Charles McDonagh: To Alfred Ritchie, . Dear Brother and Friend:—On the •event of , your having been called for military duty, we, the tnabers of MapleGrove L 0 L" No '-1044 and your felencts, in the community.assemtaled here tonight, regrbt that war is a condi tion of the. world today. ,We rigret that;Liberty, Justice,and Freedom can only be defended and maintained by the. use of the:.sword.•Thes is not our nat- ion's choice, it has been thrust uponus by a crueland.relentless foe; , So far In the struggle we and our allies are about equally..matched in . fighting capacity with the enemy. In order to secure a `.justwnd speedy settlement of ,:the dire pute our nation has resorted to. a "sel- ective drafi," of men for the army.. You hive been called to the hezerdous yet noble duty of defending your country and maintaining Humanity's cause. this noble and hazardous duty we feel that we ail. can .bid you Godspeed prayerfully. May yourpieliminary trains r render- yon 70400,11y capable Arthur Ashford, of LaSalette; Ont , visited friends about Lanea the .past week.. , . Wilfred- Ferris reported :for military" service Aat London on' Saturday, but . is back on leave. Wilfred has plenty .to do on the farm,. • Weunderstand that Alf Ritchie is to report for Military service on Wednesday. The . Irwin hay • press, ofLuoknow, is operating in this locality. , Gerald itathwe , tI ckuow, .is help= ing 11 P. Hogan for "the summer • months; Lanes and vicinity was. wellrepre- sented at Glodericli celebration on July 1st. _ Eighth ' Con. , -Kinloss, inlossr • m. l - grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Palmer. • FOR SALE .r1f " ii~s, R.; Webster and Mrs..T. Irwin. 9• Agint- Lucknow, were last Week visitors: at A%ll A eft, �.,,�.kriow"•: 11fePherson's' g -- - --^-- - .Mr. John Culbert visited his sister, wore insistent reminder of our duty to Mrs. seeneee of.. leene lest week • asrr1.14-.i'.13c s I,'�.- ..n1oss ..:.....,.. Aronday July 8. A Sr een Rei REME\EUBRED.: Nord having been'received that some of the boys were to obtain no leave home -bat evere: to be sent overseas at a very early date, the friends of Ross MacMillan sent hint a wrist wet& accompanied by the following address:' - • ' Toc4- cn:- Rees Jia � �l T .. ...... 4)s your having beencalled for ovbr seas service, we, your friends and neigh• boars of the Sixth Concession, wish to remind youof, our warm interest in your welfare. War has overshadowed us and you have ben called to tails Up the task of d iii fight, the soldier , n „ � , if need be, for 'Bing and t'tofintryt We feel, therefore, that in a very speiiel way you are going forth to represeut•au who must remain at hotel, ern.rem:nitergratefully those who leevo already gone feint', oar midst land . are novo dniitg their bit for ]free- men cause, With your departure, vie• Country and Truth,a link in the great. army of the Empire:..'" Yon ... .. f the :uiet.rural, life. of Y.al go from q our . community :where, no doubt, the days you.have spent in God's great :out of doors in close contact' with Mother .*aturei have perfected your: physique and developed your powers of thought: We feel that you have gone in a thought- fel slay and. that you realize your re- sponsibility in.representing to your fellow associates in the army ouL.com- munity ideals of life and of truth. "Better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off," 'When you ere called from our midst *10 remember your •neighborliness. Recalling your ready helpfulness and kindly share in all oetivitiee of the neigh orhood,. we feel confident you tvill make an excellent soldier. • Please accept this .wrist watch' as a slight token of our esteem and a re- mieder of our interest. We pray that. you always be morally fit•by patience and endurance. May you bo religiously fit by a strong faith in God and the jus- tiee of your .rause. , We would respect, fully request you to beware the tempta- tions that u.ay assail you in camp life. The temptations may be new and entitle. We trust that your home and church life before .going have so far decided you in the right way of living that you will not need things labelled good or bad for: your but you will be able to •choose for yourself and not mies the moral pathway or rehgtoits hope from your life, In other words we. would .re. gret exceedingly if after having helped savee your country you should lose your•; own soul, 'Please accept this gilt. it is a testimony thatwe'feel we have much at stake that you are going forth •to de- fend for us. This gift is a testimony of our affectionate regard for you, and .a pledge that our prayers will attend you. till victory dawns and you are received honie again. Signed by SAMUEL REID, -. . . DAVID STEOUD.' After the address was read Alfred Glade a. few remarks expressing his thanks for the many kindnesses. shown.. ,him. The rest of the eyeeing;was spent in a social way. , Pte. Lot Culbert spent- Sunday with his parents, Mr. ani Mrs. Joe Culbert His friends ,.vete 'pleased • to „see. him looking.well.. Miss Birdie Harris has returned home from. Hingham accompanied by her niece, Miss E. MacPlerson. Miss Margaret,. Oarnble" spent last week with her sister,: Mira. Groves, of Detroit, 'Verdun • CARE ON THE: POTATO CROP If the potato beetles home. . not 'been all killed by the time'thisreaches the read- Phone No, 10 is at Your Service Wer Nell for Cash—We Ne11 Cheaper Than Thio Credit stores WE ft4,V19 MANILLA • ROPE In 1-2 inch and .5-8 inch, the size used for Sling Dopes. 7 his is much super. for to either Sisal or African Hemp and having bought it before the advance the price is right. ' CASTOR MA.CHINE OIL T e. Either light or heavy, CA.. FSO UNUM . KNIFE SHARPENERS .• For the sections. SAMSON HAY, FORKS The best on the market. BERGERS' • Pure Paris Green, Arsenates ()Mead and Bluestone.: er, there should he no delay in poison ibg them. , Anything which injures the• foliage will lessen the crop; hence the leaves\mild be. kept free as possible from injury ' by insect or disease.. A. mixture of eight to ten:ounces of : Perla green and' three-gitarters of a pound of arsenateof lead, or "one and one half pounds of paste arsenate of lead to 40 gallons water has been found more sat- iifactory than either poison- applied separately. As the late bheht may at- tack the plants any time after the first week of July,' it will be: ` desirable to make the first application of •Bordeaux mixture with -the last _sprue for linger and -the two may be applied together.- The ogether:The •.formula for Bordeaui mixture 6 lbs. binitditse, 4 the. lithe, ana40 gaf-''t. lens water. While the• late blight does not appear every year, it has been found very profitable, on the .average, to spray for ,it every-year..In a:• three-year ex periment at Ottawa there .was an aver- age yearly difference cf 94 . bushels; per acre'iii favour'of •spraying. The tops should be kept. covered with : the Bordeauxmixture from the time is put on in July until the leaves dry np or ' ate killed by frost. The number of`times '.that it will be necessary to spray will.depend on the= season. Fehr - times during the Beason wouldbe a fair number of time's in order to. keep the. foliage covered,bii't it night • be that. even. one spraying, if it happened to be, applied justbefore.an 'infection, would save the crop:, The .'aim should be to apply -the -Bordeaux mikture -before-the> of the most arduouscamptuening, May disease is seen, not afterwards. The lAcknowHard:ware & Coale°.• �i THE "STORE THAT NEVER :RISAPPOINTS IminiimannErsamormenilfartmloww t L OF-CUMMERC& cLmrox;'ONT. Theresent national need:demands that you serve -if free to do so. Our soldiers cannot fight `` Over • There" without training—you cannot' serve ef- fectively over here without training., A course at this school will enable you to render ef: fective service:; " • 'It is the work and the pride of the school to make its students loo per cent... efficient, for in every walk oft' life the demand is forbettertrained menand women. We offer the following courses: Business, Stenographic; Secre= larial Bus. 'Penmanship, Civil Service' And 'arranges Special' Courses for Special Students Canada needs your work. Think it over and write for particulars to , B. F. Ward,. BS.A., M. Accts, Principal. M. A. Stone, 'Cont. Specialist. Vice-Prin. Phone 208 School opens Tuesday, September 3rd. Monday, July 8th, Miss' Steele, of London, is' visiting at Mr, J. Walden's. • Miss Alice .Reid was the- guest of her sister, lira. W. Walden, a -few days of lest week. Miss Marie, Welsh, ' of,Eugene, is. spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. Stevenson, of the Lord's Day Al- liance Association, cccupied the pulpit victor may come to our arms and that in the Pine River Presbyterian ' church feel timet silo nnorm serlotzs ,tote has y' y Sunday morning. sounded mid that the liberty of mankind the tines, may not len long hence.when ¢ -'ri1 titan before: we shall gather socially to celebrate that _Miss Clara Wilkit was. the guest' of is as Baro p IV ellie M65lu14an a day last week ° i�'o pro plod thee vett, who' ',were �- great event andtorejoice over your safe I. .• . • Annie Blue, of Auuberly, arrived tively ersgasul� ion the work of indite- return and artael tion in the et le, iss bion zit ear nitciht, are non+ to eervg Bis a tai- era pct b 1ta1f of your old peigh IMMO Toronto tur 1 y. iietw MEV Feed . Por Your Hogs. ;A good chop, half corn *and half barley. and oats at a• low price. A part car .of Oat-Shorts..put up..in 8o -ib. bags to'clear at $r.go per bag .while it lasts. . This is a good.. feed for,growing hogs. Monarch Hog ,Feed. • The. principal. ingredients are corn, shorts and digestertankage', a well balanced rationfor fattening hogs. ,:. A few ba sof old Standard'u F $" _White.Flour:left. Get a bag before .it all goes as no more is to be had, till next crop. We are -still .e� giving g ,v in g t h at exceltentvalue in Soap rr} bars ani: 2 pkgs. Ammonia'or Pearline for $1,00 ' 6 bars Toilet Soap for 25.x: • bars Pains Olive Sda. • for 2 c. . ' 3 p . 5. , . `Try this wonderful soap, made from palm and; olive oils.' Sold for. 15c per cake. regular price. Ne'are selling " bars` for. -12,5c. and, a Lee . bar:for signing coupon. Try our. excellent value' in Teas. The—Nrecent war tax has not yet been• .charged, by .us., Special in Baking Powder: With 150, can Baking Powdgr,,,1 lb, Baking Soda Free With -25c.. can- Baking Powder, 10e: -Bottle Eictract Free. , With 3:5c.•(11ass Jar Baking Powder, 1 pkg. Corn Starch Free' • ' We are 'else giving 2 earns Tomatoes fol 850. Rolled Oatmeal 4 1.4 lbs. lar 25C. Largest pkg. in;totn►n. . St. Helens . •.' Monday,.July 8 • lir. and 'Mrs. Cameron and family,: of. a elfe�. •�wero-..� ,at ..,,,i�', }.`, o l3 � � ora. , .nl:..rl Tli. iu,s. on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Ben,. of Pine River, have taken possession of the McKenzie farm McKenzie'a have 'moved , td their farm near the village' :. ' 'Mr. and' Mrs. 'Bennett and children, of Port. Albert, spent Sunday at Mrs,' 11.. Rutherford's.. Mies Clark. of.,,cltelphi, . and 'Mise Meuae, of•Londote • are visiting : at W.. C. Webb'a 3lrs. A."Anderson and Sties ; Penni °Anderson visited at Mrs. Robert Pard - en's neat .Whitechurch one day last•. creek, W. Pte.' Iohn Durnin was hone from L'ndoa over Sunday. B ifss t and ► t IfeiOns: ;played ball -et Belfa_et in Ftiday last, Our boys could net reineriiber the Beare: • . ;Jfies Cara %monde is ,tabing a 'short mum in Kindergarten 1 work in London. 'Mrs, (Rev.) Reid, of Liict noye, c d- dre2rzd the Wereen's Ilii, ionary Satiety nr tbeit ooial: saQ 3iaig rfi. Tweday. 1.1r. and Mrs Donald .Clark; of tel. 'rake, are vititing lits parents, litre, _. . ufross Centre Monday, July 8., . A number of fanners about here are having their baens Joe Guest has finished building a suns i46w mer kitchen. ;Miss. Atkinson i s stxending:.the.. sum- , tner vacation at her hoifie near Owep , Sound. • Howard, Whytocks • of London. Training' • camp, spent ''a few days . at his home here last week. • Mieses Mary. and y Lizzie Stoba, Jean. ' Keith, and Itgyside Watson and Dun Ban Keith niotiored to Stratford where, they visited friends. kr. and Mrs. Albert Thom son o Kinloss', spent Sunda t f y at he Thompson, bolus • of . Walter Day. • _ • e. RHEUMAT1SM ARRESTEO Many people :suffer wait lame rarusclen and stiffened joints because blood impurities 'have invaded the system, and caused'. rheumatism. ' To arrest • rheumatism his quite as± important to improve :our eneral"" Health as to iirif your blood, A p Y y lona, and the � cost liver oil in Scott's .Emulsion is, nature's .great blood -maker, while its, nted.sinal nourishment strengthens thci: rrgn3 .to expel the, impurities text ttpb ild your strength. -Try it; ikon 4'befrae. Toto4to,00. a • 1 4 4 t