HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-04, Page 5r.' • .o • • e, a ° Iri Standard Shirtings sell at 40c a yard. . We • have Men's Working Shirts in good quality,SHIRTINGS well made and full sizes, at 1.000 1.25 and 1.50. Save work and buy made. • We have. Men's P t Shirts from 1.00 to $1.75 in good cloth and staple p tt.• terns. Boys Shirt Waist Blouses in blue Chambray at 45c., sizes in age 5 to 10 yrs. Boys' Balbriggan Sweaters, navy, trim., med with • red, at 50c each. Ladies' Black Sateen. Skirts, good quality, 1.50to$2.00.. g Ladies' Black M.orcen: Skirts, good quality, 3.00 to $3,775. y, ;'special in Black Cotton Hose, 2 c air. Special in Black Cotton Hose Feet, xse pair.' . Nigger Brown Cotton Hose, 6oc pair. . Now is the tune to' buy Rugs, Linoleum or 011 Cloth and, save,tie,advanee in Brice. t WILLIAM CONNIEL)L. Longin Servjce ore People bu'� y. . DUNLOP TIR.`�� _ L�S because the hare:to Abu :`. •a:. them. YI lei$ � often.. F•1 ,aiseir..le.r.l.,a.l ."``sF esar i:Taelsl.I,:i i.'.il.'1's®s=a�'-i=i=i, i=i I mos =e� , I I rli BI`' t - r++ 11. 111 r:nu' nil I' p�u �p •n 7 �.: • Different Kineis eat Your furnace shoul4 not • .. only, give you. plenty of heat, but the right:. quality - _ - of heat.. : •. ' f Some houses would he . . • better • without: any .heat' than- the 'kind ;their .fur-: ziac give If you studythe $ulishme >liurnace you 'will 'know what the right kind of heat is and Iowa to get it.. '- Full information about the Suns -ii h�rv.; Furnace will be sent free to any address upon request to nearest'branch' .office.. CCrarfs 0 )r irnace tendon Toronto Montreal - Winnipeg -. Saskatoon • St. John, N.D. Calgary Xiamilten .Edmonton Vancouver • • CREAM :Eighth Coli., .Kinloss. `- WANTBD 1 c lection with the • • IA/Ingham Creamery Mr. P. Graf will have a num. bee of cans on hand. ~Call for it can Highest price s. - S atisfaction tfuaranteed: —Monday, J'u,.ly 1, . .'41r. •and Mrs, Janaes'�''eedlrim.: seen SGnday with friends '• on the Eighth. • Mica Sharp, of Teesivater, -is spending .i a week, at Bosses', IMist Emma Melanie, of ICineardirie,. spent the weekend at John' Colbert's. •:liar. Robert Harris is iniproving' •his heals() by a new -roofing. - 111iss Marjorie Itendersein, of Ditr'lr- now, • 18 spending a vteek at Wni. Con• • •gram's. • -;. " er 'Cold;' Wet weather disappointed a. L. • @ � tai number uvho intended going to Coder. Prop. • io]l to• celebrate Dgminton • 13I Q ‘iou It ' Nova A .*garden party given by the E cal- dier& .Aiel Society of Walkerton, ow JelEio 29 realized Mt. The Orange evunty ledge of West Bruce will hold a picnic and celebra- tion et Is,iw•atdine sen July 12. - A well being dr'ille: at Hepworth hi the hope a obtainer, +u *ural gas is down to.a depth of ovev,it)QQ ft. The Paisley Advocate rays there aro°about 100 pis being fel' by cit- izens of the villas can their back yards, and there is keen a ivalry as to kvhirb shall have the best porker, I'': C James who recently returned. from ovet'seas•' has been appointed Cc>nflty ' 1,11il;iirc�i'r�'fon • Bruce in plate ref ales. late Jaynes Warren, Heats a cavil engineer by profession. • James Edgar .of the liiitlr-con Cal rota, passed away at his home on June the age of 65, Mr. Edgar came from. 1+11,0c u}> - to Quads.,. in �:1 d73 He leaves a widow and Gvesons,, one• of whom is -in the army. Teeswatea° resist me will vote on .a by-law authorizing the Council to buy out the electric righting plant from Mr. Walter Rose at $5000, Mr, Rose refuses' to run• the plant. any longer under present conditions. The Standard 'Bunk at Paisley' is , about to be closed, and the' hueinees handed Over to • the branch of the Boyar Bank., The management ei- plained that the staff of expert work Ors has been ao depleted by enlistments and draft. that they are forted to close: some branches as a means 'of rQlisf. ' liars: Jahn _Harrisees,, -ef. the 10th yonceesion, Huron Township, while -on.,a. •visit to her brother near• Moose Jany, Sisk , wets killed' in anautonio a. :ef o accident.• •' I3er :.br'other.,' . J: hn •Carl ton, wvhom .she' was.visitcin is aaCait of leg 'C 5 FO, 4$ all lS t.4aq f Oat it lzle. *Maly Lasa crone rho bark cif the war thatlthe farmer become a consistent ilraer .of the mc car, further figures; is tied from sante department ehosving that in 10 there were only 960 notore owned farmers of 'Ontario. On the total o er.hip for the prnvinee it i9 Si if) iihown that the rural pwners -far outnumber the city, the comparative figures being 47,337 and 31,095, The change •change in the situation iras • been so marked that Mr. W. A. McLean, Deputy Minister of Highways has made a statement oil the question• after'. beirl; asked as to whither it was an in dicai,tion that the' Partner was spend, his money recklessly. "Thi automobil is pow regarded in rnany.communrti as an absolute neccesity," he states, "'an exc, pt "lit` 'iaolattcl 'oases the farmer 1 not purchasing t•h? •ear as a luxury •b as a necessity. 'There are move hundred of farmers who''tegard. the motor as a part of the regular farm. equipment and who feel that they .could not accomplish their :work. without this a$ a nread"t save time and labor_ , KIINLUS`S COUNCIL CgUUCll *net on June 24: All mem- bers -present Moved by M'crliarnaiel : and Colwell:. that the reeve and treasurer. be hereby impcwered to borrow by way of loan on the ,credit' of the. Municipality of the Township of Kinloss the .siren • of sfiftden TO SAVE THEHAYCROP �t- has. for the 13 by ow Effleieat dF1achinery and Careful Cutting•Required. Spraying for Potator; light Begins--., ]lay ITsing Bordeaux Tfllxtu re and i'zrill gree a Ilicre:sle Potato Crop Will Be Harvested. (Contributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture, Torono.). N a season 0,f labor scarcity hay.* ln1 is as problem. on the average farm. It !s necessary to snake use' of all. the auodertq machinery available iia order. to expedite the ' saving of this important crop.' First,. ng 'then, we must, emphaelze the.use of e. machinery la curing and • storing. £s Men are not to. be had in plentiful d supply, but, In most cases some torn of c4 -operation 'may be resorted to dates, s hay loaders and. horse`'forjts tai harm dle the bulk of the crop. • 'By all means plan° to use machinery In place0! men this year or otierwisei considerableef the cropwill not_ be ti harvested in the best` possible. condi- tion. • It' is usually sate to cut after a rain when the' weather appears to. have cleared. Bed, clover should' be cut ' when about one-third of the 'heads have turned brown. Theq ted - der should then • be used until the crop is dry .enough' to 'rake -a period which will vary according to the weight of' the . cutting, the weather and the amount of sap In the stalk. While it is pos"sable to make sliglrtly better hay -by cocking up,. this will be a practice of doubtful value this -year in view of the labor shortage. Gather with a side -delivery' rake- if possible, or in small" windrows with an ordi,: nary stump rake.. . The hay loader•. tet, in order to obtain -the Ilse of ted hundred dollars to be applied to British Red Cross• purposes, and report to this Boar -1'0 its first sitting, Carried, • Bills of accounts on being considered and passed,' the following ehetiues on the treasurer' were is"sued ; "T. Harris, 2 days work on road : $$4:40; '• John Robb, cedar - stringers for 'bridge, repairs on bridge 15th. S. L 16 00;; Walter Hedging, 2 days 'work on.road 5.000; Ackert Bros• 450.f:.plank at $30:per M, and teaming 15 50;. George, Malsolin, .53 yds; gravel . at• R c 4 24; p,'Chestriut•, :covers bridge also dead ; becauso of the :accident." 15 side road and drawing material {100; The remains were brought. east fol•; • W°i `•Henderson,•'53'. yds: gravel.at\hc interment. 4 2l; Duncan Girahanr, 5q yds. gravel Two bears were;teapped•-near G en •lralley' iu Annabel twp rete Bears , have become. numncrous'in • township and farmers have-stiffe severely tbrongh.•their flocks' of eh being attacked... The "township..co cal. of Aiiiu�bel. offered a bonus of , for each '-bear:.trapped and 'there likely to. be:a•grand roundup,- reset. 141Ar': DROP, Tlre. Can Food Board is reported^ to •'be. inve ;sting the price of'' fiishr: at . Walt tori. ; The local *dealers : are �relli S'outhariipton •fish ther;e-at 20. cent Ib ; As Toronto ,and• Ianniton a reported tQ be handling: this ss, Gab•'at 15 cents a Ib , it is tia,ely tl-m the local dealers" will have, to .wal the,carpot. It looks as if'fish•are 'd for -a egddt n'drop at�•Wallr'ertoa.• • .A 'Yot.'re HousrnunAlC.rrt,.—lr't'an Ryan, an eigbteen•year-eld.'ch'ap,�. wa brought; a`to Walkerton• from Par Ilead by Constable` :Ward on Satyr day;, :charged- with breaking into, to house and's ateahi g 6 20 and a :gol ring . Rya:?, whose. home is in To '.onto, ::was visitn •friends- at Pail Head `'a•ntj:.•entered a•boarding hon • there while -the people were out, steal- ing the above .mentioned articles' from -the i ooni': of :a . young lady 'school teacher;' .constable:; Ward followed to Ower, Sound and' arrested lair. 4 00• Adam McQueaq, covers • bridge old con. �2, spiked g60; 'D S ' cDonaid, 1 ntly• day grading with team 5 Oa; . J:' G. Mc the; Lead, 03 yds. gravel 5 04 •James Glass,' red "72;yds. gravel 5 76; Robt: I.Iodgkinson,:l cep ;17 "yds. .gravel 1,36, Ohas. Rills, '20'x. un yds. gravel; •etjt. 0.30;' `John McKeniie, 10 7 ids. gravel -56c; .Jas: Johnston, road is work' graveling Kin. and Cul.'Bdy.,: 3rd „It S..' 991 ,; -David :Johnston; 70 •yds Ida gravel at kOb'7 00;. T: Ross, 500,ft, plank,' st covers'bridges' 25 S. R. and lot 28; con • er 6 17.50; Wm: •Taylor, cul. and.'graveling • n • 30th `'S:' R . 30 00; . David. Kennedy, `•54. yds gravel at.8c 432;'James McIntosh,, s a., 20 Yds: gravel : 1•00;•• Themes; Murray, to postage; and'sundries 168; }'eter•MeKin- me non, sheep killed by: dogs 122 00, •John at'. McLeod,'inspectuig McKittaen's sheep k ' 1 30, *Joseph: Agnew, tont of Hall' for ue Dtvision'•Cour.t 10:00.`. Moved by ;�,tylwell and Iiaechler that k `the clerk on behalf of this. council s' immoralist; -the` giivernment•of Ontario • k .regarding the reeent.aniendinent to the' r, Dog and Sheep.I'rotection Act, "believ • ing as we'do`that the. recent',iriorease to d two dollars for �each.dog'and four dollars for t acl., bitch' should' be :made optional Tor :with rnunicipalcounoils'ascircumstatice3 may froid,time to tune require; seeing Set that the_ _fines in" clog and•sh'eep account` 1• are increasing yearly beyond."..all neces• sary requirements thereon •: "Motion on being•put to the: Board,.vas carried • Meeting icdjoitrned to meet •'on Mop day, August 5.4,i; 10 'a. nt. Bart pleaded guilty . and was i e -.. Twist s,5 'Nutri; lv; 'Clerk. mantled• u.nti`l the 27th net, fol••'. soot. price. ire' recently served a term at. SCHt3t�L RLWoR�.s the. roan -stria! Sehoo'l; irYiiCA. • The Walkerton Telescope had the following High Constable 1.3riggs was at Sauble Beach last week .invostigat ing the contbl'ainb• that one "of the cot- tages .had la en .broken into°and eatables arni furniture stolen. The ,impression :provails•. that the thieving was.•done by military evaders hiding in_ the weeds. `A heavy penalty is 'inn -posed fee helping -deserters hi . any Way •in giving them food and this • nrake3 the• grub question .a serious'. Ono for the fugitn es• from .Military service.• The fact that '• some .oars' :froth the cottages are amassing lead: to the ,ru pieicii that some evaders have tried• rowing . across the ,lake tq'get away • • 'Farmers "As'Auto'Owners • The • latest-figurea•leetied by the I'io• vinefal .Department of Highways s io* tint the farmer has at last jumped into 6 the forefront ns�.tlu; largest user of the automabilee, the' figures showing; that. out . of the 7i ,861 cars owned in, the proving+e '' I the farmers crone- first with 23,400. - ;:S` fa: 14 Honor van).(, 411PI LD - Promotion examin atom; Sr III: to Jr. IV. Total 820, •honors, 915. •-•L•Dorotby - Pickering •:f.G2, Pearl. R;iynard 646,• Ellen Ketclrabaw ;640, Carman Iamilton625, .Agnie MatDon aid 605, Helen •MacDonald 59'?. -• • Sr.II to Jr. IIT; ' Total .7415,.. honors 5+dt3 --Annie 1 etchabaw 605, Haznllliay- nard 604.. : ' n ' • ' . to Si.. IL Total 784,, _honors 588 Wider 581," Iidzel Aihten Itfartin: '203; Mary Cools' 281, Jim Retcliabaw 244; ° AM • PriMer*A to 13 -a-Katherine Pickering-, 'appear Sr. III ITonorS-43essie Lane, 84 8', 3. Paimed- aJalland Wassail, 70 5; (ire 0,1 .1188*.! lindgiCinian; •44 4; Orland itichards, is. on t 2 7; Mae Royle, 00.2; Arthur.Gralnun, .11,•e Ifedgkinstin, ercy, 61.1; George Grahani, 00: -works best with a small windrow. By all means. us a, loader if possible and • to facilitate matters, a sliding rack may 'be. used so that'when one- half: the rack is loaded . ft mar be 'pulled ahead and the• remainder loaded..' . We•mention red' clover 'because it 'is the commonest and . most.satisfac- tory hay :crop, and is used• in all gen-' era! farming hay mixtures. • Timothy:should be cut either -after, it is cut of .the first blossom or after • the see.ond. blossom has fallen--gen-• erally the' latter. Itwilt-require less tedding •than, clover, is•, more easity cured and may be drawn in sooner •'.after cutting. Do not let it- get* too ripe and. woody.' : •. Alfalfa' should be. •out when thea young shoots+•rare noticed' starting out from. the axils of'the•lower leaves 'en. the stalks,, and .•stiould''.be handled rnuch'.like '.red clover, only -greater ."care is' "necessary to preserve.'- the. leaves; a very valuable portion. of the • plants: -prof. Wade Toole, .Ontario` Agricultural College.. • • Spray for Potato not. • Late blight and rot: is themost de-• tructive 'disease of potatoes In On - art(); In wet seasons, it frequently elstroys`'a• very,aarge proportion. of he: erop' and causes a loss of many h'ousands• of 'dollars' to the •farmers. f tie province. This is to '.a large ex a needless `loss, '-for "lata ight" and '. `rot" can 'be prevented timely. thorough and intelligent..: raying ..with Bordeaux ; mixfure:. Directions for 'Spraying: Spray : 'with': Bordeaux mixture, rength 4' to .6 'pounds of copper gate (bluestone) and :4 pounds 'of r: ie to:40 gallons -(imperial) of wit Gommenee: spraying.. when . the ants are •from •five to- eight . inches` •gh.,and 'keep the' foliage,. covered. th' B::ordeaux ,throughout the sea- +.. "1~'orty .to .100 gallons of the Dor,. ux • mixture will be 'required. :for h . application, the amount to be d' ;depending upon the 'size. of the It's•. Take: special are to see that .- spraying, is' ;•Very thoroughly 'dune • he -Weather: is 'at all damp 'ab'out 15th of July, .as, blight often bei• s at.this. time.. Adds a poison,when essary: for potato beetles.. arsen:. of lead_ paste;d.l:bs,.to each •40� ;ons of the liquid spray, :or 'Paris en 2 lbs.' tp 40 gallons :or n of •2. lbs ,of; arsenate of lead e arid- „lb .of`Paris green to 40:; ons.. From• three to• seven appli ons " should' . be 'made, , -depending. n:' the •season, the wetter -the Weft - the the larger the nu`mber;,• Do not... off .spraying' because it looks .Pike • If' .the spray .is. on the :Tants,. an hour •before. the' rain. comics • ill be dry• and'suaiciont•of it will :to. prevent infection, whicII s place during or soon after, , rain. yin'g,as: described aboye should ent not only late blight and rot also. - early blight.'" and' potato' .- es.-For.iate blight and rot:6111y; net..'necessary •to- commence ing until about the 10th of•.. but in Ontario'. it is usually ad - le to spray for all .three. hand pump barrel• sprayer can sed '.for •small` lots of • potatoes. men Who grow any- considerable ge of pete.toes':consider that •a. r potato -sprayer is a good in=. ent.. The . best results•: from ing are- obtained with machines with'' T -Joint. attachments ure Covering. both surfaces of eves:•at each Spraying; . utions' • Necessary . to Insure ' ' Success. tart .spraying, berore 'tile blight a: Sprayjng'is done to prevent, cure, • • pray thoreughly,••which can the only when the mixture Is ap. with a good pressure 'so as to coverilig every 'portion of .the o not hesitate to'. spray- 'be-,, t Ioolt Tike rain, ..If the spray tinees1sumeie�nt of nt wadi Sti k 'vent :inr`ootion, which takes ltiring.'or soon afteir rain. •rf, ayttg is left until after it. pro. rata it is very likely to be too do much good. areless spraying' 'never pays. thoroughly or tot, SA till.• . tel. Rowitta Ontario. Istituto 4 bl by 80 St er. hi wf dee eac Use if t the gin nee ate past gall ther rain half Istiek take prey but beeti siray July visaii A be u Most aerea Lowe vestra sertrY le ins the le ,eve second with 14040. ..rerliap§ rain tO Pre the spr longed late to Spray II •i✓_ i— !R.�.F �'o-... .r# .. _ "_� ,-, cam..:.._ _ "AFI- +.'X The Busy Hardware Rouse Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery )11 'in and:let us show.you why the %stove to buy, Clean, conveni We have the AeWest.typer.of-- oven tb fif this stove. It is black enamel finish and is as- bestos lined, This oven .holds the heat and therefore' is a saving on oil. . We 'haire Lime for white washing etc .Soon you will be -thinking of a New Perfec- tion -Oil Stove, New is the time to buy, We have a large stock cif the new style stoves ou hand, Cdme PerfectiOn is Ihe best eat and economical. Try Pulpstone for repairing brOlien plaster. ' Fresh Cement always on hand. , :Get our prices on Cleveland Coiled Wire and • Woven Wire Fencing. Everyttling in .0arden Tools eLEOD 0 Tlie,...Store'..Where•Yout...goney-.000s;i:iaros " 'Your tiappy Family Bp Broken: Up To -Morro* Studio Open Mondai,-Thesday and Vedimaday"1— FRE, Photographer, Lucknow. Always (win 'at The That is always 1174ere. our.graduates. you Want a tip• -top position, get a.tip-top training., D. A. lyieLaVhlin, President. . Principal. time but --the; 'prodnction. ''Of. field and,faCtory should be. greater now. than ever. before. The . Bank of Ilatnilto,i, :therefore,..give preferential consideration to uSeful 'and necessary ent rprises. L'UCKNOW BRANCH J. A: 9LENNIE. ManSger. • MANURE : SPREADERS We sell -the fiecting Light Draft Spreaders, with the wide -spread, the most durable and up-to-date • 'machine on the Market.: Don't fail to see it befOr0 BUOGbitlEYVT' lateet style s with eitlier sited or :au. lobar tires. FZKILIZER-Alse Alum homestead -Fertili$er On your rooto asid pOtatoes. it pays, to fertilize, ••• Froat..rio, Coifed Wire and WoVen Fence on hand. . G. ANDREW, LUCKNOW., • • ,17