The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-07-04, Page 4INCORPORATED 1855
LO► ! L ww
+r„+aM�ta+c orl`eat
fie se meat*
ist P
sody Wine.
�r, bsiceir-
a earl Mr pew alike beet. Skip
direct sad same coxae-
taleeleittZtell *mein oat elt
L www.
*at remit pay
Write as te-dyr foc pct
ar COW
1314 liethtlie. i rr bMpit• eb
Lemanser. W.
,Y Denson
teiItR I sivraoll
awl Ikea is lily
Int Sages Et rl*jo,awa
preeprkrr4owe fir elk mi
Walla your dm. re
,I*, ,
Warr * •
Ws y thehighesti . cash
'� our price?. - Our
tests are t as our
ember has bad yam. of
-'mss supplied..
.gut Predate
+leant gadeRSW. P11011* 47.
tw a � iatl�&.»
.Y&.. !UMW -1i, y�D. S. a. Iiertist.
..& . 1+ eew. l)at. ,all inn dere,
Ogee_'eat Pa leas
iva areae � is awl
est r' tF R tal!YIR)(. e=214 teak alaxeker
111* .w tun1
• 13►w loheit • naTTioteioj,a r;
et3.� eteew. fatssp.
#.I. 3r-kee tNZte;. l'rogtleiae
eau 11Caiwe•.
Thainio, e.
yiaCaaedaee Groat UnLp. n..en8 ye.. Val, six
aalatbs? Urea esaatbs4Oc., Ta .¢be Z'airiad
Oretea.e aear�i* . These are ttbe
is*le.lnrrearb r, i � rate
Saabaeritets wee. tante receive'T1e Sentinel
' Y aaaiyl'a�1 easter a favor by se-
`inuetas the blast •a dent' es
Weer �� � lsbothLa
a>�ttonew ' ensbaald'begiven,
Adve ac s leeasa.
waft .•
]isoel3ar eoae 'eles leemir . Mottle.
Weeted,34t.Bearal aetr.�ee,ah Liner ion 4 -se..
=`o i.frtc.,iac' linepereeniore, Se i
rate sacra ani
et Menke3� (tali ed%-ertisers Garai
bee.mosetieele wSee_ advertisingter
38e�a is thin.=Lnotien•Sales, brici
�C.9oaier'eotLoe a line Tar first insertion
Se foe weir t omit ` ons. t
'1 pec4nntellyes;a2.L $tin
•A,1leelat se ea,.l e.lject u cb isibe
Pemba bask slaw .isdivid ei ar sefwcr
is be'c-Miier?ed art ateardecatea* lad
teed lett. •
'#r s �efet c ice, dna render Se,1JO:'
T n 3w J ' 4th:1 18
A change ottimewill . WHA' itv FOLLOW
be made on June RJ lSTRRTJox
',..a'to Baur iaP9 � .. .
' iftui ,arae A1tt Axeste
at I` *OE Tali
"chat a i3t, owirkt w. `'SWI n't
- 3tiarzfr retortea. 413uttile **kV '
• at itittr a 1 t.b.: thatitt.g:)/rerli,n7ailllyta 1433.51 ecufts might ani wool% :acecura tsh: l othing
ityrogloxolaif theta file mot ae*apt on Ca ,ada alma the •wed t more than to.tbraw a min:iber ic.people
" ar* e' teams got mortars in eec3 ,o tar.. sanages, 1)1".midi en previdipa,
Now that national reg aleti ►n im
aobomp the *St Minn
wild: doubtless occurs to eaoh of lis
t DWTegistration .s goingto
n nal Tamentherge
mon tonneonly wade Vivo s►
IThizotmentSsii hazve a atorkng':tif
al At w`orm 's 43013n}athAl •am ►
FluStidal atom' efview, sad tile second
:was 'to kno v"t a VOpuilation, an •,under
The idea is that every available mon
should &rat be listed, vivo he could'be
era; b1 at very &boa notice, a th e
would be reguilar agricultural boards
appointed ,to ser. -e as the toedtains W.
taceeu the farmer unci the consuipted
Tien, for evar..nples. of a fartoer
+rut in Slathitana ,Townslaip meted,{
three Wee far * week t kelp • e
b.rvest: r any :other =peep work,
he fid::merely phot* the Toronto
agricultural representative. and mss
his wants known. The representative 1.
W4 U in $ 5 tutu, notify three tac iiom
his lists, to report at such and marl a;"
farm and remain there as workers for a
week. That ba;.Quire
to rte =nom zany would provide ,
thehopper through which the stream uf
ztll'n loofa be ,sled along to rhp urns- s.
era and bark to thatr t kr ei U-
nt after serer *were o lamer re -
e3. Any farmer who. wanted a ieper
for two unnths or three, or ht%'could
yet him. in the same way. ieg$est_
son as to es ercoming .the Enaniia$' Vii- '
cultyof such an arrangement is t 4 . .
the farmer would have to pay to tile
Goventesenti.aos rite,Gorernment welder
e tile nee to pay the mai for the time'
he was cn_ he farm, -giving E1112 its - ;t
IOU rite of wage. In this way it wed
to ;the Government who would hake up
the di$`erence between the wage on 'the
farni sand ha thefactozy, and. ae 0114 it -
came to tbe
convenience FD- ria be Ai .$
worker in ,being wed to work a iatt$s i
livtder than rdin y; - •
In such an arrangein t as tha�prat--
lion would h arssari]y have oto be made
to sea that the lien :drafted to The fzax s
m this MEM*? dirk not lose .their regular
cin it aeint,: and this as n scatter which'.
.2s lmggestea'should be taken lip anmsed
lately bet -mien, the Govennnent and the
employers. Tin employer svouudbe v
tonude/Stand that any: mac crafted in
thus i nner Fould not be charged he-
cause be . might he away from .his VITA
rga;at intmvals. plan isbibg
¢gamed ss" imat .n3r �na'
:coven any definite in.
dor •at'•s •
reco../did by those in nose touch r
# tiatustauta. that to close c 'pertain
'4.3t :'1st a themr
'Whether this he followed lig a card :Ile InIVF 'ksnd of` Im1326. far,
' !
lam** ',413itlike oalCali4gitem alhaa lit.ttEmis133 3n er .or nitt . GoNeru hent
rlhea t =Am aclag to Inedisnan of radial ,n rastsl, _ a estitm. out known.
Ringworm on
is *Elia Maw doeful
Italia. 'Res U * Nm ttfigan
but, cliabo' one
saiggestian his gone OttaWa. :It wee
, y z'h a rut •ice retro 'i»i in.
Mot TOM. ' *Ph the farming situation and
r Aviators Mus
So please help the Royal Air Force
by going out to'j-uJI Flax,
You may work in the .welds right near your home.
town. The local Flax Hulk will take you to work
and bring you home each day without cost to you.
in no brunch of active service is heroic
Sacrifice so marked as •among our aviators.
Their splendid
spirit is well revealed in a
letter to his parents written by an aviator
five days before he made the supreme'
sacrifice, It says in part:
If the news ever roaches you,
which sooner or later reaches
every flyer's parents --don't
Mourn.. We It- F. C. Men never
tnkorf d+; the only thing we
think of is the effect our passing
may have on our dear ones. So if
I go the usual way, don't let dear
• mumsy cry, . ear• black,' and alt
that sort ,of nonsense. Dad,"don',t
you get all upset.; Keep .the show
Wig, smile and carryon . "
'1"Keep the show going, smile ani terry on,
that's the. spkl t. Many boys and girls are.
+sa B
and Mea,Ayou,eut earn *coo Apr'
inore a - .day palm' g
too young to .enlist to "keep .go.
ing" but an opportunity is offering to be
of service now: the flax -growers want help,
and the Or anizat on of Resources orn-
mittee are behind a Movement to save the
fibre for making, the cloth, for aeroplane
wings, sof which the allied armies are in
very' urgent need. Boys and girls, young
men and women, and even old men, may
enlist their services for this work, For the
convenience of the workers, automobiles
FBI be provided to take them to the fields
and back. Sit strong boys giving attention
to the work should be capable of pulling.
as acre of flax a day, and as the offered
wages $15.00 an acre (which is the recog-
nized rate of the Flax -growers'. Associa-
tion) this means an average of $2,50 a day
. to the lads.
Cdr 1 Ton man from $L50
to $3:00 a day guiding .•
over • 15, you tan earn from $.1.50
to $3.00 a day . pulling - flax. .
You can work for the Local Flax Mill. the addressof which isgiven below.
for these reason
Flax is used to make" the • ',being
wings of a its bein
planes. . :The g' pulled at the right . time.•.. If the
grade of depends: upon. flax is over ,ripe its quality: deteriorates.
ORGANIZMON 40P • c `3u' tL SL i l,3yi , "P, R.L jA T t . .
ad once, Ar omploymertt in thin::ate eiburhood to
1.-TUCKNQW, J. r
• R.JPLE ,ad C
Coteao21xnet on June aT), members
henng present, Fallowing are theinotions
passed Utile' anmiln:gt .
berienes, las "ham found in quest=
teen on ibis r4.strittion tatr-a, wax*,
mornaiher nIonen who have- 'worked' an
Speedily Medea. Viale21 Itight
Was Recont-
riiitSfe 'are.
mare ''intri7,prott.ort
ins worrier velsa#1.' sprid;sat
armrest tither .21te „oar At
rietadied *wig .&e. it "art
lava/01nm/ anal.
d -trot
`Vac zeryiker
rem greel tr.., ants1 v4-04,44, Sir am and
„vitt , _razestion t .a.Ivautl:t'ao..tv7.,,ttcrz-ven...--euragri, ate. ta there 21z • be iliaPosed C-sxned. • . grader' l"..!,,dy12- and rionblelace -
write- the ..fidfdient ftrrc-ts Iola tit
Take 'of thcir road graders.
Dan IleInnes, -45 yds. krave.1$' .4 110
Albert Omen, yds • .0 3o
131 20:C.KE00, 'man and term an
Otlgmeler '614,C tIvo 1Maln ';° ICR 119411. Ile- ijoS:314371:rrad7371346,1tatin;giti‘ ' *at7,r. ' ": : • :907 .:DPI
oper.ator le he pait143 per rlat. camea. 1 Thos. Brown, tont. gravelling. . 48 77,
Dacia hIcijonild is cssessedinr a sdog 1 L. Anal, ,6!). sag kravel 111'3a x-r;ad 7 MD'
stick 13,iff tile Aessmenf Roll., Carried. .1 LauTence Smith, rep: cul.. .., . - 1 . OD
tinik "ot labar cnar 3333 "fiimt the' ThIMPSalr,Phen3011-7-1111# Nte 1511." Mai Man. .EL/Id team *Ai. •
raturitte,r,,,,,,*-ttia.„,,,,,zitml:m„,t„,,,,,,,,,,t1-14-a--..ztaztz.e,a,„„%terZ., .rok• OrErn.
tom, zoraturrai .14olatbated to Ivrea' 41111 arst*.r
rzogilicablun. Pat *Er.:*
Ivair..k.ti_jitca klx4.6.1111se.r77:1'111%Z' no71:36%-12:1k 41151.4 -
wage tb.P, :=1.12 Who eatdd not if
izarato,. rj-vp.27:nie°,Simr,_;talt.:14...Fre216 7seticrzentl:24r-1"774
• MtNlitiltra' th'Ir3 =fan.' to nat.' John ttef.1=P=Mit,rajt1.,._, *1;.%
etab Mac, Stearbrs re,/
tOtit.25=8. inqz 7770,14,015 .at
z: 1.0...:12tStrnet-S__. . 1,1:1;_i"D...La . a., „.CTILtniii"atil_il,E ittyr ;,4,zetik...' 7.,tifar. .,:l., alaY,. 7..., Tgaim . . , , . 4 0
' 1 tile same. Carrl'ext '. i Wal.. Rowe, equrdiziti toion
4 tip
, t
Se Brandies in Canada '-
Circular Letters' of Credit
Rank Money prderi
-Interest anowed at highest current rate
Farquhar, uf Exeter, got hold of sOme I ing temp:my-paid 1.4.1.f. • &Mat :
milts and before he • was disnaver
of a abet or ha:Ought 'he fel
roment. The
dim was about $,,:20.,q short- This be
cned for, and go for Ins failed 'to col -s
JeOt. . He now proposes tO look to aft.
t ft;i: the Money.
74..min To 02.24ttr.-Tbe appeal
or *the plahrbiff in the ease of T.t..
va. the Crown
Co., of lencan, was -beard • in
Toronto last Friday and dineisserl. Alio
from Wingliam hospital. We 4re glad
with ctists, The ease Was tried. in
ettljer 1st.
y s to see her about
4.the ;appeal. court upholds *ledge Dick.
Tint . Pees Ofetision: :The case is inause
A 'alt. t.;• -e tzt,a grant tz.0 thlt t'IT:rla°7314-T .7Lnra . Meer the •grigin had beet de'liverei,
Huron COLIIIty News. .4Z quantity of wheai Dlr. W. T.,
al one A li-ear afro 111r. Seldom bOnglat
erag..ra awl am It*
„ Russel Ilisicl4ts home from
thiny Orkii ice re.