HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-06-13, Page 7• • SPIES ROB DEAD TO GET INTO UNES: • CA,UGW' BY OFFICER GUIDING •IINEIMIY GUNS. Clothed in British'Ulniforms, Germans Direct Enemy File 'Upon the Allied Linea. R , German spies have • been . a ;contin ua`I source of annoyance througxiout the recent British retirements in France. Many of these . spies ° have been detected in British uniforms, • presumably stolen from bpdies of the slain. A British; officer in a letter to . the. Daily Express, tells of an en-' • counter with two such spies. ' "I had -been ordered to take up a position with tiro guns of my section as our infantry , was being forced back," he Hays.. "I was on a crest just in front of my 'guns ready and waiting to open fire and observe the rounds,but the 'specified time had p.ot arrived. "On the right of ,me was the road along which a :few miantes before- = I had managed to get my .guns. It was ,packed with infantry, transport; guns,. prisoners, and stretcher • bearers struggling ,along with wounded, SoMething or other' called my atter- tion, to two signallers striving to lay out a wire from the road toward .any observation •post. I could .hear .a gibe Made to them, some witticism 'which caused .a laugh. Their .some one else's guns to the left. opened fire. In a few seconds I' picked up the target, a blue -grey shadow advancing in an - parent silence, over the top : of a " crest two. thousand yards away. 1 OUR. FOREFATHERS ii ppyr9sd ctherneelves often and lived long. They used mild but .efflclent purgatives like PURGATIVE WATER which Rushee out the intestlziee and ensures normal bowel action withalat causing cone, cramps or discomfort. On 8.ale everywhere: 25 cents the: bottle. RIGA PURGATIVE WATER CO. • p MONTREAL 99 Enemy Gets Range Quickly., ' "I gave. the order to join in the 'chords of guns. The rounds were burstineautifully, and I picked up the range quickly and well, but I no- ticed Boche shells beginning to fall F ' on and about the. road, bursting with marvellous: precision,; "I glanced behind at my, 'guns just as a shell burst 100 yards in res of 'them and another 100 yards in `Font -=a beautiful "bracket," positively uncanny, as the guns were in a Splen- did position and certainly could not be seen. ' . ' f "I knew "what that bracket meant, did gw longed,to,'e the 'take cover' or-; . . der to my gunners but only for one moment. ' Our. job was to `carry on.' go we fired away: as rapidly as• we could, for; after all, we. do .riot often have the luck . to ,shoot at moving. masses of Boches. • "A few'minutes Later I received the message. `Both- guns out -of action, • sir.` ' I gazed round With a jerk, and • there, below Me, s •enough,• -both guns wete knocked out.. • "''The Boches' had begun another de- • ., liberate shoot at the other guns, . and 1 could: see at a glance be was some - hew observing, his rounds, and 'cor- recting them for line and range;: and yet there' were no Hurt 'airplanes; up• aloft .to do it. • A marvellous mystery! I determined to go to •ray guns and do my best to get them into;action again;' -so off. I moved, dodging. ,around the ancient shell -holes of 1916; jutliping • across old German, trenches. .• Killed by Our Guns. "I had hardly gone twenty yids' when I heard 'a:: buzz quite close, . the ,buzz of a field telephone. I came up behind two men in khaki with the • band blue -and -white band of the British. ' signaling .: corps on their • arm°ridently. ,the men I had'seen s, before, one, gazing out • toward the batteries on the left, the other ,buzz-. Ing.. .Quietly :I approached. Then.. grasped the situation. • • - "With a• running" jump leaped plumb on the instritment, yelled and hit 'gait with: one -fist under one jaw and another oirtl a baekaef the -square hard heed. • : • • "Gott in H innieIi" name from the. hardheaded Man : and a • guttural, groan from+the other whose jaw I had hit, who lay apparently stunned. - '"Then in -a moment, 1 was kicked:••!n- the"back, which sent me reeling . • "I picked iny:iolf :o`n"�i "iitlf Bodies es tearing aw ay to and thee road. —, i,$' es lfitdetaff yfirtlt'ar?t; lti' gave chase.' One stumbled and fel. I made Vii, rush and before he could rise 1 kicked is 1 never had kicked before ;•-=a regular," -proper punt. ••That set- tled him, and' on I went. • "The ,other ran on, when suddenly he..disappeared in a cloud of .smoke -• Land .a deafening roar. We had rim in front of one of 'out batteries. Fate. doomed` the finish of one, Agit the other-. I hadsettled—'with a hobnailed boot.": :, This'is the message"British papers were asked , tb flash daily on their (ages during Britain's campaign. Now Canada's Food Board is asking those in . the Dominion to do like- wise. Lost Innocence. :. • ' 1 used to thick, when 1 Wessmall, fihrt't Heaven Was, like grandfather's hall,. With many lights'. and winding stairs And little children: saying prayers, And I was glad, for I was sure 2 knew. just .where to find the door.' ,,A b, that was long, long years .•ago, Andbeads then dark are white as 'snow, p ' And little •children think me -wise Who gaze on thein, with wistful eybs, And do not know i see in them The lits% Babe of Bethlehem. 'vlintI dare not er losoht the key tooonfess happiness; dare not tell I'm not ea mire As they -,of 'Heaven's shining door, ror, looking in their trustful eyes, know they think no good and wisp'. ITALY'S RATIONS REDUCED. Consumption .of Meat Curtailed to Prevent Exhaustion of Supply. In orderto reduce the consumption of meat in Italy new restrictions have been imposed' by the . Food Commis- sioner intended to assure even 'distri bution and at the same time prevent the exhaustion of the rapidly dimin- ishing supply of cattle. For tide ob- ject the•military commissions appoint- ed, to :requisition. cattle for the re= e uirements of t e. army have been en- trusted with 'the task of providing beef for the civil population, and the' number and .weight of beasts to be Slaughtered in . each province will in future be fixed by the Food Commis- sioner. • " N°o beef can be 'sold besides that �siniilarly assigned and only. on Satur- days, Sundays, Mondays and Tues- days. Pork and mutton can be :sold enly ,on Wednesdays. Prices; will be. fixed by the. Food Commissioner and heavy penalties .are imposed- on `but chers for overcharging. As meat rationing by means of per, sonal. or family cards cannot be adopt- ed in ItaIy for varioue reasons, not':is it possible to reduce -the consumption of meat by fixing thesamount to w}rrch each person is entitled, the same .sys tem successfully • lndopted ,, in the case :of bread and macaroni,, consisting in limiting the . supply by assigning .'a Axed 'quantity for each cominune' in proportion to the number of inhabit- ants, has now, been •resorted 'in the case' of.nieat. ' In order to better con trot 'the ' supply and' distribution of food the special commissions existing in each province have been .placed un- der the immediate "direction ' . of the Food Commissioner andchanged into regular State organizations. • A ;Personal Duty.. Every pound of food saved.by each Canadian citizen is a pound given to the support of our army .and • our Al' n d eaten . lies. Every pound waste or unnecessarily. -is a pound withheld. • • How many slices of . white bread can a family ;do witliput if a few more potatoes are on the table at every meal,? • • •'The potato is a great patriot. It eras -helped to save nations. Let -it help to win the war by releasing other -essential foods for`export. of a changefrom_ mea or coffee to ostum• •o. c rnes wheny ou note better health and all n . round improvement. Not a thin harmful in e Postum. Be- sides, if saves waste and fuel. The flavor is ''deli htful. For your, own sake fry TWQ Useful: Designls. The Are of the Covenant. The fretted silver of the river flows Beneath the bills the flow light rests' upon,. While in the east a circling rainbow glows,. Facing the storm light of the sink, Ina sun. God Sets ° His bow of promise an the • i dark, ldoldiug the earth within its gleam- ing span ¢. Whose dual elements still form the Are • Of the Eternal Covenant with Man. For .while the Water. and the Fixe ' And whirl their shapeless being into forhold s m, way Futile and fleet about " the Rainbow The fPlay o ked lightnings of earth's fading storm. Thief is a very practical design for the one-piece apron. McCall Pattern No. 7985, Ladies'. and . Misses' • One- piece Apron: In 8 sizes, small, medium and large. • Price, .15 cents. filen extremely good-looking dresa. that only requires four and one-quar ter • yards of forty -inch material. McCall Pattern 'No. 8049, Ladies' 44 bust. Price, 20 gents. ' 'These patterns May be obtained from . • your:, local McCall dealer, or ,from thelleCall_Qo.,. 70 Bond St., Tor- onto, Dept. W. ,.... LEMON JUICE :IS . FRECKLE REMOVER - 4..• Gtrlgl . Make 'this•c Leap beauty lotion to clear 'and whiten your skin. ' Squeeze -the juice of two lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of "orchard white, shake well, and you, have a, quarter pint of the ,best freckle and tan lotion, and complexion beautifier, at very, very small cost. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store of toilet counter will sup- ply three -nines of orchard white for •a few cents, ' Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how clear, soft and white the ' skin be- comes. Yesl It is harmless. c World's • Costliest Necklace. • It remains to be seen whether the. pearl necklace to which so many • wealthy society women, are contribut- ing each a gem from their collection, and whichis being sold for the bene- fit of the. Red Cross, will establish a record as regards price for this par- ticular kind pf trinket, says an Eng- lish paper.. r '• • Probably It . will, for its intrinsic value is ce in to be very great, and this will be aptly enhanced by the with associations connected it, and which will render it an heirloom 'to be treasured for all time by its pos- sessor and h r descendants. Up till; no, , the record price for a pearl necks a bought in the open market stan s at £53,090,• .which was the tern paid for one of, 240 'pearls in Paris Seven ars ago. The highest price record d in ,an English &suction room so far, is £24,000,: paid for a three-row-ne klace a:4' 193 pink pearls at Christie's in June, .1916..:. ' ' • The bigge t sura .ever paid, for any kind of necklace anywhere •was the £85,000 handed over by Cardinal do Rohan for the famous diamond one which • be "ro'posed to present --to Queen Marie \Antoinette of France. ,' At the Yarmouth 'Y.M.G.A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August,. I found MINARD'S. LINIMENT most beneficial fox' sun burn,, an immediate. relief for colic and.' toothache. ALFRED STOKES,, e , General cy.• 'Soldiers Producing, Food. The food shortage is. recognized as .�. . ,no serious in Europethat the' soldiers, are' cultivating 50,000 acres between i 'France , 7 000 in Sa the linesonica n, , 1 and approx ma e y 7 , 00; in so potamia, Egypt, Palestine and Cy- prus. t Palestine and Salo- pr�s: In'Egypt, S :nica.the British Armies will this yea grow all their- own vegetables and d large part of their hay • and forage. All the military camps in England' are 'being. cultivated also. At Alder- shot where 28 acres were being culti- :vated 18. months ago, 1,200 acres are now under. cultivation.' • .8oep.nnuard's Liniment iia th© houses.: o etric ne • This year may make history : for the,Mint, for•Lord Southwark has just introducceda.De imal Coinage.Bill in the House of Lords, says a London paper. If it be approved, Great Bri- tain willcome into .line with her al- lies, and . will adopt their monetary ,rate of exchange: The sixriplicity of themetric sys- its Virtue: temmnot only It is urg- ed—and reasonably—that trade with other - nations , can be increased ' n s as and • friendly relations strengthened byne- gotiations in one 'universal •"money tongue." • It is suggested that our present- day pound -note be divided up ' into. tlfbusandth parts, each to be. known as one "Mil," These "Mile,'" there- fore, will represent rather less than farthing each, Hgher rates . of coinage, including four . silver and four bronze tokens -multiples of the "mila"--are- also suggested. Certain British professions. are already 'under 'the decimal rule, the metric, system being installed in all branches of the medicine world, and also at the Me -4 teorological Office, where only two years ago rainfall was first register- ed in terms of the ,millimetre. instead 'of the inch" 4' - Cut out all deadwood frons- black- berry ami raspberry bushes if this has not been done. Burn' the brush,' I WQMBN 1 IT I8 MAGIC I LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply., a few drops then lift f Borne or calluses off with fingers- no pain, gust think! Yon cnn lift off any cern or cal - las without pain or soreness A Cincinnati man discovered this- ether compound and named it freezone: Any drug.. gist will Bella tiny boa - tie of $reezone, , lilts here shown,. for very little ..cost, , You apply ! 1'oppleo. I grasped any flowers to see them fall apart,. Wind-blown and scattered at any feet- they lay; Too beautiful to last, their fragile life A, passing glary of :;. summer day. Such sunset tints! Such silken Iesves of gauze; Farewell, dear flowers, ye are ray thoughts so bright Seen in the visions of my .sleeping hour$,. Scattered with coming of the world's, daylight. Toa sweet ' o last, the fancies that we 'We guard them from a rude, destroy - a few drops directly, The rHA d thabreatht fashioned yotar pure orponeaa tender. corn loveliness - shall Instantly Shall give them to us in the hur oof the foth r n Hess.shortly.` dinRyoat e death.." pears, will find the corn or seLtare% Liuilneat need by Pby$plana Use . for Corncobs. • 'Canadian fanners who grow Corti wi,1 be interested in the announce - eat away the ment that the United States Bureau callus se loose that. you can lift 't right off. , Freeze e,l;s,,Wonder, fug: It d, lea *tautly. It doesn'.. corn o shrivels even- irritaating.. the s Hard, soft or corns - toes, as well as painfu right ori?. ' There •is no afterwards. If yourd freezone, tell him td bottle for you from drug house.' 2 1}iilllons Starving Already • Deaths %rola starvation in Europe' are estimated by theUnited St st es ete3f leVe$'�n16—.sei,. adore the war began as compared . 'to 4,250,000. killed by fighting ' Dry bread . 'can • be gravid in the meat chopper and used in place of flour in making., gingerbread callus, ' but of Chemistry has discovered valise in t up without cnreeobs. Hitherto: these have :#teen, oulding, •,floor. _ .tlu owri away as. of ,no:. value:,.. In the.. ? 1D R. T R I� Y T _ AGENTB wANTiNQ gdof[ prints. iii►1sYling e: wpeciglty& between the search fpr valuable extracts from frames and .evervthing at lowest rices2. calluses, lift neglected materials the chemists have Buick service. hosted Art nos. annuls, sin before or discovered commercial processes by 11°ick Ava. Toro>}te• uggist hasn't which 871/° per cent, of cobs can be i'OZ tens der a small made intolucose, 20 $ per Gent. us- '� EFKT Y NEWSPAPER k'Qlwt SA* ref r.' ' A,GIC BAKING o CONTAINS NO L U, .M. 6ilurr %e Ceotra'1 Otago distiict ofWS' Zealand is experiencing a persistent drought, which is causing anxiety to paatoralists and orchardists. In- tenae heat day after'day Chas dried up the country, which present a. terribly parched appearance. • . 41i112NTa W*NZZED s wholesale • eage.. we must pro- • • Increase Your A Despite the difculty,. dupe more :food than e have aver • " done before. Set apart all your land MONEY ORDERS. for growing crops And wheat as you can. Pla touch new land under another crop as possible crease acreage for neat beneeded then just as able mucilage, 5 per cent. cylose, new baking powder material, and acetic acid. If these discoveries prove prac- tical 'under long test% corn.growing will be greatly promoted. • You will agree that a of tea is economical at cent, yet ' • that is. all Salads costs. , Low-pri allycost you more, for less in the teapot and, o not'that delicious flavor lant as much A Dominion Express Money Order to bring 'as for five dollars costs three cents. ultivation • for and thus in- Everything that can be said of live - year. It will stock` improvement can be said of uch as now. Potato improvement. Have a stand- ard tad-and variety in your community; one atisfying cup• . thatis adapted be your sail. Use ve cups for a the genuine ed teas 'seta - hey yield far course, have Street Cars as Travel ing Kitchen. , An electric tramway ar lzelonging to the Halifax (Eng.) C rp., has been converted fete a: trave ling•kitchen. 'It is 'equipped with an lectrical' out- fit capable of producin _' a thousand portions • of food, and c : rries a . tank holding 1,200 .gallons o water. 'Cur- rent, for the stoves is *btained from the overhead wires. Buy now any fern' _ implements re- - quired for the . present season. De. livery will necessarybe delayed'•In any case,; and failure to order early . no delivery mean until the: .sea-. On is over. . 600 Talcca mit the inflammation-- 4omobnrna, Inflamed cute .stair, braises. blisters 'and as bti,n--pUei and abscesses. Works like magic] soya bon—at dealers, or *The os. nlasr iaeaitpY CoMi'AN1t" Ramlltol. Canada. ISSUE No. 23-"i$ • • Meals ':Oen, -be " served from either tside of the car, and th re is a cash office .at each end. The kitchen' may be run over any part of • a system of 83 miles exactly ' like ari "ordinary.) tramway -car •.. Mlrinard'i Liniment Lumbermaa's Friend. In watering vegetable 'garde/is ..ca're' must.be exercised not to wash out small plants. When 'strong plants are. Watered they should be well .watered 'as siMply moistening the top soil does. as much harm. as good. .There 'is no one best breed: Each standard breed' • has special qualities and particular, values. Breeders do' best with the breeds, they like be for their special purpose. • • "Every man ; naso a physical - right to think as hepleases, for it cannot bedlscovered how he thinks. He has amoral right, for he ought to inform himself, and : think justly."—Sam Johnson. ` the best seed obtained by selection and then, give it good care. By doping this a market will conte to ycni for all your potatoes. . Your buyer will -give you a premium. foryour crop if the 'Whole community has the one brand of potatoes. - ask for llsinard'a and take no abet, . Hyacinth's and tulips may be taken up as soon as they are through flower- ing and heeled in, .in some out of the way place, where they • may ripen their bulbs. ' • HHEEPraft SHOESNEAT �.„ .• Vr .neh D� ' IkR S1 UE:t a LN_"ATHE, ;lita'4a c Reaeas . fit":;tprttcroa CK}o -_ Convenience The AutoStrop Safety Razor is al- • ways ready for, use —the edge is uni- formly keen and it is a simple matter to keep it so., it strops, shaves and .. is cleaned without- taking apart. • This explains -why 'the.AutoStrop is um- -versally used and liked bythebo-ysover- seas.-. Give your earlier : an AutoStrop—it's • the. gift. he needs. reds.. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co. Limited' 1!3-87•Duke Si. Toronto, Oat. 02-1-16 • The Cause of Heart Trouielle Ftuifty digestion. causer _the. generation of , goons in - the stomach which inflatoend presi down on the'heart and interfere with its regular action, causing faintness and pain. 15 to 30 »drops of Mother °Selsey, Curative Syrup after meals sets digestion raght,which allows the hei:rt to beat full and regular. , 9 t reffi i in New Ontario. Owner ping to France. Will sell ;2,000. Worth double that amount: AP lY J. H.. 0/o Wilson: Publishing Co.. Limited, Toronto. cir POLL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER V and -job printings plant In Eastern - Ontario. Insurance carried $1500. Will • so. for 111.200 on quick sale. Box i% Wilson 1'ubltahims Co., Teta. •Toronto. LADIES WANTED TO DO PLATEN and light sewing at home, whole. spare" time. good pay, work sent distance, charger" paid. Send etaipp `1. Particulars. National Manufacturif. Company. Montreal C ANcri' ' TUMORS. . MP/.. ETC.. interns& ;andr. a external.lcured. with* oat Dain by our bomb treatment. Write i s before too late. Dr, Beliman Medmis Co... Limited. Colfngwood. clap MOKE T6JCIKE.—r-rh ORINOCO CUT COARSE FOR PIo!~•:1JSg. The Soap to Cleanse aid Purify` The Ointment to Soothe and Heal - These fragrant, super -creamy emol- • lients stop itching, clear the skin d pimples, blotches, redness and rough'. • ness,thescalpofitchinganddandroff,: and the hands of chaps and sores. Ia. purity, delicate medication, refresh. , '.:Ing fragrance, convenience andecon- omy, Cuticura. Seep and Ointment meet with the approval Of the nwrr -- discriminating. Ideal for toilet uses. ' or sample i1 brt ei t a pati. •. pgticnre,DapeRagf,loaSaat a.a. dby on throushonb tin world, " HOW MRS. BOYD AVOIDED AN OPERATION: Canton, Ohio.—"I suffered from •' female trouble which caused me. much suffering, and two ' doctors decided • that I would have to .go through an operation before X could get well. "My mother, who ' had been helped br:- LydiaUl. Piinkhani s • Vegetable Cern. .ound adv4'oised me ityltb, p Mittingtoanopera. tion. Itrelievedlne o mytrouble from .; [e r ohouse workithout an d so I', an. myw t advise :woman an ho i `: difficulty. m w fir y I aftllcted with female ublea� to give .• Lydia . E. Pinkham s- ee °table Come pound trial and. !twill do as much for, them."—Mrs. Mrs.. Mnitnt lloYla, 1421 5th • St., N. E., Canton, Ohio Sometimes there' are serious, condi-, Vans where a hospital operation Is .the only alternative but en the other hand , po many women heave been cured bythis amain root and herb iomedy, Lydia�yJ inkharee'Ve °table Compound, after g ctors have said that an operation was necessary—every woman who wants ' tp avoid an operation Should give it a' Pair trial before seubmitting to such A trying ordeal; If cornplica ons exist; to to Lydia p Pinicina lh edicine CO.,' yon, Mass:, Lor advice. Tho result o many ;gears experience is at your nary ce. • 3H a