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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-06-13, Page 5
r,r "A -Lap Aheacl" Dunlop Tires --'Tract on," as '"Speciai -represent doing best what. other tires emay have been trying to c o ore 1. 'Masters of the Road" A.95 UNLO.P HTThE S l _ • Gd the Genuine rafo n ola, .. 4Void.disappointment. Refuse 'imitations. Only genuine Columbia'Gr. afonolas and Records bear this trade -mark, Look for it before • you buy :'. FOR SALE BY Alli n Agent, Luck now, . f' .a..i'11►4 .sos�yyi•a .r�1'a1o++Irh�Qsrnsows s�t4l wile0h41, • • • Flo�Or 'Coverings Cover ngs .are in -Demand 'We have'.a good assortment of. Oil Cloths in different , widths, Linoleum in 2 and 4 yds.. wide; ':Cor.igOleUru.. Squares itt 2%.x3, 3X3, 3X312.and 3x4, allg pat-. ood `at-: --terns. - '. Speciatin: Tapestry Rugs, '3x3, at $22.50. Pure .Linen ' Tabuns are of ,the market We have still SOme ,_.Lt•3:ss Y•i "., aq . .-S Js.& •, .:.l._T ., r.. • • • In the Millinery Deartment we have 'some veryfine Panama Hats atreasonable prices. h� These are .the right at for 'summer Store will be ,closed Thursday afternoons in June, _J=uly and August., . -.1. _. . •WILLIAM COIVN�LL, MORNING ,', NOON . ' EVENING • DON :LON :TEE i.151TERTI SER •WWs"tern% Ontario's Home News- paper. Tried order three months One U " AO the news 'all for Qh Dollars*, t•54 i be to llc1 It Is Up To The Townspeople The able•bodie'd young hien in •Oen.,- oda are at the front or in training. The 'farmers have Acne their beat and the crop hi in the ground, Theharvest is up to the townspeople:' ' Vnlessthey: organize to help, .the people of this country will have to tighten their belts: tient winter, There is no doubt abut FAMOUS SATIRE' ON KAISER WILHELM OF aIRMANY lewaa's Seething Satire Was Mini Speedy Paine as Teddy and tla►verrmeat Chiefs Ask Copies et Satanie Missive Ilia Sataeie Majesty had 'abdicate the throne •of H,dee," naming itaase Wilhelm a,s his successor, and cemfeesin himself a noaice and a bail, number i infamy 'and evil deeds, according to bitter mid scathing satirical °missive ad .dressed to the German ruler and Signe by "Lu fifer l -l. Satan;"' through whie Luis, Syberkrcp of Crestnrr, Is.,, 'ha -Within the 'met few weeks,Won fame fo himself, and tee:las:ts for , copies 'rpm Colonel,Roosevels, Secretary Daniels o the navy department; Joseph Tumult the' president's secretary, aqd. Haan Others prominent in public life. Sybeikro}ia satiric epistle; dated "Th Infernal .Regions, June 28, 1917,"'an addressed 1'o Wilhelm von Hohenzol cern, Ding of Prussia, Emperor• of al Oermany�•and F.,,nvoy Extraorllinary of Almighty God," reeds: • AWS CLOSE T,7 voir.. "My Dear pV lhelm t "1 can call you by that familiar name for I have always. been . very close to „you, much'. ,cloaer than. you'could ever know. • "From the time that you were yet an undeveloped being I have shaped your destiny for my own purpose. • "In the -days of Rome' I created a roughneck known in history as Nero; he was a vulgar character and suited my purpose at that particular tinie. In these modern days a classic demon , and 'efficient super -criminal wasYltieeded ..and es • I know 'the 'Hoheniollern blood T pioked'you as my special' instrument to place on earth in annex of bell. ' I gave you, al normal ambition, likewise ; .an over.aupply of egotism that you might not discover your own failings; I twisted. your ' ri d . n . q to that. 'of a madman with certain . normal, tendencies to carryyqu by, a most dangeraus•.character'pieced in . power; • I .,gave ',you the power of. a .hypnotist and a certi,in . inagpetio;-.force that' you Might sway your people. t am responsible for the' deformed •arni that hangs . helpless on your deft, '•for your crippled condition embitters' your :life and destroys' all noble impulses:that might otherwise caiieeme' anxiety, 'but. your strong•ewor1 arni�is•driven by your -ambit-on that-senelehnes- all- 'sentiment': and ,pity- '>:� Placed, in your foul a deep nattel.for all things: English; far of all nations bn eaath I hate' +ngland Most; Where=ver England; plants • her., flag. she. brings order out of'chaos'and the hated' tress'` follows; the 1 ."nion• Jack; •under tier. tale :wild, tribes become tillers of the soil and in• .due ;time 'practical cit- izens, :She 'is the great civilizer of the globe an'd I HATE HEIi�. I planted in. ycur soul a cruel hatred for:your: ot!ier. because SII:L was:English and left my .geed friend Bismark to fan the fiance I hod' kindled,. Recent : history ,-•proves how vee11 our. work, was done. •• It broke: your royal .'mother's heart but `I'gabled . .my purpose... `• .; • . RULI:,R OF-GERALANY .• ".The inherited, disease of the, Hohen- • .zollerns killed your, father,., just as it will kill you; and •yau•.beeame the ruler : of Germany and a tool. of mine sooner than I _expected , . • .."'I'o assist you' and further hasten. my.` work -I sent you' ;three evil spirits, Nietzsche,.Treitt,;cbke and later Berihardi whose teachings inflamsd the youths . of Germany, wlio'in good time would be - willing and loyal'subjects and 'eager to 9p111 their'blood and pull your_' chestnuts, yours and mine; the rspell .has been"• per - feet Toll 'met Your ambitipne eye to= 'i!ar.cL t h e,.,•' a .'Ran n. 'r w-- _... _....-. �i••..%� S�Fdt arc.._, �'>}i�e:. •�?'a..., � and the Dardanelles and. you began your:great railway to Bagdad, but :the ambitious 'archduke and his _ more ant bitious wife •stood• in your way.. It was then that•I sowed the seed in•yQur heart that .btossonied into the assassination of the Duke and his wife, and all hell smiled when it saw' how cleverly you saddled the crinie onto Serbia. I .saw you set sail for. the fjords of. Norway and I• -knew you: would prover an alibi. - ow -Cleverly-doiie; sir itiuth like your •noble' grandfather who also secured an assassin to remove old . Xing Frederick' of, Denteark, and later robbed . that country of two provinces that gave 0.er• Many an opportunity to'becotue a naval er. Murder ow : iu der -fig -dirt work; 'but" it p Y. , takes a Ilohenzollern to• make a way and get by, • •- . JELLS or BELL ARE iiii�(rfl. G ".Your opportunity was at :band; you set the 'world on fire• and:'belle of :hell Were ringing; , your 'ti 'ape of • Belgium •caused• piueh joy';• it was. the beginning, the foundation of a Perfect hull on earth, the"destruction of noble'cathedrals and other., infinite works 'of art.was hailed With: joy id the infernal regions. You made war on friends and fee- alike and th© murder • of civilians showed, rn d a h a i Y+ Y e d. 1 • • tea hags had Immoffrtllt. You Wadi. er7 toward- neutral nations hastened a ntaivereal Upheaval, the thing I est desired, • Your under -sea warfare in a mAster stroke, from the sinallest back erel pot to th,e great Lusitania you show no favorites; as a war Lord you stand su- preme, for you have no mercy; you have 00 .consideration for the baby.elinging to its mother's breast.as they both go down into the deep together, only to be torn apart and liesurely. devoured by sharks dgwn among .the corals. "I havestrolled`over the battlefields of Wgium and France, I have seen your hand' of destruction everyivhere; it is all your work, super" fieod that; I. made you. I' have seen the fields of Poland; now a .wilderness.fit for prowf, - ing beaste only; no merry children in. Poland now; they all succumbed to frost and staryatioia—t drifted down .into Qalicia.where formerly Jews.: and Gan: ties liveci.bappily together; I found but • ruins and aaheq; felt .a curious pride, in my pupil •for it was all above my ek- pectationa I was in Belgium when. you drove the peacelal population before you like cattle into slavery; you sepal.- ated manand wife, forced them to hard. labor in trenches. I have seen the most fiendish rape committed on young women and those who were forced into matern. ity were cursing the father of their pff- •spring and I began to doubt it my own inferno. was really up -to date. • 'USURPED. AND STAItVED "You have taken millions 'of dollars from innocent victims and called it 'in , demnity; you have lived fat on the land you usurped and sent the real owners away to starvation, You have strayed away from all legalized war methods and introduced a code of your own:. You have killed and robbed • the people of friendly nations and destroyed 'their property.. •„You are a liar, a hypo- crite and a bluffer of the high et; magni- tude Y_oa u are' partner of mine and yet you pose; as a' personal friend of God. Ah,' Wilhelm; you are a -wonder. You wantonly 'destroy All things in your path 'andleave nothing for coming gen- erations.' • "I.was emaaed when I saw you .forin. a partnership with the impossible Turk,' the chronic killer of Christians, ;.and, you *a devout worshipper in the Lutheran church,..1 confesss,'lWilhelm, you, are a puzzle'at times, A Moham rnedan army; commanded by German (.fhaers, assist, ing one anotber,in urtssacreing Christ- ian-Os brist%ane is knew .line -.-Of warfare When' ;a o Prussian 1 officer can witness a nude. woman beingdisemboweled by d swarthy a Turk; eoinmitting•a doable murder with. 'a one cuts of ;his sabre,' and calmly stand. a O6 Tho Clint week says: written tont ing the duty an News•Record of last ” Iilueh has been Paid and 'canon and this concern - of production and most people who could do anything towards "making two l:lndes of grass grow' ete, have he at it. Rev. pastor of the is taking the matter ea seriously that he is giving up, for the time being ;at least, his wor to the Land. ferenee year, n getting, down to work 1. E. .donee, of Varna, Varna Methodist circuit,. as;ta pastor to go back At the close of this con - r. Jones retires from the London Canferenceand goes, down to the Sarni district' to work the farm of his f • they in law." ADEESS To Ow an 94001111 it Couple of ou about to leave for camp at London we did not have.:t e address which was read to them, but it Gra ue. It read To Wilfred Dr We your fri assembled her you the deep a • •,, Lanes . —Monday,'June loth oy3-.-When we last week of a social evening with young men who were has since been handed as follows: shfield, May 28, 1918 nnan, Wilfred Farrish: nos and neighbours have to night to express 'to nse of loss your depart- ure'• will mean to bur community and especially to th se immediately connect- ed with your o n fa'uiily, circles. Your honest faces an : manly figures are yey'y familiar 'to us 11 here, as this ie your birthplace . an here you have spent your lives up o the present. We can scarcely realiz ,what a blank your 'absence will in an to us. . We • do not' knew why yo "; have . been. singled out• and the 'call of duty extended. to •,you, but as our res resentatives from thi, section, we fee -.justly, ' proud of you. Your noble' eh: �•acters • andgood name and: praise :wor by conduct; in., past days stir. within our hearts :feelinga of pride, and admiration for.you as our very own boys in th'e gre test battlefor righteous- news and libe?ty and truth that the world has eve I known We proniise you' that while absent fromus preparing for the struggle . nd iq lighting our. betties 'you: shall hae, our heart -felt sympathy and we she remember you in our pray- ers that th % God of all grace. will .eustafn and keep ou=and uphold = you. in• times; fatempt ion and lonliness.: And in the hours of xtreme danger He 'will by. His lmight : Tower shield and. spare- you nd' bri g you back to us" again in health nd a'tenth and • with your splendid' tit1W it 'bodies in ::as good form as you present them today' 'to kiiig and country: by and•see a house full .of innocent' Ar-. "s menians locked up, the: House saturated • f with oil and'fired, then my teachings did not stop' with. you 'but -have •Veen ' extended to the whole ..German nation, I confess, nty' Satanic soul grew sick anal: there "and then I knew the_pupil had • become ma ster. ` ant -a, 1 ' s I n back.. Hurn ler, and, my dear. Wilhelm, I' abdicate.in• your favor , The great key of 1Tell, will.. be, turned' over to:'•you• The gavel ; that has . Struck the `'doom of damned -souls since time began is yours.' I ;ani ,satin-' fled • with what I. have diene; that my abdication in your favor is ;for the. very beat 'interests 6f,. help in,'the future I; am -at your majesty's service: "Affectionately- and. sincerely nitre; • •'Luoiyzn R. -SATAN." - FARMERETTES • or. service.: Remember the proni.ire"of ' Hiro' who does all things Well "Them: that hon'our'Me I will honour. We de-, sire -to express to'you in some tangible way our good wishes and good will: and esteem, "Therefore we. ask: you to accept of these wrist watches and • pocket Test anaent , s The .former to tell •: you how' ' the hours of: the day :are pissing. The latterto' be a light - to your feet and'., a_ lanip., 'to your pati, "The'Lord keep watch between us."• ' Signed '•. ' RoBi`:'NELsoN . . • g • ,_Tirol. A FERG•USON, .Look whoin .war has brought us now. To shovel hay and, push the plow, .• To feed the calf.an:d•milk:the cow Do anything' when once shown .how ' • ' • Farnierettes! 1rlary, Jean and Flo and Nance ' (Gee don't they look cute in' pants As hitt), the. fields they prattcez) i 'lie -intik 'rat x .ra Farmerettes!. Picture Phyllis rising early Think. of Mabel, skin se pearly., And of .lice; slender girlie, :: Working like a farmer burly, 1'arnierettes!• Think of Jessie; if yoti•please,' All day.upon her:knees, • Weeding out a ;field -of pease; Or doping pigs to'•free• disease! ; Fdrreerettest As they hoe •at, steady gait Will they shudder at their gate And wonder. if their 'hat's on straight? ' Parnibrettes! will they, wlien::theyre pliriting'rows Of every kind of thingtlratgrows, Stop and strike .familiar poise • Then dob.soine1powder on their nosey `I+arrnergttes! When the old' nags loosely "lined," See; they'll exclaitn; `!Strike me blind!• Look who's barging on behind! Wonder it. we're Ispose to mind. 1''atmerpttea!' ' Well, no matter what t hey 'do,• • • Even if returnsare few. • • We will know heir hearts are true t prink a toast;"say, "here's: to you l Vatrn1orettoal ad..Piles For Ten.Years • And Tried Nearly Ever3►thing-Ez.- cept a Surgical Operation With- -out ith--o'ut Obtaining Relief. Tells Hove Complete Cure Was Effected. '~ • There are reported hero three•euree -.Q�' chrnnir cairn nf. rifles Xn aU three. cases :rtia.iiy-tri atai>r.. Jas tip« = fore. it was .discovered that Dr. Chase's Ointment is about .the only real' cure for this ,distressing ailment., • Mrs. A. Oates, 2.2 • Gilkinaon •1 Street,: itrantford;. Ont., writes E• "I' have used.• Dr:••Chase's Ointment ate a household ro nedy for ,ever so long, and atn par- tietilarly indebted to• it for a. cure from. '-Piles. I had suffered from. this an- -•noying trouble for 'ten: years, and tried. nearly everything I heard;- of.' • After • i:sirig .Dr. Chase's • Ointment ..a short, •while 1 was Completely cured." •.' Mir •Wm.:Shantz, 155 Albert street, Kush n r; Ont., writes.: 'Tor several. Years 1'was -troubled 'with bleeding irises. • I tried ,different remedies for relief vyitliont'success. I; frread, in Dr Chasies,•Alreanac of. the benefits, other people, -were • receiving• '. Van, ,'Dr. Chase's • Ointment, so I 'sent to your office for, a sample box. 1 found 'It. ;gave fine such relief that I went to a drub •store and purchased a• full-sized,' • bol:: ',have used -several-boxes since, and have derived more benefit from. , its use 'than any remedy. I•' have ever - used:, 'Mrs.' `. Caissons, Victoria street, In- gersoll; ,Ont.; w eri riles-:.. About-. G • years and a•:half ago 1., was suffering from files.. • I had. tried many differ-': tint . • remedies for,this distressing• trouble, but nothinghelped .me.. Fin- ally I• got a.box of Dr. Chase's"Oint- ment, arid' after usieg• it found that 1 was :eornpietely cured arid have' not • been. bothered in this way since. 1 can cheerfully recommend Dr, Chase'$ :Ointment to :anyone . sufieering as I • did" Dr. Chine's Ointment, de cents. a bolt, at all dealers or lildmanpon, Bated. k Co., Limited, Toronto. Ther are do rivals. to Dr, Chase'* Ointmint it a treatnlant tar o .: �_. - ' The, Busy Hardware Haase Phone Sixty -Six for Prompt Delivery • a soon you will be thinking of a New . Perfec- tion erf eetion Oil Stove. Now is the tiwe to buy. We Have a large stock of the new style stoves on hand. Come in and let us show you iirbyI the Perfection is the` best stove . to buy: Clean,, convenient and economical. Aske anyone who has Ano. We have the newest type of oven to fit this stove. It is black enainel finis i And is 'as • bestos lined. This oven holds the heat and therefore is a saving on oil. We have Lime for white a . washing, etc. Try Pulpstone for repairing broken plaster. Fresh Cement , always on hand. Get our prices on Cleveland Coiled Wire ands; Woven Wire Fencing Everything in Garden. Tools eLEQD The Store Where Your Money"Goes Farthest YOUR' HAPPY FAMILY, might be broken, up to -morrow: In these war stirred times, husbands and sons are being called to the defense of 'their country, Wiveg and c augh- .. . ters: are taking smell's places: ; Separations are frequent. •: Don't fail to ha•ve PHOTOGRAPHS. ... . , Luckinow Studio will likely be closed after .July 8th. Studio open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday S. FREE, Photographer, Lucknow. Away Room' �S� a ':The... .. Ta i That is always w1iere. you find Our rad y u g dates. If you ;' ant a tip-top position; get a tip-top training, the kind you get •the .• • . WINGHAM, ONT., D. A. McLachlin President. A..1#aviland, .Principal.. "A9 I" A 4 • greater the' creator of . wealth, . the 44.cibi�i:--a..�--�•��•�rru1•44>:ob 11Lc:C.6,5acy--41•:-•_ atiou on . the. individual. Private interest As. well as'�atiriotic dutym: iels both farm P � p ersand inanufaeturers to augment 'prodtic tion. ' In the' development ofthe industrial 'and' agricultural 'Wealth : of Canada, :.the Bank oLHainiltonaiins .to. be an important :factor: ' >< UCKNOW BRANCF J. A: GLENiNIE. Manager'.;' . ; IE S MANURE. h. -SP EA t� We sell .the Deering Light Draft Spreaders; with the wide spread, the ntost durable and up-to..'date machine :os. the market. Don't fail to see it before buying. • B•[JGGIES,r The latest styles with either steel or rubber tires. PERTIL1ZER—Use' some Homestead Fertilizer on your roots and,potatoes. 1t pays to fertilize.' • Frost No 8 Coiled Wire and Woven fence on hand. :� r ANDREW, t-UCKNO`V'