HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-06-13, Page 111 $r.50 per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwise. tante LATC15,NOW9° ONT. THURSDAY, JUNE 13th-, 1918. "'WI* OF -witTELTy Single Copies 3 cents „MAIL CONTRACT - Seated. Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster • Oencral, will be revolved at Ottawa until noon. on Prulov. the Twenty -Plight h day of June, , 1918, for die eonveyance of llis 5la1esteolldalio, on a nroposcd Contract for four years,six times per uPek on the buchnow No. 1 IturaI Route. Trona theist of October, 1018 Printed notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed Contract may , be seen and blank forms of Tender may he oh. Armed at. the Pi at °Meow of Melt now and Wintechurch, and atpthe °Mee of the Post Of - nee inspector. • ' " , • .fittAs. it fl. Flamm, , Post Office Dept., l'est Oinee Inspector. -(anada, Mail Service Branch. Ottawa, 17th May, 1015, 20-5 OBITUARY. IMOISTRAT ION .11 UNE 22 It is, now little more then a week Un- til Registration Dey when every man 'mud worneneen Caned% over' 10 year of �I3 shotild MI old a :tegistratioh card and receive a certificate ("if reglettation. It is to be heperl that Ilene who are able to go about,willnegleet, thin as the penalties or Ogled' are serious.. . The law says: •"Every person who shall have registhred Shall itt alI finaze thereafter carry ulion his person (sthie Walla also "her") his registration coal- ficate This is in order that he may prove at any time tint he is. registered. • Any peace offimr, police or eonstable, May demand evidence of registration at 'any time, and. the .19,w further 'reads; "If any person so xequired shall, without reasonable excuse; refrise, neglect, or fail to produce his registration certifiente he shall incurr a pew lty of tweety dot) lars,•ancl May t a male person, be taken insinediately before, a justice qf the peace to be dealt with accordingao law Otheii'conscquences of failure to ister are that one shall be Hebei unon con.vietiort to ae-peiseity not "exceedihg $100.09 and to. impeleeament, for anY term. not exceeding, One month, and moreover to penalty of ..$10 foe each day efter.the. dity'when he shonld have -registered Miring which, he shall poen- tinue unregistered. " An unregistered . ps:rsot. ejei riot vote, dor be .employed by any ,person ° nceelee Paid for any service, he Cannot:have A travelling,etickete will ' not he 'allowed 1km:tient at any hotel. zl'h ere .are.heirey penalties for the hotelina.n who will give meals or ledging oe the ticket ageet . wholvill sell a 'ticket to an unregistered MRS. Do1,11.14D GnArial Urs. POilsAd Graham, .whose illness we mentioned from time to time during ' the past few months, passedaway at her home late' Sunday night. She was aged • 70 years and 3 moths:. Besides two sisters who live in town she leavea four eons and three 'daughters. They are, * Duncan of Detroit,'Angus on the old s homestead, Maim, Dan at home, Janes sluinet, Mich, Chrietena. at home, Mrs. Habkirk of ,Kincardine, Minus of Chilleohothe, Ohio. The funeral Tues- • day afternoon ,to Kinlose Cemetery was attended by many sympathizing friends , of tile family. , MR. 3A1nES Moir James Moffat, Teeswater, and . well known theoughout South Bruce and - North Haien, di d.this home in Tees - :water on Friday, of last week.. •Mr..Mof- fat bad b.een, aeriouslyill for .morethan aeyear, and had undergone ad -operation • in Toronto some months' ago. The* op, oration , though givingrelief, did net effeet a cure, and he has heen ',gradually a sinking ever -since. - *. 'Mr. Moffai WaS a brother of 'Mem& • George and William Medic of e and was highly .esteemed by all who knew him.' Releases. a Widow and one son ndone deughteire -• The •funeral Which was very leegely • attended took place on Monday a this week te Teeswater Cemetery. ... Men May Enlid Under proclamation 'of May 4th, men years of age, and thoee who ate .• tained 20 years on er.eince the '13tli of .• • October, 10173 not exempted ander the, Military -Service Act *me required to register on or before June let, 1418. - • These men .on enlistment may be con-. tinned to be treated as voluntens: Eery mete .'fio' reportitg musCproduee receipt from the li,.egistrar that he , has . • . , • registered No Mae should be .enlisted without, producing documentary proof either 'that ,he doe`g not come Within Class 1, or if he does that lie is consply- ing with the law'byThaving registered. C. a Fauttetent, Majo Maf eking.' • . • • GUURCII ritESBYTIMI AN. Cittrin'.1, SerVitie' nent, 'Lord's Day at 11 a in. and..8 P will -be conducted by Rev. W. A• Brad- ley, ILA, of Teeewater. • , TlulLe:ewe—The tepie. at League -on Monday nisslit•wati "Canadian; HiS- tory in Stone':, and wai taken by tia- ‘verne Greer, Retry Alton, Letitia Joynt and Mies McGuire. They pig) intereet- ipg talks ore"The 1,Var of 1812," "Sam- uel de Cheinplains" "General • Broele and. !!The Artii-Weet Rebellion," lee ceiling the chief eyente in the history of eaell anti describing 'the' Monuments erected to their, memory.. The chair was taken by Mrs. Garbutt. Solos by. Mrs. J. W. Joynt and dleteefltrter ad- ded greatly to the enjeyment of the Programme. . • s After being for 43 years:superintend- ent of the Presbyterian chureh Sunday °School in Lucknow, Mi. George Meths eson tendered his resignation of the volition last Sunday, Mr. Matheson, who. is now past 82 years of age, is about to leave leticknoW for Brantford where he expects to make his borne in future. In ,minotincing his resignation. he gave a nice and friendly talk to the teachers and the classes zeferring to his lenge e,onnection with the school and the Pleasant relationship win& had al- --eMondfiv, June. 10 • . • Mr. J. F. Andrew visited friends herd, „Sunday afternooe.. - Mr. Eldon Twa,mley and , Miss E . Doherty spent the week end at the lat- e ME'S Ulm'ni Cinderfeh, Mrs. Thou. Atidoreen aValtstn.. .tteknow _part °Hist week taking care of her itrefeasgrealO-21T-Tsieselceeasel---- ezSo the matisr Vvomatt•TC:VitoheseA very.; good 'excnie• will find himself or • • - herself in a very awkward pesition if enyegisteted atter June' 22.. It is•hOPed, that. a)1 .will go to the registration bootheprepared ,to answer `the questions Without hesitation; Ths. laW reads: "•If any person. elven his reg istratiOn refuses to 'ansWer any-Tiestion submitted by his tegietratioie card, he shall be guilty •of an offence and liable to a fine Ant ,exceeding one hundred • . 'dollers." , The penally •-f•Or false anawets is, a fine no 'exceeding Ave hundred Millers and aprisonment for any terns eet, .exe ce ding six months. • , - It is evident front: the foregeMe -that the only sensible course is tote pre- pared to register and to dolt correctly • 'The wholaecome sixteen after June 22 meld register atthe Post Office with. in thirty' dein after . attaining the age :of Sixteen.- Dr.'s care • ,• • Mr. and Mrs,. Jas. Peacock, of •Blue - vale, and Mies E lith - Treleaven, 01 Dungannon, visited Mr. and Mrs. • Sam Eilp4erick, Sunday. ' Mrs, N. Saunders and Ms Herb r Curran and family visited ,Mys. ..)°: Men- „ ary, Crewe, on Tuesday, • . • Miss E. Craig returned to ThentY- larocke on Stindsy having spent a few days with'^her niece, Mrs. Will Finlay. • • waye subsisted. He wills be g'reatly •••••••,•-••••••••••,,,,,,.....-•••-••,-mr-,•-•••-•-••••••••••••fr,o-,,,i--,-,,,,,... 1..WAL AND CENERAL i Mrs. Matthew 'Woo& visited . friends in Detreit this week. • - Me; To -in Webeter in. spending the Week at his home D.etrott. .Mr. IL D. Wooes nein Walkerton this week eerving on the jury, „ s • Mrs. Cullis lies taken the position of assietant in N. islackeezie'te dere. ' Mrs If. -G. Rueter:6f Sutherland, 'Sash, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. F. T. Armstrong.• . Mr. Geo.- Matheson left on Tgesday. Morning for Brantford where hwill e wi spend tht stininier. 'Miss Jean Balfour, graduate of Me - Gill University, spent the Inee week with Dr. and MrseIlitlfour. . Messrs. Solomon & McGuire have moved from the old Taylor stand to their new store a few doors east. . PRESENT ASPECT OF TUE COAL SITUATION Every copsomer Slund4 Make N.0101011 For feel Dining Swam , • A sense of false security 18 0110 of the most subtle and dangerous conditions that afflict sosiety, During the whiter Of 107.-18, danada and the United `States narrowly escaped a fuel fainfne. 'Owing to the entrance of the United States into 'the war,' matters were_decid- edly worse in 1418than. belle year pre- vious, in Spite of tbeafforts to remedy, the sitgation. The -coal was not avail- able „because transportation in the United States was held tip for weeks at a time, -in order to facilitateehe ship- ment of ttoops and war -materials. -There are indications that. we may ex- perience the same shortage eext winter. -Already large shipments of coal are-lie- ing stalled in Anierican railway Yards. This, .in turn,. is making itself felt at the mines. Most coal mines have no stcrage yards, and, if pars are not avail able to remove. the output, .the Mines close.' As a result, lehoUr conditions at the mines are being,seriously upset. The scale of wages ifs based on the tonnage mined, and any falling off in production results in a rierious hardship to the min- ers. It has been stated that miners who formerly earned $50 to $60 a week are now earning only $10 to 12: During 'the past Winter, Mank of them would .have been almost destitute if themining companies' stores had not advaneed then credit for goods. The' continued lack "Of work is driving great numbers of miners into other .industriese and, even if transportation improves, it will" bedifficult to.get them to return to the mines. . These conditions should be faced fair- ly. -'-•A false feeling of security, with its inevitable corollary of lazy indifference now, will mean hardship and suffering next winter. Central.' Canada, frem Montreal ; to the western botiodary. of Onterio; is •entirely dependent on the s United -States forsite coal suPPIY.,Every consumer- should •luring the summer put in the maximum permitted by the Fuel Controller, namely, 70 per cent.'of his normal consumption. In addition, wend and, other the], to eePlace the 30 per cent. deficience should be procured Jimmy Orr, who was assisting in Mackerzle's grocery, Ws taken a poai- don 'with the T. .E on Co., Toropto, Messrs Harold and Staniey Burns 'were among those who took in the Grey-' hound excursion front .Goderich to De- • missed by teachereend scholars, who teucknove Ladies Quarette is open for had islwaye found in him a faithful worker antlasiuereJrii&. Deputy Registrars e Those appointed to act as deputy .rege istrars in' Leteknow and neighbouring municipalities in Biwa,. in connection with the registration to, be. made on June •2nd, -Are as f011olvve: . ieuteceoese-Narth Dbiision, A. 1). Mackenzie; SeutleDiv., D C. Teeilor. • 'elcieei,ose -Poll. Die. NO; -1,, Sam Braden';, 2,, kleibert A. ,dreham;• Si; Ern- , eet Aekert; 4,jPeter II 'Mackenzie; 5, llnry M others; 6, Thomas G aatant. ' • NO. raJOhn • Johri , 4 Angus Martyn- 5. Ohas. B • Smith Thomas Stanley, • . e„ L. A. Brink; 2, John :FaroultarSon. MARKETS (Corrected up to WeateAday noon) Wheat; ,;',6 1•••;1•I e 0;11 el•o2 10 70 7 Bt,rley. 60 0://..*•• W• • e'fl 50 1 6 Peas . ... ....... • ; V 3 00 3 Buckwheat. ta...1.0.1to •w• • •ri 50 Buttne..... . . :30 Eggs, new laidb lo•••••••• oils 33 , TORONTO MARKETS • Choice heavy steers.:. .$14 50 to f17 Choice butchers 13 2$ to 14 ' Choice butchers' cows.. 10 75 to 1Z Good feedets ... 50 to 10 Good milth cows... „Ina 00 to 135 flogs, fed and watere.d: 14 50 to 20 FaU Wheat........, .,. 2, 14 to Goose Wheat ... 10 to Oats . .. I...* 0111/ 91 to Thnothy Hay..........17 00 to 18 ggoly new........41 to Suttee, Creamer, Printe 46 to .fhlttOry Thar rthItti. • 42 to 0 5. OUR AVIATORS MOM' ii1UST IIiVI3 WINOS As ie" now well knewn, lh,x fibre in , abiolutely neces'sary' for tha. consertie- . tion-orliefralilane wings. , Peee;`-'efigr. fore; is an indispensable munition oI war, At: n recent Meeting ,to discuss the 'flax situation some vital tact's were discloied,. Russia and Bolgium fOimerly supplied five -Sixths of 'Tcritalu's deniand; now they ,supply little, if any. Censequet4y,' and. despite the.geeetly • increased acreage of flak in . Ireland, • . . Great Britain hes net now more fibre on hand: ,than. in sufficient to- keep the :mills running one and One-half days a .week, Sc the situation • is this, that the Allied flyers must have wings and the 50 38 34; 439. Called On Old Friends Mr, Ronald, Great,' of Angina Sack,, who spent his youth in. and near Luck now,was 0,bot townthe past 'seek call7 ind on 'friends of the pioneer days. Mr.: Grant weeeeo the Pearie Provinces 41 eats' ago, .and since that time paid only • ono'brief visit to Lucknow, while' on his way heme from Scotland. Io the. Ptirly (Jays of Tim E :1Ni;rsgr., Ma Grine :uSed to aseiF ts Mt Boyd and Mr. 'Bryan with the eclittirial 'work. eagegeutents. "Cencert Work” or Gar - "den Parties." Por information Apply tohiiss Mabelle Allin, , A cnsh donation Of $e. 00 from 'Urn. K. Stewart is gratefully tickno*.: lodged by the :Ereasuier of the wotnen'S brallPil �f the Patriotic Leegua 'Murdoch Lt...• ,d,uneron• Co: report a very successful saki last Friday and Sat- _ , urd0y. Saturday showing the largest day's business ever done iit the store. , We specianyerequest Town 12.!sidents TO Do their shopping Eorly ..$att.tr-•-, days."' Owing to ,primipt, closing a`nd , a 'rush. it.t.he.lapt,,,it „ia nsually, to give enstomers theAtiention ws.W.onfd: like to give. --'!-N: D. 111a.6Km!st718. . We size Pleased to: note ‘that'Mr!:E 8 ,Casiell, on time a Lticknow. boy, but for as nuniber of years aseistant lib. tartan in the Toronto Library, has been .,elected ; president, ,of the Laytnelnai ASSoCiatiOn Of 'the TOronto•Confereiee Tinsmith In Town: . • , • • - • CAN YOU SPARE RECORD? "If the people could really !moo how Much genuine satiefaction Sick soldiers actually receive from phonograph recofelo I am sure that eiery citizen -who owns a machine would willusglY go through bin cabinet tonight -and choose a selection Of records to help bring,glaclne.ssi and cheer to the hearts of the strikerisinee who hese sb 'willingly done their bit," said‘ , Mr. Fred 4. Mulholland, Hon., Assistant Secretary, 'of, the Toronto branch of the Red Cross: We will also accept old* phonographs, gransophonee' or graphonolate "While we need all the records we can get, we can put any number eef second-hand 'machines to excellent use. I wish th people could see the wan, furroswe faces brighten out . into ridiant as some old-time. melody .reanhea t ears of those who lip,Ve been long, wea weeks Buffeting foin wounds they elle fully'bear for the sake of duty, • 'Harold R. Hunter, of . . the Aviation School at Lee Side, Tor onto was • a Week.epd visitor with his • . . • , maple, R Arinstrong. Lieut. Hunter is training as a pilot and exPects, to go ; to Ragland in. the near inter° •where the course is completed.. , • Mr. Gorden Drinkwateie. who recentlY, bought My. Solomon's tiesinithing out- fit, has moved laiufamily from Goderich. and Occnpies.c. Milne's house on Roes - 'St Referring, to Mr. , bilnkwater leaving Cloderich The Signal said 'Mr Drinkwatee is a practical 'man, with. ,severaryenee experience to his cre,dit, and he sjiould Mekee of his - venture. We cemmead him to the good. will ef the petiole of Lucknow. ' 00 00 50 75 00 00 • 92 00 43 „ supply of flax fibre is lehert. The situa- • tuna however, is oot one `without hope e-eend 1-Vaetern: .0atatio .and gettain parts Of the United States are.the bete Therefore; the flax fibre erop in >Vest; ern Ontario this year meet be saved. The urgent necessity of the fibre for war needs demands it. It. is the dutY cf eveiyone in the community, in a spirit of national seryice,, Gi co.pperate with the fleeagrower to save this crop. The flax growers have done their part in so largely increasing the acreage under crop, it in now "nr! to us!' to supply the deficiency of labour, 160tli Casualties. ' copy of the man's registration eard appears on another :page. We suggest" a i•areful reading of .it in order that there may be. no delay ,in answering. ,giteskidna on registration day,' ' We ex. pea' to publish a 'cotiV ef the card for women next week. •Laun4ty Soap 6 bars fur 25c. Baking Powder 5c a , fin up ,Try bur .SiMcoe brand. Pettus 1SC a can, . We also have some nice White Beans for , Cooking Or Plantiug.• Package Teas at the 814 price. RaisinS•2• pkg. for 25cVt i also have a good asFoitinent of Oraugei ,and TAM- Phrine:82.. Theboyss of .the former .1:60th Bat. tahun.continue ,, to coins :in for their share of easnaleies Since the.:majerity of them went., ts.!.) Frenee. .We notice that CePt. Bole ItoVslited; of Witikerton,. a had dLoee of gas, but he as soon back on the . firing line again. I tee Lore Beatty, Ileepworth. boy, Was seVetly Wounded in the leg. so that the linib had to be amputated about five inches below the knee. The first gitiehni party of the season will he held in Ack ert's orchard, " Holy • rebI tin between IfelyrOod and Westford teams. at. a 30 </else& Old time), and theistswill baa pregraM of music, recitations, etc. SaPper from 6 to 8 o'cfccri. Admissien ad 200: The pa:rtYls-Antten upty the. Women's Institute in the interests of their petrietie. work.. . • • . .• Doetars apel nurses in', military h pitals agree that nothing can equal't sweet straine of mune for soothing t nerves of wounded and broken in during their convaleacence. - • , • , This fact being eeeablished, the o ials of the Red Cross Society are maid a reqUest-to the people to send all t phonograph records they cell possi sPare to the Red Cross. From among. those remitted a limn of sets Will, be made up into pecka One set will be emit to etteh local nu ary hospital and convaleseept 'he After they, have...been provided fo balance will be; distributed to v hospitals overseas for the nee of ed soldiers in England and Fran • The. whole .sclieine is the on of many expreseiens from,retar and those in touch 'with retier "that 'nothing can, beat -'cam fot driving away . dull glee lsedegiefe"-slese,e.. ee•Look4thtough, .yourcab, and make- a , Selection t. May ut Out Exams • Hon. Dr. Cody, the newly appointed' Minister ofEdacation, bids fair to win eiceeding popularity with lags and girls. It is said he is net in favor of .."exains" end may orderAhen abandon:. nfent. holds that the "nightmare of- examinations" which perennially casts a' gloom' over the echool child should be done away with and, that ex animations should be modified. A truer result of the child's ability can be form- ed, he thinks; by 'taking the ‚average' work of•the term during which thtlnbr tests Will of 'course be set, than by the imposing of examinations. which. fright- en,many of the children and whose elt- amine"re aim rather 'to'fad out whap the child does not . know rather than that what, he does. Lawn Social At Bervie A LaWn,Srieial will be held on time VarsonAge • Orounds of Iseryte Methcaist • chprch :on priday Tune : 21st. The Inis periil Onitrette of London have . been engaged for The OeeaSiell and aiie'cc'ept.- 'jonal.good Prtgramitte is expected. The •Quarette consists of Mr,, Chas. 'rola es 1st tenor, I';-eo. ii. Matthews 2nd Tow,. A. thaierofi 1st 13aritont, it. N.. Hard- ing 2nd. Bass. NO Supper will 'be served. All. Refreshments et the , Admission 35e and2/..1c.: , 20-6-6 Taxed To .Dtatli The following is [rota a-WalIcei•toti- papet : `.`The local dievi•rig picture 8110W, N.Vikh• bias been; furnishing entettain- merits to the .Welkerton"eriblin for years, °Ionia down .On Friday night and Went out ef.bitMnens fnraatime tte least ' As the, ellow :wen already saddled with Provincial •License,' linsillet:tS asses's- thent anti a town la X, it !rti•eilted to haVe *Stand, and so when .0tlicer Orydermah, •notified the. • management that an tsXtra.. •Wottld eem-. meriee on June hie, the deetinne to shut her lip was reachad•withoot• much par. fi a Lucknow Woollen Mills Highest prices paid for any quaitity. good \\Tasked or , washed Wool. Special attention. i;aid to Cw tom. Work. Lucknow Woollen Mills Ce. " iss tritis /At YOU"' S ANA fa. ly or, ei. it the ions 'ends\ growth ed ramie ed, men cr. Music from, sick to.oigh_t 'bring to the Red Cross as early as pos dele. itee.orcla , be. left at; Mrs N L Campbell's Restaurant : „. -A sad Fatality I ' ' e. distreesing fatality- occurred' ,ear Benmiller on the 9th lest, when Ben-. jarinn Allin, the 16 year Old Son of Mr • and Mrs. Joshua Aiim, died of lockiais, 'The dreadful malady developed :as the result of injuries sustained when a team ,which the lad, was driving' ran' .away. His arm. wee- badly cut .by wire in the wagon and gernis-aPpeer to have found lodgment in the wound. Two; brothers of the deceased are in Fiance •end another, Lorn,'• was killed at the front about a yea p ago. ' ' • •••,.....-••••••••••••••••,. , • TinsrrAlthing, Eavetroughtne, Plumbing, Furnaueap):s411041 Prompt attention- to REPAIRING Shop two doors west of Sentinel Office 41. Drinkwaltet ' EVERYBOOVS COLUMN WA?.siTt1)-Tea.,‘ cher for F1.8. 140.9, Aslineld. Duties to commenee aft er sari -doer vacation Second Class ProfessienalCertificate. State Salary and Experience. -Apply -to W.'W. It; 7, Lechnor.r. • . 274 p., A1,E5itIAN 14V.A.NTE1). --itthricating 011.„ Grea80, Speci6Iti&, Paint; part, or whole time. Commission. basis., Mort ;with -ear 9 rig maimed• .. • ' 1.trytaiSionitre.trxxxxo co.. 6 fie; • • 'leveland, tildo; • I.IIGHEBT PitidgS:Paid for allkinds of poultry ' -from 200 un. J.ixxianxi.,•pbotte80.14nelt- • 'now. , . • • , • • . .15-94.f. • • .- , • AISTItAlr-;•Steer coiner to the premises of tho undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 4, Kinloss Twp.. about April. 30, 1 SiCer, v,ppareritly about, * one Year old. Owner ,nray have same eti • proving property and paying c&-penses. AKA/. 276-100c.f. :11TONITY"-VOliOA.-tni mortgagevand notes: , at reasonable rates. Fire insurance, bet!. Steck and Ilitttiar Coraintaies.. Convey. anoing done with neatness and despatch' Gilt). A. SIDDALL; Broker. lauficaow Eighth Con., Kinloss. • . e—Tuesday, June 11; , • • Earl's new -ear -has arrived._ He says, froEma7.04r which it resembles old Maud. - Large Culbert is home after spending week in the military, camp at; Lcinalote Kinloss PAtiltER,-OSTICOPATEI, at Cain -House" Lucknow, every Wednesday afteriloon.,All ehronicdiseases ,successfully treated. Os- teopathy removes the.pliyslcal causes ot ' • -disease. Adjustment of the spine is more quickly scoured and With fewer treatment -3 by Osteopathy than by any ether method. 80.1-P.. • 'FOR; SALE' • h'01t SALF,,,Ortly '.11tednes-s and draYing nuts lit Apply tail. SututiFF; latelthOw: 23-4f. • .• • • TIMlillht y acres of standing • tinmer, suitable for barn timber, saw logs. •' • fire Wood, ete:;will be Vold In lots by pub- , • lic auction at' lot 0, (1ree000k •rwp., one.' • • • imlf• mile east of Kinlass, hoar .SII,Ver Lake on. the Durham -road, mi -Friday, June 21st. at .I.,o'Cloole p.m. Also a•quantity of IR) %eh. Wood and • some cord wood. Two years from -cloth of sale to remove timber. , • Vernts--six Months *credit on approved •• • • hetes with 6 per cent, intereat added, • ' Peuvls, Bast:Met:0sta. • e • Auctioneer, • ;Proprietor, - • NOTICE '—Tuesday, ',Tune. 11 . Miss Vera' HiSion 'returned' home . frf;x:iiffnatters regortiling-Greehhiliceinetery . ;: • later te D. C. Taylor Secretary. .• after Spending a Week with friend e in Huron and Kineardine - S • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Qa.sknette, of Fres ton, is renewing old acquaintances in ' • - 'A. number of our sports attended the _horses race in, Kineerdineelase . Friday, eaessnee, of 1,./ntarto, are required to send hr Notice To Creditors : . • • . . • Notice is hereby -given. pursuant to &lotto* ;56, ci.kitu,i21:; of the 4f:wised Statutes of Out- -alio,- that an. persona-luivItig-•filaitit4 rig-aim:dr the hstate ittaard Webster. deceased, who died on or about the. ninetcenth day or 4 mit, A°1).-,•1916; t be 'rownslup .A.slifichl in tits. ' The Holyisiod Women's' Institute will hold O. garden party on the •evening of June 20: Miss Turner, Of Walkerton, Spent it, few days of last week Win. Congrain's, • Notice The lixpregstonitiatly has time and again been .put to the expense of replac- ing articles broken or damaged through the fault Of outsiderS, and is determined to put a 'stop, to this unnecessary expense. Seine boys in the Village make it a point to climb up . on the express wagon, not- withstanding. the fact . that notices .for- bidding tltis have been placed on the ..sides of . the. wagon. Such parties are hereby 'given- a final' notice that: this practice will no longer be tolerated, and if in spite of this warning this practice is persisted in those guilty . will have themselves to blatile for tiny action that may be taken. 'The Only person entitled to ride on the vehicle •is the driver. Others will keep oft. • ' ' M. Itinktnn,115014, Agent. JULY ist IN LIICKNOW All report .i splendid tiinc' ''• Mr. Bre* sscombes of Owen. 8outid,‘ torinerle. of , Kinloss- Wan a welcome 'visitor in our burg fr a few days last Staiderwent T.Jenclon Sat.; •. . • urday ,owing to the illness • of her 'daughter, Mrs. E Blarkwell. -" • Mrs, T. 11 odgine. and Miss Arnold, of Kincardine, celled on friends here. one d last W ek . ay. e . . . . . . Don't forget the .farmers . uistitute. triode at Stlyee Lake liatUrday Stme the 15th. ., ' Mt. Robert Cole; of Bruce, -spent . a. f6W days With his. brother, '. Mr. ' Frank Cole. ' . " .• ' , • • • Mr. John and Moris Davis, returned 't their hoinel it Mile -eft -Oa, effete spend- ing a fp* week with Mr. Mrs. 0,13apeli- ler. ' '. . • ' . . . Mr. and •14, Icattlre, of' UnderWood, . • . called on friends in ourlooslitylniesday of this week. , . .. • Mt. Perry Black left on Tuesday for his heme in. High Iliver Alta. • • Miss E. Oliver returned 'to her home I, ' in after" spending a few weeks at the d Mrs A 'clasknette, ; ^ _ • ,• • • • . . ceased..on orbefore the tent . •o MIS, their mimes and addresses with full. earticulats of their elaints‘in writing;and the • • nature attic -securities ttf anyl 'held by time,, .duly rUrilied by, a statutory doclaration. • And further take, notice that after'the said. tenth Weir of July, lins;the assets 14 the said., .c.,;tatuwill be MArtIntted by the Executors among the parties entitled thereto. having re- , gold only to the claim-, or which they shalt then 'have notice,- anti the estate will not be liable` for any claims not filed at the time Of the said distribtition. ' • ' • - • Dated , at Lucknow this eleventh' day et June. A.D.•10W.• • • . • .• •• • • IX- ANntatsoxi.naccutors. J. P. Axi-uusox Imehnow. • • Notice To Creditors IS*4•110.4•SOMS-.....-OSS.1 • In the Matter Of the. Estate of.Mtiry Potcher„ 'into or the Villageof imeknow•th time Countsa of Bruce,Widow; deceitsed. Ni . . • .otieg s hereby .rtit• en, that till, persons hay" Irg any clahas -or deinatids.- itgainSt tholate Mary Potelier,.. who died ott• or about th',. I' wents4sixth day•of Deeetnimr.A.D. 1917 at t ha . dlage of Latelm ow it. t 1!rovinee of Ontario, are rvonireil to 'send IV p,)st repaid or • to de- liver to the undersitmed, A.laninistratae of the property of the said :4,IttiY- l'Aelter." Oteir !VA rt.t: Wiltitad their claims and statements of their nedountS anti the :nat aro of the seetiaties,le ' held, by..them, duly verified hy affidavit.- • ..And take plaice that after the tiventY-nineth day of June the said Administrator. Will procool to distrfintie the tt.t-•ets at Oar said ileceaSett among the persons entitled. thereto, having regard, only -to the claitItS 0. which hut yhall then 11:1Ve bad nottee...:ana than ..the.• said Administrator. Will net be liable Pet the said assets or any pail thereof te iui pers.,. son of .WlIOSO: Oahu he shall not then have re. 'cc 'I notice. • • • . • Th1.4 notiee iSaiven pursinutt to the statitto iii that behalf. Dated, at Lfeee ecknowttite day of May A,D, 1018. .. • . . 4A1•100. ,lesMer4Ade4,tnift,tat,4