HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-06-06, Page 1tscrper year), in advance; P.00 otherwise
LuenNoliv, ONT., THURSDAY JUNE 6t11., 1918.
sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postma.stee
Oeuaral. will be received at Ottawa until CO2,n
on Frulay the Twenty -Eighth day. ot June,
ISIS, for ttie-eun reyance ot Blsty's wan%
on a nroposed ("war:taint' fnuryears.stx times
nor uPeic on the inieknow No. 1 Rural ltouto.
front -the bit of Oeteher, 1915..
Printed notims edntainieg pirther
tion as to canditiona of propowd. Contract may
helm% and blank forma of u,'eallei may be en.
tented at the Pt st. (hakes OP fait:know and.
bitechurcb, and at the office orltio Post or...
lice Inspeotor.
Cum. E. IL 1_4mm,
Pot afilee l'ost °Oleo Inspector,
Canada, Matt'Serviee Drench,
• Ottawa. 1711t 1911L ' • 2041?
The Canada, food Board Says
Ferment may be reassured that there
hi no intention on the part of the meth
orities to inconvenience them unduly in
their busy season with unnecessary re-
' striations and 'regulations as regards the
hoarding of foodetuffe.
An Order grille Canada Food Board
recently made it illegal for people to.
lieve more tham.15 days supply of flour
made wholly or in part 'from *heat, on.
hand at anyone tim% For people liv-
ing at a grJater. distance than two' mil es
, and not less than five miles from dealers.
ticensed by the Canade Food Board,
suincient for their ordinarye equireinents
141) 30 445'4 WAY was allowed and for
• Venoms living 10 miles or more no days
bit pply, • • . • , •
,Ftfrther it WAS required that any such
surphes holdings should 'forthwith be
• retained to the' miller or dealer from
whamthey were purchased, at the 'pur-
chase price or at the market prioe which-
ever were the lower.
This Order wee designed primarily to
• remedy a state of thing'sin the -towns
..and olden, as it was commonly reported
that Borne people had laid in undue
quantities of flour in view of the world's
eeareity,' •seltehly thinking •that they
Wonlk be Mire of a norinal appply. for
the next yeareir km whether ehe -.people
• in Europe starved pr not.
in theme of fanners, however, it was
pointed out that Avec their custom in
ArtaPy MOS to „take wheat to the -mill
.and get • several months supply ground
en one oecasion s0. ILS to save frequent
trips and waste of time. To require
.that such a farmer neturn all surplus
flour , to the mill and then comeback
eve-tie-couple.:of weekee or like- short
intervals, for -suppliesoftheir own, flour,-
- would Seriously—leeerfere :with far.qa
'work, occasioning tinnecerigary travelling.
. and the 'venste of days precioue, espec-
ially at seeding And harvest time, to the
cane of production, a, cause more im-
Bona fide farmers are now permitted
.,:ten..beld ;floor in eXeeeet. of_the amounts
provided far other. people: An Order-
' in -Council passed on May 171h runkes
this' -press provision:- e. • • '
"A bona fide farmershall be permitted.
. _.
''For the purpose of regietration on
Juno 22, the counties have been divided
and subdivided the eame as for an dee.
tion. There is this difference hoWevert
evleereas in an election one must vote at
the polling booth in the polling sub-
division in which he resides. in the
registration be or she may atteud and
hey° hie or her peper filled in at any
booth in any political eubdivision. Reg,
totratton bcoths will be open in Pick -
now, Kinloss and Huron Twp. et the
following places: • - ,
Townsure on Keteeoss,
Polling Subdivisions ND ). —The For-
esters' Halle Kinloss; •No. 2 — The
Orange Hall, Kinkel* No, 3 --The
Township Hall, . Holyrodd; .Ko, 4 —
School House on Lot li,Con, 2; No, -5
—The ForestersrHall, Lengside; No, 6
—The WIntechtirch Hall,
Vieneon on Ltionnow
' Foiling Seten North•Div.—The Pub-
lic School;.South Dile—The'New"Town
, Toweisure.iin Humor.
Polling Subdivision 'No. 1 —Wood-
inan's Hall, en Lot 36, Con, 3; No. 2.—
Orange Hal), on Lot :36, Con, 8; No. 3,
School House, SS: No, 11; No.. 0 •----The
Public Library, Ripley, ...
Sin,7b Copies 3 cents .
Youk Aviator Burled •
The Returning et Hour
Mr.A R Vinlansen, beieg interested
in the matter of flour to be eturned to
thedealer under the order of the Feed
Board dated April 50, wrote to the Food
Board for definite information. •To reply
lie received a eopy" of the emendinent to
the above mentioned order, which reads
as iniflovve: A bone fide fanner shall be
permitted to hold, eubject•to the order
of the Otenecla, Food Beard, the amount
of flour, notde wholly or in part from
• vvheatnhe iney have lu his possession in
excess of the amount preacribeci by the
,above Order if, on or before the jab
day of June, 1918, he reports to the 'hil-
ler or dealer from whom It was pur-'
chased or manufactured, *the • excese
einount held by him. It shall then be
the duty of such miller or dealer to re-
. port all rinch holdings to the* Canada
•Vcrod Board On forms to be supplied
and %kali& trines -as he is directed,
Anyperson' holding or having in his
possession not more than 25 lbs, of flour
made wholVor in part from wheat, or
who holds or has in his possession at
the date hereof part only of one anginal
package in which such flour was pur,
chased, though 'the amount exceed 20
pounds, se shall be permitted to hold the
Dated at Ottawa this 170h day of
May 1018. .
• CANADA. Foot) Joon.00.
The ankle reprinted below from the
VancouVer Province has reference to a
grandson of Mr. and Mrs W: K. Stew-
art of towns: :Tull military. honors were
-accorded the nietnory of John Malcolm
Stewart,- aged 18, at. the funeral held
May 10 from N.iLIn, Thcaupson Cleas
chapel.' lie . • recently at Camp
Borden while spry' g as u cadet in the
Royal Flying Caps, , Memorial services
were conducted by Rev. Moll V,Vileon of
Kerrisdaie, assisted,. by Rev D. Jetties.
The pollbearere, Messrs.. It MO-
Uod.4 C, Latimer, H. J. 'Stigler:new,
X. W. eBrown, L Je Ei Will:lull until. M.
Ford, were all bbyhood churns of Cadet
Stewart. A gun carriage 'supplied by
the 6th Btttery conveyed the body to
Moentain View Cemetery -while a firing
party from the 11 th •Battalion Canadian
Garrison headed the funeral cortegeetrui-
" fired the 'last .sa.lote over the gr eve
The Last Port ws sounded by a. bugler'
-from the unit.. There wis a large at-
tendance .of friends of the family at the
-chitin"' • where the Memorial servien was
'oodected: 9elelirip'ee the Tear 'from,
.every Eve,''' was rendered by Mrs. James
alellancl;.-:' The- late JohiaiStewart was
the son of Mr, and Mrs. A M. Stewart
of.Kerrisdale. He was a patine of Van-
couver And was Very popular among' his
friends. Floral offerings were risedved
from: _Municipality- of-Point--Greylichool
trustees, Point Grey _public and high
eel:tools, Utuversity.ef Brieish Coinnabia,
employees ofe•Clubles Stewart,' the
Managers and session et' the KerriSdale
Presbyterian einerch. and many others!' -
t� hold, aulejeet to the ordered-
ada Food Board, the meant of flour,
.„ Made wholly or hi part from- wheat, he
may have in his possession in excess of
the amount preecribed by Order 31 if,
on 'Or before the. 15th day. of Jutie, 1918,
he reports to the Miller or dealer from
• whom it was. -purehased or by 'Whom it
Was manufacturedthe excess tononnt
held by 'him."
When these repots are received it is.
the duty of the miller or dealer to wee'
, them on to the Canada Food Board and
thus it will bp knoft` by the authorite
ie g what the Simply or flour in theethiut-
ry is and where it is, Further this Or=
der provides that in cases where a farm.
•er or any other person. has in 4is pesieti
Mon one partly used barrel or pa.ckage
lose shall not be rowed to return
amounts of less than 25 pounds, : Thus'
' it is Seen that the intentren of the Order
c,rt'W isontirely reasonable and will not work
enele. hardship or ieconveidence unnecessarily
. An Important Notice
• On page 4 of this Sentinel there is
published an •important "Public Notice"
by the Departmeaneof Justice,
The, reason, why men apparently fit
for military service should: carry certain
documents • showing that -they are not
subject to military seivice, is that while
men are being drafted game will en-
deavor to avoid? service, and it will be
neeeseerY for the military polio. to hunt
these up. The police neny accost any
likely looking man at.any tinie or place,
andelte will save nauehetroubleeifothee
men So accosted can peeve thorn -and
theh that he is 130 included•in the draft
If he has not such proof the polite
will. necessarily take him into epstody.
until the.' proof is produced. .So that
the pollee shall not be put to thie
troeble penalties ate enfolded for those
Who fail to carry documents. .
- 13.ORN
Eeeone—Le Inchnove,on nlaY.80.19113,
to. Mr.. and. gra. Frederick Eaton, a
daughter. - - - ' •
Zion --
e • eaTeesdny June 4t1f.
• Mr. and Mot JohrnJohnitoin of Bine
vale, are visiting at -David Stroud'e.
Roy Iretinewita in this neighborhood
last week -sawing wood. • . •
Mr; Rcbert ',Webster has returned
tans frem Alberta.• '
Misi -gaigiret Ritchie has returned
to liee sekeel otfter-etientheethireveekee
• Medal For B. rave-ry.•
We- -learn that George McNeil, a
fernier- Lucknow boy whoge home is
now ae Auburn, haebeen awarded,a sit -
ver military medal forbraVery ofintlie
field, • He has been serving as a sniper
and evidettly has beete"getting" a good
many. Huns, . • .•
• -Western Ontario's Home News'.
paper. Triai•order three months'
..413i One Dollar. All the news all
• teorrected up- to *ectiiesday tioen)'
.. ... ... ,10
ChlitAlve,141,i0 .. 60,44r. •70 - 70
50 1 66
• 86 .88
st. Helens
• —TuesdaY,-* 'Tune 4
Mr. Toni Woode, 'of Stratford,- visited
old friends here on: Monday. •
Me- end- Mrs. Marein McDowell and
family spent.Sanday.o. Me. Clarkni.,
• Me -Jim MCDOnald, of :Gueleh; visited
iiineeld lionte-O-re tins week. .‘
• Mr, Donald Grant, -of Rosetewn,
Seek, renewed old acqiiitiniances, here
over Sunday.• '
Mr. and Mrs,. Will- McDonald -and
Mr. and•Mrs. Shavv,pf Jamestown vis.
Red' friends here- on poncliy,
end at home. • „ •
• George Gibeonelefttfer London Sethi,
day morning. • . '
'Rolley: elf London, and
tiis uncle, Becton Ritchie, of Walker-
yille• visited relatives in this 'vicinity
over Sunday. - • '
The service Sunday morning Will be
withdrawn owing to onr -peseoneltey. S.
S. iltitlgette, attending corifereace.
. A large iitimber of the friends and
neighbors gathered at the hotne of Mrs.
Gorge Gibson•Thursday evening. for the
purpose of presenting her sons, George
and Beattie, with' lyrist ivetchee and an
address. Pte. Beattie enlisted some
time ago and oite now .overseas, .arid
George has been called to don the King's
Teesivater fit state for traffic; and not in such a
'Communion Service wilt .hrolield
the Presbyterian church, on Sunday.
-N5101166—Preparatory services Friday
' Mr. and' Mrs. Jos: Wilson, of London,
-visited.-the former's bictleen Mr. Wei.
Wilson, 6th con. over Sunday.
Mr. 4nd kte Melville Taylor and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Taylor, of Westfield spent
the Week -end at W. G. McOrostie.e.
'Mr. Joe. Iteicl and or., Wilinen•and
Mr, Chas. Rathwell; of Stanley spent
Stindey witieetlie formees siaten•MtsCIV.
.3. Woods. 11.* .
,The annual nneetieg of the. St. Helens
Women's Institute was held in the Hall.
The following offteyers were elected, rres,
Mtn A. Anderson; Viee, Pron,. Mrs, P.
Clerk; 2nel Vice -Pres , Miss M. •E Ruth:
ettfte,d ;* Sea, Trees , Mrs. R. K. Millet;
Diteetors, Mrs. Jas. .Gannt, Mrs. 0.
Jo Mrs ,The GandMiss
Campbell; Dist,. Rep., Mrs, Geo. Weble,
Mrs. B. Naylor; Auditors, Mrs. D: Todd,
kis. W. le Muter; Organist, -Miss .
Rutherford, Moe Cranston; Ptograname
Com., Miss A. McKenzie, Murray,
M. Little, E. McPherson; Mra. D. C.
McDonald.- The ticket was drawn 'for
the apron which was given by Mies
Madalean •Gatent. aerate McGuire held
the Incky,ticket. Tlielnitn of $8 5) was
realized for .Rod Cross* watk, Iteeeiete
for the year were 041 89: Expenditure
fpr Red Cross *Ork, $451,63, 13alanne
on hand 480 70.-41Ent •
new laid.. . v. 33 . 34
... .. .. .. 17 50
de heavy ateers.•:..$1.3 75. to /416 2,5
lot butchers 12 e0 to 13 00
e but ers'ows.. 10 75 to 12 50.
9 50 to • 10 75
.100 00 to 135 .00
fed And watered: 18 50 to go oo
Wheat......" 2 140 to
Nitheat 2 .10 it:),
*tor .91 to , 92
• Uay •17.00: to 18 00
new laid 41 10
eriatliery Printi 46, 10
• 42 to __ 43'
, Mr. Boo. Barrett has taken a position
i -.mese factory in }London.'
The Goderieh to Detroit excurelon on
tha etiamer Greyhound will be run op
the , ,
The Thursday afternoon eloeing of
business pleces in Luchnow begtott this
week., • .
Mr. and bars. Alex Itees hod Mr. "and,
Mrs. In Smith motored to Chesley on
• •
'Mr. R G,Sheriff wail up from Drumbo
the'past week visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D, Sheriff.
• •
Mr:Jim-Graham and Miss M. Graham
are At their home here on account of
• the eerious condition of their mother.
Mi Jatnee and Mies Gertie Begley
and Mi. aud Mrs. Meekley, of Whighani,
wete guests a Mrs. 34.- Sproul over
Sur day.
• Mr. W. W. Hill- has faken over the
De Laval Creath Separator Agency in
Lucknow and has a full line of repairs
always cn band.
• The Woellen which was con,
eiderably • wrecked during . the spring
freshet, is being repaired, with yiew
to getting the milt in operation sow
. ,
Judging by present conditiope there's
going to be be a bitey time in this On-
tario .of ours from noween.. •First, keep-
ing down weeds and then reaping a big
harvest. .
Mrs Win Johnstoh,. Ross Street •en•
joyed a hotite-gathering rif her family on
Sunday while:ler-the first thee in eight
years :an 11.1r sans. an'd daughters .met.
Under the parental root' •
It is said that •abent '1,200 bank .ero.
ployeei,,are affected by the amendment
to the' Military Service Act. ,This will
.bring -the. total number. of batik.•empleno
who have volunteered or Who have
been drefted-into the up. to 1.0,000.
.3.0114„,S!,ierig, pintovei Went to
Mont Clemens, Miche,:ryesterday where
Whitt teketredtinenie. for ihenititisin.
.Sherriff leas. suffered -ae great deal
from this ; trouble .foe number of
Months a,ncl• ot late had - to give: up
worktaltogethetne' °
:The junee_
....Mr4):Mililegets our goat! •
Ella McIntosh ia.vieiting at heahei
• . I?
at present, . ' '
Nr. Jini Jewitt and son, Harry, were
in t e ung 0 On •un ay. . •
.• ,Ail the sports. from the - jungle 'at -
'tended the races at.. Teeswatee' on the
kirieni ;birthday, but they say thecofitest
Was entirely on the `.`Trench" fathicneef
warfare. • , , .
One of the, most 'Peominent men ef
Our council . is quoted -as.eiaying'..ehat
they.are:ready pow to fix, the bog' .pro,
viding the men whose Inrid is edjacent:
to or would'be.beoefited. by the nedese
earYdritining are willing to pay their
ehare. In the •'first 'place they (the,
council) are inaking•the admission that
is time tljeo to fix the bog, well we,
elle knew that :several years ago. In
the next plaee, we; would BOY that no
one would •be benefited by the drain
under the present' conditions. and in the
third place. we believe that it ie the
duty of a council to keep the reads in a
• _ e,• e__ --Tuesday, June -4.-.--
The rages Teeswater June 3rdevere
• a'geeetOsuccess. 'Though' an attractive
eperrannweeo-nefneesele-theronneere not as
many' horses K. lia21eatea POssibly
gettrett----reee oe enneeltent reecorcror r
Trenche's horses. With $240 of -prize
money donated by Mr. Trench (all. •his
winnings) there will be some $1;500 for
the Bed Cross �r •Patriotic League to
distribute. The ladies contributed great-
ly to• the sueeess of the day managing
the booth; the hot meals -in the Town
Hall and the concert, and were 'indebt-
ed to friends Of the cause both an villages
ancetnitry for the handsome donations
in provisions for their various. _enter
•prizes. • The concert WAS given by the
Walkerton Dramatic Club to a crowded
hall. The pioceeds. $209 75 to be div-
ided-equilly and the Damage Club
gave lkeit_.'esleare to Bruce County hospitL :
Mr. and Mrs. Webster have returhed
from their holidays in Orangeville -
The Misseallalkirk, of Kincardine r
yisittng at Mrs. John Good's.
...-.111-..A114-1010.1?-13ritA3 opent
the week-
end with his pa,reots Mo and Mrs. Brink,
motoring back to London on . Monday.
Dr. Fowler spent a week in the High-
lands of Ontario fishing mil boating.
Of hia tuccese hei le net over 'continual.
ridiculous and dangerous state as .this
- perticulanpiece of-rOadrhaitdtvili for .
several yeers, even if, it meana the fOrc-
ing of those men presuMably interested
to pear their shale.
.• . .
nswering 'the Calf
Throiighoutthe country more than .
43,000 men 19 years ot age registered
under the Military .Service Act: -About,.
15 Chum 33 men and others asked to re
port by June 1st • left Lecknew station
last Satiaday, and there were quite a
nutnber from Kincardine and Ripley:
Many of these are back home again for
...various periods and various reasons
W6mett's Institute •
The Virornen's Institute will hold their
. .
annuarsummer meeting at the home of
MI'S, Robert Mullin on June 11. at • 2 30
p in Providing the weather is wet it
will be held in the Council chunher.
The speaker for the crceasion will be
Mies Gertrude Clove Toronto:Misa
Gray isa graduate in•Dconestie Setenee
said conies highly recommended as n'
practical, interesting and easilyeinder-
etood speaner. good prpgrem will be
provided. All the ladics of the town
and. surrounding countryarscordially
invited to attend. Lunch will alsO'be
cativo. • • , served. • • • *
Lucknow School Reports
Booze I
A Class Ex.--(11obbie Porde, Billy
Henderson, Beeeie Libel, Marion Stew.
drte) Elizetbelli MacDonald, (Winnifred
Webster Oharlee "„Webster)ttee Mary
Jewitt, Albert Bridgette, Sheila Mae
Lead, Bertha Milne, SYdney Whitby,
Clifford Vliebster, Margaret MacAllister,
Archie MacMillan; Buy Agnew, Kath-
leen Mortis, Ivy Whitby. •
B Class Ex.—(Albert (hisholm, Nor.
Man Wilson), Bettie Cniiiholin„ Alex
Andrew; Arabel Cameron.
C Class 'Ex.--(jessie Stewart, Mary
Douglas, Drannen Macintosh), Saiclie
Jewitt, Florence enleirmesn Robertit
Bridged°, Winnifred Nixon, Kenneth
Thompson, Margaret McQuillita, Willie
Agnew, •
J. W. MnoCenrepe, Teacher.
Room II
Sr. II Excellent—J. Stewart, M.
Geddes, E Armstrong, (4. McKenzie,
C. Thompson), A. Taylor, H. McIntosh.,
Good—A. Thompson, C. Milne K. Chis --
holm, holm, L. :Webster. Fair—i. Beaton,
A. Irwin, P. Webster, T. 'Webster.
Jr. II 'Excellent—W. Douglas, M.
Henderson, (p. Durnin, Ile McDonald),
R. McCallum. -
Good—D. Mannee, (A. Armstrong, G.
Johnston), 0. Webster, G. Mantles, G.
Fisher, D. Milne, Fair—(S, • Decker,
G. McKenzie), (11. Webster, S. Huston),
C. Blitzstein, P. Nixon, M. Webster*,
J. McDonald, E McDougall.' •
No. on roll 36., Av. LOt 35. ..,
Rooer III
• Sr, III • Excellent—A. Mitchell 88%,
13. Beaton 84, I. Johnston 82, E Reid
80, •E Joheston 78, (W. Webster,' J
Durnin) 76, W. Murdoeli 75. Good -L.
G. Thompson 67, T. Alton 63, '
Excellent -.-0. Johnstone 89,
E. M. ()Li 83, (M. Douglas; F. Reid) 80;
L. Muiclocb 76, • E. Berns 75, Good—
W. Olaisholge E Web-
ster 60. Fair—(j. Mui -die S. 140-
- Kenzie.52; D. Heughten-50, N. 'McIn-
nes 49, W. Eaten . 47*; D. Oarter %9*,.
L Taylor '33*, ° D. McDonald' p2*, W.
Howe le. • • •
Those :marked with an aeteriek were
absent for one or more exe,ms.' • •
• -- WEIISX'tli, Teacher.
, .(.1110RCII NEWS
Punseerent‘tei Cute Servicee
nett Lord'e Dv at 11 ant- and e p in.
Morning, enV.1-ct,, nOlan'e Claims and
Gecne Reeieniee? elitjcet,
"Hasty Speeel0 • -
Tun. Lie eito --The tope Lenge&
op Julie 3p1 INt153 )1-43' bfi," nil cub.
ject was divided into two. perts, tie"•
first part being peers on "'Popular Pro.
Verbn, by Pearl-MCorvie, Mary .
Itethwell, liezA Webster eiad flertrude
Treleaven, Thee wre yoryinteresting
and contained.sooO .0)04 adeiee,Tbn
ether partwas a, pawn, on lite • .1.1•Ailr. of
Pros erbe„ given by .E,va f freer. li.veeye
.die 'e, njeyed. the eolo'by Gibbings,
of Olinteie. The roll call was anewered
by a proverb. The attemditiace was good;
for a holiday. •
Redleter June -22
Liniknow Woollen
Higlicst prices paid for' any
quantity good Vii,:asiaed 1'v.-
washc.d Wool.'
Special attention paid...to Cus-
tom Work.
• .
ICeiVin mind June 2.2ad'as B, %tetra -
tion Day. With this week's issue Tim,
Snenneer. tommeneee the publication
• of a series of advertisenieuts ordered by
the Registratiou Bend in an eflott to
enlighteo the public as far an pesedele
regarding this tegietration- Read the
advertisement on page fiye. •,
This regietration, has nothing to do
with the ?Military Service Ace It is to
be made with a, 17i* to oroatizing the
country to carry netessary work
While the, thousands etereuine men are
in the airily. ;The object is to find out
who are en eesential bidustries and win)
are -note and the definite aim will be to
get all the help possiole for the .ferfuere
awing harveet. ••
Every Luau and women over 10, years
cif age ivill be expected to regleter, and
there will be trouble for toe who de
not.' It will be siniplicity.itseli at th,e
registration ,both—easier'than Voting.
case of pungandon
Dr: awe, panitnnotii -who the
Couservateee•earelutete. for the Ndrth
Huron Sian in the Chetah; LegielatiVe,
was. lioen UsbOrne toWnslito, pear Ex -
epee -44y years ago; Ile has preetieed
his profession in - Dengahnoti for :over
thirty •yearSitud is well and .favcrubly
knowa in' the. eurroending township
}le ee an , Anglioan, .and bourn .a
Coneervatine but bite:lived on' ter.xis :of
cordial frientdehtia with people' Of all
.Kinloss parties and religioue faithe Ills wife
--Tuesday, Inne .
- Monday Jun' the did , after...an
illness Of two 'week's there passed away
at his. home in Kinloss, gr. John Blactr.
Was in lais'68th Year and was one of
our indat.progressi.ve and respected cit-
Muctilsympathy.is expressed for
his •wife . who Was formerly. Mies Mary
llairiSOMn son, Perry, 0 Moe
River, Atte. who is the •only ::euryienng
member Of the felinity, the funeral will
be on Wedbesday June the ".o; at -1- On-
to Kincardine Oetnetery. •
Mr: Albert Stanley,. of PiiiileY, called
on friendiaiere One -they lasteweek. •
' Mise Minnie Smithi.of Wingham hes:
pita], • is spending, a few, ,Weekii eher
home here. • ". • . ;
Miss Annie Stanley, of Teeiwater
:high echool, :spent ' the week -end at her
home here'. '
The first Picnic of the season atSilver
Lake Was held by the Ladies of .Kiolose•
Red Cross on May the 28th IeWagea
fine success. :The afternoon' Was Spent
in beating and games. after 'lunch was
served the evening being spent in done.
.ing. Proneede rani:noted to 88.0.00.
, .
On Saturday,. Tune 1st the iiitilOss
Red' Oross Society: packed their .second
bale of Solniers'•,conefortsO The ceeeteuts
were:--idoz..field shirts,e2suits pyjitte
n doz. pilloW canes, .1 clo4 sheets, -3
pillows, 1 doz. operating gown's, VI doz*
face -towels, 10 dot. hanclkerthiefs. TOtal
value $216,10. Socks te the• value et
t41 are to be sent to Our -boYsiii the
trenches. Two flannelette quilts valned.
elief, (.1. N. OleoKESnIn; Son
• .
who is highly -eeteemed,-.Wailie-.:
• and khaki?. • a,od one..
daughter,. Olisselethel,•wheie teitelilog
• .schOpleat TorOnto'. . • .
. .•
. . .
Making •
—Tuesday, june.4.
Dr. 13Iake Of -Winnipeg, who
has been here for.-sonne tiaie took his
• mother to Toronto• on MondaY where
she onderwent an .operation. Mrs; Blake
has numbered timong the ,sick foe some
time, but We shallhope new to -heir of
improvement, - - . • • • •
• Miia Leila 1310.6 spent the week -end.
with her Mother, returning to her school
peer Toronto- Monde,y. ' • •• .
As next ..Sunday 18. Oonf&vrie6 Sun-
day- church service. is withdrawn , here
and Sunday School will be held iu the
morning -at 11 o'olock, • l•
316 1 Dougherty epent.the Week-
end with -friends -on -the nOth con,' .
' Mr. Stephen Stethers, of Clinton.,
was haute Wednesday of lent week. '
•ErtieSt ' Alex Weak,
Alton- and. Sana -Cook left Saturday for
the training eainp at Lendott, •
11,1knotr Woollen Mills Co.
S s.
Sr. IV -M. Complaint (10`-/. L
Jr. - Ilaritierman, M. 31eDon-
aid; M. Keehn, E CI -Miles, J. Campbell.
Sr. III Hewitt, G. Swelled}, H.
13eitherrein. Ve II anea.
Jr. Idelt"era&e, K. QaupbelI,
13 annet, E tate.
Leeson, R.. Cohn T. Me-
Dieriald Ituston, M. Stauffer.
Jr. I—I. Leeson, E Barmermen,
Caskatiette, E, Boonett.
Pr. --E• 1). Hewitt, W.
Campbell, L. Geddes., Caskaelette, A.
Stanirer." .
•• No, enrolled 25. Ay. att. 25.
JouN 41..°LiicEmtuT,, Tentote .
• S.S.„-No. 6; Aeu.
Jr, IV ---J: Ilitchie' M. Gibsoe,
Ilitchie, G. Stroud; (E. •
Gibson, O. Helm), Webeter.
Sr. Ritchie, E Gardner.
Jr. II—D. Aiadersole'll: Gardner; M.
. .
Jr. II 13-';•-,T. Ititeiline E., Gardner, .0
NieDonegli; (D. Stroud, n. Antirtw)
L --A, Ritchie, 'VoStrong,
W. Huoter, W. Webster, M. Stroud.. '
ClaeS • McDonagle D, Anderson,
B. Gerdner, 0/Strang, • • '
No. on roll 217. Ay. att. ?A.
' M. Horeeeele Teacher,
'Washout Under Street
. .
: = se -seer tile acrois
Campbell Streec iet Ingle Street, work;
Men found that the water 1,11)A btoken
through. the tile and tamed' quite a
large ttnclergreund waelennt: It •neenen
%Unite annfeeine Ma tnp:re;t7, plaees een
onlyethe solid entface-of the -street-- pre-
vented „a, 'serious. cave-in 'whiah- thigat.-
easily have resulted tr a serious- accident.
The 'cavity was between twoand three
feet wide and fiftoen feet long;
2-,TaeSday, June 4, '
.hlr,• and ._nirs. Jeseph, Guese eisited
in thia. berg On Sunday,
Mr.- and-;Mrse-Thes; :Percy ;visited
friends in Kipleugh Thursday aud dfri-
Mr. and 'Mrs: Maliongh .andeiatagliten
• Bessie, visited. at Mr, attelun•d's, on Sue-
• day: • • . • •
The servinee in the' Presbyterian
'church 3 o'clock and
Sunday in'ehool will ho'ax 2 o'clnek: noct
Sunday; lint! Mr..10id, of Sourh;-Kin
joss; • will cOnduct the service as irev:
-MT; •Mcicen:zie is attending the General
nieesembly an %Prime?, . .
,Mrs. Dudley •htes• moved into. the
-house fotinerly eceepied by !leery Hale'
deuby. . ' , ••• ' •
• A - number from:Lamina hereateended
,theeracen in -'recswd,ter on :the the; eirdi
Rey; r. InLViS preached in tlio•Angli•
can eltureh ou bunday. Wenweiconie
hini among us::
• Al any •the •yOung PeoPie.attended
the'fareWell fntrty giv. n for the boys on
Vridaj, evening; and 11 spent an bujoy-..
Itai'4 t, h.*
W tccin CulIN •ii4.1144 gip.u9i. be
. ::IPP1Y.t9 q-4-2^\ 41‘-rq.N••
i• 4
, E Pry% s ki"..';
-revels in theshatie,ot the ivida:sj.
in the sutishine at the tin biscuit bex
down. ;Peva brains are.
tanked imdeevourtng • tel .reason bank.
from . result -e to ineti..e. Met after atone
feay hours 'due. •rellet..ttitnt, wti,arriVe sat
two plaueibie • reaeotis: ee a passing
-faricy or he was eupreented by ,utiotber.
We believe 'the latter. .
'K4bEb*SIAN„ AVANTt'D. —Lubricating 011.
Grease, Speeittlties, Paint, patt or whole....
Ihno. .COmturstiort ..ttlan With tar •
or mg . -preferred .
7 liwzatsitirt.tinviritm Co.,
• . .• • . Cleveland:v.01110: .
Osrfr.I.X.t Ashli...dd.. church, or in that vicinity • • .•
on. May,2(t.:a and.' '. •
.IPinder plett!,4e .leave • aq ..,U-cgifYoszttolt's .
." Store„.140eltabAn. 010-1). •
. . .
qiihi•tt) 14)S:.N..-4.1il mortgages and. -
, rettionable- rates.- 'Fire Insurance, bet
• • Stook. and- Mutual.' Conitianics. convoy !• •
. • aneing done with otiatness add despatch.
tick), •.A...b1D13A.141,. lirolter...1..acknow
. .
2kil' 'kinds . raW• Puri UigIiea
• • prices paid but!itutrw: sod •._•,.
' . your itir,swilhotit iscein4 Jakti • Libel, las he
"uas. thweit 3' .1nariwt. ' lie priees for, junk..
rttgi., rubber, hersehair-L16 os: pound; •.•
and aU kinds ot 'Phone and J. will
• eall'and;zq.:0 ion. • ;Atone et5,..Luels.-now.
15.9 . ;.• • 1.44EL, LiicknoW. •
t/ST.11:01,..t.T11, ta Cain lithiso •
-'Lucknow, eVeLtY 'Wednesday afternoon. All •
•• chronic diseases sneeessioliy treated. Us. '
• teopatliY „reinoyes: the physical _canoes o'
disease. ..ktijusfillellt tit the .111110 ie more
'Oate1,:1y secured and with fewer treatments . • 7
osteeipato,y ill 0, by .voy other method,
- Fon :84u...a •
. ..• •
1. UP ;sok-title lerai.. 1 Itisine.;s and .-,draylogOut,-...
• Kt: .Apply to .T.,tintrivp, buckuow.,4•A1t.: • ',
......:41,1.;1,:•--.../t„,.\;.orY snug lionso,, Wel'
'41).treut1y 'st.nue of ns.etill,Inilieve; it6
' is. net. iate until two, andtfhyp it Is. too
early, ' WhnnojA4 wa,..bear rep.oating .
Byron's words lapAy sleep .- tin
MeL anti 1:11 .14cf4t.,
1110tored, from' *Oordaitoe lo Mr. E., Me-
• te's nndy. ••
A goodly timelier were ' pfieetif Sen-,.
day et the.-englietu.
frieikas nc.13.; thenne for e few ileye" lent
weeks. • • -no
• GOvereinienf time eeetne teO. faet for
un I.iow "wiefilel it be it we were to in-
trodune Geier time: WO, eveitni e:eelz %have
our own time, end :what a, conleatt.d,
happy people ee ;ooiit he But, every. .
thing lite seine Aar t4hd.wo 'even
thee lose the at tin (lotted '
:name • lack-
ing one subl.!et ofdiepute and having
te entirely fail had; On the weathekt
AtigT110.el seeteZ • e
A:V.(7'1'11)N enaneeeenree.eieeaue. lot .eOn.
•". .a„ bardo,p.., liana stock,[nude. .
ntoitt.s- .aral "Itousetzehi..cdeets.• on Friday; ••••
• . June einutnen,•*•Y
1L(1 _ne ti.itioelt pan..
•For: partik:ulars see buts: ... • • ••
ti;••10..•. • • • - - J. Pt:tivis•.
,WOritOt • -
rot all milt int!, regartling(ieeithi11oCinetels0 -
Infer to 1).V: '.1.'aylet• titteletary. • - • •
.-; - • . •
: thtt me ter irf .1 p.p..ohur„.
ur.i. VilL4Z0 1411066.1(0W the, k:dditty
.uf• Ilrace.•Wido • dece,t.a1. • •• . • . • -
No: iet• his 1: 01, 1,-4!..u,r-!,:r
. , ,
c.uy elattn tientatn!.• •nr-ziitt•it thc iitte •
Volt • !win, ,on,. or about • t Ito .
t weL t %tit !.% „IA; a! ta,
1,dv:!notv,111 tite 1,0,11 i1.1-4.':.(4 °mat -ht,
are tequitoci•t9 1,*. NV' 1.11 ot • k do
liver to t 1er.tatnlet•sn-,A,•,1•,, !"1.••
,1.$,y• fat !he-, • •
.11,411!,.. ;.v a .4. 'i. ‘ulars:4 in
01 13,, IP e: •!ints , atuatent •••.f tl
Account s 0 o(t I W.- nal -.Of the seettl-V.• if
'LUIS'. Mit by t ocan..Inly • •* 01 by tifil
„and 1 :the notice t the twent3 ninetit
tl.tv of .ttine•.k.1).131•7•., I in- -Arater • .
41.41 dint e the as••. ,•••
sant . th.•ct -.0,...,41 • alumni the pet.so•as entitled' •.
1 hetet tt„ hat4i4i3t • IS! Z: V' 14 OW CLAM.' a
whielt s•ortla.t hen h b,141 netive4 tap that.
the • at„1 ,Aoltettob>t •L, 1.‘'• 1 not he Itaolc ost.
CU_ or ;cub, : %moot' to -any
R.ut031 waoco clmet tr.4 thea hate re.
cuive.4.1a4 tt'04, . .
iti 4:4 \14 p;it- tzzThr. „
In 1 lvtt -Lott; kW, • • . • ...
_ 'kited at IsteltiioxV 614 daiof Nee :Lite
1911S. . . ,
.•Atit:l'IT lit,rxr,V. '
If1-0 Asti • - • • 44ratniztratoil