HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-05-30, Page 8-.-yr-r;,..•' i 44. • r ••••• " f .h. ,• 4 week daring the illness of the village in a few days. The real r Miss Day y r * •4 '> Daisy R an, shut we are. plkased, to estate is booming in Dungannon as we, ► , ► see Miss Ryan on duty again this,. week. understand there' are several looking . • , .y g SEASONABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES mommussi White Check Muslin* suitable for children's dresses, nice qualities, at 45e, 3o and 3s. Plan and Fancy Voiles for summer dresses, very pretty designs, special sac. Blue and White Check Beech Cloth for separate skirts at soe. ' Vests in nice summer weights, short sleeves and sleeveless, 25 Co hoe. Ladies' : g and Combination Suits at = oo to $x.75. . Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 75e each and Combination Shits} special :,-r".25* , Niersas ' Mexican Summer Hats with bound edges' and plain- bands, light, cool and 'durable, at a5 and 40c. Fnrmerettes' S ' stripe Hats with fancy stripe bands, nice styles, special 40c Children's Hats, new nobby styles, made in durable quality goods and nice Y cors at 50, 75C and $1.00,. ' Ladies' Collars, beautifl l range of 'excellent values from 25c to $1.50,. P Ladies' Hose—We have a fine range in cotton, lisle and silk ankle hose,in, black and white at popular prices. . Plain and Fancy Stripe Voile Blouses, very newest styles, nicely made ands neatly trimmed, at 2.o0, 3,439 and $3,75. Ladies' Motor Caps, :lice assortmentof styles and colors at zQo, 1.2s, 1.50 ' C and $2.00.. Belts in white, red and black,'3 n,. wide, very stylish, price sot.: ; Ladies' Ladies' Fine Wool Sweaters, in. nice colors, very latest style with sash, special $8.5o. N:.URDCCH &CAMERON CO..j Dungannon, • -Tuesday, . May 28th B.y Mie. J. Jan and family ' have rented the hone and lot formerly owned by Jae, Stonehouse and are settled in their new home.,. . 'Md Edna andLaura r a.1ent and spent the holiday at their home; here, Mrs L, S. Palmer, of . Stratford, is spending a few -days at the ,homie of her son, H. 'Bellamy, ..:.Mrs. Garrison and: sisters Misses Let- itia and Vera, ot Goderich Sundayed 4 the home' of Mrs. Dreaney. ' HarryShackleton of Crew, was' tarry t public teaching it1 the • junior room, p e 1Kr. Cosecs who each sang a solo. Rev. Mr.. Agnew, of Clinton; occupied the. chair and on. the whole a most profitable waseno enjoyed evening 1. Y by Victoria Day was very quietly. obsery- ed in the village. Some working dil- igently in the garden, some , going hsh= s at he race in and aeveraL,:.attended the at. Mitchel. ~ Quite a number went tothe entertainment at the Nile in the even- ing also to a play in Goderich, a splen- did time being reported at both places, , Another real estate deal materialized the other day . Sohn Barkley, of Ashfield; purchased'- Mrs. 114cG ratten s having 'house `and lot in the village. Mr.. and bl- Mrs: Barkley are to 'make their hdme in Dunga, anon folk were on their best be- havior Tuesday and Wednesday of last, week on the :occassion of the:. Goderioh. districtmeeting of the Methodist church, There were upwards of 30 visiting min- isters and laymen present atthe various ' 'sesaiond._.On':'Tuesday the nittisterial. session was held and :in the evening a public meeting took .place in• the and , itorm' at which there was a splendid turnout from the village and Crewe. An address was delivered by Bev, A, E. „- - litttob-and_music by the Jones, of_C , BEE$ IN THESPINOT1ME Fine Weather Netu *r + When They Are Taken From Cellar. PAINFUL DISEASE CURED.' Interesting Information for Dairy. then Regarding Suc=cess 10 New Tres/treats for Ipfisamrnatio>ui of Udder—Late Spring suggestions For the Farmer," (Co tit. ibuted by•0ntario Deh„rtmCnt'`ot Acricuttura. Toronto.) MI arrival a spring brinks UP the question, ``y hen and how~. shall t set any'bees out : of the Cellar?" to the minds of all Partner beekeepers. The an- swer calls for judgment on the part of each beekeeper. Tile factora which must take,, a part in tanning correct judslhent are (1) the Cellar, (2) the bees, and (3) toe season. . Vie ideal cellar will permit the beekeeper eto keep his bees confined much longer than will an unfavorable cellar. rlenis is, desirable, A fairly airy, dark, easilyregulated and venti- lated cellar when the temperature can be maintained at. 45 degrees Fahr. is ideal. Very few Curare) tarm cellars will meet these require- mente, however, Ro that the weather conditions play a more • protnineet part in the ,farmer,beekeelier's deci- sion. As a rule, the farmer -beekeeper Select 0P- portillune wtatb r and to o wt,Ila' to give the•coll- ony some pretectio4 atter: setting out, Watch the weather forecasts closely and when the wind gets around to the south and east, with' a Prospect for rain on the ,morrow, start in the evening and move out all if possible, Contract a!1 entrances to suit size of 'colony, giving. strong colonies aP- proxiLaately '/s in. by 2 in. and ar- range a cusintle. of ,chaff (6 to 8 inches thick at least) over the broad chamber, it pays to pack the sides as well, especiaily in the northern sections of Ontario. Special. packing cases of Ain. wateriai are made for We purpose, giving '3 to 4 inches packing room. The h ee reduce brood rrearing. is very packing and colonies therefore build up more rapidly.—W, A ..Weir, .-on- tarlo Agricultural College, Guelph, Ontario, ' , To Treat Iiiflamed.IJtider of Cows. Glamis On Thursday last the Red Cross Workers 'made a shipment of the •fol lowing goods: 42 pairs socks, 12 pyjama. suits, 36 personal -property bags, 102 towels 12 handkerchiefe, 6 wash cloths, 1 parcel hospital cotton. ' • . are Pleased- to trepQrtre. J =M_ ., McLennan is able to be,up again after her long illness. - Mr, S. Cunningham was in Toronto :last week consulting specialists, arbund ler houses but can't procure them as they are scarce. A most enjoyable evening was°epent at the Agricultural Hall, Monday even- ing last ,when Lieut, W. L. Aitken gaye a talk on his experiences ` in Bel-, gium and. France on behalf of tya Red • Crosti work. The talk was inspiring and Very ,instructive. Speeches by res ministers' and. solos' by Mr, Ra ident mi Bailey and Was Hazel. Augustae,' 2; readings by -Miss' Edna Riven and music by the -Nile orchestra. Proceeds choir: -assisted by Mr. Bailey arid. Rev..J amounted to $29.50 , 0 .r . El).c()fZN r _i.: .:.. _ k.e ermmation test •8,5 per 'cent. or over. A few ba'gs s Digester Tankage e ome and get some to make your hogs grow and • . get fat To clear at $5 per cwt. seine excellent mill Foodstuffs now on•hand --Corn Chop, y o , .Barle .`lour, Pure Barley and Oat Chop and Middlings., Also Bran. • Plenty of Salt now on hand i barrels and sacks of 50, 100 and o lbs Good AraiueS.offered..in_Toilet _and.:_•Laundr Soaps and Baking Powders. Oil Cake Meal, fine ground or slab form, . Royal Purple Calf Meal., CHICK FEED. A good mixed tine in Wheat,. Cracked Corn, Oat Groats and,Millet Seeds. A course Oatmeal also for younptchicks. A few bags Old_ Standard White Flour still to offer. Come and get a bag be fore it'all goes: CROPS ARE INCREASED Quicklime !OrtleavySoils,Ground Lim estolie tor Light Soils. SEPTIC TANK FOR TIiU FARM Potatoes Should' Bo - Treated This Sear to Control Scab; as the Sue eeas of Tido Crop Is of the Utmost Importance In the Greater Pro* duetiwi Campaign. (Coutributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture, Toronto,) 1n lolls in many parts of the - • Province are so depleted of their lime that they are be- coming sour or acid. ' •Thla is an important faet as Yew, if any, of ,our farm crops. can, make their beet growth on ;a soil carrying an'. ixieufiielent supply of lime. Thin is especially. true of leguminous plants and. ,it is•probablo that the frequ t •`'killing nut" of Clover during the: first Winter le due to lack of sufficient lime. ,Lime, acts in several ways. Itneu- tralizes the acids formed in the soil o through the decay of organic matter; it overcomes the tenacity of ' clay Solis, bind>t'san4s together and thus imprevss the .physteitl condltton of bcth types: of Soil, Lime .is not•only an essential constituent or the food ot planits, but it also tends •to. lib- erate plant. food, especially potash, from the insoluble forms in the soil, bi nging thein into an available state. T. Micro-organisms, that live onthe roots . of the, nitrogen-getherinla plants cannot work in an acid Roll, uor can somo oth=er forms of organ- lsms whbse function • it' is to gather nitrogen. , it requires bout two' tons of ground lamest e . rock to be equal. to one .ton..o quick lime, end the prices char _d for them are in about the same. proportion,. Furthermore two tons - 0f the former • to one ton. of the latter are about ,the right quantities' to apply t • The ground ninestone rock is safe on any land in almost any quantity, andmay be applied at any tinro of the year. On heavy Clay soils quick, limo,. slaked "• before applying, may give quicker results; but it should 'not be- applied•'to light • sandy:' soils. Few ntatei,ials or fertilizers can have' so arany.' good •things said' about them ..s linte•and n(.ne; of them' eOSt 00 lit fiie money. Try out a little yourself phis year:—Prof, lit Harcourt, •On-- tario::Agricultural College. • . Rev. W. D. McIntosh, 'of Bruce.field; R W.Bsires'ca has. purchased. a _ M'.. p .g Dan Finlaysitns, of Port Elginy.. were visitors here on Frid Di. Isaac McDonald, a:former pastor D of St. Paul's church, delivereda. lecture in the church here last week in '• the . din tereste of V.M,C.A.: work; - - Miss McClung, . :.of visited at Acton , ,. the home of her, • rother, Rev J. A. days.;Mc- .. . Clung, fora few , Mise Akitt, of Creemore, who . spent the past ast two weeks at W. H. Moffat's,' . 12th con, Greenock, was .a visitor in the village on Saturda . . g y Miss Katharine McDiermidreturned to her duties in London on Tuesday.. Up Mary Webb,of Chippewa Hill, , spent a few daya under the parental r . roof. -... Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We Sell for Cash ---We Sell Cheaper Than 'he Credit Stores' There is nothing adds to the appearance of a home more than a well kept larn, It. is - impossible to keep a lawn right ivith. out a good plower, We handle t li: e Brockville • Mower, thebest value on the Canadian market,. We have sold them exclusively for twenty. years' and knolw' that it will stand up, Prices from 6.5o to PLoo, Mammitis or inflammation of the udder is a common disease in cows. it is caused by .irregular • milk- ing, exposure' to -cold• ann..datnpness,. wounds, bruises; rough, or 'careless handling dureig tnriicxng, etc„, and in many cases appears without Well marked Cause. - Sy ptoms.—One or' morequarters. of tel udder become swollen; hard and "'tender: f Tne , patient becomes dual appetite etite lessened and. tempers_; pin alture, increased. The' quality of the 'milk is .more or less altered.. In Most eases 'curdled milli and a thin fluid aesembling whey appears when the teats are drawn In some ;.cases' a portion of • curdled milk • becomes 'lodged in the milk duct and Is some- what hard to remove. In some eases,' ..' clotted°blood also appears: Constitutional treatment, consists in keeping the patient'as•;comtortable as 'possible, preferably in a toomy,.. weli-b edded box stall; A brisk purg- ative of 1 to 2,-, lbs--mom-1381 , % to 1 dram of gambage and I to .2 oz. ginger (according to size of patient) uisselved in a quart of warm water should be - given, and followed up with 4 to 6 drams of nitrate of potas- sium twice dally, fol` three'' days. The patient should oe fed food not,parti- culariy inclined to°cause milk pro-.' duction until. the .1niiammation is. - allayed. Localtreatment consists in• apply- ing heat, -to 'the udder, either' -by keep-' ing hot .poultices to it or by long continued and frequently -repeated bathing with hot water.. Poultices can be applied by using a piece of cloth or canvas, with stolecut.tor the protrusion ofthe teats' and fas-- tearing It by strings. or. straps over the hips and loins.. The application • to Frevent Potato Scab. " For seed select smooth, sound :po- ; tatoes, as free as, possible'fromu scab,- and disinfect by, :soaking them before they are cut for two hours in a sole-. .,,loa- made ,.by adding half a pint of sdnrmerciai formalin. to -16 garcons of water. A couple ;of barrels with plugs :in. the pities .ear the ,bottom. r ' ,:an„be usedto, advantage in t eatlu K rue' Reed:. The potatoes oan be placid airectly in the solution or •first' put ori 01ates•er coarsesacks-end then,'im- versed, • • After' treatment spread the nota-. toes out on a lean. Root or. on .the .:raa to' dr ash all crates, . bags, u t e. ., n ilia -thing i . hi .are' u ed ., s t. c w potatoes with! the formalin solution. he Raine' fornpalin soliitiotl can be used to treat successive rots of potu- oes.: Fifteen gallons is •sufficient to ' ordi- ;reat from 20 to 25 • bushels' rf, ;Au: precautions” are taken not to :caste too. inutlr'if-aha-amid-as-each .ot of tubers is .dipped; 11 the pota-' .toes are not all 'treated the - same :ray' it is adVisabie to: Makeup fresh .ormaiin. for -each day's' work. - - • Corrosive ,.'sublimate (mercuric ;.hloride)' can also be . usedv'to treat, ',totatoeS-to prevent scab:' ..Soak the ;uncut tubers fora three bourn in a solution of •2, ounces of :corrosive sub- siurats to 25 gallons of water. Cor cosive . sublimate is a deadly poison,' and potatoes treated with it are ren- ,iereilmalit for food•for man or beast. •- Formalin is a clear liquid disinfec- „ant It r' a 40 :p.c.,solution of for- .raidehyde gas and water. y It can" be .,urcbased from. almost any druggist. it is sold under the names of forma - .in and formaldehyde. - et est - import. ant- •.that the purphaser, whatever ,came he buys ' it under,' secured a guaranteed 'solution' of 40 p,o.:for- .traidehyde.- if possible plant 'the treated seed potatoes on Clean soil, that is soil ,hat hag `n'ot-P rad1I ed'a`Crop-et iic.atr io f. i' artat n •:,y potatoes, Pratt ce b crop§.; If scab is very bad it is not .'advisable to plant potatoes on the same land oftener than once in live = :,,rs.—1-leaseee t lam# :b' 0_ yard manure should not be'.made to •- ( of poultices •.o- i the proprietary pre - Miss' Mina 'Cunningham"arrived home paration known as "antiphlogistllt0 from Hamilton this week. gives good .results. • The fluid should ne drawn from each; quarter 4 or b' Mrs. Munro, of Southampton is visit- . times daily 'and after each '.tanking y _ -.: _ . ass e In Lerdau•hter Sirs, A.:- Lonigbnr er'y._ the .sadder _should- he well m _. ag d • FINLAYSON Fiddis, a Sun . day' visitor at•Cleorge Webbs. The - a given b Miss Mary Deehain to y ry in the Red Cross room on Saturday, night wits a grand modest. - Over $25,„ was realized. Miss Margaret Campbell, of Harris- ton, arris-ton, was home the first of the week. Mins. Annie •McDonald, of Ripley, was the guest of, her cousin, • Miss Tena McLean;: over the week -end. Mrs Alex McKennitt visited Ford- with friends on Saturday. Lurgali•Monday, May 27. Mr. Tont Ray left Monday to' visit his sister in Michigan who ' is seriously ill. Miss Olive. Henderson spent the weekend with her sister in $russels, it oil. •. with and r abbe d wit camphorated a Where this oil cannot be readily ob- bal,riad_.__its - 'substitution by goose- -grease gives gond resuitc.-- -J. H. It.; ; t A teeth .Cfolliege, The Cbi-Na elGraining Process is for doors, doors and all flat mrfaces. Take up your gertn-laden ear- pets and give your floor a Chi Nainel Hardwood Iiuisil that is sanitary, washable, long -wearing aid easily ap- plied. - .t Pere • is a ,Chi-Namel• Varnish or enamel; suit= able -to renew every piece- d iece - of furniture in the home. Commencing Thursday, June' 6th and continuing through - the months of June, July and • August our store will be closed ' on Thursday afternoons from one o'clock. . . 11 The Luckriowlardwatt &. CoalCo. -THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS . THE CHANGE Ill' Ql./tBEC " • After-- being' `in a mood borderingon. rebellionfor a time the people of Qom; bee appear 'tb , have ' Suddenly swung• around in line with.. the other province - of the Dominion in their war efforts:: To the partially enlightened this sud- den gratifying. change .is causing a nt- Even the' Berme good 'deal of -:won , of Laval and other univer- sities students- f u nide the . chane and are sities , have0 g freely, catering the army. Last .week the gaveprovince a .. e more soldiers to the, The Ordination services. .of, Mr. M'e Cauley, pastor of the Baptist church twill* hetet ,ore J tdsilr, Jsane 7. Miss Mary McSween, of Port Elgin, speri - e , - iant-the--euitivated-•Crop M of Elmwood il Farmnerssay they never'saw hay ;pas-•, . •'. tures and spring crops .leek snore" prom- ising at • this time of the year., The past' two- weeks have beep ideal for 'growth.: • ;'.' ,:. ° St. Helens' ;. -Tuesday, May 2S ' -Missazel Palmer`.runewe o l d ,odi -acquaintances here over the_ weel .enc,~.. --. he•foliowipgwere hornet for tha' 4tl a Misses o . Nina.Woods and Colina;'CIark;;` of Blyth'; Miss Mary Little, of Allenford , • Miss Pearl' Webster, of''W3ngbain, tiY D. Rutherfork of Fergus, Miss May' army .than any other -in 'n. theDominion. Cameron Tot and Miss MSr Y7`- •, Durnin 'of Stratford. Miss Laura. Carrie of Wio hang vts• g , heel Mrs. Wallace Miller over ;Sunda y Miss ' Jean Webb 18 nursing in. God' •• aeric tlrts-tve Mr. Jose • ori a _o..",t . . hd p lea ' , £ 'tepid City,' ., • is visiting friends here. Mr. John Webb arrived home- frem, the Went on Thursday. 'Another. .'.noticeable .J eature:, ie. . the quietness .of. •Bouraen. and• the other :firebrands.. t aou.- the Just whet 'hAa, brought11 t e-hange it it di1lloult to-say,-.bub-it=see _that -soma. _. new light has come to those to whom the 'masses look for guidance.• It is said that a number of these were taken to France and' Belgium to• "learn at first hand- what the war meant, and having seen - what . German aggression really,meant they decided that. Quebec. too ought - to join in the war for world independence and civilization.. ;Whether or not there ei truth in this story,'meny, of -the priests and .greater church• leaders are advising the people to fall in line with the sentiment of English- speaking Canada, and the people. -ace: -doing 3t To ensure good crops. of ; carrota,: mangles, sugar ` beets, potatoes and corn, the land ,should be Well - pre- pared and seed should be secured of the highest quality. Under average conditions the irieh Cobbler variety (early "' potatoes) and the Green Mountain (late potatoes) are recone. mended for Ontario. To secure best results with the potato crop; ,it is always better to plant them not later than the '15th of May.. This year plant half your seed .ten days "earlier than you have beenaccustomed to, acrd plant the other - halfat the usual 111110. The experiment will Prove to your satttfaction the value. of early- litctitin;.--_-if,':'tire •'-potatsu' p=lanter an.i sprayer .have not already %leen' overhauled, a rainy. day may. oe very ptoftably employed in this Wont, Bugler Tom Palmer, of London, atient Sunday at bis home here. . - Mr. 'G4eorgo Bennett, of Toronto, spent the holiday at Mr. John Henderson's. Quite a crowd attended tho picnic in Iiiair'e Glroi'e oh the Nodi', T`rery-' one . ceporta a good time,•. Live Sleelc, 1per,ilnders, A reguia; :tied am to supply of salt wilt alwaysbe fouuu belotul in pro- 11.11 ng the thrift of lave stock. • Se ben pasture in provided for pigs .uie1 lees conecr:t,.itsed food is to ;5til ed,. 1;1 vie,v c,f ti,e 'pier eat labor :,artat; pasture will be particularly tile` uie titre.. )- car. . .iau•e: r,ot2ed•tr4vious le foaling .1.I l,c i fur..1.a pout ileal of • wort( .d tip'. re-ult will 1;o stlong;:r foal: kite, t. gp.... te'lc aiiveotl to gat ii good tar} it .:!it t isy 41(,1G oral Wan i trate asci fib :'i. the Pt..rt.° Ontario .,; 1ietlitU!8i (;;411s. 0 N0,Oaie ANINIMIst— °1 • e po ao'cr'P.. en at same other point in the rota- .ton Plant potatoes after'clover. sod ,f. possible. :Avoid tertilizers such as lime and wood ashes.—Prof, J. E. Howitt,, Ontario- Agricultural College. Septic Tank tor Sewage Disposal. This system consists Ordinarily of two-cbamber concrete, water -proof sank, equipped an inlet, over - dole Vent• -pips; and aft atitomatie- siphon for emptying the tent of the .timild sewage irons time fo time, end a system of tile, called the "absorp, tion bed," conaisting of several par- allel rowircif 3 or 41u. land tile laid shallow, and hranching off. from a main line of Boyer pipe which con- nects it to the tank. For lhe"ordi- nary-sized home eech teak Should -be 150 to t00 feet of land tile would...he 'required for the absorptien bed. Tne vitrined sevier tile best tor the Main and the number of them wilt depend tipoa the -distance of the ab- sorption bed from the tank. - If thie eystena be properly installed it will dispose of 'sewage itt 4 'very satisfaetory Manner and without ea - daunting the water, sumny• eon,. plete plane in blue-priat form for in - Waling it may be seared for the Writing Min the Departnitat of Phyetee, Ontario Agricultural College, Fordyce " ndajr May 27• Miss Gladys Stapleton, of llarnoci is spending. a week at Jno. Jamieson's. 1 istsrl.C==11:a han returned to .i Fin:T"'iBala after°s'prandiagAhe eek>end 'under the • arental roof. • Mrs. J. Armstrong, of Belgrave, vis- ited at the home 'cif Jas. Dow . jet one day' last week. , Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of Whitechurch, were visitors at John Turner's recently.'. • Mrs, .W, S. Icing and son,' Percy, of Teeswater,. Spent' _a couple - of days at Stuart'MeBurney'ar Hoty.rood - --Iiiiiiitiiiiis -Spent -the:remit holiday .0t4Sveattihe isinaKr..inctirditie. and_ re_port an A few of the spode from here spent et her Ionia at Pert Elgin.. "iti`ckn' ow, are spending a few days at the hotne of• Mr. and Mrs. litirray, from .London, The Wonien/a Inatittito will hold their next Meeting at the home of Mrs, Win HodOis on Thursday June 6th at 2 o'clock Elena . There is to he a (iniltiog, 1?,veryhody come and bring th611, Kinloss • —Tuesday, May 28 Mr. Perri Black, ' of High River' was: called to his home . here owing IA they illness of his father,, Mr. J. Bra k. Miss :• Bertha Harris n, 'of . Torah ._ . o to„ spent a few ,days at her hoine here. Mr. 8, Pollick:andllir..A• Br._asle_n Tuesday morning for Hamilton, to 'at tend the.funeriil of T, F; Stewart ft rut eriy of Kinloss. . Mr. -.Fred Baache or,_ Port '1'ytver, spent the week end at his hcnte •here, • Mien Ab J we orf l etev :tstee:ae.e ve- -;..;- .the 24th with ftiencit :.Vert --,•r _ -. iV'e-are-sarr3r-te-x {lar''_+- -o.>v,t-•. _.-•P Black is not: improving a`s fust as hio man* friends would like tp eee'hmni.- Mr. and Mrs. G. Richardson and Miss - Atkinson, of Teeswater, spent the 24th with friends . here. . The, lied Gross - worliararequest goods for packing td be iii lay' the next - Meeting' Saturday.•Jnne tat. •r • .41.46:3, toe Ontarioe 1.40.1 ‘32'.'istv iii111.1011 tchlii'0,(1o4 are ha to the', Le} eanshg gahg iii•Ontasio it ss hoped .0 tee work on a reasonaolge ill 60 htille 14115 yk:ity. The (tubule, a study of the propos.tIon as it sheets .he farmer, winks the Outfit's') Whin. Bureau has agreed to provide 5,000 men tor thresuing gangs it there a demand for these. With .salitable ce-eperation between the farm public of the provinee and the Provincial •