HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-05-23, Page 8y Gotton Goods are High Priced \Recent investigations in the use of cotton inwar shows that a machine gun in operation will use up a 500 ib. bale of cotton in three minutes; a 15 inch gun does away with 500 lbs. with each shot fired; the Red Cross needs 20,000 bales a year for absorbent dressings alone. 100,000 bales are used in the wings of our war, airplanes, and one change of apparel for all the troops would re- quire more than a million bales. The woai>tder is we can get cotton at all, and are not surprised that prices are so high, Raw cotton is now between four and five times the price before the war. With the daily Increasing army in: the U. S. the tendency, is towards still higher prices in all cot- ton -goods, t Realizing early coming advances, we have been purchasing largely in cotton goods and we are now selling many lines at tower prices g thin we canm purchase theto-day. On strict business principles r�inci .les we should e getting a profit an present day wholesale rices but having the.goods in stock before latestadvances, we are sharingwith, you. - i requirements for future and .urchase from us Anticipate your� now your needs in ,. Men's and. Boys' Overal•ls,Shirts, Balbriggan and Catton Underwear, Boys' Blouses and „ler= seys, Factory and Bleached Cottons, Slieetings, 'I Dwellings,• Tickings, Shirtings, Denims, 'Cotton= ades, tinghams, Prints, Flannelettes and Flail= nelette Blankets and other lines of Cotton goods. • Get your supply .NOW •before prices advance. I MUL!•D.00H CAMERON C %still • tondayi tOtll • Mr. wail Mra, Fred Tiro1ppson and family visited at U. IfethCiriugtou4 yes- terday. Sam Mcteltand, of Bervie, paid ,a business visit to our burg on Friday last„ Chas. Wall and lady friend, of .I in. eardine passed through this burg yester- day. As Chas, is soon to join the colors, we extend to him our heart felt sympathy W. R. J. Lloyd has hadhis buggy treated to a coat of paint, R. J. says the 'gloss will never fade as he keepa it sheltered by .the wall: We are glad to report that all .the young gentlemen who were initiated: in- to the Maecabee tents on Thursday evening, have. recovered. and have. re- turned to their respective homes. • • We notice that our young draf'ees are now working on the night shift. Rather poor time to gather flowersand precious jewels. but it Will he practice 'for night scouting in°Franee. - • Try this aver o* your itmal organs: WEST! URD' "W is for the Willies that are in Westford ES is for the estates along the way T is for the thousand charas she gave me° F is for the Fords t hdt rambe right a- long , D' 'OR 1s for the order on the street D is for the damsels sweet to kiss Put them altogether They spell Westford ° Westford that has. Always been home to me. �F EN;SI LAGE SEED CORN NOW ON HAND inI u` —Tuesday, May ill Mr. Mussel Hewitt, Earl Mcj ouald and Qrrie Herde left Tuesday morning for London where they will report for military service. Mr. anal Mrs. E Harrison returned. home after spending a few days with friends in W'tngham, Dungannon --Monday; May 20. Weare sorry to learn of the continued illness of '16,138 Daisy Ryan., rGOING.OUr FREELY. . We would' advise that A D GET -YOURS AT ONCE AS IT IS 1, •GONE N....�.�...... �.. 'very careful this season. as to the source from Which your`. seed corn is obtained as in- the `first you be e y Place Seed Corn of First Class quality is very .difficult to got, and in: the second 'place all corn this ,` requires to be treated before .being, sent mit as it contains an excess of moisture.. The fa'ITowinn ... year extract from a letter received from the Company./ am securing mine' from is worth noting,. "We 'are the ' onlyfirm in Canada who have a plant wltli dryers, in which corn'can be treated, and wee are 'hav- • ing every pound .put over the dryers and, bringing it' to -the required standard.befo 4e shipment:" This . corn is dried in this way 011 the cob and when cured it is shelled and sent out for dtstribntreii.. a farmer goes to the expense and labor of preparing his ground for a crop, the next important matter is the: Selection of the best Seed to be obtained. -This season there a number 'of dealers- handling -: the cheap elevator corn, which is not at all reliable'seed. 3 could buy c ern 25c to, 50o .per ,bushel less.. but having seen -a sample ortwo of this i would not recommend it as it shows a low vitality and will not give good results. The varieties.' will be offering: will be treated and tested and guaranteed 85% germination,. Bookyour requirements with us nt once, A Car .of Kiln=Dried American' Feed Corn for sale' An one wanting special prices on feed corn: to be taken off car in. quantities of 50 bush. 9 or over had better call and look after a supplyat once.:. SALT I SALT! Three Carloads . of Salt reached us the last few days. ,tome and .,get. your supply for grassing cattle. Also Clean Salt in •• zoo lb. Sacks. Dairy and.Cheeseniaker's Salt in sacks andbarrels. Apples •still on hand. Call and get your last supplj for the season, A -few :barrels. Of 1 We have; about loo bags of Old Starf°dard . lour on hand,, both pure Manitoba and Blended. Also (New Grade) War Flour.' Get a bag of this Flour:: before it all goes as there is 'nomore to be had: The standard has been. • further reduced and itwould he well to have a bag of the old grade before its all. sold: • A few bags of Digestive Tankage on hand. Lan and .get some.tosnake your bogs grow . and get fat. The shortage of Mill Foodstuffs will be felt before next hary t, Good Bran.' _ - • and. Shorts now on hand. • iarties having on:hand Flour and Sugar purchased from us inexiess o e regulation a mo n s. - had better better consult us as any _information we_have on the _subj_ect_will be cheerfully given. 0114E tAtlt'GIL CAKE in the ola«3=oru., as it eon= fmnz fiat prette, .now on holati, oracred . for $3.25 per cwt. Protein 35.55 per cent. Albert- Shackleton,, who is in the bath, Battery, spent a few daysat his home here last week. A number of our boys have received orders to report for military serviceJune st.• Mr. Jas. Stonehouse and . Miss: 'Celia Pentland; exchanged properties ,in the village, hast `'reek, •• Miss'],da Whyard left ; last •eek' for New York city to resunne her work as a nurse.. . . Miss Luella Bellamy is visiting -friends and acquaintances: here after being in the States for a ample of`years. , Luella 'and her mother, Mrs. L. S' Palmer, will: •make their future home in Stratford. *Mr. Clare Stauley and sister, Miss Mae, of Purple grove spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. A, Stanley. We are sorry to report the illness of Mr. John, Black, his many friends wish him a. speedy recovery. The ladies c f Kinloss Red Cross, will serve lunch in the (range Hall May 24. every body welciome. , Mr.' Tom $:cake is 'busy these days making the dust i1ywith his. sew Ford ear. • ,• The ladies ot, Kinloss Red Cross '.are having a pienie:at Silver lake, May 28, there will be a good program and an autograph quilt to be sold in the after. noon. • Everybody welcome. So set`•the date aside for your outing. .Ales Minnie Baechelor, of Walkerton High School is spending the summer months at her home here, • --The -Food-Cot►trol--B'oara-si ys there is also a shortage off: liscu, hrie9"tlin€1`ii ii81 "u� i hi"95ehei t<15 . .next har vest. At the same time *nue v e are—advising-consumers -to procure-theiir--r equire•• menta,no one is allowed to buy more than the recent government order allows. We mint dis- tribute in. small quantities' to each consumer, • A. R. EINLAYSON LUCKNOW i'riday, May 17th, will be. a day to be remembered by the Dungannon people when Dr. Case was selected as candidate, for North Huron. Three auto loads of delegates wentup••to the convention at Wingham on Friday' Morning to ,boost the .Dr. The candidates nominated were W. Holmes, Wingham; Matt Lock.' hart, Auburn; :Peter Scott, Wawanosh; Dr. Redmond; Wingham; John 'Toynt,• Luckno'w; Dr. Case, Dungannon; Geo.-. Spotton, Wingham. Tha field narrowed down : to Scott, Spotton . and Case, Scott was voted out of the running and S:petton and Case were tied Dr. Red mond, .president, voted .for Case'who was: thereby elected. When the returns reached Dungannon all the .Old, boxes and boards were, gathered in a heap at •Crawford's• corner. The ,Dr. •and Mrs, Case were conveyed amid cheers and wavingiiags. Speeches were given by Rev. I: A. McKelvey, Harry Bellamy, Mrs: Allison, B. Til. Munnings,:ex-mayor. of Qoderich; • S._ 13` Stothers, District and Bailie. The W B Representative1 • • D . expressed his .gratitude• for .all they had- done for liim...and stated that he'was. glad for his three sons who are all doling _their share • in:; this. awful .'gar: The bon fire was then lighted, and 01 sang "For he's a jolly good fellow:" Phone No. 10 is at Year Service We Sell Tor Cash—We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stones Whitechurch Monday, May 21st House cleaning ;is the order' of :the day. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Martin spent Sun- day at Duncan ;Anderson's. • " ' Miss Edythe Campbell and friend are visiting 'at the home of Jack Campbell, Mr, Dinwoodie, of St. Thomas, has been engaged as butter maker for the soon, 6 We are sorry ;to ' report the serious illness of.David Gillies we all wish him a speedy 'recovery. , `Mr, Hector McKay intends starting his road truck ,this week. Miss Ona McCleneghan and - Stella Kirke Spent Sunday at Joe: Holmes.' Misses Cora Clubb and .Mabel John- stop conaueted'Guild' Sunday evening The leader for nett night is Miss Annie Laidlaw. ` • The 64th anniversary of the :Presby- terian church here will be held on Jane 2nd. Rev; R 0-�McDermid, ofGoderich Will .reach' on Sunda Wand give an ad - w I p � _Y dress on • Monday night Miss, Myrtle -Littlei ; of tSt•..Helens, will sing at both services onSunday.. Mr. R D. Caner - on, ofL-ucknow, will also speak on Moil - day night. Admission Monday evening 26ca There is nothing adds to the appearance of a home more than a well kept lawn. It is impossible to keep a lawn right with- out a good mower; We handle t h e Brockville Mower, the best value on the Canadian' Market, We. have°sold them exclusively for twenty years and know 'that it will stand up. Prices from: &so to $.r Loa. The 'Chi -Names Graining Process is for, floors, . doors and all' ,fiat surfaces, Take up your germ -laden. cat pets and give your floor a Chi -Newel Hardwood Finish that is sanitary, washable, long -wearing and easily ap- plied: There is a Chi-NTamel Varnish or Enamel suit- able to renew every piece of f uri:iture in the home. Sherwin-vitilliaus Paint Royalite Qir Muresco and Alabastine Premier Gasoline The Lucknow Hardware & Coa1Co. THE STORE THAT HEVER DISAPPOINTS WILL YOU' BE ONE? Thousandsof`thoughtless people neglect colds every winter. A cough 'follows;, they get rundown—then stubborn sickness sets in. This can be prevented easier than it can be cured. • If - you will give your system the benefit of a few bottles of COT you will find your whole system strengthened. It will fortify your lungs and throat and 'enrich' your blood against rheurnatiann. Scott's is powerful concentrated nourishment without drugs or opiates. Don't negtett'tadcing Scott's—oo si OlOO today. iced & howne.leasoate, cote 17-47 All kinds of job Printing neatly done at « TIM SIANTi1 Kz" Lanes =Monday, May 20th We are sorry to report that Mr. Tom' Little , is seriously ill with' pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Drannen were recent visitors with t derich' 'friends: Mrs. David Parrish sr is visiting her son, Wilfred. Mrs Robb. Curran .visited at W, Bald- win'i# during the week Wilfred Drannen and Wilfred Farrish were in London the other day in answer to the military call. Henry P. Hogan has ra brood sow. which in the past year gave birth to 48 pigs within one year, 12 in May.101 , 15 in October and 21 on May 15. The ham, of Qlatnis. another pig is only '21 months old. That's Mr. and Mrs. 1lobert lintsel, of the kind to have when hogs are $21 per *Glands,' spent last Monday with I•Yuron owt. • f rielyls, St. Helens -Monday, •May .2 )th Mr, Ed. Mss itthn ire underwent an ciperatien in`the Wingham Hospital for appendicitis on Tuesday . We are. glad Culross Centre Like to Work in an Automobile Factory? Positions occur in. our organization, that offer '•steady work, good wages and an opportunity to -, learn 'the automobile business. We want to get. in touch with enterprising young inen or middle- --, aged men, who recognize the value of. this `oppor- tunity. Write or call 9n' person, so, that your . name may be added to the list of .applications • with the idea of entering our servicesas soon as :a position is.:-v_acant:- • GRAY- Y- DORT MOTORS . Limned Chatham, : Ontario • -Monday, 41ay 20'.. ,' Miss Atkinson spO'nt.ithe week end with Kiss Agnes, Hughes, of Teeswater. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Erb, and Wilmer spent Sunday at the home of Mr., Walter • The young people c;f this vicinity had 'a very pleasantpicnic •in. Mr. •K: Mc, Kenzie's grove Tuesday of last week, Mr.. and Mrs'•'llichard Guest, of Kin garf, visited at the home . of Mr. - Geo.- Richardson's,.on .Sunday. `. Many of our boys have .gone to join the colors while others•exp• ect to go soon' . • Thos. McDonald and Danosn Ken- nedy have purchased new rubbie-tire buggies. , ' Walter Pinnell had the misfortune of, losing a mare' and eolt a short timeago. wholest ple Mr Thos. Elliott, a oo up fg Youn horses some time ago, found their► -near Goderich A new flag pole was erected at Clark's. celiozirlitnt ;eelti: m ws>._ The Rad Cross Society of the 6thcon • acknowledg3 a donation' of fp from James IV1cLaughli... BORN ' N s i' il-!, •sa■■ir 1 i<Isla trr;t' i.1>I6i gra ,ie, ri l.M A it srit .11 OK .hereA "via ea. ..•i,r.:•�.+',jp, ILK �. '. ,..fir:},m .*AttitI;..K.•F7,'tiMr.. i.: :Get tie _ , enuiiie gra sono a Avoid disa ` .. intment, Refuse imitations, Onl. • Ply . Y genuine Columbia Grafonolas and Records bear this trade alai k _ Look_f or__ t before you buy. s� SonoaloN-In, Luc`kn_ow_on May 21. t, 1918 to -Mr. and Mrs.Austln •Solonin,• tosayso far the'operation-has bean-suc-.,,_ a daughter: cesaful. MCINTe8H —In Lucknow -oa May l7, • 1918, to Mr, and Mrs. Win, D. Mc. Eighth Con., Kinloss.. Intosh, a daughter.. --Monday', May 20. • Mr. Thoinas Harris has bought- Karl, Culbert's driver. What will Earl do now4, Mist -Phoebe Congratn, of .ucknow, spent t e weekend at. her .home here.,' Mr. an Mre George Young, of Kin - got'. an ingarf..an Mrs. It. Keys and family, of Nerve., spent Sunday at John Culbert's.. Mrs, Wm. Johnston and Miss Mamie spent Sunday et Mr, .McKay's, Mr. Joseph Culbert spent the week- end with his sister; Mrs. Janes Need - Crean 4. Moliday', N1ay 20: Mrs Ben Tackaberry "who has been suffering from-i.-paralyticstroke_ is�iaa- proving nicely. Mr. Joe Phillips, of Mafeking, -spent Sunday the guest of Mr. T. II. Culbert, • Mise Gwendoline Telbpleton returned to 'Clinton Business College last° week after spending a few days .at her honre here. Mrs, 'Robert Ctirren is at ' present visiting her sisters in Detroit, Essex and Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake sad fam- ily). of Homeeville, are. Viaitint; Wore a FOR SAi.gssY Wm. Alin Agent, Lucknow. around Crewe. a A number of the boys from here have received. ,notice to report for military service at London in the near future. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Collison and fam- ily, of Kitten Spent Sunday at David McWhinney's. Mrs and Mrs. Matthew Shackleton and baby spent a couple of days last ,creek with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 3eaee Gray, of Clinton. MORNING NOON EVENING. R • • i , TRE LONDo ` ADVE;E� TIS. R.. Western Ontario's Honie News. paper. Trial order three months for One Dollar,, All the news all the times 1,3•611 • AWL • ..::..ti,...'_.s