HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-05-23, Page 3, MM. ammo. • IWPROBLEM S :.i44.,„,....., -1,.. -,4 drd (411011 . Matters and daughters of all evr are cordially Invited to write to this department. Initials only will be published with each question and its answer as e means of identification, but foil nenie and address must be given hi each letter. Write en one side of paper only. Answer, will pe manse •direet •If literal:led and addreesed envelope is ericloseu. , Address all •correeporiderlee for thit department to Kra Helen Law, 235 Woodbine Ave., Toronto. MUHELEN LAW oCitt) elesua in the parable er the "Good definitIon of neighbor ie. given by Samaritan)" (Luke 10). A* thyself - The love of God ine1ude n itself sill other affections, but thia lavo 44' the neighbor hat, over againet it a love of eelf with veins% Jen* allow.* it to INTERNATIONAL LESSON divide tilt men - 84, Thou art net for from Oa MAX 26. I kingdom a God -Ile discerned p,er- Lesson VM. -Jesus Silences His Ad; te man ford that no emount of ex - tin neglect of one's fellow man. No fey that love to God ineledes love versaries-Mark 12. 144. tercet ritual ceuld atone for a posis Golden Text, Mark 12. II taan duret ask tolin any queetion-, The picture is Omt of the teaeber stir- the pati of Jesus, but it wealds pro- Veree 28. Questioulitg together- This was notMere logical fencing en than from any +ailment they may have. tbauld be tite 'samo 16:4 und• qual4 tovZeriitsiruPxY allaven trills ineei_te his oenee of the law over against their -.Dung tattle aro often chased until as thet on other daye but the grain - c* gel). Y 4° ider allowance ehould be cut about in telt. rotneled by a orowd, In the temple pre- led of the emeitual an answer being .01)Se-reed,: and the lard and unspilitual interpreation. If a email pasture le available, let him Out -Over SundaYt. se he will have a 'inc writer, Capt. Frank Vic Coven - with such gentle yee manly effectio eountrY 00144 'mite' So unaffectedly, eineto, the utinost freedom or tpiestiee it ve worth ponclernia"veterploy of wit, as noW one • now an-. treasure -The 'treasury" consisted of other meeeber of thaeudience puts tul a slumber of chest with flaring, elieseetereeles.e, get some gravs arid ,enne ;mob is ' otri dee Wash the mare's udder with. a tWo er at Dartmouth Cell ' Wee OP nee lawell-ceriolowl .4ttootlbaerSii• pwlahylicge sihole eollequo giving Scope te au led 4L Sat down over against the Intereeted;-Bit by bit Canada is a word of inquiry arid the teacher, aps!truraPelethaPed, brazen, moth e into Per cent. solution of coal tar diem- Dear Davie Boy. YeoZgood mother beeousbsg quite a fesh „eating tedatrYt Proving the question or exPosing the -wideh tbe PeoPle Cast 'their contribu- AS a reedit of the efforts of ale fallacy, peesset home the treth to the! tions as they 'passed into the temple.. i Nine of these Chests were tot the en.* feetant before allowing the colt to vritke yes .tha. t you have a chum, and Canada Food Board ne, less than 53 discomfiture of the caviller. . . lc: once pr twice doabr for a week. Seenr- next door Isn't that f 9 I Wiell I sock for the firat time, and repeat this she stye he is a fine by who 'woe for free-will offerings faorridtvood" tine- od°11:aenv:t4h-41.-""feelvil-ci,lealind.thewue annigraaelirloundmato fective ma. tter ;taken th at the navel lased, to be my ohms, and sometime,* pee vent. of the total catch in the lug that he had .answered then) well -J. foult. ed temPuleetri. be,tur, s were . westeyn provinces eince January 1, This seribe Appears, to have be. en ,•au saerrfice twib t ' F die 1'3 ing in the foal often is eseised by in- * En°. had a chum. You, and your mother and correctness of Jesus. replies now censer, 'satire decoratton, and. Vornt of the r000tb.from, a elm. Joe and sin A d .1. i it has' beet Consulted at hoed% as conis oftloolter, wito,enoting the einceritye ..„ t puts verth a question, not in the 'spirit' meernot, . nd beh„eeld how „.the multi. or by way 're' Prever"311" Marie find ,Phil, too when h ,_ y ane_ eve.n., ear little wanosa, , minds, * • - 1 e illaSises, I, Many that were raqb ,mbanolloyai.onese, erio ereasuree, . . sii.eof clrIticitesm,elnivtits. wii cish.aienryg "sr 4wr,..,..-,itthu- . . . it , copper com Winch. the people, „tamination of the udder, Imes) 'the stall home, but now that rs aie ehaueed mg taminated udder. 29, jests :, atswered, The first. is,I rich caSt M Inuc'h,-They cast in so Heat, 0 Israel; The lord our God, the PlOoll, that a law had to be enacted, We Lord is one -Jesus responds at once` are told, forbidding. the gift tothe with What every Jew repeated daily,' tenvele of more than u certain propore the sentences used at tae beginning oe time of one's •poseeesions, ' Morning ond-eveninge otator in the' to have t•ecome the. fashion to display temple called . by the JeWs the -this lavish contribution of money to "Shemit," from the first Hebrew word the temple. inethe eenterice; The oneness of Gerd I 42. There tame a poor .widow -In as over against polytheism . her loneliness and Povertyktlest in the arr .-soowsesease HOY To Handle Ailing Mantels. In a great Many easeeoenimals -suf- fer *eke from the excitement and ex- hauetieu a being caught and bandied FADER TO SON estlaelWataeieetsegliietitYkestteeket Thi war that ha a brought so many frightful ;ad brutal things to peso hae oleo set free the tenderest ad ezeo sweeteet qualities in humanity. Can anything be more eliarroing r4 twe*ir morniegothan at any otheiktirne. 'Gen- log than lids letter, written by an orally this is caused by heaty *ediflif AMerican eiddier in France. to his lito while idle on Sundae"- When' a 'bor0. tie eon? The :bravest are indeed the - is working bard hie •Suntley feed tenderestrody 3Tian who was wine they are heated, then roped arid thrown. Besides being dettimerdel to the ailing animals., this often puts the* in an awkward position to work upon. e To get around the difficulty, tomeeee ,gates are e great help.' They are hinged to the trent part of the otan- • tsetse, Maryitelf the eliades -are not teo People than. Gerniany's guns did yool A badly soiled vole eon clean them with - a piece of art gum or ' a brand-new white eraser. . This, of course, will take a good la of patience, but it is what tilesehaele experts themselves re- eeramend. • Just erase the. diet. If the Shadee are very dirty try the old reliable Soap and evater.' Do not use iieh water, but apply the lather on a pated with only•15 per cent last year. elotb wrung out in tot water and; This lass resulted in a Very large lean ?a email piece at a tune All paving Of meat, • white ehadet ears be soaked and.Wasla J. 'A," ten -year -ad ' girl ed and ironed just like A Piece of Uncle. might eentribute her obare to the ene s I am "afraid to- suggest this with yours, tortainment by reciting the•following ' as the green might run. If you press; little poem; the shades while damp the otiffness • will come baolt to them.: • SPRING AND SUMMER M. Si -There is no way to remove Spaing grottrin.g up, the heir permanently viriehout the use ins it not a pity? • of the electric needle. If you bleseh She was such a. little thing, .the hair on the lip with, peroxide and a i And so very PrettYl little ammonia it Will make it a good Summer is extremity grand, bit less conspicuous. Otherwise We mtst pay her 'duty, would in to a reliable specialist. You' But it is to little Spring . preVent the ittrimal froin juraping Sidewise. The gates are' especially valueble for miloix cows, _When treat. Ing eases of contagious abortion or in-, feetion of the genital passages. Their floor clean and well ;bedded and gm t have. no aura. oll the world, tisr inures greater 'safety for the. dee to ciao • • 5eetien a flunk, it,a rather ea4 eemetaa. • es, 40n,t arho ie treating an anintal. two or three quarts of wand Water put But I have your pietureie e mare. a er vagina sn Stock e should be carefully vratched pontaining One teaspoonful Of coal -ter -wok% I take down and talk ix) when. am lonesome. I am happy to know you like your new ettnoel Otel. home," and I'm sure you'll only play with clean. boys who don't stet anything very bed. and who' aleo like to go -to school. Didn't we uoe te have great times togethet, and wasn't it fun when: you'd coroe up to the car to meet me? . Then when yea sat! ine getting off, de yin remember how•you'd hide behind a tree and run can get a depilatory powder at the druggist's that will remove thelmir for a day ortwo, but will come beck. Be sure to go to a reliable druggist and make ,sure you are. getting. a reli. , ,at•le depilatory Powder: • Gratefule-Nothing re.edly any trouble to us, Grateful.. Aud if it That elle owes her beauty! e pi the buds are blown, Trees are dark. and shady. (It is Spring who dressed them, though, Such a little lady) And the birdi sing loud and sweet were, that's ` what' s we're here for. Their enchanting ins tries. • Sinte the medicine spilled on thewhite (It is Spring who taught them, thoub, • Such a singing mistres.s1) Spring is growing up, Leaviiig us so lonely, • linen dress has iron in it you can go r about removing -the 'stain th same way you would remove an ' on -rust etain. • Lemon and salt mig ,t not be --strong eneugh, although you migh tty this 'first. ' Sprinkle the etait In the place .of -little Spring with salt, moisten witfilemon juice and ' Well have Summer only! place in the sun, more lemon juicelm- Summer with her lofty. airs, Ing added if neceseary. If this doesn't And her stately faces, • remove it, try salts of lemon, to be in the place Of little Spring bought in the -drug store in 'crystal With her childish graces. form, Immerse ,the stain in a solue tion of one-half teaspoopful ..ef 2 the crystal* to o iint Of water and boil until the stain disappears. Then rinse. Young Mother:es-About 'the fifth month of a baby's life the process known as the eruption of the teeth begins. The rule is that the lotrer, teeth precede the upper, of the same class, tWo or three enonths. They •generally appear in pairs; and the lug 'community. what elm, met modern . usual order of their einption is as fol- coavenience saves the moot drudgery Aowsi 'tippet -set -two cenhol iteistrs !and contributes most toward the tom- ithrepgiug, crowds, but not lost to tie 80. Thou shalt love, the Lord thy1 eye of the Master. Two mites, which Cr3d-This is the first duty 9i man.make a farthing -It Would take about toward God and here is at the same ten of these woo to maim one Eng - tune a -revelation of the nature of God, listh penny. It was the smallest for it is onlY onfi Who loves who de- Jewish coin.. •No one was allowed to mancil love; since love in 'hint is suo contribute towards alms so small a `suPteale I sum as a single mite, lett this was not prone he demands love as the duty: Heathen deities were not gods forbidden•for other purposes. • . to love. . With all thy heart . . . I „„o, 1 48. Called unto hire las ditelpies- -There can be no divided alletrgiae-ne.-ce.file:herateaches them the great lessen soul . . . mind . , way that 1 in benevolent use of liteney. •Cast in all our pi:mere are to .go forth in leve i more -In this case theaeoor giver was Here is shown in a strong to God- ,, ` . the princely ' giver. The giver not goat the gift, the measure of self-sacrifice, second stands with the Aral as corn- 1 . . . . noigni*or.. as thYThsetilfu-'11Ms* • not the amount of 'the contrils tihe standard of the Mestet. 81, • The second . .' ution, is love thy pleting the idea of righteousness. ---'-- • - None other greater than these -For 'She is..a full Partper hi, the business the reason that it exhausts. the tele- of building up the faerreand lierne and i tioriship of Man. 1teligioui duty, there- .h.es a right to as full share in labor - fore, looks two ways, Godward and saving and ceinfortf,Securing equip:. manward. Neighbor, in the Jewish ment. Along with arguments in her .sense, included only his tell* • Jew, . - . • bot Josue widens the meaning co oven favor she should be able to point neighbor to fellow man. ' This wider out to the fanner how etch a water WATER IN THE FARM HOME':H The Wife and Children Are Entitled to This Comfort and Labor • • Saver. By I. W. Dickerson. -Ask' the women of any good forth- they are. most susceptible to in.- Ilnences for. good et . learning either to love the farm and to 'wish to stay with it, or to liate it and long to get away- -at the` • first opportunity; hoseowif-e-haa-lalx, side with_ heart and hande: in building up the andhome Mit-whose only labor-saving devfCe has, ben a Wash- ing machine •while. he hes invested he everything cellist:fled to make his Strength ,go farther, ,anstelite labor More efficienta-does 'realize , that `three or four of his fat steers wil give his 'wife and children hot and. cold rutting water in the kitchen, es beautiful botheoom and a good sewa, age dispoial system With eomfortable indoor tailless?' - • Are the steers so important that he is 'willing to have his family arid him- telf miss these comforts? • • If a water -supply .systeme a. saver of drudgery for the womeri and e com- fort and pleasure of the family) costs little, ought Mit every substantial tarm have one? In some rare cases the litisband and father thinks more of his mooey thanle• does Of his wife and children. • • - • • • • . , e r - i . L • . I. L tg f Ore of the family. At least nine - • - months; two canines, between the out mf ten will answer, "Runntir twelfth and eighteenth months; two ter in tjte kitchen and bathing faeili- • • • first moleret between the twettiethI ties lathe home!' . • - . , . .. . and 'thirty-sixth montilid. Remember Why, then' - is .there only a sinall that the lower teeth ..ef the mime -Class proportion --Of farm homes having - Will be one or two months earlier than these convnftinCeil. , , • the upper OrleS• ''..,• '' ,..' .. , • , , .,.. .. Running , water in the house eaves' Dere, K.;_,To • reeseeet ouniene he time and drudgery, in -cooking, dairy ' and,Jaundry week, _three of theaisks which 'because of the lack Of running water draw most heavily on strength and vitality. In preparing,serving and clearing away after aameal for live persons, Water is needed in front twenty to •twenty-five operations. Thee include washing vegetables .be- fore and after peeling, wing cook- ing utensils, washing the liltMee wash- ing the dishes and dish towels otter the meal.. • • ' For -eigh of these processes water it carried to the kitchen, dipped out ,and then carried to the swill pail or ' tiureyout shee;s fit properly,• ericl-re. • enove any pressure that there may be.. Prated the joint ;with a felt ring Re- duce the itflammation . 'tit tincture e) eef iodine,, and then.apply enzoinwaid oollodien. Soak your feet i hot seep - lauds and pare off the thick epidermis.. Be earefel and don't, pare elogely. Repeat the .applications of collodion.. 'Lister: -Yes, the'need is desperate,. trideed, ' Do you inow that- there are more Ohan 9,0.00,000 people in Bel- gium - and Northern France who are practically Without bfead? And what do „you think the mop o fthe British Mercantile Marine have done? They into -the back kard. Each of these have agreed to o reduction of fifty per Washings takes several steps some lift- centin their meat allowance. When -lug and at least port of a minute of. the heroic men of the British. Mere thne. ' . ' - . ' - • _ • , cantile Marine have to have their ries With water evailableend-a sink, for ' tions cut, eurele the people of Canada working,•all this is very much aimplie , • will irreke the small tacritewoof eat- fied. - '• The lifting of water twice is • hig less bread and meat, and sub- practically eliminated; and the time ' stituting fish and esegetablesspent and steps taken are tremend- , , White • Feathere-Stervation , in otsly reduced. . In dairy and laun- • ' • Europe is not theoretical. White dry' work trhe lifting arid walking. are Feather', It is only too real It has i .beexi estimeted by an , expert that -• about 4,750400 persons have -died-- of ' starvation in, Europe. ,sinee. the wai'• --beganewhile'elyout 4,250,000,have been syttem would work inte hie part of the farm veork, such as providing fresh water in the hog Its and in the dairy barn.• ,• • • My Own *home was without conveni- ences until I was nearly" gregn and found out for myself howmuch could lie done with a very email amount. ef money: , I had juet vette the firit: in-, and, when the presente of maggots is diecovered in wounds or in soiled wool, appropriate, remedies should be ••ae. Ohlovoform is the best remedy, to apply to kill the maggots in wounds. dieinfeetant; or add a tertspoontel of permanganate of potash ery-stals to each quart of water., ' . • Dropeical swellings in . pregnant After the wound as cleansed some a- cows need cause no alarm, as theY feotive fly repellent ouch aa pine tar lace are quite common and usually due to of exercise during. pregnancy should be smeared over the wound and en most cases they indipite that the. about its edges. • cow is going to be a heavy milker. For scours in,calves,.. give each calf When that is an, however, the entire two or three 'ounces of castor-oil in udder enlarges and the dropsical' swell - • which a teaspoonful of .ginger is stir- mg may extend to the fore legs andi up behind me and scare me after -1 dasnicr iTiftwusoioonuonfcegseneotichamof 1Tthintee-waiter, roe; i;nfehoerceis ebexejmeisgerbia. titccedfueeeed brie,Aei. how Psaosmseetintd?Os, you and I would reek red. Then give two or three thnes high 'up at the back of the udder. And. do you remember' and you were getting so yct# Could run ion of gentian is made by boiling one ter if she has been living on hay and pretty fast, for you were getting to be punce ot bruised eontiaii roots in one fF,..dder. Two or three times a day a big boy? . pint of water for tee rainetes, then give the swelling a thoroughliand Aed then We'd an ..go dovrn iee More horses are sick on Monday and at night rub in some linimeni. hands zo we wouldn't get separated or cooling and straining. • eillshing in the direction of e'94tP the circus and the parade and hold • The farmer eometittes has a hazy idea that such ;equipment is expensive and difficult tO install. • The het 1 • • ter system and shining sink and bathe room fixtures which he sees in the city homes, look complicated .and he fears his ability to take care of them properly; tossay nothing of installing them himself. He also has the idea st erhaps ' eater then in cooking. Ali that ,a kitful of special tooleevoll be this water, not less than from six. te eevenelstieketfues" each deer, emustehe cerried, eeme times from ea distahee -Lneat'as two htindred feet. . • • received to natal' .thena. • . . . --thiets-wronge O.;Tsial.institibstieri ef a hot-water -system, with :Sinlv-ind- bath, is really , a very simple Opera: " • -killed in 'fighting. Yotenever t'hotight .A eorivenient. water suPille noteanlY I testi end any farmer evho can cus „mid. kliapci off Tanre conterves time and otrength fetid , thread a pipe so as to make a geed, - - of.-• tiger as • 11 'A orgins.-` ' it rid' 1911oW •direr-thiisi •• the hoini. to• better watrs of living. ' carefully, should have to troti POULTRY, • wANTE D nrit. HaEn dR 8 ' Highest Prices Paid • pronrot Returns -4O domonestea • •P. romix ei co. 89 lOndeponts Market . 04041101 Sure Cure says about OAPI, ARuin noes what As.rL HELVoLarcontilliarvine •°1 used okIIIITAL npit, S Lrr *before on it habil that another Mau turnEt 64 a baro pasture to starve. I oared her wit it yoirdora. I can prove this about the oi horse; 1 bay° her yet; *he has nevershow nowesdace." • nen TRIAI,•OEFE Wo have such edtiltklen06 In this remedy that are mond lull Weak's trivilvw, fr•r Oa. tdcOver and vrap ,_ Write as VET !MANY SUiL nollsr, today. 760 {trait. thura. Oat. ,,,,.. arra '1••••••• • • .• Well the 'housewife knows that other installing sueh a system. • del -darts such as hot water, tothroott I The use. Of • simple compresSion facilities, sewage disposal and indoor joints has &nes away with theeneed closets,better heating' and elects*, for special tools arid skzll iii handling lighting probably will follow it the lead pipe . and Making wiped joints. wake of a goad water system No ( There is, no necessity of a plumber's system should be considered oemplete assietance pot investment iri expen- Without arrangements for hot water sive special.tools. The Whole outlay possible ta do this at. first.: • fifteen, or itwenty dollars and mot of even though it may not financially for woiking *Aerial need -not be veer Of all the .htni-us conveniences, the , it usually can be rented, froin -supply • e water system and bathroom facilities houses. • • are the one's inost appreciated on the When it corneS so inetulling • thee farm,as they are in the city. This stacks and waste pipes for'a ,seisraeci water systein, which lightens` the bur -1 disposal system, it might be advisable dot of work' in the, house and on the r. to secure the servicet of a' Plumber farni and 'Which .meiiits much *to the for two Or three days but unless it comfort and selfseespect of ithe whole /armor can better afford to hire some fainily, costs a relatively trivial sumone to iriestall his water system for The price of a good hog Or an outlay him than to give his own time,, even of fifty dollars grid about three ot this expenditure is not teceesar7. four days' labor wili do Amoy with ,The farm woman should be able to earethot water from the well and talk the advantages of a good water= ear.rying it away again after it has supply system and to discus been ttsetrSeventy-fiVe dollars added ently the merits' of the different sys- to this will give the family a hof-wa- tome :available and she should be in- ter systtent attached to the range and formed ethoroughly Ott • hOW:' to tok it eervifleeble bathtub with bot and oare *fit and how to get the most out cold water suPlitYof itseoperatioe. It will be put in, 1)aes tide father 'w'hose bright boy if tla Olt largely for her benefit and and girl are entering that age viten 1 threugh her exertions and insisteace. a11.4;r•ii whenmi mother died and our lionie was broken up but I shun never forget what a :wonderful help the sink and' , cistern pump • were in +greatly lightentneher week and sav- ing her steps. • heed& tion etarts -whet they are put on, 'ma- ture. Goed health. and eeonemical returns depend upoe a liberal Variety of erase' forages 'and :some grain Lambs should have access to clean all. bluegrass, rape, and a grain allowance of ground oats and bran. Rape:has • rerearicably good effeet on lainbe, hastening -the time when they may be • finished and inarketed. llaxitnum growth depends upon g hunbs .early on grain. ey usua start nibbling at the grain when they are from ten days to two. weeks of age. , • • • Afegetribles Should not be-coeked in an iron kettle. '"Keep the lambs growing from the 'day of birthe' is the slogan of sueeess- ful .sheepmen. Since' the greatest profits' a .*meirom sixty-five and. seventy; petifidNambe, on the • early market, economical feeding is import- a•nt. The iambi' journey to perfec- ds startin the They lljr kat. And then 'PhriStmasi Oh, wasn't that a wonderful day!. Early in the morning how you'd all rash downstairs to see your presents. ,And, then, peer; tired mother would work and work to give all you boys and girls a. Christmas' dinner-aturkey, cranberry sauces and dressing and phim pudding, and .candy and nuts and eVerything. ' 0 Dave, ,did any. . little boy ever have ouch a good moth- • er as you, I wonder? And now 'you are soon to have 'another Christnias, - and Old fet)av" won't be tome. But I . • want you to have the finest time, you ever had on that day, so that I may bo • happy over here thinking of you. all. I with I knew some little boys and •.gises over here, so that Isreight teats, them and hold their hands, and ' I would calletheni my boys' and girls' reifies and pretend.that I was home. The other night I lead a lovely &sera, and • I' Was so disappointed n -I ed I was sit- . ting it our kitchen with mother a David and all the, children, ando chair that was tilted back against the wall slipped, and I fell gently and without . 'hurting nte to the floor. And eteese, mother and you and all the children e laughed and laughed, just like- good, naughty folks.. And you came • over • and took my hand tin yotite` and lifted ' me • up easily. Isn't that funny, Dave? ." Think of any 'boy lifting a • big, fat father like me fiomethe floor with one band. 'Then we laughed some more, and suddenly I remember it was after nine o'clock. I said, "Why; thildreie What are You doing out of bed at Waist -stir ef the tight?" And you said; "Why, it 'isn't • very, , often our father goes away to War, so we, thought we ought to stay up to say good -by." And then •I was; so'. surprised to learn 'Matt hadn't gone away • to - war yet that I suddenly awoke, only to find myself ip my tlettonely• barracks, and the rain was. coming claim hard "Outside, and, I was lonesome for my dear family.. And now, David, old boy, everyone Is in bed but me trying to get'lots of strength and lie.4.1th for the big fights we will soon be in, so:I must do like- • wise and end *la letter to you. ' You must always alWays remeMber that your. .t4fkffneoleysarthakcae tino_fyeoaluririllittl:7walhgritielekleamn'r• ar;cttri: -take goocl, care of mother and all the children. I can see you growing up tull arerslialeit7.VtItelioulders. buck . and head up, becceitteethat's what old ettgatttet!=se.-*de.,.Vneterets.tea. don't you, ,Davie boy? Dave, will ,you do something real' nice for Me? I knew you Would. . Then kiss Mother_ and Annie and Billy, Rose Marie and 'John for -"Cave! and send one - to PhTnhiPe ilnighMtais neare ng :tut in a few aninir teode, sboiegssoodvun.ight, geed -het Dave, ateeteroseeseseaslitaytinfesesessa.meesseeeeteotavt, Fromeyout old man, "CANT." e t trhaer the apple: strees high go p and nagwi nagy ;, . Where: '0:le:birds 'are Singing; . The blossoms drift 'deevri-zephyts, 1:wish:in the ttees, • • • .1 .. And drowsily conies the soft hum of the bees; • . ' Oh, theobreath of thelilaes Way. time; Oh, May! • Stop longer! Stop , longer! Ifsow:t hurry away. ' • New Shoestring Ends. . If the metal tip comes off:the aliens stritg, dip the fraked end in hot pa- raffin. 'Let harden, and a very good substitute tip Is :forme& eeetaatas. ' eeeee_soes_e_. • teeters. e 4*.t. • , eseeseatteee•: " Beard, that rows Outdoors On the face of an acctive, vigorous man, is a very different razor . test from. the 'beard which grows at a desk or .behind a.counter.: h: - has done tit " at'swkili"ree-years service nithitienc es an ii yS use in the cities to smgle out, for real, stiff shaving,. the e e ^ aLaatam'aasaitiltatML"."'",t The man who doesn't get time to shave every morning—wnose _beard grows thick, sun -cured and wiry—he's the one who gets the most solid satisfaction out of his Gillette. Such :an edge as it offers y90.—:,always ready without honing or stropping! How easy it 1..s, to as:lit& it, with a turn of the -screw LT ',at ta vr handle, for a light or close shave, .or.4.toUgh Or tender kin! neatly it ivorks round that awkward corner of the jaw! And hair good it feels as it slips through the; itiffest beard you. can put it UP .against! There's certainly a; treat waiting for you the . day you buy a Gillette! • Why not make' it soon? Gillette Safety .11a.ior Go. of Canada, Limited • Office 'andFactory r 6:-73 St. Alexander-Sti•eet., 324). . at. , - - „ See*