HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-05-23, Page 1•
. "
. .
A. large-cougregatimi—aseembl
"the Preebyterian church last Sunday to
, • hear/Rev. Mr. -Wilson, of Walkerton,
x.so per year, in advance; $24o othenvise
wattr4ow, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 23rd., I918.
Single Copies 3 cents
Auction Sale
Cows; Young Cattle and Calves.
At Cain 'Hous,e°13"arn,
Lucknow, on
Saturday, May -25, 18
CommerMag at 2 o'clock pan.
10 Mitch Cows, 15 Two-year-old*
Steers and Heifers, 10
Young Calves
Termsww*Six 'months' _ credit.
D. A. MacDonald, Prop. J. Purvis, Auct.
KinIough '
=Monday, . 111 ag
• Rev. Mr. Ecclesten, of Lucknew, will
„ preach on Missions in the Anglican
.cbuch hereon Sunday the 26th,
Mt and Mrs. W. H. Blackwell vieited
friends in Kluged on Sunday:,
Mt, and Mrs. Virm, Montgomery and
faintly motored up to .Kinlosigla last.
week. .
' • Miss Lillie Hodgkinson entertained
Mittrber of her friends on Mendel?. even
lag. ,
Mr. Carl Robinson and Mother, .of
Kincardine, 'spent Sunday at James
!.c Several of our arcking; ladiea have
taken to walking aroanel the block for
, • . exerchie bately, We would suggest that
these ne:taken. as farmerettes. or the
• • summet.' ' • .
Mr. John Graham, anaged, resident
of our village was fortunate enough -to
• see &young deer while underbrushing
. ,zn Itobt. McLeap's•lineh _One day last,
week,: . • "
• g g •
Mi. Lloyd and Mies Ida 'Percy spent
the week•end-mt '014ris
Gunner Edgar Eekenswiller paid a.
fiyieg visit to nitelionie-hefe.
Misses Wilda, and Maniie Mel.Aean
• anent Sunday afterntiouvith Miss Liz-
zio Graham . " • - '
Me It A., Richards has recovered
' • after a few days illness. • ••• '
. ,
Miss Edna McConnell spent a few
daya visiting some ofher old friends
here. 9 .9
One of the Westford young men seems
0.• to 'Come ie Kialough to' get .a better
• - • view, of the setting sun. • .•
, •R .A. ivisited at
' •
box will b e sent to the Queen Mary's.
Needlework Guild,
Mr. And Mrs. Jas. Robinson visited at
Mr and Mrs. Nelson Bushell's Sunday,
Mr. Harry Pinnell had a wood -bee
Monday, aftornoon. • .
Teesveater Siinday. . •
- ' Mr teed Mee nidon Eekenswiller
11/Cent`811087 With friends in Kiftear•
- Mies Paxton is• renewing acquaint-
• ances in this burg, . • . .
• • • Mesere Will and George Iltddenby
are reeving their stock and implements
• •
to the Bushell farm. • •
• The Rd Cross intend packing a box
of soldiers' comforts on Thursiley. The .
Bran And Shorts
The Canada Food Board, the Feed'
Branch of the`Department of Agricult-
ure and the millers have been working
together for ;months upon the very ,dif-
ficult problem Of the'.faireist method of
distribliting bran and'sliorte. . The de-
mand in Pomade for tilde feeds is many
time ti the total -output of Canadian mills
814 coulee from all peal of .the Country.
The prices" fixed for bran and shorts,
4: •: 11: • 1:.11 /1.:1: 11
other feeds, such as pats end barely.
and -Ms has increased the demand, and,
moreover, in Many p.arts of the country,
oats and barley were , a short eon last
year, se wee also hay, .' ' -
Fire Coe
Wilt Hold Field Oa; On July ist
Weed of Jime
TO deform= to the Teeswater people
who 9,re putting oua program of horse
raceson Jane ard, the. Lucknow Fire
co, have deeidett to poetncare their field
day. until July 1st when they hope tO
be able to put en something which will
draw i good crowd; Both evente—the
races at Tteawater and the field clay at-
lincknowee-rire in: the interests of the
local pittriotio work, and it was thought;
well' to ayold a ceniiict of interests.
The change of date will meet with the
approval of many who will be glad to
have the opportunity of attending both
places. Teeswater folk want Lucknow
Ipeople to visit their town. on June 301,
and we of Lucknow shall look for %good
tepreeentation trona Teeswater orr July
1St, Let Us hope that both towns will
be •frivoured with a fine day and a good
Lick 'em, Lick 'ens Good
Regulati�us inFrce- .
The critical condition ,of food supplies
for the Allies during •-• the 'neit . few
mo-iiths his led the Canada 'Food Board*
to pass additional orelers•affectieg wheat
and flour. It has been made illegal for
farmers, or anyone else, to use any ini 1
able wheat for feed for any ,kind of
animals: Consumers are prohibited from
accumulating stair's of flour beyond
their actual current needs and must re.
turn to -dealere any excess they may:
have been hoarding, and ' dealers must
report their excess stocks which will. lie
returned tothe• millers or dispesediat as
the Canada Food Beard directs. ,
The Patriotic .WOrk
The'Wonieri's Branch•of the Fatrintic
Leagne shipped last week te. the .Canade
hm Red Cease Society lgo Fors' of ..seee.
been given out fer. mailing direct to eol:
diers by relatives Wheinade eppliCation
to the Coninlittee, inakes'a fetid ot -00-
_ pens and:eleens up all thefinished sox
demand for sox arid plenty of yarn has
been 'secured to nimble ell, who desire to,
help in this work to do so, The yarn
May be had by applying to Mrs Siddal
Or go, N. L. Campbell. •
;Veil, eon o'inine, the time is .draw-
ing nigh When you and: I must "shake
and say good•bye. I hate to see youg�'
so far away, but Lord, I'd hate it worse
to see yoi stay and make excuses why
you didn't go! That viouldn't doe -I
told your mother so and she agreed; just
Weight she would. So go ahead.
:and lick 'em, lick 'mu good.
I recollect right well your ine, .and]:
how back in sixtY•one we said good-bye.
I didn't hanker Much to go to war, but
nia insisted —Said 'twas bettor far to go
and fight than later to explain just why
I let my country call in vain. She said;
'why, john, I don't see how you could;?"
Sof0 ahead and lick 'ern, lick 'em good."
The soldiereion entrained at break of
day.. Theteari watched the long train
steam away, then home again, and in
the darkened hall he paused beneath
a picture on the will. '"Aly President,"
he said, 'I've heard yOur plea; jwit say
suirissawat Ito
orrected up to ednesday noon) .
Wheat. , • . •'154•• • • .401‘ *4 • • •2 10 •
ogiti011.00600111.1.11001/, 66001 -8r7) 88.
Barley• .. • . 6.164tliati.a.11610661. 60 1 65
Peas . • • 11. V 1; • 6 • to.lo 6 • .3 00 3 50.
. Buckwheat..., ....1 50
-r Butter 06e 60/1 II IP lk 060 0660.14 41. 42
• Eggs, new laid...." 044.,4 35 • 37
• Heat. .• a ..". 19 60
„ Choke heavy steeris....$14 25' to iti6 25
, • Choice butchers.... -50- to IT '06
ebolee butchers" co;vs.. 10 75 to 12 SO
Good feeders 4 SO to 10 75
. Good mil& cows.. .-100 00 to 135 00
• Hogs, fed end watered20 75 to 21 00
Pall Wheat...• 2 14 to
Goose Wheat ... 2 10 to
Oats ' 64001601 1 04 to .4-1 05
Timothy Hay. ... 20 00 to 23 00
Eggs, new laid... 41. to
t 46 to
• • --•da.y, May. 21
Some of our boys are enlisting in or.
du to have a choice of work.
Several of the sports attenied the
picturishow "Intolerance'rin Lucknow
and Teeswater.
Little William ° Moffat, eon .of Peter
MOffat, who had an Attack Qf, pneuinonle.
is recovering. •
Alymer T&flIn had the misfortune"to
lose a valuable mire this week.
Miss Mite_ MeLtlinan, Miss. Emma
Richardson, Miss 'Pena Moffat and Mrs.
P. G. Moffat are attending Presbyterial
at Wingliam today.
An auto load of frie,ndiref Miss Holi.
day's are attending the funeral of her
father at Mount Voreat to day. Mr.
Holiday wee aecitigatly b$ a land
• •.4 1 16 1. .
gave -the bey2--Pee' done :the best I
could. Now lick 'em sir, and liek 'em
good 1"—NpLt.. FA.URELL, in Mainieys.
. •
Died Suddenly in West •
Robert Webster who lives just
.smith of town, received a ineosage on
Saturday Stating that his on, Charles,
.had died at MediCinti Hat, Alta. 'NO
further information Was given, and as
there was no knowledge of his 'illness
the family have no idea eteto Whet hap
pned Mr.itobert Webster jr..left for
Medicine Hit on SatUrday 'afternoon. •
lo Empire: Day, and is being
celebrated in the public school%
Mz he fcClure is up from Detroit
to•spend the week at his. home -liar%
Farmers will find wine intenTeting in-
forinationin A. IL Finlaysou'e advt. •on
page 8,
Mies.Miss. Morgaret Irwin, nurse -in -train-
ing at Guelph, lo hour for a tw�.weeia
Mr. Harry .McCharies jai goue to
Sudbury where he expecte to opted the
• •-•
Lucknow Fire Co, ha,ve postponed
• ,
their field day and celebration from June
Ord to July 1st.
, ,15
We have RenniegS Treated Seed Corn,
also Tunkip and kangel seed and Beans.
—H. ,D. Woone.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Melvin and Mr.
Robert Braden,. of Qulross,
Lueknow friends on Monday.
Mi ite Allin, of the 'teaching staff in.
the Seaforth Collegiate Institute was a
weekend guest 'of Mrs. Geo. H: Smith.
pkga. Carden Seeds, 25c; 6 Bars
Soap, 25e; 2,pkgs. Raisins, 2.3c; Tea at
old pric,e.—H. p. WOODS.
That photograph you were thinking
of get -it now. The Incknow Studio
will likely be closed after July. 6th,.—G.
S. Pram., , •
The weather the past week, has been
such s,s to,delight the heart of the farmer
and the gardener. May is the fruit and
hay maker. •• , • . "
Owing to the recent advances in ' the
price of iron and coal the lead black-,
sinitlis Jhave been obliged to get out
new price lists to go into effect June 1st.
Pte. ,Charles •Cook wishes through
The Sentinel to thank the ladies of the
Wenaen's Institute for the•socks which
they So kindly gave him. • ,
Dr. Case, of Dungannon, was the
lucky Man at the Conservative COUVO11,-
, got) at Wingheau last Friday., And he is
as flood as eleeted Member foe the. Tiding.:
It was 0, close run between Mr. Geo.
Spotton, of Winoliam, imd Dr. Case.
count of the ballots showed a tie 'Tote;
but the chairman,: Dr. Redmond . gave
'bis casting Vote for PaSe.
Recalyie Of the war -time truce wean
'the two political parties, by which it to
understood that there snail be ne elect
'ion contest, getting the nomination woe
ati *00d as getting the electien.„ This of
course, 'added keenness to the work of
the convention. . '
There were theusual, number Of e0111•••,
plimentary nominations but only three
stood, a ballot, ..Mr. Scott of East Waw•
anosh Spotten and Case. Scott was the
lowest man on the first liatlo He with-
drew ond in doing SQ requested that his
'euPPerters transfer their votes to Dr.
Dr. Redmond tte chairman bad the
unpleasant task of casting the ' deciding
vote and did not hesitate to vote againet
his own Gownsman,
Dr. Case does not appear to be much
given to advertising himself and is little
known outside of the territory heserves
as physician: ,Mr. Spotton appears to
have drawn the strength of hut support
from Ilowick. ,
, Mr.. and Mrs. Samuel. Reid wish -to
.expresa their. grateful appreciation of
the kindness and sympathy shown by
friends at the time Of their recent ber-
'eavement. . • • • r • .
/• 4a. -morrow will be Victoria Day, and
.a public holiday. ,Business pieces "in
town will be closed, but on the evening
before stores will be .open until 1.1
o'clock • ' • • •
• . —Tuesday, May 21st
• .
Mr, Itilph Nixon is Visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Jes.*MeKay, of Willow
• Miss Margaret Ritchie, of TeesWater,
visited 'at her home over Sonday.
• Muni Janet Hackett is spending a few
days with her sister, Mrs. 'Bert Treleaven
at Crewe, . , •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Saunders and bats.
spentSunday in this burg: • .
We are glad to report -that. Robt.
Andrew who underwent an operation at
Winghati Hospital fereappendicitis, -is
'improving as his many friends wish.,.
J:42.r•Imed..-M5." • -elattftrettplit....-
ore spent Sunday et her home, • .
Pte -Geo. Hackett, of London Called.
, on his friends on Saturday and „Sunday.
Mr.--Itobt Webster left Saturday' to
attend the funeral of his brother, Chao.
.4a to... 43 valor,
-101101061101.0‘......1"1,00• 616,1_ "; 6,60-- • -
Ceorge Gibeon 'Wait iiimmoned to Lou-
don by M. $..A. on Mondayto report
Cuiross Corners '
The 'Lucknew Women's Institute ask
that all whci have old silver or gold
trinkets co *spare hand ' these' in *before
May 31st as they will close the collect-
ion'on that date..
. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Anderson were,
In Toronto. on Saturday to Meet „their
130n, Wilfrid, who was about to leave for.
•overtivie with the First Canadian Tank
Battalion of whici he is a niember.
The • Greyhound Excursion •
' --Monday, May 20.
Mr. George Murray and Mrs, Edgar
spent Sunday with Bethany friends. .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geddes spent Sun-
day eveni• gat vrnh, i3ecking'e.
, A number frpm here attended the
play 'Intolerance"in Teeswater on Mon-
day evening. All • report a splendid
time. "
Mr. Will Mann and Miss Ilayneo, of
Teepwater, motored to Bethany on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. j. Wraith spent Sunday
at Mr. Stobo's, eon. 6.
Miee Echo, Henna Spent an (+yelling
11*18 weeh with Mi oa ;Artie Bell.
Those Wile -intend taking advantage
of the White Star Line excursion, God;
erieh t� Detroit on jute 11, will be in-
terested to know - that .Clase one men
who may not leave Canada without per
misstep ,can get the required leave. by
applying to W.I. Weenier, Deputy Reg.
aster for Military District o on -Thi
'Company . have arranged With the mil-
itary authorities to maker the granting
of leave as simple as possible..
• :a -ill -fan •
• •
• . - -Tuesday, May 21,,
Mr's, Beaton, of. London, 18 visiting
. ,
her sister, Mrs., Jas. McDonald.. •
• Mr. and Mrs: William Hogan who
Were Married on, the ,15th inst., and who
spent several days With, friends 111 Len
don and Strathroy \have returned to
their home • here. Their Many friends
wisn thema long and'appy Fdarried
Prospects look good' :just -now for a
bumper fruit crop, which will be *el-
eome after the failure of the post goad
of years. •
Tom Sandy, haying sold bis
machinery, some time ago is busy at
present removing it .
Pherrill, B A.,`oflairktob, will speak on
behalf of Missions, on Sunday next in
St. Peter's Church at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
next Lord's Day at 11 a.m. Subject,
"Choosing • The Highest." s There will
be in) evening service owing to the an-
niversary services at South Hulloes
Church.' . ' •
The cacra.ment Of the Lord's Supper
will be ..observed on the 2nd of June.
IL 1 1161,, ::. • Ot 1, •
"I Did Not Wu /Ay Boy To Be
A Soldier," And A Reply
With extreme pacifists in the United
Statea the lines quoted above were very
popular when the great Republic was
hesitating or the brink before entering
the Great War. The little poem which
voiced the sentiment was written by
Mr. Edwin Markham, who some ,years
ago !)ecaute famous .°by writing "The
Man With The Ree The reply "The
Tridy Unselfish Mother's Answer' was
Written by Dr. J. Z. Hughes of Toronto,
brother of Sir Sam Hughes, who has a
ion buried in France
Bianle.uaie's Poen
"0 mothers, will you loeger give your
To feed the awful hunger of tlie guns'?
What is the worth of all these battle
•• drums
If from the field the loved one never
- comes?
What all these loud
brevet •
If all your share' is
hosannas to the
some forgotten
God gave 1117 8011 in Omit to me. /
,phrist aid, for him, and he should be
A maii.for Chtist He ia his own, .
And God and mans; not mine alone,'
He was not mipe to "give." Ile gave
.11iroself that he might help to save
,All that a Christian should reyere,
All that enlightened men hold dear.
"To feed the goes!" Oh, torpid soul!
Awake and see life as a whole. .
When freedom, honour, justice, right,
Were threatened by the despot's might,
With heart idiainnand soul ahght,
Re bravely went for God to fight '
Against base saVages•whose pride
The laws of God and man defied; ,
Who Slew the mother and her child;
Who maidens pure and sweet defiled.
Re did not go "to feed the guns,"
He went to save fro& ruthlees' Mine •
His home and 'counti and to be • ‘„
Aguardian of democracy
• • , •
evening at 8 33 will be conducted by'
Rev Mr McKenzie, of Kinloogh, and
on Saturday afternoon at 3 by the
minister.' • • •
principal matter before. the Presbytery
of Maitland when it met -at Wingham
On Tuesday of `this 'week was a, rail by
the Presbyterianchurch of Kincardine
to Rev'. F.I C. Overend of l3rookidale. and.
-Burnie The Kincardine people were
very unanimoue in their call t� Mt.
Overend and it was sustained by the
Presbytery. The date of the induction
at Kincardine is net yet fixed but • it
likely will take place early in June. The
Stipend at Kincardine is $1500 per year
and kr. Overend gets a free manse and
a month's 'vacation. The Presbytery
had the. pleasure of listening to a most
interesting' address by Prof. Davidson,
:of Kilos College'. Toronto, on the
luestion of recruits to the Ministry. The
shortage of ministers is becoming •more
•acute each year. Another flue address
wao given by Rey. Mr, Stevenson of
the Lord's Day Alliance, on the work
of the -Alliance thronllhout the :Demin•
In loving memory of Mrs. Robert
Ramilton, who pacified away on Mey
t8th, 1017.
"Absent from the body, but pres-
ent with the Lord."
Ma, T. a iutoDox..
Oepies of the Proclamation command
log the men 19 years of age to report
for military service were received in.
town Ale week and liavebeen Posted
up. Men who re 19 or who will shortly'
attain the age of I9years ought .to read
byer the Proclareation carefully in or-
der t�get it -exact meaning.
The class affected are tit(*) 19 years
of age who. were born on or
Since ,the lath daY of October, 1897.
Those born before that iloteare now he-
lped the age .lirnit within whicli,inen
are affected. . • e ,
The young men are to -report on or
before the 1st day of June, 1918, or
within 10 dais after their .19th, birthday
Whichever -elate IS the later. From that
we would understand ,that. the young
man who becomes 1.9 say on the 3rd of
June should report on or before the 13th
of June.
Those volunteering for service before
Aloe ist will be treated as volunteers_
that iti they wiltbeable to . choose Lthe'
branch, of service itt which they shall
serve.. '
The Men who report are assured thas
they wil1. not be called upon to go an
active service,before July 1st, 1918.
They must however notify the Registrar
or his Deputy of any change of address. •
Definite information is given as to
'how to proceed in reporting, and the'
following is emphasized,. . , •
"Punctual' compliance 'with these re- .
quirements is 9f great importance to .
4hOse, affected. Failure to report within
the time limited will expose the delin- ••
quent to severe penalties will in addition
redder him liable to immediate tippre•
lt 4
hension for military service.
,"What if he does not coiner you. say.--
Ah, well! My sky would be more grey,
But through the clouds -the sun would,
• shine, -
And vital memories be mine. .
God's test otananhood is, I know, , • .
'tot come?" but 'did he ger
My son.well.knew that he might die,
And yet he went, with purpose.high,
To fight for peace, and overthrow
The plans of Christ's relentless foe.
He dreaded not the battlefield;
He went to makefierce vandals '3deld.
If he comes not again to me .
shall be sad; but not that he . •
Went like a man—e hero true:- „
His part unselfishly to do., .
My heart Will feel exoltant pride
That for humanity he died. • • •
7 - --j*E3BYTIMTAT.s. MEPTING.--The--anr
. mat meeting of the Preiklalterial of
Maitland Presbytery was held at •,Wing•
ham on 'Moodily in conjunction' witlahti-
Pregibyterl. meeting, The morning see
iIut'r eine
• The officers of last year, with the ex.'
ception of the president,were all. re-el-
ected. The new pendent is Mrti:' Bell,
of Belinore. The hilission Band of St.
Andrews Church gave e nice program in
:the morning.", At the afternoon seasion
Mrs. Campbell, missionary at Bariswara,
India, gave an address on missionary
work, , and Miss McLaren, of _Riffle,
Man., spoke- Uthe work among the
Indians anti the foreign element in the
West. •
There was a Very large attendance,
all congregations iu the ,Preabytery be-
ing represented. The delegates were
splendidly entertained by the ladies of
St.. 'Andrews church, and.at thg close
Mrs. flardie, ot Ashfield, and Mrs. Gil -
mote, of Ripley, moved a vote of thanks
to the Wingham ladies. -
Important Ntitice.
. •
The Management of Greenhill Cemet-
ery desire that all owners of plots in the
eemetery shall give attention to keeping
their plots clean ,from weeds and also
cut the grass. There should be no de-
lay, as very soon the grass will be too
high to be cut easily with the lawn mow-
er. Generally there is sonieone on the
premises on Saturiiay afternoon Who eon
give fleshed information,
.11:•,-,1" tat.. - st.
"Forgotten graver This selfish ph*.
Awakes no deep response in
For tholighhis grave I May not see,
My boy,will weer forgotten be. ,•
My real son can never die.; ••
`Tis bntkis body that may lie •
In foreign land, and I sliall keep-' - •
'Remembrance fond forever, deep •
Within my heart of my true, son, ,
-Because:of triumphs -that.-he
It mattere not where anyone ,
May lie end sleep wheirivork is done:
It Matters not where some men live.
Hosannas I will sing for hint, •-•
E'en though my eyes with tears be dint
And when tne war is over, when . •
His gallant comrades come again, .
clieeethein as they're marching by,
Itejoic' ing-that-therdid-not
And when his vacant place lase,
My heart will bound withjoy that he
'Was mine no long—ray fair young ten—
And cheer tor him whose -work is dew:
svEnv000vPs cotomo
MONET 'FOLOAN.-On mortgages and notea •
at reasonable rates. Fire insurance. bothStook and. NTh mai Companies: Convey. ' • • .
aiming done -ILth nuttiness and. despatch. .
GEO. A. SII)D.A.L.L. Broker. LuolgOow '
. •
ItErEnri, ASTRAY.--.8trayea, from the weans. -
es of the undersigned, •con. 5, Culross, on.
May 17, 1918. a red 2-year-o1d heife Any
• arson having information. r .
. • s fot • "
.181MI VleeswaterrOborler.4
Teeswater 12 on 42: -
WANTED. -All kinds 'of ;raw furs. Rigieet
oitY Prices paid at Lucknow. Don't sell
your furs without seeing Jake Libel, as bo
has the city markeL Beat prices for junk. • • •
rags, rubber, horsehair -16 oz. to a pound; • -
and all iginds of hides. Phone and
. ' call and see you. Phone 86, Lucknow.
15-9-tf. JAKE LIBEL. LUCA:110W. • .
•„ •
Lucknow. every Wednesday afternoon: All
chronic diseases successfully ,treated. Os: '
teopathy removes the physical °wises of •
disease. Adjust,ment of the spine Is more. .
quickly secured and with fewer treatment.' .
• by Osteopathy than by any other method. • • •
FOR SALE --Dray Business and draying•out,
fit. Apply WA. SHERIFF, Luoknow. 25:4tt:
.FOR 'SALE-Chovrolet .Touring Car, 1918
model, has run- about a thousand miles.
Apply, CI. S. FREE, Lucknow. 23-6 l,tC'
ROUSE FOR SALE -A very- snug house, Well
• situated, good rooms, good cellar. bard and ”
soft water convenient, large garden. See
• IL Apply to G. A. NEwrow. 6.6-100p.
For au matters regarding Greenhilloemetery.
refer tO D. C. Taylor iiecreta17. - • •
r . w
_first-elass Tomato..
- - - • ,
' 411
Plants of excellent varieties, tal.);.
• • „
bage, Cauliflower, gt. splendid as-
- - . •,,
sortinent Of Asters and many other:.
;„plaritsr.,,Plini.bing,„„Roseaand other ,,
. - -, , ..-- • - •
varieties. •-deraninms andO!
-great • •
variety of other ficbwers. tall and
get your :War Garden plants or .
drop a card. All orders attended •
, .
to at once.. • 1,
•• .. GUO. JARD/NK, '
• • "' Bannockburn" Print Parr,
R. R. No. 1, Kincardine.
Cash System Works Well
A -couple of months ego the _grocery
dealers of Kincardine Town, got together
and 'decided to, conduct their businese
on a strictly cash basis. • As to how it
is working out the "Reporter" has the
following to say:
"Enquiry shows that the cash system
inaugurated by the grocers, is working
out m a most satisfactniernialiner.-Ciis-
tomers are well pleased, with few ex-
ceptions. They find thatit act e as a
deterrent in purchasing many, artieles
that, canbe easily done without, thus
reducing the high cost of living. Paying
a grocery bill after the food is consumed
18 like ming fot a dead home.* -
In connection with the
Winghain Creamery Mr.
P. Graf will have.a, num-
ber,of cans on hand.
Call for a can. Highest
price s. Satisfaction
L. S. Beninger