HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-05-16, Page 6—
I ��"rvmr , ,� rmw� I
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Aw MW Nq cum ter the 6xvidelaft o� . .
W i** 86"'"d v" sbw%**b %6"k "JAM" AT THE SALVAGE U'wr THE irlium OLD SCOTLOD
1110 fwmoc 1"Frog-F"Tick" Proves Hid Get- How tueburoaft" the Mxrsell-
.. Out oa the watee no S�p of am *A- I lantry as a Streoker-Wartr. )*too In Tkoir Captured Town. I
t " Tu MY emy owW b4 some. &M after a quar- RM" BAME, Oneofthefamiliar eliaraeters oV. Thereat* raauy persons,by no I , � BAMEM US NOTES OF INTEREST FROX HER .
� 11, tw of an Ikeur or so tuo am wont
. wooderk4ty to tUh di, . T7A4Y tpve-war day* in London wax sk stroet-'irisanx all of whom ars, French, who', . BANKS AND VRA= .. .
I�M= THAT 4YMAM Just leaving tba ta)AW V%Oaths SOME NEW YARNS FROM Arab newsboy who sold papers out-', think that the, Marsoillsiso Is ths ve 'VAST SUMS OF MONEY SAYSID q-wlq� I . I . 1"
� '"" bet Is most trequenVilliest of all war aotigg. Certainly N . . �
11 lookout sant out, "DO" kol" " in a ONAVAL INTELLIGBINVE.00 side Que of the e . BY 13191TISH TROOPS.
. MAY =CAPIL few icinut" an overturned boat drift- . ed by Amerlegri v4sitors. Delighting a great sent of fre6dom as well all, I What In VoIng On In the HISMAT14A ,
, I I t in the, nickname, "'Froi-faced Tich 1, of, Franee,slid. Is asSo-clated hilstoricil- I . . _7
,.Z:� i ed by. Then *notkor wax Passed. *W Lowlands. of A414 . '. .
.11 ho.'won" the admiration of vialtork s`a lywith the progress of liberty ariong 1, I I - I . .
, and the Southland ploughed through � .
I "a nomew"Is Oam"Usa of Clear- � coniddwable wreckage of all kinds. Story of a Novel "Holiday" When 11 a master of repartee, varying his the nations. Youthful 'United States'Row .Waste Has Become as Detesteit Scott& .1 N
. I . I �
10 bag U0 84" Of Mloos a"* "Well, there's the cause of that . Hairdresser Got a Glimpse Of ,nightly refrain of "All the Wiriners?" i used it before The Star-Spauxleil Ban- An Enemy 4a the German in, : ne Lothian Racing Club, have'r* .
and "WrAble .Murder" with ironical I ner had beeti compoed' now -born free' �
Ry the X"My. *Xplosion whit4ver It vas,11 said the Bis Things. . 11 0 . onr Army. fused to permit,,o, race rageting'-04 . .
I officor of the dock, "and from thet . cQuimerf(s on the world's events and I Russia still sings it, scarcely less I L�W%ho Musfielburgh'course. I � �-
" X41w Sweeper No. 25, of the French , look of thingis, I -think that it was. a That Our men of the Gran4 Fleet, caustic replies to. pedestrians who, often than its, own now. national hymn. 11 Huge quantities of goods of All! The total sale of war savings tar* . I
09"t P&trol, batted slowly *way mine sweeper."' are desirous of sk change after a, long- veritured,to, bandy words- with him as It binds, together in the memory of ; kipd§ reprosenting vast sums ' Of tificato to date' W the parish of'XQVt- - . I
*on bw moorings and headed for �,-----4� - , Spen of. Isolation "Somewhere in the they pass -0. , , I F renchirpon a 'hundred thrilling scenes 1 money, are being salved daily from lake amounts to 94,$78, � I I I
QUEEN - WILItEL14INA., I Persons who knew Tich TaplOy in of their 09untry's history; � and to this battlefields,4oads, highways, r4w;iVp Donald Shaw, m
I Us open see. . I North Sea" even the landlubber can. _ anager of tho BOA . .
returning i the old'days would scarcely recog- rosary -of patriotism naW jewels,Aro dumps,,bilIets- "
- realize. The weAry . ait for Fritz to . ., ruiried,towns and vil- Nevis,. Distilleries, has been appoint& .
I An observ*tion balloon Holland I ., w him now, in jils khak-i uldfOrms added as the great war goes forward. i I
fron duty the night before had re- lkloved 80ler Of .a World's come out to, give b4ttle. to .3 Sore trial, r", � lages. - . . . ed prQvost of Fort WL11114M. � I � � . .
ported the Presents of what appeared ; OnlyVemOeSoverelgri. , to their, tempersj, *14ch are -not � im.'wlth a "crowned',' ribbon ow h4w It isi not easy to read unmoved the Special 'corps of salv4ge vion, have A. W. Langlando .and 609r90 ' . I I .
.I � *6 be several Boating min*$ Ut the, Willielmina.. Queen of the'Nethot- proved by, the monotony of thor daily; breast, Indleating-1hat 'he has. been narrative of Low, althoug Sternly bee'fi form4d,'.-,�hosia duties consist Sloan, h4ve bee' ro-olected I
. n , mernber$ ' .
. ..
- Vicinity -of the harbor of X—, And, t lands, who appears to-day,in An inter- routine, i same Qlafaces tWico , awarded the prized - Military proscribed# it was sung recently in one , collee# I . I �,
. and seeing the - ' .pg, Sorting, alid 410- of the,C�yde Lighthouse Trust,' ,,.1 � I ..
1*, as everybody knows, doatize milies'ns,tioual erisli after day * L Qross. says the Associated Press cor- of thf� in�ad.ed Olatrlet% A refuse =iftle" 401 , . 'eveii 'until Li t. ,,Johli . Rain,. Canadlans, ris- I
s� is the only woman in day ,. . ove their ships they )its 'which ou
I are dan"rous things for ships t0l'th id who is a reigning sovereign d but. they ore jolly gla4, to turn respondent at the front. at comrades told the story to, the AmoricAn -novel-, qui I valuw- BaInj Rosebankr ' , ,, I
, ,
. a wor ox I .to recently, Was considered. .. phew of. 'George
. encounter, therefore Minis Sweeper in her ,vwn right, a position she has their backs on therii when on leave , 4 the London Regiment, woreoverp,.Ist, Mrs. Dorothy Canflold FishoV less iind left unheeded. Bully4)�qf Xatr%. 6s been WIled to action, � ,,, , , , .. .
I - � he had been a*fqded ' t'to keep.the . . . I flag day. in"Edinburgh I - p
. "declare: that if We have'tried our-bes. ,
. Xe. 25 had promptlY received orderq bold Since 1890, W"Pri, At t1w age of Back amono ,,civilization,", they ,are . tins,, odd Clips, 'of, cartridg4s, biokeft .On a recent "
. investigate the 'report tga yesers, she asce4d a the, throne at a medal on i�very ocewslou on -w1ileb, life of French children what it 6ught ,ah . . I ft Soldiers' . I .. - I
.01 empty tation b6xeSo Peti in .aid of.'tle Sailors' a d
. to go out and e I 014d to have a chat with the,grat Tom, I ,I gases, e . .
� he -has mented it, he would be covired to be,.,, I remember, -lust iyear. Aunt. I ,�
aad pick up*whatever she might And- the death of her father. She 1� Dick# or"Harry- that comea along, Even. I 1 rol eats, 'rutri jars, torn -often blood a sum of $401, was realized'.. , . .
11, .a I with ribbon :from head, to foot of his: Louise taught a gr,oup of ebildron I Homo, th .
; Only the week bef ore a $VIP 'ran thirty-eight years of age. ", . the officer at the outset- k.hls -leav � 'a 1 s6gked�-portions! of equipment, dam-; Tire Milildr Jvja�oj'basbiea award- ' ' � � I
� _. . ' y �
against a mine somewhat further UP The'dominatilig female figure of -is eager to talk to anybody and every.. dimlixiitivo'body, - our partof the towA to sing the Mar- . aged rides, packets of reVoIver AM7 a& to Lance,Corp. . St. Clair Sinclair# . I .
, . .1
tbo coast and had in cow"quence been Europe to-4a.y is a large, heavily- body, aud.,louclung this polnt� Aw. px- Too Small to go hito the army ,by soillalse, The studio of M3,r Cousin n_multltud'A6Aa` articles 'the Se4forth HijbIanderi, Wick.. . . . . I . � .
" very -badly dis0led. The harbor au- the regular charniels, Tich,,after sav- Sean !a- at tbq� -back of the house . and 1, mutit'o . �
built woman,,who is in4lfteut to collent -yarn Is told in "$oval Intalli- mero tabulation -6f which .would ro- -ff. M. Lqchhemdi, a blind student,xi-_ ,_ -,� - � � , , ` . .
? . sire to logo , the arts . of her dressmakers and finds, geric0l�--not a Blue Book ai� the title* oval trials, was accepted as a stretcher, high up; And so, she thought the chil" a column . , , I � . � ceive4 the degree of N.A. at.a gra- , . I
thoritles had no de , P . . . I .
Inore in personal. charge is inclined 0.4enote but a colle t n . du Unl- , , , �
�I ships if it were at *11 po$ 1 thorough pleasure,j , I f C to bearer in the London Regiment. �At dreres voices could not -be heard from ouir . . Ation perem�opy at, Glasgow � �
� to vrevent It. . of tho affairs of her country. But the �ofiricldonts and reflections written by , the front he quickly .became, one of the the street. The inayo heard of What � I I .e. I . - . .
. The Post*r'64V .
" * . . varsity. - . . ' ' I
IS, . I most popular men' in the regiment. pho-Was,doing, arid sent word that he . TheL 14t6St innovati -1 -jig% b aw d 4 t ' . . . . . ... ��..
It was a beautiful MorniTkgs W Queon!s loo, with its strong Chin and a naval man. Peep into this "naval ,on in the "battle The D,C,M.. een ar a 0 ..
the sun, xhining brightly over th One of his officers, ,*in p, report to Should like to hear them - sinK. The I field economy , I I
a low, kindly eyes looldrig straight- it you in curiosity abop," and we at,home real- . campaign" is the Me- i Sergeant Henry Duncan,, Gordon I .� - �� ,
I -
I tills surroundinir the harbor- The sincerity and confidence is ,that ,of a, lze the 'sort of life led by the r '�� . 1�
� .Aer� -of baadqpditers, 0aidL of him, "Cheerful- 'news.. spread .rapidly,. � When lie arllv" tion, of notice boards, and 7 Ardlugd Highlanders, Bur�arik,'for gallantry .
� -and ness, courage, devoti6n t,b. duty, and ad with' the City council, coming. it, . . ybody's part. in actipj. I . . � I I . .
I Zeld*--some greell, some brown wise woman. , . the Grand Fleet., . , . - . . . ' L i urging saving o1i ' ever . L � . I � . , . .
. ". I . . .
some white, 4, many ShAlies-411 The sovereign, lady of Holland has a ' . disregard of danger are as much a one I , ake These notic0 make uP,for lack, I
I by.ona, oa if merely to,'m , a -of , Large . quantities of vegetables . I .
- The Rairdreoserlo Holid all, they fou to full to: ' . ectriess, I ire" L I ', .
I . =4 the big stud % the dir . I
mostly outlined by hedges or stQue will of 'her own., She has the Arm thin I I ay, part ofbia equipoletit as his. haver- p attiatio. beauty in Of grown byt theL people of Moriysh .
.1. I I . . 'Iverflowing.*ith. their felloW citizens their. appeal., . �. I .. have boori sent t6 iM fleet since . thoL `ML .. "' . � .
. walls, resembled An old ;fashioned of thoJTouse, of Orange, but,she is, ar, But to return -to the yarn� - Iteach- sack and his.- water bottle," . .6 1 . , L .L .
I . .
crazy quilt, WhIlehere find there Lan they Say, totally lacking , t'hs,v�oll. Ing London,, a young lieutenant in! 0 . � For lristaftc�, opposite thh beap of -war Commenced, . � ' . k . . � ,
in . . , _Ae of his officers, -hrote , in'a. letter -,-the old'men and wom0i. who are. the - 'he . . I I .. . 11 .
orchard or,cluster of rocks made a kn�-On characteristic w1iich jave the mufti 6ntered,A. halrdressePs. shop.. a short time ag� " "His gospel, . wlie� fellow citizens left there. Two or vubble-thatis, all that remains of t Miss Margaret.Buit Wright, Beau- .' ' . .
. . . . . .
. dark, Irr4gular 001; like A rel't in title of William the� Silent to; th that consci�usly or not, fd the goipel three buxilred of them were theie- I . 1. .
a most The traditional right of opening a Con- .1 . � once famous church of BoesinghemAy fort Cottag.e, Conan Bridge, has left I .. .
�1� 11� the pattern. , , . . I I renowned of her ancestors. - ' verliVition. which b9longs to tho� man of. cheerfulness, and in, practice, it the iftwf`iepresentitive people of the be seen a . board - surmoulito, � by a a. legacy of .4100 to the Edinbuirgh I I ... \ , .�, , ,
I I ,
I � I �. �Tve French Sail I or I zadff-� It Is, however, in thd East Indles, of scissors wa6 snatched from 'him works out that. lit.% spirits grow light- town, All in black,, 411 so.oilent, . so.old- wooden model. df a twelve4n1h, sbellql�oyal Infirmary. . I I � . . . . ,
dis- aud,io sad. The: children were quite I I . I county' �. I 'i' �
oil thit Queeii Wilhelmiftw'ba$ .her real .before lie could get. a char�co, alld thei or in Pt4ordon as dangers and , Beneath, it -in large lettering is � thIs The food controlleir of the 1, . .
Just to be alivewas a happiness � A - I ' . comforts grow heavier. 'His lasts il� abaslied by siiph 'an, 4udi6nee and filed .. . I ' - I I : .
such A morning, and the sailor men' empire. -It. is larger than the German - officer began: I I . . I I . . . i - . .1 a poil: � ! . 11, � I ,� Id . I of - Caithness, has fixed the price Of A . . ' -
.. "Been s at the game 1 time. of stress provide �uat the electric up on the little Platform shyly -our P -* - . - . I * - ' I �
� I , sang as they busied themselves 'in Binpirei. In A910: the. population num- , some pat I 1 $ ,� - "Shells wereviade for Fritz.. .Why butbei for that county at two sbil I �
. . . .
I j . . -faced bull. , . i .. ,:. , :,
,spark , 'hom? DonT leave lingi And sixpence per- pound..' ; ., I
, , the. taclile., bered 42tO9O,OOO souls. Batavia, 'the, A.upp9se, haven't you?" ' that iurn�. the hearts of men. poor, thin, rihkitby, white : notlet him have, t .
, I
;., , getting out and rigging 1� . "All my lift, I p6eticoly, "slr� Iwas from gloomy pessimism into'JurLnous dren, fifty'or sixty of tfiem�. ' . I I . I � q
I which makes up, the equIPMetit -. 09 "pital, of' the Dutch. Bast Indies, has' , � � , Of � � , . Shells in the mud. Pick them. up and, Lieut. David Ross, Cameron High- - I . . ,
" I � , in at the deflaric ., . ., , � There. was ,9`pauso-. 'The children � I - of - the ' � �". i.` , ,..i �
7,Nwts 'whose duty',.Wis to� clear the' one ol, thO Iffiestbarbors, in the East,, 1prentice4 to the.hairdress. 0 pass them onjothe gunriers."' , landers,'formerly� champion . � .1. . "
I .
� . . 'th'e rist of �. I I .
gnrav und, the Dutch colo the, bage of ton� Sir." I . , The'ex,newsboy has'the reputation were half afraid to begin,, . I - i , S ' �wbat closer to the line Irr, the Inverness . golf course, , fias been I. ;. I . . ,. I
. 4harmola and -waterways of, d nics, are among � . om � , I . �. I
, I 'he. 'chest in the world. "And neve n -t a We . I
. oux obstacles. � I riv at) if -not- tb6 rk , r*had a change? Gad, from Lens to St. Quentin otbeing ab- us weirs think! g uneasily h t ssri�e sector�jsauother Aotice: . awarded: the Military Cross. . 1 . I I ..
. . . �
I . . I - i
I � .� Raoul and lean were ))T04rs, Both . Hei Majesty Is, the rioliest'sovereign it must, be'a. pretty dull Sort of 14e-. S,olvtely fearless. In his ,work as were iunnig a great risk, Suppose , S(Hy I -I I piek up that clip, of cart- - The Military*,Cross has bee� award- - . - .
, ,, � I . . . ...
. . � 1:1 , � I
I %, , I 'rotcher.beaiet he goes -busily about the childro should bo heard � ji),hn Louis Menzies, R., , . � ... .
. at ii's voices i , " Capt n I �
' ,at initir. c6un- in ]Europe in her -own right, �1�r Ins-4what?" , - . Tidgest The -,cost of orie clip -wifil'bll- e4 to al
. servia . . I .
� I bad.enterea,the :�rfte being pri6rmous.'from, the cr' 110b, 1 Vada, sort of holiday, Sir, re:! . among the falling Shells, always in 'the. strbet", after all. Suppbsp�-the . .. * - . . �
� try at the very, outbreak of � tho war C, own . . � - .1 � Jet four iften for a rililit." . I .- . A,M,C. son of James Menzies, 143 1 1 . . k. '.. 4
I lands and from bar vast colonies. That cently. I was- a,Way from iny work for whistlink, a PQPu a:j4 find . I '
.: ' . lar tune, witli an German p6li&6should 11enter I . Blenheir - -. . . I , I �
I . and bj diligent study and hard wor)g. � Every Little HeIpb. . ,,h Palace, Aberdeen - .
had attained a recojuliedleadershl# vast . lue0ifte is used foi'the benefit of a ,year. 'I went into the--4he Navy e erT�r 4 y,word of ipathy,and, en- us assembled. thus. .It would mean , � . 'The late John'Walker, retired marw I �. , - - '!'. " .
. , v e Id SYU I . . . 0. . . I ... �
' - �
- .
. . . " .. . . �
�. .; I � � I I 1,
I., r.91 & He. Is h9rrors and miseries for--evbryfamily On the side of a ertainsliqll-pocked . , ": .
In the mijo'sweeping Servile Rgogj, bar beloved Vtitoh subjects, 4n the W -ay, $I couragpluent for the� wounde . iner, 148 West Priheo. street Gjastow, , , ,. 7 , 11 11
a. . I . I e � P "..'...
. in of every kjnd�� "Rea y,11 $Aid. the, 4fficet; - bia-%'Ot�erew generally looked upon as one who represented. The mayo . . t � Nairn . . I - . '.
, I I the elder, by scarcely a. year, bad 'of Public -build .90 11 , I . I " i . I . pq Stood - near highwiy not for from Ypres. ruins is ba - S. bequeathed $100. to the ' . 1. . I.. ; I . I -,. ...
I li�os�itala,. , theatres -lecture : eat -Vovaod.- . �14nd how' did you like , beais - -4 ch4rmecl lifo,$or he h ' th lVe thern the Signal a hoti,rding from Which looks the head ,�nty Hospita.l. . . . � .
1� -A .. C_ of 'the tackle su& as . 9 . . ,as never e Children, to g, � . Town and'Ca . _ '�_, : k � I L. I
. '
charge of the hi dlin I . I I � .. * 'beiin-'.'and dared not'. We were Zi- -, W, . % . '. ,�. � ,� �,
I . 4, Public, b : tbat,?P1 � ' . 1.1 . . received, even a s&itchp vind his -�6ry to. � . I I of,ahorse, Thelptter�ng.Turis , urout,Xol.' ,Jo:bn 6.�doqk .. .. s I
hall$, gymnasium p,thhouses . - I id ?,- I IrepbitA . ...
and of hooldlig -on t1io mine;'while,his, I 4'0h�� vdry pleasant, Sir, vor bon'� liave those - nails 9ti the ,as , I
, . , I I . I .
I I . so on tosay nothing of ch . � I I .y pleao,7 Presence is regarded as a. mascot. lent, out, hearts. Waiing fast, ' � . killed in actioh, w. lormerly'sissist. - . * - : . . .
. . . 'brother Joan saw to'the aCtUX1 Work and I -T I . Taploy. - w�n'the. Second of his.two ,. Thou'vill at once the littlest onds of ro. y m use my death. . 0
. . , I. of lifting or laying those,balls :.Of and numerous parks. that, ri ' g ant# indeed.1 It' Aad�o a,'n1oe;'IittIe � I .1 � ant nitistiar. of Mliftollington .higher ,4 r".7. .", I , p,
I . . . I . . I I
. I . � . I ir. iigb, _s*o�'treble Nall0i � sed' akain4, you, �n . I � �� . . . . . 1, .
W., � - n(I I . decorations" iWder heavy . . , . I 9'raae -scliooi. - I . . 1. I ,.
. I 'P just, t1i least, bit poor 'alike lftay,elij6y, Do .�ou. Won.. 'change, � as, jou might' say, though - I shell fire all began" in th�, -Can. be. u . 1. . �1�6. . �,
, sjeel tbif it lot ill . I as I to I- -f L'opi,when, those words that.*eaxi ,France, thit, Put'them-in this box." I.. . . ,� . . L �
44, 0 1. *I der AollaMad6res fis Queoril'', ; L did miss the sound of the -motor 'bus' in the ChalU'Plt) i orth I Capt. A4 M.'P.'-16y1e, halt -to i the ) , . . .� I ..
�. , con do, go, much daiiag , I I - * b� 4 ado - ean lde,Aseli to . Sp�alnk of horses,.ona ;nAy,-men- . . n ." . ... . . . '. 1� .
rillig,'th Whether neighbor, BeIgiqm,.*was -at first4. and tho.-,e'xCuse,my rftettion�- Single-handed, 1�e an g � mean liberty, that in . . .
07,00 � � . unk car' . porting estate of ' dle delvine,' ."has : , � t .
0 . On this particular mor invaded by the Germans I last�*eir,Axe. lug it; sir -the girls, - -Not .that Ilm: rled tp. a safe Part of the tiencli all us.,.' I I I �., �: ..,*. . . , I tion that even death. does not-'efid tho a k , " - . ,-' � -�- , , ..
.. , . , . . . . been �aw4rded tb�'Xllltary. Cross, . - . 11 .--
the entire erevrweve not,sixigilig as - . I . as ' S 1k - I ,." � .� .1
th6y went about thoir wo;k, Thetr talegr0bedtirig Albert that she. had what you -might call a ladieil man my- the wounded of his own company and. 41AIlons, brifants de, la.'pa *ie,!' the�-. animal's usefuln s, 7 The. body I not .1, . , � . . . I .
I . tr I I , 0 , . .. I .� .1 . .. I
� I .' , ... self, Sir. .,Oh -no' fr6in � a- neigh$-oring bat.talioh. sang, tilting their hea7ds back like lit- led until the skin hagr'been care- I .
, ,y.tho,t tW war% ,.room in lot c w1or over ori in ut I ,several ,� , �, . . : - .
I - . ount . a I xansl B . I __ � :
- , . .
- � _ '. 1. � - - , 1. 4. - .#-"..d . ..& �..:_,. I -1_._-.1_- _, by� - , .. - _-4 Z'Iw I . .. . I I 11-o'birdS- and aff.the-.'.0th , 'h lull, , .. �� � . -then elean-: - A $AD � COXF4�SIOX-� ' '- I �' ' -.-,. __ . " , . . :. I 1
U6,166 W14t ih tbe Oil ,. . ___ ... luv are 1ikA to see 17em. about, the - V acei� ."Ct � , __ - I � at c ildren j tv&en6jf. Thep,eii is . I � - . I . I , � I �
----M--- - , �_ � 0 I . -,-- � � � `�
* - "-I- ilwtw " - . - -_ , 1. _t__ =====�� . . . - � . .. ;. -d ..L . . I N � `11 , �
� . , , iwiik �'wal � *, . W&UP a I .. I I � . . .. - no; d., andr-sen" . 0 � -� ... 0. —
'oat at- i4por with their % and there,stilli e red''toi every� way,'ybu don't.see much of lern in 'I, the I . . .. ollowecv. .AgalnsrA Us I . - .
' . � I . . . . G�rWauy,Sfiscalculatc�d. the, unity. or - . -. 7-1 --
F� * � . , f ., .� ' � I., :;. % )) OMEN epot , . , � I � . I . . . . � L. . .
V, ,a inesseriopt ed, elothedind Xous at �#nd.�ihe: , I .RAFTING, OF BRMSJK W - flag' ottyran4lll We were -on -our d I - .. "' � the BeIiish gmplFe. ' - . . I .. I .. I .
, . - I
sist . , ' - " - �' I . — . 1, kwAs the, first The . rough pavem i of Fran . � .. . .
.eA, the night, before, ' . . . I I . I .:.. . 11 I 1. ' I. ' � " *
. �
I 101� j Wjj�hderfdjIy paid ' or al officer Laked- Government is Talqng Matter . IAt6 tim 6f us had, � � hw&' �sujjg plays havoe .With the, tyres of motors, Th .G aft newspaper,'- D-ei Tag, - . :1 , "' . 11
. hod come.tel -thoso.�,thut their� i Orin, Qu -1, NAgartre ' ' .t_�e .A. ,. 1 . I I feet In an instant - an r . -
-the front, lind .� . I a any a arm , i�,
. I �f' � en"' - ' -S � � g'. . . If, ' ' . .. - �_ 5�,
lijig ' t orieurr�ft - - -n' ,
ther, with th� simr, At, :this by the onlj wominwho.sits upon: . Then, w ' 14 YOU'* �t�e 'Navy e. - strev I g .. I
I �
, I .& ' thftne r, 'in.. - Eixiop illhelMin iftst6 4. '0,� - y I I a Coniidera#op. ' since-shice our men'marched away. I -and lorries, and the roads are .m some time ater .the. -great war had , , -, . . I I
I ' a� a the - A �my 1 ". . � Seriou � � . -rub . I . I " I .1 . �
I . been -wounded. and, sufFering. upon the. Queefi of Aoll . and. , , I �. I I I . I .. _ I I I . I I . ? I , began to tremble all over, so that I with bar fragments.. Nowp rubber otteii de way, was forced to a , -
I I .., . .. 'Th . i . ,in r . .1 .. . . I., I , .
. 11610,'had beta4t4bbed to death by. I . . I I ' ., ' I � 411. 1 er,maripo,�ov*bill has jitirted up . ' I .1 ." . .. - ,
I She. enjoys, u prodigious � kraqual . n the,Blood- . .1 could. hardly stand. Everyorio stared is scarCe and valuable. The Army (,�A confess! .. . . .
- morri� I P . . - ,,� :1 . .1 . . . I on: , . � I I I �
' ' .
'�, - 11, the Airging Huns. Nowthis . ,wj -evir3r"class i i' h . d � I A ` a revival of -the suggestion- that . the yp at the Children;' .eveiryone' it,'for 'everywhere it"is con- IISO many Of -our calculations hays � - 7.. � . %,�, * .: , -4,j-
� ity . 1, I . � � �. '. -�,
, to proveit,' popular , th . of hef .. tiWailt, gir'. I've a w ys a, a so Of Govd nment conscrlpt� women, for ser-. 'with boards saying, - I �'. . I 11 . " I
. ,1 Ing as they,were going -ou their g0jo-ets, -and, because of, th. , . ith the sea.. My' was dead white to the It a.- The chil. fronted . I dec'eived'us. We expected Aat Bri-. I 1. I I .
I �.. . I I . I
. I it possible', further .blo6,461 r -Connection wi fSt4er 'vi4;0 in those branches of `navaf," I- ang.-th'A _ thorUa� r -k"g . .. ,.. , -
. I . Ixed, - � is She' can USCO.t6"keep a r . . I .- - 11 mil dren sang on --s P . - '�Placa,that -piece -ofrubbqr., in I � � .. I
. I � w do itmoit an 'h !�the tish India would -rise when the first ' - - -.- , . I
I ith grld � st iftgs-ift� the way,, of ,eo, vhblk4tAll llu,11�e-e.ld .1 . ' . .. � �
. � . hesjjtj� w6r6 loaded �d own, p . � . - - � tary.and -industrial work *h1ch,have I .. sack. Thank youl'". - I I 1. - ., ..
� .
I ,,"that would zoi� Slw4yg, be 3�ant Road, and one ofmy . 4tha'second stanza. - ,, shot, wai fired in' Europe,,but in real ' ' " � I
! batted. iaid Centric .. . g stators, I-8 -not appealed to*women, says - . . cam . .. . .. .
. i I tolerAte Aft another Queeii.'. �'. . , � ho�s '- *d to an.'AdmirOi _ . a ways X�,Ity_-- � , . i
.1. - . *nd their thouOts were- of . � I 1� _�._' a London ,, When r i " , - of the- b ,' Indiihs e - io * ` ' , .'
I �T , they began- th siaftz&� These . am. some' ,thousands of � I . - � - .11
'jeance. . . .1� I . fight, � " - _:� I
I . . ,
veb . emal . , 4ow", . correspondent, It is pointed'out that ch the Soldier is redix6ing for him' the Britigh.4gain9t us' ,
I . . . .— q . , . "Sacred love of'our fatherland, stra- wbi 1. - with -
� I � .�_ " 11 %) car. I - . . ' L . I . . . I
.1 I I eared the loc*IRY of . I ,.. � - What the fil - th ugu . i8 ex -A large aumber'of e 'all.; . . ..
. A, � .1 I ... . . d- that, the.' -,AoI;,. Bri- " 1.
I I _.� " woman a, a,, , -tairi 'out avenging ai�ms,", the mayor!s self arid others future taxatiom , � Wp anticipate , . -
. .1 I I . , , . I ' ''.. .. , . �* . . 1. . � T, . . . .
I I , the supposed- n -Ane the fetileirs, Were. ' " 'CLEMENOVAU XT WORR.' planation, is zbt re .1 . I : L � 11 I Places oe- old face grew livid. He -whirled about — ... . . . rd
I I . I . I 1: . able and competent to ; �. 0 -----,-" � tish .Empt ' Would be torn to pieces, .
out and � the seabr.,_ .. , . . .� ,vill aii I � . . � .1 I
riggg. a, Wag be- . . ' d.;vhat ma, , ouleave a cupi6d by men of military age.... '
, . . . . . . . lence,'.1its white hairlike a - ' � Th § - el * - ,' ,11
- , ., �. � Puts in a, Good, tiat's.. LAor Before Navy�o ?jj.;�Vp I . � . .. The Governmelit has . taken ' the to the dud a aerairi�nfof Sliep . . ' . but -the. coloniis appear tp -be. osev . ' -". , . �
I gun. � , � . � .1 . . .1 . . I- I . , - -- .. United With' the . Mother, , , . 11 I
I I . I � . .. lion�o mane, and With a gesture s*�Pt-.'. . I . 11 � I
akfast, . I . .. a � � I I I - . . .. . I
� . . Int - into -t�o -Godfor.stQepI .,,. ..
� . .� I . _:V -in of Tb&d MiA6. .1 I Are � . I . " !'Thd� the little� Stalk t ,'4utland, whQle matter. I Q oerlou Idera- , us all %, . than ever � -
� � ,lieti / I I I . - Sir -it' * - , -a cousi sonRr "Liberty,, our Thank . ..- t, Countik," We' �xpdeted a triumphant. . I
,. .1 I ' ' ' I " . answered the hairdresser, - . 014 tion and Is ftlly'alive to the gravity I .. And, viiell you cannot. sl - .1 � I .
. I I �, tok - and , forth, again, and, again' . If there Is one man *ho'has. more adored liberty, fight for t)ly defen& . eepo - , ' , rebellion in S6ith -Alriqa, - yet 'itr -. -
I . . � - Splinter woundin mj jegi�-sii, 7, Was of the, Problem. It is understoodthat I's I Him that you It ' ' . �
� I . thoy','werit ' to dawith, the -policy of the Entente � � '. . . Still thenk W�.L . vo " -turned out �6.thtiig but a failure. NVe.*'.- I 1, . . �11 11 t
I . �
I , , Atross, the fairway -arid af, . t . hinvallAed out"*' - . , ,� � - -: a sch�me is being evolved t6 deal with " .. I , � -To lie awake. - . � I exp I � . . .1
. *
. .... or so their s4wchwad Te.� to -day than auy* 6ther-eve . n . I . ' Theke'wer6 three 'hundred voices , � ected' trouble. in -V Irelan4, but, - "'. I 1. : I -1
I I te�t athour .. I than "Oh,you. were at Jutlaiid,. w,ere woman power. There Is: a. general feela And pray Him' 04' His* ira , "' , - - . �, . .
. I I warded,. for there) .Just b Munsw . .� . I . I I
I eneath the tlqid'George�it.ii the Prime ' ' - ' shouting it.out,'the teari. ,,streaming ' cal instead, she.ienV :her 'best soldiers ' � . I
I I . , - youl"' questioned the Customer. :,"Xri iiig't4at the time is arriving to in 'Wheft lie sees fit Sweet sleep to give, -- I , .
' ,
I I . . eiii1ace of the water, eould�e- ,,seen tor.".of France. France more � "'early what ship?". I .1 .". I . ".. . ake down our theeki. -.'If a - regiment -of - I against us. We anticipated that -the - ' ' " * I ,� I
. the topof a mi � Cau- . ii 11 I a greater- use of the a,�ailable. woman That .you. iniy - rise,- ,with now -born I .. �
. I hy drejr is under a 'single dictator than'any di : . I . . German guards had marched into the I party.of 1pbheik at Any,pri a' - ". I
I no, AS; tT . . , Iri .the Rodney, ox . ,Fas ono of . .. I 1. .. . . . . , 11 . C ivoW * , ' ' " �. . .
, , . .
. I ower. . � . efeaf . . .
. tiolisji n4ar #id row of pr6iteting othibr country in, the war; .Frengh .: fore. 1) . . . � I room we would not have turned our ' - , . be, dominant in England, but it rri�lt. - � .,. . ",
. . Govorarrientil. poll is cleirfy what we ' cal� - ithe,..- mass -deck: , LadyZackworth In dealingwith the ho�adr. Nothifig could have stopped' ' T -6400k, once' more 'into His.. shining ed away� in7 the ardor to . fight against .. .":, 11 . I
horns, - any on6 of which needing only ei . ,defin- �, . I., 1�
I - .
... . I. � . gland or party-th6ugh you woUkdrilt un4r� question of woman'spart In the groat j I . . .... . I I I I . .. r .. . .
d It little ta.capso at once ed; !arid it is- difficultt for Ell I -that means. � 'But us -then. We were'only a crowd. -of . .. face. . 1. .
. ,� I - to be preASe Stancl. ,what I ,man- ! . . . . 11 .. '—. . i . Germany. We reck6rjed ib�Ct England , . - I
.� � _ .1
. a mighty e9plotioi4 could bep to de- , I . I *1 ... ' '
lainly ' . , struggle, s&4: "We haviB'a,plaft to , nd doge seiess,wom�n in sleep s'all' looie-laxed and ,Wag . -
� the Uftited States effectivbly I Old men a n ,degeneriie;'and incapable 'of - �,' '
1: . _! " � I -1 - - _ _ . � 1) -4t __ - - _- - - _ ... 4�04 to nip up, and get a p!!e�4t __ tLecomplish the-Aeairable :result and' to- - - WAS I � - . _-__I,imb 1.1 - " h ; 'bdt -- �:--_ , '� ". ,� .
. . I p cing any vireig t In* the Fwitld; "',
I I - -00M - - I . , I 4 art: from . � I I - __ � , -children;- but wer were all- that - - sillit _fhe _ihifn_i - .. OU ___ � 1. ..
. ITider .9%ovilo -direetions ..% hook , 'It is,n6t Without g6o4i,reason'tblit VA4 ,lk6i-z.ik:i�i'iiovi7iiii(r;ili�en. � obtain a ,maximum effort.with. mini- . .
. 41 1 . . I 1eft of France ai our Vien&Aown. , ,,,V4'e. draw she'seerns to be our. principal enemy. � . � . :
. - � I � . bottle of our ElIxIr? 'You'r mum friction, We expki the schemie,; , . . . . .. . geet -close to H I . .., . I
I 11
I 1. " , 'and, latkle:,was'fastened into the ring Clemenceau,is called the Tiger. As e . � . I . � ., . . ... .. ... . sw .� lift from , caia-vith I. I . . . . ,�. I � . .
.. . bolt at the top of the iftine and'gently lie siti in' his oface ofte Is reminded a. little thin on the: top.0'sir-, A I MAY- to bio ready when the cm6rgeriey - * - � � 0 � _ . . whom our.breath. T. '' .. "Tho SameL;has beer% the� . .. � I . .
I . I I . �'- . I
I say go.". .. . . , � . . ' ndi. wo'loaie Frazee arid.Itussia. We thought that-. - , , , �,
. lift*d from the wa-; easily of the big ..cat tribe, So' in- 11 , arises. Grave difficulties 'will arise: ."THE $CUM 6F TH� EART11.9s,., H . as' life, In His sole, ha . , , , .. _. N 1. . � - ., .
, . , . .111,
. I the black hall WAS "Nothing more thanks-" said 'the . I . . . . the reins,- �� . I rranceWis depraved and dividded) and,. � L . �
. . �
� . . . . . I
. I . � .. . tor-tci the ddekoiL the.'boat. ' . tango he Isj go. quiet� so ' lithe; L - As I . $1 . . .0 . woman's work IS made compiflaory. . . . 0 � � . .. In fullest, faith tiust Hfin lor � lift We found that she ils,�a formidable op- I P.,. ... .. i
I � . � I offtdor,- as li� got up . fr6m his CiLii . . . I . . .. .. . . .",
Joan, .and . ' rs took Its It is hoped'to,'co-ordinate tht ' three* Illustrates Difference In Attitude Be *
. . At once ' his, helpers. iset, .lie c,rou&es theii big 76 yea ' . . R . I ... . '
I �
" , i
. I , . " J, Atout, tarifully'to rtbiq'Ve� the like '60. Ai -hii-jumis ir�rft-hjs j, ,arid struggla'IntO hI9 '0008t- "Ok existing . Womon!s corps -With rospeet tween Saxons qnd prusslans, .. or death,. ' . : - ". : , , Poftent.' We bolleved,that the Russian � - '.' ' 1, '
. ve� eat 'Yes, there!s, one thing I sh6uld'like,lp to all arms of the service - and the . I � 11 � This sleep in life -close kinsman . ant - �' ' -'. � .. !
. . is peopfe. were 'far too discont ad to, '
. ' I . * . I
. , .
I juse, after Which- ilia mine, now com- and hurri6if ackoss-1he io War has its. Amusing'slda,,atid I re-� 1, . ' � - io death, _ �. � fig . ..
� . om. lit I - - I I �ht ,.:,�qr thdir: � rernment;.j arid we I � .
. $ . --hal c6nected, as'hep,sia, ids xe�koriinZ- rates - of. pity, , � The womaWs - depart- , - - .. -1 . . .- __ - Oki -, - - � " tt ",ft�%i�L_,�. � � ,
. . , . 1. vigoroll _ wl� (). - - ., � -. :... . , - , "
I � . , I . � it *.hills" � the :,man- I � .1 " With ---shou . .morous, . Say I I me a I . . . . ,! _ . � I .;. I .
, - :� : I 'ay-sidej i�oa lashed flfti� t6� 'movements are thoso, of 1, 11 I aitai ado our pl"s th 10ii,t , 1, '� .:
. `S� stAttial', Up into,.the bar�L
pirsalvL a � -m4ut'has ScbeftS t6 dealwith the call'ont, Incident which struik Arid; as from aleep.wo-wake to greet in on e' l! -
" -the rail. ou .,of :. the, way; -of -.5-0., _Ae_.,by,rio __moans._,.,Su _gain, a �,111 %pAe of Russ .
I . . g!! -particularly LhU a -C ,,�___thd day,_,_ - _-____. ___.______ �%,rapX Coll - ta, b u 1, - , !, .� .
I � I 'n . . ' 30, too, froul -
� n _� -of - -.in-; gr ri 0 in _ 2. a - I— __ - __ � _. ....
Ad--lik6 to--sbake---h,smds-'*hbTe-eiii�,irgi6iii�.�-vhiF-iiilk'-Ides�--ii - ___ -,,. _. - ., � - ., _ .
E -U" :_ �. .
. g,��ed 4 ' -.,-.,rc.h, M25 . Wet milliorio - t� .. , - .. I
t5we-c-r-mr pro .. � , tegt� a nuk".'vith'a -a do it. - _th�- tjjt�' - ,glian force -At 'one .11 -r -I-vIt1r-4t0&d;---81W inoWlzed
- - , � . *� .. ��. I ... I . I I . -Vitll a T-18111 - � ' ' -to. .6troll JnL � large in ilia Austi 2, 1. _1 I— iik &a we. .,but . IV. �
I . I I . � . � . I I , you . . . , . . %ot to a8k'women . . I . a ' ,� �'
. I . 'other. -.1 '. I *At. . I . . . . . 0 J, wh6f6 our: trefich vii but *a* to* oy aw a - ,. . � quickly,airid, well, andlier, 00 0 are. � , I . I -
I I . , .-
. " - I � �
, 11 ,_-000 -I)ie,.tti)r�,F;fiue��,,Jhabit�*,., . Tribe S' an_ keep tb0mL on- a.- � , _ - -, t�`�4, I , ,
. . � of -Ah't Aoo�,,s M.Ar -77.. VM104. �� � .., -,-ftLi-��t^-l-4L,Mtlmf�if-n.-,f.irl�014�kI I M ._.�In M �� �P�01.1 I—_ � , .1
�.V,�iLZ4�. , -�LE:&��� P-14im- - __w_ !��__ �; -- .41ONW41, - *I �-aazriia- - *1 - ,� _-,� -:w��, , ". - I
, . ,
�, �-,;� Z -.,, the , r ev"i . ' . L- .. . .. n .1 � I 1,1-81'"U -I- . ba�-� V I . . V-41_9"�iA;41;0_j I - .' � : . 9 - -
-ther an - . ` _ 'WIA&I".- . I
��_ _ t, ,Ap s1h,hit-m, arri, _Ahlev ��M M - I
ar& X . . I _ - . . U10, Z�",a
_____---�- . ...... L - . . - .__ ---
. -1 I I -espouse -.- _______Ss7___ - - - . - Those-who,A d-vSA4.to --all --:-�-
�-_ d' ses-_ a- iiel:w .- la I . . . . . e, _=de- -.,,By the wa�,,1'1-he-added�-&a heturn- __0 __ __ ' ._eaCh--evenintj--and-- n9 ---the . :crushing. e lso cula" . 11 I . . . L I : :
. '
. qn
. C*Muel their. work was mado .., Like many groat workers 7 . ag n a � X to sp . ecific demmand. . . 'L . � . . . in al .. . .. .
- L
� . public - ad away from the - to ish d haft- - . - � . id .11 these mistakes arid tionm I �
� � I H A of Hate. Absolute lack L Of' ' �ea�vy ,.
' . oved . healing .1
I . . I . . I � . a re- �. . -1 .., , � .
. I . . � . Mott, . . I : , " ha2ftdous. . . he makes an early start, Lloyd --f- -ahead - .. __ � , 'To HIS bet sloop He havelaid upon thernselveg .
� .. . dress�r. 141 was in the. nex s5p . or caused the Germans to call to , . I - '' .
. � . I ,
. . . , 11 An at mine was found and George lias' many of 'his' most . im- � , � . THE E14GZISH LINE. �� . .: I . . givest I . L � . Ponsibilityi La � .*. ... ': .. I .. .... 1. , I .
. . 'Of you at Jutland -min the., old Hood, . . Us: - I ... . . . _. .. V. I , .. .. 11 .. . ... I
: it was lftdd from the -water and portalit �' tiettings at . breakfast, Good . — . . I . Xud, unto -all, awakening from *steel). � ,. . . - .. I
. . _dai "Come over , and we'll hific - it to - � 1. .
I . * ' I
+ . I taken, care of 10ce, the first 1. Lord, lto.4dlrig� betoto he ca .._Rrid good lilek to youllp . . dd Stern and Sedate" are. thi Character. .,,th,,.#P - , - + . . I I Radh day., Is resurrectioh-a new . . 0, . . .., . F � , - � . ?i .. �. � , �. I
+ . . , . arliba L me ,Over * Ifferd is another story -also about . " . I . , I birth I I .. Pinned t� a Aospitil Shirt. ' . _. . . ; I
, . . . About, dinner time they fourid � -a here its sagdoro used to do 'a the 'Jutland scrap --culled from ,"Xa- '. Istics ofthe British Soldier. ,�, ...''. At another place the Germans,had I . . . �. . I . - .. .. I �
� . .
. . . ' kaoul 'himself had this hook .Work-ln helping the Goveth. . . . . . To nearer lleaven.'and re.created Dear i4ldiot ,boy, I eAnuot. soe your I ,
I . thirii. - . � I *� - . , . . " . I
I 441*18 , val. Intelligeric0l , A sailorts leg was The period: we are no going printed a sign which re�ad. . � � . , . I . I . I . I . ..
I : 016 time, Andi loafting cautiously over mont Wdininister �' Itself . b4fore he earth- , I � lice'l I . . ; D , , '.1,7 ..
. .
. I so Nidly ihattered%by a splinter of through is one -,of great straiu, but our , "The Australians are -the scum of , L . , I .
. ;1 thevall 61 the boat to the water, he started his chief Justide' functions. sheft that there was nothing else to, I a4ylco; to everyone is to feel arid talk the earth. . To all Life's poeftibilities-6f good' .Nor know iL God thall, eve you -1 ,. . 1. .
� .
. I I., � I . grasped �tha vingWlt projecting ftotim. ClemericeAu ItIlso, Puts In 9 -good day0s . . .� I Ited I Two days lutero_'whon tlio Saxons Or'111�-�th Joys and Woosendured- ' strength 44 , I I. I �.., 11 . I . I
I �.. � I . Asetted the tub' b ' .1 ours do but amputate it above the kfiee.Ha , optlyntstleally, bays A Uzi States , Ithilt laSt.shorteSt sleep 61 81.1 L . . . I
1� thetop',of th6 Mine and I or 'btfors regular , took over the same piece of trandh; Till 11 YA -do I ,pray.. thut lwlt'r Mi. ai .lend yqu ,'. ., � .
* . . . :, ., ..
was unconselous at theti#i#,14_� q -It Is #1�e -Bng is irmt . - 11
__ -, ___ begin. , Ho has! an oper 'L - - I . I ...... -4 r. . — -_ _j_ -k- ag!K_ - - -An& that- 'fifttgreat- - aw ng; —grace,-- . . . ..
, - --,.,---- a U= I.. --..-. Aek- skent ..
hook,_ I---,.------- Id , - __
- . , -L __19,1�� - � docis on, so t a surgeons were Vr - y cladi- 6. sigfi_ "rCTffQ_S6 . . . I . 'I .
_. a
, � . i .."It. , . .
��:_ - . '.... _X_C� _!?A .. --,L- I— * .- ,_ _ _ _ I . . labW�Ksih the Germans tire drivdng� .and, the � tf:d ' � ,
I A t . - - Lifes thral'.. - .- . I . To bear the pain. - - � .. ___ . .. I ..
. -'A&IL KIN11b, -Saul b t%VVny.# ILL" Saidi A7lid W110 X Avwm slow to make a soup or to tell him of their Intentions, Hours I as the Xaisor himself has put it, the' AtVIP . op 'which made ft r0fad: , � f.oj,.. I .. I . 1. . . . I .. ,. .. . . :14.. . ... .. 1. I -
. 11 . the mine began , to, emerge from Ahe Which the ' Psinlei MInjstt,r lj f6nd'. later he reeov6red conscious "The Prugslaris have b6en beaten Think God for bleept ' I . I .
. . I . . . ness, and English are "a kviri obstinate people." . . . . In distant- lands where I shall ftov'ef t'..� . . . .. �
I I water. 19VOY night this soup is made . hot# found bitris by the seum of the earth.." I And when y6u cannot s1toep. . 0. . . I . . �. . . '. , I .
. . .
. ' elf 6omfortably tucked up, I In one of the fine§t passages of his, roAm . 1 4� 1 , 1. I �, �
I The Ml�asw* eepej test. , - . .put in **, stonei Jug, and the Juk with the stump dr;ssed arid bandaged.'ossay up6n Warren 'Hastinga,"Lbrd . . This gives' you lo Idea of the f6el- � Still thank Hift for the grace,-�, *. " , Your p;A On that' strange. awful .. ..
.- , _ �
. . . . . I The ste4mablip Southland wall, ,near- placed betweAn tho sheets at the When he learnt what had happened, Macaulay speaks q�. . �!that stub xng'betw�en a Prussian soldiii and'a.. That,16ts -you live- I �. .1 I stage you play; . . I , I �'. . ��
. . lig -the end of a. long . trip frdra , the :foot - of the b verbWn Saxon. In Justice to the Saxon I . .T feel the comfort of 'His -b �10W L-
. ed# where it,"i'ves for " he' burst into an agonized OrY... - - I English - -courage, which is ne as I . Q � .. ..... . ..soft am- And 1, In blood ought safety here at - .A� o I
- . , . a . . . I .
I I � . . . ...
I � 1. . other side of the ocean, and h6r,etew, hot water bag until about -2 0,1m., "Where's y leg? , Foi, 'EvinIg will say that I nev6r,hCiiid ' i 7 . home . I I . , I
. l I when the husky Tig& awsikenso ,, siatri'vitid sedato as, towara the close of a Single , brace. -j, . .. . I . - I ,
. . inuch rellove& to 'be nearing harbov drinks � ake,'find myTe , somebodyl - It's got of olne, doubtful and murderous day�vp att�dity �elug committed by a Saxon. %, ', ' - , . A.* . . Xne6l down to Pray. , !. I , .... . . ;
Wi. WIP '. S . 1. .
I .� -tho- Soup- aud-goes4w-vork. ' " _ . Ing, for . .
and Safetyj WeV6 loungirig about the � . . All .my Irkoftay in the stookingl" , In these tit ' . I I '). .. . I . I Carl - Watch. . . I . I I , . .
' ... , . Aes we eountgr6at battles . 4 . , ..tv
I I __�� _. . . . . ' aid with ri�edle I ,,ogin given. . ; .�
L . �, . d#ckg tslIcing and laughlog togothet:i. . . I � The author vouches lor the truth of by Weeks and not by days, but we do . ' " A Watch keeps more accurate thne I
L Oil% the oo6ket prepared dinner. I The Lifd . Of ark Airplafte,.'. , , . I I . . .& Little Wooden Ctoss. . . I '%ybe'ast' to all too little, but 1 know - .
I . I . . I the story. ' . � not doil'ht that the same pirit inspires ' If always -plated du an upright post- . � .
, I Just as, tho dimitr bell. began W , The -number of German airplanes � I 1 -the British soldlerir. That thote is One, can teach the world . . I . .
. I ritig, there wits a. loud oxplosi6ii, and. 1 �41p_ . . I EhgIjs4, * Irish, No Iiii1itaty Intdal may beahlie, tion. . A small case for holding the ,to live i . . - - . . . '11�
I ' 11 destroyed .by tho.V rench avlatofs� mid . I . 1. � �i Scotch anti. Welsh, vilth, Canadians"and A PrIvAt6la death Is listed, not aC-. watch upright on the drogsot_ May , � I . . ; I ,o-.,�,,. �tL ;, .
I .. flial sound- of the diriher.' bell Above Its WOO. , I . %. I 11 _ .
Wag the m6mbers.of the Lafayette esca- Cream- or oggd Can be Waten In half Australians to back thorg. 'They are Claimed: . I . be made from pasteboard and. cover;, � I - . . I I
� I I timepliee LIS I)ear sojdj'-� " 1. .
I C I ,
thAtiged, t6 the goneralalam bell, trilleAr the ten months ending Oc- -the time if a plinch of -salt Is added not parite-strickeft; they are not even. 1 f411 t4o soon upon the firling li'net ad with cretonne, jf- the boy, a' * inother's Wring . � .,
I . � ! At .66, oxplogot,the ship stlm6st. to�'Of, 191pt, was 120 over tho Promeh and the job� done, before.aix Open W,n.�, unduly excited.' "Stern and Sedate" Yet of lft�l loneliness NA UgAshklft- wanted neat the bed sn�'ths, ticking .1 q . . . . . . .
s8 An So ji' g "d8ol over the Clermanlitie8- dow� .. . I . � � prayer .. I . . . I -
I. ne I - are the adjectives the gnglis� histor. ed, It annoyifigt invott a tumbbr ovet the Is, woven With eacil trembling � � I . ,
. - � all total, Wrocka, I I .. 'hall$ im! uses, and we adopt them tow. 'Stands suprolne watch and the' ticking Will not ba stitch I take; , - . � . I #, ,.",
surft. Then all was ' Still ali(l She pro � � ' When b,oiling'tggsp wet the 0 For now there . I V
. - . .
I I eeM64 on Itor whLy,"witently, n6ud[ __,�_�� . thoroughly in cold w4ter kfor6'66p. The German Soldiers are brave and , against the los 1hetird at all. A Watch should be God kivo you attongt1i, and-keop yoll I �L . I
their worsoi, ,,, I . P�utieg eo6ked very a -lowly, itt their Ping in bOiling W4teto APA 01,03V VAII unyleldint, but they will never bro4%, Vion. MY - grave ni�as' little, wowleft-'wound sit.tbo same time 6veiy ,olght o . 11 � I I .
. Careful iivostlotloo vwod, that "t6r,will lived to, sugar. tot Crack. - , . . the English line., cros3i . I . I I - in His care, .
L I , , wmv � . � � �. . I I . . . I 'or ffiorni.'ng to havor It k*ep good timer, F6r Chikit's dear ' �
., I - .1 I . . I . . � I . . . _'. I . I � . - . . soke. - , A4'. ,
rI . .4 � '. . I . . I . .� . I . . . I . . . I I I . I I . . .1 I . . . I . I � � 1� . .1 I 11. I L I . . . I 1. ,1 I . I I .1 . �� L
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