The Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-05-16, Page 54
.1.4141171, SEIWW4144
C:.;r. P "
The Busy Hardware Rouse
Phone Sixty Six for Prompt Delivery
Cranston, who brought a "Birth.of a Nation;,
to. anada, now Offers the Higliest :Achieve=
went that the Camera has yet recorded
ry z
au 'y"•ky'SQ} > 4� n. i�6� ,tik ,-,,,, ....
.ef av<..u............•...• WeiV 4.:,,4 1,a4V,{ C fnpi.:WCS, 1.:::.: 1. %•M:,.:,.K,.Sf'�.
Dollar Colossal Production og
,Love's Stvuggle eThrc .bout` the ' AMYe:
Life's Mighty lita-fila,:pov4r thp cento.ris7; $0.60 a:'fi.corn a Piiinacl.
in one Swee,pioz-Olance. '".The Fitt a.iiid..0.11V:Pi9duction p.
riffit the'"IBIrth' Of a. Natioti,"- advkitial: ugic
in anid let tis show(: you .Why the
stove to buy.' .'+lens, couveni
As anyone who hasone,.
We have the:. newest type •o£ `.
oven to fit • this stove. , . It is
black enamel i'inlsh.and is as-
bestos lined. This oven, holds
the heat and therefore is `'a
saving ou oil.
We have. Lime for white
washing, etc.
Soon you will
be thinking -of
a, New „Perfec-
tion oil Stove.
Now is ' the time to
buy.. We have a large
stock of the zxety° atyie
,stoves ou hand. Come
t'erfeetiQu i$ the •best
eut • .ltd .t''cououtid Il.
Try Pulpstone for, repairing broken plaster.
Fresh Cement always on hand.
Get our prices on Cleveland Coiled Wire and
Woven Wire Fencing.
Everything in Garden Tools
The Store Where Tour; Money; Goes Farthest
rices, Adults
Was it taken in. prefile: side or fall face? • Were you wearing street; 1hous'e •,
or evening cicthes or ,lust an artistic drapery ?' Why: not have some nap •
in a different -pose anid`becomi,ng attire just asy8u loolcnowr Stour, friends
wuuld be so glad to receive suoh a p{cture
Studio open Monday, Tuesday and, Wednesday.
S. FREE•, Photographer, Lu cknaw.
The Real Test of a good School
Is. ,not what it promises, but what it does.' ':Our graduates (IES"and
IJ:OLD the 'best positions: The employer of a recentgraduate sari r
"She is the first girl I have had fOr a long time wfiose work I could al
'ways depend ons" and forthwith he raised cher;salary.
• Foal shipmenttt; • from the - United
States to the civilian- pontilations of the
Allies, 'acre • suspmdt d for ten days to
three -million bushels of grain
Move ihrge m _ g . for
the Belgian itelil e . It is reported that
more•than nine million people. in Bel-
gium and Northern France -are practic-
ally without bread. .
.t'.i' .^T{ . "Jt., 4 .k"RdN�•1NYW.L3S.T.41VL:5`:M ivj
In connection with the
Winghazn Creamery Mr.'
Graf will have a num-
Iter-of- cans on
um- ter•of-cans.on hand.- --
. r
Ca11, .for a can. Highest
p,r i'c a s.„, Satisfaction
L,. S. Beninger,
Western Ontario's *Home News
paper. Trial order three months
for One Dollar. All the news all
Hite time. ' 23' 6 p
432 : rr~? cs c` -04440
S S -�o.
hT. IV Iia: L sS
Fair-. Die to inn
Jr. {IV. Satisfactory.—l':,.` tongratit;
FI. Harris;
Sr. III,; ' Excellent•; -E Switzer.
dr yII__. S,itisfactor .-4,,,.,.Johnst n
�-. `tlaitnilion = .-.._ _...
Sr, IL. •Fair=J Elliott, E Jobneton.
Jr IL Fair= =1M. Joli,ialor} : ,
' Sr "l..' .Satisfactory B .Hat►ailtiin.'
Jr. I. (rooda0. Johnston, ,
Primer B.•Glood--L•°Johnstriin Bat
•isfactory—H Ackert. Fair—ifs Burt,
Primer A. Fair W: Broome..
•.. A. 10.!. CAiis;its, :Teacher,
S. S. No. 14; Anwar :
. Pr. IV. -A. Pickering;' Verna, Ifarnil-
— sr. III, -=E. Ketcliiwbaw; i- Piticering,
Raynard, FL MagDonald, A. MacDon-
ald, C. -Hamilton,
Sr. II-A...K:etchabaw, ,Ii, Raynard,
E. Dexter.
Jr_ n --II. Ashton; A MacDdnald '
Sr.1 1. Martin, M. Gook A -,.Mae
Donald, J. Ketchabaw,
Primer... --K Pickering, P. Maclhoraala,
13xr,Ltc IloWE, Teacher.
... S. S. No 5,,,Asli rau.ri., -
Jr. Ritchie,Tic.—J..M.•Gibson. • ,.
Jr. III.• --E. flitrhre, M: Webster;' E.b
Gibson, G. Stroud, O. Helm, '
Sr.11,—X llttehie, E; Gardner.
' Jr, I. •-ti, Gardner, D- ' A.ntierson,.
M. Webster. •
Jr, II B.—E. Gardner, J. Ritchie, °J'.
MxcDonagb, D. W. Stroud, J. Andrew.
Sr. Ititchie, M. Reid, V. Strong,..
W liunter,'W. Webster, M,. Stroud.
:A, Class. --41. Mono:a:)g r, ll, Ander-
eon, B. Gardner, 0. Strong, s,
No. ort roll 27, Av, att. ati,
M, BeesaaT , Poacher!
tafiicers Arr Tiestee i.ii:e Guests, And `llave
'flood Time • .•
• •Tlie Detroit News Tints the' e
fromr ..i
:; _:
a artftir .:tsLa'r.zGsa=uta�9 �-licias; cn--
England. on'private-business;
An American who has react' the history -
of prison canips.for,oaptured soldiers' of
the enemy is likely to -approach' a' Brit-
ish prison tamp with thoughts of Ander-
sonvilie and Libby prison, withvisions
of stockades and men _ poorly clad' and
not pri,perly. fed.
The three hundred German officers
and ninety privates held prisoners of
war in the camp visited have just as
good quarters as our own men at Camp
Ouster,Battle- 'emelt' =Ti i t is ;lot say-, thing against Camp Custer but
much for the British treatment of the
pris'onere•of war. •
'About the prison camp are 'barbed
wire entanglements and.;guards to stop
any attempt: to escape also to keep the
averageprisoner from trying to escape
]3ut there were 40 men in' the German
'Dinners' Ainiform on a' hike for their
health on the road„ They were ac-
companied by 4 British soldiers withjo
arms visible.
"We let 40 out on parole each .day
for a' walk of several miles," said" the
commandant. "go; • oboe have tried to
•escape while'' out, but there have been
attempts in the enclosure. We tin not.
let ihr m• go near town, however." •
• 1'OTATCLS• I'Itct%r-r3NIMANY •
Ode of.the war prisoners had received
package of food front Ills halite in
Germany, In it were about a dozen of
potatoes, about the .sizs of hens' eggs,
qu lao>no small Witbf•fruitl oto, Tfip
whop vias iti a' package the ,Size ..of• a
hn laox
In• the n
n t • btaildmn , a sort of •a;s
sernbly::Douaiavitli afaistbtorm; ope 9a1-
dier was playing t. viorth and another a
piano of the .baby grand. type. These
'were fine appearing fellows, and with
t hein_ttere:several-others of ..h_t
eir cla:ss};:
Tlac�-c•xtirp`ii[�4�m13�et"'Cii`e,n' fix tip"ti"ie
room to suit themselves.
There: were .two •'large rOnrs, with
tarry chairs Jor'reading, smoking and
lounging' There ivere30 to 40, ofliners
in each of thek'e-r'ooriis: Thele is plenty
of ground about the ramp arid all. are:.
.free to go about within tire. enclestire' as
'they please. • -
. The privates have barracks ''like any
army :rmap and the cots and caveriligs"
are as:much like those semi :at(.a'
Custer as ane can vim -gine.
. .
Oolatron s el' 1104E '.
The higher :officers. -have rooms by
themselves, the lieutenants are placed,3 I
,to 5 in'a room:. ,
,There is a chapel ',In oro .end;of it
an officer -w,ts.,praclising nn `-a flute..
•:Nearby was a printing press• and on it.
a lithr,grat,her's stone. Than war prison-
ers are permitted to print a .sort of
paper; censored, of course, 1. y the - Brit-
ish officials .
Strict military discipline is oiiseryed,"
all of ,the (lerinan officerscoating to.
' `attention" and -saluting -British atlicera
as they pass. • • •
The British Government pays ;each'
officer at least 50 cents a day—soma of
them mere:
"Why • do yr:u. rio ,it?" was a.ked.
{,That wit's international law before the
war broke Tutt,". was the°rrp1 r.
`'And 'E do nub believe in trcat'ir.g
ioternatinntal lawlas a scrap of papa,.
We were paying theta considerably more
untiiwe learned the treatment 00Mof
:odr . nien' were : getting 'in the German'
its n
o ca n
Y 9
we " reducedaMonnt;ttl�e
Every man was well dressed and bore
•a neat and orderly appearance: '
nt:d to it in the ,army. •If they
�• y .�.s'�tt-c,e-tr"a` ir=•tiliiC Yl�'blP
were damaged when in the. trenches • or
on the field they -not only were permit-
ted but were •rEquired to And . home" to'
Germany for their uniforms tliat' they'
niight be decently and comfortably:
'dressed, . -
GET 1ir,tha a To .EAT
It wie no uncommon eight to see two
officers strolling along smoking their
cigars and chatting
iha^.y. arc permitted to. write home
:find • receive letters with, everything ex•
amined that no advantage may be taken,
1,f,they are not.getting all they need
to eat, their looks dei, not show it for
"they surely are a healthy, appearin ' ,.
-There can be'iip question that they Y
not -get all 1 -he (neat they Would like,'
Neither do British soldiers or civilians
now. But at that about 100 pounds of
goo'ibeef wason the block being cut up
for tnent and there were many bowls of
rice• and other dishes of wholesome'food
in preparation.
There r re bath tubs and shower baths
with hot and, cold water, hospital rooms
and doctors rooms attendance. •. There were
plenty bf English papers hut the Ger-
man propagatrda department is•found so
persistent in tr;jzing to get to them in-
fotinatinn'they should not have, that
the eilierale refuse to take° a chance on
letting them have German papers.
Many of them are• learning to 'read and
speak English. -
dt ',WON! 't 11t4S4tal 110
D. A. McLachlin, President.
• A. Haviiland; Principal.
® �Eatahria ea71`8i2.
",....e"es $.
aplgctl Ali4Etawfz6d,. �5,QUt?,QQt), .11/4
Capital "Paid-up, , , $3,000,000. •
-.....,4-014r-piu.nn•�• . _-4`�.RPe4QSt_
e Farmer's Convenience
. HE. Bank of Hamilton • is always
ready and glad to help thefarmer
regarding."his Cattle Business,_' $ale
Notes, Drafts or Deposits:
.Consultation invited.
These are high-irade musical instruments aud we
invite ygur, inspection of them:before purchasing,
Sewing Machines
Tlie New Williams Sewing Machine fii• a
strong, durable and light ruhning machine, Call
and see them before buying,