HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-04-25, Page 7• .y a b. r. • e Burden nxietij Falls on Iie'Women LIVMOST everybody is� . Y y living under a tense nervous strain during these trying tides, but the burden rests par - titularly heavy on the women in. the home, Whatever their em- ployment about the house; the . mind has much time to dwell on the dreadful things that h t m><ght happen,. Th re a is nothing so wearing on the nerves as worry and anxiety. Nerve' force , is consumed at an' enormous rate,: and as the nerve cells become starved and depleted you. find your- self our self unable to rest or sleep... You soon. get so you can only see the' dark side, and become down -hearted and dice. couraged. , Headaches, neuralgic ur is pains, s rule p indi- gestion ,and failure of the vital v a organs to properly perform their functions are among the symptoms which tell • of exhausted nerves; and low vitality. " Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will help you if you' will only .give; it. a chance. We know this. from long experience. with this great food cure. ' We /lave prover& it by • evidence , published in this. paper from time to time. It only remains: for you. to put it to the test. You may wonder why people are' so enthusiastic in recommending this treatment for the nerves. But • you will understand after you have ex- perienced the benefits that are to be obtained, by its, use. ' You will' find yourself resting Bleeping better,appetite g and e and' i pP d ges- tion will improve and you -will know again the joy of good health. 50 cents a. box—do• not pay more= --at all -dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Toronto, On every box of the genuine you will find 'the , portrait atria signature Chase. M.D., the famous liecelpt Book: Author. +, • Ashfield Coi7�N4Ili M> EmnNo--Council met in. regular, sessioni "du April '8th. Minutes. •of the meeting.of Mardi iith were ape .__proved, �w s ' -° Moved:by Richardson slid Jamieson, that Bylaw_ No. 3 passed at last meet- ' ins, not being sufficient' for the legal is- ue of debentures for. a new school. in It S 5. No: 4, be therefore repealed. . Bylaw N.o 4. for the purpose of raise' ang $4000 -`by debenture issue to build a new school in U.S S:; No. 4 was then read a lat, 2nd and 3rd times atd.fina1 • ly passed: Moved by Hackett and John= niton that the Clerk be instructed to •Have 13y -law No.. 4 registered, and the ai_icessary notice of registration,publish- ed in. the Goderich Star. Moved byJohnston and lIackett that Ashfield's share of the Armour account re auit vs. Toronto Gen. Trusts Co., amounting to $133.40 be paid, and that we advise that the appeal in this case be withdrawn.. Richardson and Jamieson move) a grant_ol..$•10 _tiz__ the.. Sick_..Children's.. Hospital at Toronto. • •A communication from Wm. McMil lan, re a drain across the Market Square in Pt, 'Albert, was left to the Reeve for investigation and adjustment, if possible, The question .of Statue Labor again received -a `lot of consideration .but was again left to the May.meeting for final action. Some small aecounts for repairs amounting to $50 were ordered paid, and council adjeurned.:to May 25th; :to • meet then ae Court of Revision on As- sessment Roll, and for general business. Note—Tha Clerk was also asked to gay in the report of•minutes that the e Hear Graf�noia. • Avoid disappointment. Refuse imitations. Only 43e; uinn' Columbia: Grafonolasand Records bears,..•.,. this trade mark. :Look for-it`.before ou council hoped that no farmer•. in. Ashfield would hold back in the'effort to produce this year the utmost in: grain, etc. on the plea that he could not get help,. because every village, town, and -city had organ- ized, and was. ready with nien, women, boys and girls tosopply any help..requir- -ed, much, of it experienced,- and Lad it willing:•to give results. Any need ing help. should communicate with the officials of nearby towns, or the County Representative S. B. Stothers'at Glrn ton; and each member of the coiinpil is ready to assist with information and' advise. iiaig' bas just said "We now have our backs to the wall and. each must fight to the end." Tens. G. Amax, Clerk. An Editor In Trouble Mr. Art. -Wesleyofthe Herald ` and. Times, Walkerton; tells' the following: story of editorial troubles: "As the •subtraction of an '`i" in a Greek . trans- lation is said to have divided'theearly church and later to have caused one of the bloodleet wars • in Christendom, so the substituting of the •word' "knitting" for "sewing" in describing a •contest 'in lastweek's issue, brought forth a rebuke from a Daughter, of the Empire that almost sent your little George Washing- ton' irite a cold sweat Whether. • the ladies were wielding batting or sewing needles we weren't aware ,until . our in format Aimed. Ise by the //Et 44' geode. made that th,y are , tbe• kind that ares not initis--iftie he --party ho. >: sent in the particulars j ust stated whether. they were knitting or sewing, we would not have been left to fill in the deficiency from our own mental ticker; It's ,like playing with matches in a powder mill for mere man to attempt a, description of women's work." -... BOA hoeecen =In °Huron Tp, on April filth, to ' Mr. and Mrs. Wesley %Pollock,• 112th con, a (laughter, CAREEInEns--In the township of Kin- loss, on March 30, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs. John Carruthers, a son. (El- liott Lockhart) Fire whish started from burning geass.destroyed a storehouse used by Peter McEwen, of Goderich, on Mon- day of last week. The building was . os.aect by a.Nr. Crystal who estimates his loss at $1000, .: He had $459 in 'surance.. • At least 40 standardhotel licenses, which were in force in. Huron County during the past year, will not be re- newed for the new licenses yeat, corrin, tnencing next month. Any of 'those who fail to secure licenses may con duct rooming houses withntat govern. meat permit ion, 10 1IIRLh T U1tAP1' Ui hldN Tho ea treine gravity of the war si notion has caused the Govcrnmenta ail the alllad ns. tions to resort to extre war measures. The war situation is serious beca°� the Germans have massed on the wes ern front. all the men and guns they ca bring from the I tussian and Rumania holster not only German troops, b Austrian as well, and some Bulgarian and Turks, Berlin is determined t make terrific wild continuous war fro Row .m, end 'to smash or to be smashed ,The German leaders Adhere to the tde on which theft whole policy of fright fulness was based, that they carr wag a war so terrible that no people but thei ower wilt stand' up .to it and perseve. in it. They care nothing for losses they can betsmash through to a anilita' success; and if they +cannot do. this the know their day ie' done in Gerrilany well as beyond its borders; They mea to make this year's cawptign the .las round. There can. be for then no nex in this war... The allies know that. the supreme tee ie upon them, and: that•everything tha will' count in this war must be 'don.,. NOW.'` In France Premier Clemenceau ha called back to the army every discharg. ed soldier in Franca who is capable of service either in the front lines or• the back lines of the nation's forces.. All Prance is in the war teeday 'The United States Government, with. a large army in France; but. not yet or- ganized as an army, knowing that the supreme hour of the war has struck, has done the only great thing a' great''nation in such;circumstances could do, and has merged the entire American forces into the organized armies of France and Rrit- ain . as reinforcements in the gigantic struggle that is going on. American troops are being hurried overseas at a speed that nobody considered within the possibilities even a month ago. The , United Kingdom has called out all fit men.up to the age of fifty, and. drafting will, for thefirst time; apply to Ireland as well as the rest of the country.. In Canada the Government, face to face with the war situation, knowing that the war is to be. won or lost now, has. made a direct call to,arins of ,all' single men and' widowers without children, be - twee n the ages of g 20 and :23, inclusive, no exemptions to be cgnsidcred except for physical inability to'be of service. The Military Service Act has•been de- risively celled an Exemptions, Aot,"'so enormously high have' been the appeals for exemption made under its'pro°visions in all` the Provinces. All, this law -suit- ing and special pleading has, everywh'ere- been. sweptaside_'by the action of the' Government, and a straight call made f r. -Il w o .,a , menwithin certain ages to report for war service.. This was, probably, the* - only way to sweep aside.the tangle. There is no service 'that' any man can render the country that compares with the service he. can give in, helping,save the country from the disaster of iiilitary _defeat.. in -this war • . It follows logicall Upon the action of -- -thee Government in calling Out ut .single men.'under the age of twenty,-four:'re- gardless . of exemptions that may belie - been granted ` them under the: Military' Service Act,.that the Act i'tselt in regard to. others over the age of twenty-four will be put into `effect, with such thor. t, of nae s0 5. n hu s. U • d. re f ry a$ n t t t e s etigiiuesa as 111 aeresaitated by ,the Pres? eut need far men. The activities all along the line must be in keeping wath. the aetiou taken in cancelling the oxentp- tioaa of those under the age:of twenty. four. Now that theso. exempted even are to be drafted it follows that those who had no exemption, or only tempor- ary ones, or whose exemptions were can- celled'on appeal, will be called out also, and no room • left for charges of negle- geece and uufairneee in filling the ranks; No such crisis as 'this ever feed. the world, The war has to be won, or such disaster as.no normal mind can measure will follow:--Dr+ILX STAR.. Bruce ounty. News. Mayor Johnston. co •Walkerton, Who is issuer of autom° ire licenses. Bruce County, repo is that licenses issued for this Beason , are..alreadyy0O in excess • of those iss ed a year ago and he e'pects. that, theexcess Will run to 1000. Second hand farm implements are bringing unheard•uf• ri es at,tho auc- tion sales this spring, says the Walker- ton Telescope; At. r. Jim. Cahoon's sale ploughs which he bought ten years ago for $2.50 s Id for $1.2, and a new`• •ha loader for which is h o e 'paid y h h d p $80 two years ago went for $101. ' • TBE: WE'RE • Mum. —Ex -Reeve Spence Nesbitt, of 13rant, is•said to have been so mixed up over the new change in time, that he came into Walkerton on Friday to do his . shop. ping, thinking it was Saturday. As ancther farmer was seen out plowing on Sunday, Spence is apparently not he only' one who gots balled up..'over the talk that precede the turning on of the clock.—Bruce irises. • Cecil Button a Culross, lay was rrc-" cidentally shot in•the leg and Beverly wounded in a 'room of the Molson's Bank, Teeswater, on Sunday, Apr. -14 ' • . He and : another lad, Jas. Walker;, -called on their friend, J. Armstrong, .at 'his room in - the ;bank • building. Walker picked, up a i revolver whieer'` was identall •disc ar a ed t 4c y � g he bul- let striking. young Button in the leg. "He -was removed to• h s. home the fol. lowing day and is m king' rapid re- covery:- e - covery. x 1)Ooas OF/' STREET § =-The Town Clerk of Hanover last, week published this following. notice to owners of dogs: e"By-la-w No,' 248 ef 'town of Hanover provides that dogs shall not be !'upon any street ;For'. other 'public place.' within. the ••l}wits of the said' town of .Hanover.: daring the months of April September and Oc ober in any year, .unless_gents elle dhysanective•sbain rope, strap ar other leash, in the hand of the,owner or _s6ine'otherrcompetent. pers'OT3." / • • - - • The.. Busy Hardware House Phone Sixth -Six for prompt Delivery Q11441111410;1111 " ih..."11pr I 1116: • omen Cr Nov`. is' .the Fti lie to- do. that ' fe ci g -before the busy rush' wines ori. ,.V'e ,hive a good stock of Coil . S Fin ., •. • p ,g • Wire and Woven - ence. o n hand:• Fresh Car Cement Just Arrived W ire now re .axed to do al I '.kinds o f •Repair Wor .kin our. `�'�n��io• - • eLEOD & JOINT The Store Where Yaur,MoneyaGoes-Farthest • Five -farm tr tors -w_ ere .unloaded atClio ton to nonD�n " - o day, . of last week, :all having .'been ; sold to farmers _ in that neighborhood: i a to Work in an Automobile Factory? ' . 'Positions. ' .occur' in our organization that offer steady work, good wages and an opportunity to learn the automobile business... We want to get in touch. with enterprising youngw an or middle- aged men who recognize the value of this` oppor- tunity. . Write or calt in person; so that your .name may be ,added: to the list of applications with, the idea of . entering our- services as soon as a position is vacant. , • GRAY- DOR'T MOTORS, Limited Chatham, Ontario '. x•e rreii•,s-ft•xc•Fa•x•rt xt•X4rxl-x xF X 14 4•11:1 R:s1x1.,N-W:s,L•x4:xs x •x•nr a1:x tiiftti tit(dill The ."Traction" or T "Speiat v mal • is on every pavement and road in every: portion • of. Canada. 4 Either . mark is the • sure sign that " all is well ahead. - Your °C drag pian Stocks Dunlop Tires. A. 66 ‘..4. b.,o , k %/ i ��ir'11: • sea.-••�. '�e'�f,1--.:. '•-YOUR LAST HO•TOGRAl3°H- - Was:it taken in iircfiler:side or full face ?.Were'you wearing street, house ° '• or -evening clothes. or just au artistic -drapery? ,.-Why .not have some new .. PORTRAITS MADE HERE: ' ' in a different•:pose and becoming attire just: as youlook now, Your friends, s , _ would be so glad to receive such a picture. ' - Studio open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday S. i' E R • Photographer,,- • fie ,novv: he, Real ,Test_ of. a -Good Sc'o of -:Ie. not what it•proinises, but'; what it does: ••,Our graduates .GET and HOLD'' the• :best positions,: The` employer..tif a' recent graduate says r ' "She is'the first girl I have-hadtfor; a long time whose _work I could ways depend oti,".and '.forthwith he raised' het ialary. • WINGHAM, .ONT. D ; A. McLachlin, President, A. Haviland, Principal, 11 A 114 /.�/i gd'•1872. �, capltal.Author/zee, 9.5,000,000 \�" ... • �� ..Gap+tiat'i'aTd,up,` •- stritg,ae0 ;•..,.. Surptue, . .: : - 53.500,000 HE primary object of, the Bank was to ' encourage the habit of saying, especially amongst the small wage earners. The Bank •• ' of Hamilton hasnever lost sight 'of' this • objet. ; The small depositor is always , assuredcourteous treatment: One dollar will' open a savings account. 1 t.UC1fNOW BRANCH' J: A. Glennie, Manatee. 49-C ' h Bas- - f eib13: r,. .., • L tom-' ,•sl GOURLAY PIAN These are high-grade musical instruments a:1d «•e invite your inspection of them before purchasing, Sewing •r chiiws The New Williams Sewing Machine is a 'strong, durable and light running machine, . Call and set them before buying. W. Gr ANDREWL•J KNOW,