HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1918-04-25, Page 3-
•I• • .5-. 5,5.- • .
• .
• • " "-d "
• Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell
The Object t thie aepartment N to place a trio sea
elee of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged
euthority en all eutelects pertaining to soils and crops.
Addrese ali questions. to nrofeseer• Henry G, Bell, in
Care of The WilseraPublishIng Company, Limited, Terento,
e.nd eneware will appear -in this coiumn in the order in
Which they arearecelvech Ag apace is limited it is acivls.
eble where immediate reply Is neeesaary teat a etamped
and addreesed envelope 'se enclosed with the questieze
when the ensWer will be mailed direct, •
• • •
•Te: --•••"Will you kindly send me a
recipe for making grafting. wax?"
Answer: -A„ good grafting wax is
made asefollowsz• Intaa kettle place
os pat by weight of tallow, two
parts of beeswax, four parts a resin.
•When comeeletely melted, poste into a
:tub or. pail of, cold water, then work
; it with the hands (which should ae
greased) until at develops a. graih and
becoMes, the color of tiff a candy, a
Subscriber: -1. Can alfalfa. be
, • grown successfully on. heavy • clay
• soil which will grow red clover a all
right? Can_ it be gown math oate
same as clover? If a ,field were sown
this Limning how long would it be be.
fore the first crop of hay? What does
innoculation of the seed Mean? How
much alfalfa -does it take per acre? 2.
Whica is most production and which
easiest grOwn, mange's or turnips, for
cattle 'or. sheep? .What is the best
, variety for heavy day soil? •
• Answer:. -Clay soil which will grow
• red elover •successfully should be
suitable. for alfalfa. I would net re-
commend sowing alfalfa with oats,
•office the latter crop produces father
too heavy a growth, shading Out the
• young tender alfalfa plant. If you
seed a field of alfalfa this spring, it
. iihould not be cut before' text spring
.less the growth is very strong be-
fore fall. Innoculation of alfalfa.
seeds Means introduction oa the pecu-
liar bacterta which live on the
meta of the alfalfa plant Innocula-
tien as accompliShed., .hY feeding: the
seed ° with a culture eontaining the
bacteria you wish to introduce. These.
.aultures may be. obtained from the
Bacteria Department of theaOntario
Agridultural College, or from Com-
, mercial sources. pireetions? accome
banying the' package :should be fol-
lowed closely; If the alfalfa seed is
of high grade and germinates 'strong -
Ly, tram- 1? to 15- lbs. to the- acre Will
be sufficient. Large greavers of alfalfe.
•use•-betvteeri 42- to- 20- pounde to t,h
•*ere, normally. 2..PrOm,a labor stand,
point; turnips are 'irked upon as an ,
,easier,erop to grow. than mangels. As
a food mange's contain -se little- more
, pro em t an do turnips, abut less
•starch. • As ea. teble ,estatable
4 , •
' lia'VZ-43,114,44i,12;73-CaCtit.X.r.C434E
lol -
40 , _
• 4-4C4?::::r4:".:14.7.=:.=.:•'.:41.2:03..;44X3.,-,4
Very few houselteepers get along
Without hired help ibex:tarty etr ire
,-...........•TmW regularly in busy ti, in emer-
gencies and when eielatese and death
. invade the aorne. Kindly neighbors -
Mother* and daughtere of alt ages! are cordially Invited to write to this do wIzat they can 'for a day or tsido
ilepartment. linftialls only will be pubIlsbes1 with each anoption and ita answer but mesteof no etre eve -zits -at -ea thee
as a eneene ef identification, bet full name and address must be given in each
totter. Write on one clip) of paper only. Anowers wilt 'be niaileci direct if Walt agAin eitat mime soet of help mast.
staimped and addressed envelope 19 enclosed, . be obtained to eaSe the burderea EVea
' Addreas all correspondence for this department to Mr% Helen Lew, 235 •' thase, 1'4°41144e ladie3: 3.7151° ..411;V•,.346- •
Woodalpe Ave., Toronto.
. have "steady help," aria they are xew
and far between, have te Ilire oenaa.,
, .
IIIIS. S.:: -..--Your letter an•riveds toe late 1 thinhavas.arranged by a teacher 4:14. .1'). .416a1Y1
or iriSertion last week, .
I are afraid uaed when she too; her ,speing class la! aeeneber, one bright and particuee
the only thing to be done with the rug for a walk. •• For a prise you May .
is to Semi it to a Professional cleaner, star who shone downaupost our •
explaining the accident , Regarding award a flower to the child who ant'
glee a easseee ee posses, or you pay tangled domestic affairs likada full a
moon in one einergericy. - That giri.
the scratches on the mahogany desk; answers coreectles , .' i transformed the disorderly hope in
. ' an authority inforits ate that the only le What fate' maiden lived between1
remedy es. to, have the finish renioaed two Mountains? (Lily of the valley.) commotion 'doing it.. She noted to
abort order , and 'did not: make any
and, a riew. one •apalled• This work : g. What is the 'erableni of hei .coun- lia.°6 th°1i4PPY t4eult7•44 4ar'll* out.
try? (Maple Leaf.). , r , ' r r ..,: e. .. t3,12.thot# seeming,to do' soandthe 'first
• meg we knew everything was run- a
• a. ;.What dad, she ...de each .eilfly iling. smoothly. flci happily. , More -
Worn? (Rose.) . a . . - . over, she -was giving us three' ,goed
4. G:iv e names 0f her 'three • sisters.
meals a .day while diggingatthe at-
(Daiay, Violet azia. Myttlea's '
-5. What WAS the -big-brother s name cuMulated dirt and doing it all cheer -
following powder; Tale, nine, 'ounces; and with what did he write (Jon-
boric acid, one ounce. 'Mir and shake quil.) • ' , • , fully and well. It re hardly necese
er Sark' to record then her . own ',home • .
into the shoes arid elaet on the stock-. 6, What Was her babe- br theee,:shines
inks 'after they have been drawn 'oris name? •• (Sweet William.) and her husband are prosperous.
with cleanliness and that she
the feet. This is said to give great • 7. What did • he always eel
father? • ' (Poppy.) • l• .. ---- fell into the dark Agee, so to speak, in -
fee . e' But from that 'glowing account we
relPieoffly:-. Do. you use stews as Much ' 8. What did the father' call t the; the next emergency. The good nee ., •
as you might in the course of your older son each morning? (JO nnvi tured, slatternly . girl quickly "did"
know' hew good they are? a- -•----• everything 'asked of • her, but each a ,
substitutien • campaign? Do yens Prep up.) • ,
They may . 9. What hour did they 41.se in sum- d°1 '
be so varied that. you can have a.dja• Mee? (Four o'clock.)" • ter and hung on the line; the entire •
The clothes were dipped in wits
ferene one every in the week and 10: What bells rang taropgh. the
all of 'them delicieus. ., It heeds only valley on 'Sunday.? .(BleebetLs.) - .
' contents of the cupboards were taken,
-\ down • to put clean papers on the
4 small piece of meat to give flavor • 11. Who .preadted in their alturen. .
•. shelves, though she had been told time
to .a hearty dish. It's a mistaken idea (Jack in the Pulpit.) •• ' , • • and again to take one shelf at a. time; •
that Youeirm'st gat a lot of meat to be • 12. How many ,came to hear hint •
strong. .Meat helps to build up 'the (Phlox.) ' •,.. the dusting Was done malt a slam
bang that threatened destruction • to,
body but so do meny Other foods and . 13. What selection airaa played 'on
• . . • . . .
a little meat with vegetables, and. the organ? (Narcissus)' . •• : ' .1. ,.. housework ,Was .slighted and hurried
everything Within teach, and all the
.. ,
All kinds of stews are cooked in just .(BlaCk.e.yed „Basalt) , • - • out of the. way as quickly as possible,'
cereals gives the bodaewhat at needs... 14. Who 'cooked the Sunder dinner,? a.,
-about the same way. 'Here are 15. % What vegetable had • thea? whoa I saw' her Own home I pitied the,
directions which wili•serve for making (Sweet peas) a - • • a : ' - 'oung farmer who had married boas
abreast any kina: Cut the meat. in • 16. From. what „ did • they -: drink? Everything was an A 'huficir .and nos
small -pieces and -brown with ,the onion (ups and *sewer's, on buttercuns.). •
thing ire, place. , Her -cooking `. was •
an the fat cat froth :the meat. Add . 17. What great event of the king- done .as .she 'did - everything else and •
of the tree; fidnt Which sawdust seines the seasoning, two 'esuiets ' of water did *they desire to See? ..(Carnation, •
the table was untidy and unattractive.
tunes sifts- out; a "discoloration .of. the and the 'Wee, or *other cerecta, if it is .1.e.s coranation:) ' . .... e ' That Man couldn't succeed short of a ,
bet* IS. an indication of the borers' to be steed. e• Cook' for an •Iimia. then - 18; What fine animal "did they . sect' miracle, for indigestion : was oa.bis • •
add. the Tegetables except -potatedi.at a eiren$7. (Dandelioh.t. • . • track from the very start of Ma mar-
WittCh the treeesahd :get the .borees••as the potatoes cite in quartees's cook for a 19. What• accident lappenecaie the - or course, there are -Men.- who 'see.
ried life. ' ' , , ' , ••• .a. -. - , .
presence: se•T•ilkoily. remecly_ 14: to .eue .
the borers ,out ' with a. sharp knife. Cook etew 'far halt 'eh hour, add
'Seem is. thea enter. a A stiff wire can another helt an :hour and serve. • Left barn one day'? (Cow -dip.) • . • ' - . • • Of
in, spite -de all drawbacks, but .
kill the borer, .• Go over, all the trees to be heated through. ' . -Add them (Geldenreala• •- . ., . • . they are the exceptions to the general .
rule. .4.;nian needs a neat, trim hotees,
also be used to _ratdhSpp the hole and ev.er Or eanned Vegetables rieeildonly • 20. • With whet was Jahn Punished?'
,fietaen :minutes betbre-ieeving, Dried : Lai.- Wieleswhat.were.,theagarls pun- presided °vela- be ' a neat, clean: vid. 1
in Apia end: egain in the.anturiiii. . ''.
• Painting the trunicSat the base with peas or bean s Shonla :be -staked 'over inan. SAM:I:heals° needs deitii clothes '
.white, lead mixed' with -taw linseed' oil night and. cooked for three hours be :•• ished2 ..". (Lady sliad'i4e., • e a.
. 22.,As John never.marriea, what did ;
to wear gad good meals three times a
as • eaconamended. ' Make •, the mixture day; ' A very caaable • noting •farrnet
fere adding to'ilic stew... • ' % he Sew on? :' (Bachelor buttons) -
,..did She It* her motherl. (Tulips.) Who, Went .:from • One place to another
as , a tenant and never suceeeded Was- ..
the consistency of thick house paint -• "..
Readele-"A. • cOntest, • something..ga.. When Lily Jett home, with -what
• '• • - (Concluded net ,week. j
.ceinmen4109.S0-11'4111rWitli. a -claier ehait. .
: Rent6ve.all gum - from ' 1 -ie peach '-
Put. Do not usb boiled -linseed ail or -
trees." When goitte aver the trees.' in ,
the "aiittienn, 'peintirtg • the _Wounds '
where the boreee'aOve heen'cut, Ouf. -
1Vfay, efter sthb borers. have been cut. .til-te" '
• --"al4Plazaa •• ' -r• ; • 1. • . - ore .- -ea-s44-11-'4r-ae-alt.
. _ . ... . _ s..
c .
-*1?-11`.44:P4i; ' •A!'r-if....___i' 0 - ''''''
. Here Is a flower paStizzie that get••-meam_ta.
tifh ilri •
_.,....._ • .
aideat reported •by johie: of one 'Who'
.as rebuked for casting:Oa denlens
.., We have now a .transition'tp. an in -
and' :who Was. not one of Jesus' 'dia.; • - • • .
38 John said --The feet time in Which -- 0- • - . •
V T I i• er mo or, say or-
-- .
elples' ' • • there was. ,Her Widowed daughter
allslaslatternly tleyr.neles. owouldof
0olz roeteht et cTer One: ,.
no •matter how ,anueh eirdhoW HUI° 7. "
hold. „Wheriaa- irteettswaneende.c1-11-
abutni the inside
;tog i citheows eb,±wkIhnotIzteviihsit ivifb.e......._.:,,, ,
,4flystey-te-ssanq of the neighbors, '
right tithe to drive. in the poiSen.
when the pelt* is open; is .enactly the'
just. when'. the • . petits .. have fallen; INTERNAvoNAL.LESSON Synoptista - bat his -tisane • oceure in- tia Placa and at . the aloes. 'of the -fleet -
' • . - -• APRIL --28. - • •
. . . John. appears •es- epokeeznan. an the •
connection with Jerees whenntheares er lied for hs .aftetathe young. Orme
ea had grown. aranmbeing.frant. place es
closing the heart •of the flOWer," but • a a• -a -s -a,:-. ', •
o It , .: . quest Wes made for the 'chief places all Wept to the chickens.," When .1 Ines -
meet, Meat, •petetees;.-eegetables' and .
_spray, ..Laterthe calyx will close and: In the -kingdom, and it is the e's' twit' quired rwhye she had • done so the woe.
-Leeson IV.- : jeans -Rebukes ..Selfish7 -Who at. anothortinse Propose to call man ease she: ' had 'Inert bronglitatta ...
...1.:Plum- 'mi./retitle; it ' small .grayish
biewnbeetle, '•attacks. attune, , apples, "
.-. Uie strong neessuie-150 nouedsee: and free ' from Motd.• • Moldy - giedn i . - -.A Text; 'Mark. 9: .35.,a. '. ' ' because the • people had been cetscourt-,
peaches, Pears , and *quinces making e
• e ,s. ,e,..• e• es_ Camila._ ... _ ................••
one of"severatadieees'eseethamoatelthese,neareee•
end 'okay then:eighty: .. ' • • ' wil.1.9 .ten.cause death ea iesult in 'eny.,
the Vorin will he -Safety. saeltereds '' Grain fee chickens deerelds be dein . • ness--Mark d...30 -50s Golden h down are upen a Samaritan . village
manifest:an intense thiest. , Such
inahadual may be given aneaspoonfal
diaeative. trect; a .1elecla effeeted be znigistry and here he Was to bring it '
conies weak . Lima inactive eland often :.t1::ar 4,0S9. We have no Itnawledge a P
• . . .
• ... '• • he Asked ' thema-He had atebably
h an his being in the town again • He .* '
nevi to go southWard.' In the h •
Verse .33:: TheY eame to Cape. estate:ries • - . . • ,... . a na-hadencacompunctioe:en throwing:,
-1.4"li-da7.-F6-giiii- Ili Gililean
., house e
'red to receiving one in his name • We from the next Meal., New, is it any
are not told
because, no &MIA, Jesus had refer- when -1 attineedt-lheI/;:n sshaeVe thlafinoed..
ea sting- outdeTlernes ellietle
eous . to the Mader lia' '
orbadeshima-By using the ',name • of wonder that man. was never to.
It ocleYurrecc te thisincident
to 'tell it '
. e ieeYnIleinnet-toWo
• - . • ,. .
.reniains out: • • ."Thechicketiehave
no' judgment in the 'aniouat to cook
that,.way. , -, .She;•abstilutely exercised
of Epsom.salts and if recovery. is not - . • . : - • Jesus. and not • being hi the regular bey a place of his owzia • -
- e heard. them els marl . aa tne :•came• . •
rapid it should be killed• • - . • • P g Y company' of . dieesples .acein• thought '
. along and now, . having . overheard . . No flock -of hens is so geodbut that . • • . • •
le conveisatien, . wishes to there' areacertain individeels. Which • the neme..of Jeeuea , he tried -to -steer To -be • saire; there are. .emergenctes..
this outaide-r was '
• • . when meals are... p0o.i: and ,the. liouS":
learn, of 'their difficulties. ,
are ::fare superior ..te..cettahe •otheine 84: Head their -peaces-eat :wee no- ' 39.• Forth:1.1am notJeitss' leilhenee .
sam, . . , . • .. . • • . • . ,gets, dire. and sickness makes it aee- e,
ateither•is thete, a flock Of hen-, that' is :thine. to be 'Proud' 'of • The fact th t
so smallbut that it will pay' to select he ,hAdsseleeted the three to go With1 t:thaohs juluatetri, .ttith4rpa*tceltisieLlenr(t.,
him- up the' reoptieete. mete b Zorlegehettivreeleohis
wroughti'mmmigelgailt _ciut c!wde. ekedsit?,ilieuds
themato• wonder, why they were tans .
hate -led- -ere -inciting' theta to 'germane bike' al ' ie the faculties end. the. sYstoin Lte
klcs. 'emerge-neje:TAO not 7 Par-,:_,
a fees of the beet .for beeeders; _Only
a 'small breeding .flOck. is. neceseary On - Of• Poever in his name.... •To • rebuke they do iriesla.tternly homes. 'mikes' •:
many farms, since 'fifteen ' Jferia. will .
ertueraecti Lend hence as
. Object netidee
such an one was, an ..excesseef zeal.
nlieation • eThere ie .suralY diriatlif; :all the •differincointhe world 'Who. is . '• .-.
and ' '
lossems fall, ' Add az this milk of .lay ,durina the breeditia.;season of two . a Be. B61°' -' • ' • na w• a .t.". great s. • We hay h ' • •
.., Their conception of the kingdom about .
hfie,.made by mistipa- feurfounds of eaass
and aehalf months, froin. 40a to 500.
, which he hadsaidee znuch dealt With - -,
ace• gnd peeve • in rnahy circles -the housekeepeaseverian sickness -a .s
resit slaked lime. With sufficient wa- If egele year ' the • sheet are i grades enderazille of service. and new whieli do not beerr. Our name. °' Well emergendita and the neat, capable wos , •
_ enen. quickly- rallies froin every house- ,
selected as breeders, rerneekable pro. naturally . they were concerned to
er to dissolve it s. Add this " to each .
fty ,galloris of. the 'arsenate of lead to Sons, .„ towerd produeifig • e e strain . of , . 35a„Sat deetn-aThe'usual attitude of .
and good if ' they honor, the -name of 'hold disaster ' ...: . ' ' a' . .. . ' •
Christi • • .' • . ' • ' •-• • ' "has useless. to tell a young men ina:
gress can be ma.de in saet a feed sea- ' know.whoeeras the leader ameng them.
Saray tears -weeks later with the
revent learning . a he .f.pliage,_.: . •;_. yig9.1:9..,-41:14.0:14 latesmoultihgasasiaatiak taaedllyieb, C.4110.4 41-e- taYeli(e.- a e -lei . ahethereneoeneetnee-he .selit k eep,er. he, is about to get, but the ones
laii,40• Ile that is not against us is . for loyeAo beware w.,..liat_kind of "a 110.4547'1, _.
ihigheprodu(iag lithe. -it' also " means e ---ab a
fe diswel."'ealieurld-iltlii. der in
a ed.4iiistieted4. Iltille _up', 4,1,04. 4,. .... ,..1 ' ....:4.1..
reatness7co.nsiatea;• as it Wag. .fttildtt.ejl ses.Larkr. ..
sataa'aa-aa-'-avela---me-- ia-agania:5 netemeinvearnayetieLen toeas -word of
variety for heavY, clay soil you will
do well to consult a reliable seed cata-
Pariaer:-NVhat Will be the 'best
crop to, eraw on five nacres of sandy
land for the pasture of three or four
cows?' Have been :thinking of sow-
ing rape, and could 1 seed it 'and stand
a chance' of esetting a catch if sowed
eith'the ream? It was sown laSt year
to millet and buckwheat and seeded
• but .failed to get a geed • sten& •ef
Answer: -Por a pasture mixture on
•. sandy soil, you Will 11T well to soW" the
following' per twee: 1 bushel of rye•,
half bushel wheat,- half bushel oats,
and five pounds of common %red clover.
Thie mixture will make a summer pas-
ture. In order to get a successful per-
manent covering,' I believe you will
have to keep stock off this area for a
, season and then seed your ground to
I about 11/1,- bushels ot barley and grass
seed' mixture, consisting of ) 10 lbs,
common red clover, 2 lbs. alsacee 6
lbs. of timothy, aadia lbe. sweet clover,
In order to make sure. of the cateh
you would do well to fertilize thelsoil
with about 200 lbs. to 300 lbs,. of ferti-
lizer carrying 3 to 5 per cent. ams
motile. and 6 to 8 per cent. phosphoric
acid. This should be thoroughly work-
ed into the soil' at the time the seed
bed is being prepared. • .
• R. Sae -Would be glad to have ad-
vice regard• to sewing whiter' vetch
•and spring rye this spring to plow
under late in summer • for fertilizer
purposes. Would:it .be suecess or
is something else more successful?. •
'Answer: -Half a bushel of winter
yet& seed; with a bushel and a half'
of rye to the: acre should-be:Seim.
The" ground shoela be thotoughly pre-
pared and the. seed drilled or hat -
rowed in catenate.. . Preparing the
ground you will do well to apply aboa
ten ef- fine greund limestone per
acre, ,harrowing it in .careftille. This
will enalm' the eaireareeta Which condi-
tion mast suitable for the rapid
growth of yetch. •. In order to make
sire of a. satisfactory cath, you will
d -well .to Ail' •
segaing as recommended In the last
11 • 1
Vihen To Spray
.• Apple, peach,' plum, quince, cherry
and pear trees. are "seriouslyainjured
•,• by • Sari Jose scale and '-will be killed
very likely, sinless freeefromethese in-
sects.• .Shadeerees are also troabled
• by Scale and also: Some shrifliar par-
_ ,
ticularly-tilae. - s
a :The trees -should be pruned' so- as
„to • get out all Superfluous woods which
• • should be 'contplately burned. Leave
' no steely _PiOes.abautevitlainaects... on
them. This done, agape eff the rough
bark so the scale under it may be
reached With the spray, as .spraying -
while the Trees are dormant is the only
remedy ' '• •
' If the trees are badly infested two
sprayings may be necessary. "Spray
• as soon as posaible and again' just be-
fore the bads, begin to swell. Wet
win pay highest niareet prices
for Rats, Ginseng Root and all other
raw furs.
20 years of reliable trading)**
. Referenoe-Snion Bk.' of Canaille: .
. •
920 St. Paul 'Alt. W., Montreal, .PQ.
Absolutely Cured, in any ROM; any P.M
nOnetttCr in* /lad, 211 year4-0f f."410c.4.•,se
.our reason for selling ..
.1taliarialitieWatt tifieS
cure your horse or your nioney IS refunded,
A. FULL wznitis • TRIAL
On receipt of 60. istanvererslIver74tocover
postage .and wrapping, we will send you a
full Week's. trial with full
particulars andluarantee.
.of satisfaction. Write now.
760 Cooper Street, 'Ottawa, Oat.
akeit, Yliursejlf
The Tile Everlasting
Cost only
$4 to $6
.per M
Hand and
$49 tip
Send for
IFarniers", Cement tile Machine Co.
Walkerville „.• Ont.
every 'part of the tide?, aa the' labor
may ase in vain:
Lime sulnher is generally used. It
is effective on Safi jose_scale, oyster
'shell scale, blietee mite and scab and
elk) -destroye- the 'egas of plant lice.
Oil emuldon may also be used.
• In, bad cases of"scale Where the in --
sets have not been diecovefect -until
the foliage is on. the tree they may
e held in check ay sprayingwittufleh
oil soap, one poundato six gallons of
water, or with kerosene emulsion, clue-
ing' May or June_When the young bl-
eeds hatch, depending on the season
and aocality. • • - •
Well esteed for trees systematically
sprayed :are not troubled . with scale,.
••-` Aphis or Lice
There are two kinds of insects that
injure plants, those which chew and
those which pierce- •the foliage .and
suck.the•juices: The former are con-
trolled by poisons, but the latter must
be reached. by -contact sprays and be
hit by the, sffrays, avhich kills them: b
The biters which chew will -.be killed 1
when they eat the poisoned -foliage, f
even if they appear after :the spray t
is applied,' but those which suck the,. fi
juiced must be hit with the *eoittact p
inielty; the fact that It is att theta:Ai-.
-age willenot bottler -them. :a
There are two forms of aphis or ni
plea lite; obb aapearing -on the tree, 1
the other on the roots. '• 'There • are
•foligge-of plants, and all are centroli-
ed by the contact sprays.• "
• Aphis attacicapple, plum. and Other
fruit and ornamental trees. They
are small 'greenish insects, sernetimes
'assuming pinkish or an almost black
color. They suck the juices from the
foliage, usually •feeding on the under
side of the leaves, ausing them to
curl up dry arid (trope, ,
• Kerosene emulsion, 10 per • cent
atferigthanar tobacco -extract's will lid sc
These Should be
Included in
YOur Order
• '...T7T.T.....•TT5TFoT.44C
The'nunterous items in the Rennie 10t8 catw.
leant; enclosed sear borders like•• this Set new
lugh value standards. Tou will be astonished
at the bargains.
Pkt, oz. al lb. lb. •5Ibs.
BEANS--s•Dwarf 'White Wax (Davis) .10 .25 .70 3.25
BEET -Crosby's Egyptian -........05 .25 .85 2.58
• CABBAGE-Danisli Summer
Roundhead ..._ a • • .10` .90 2.75 .
'CARROT-Rennie's Market Garoien .13 1.20 . 3,60
CO RN-Rennie's Golden Bantam.. .10 • .25 .65
calCUMBER-Dants' Perfect . .1(0 .25 .76 2.26
. LETTUCE •-• Burpeets Earliest
Wayahead a • ., • .10 .35 1:00' 3.00
ONION -Early. Yellow Danvers .10 ' .40 1:35, 4%40
Rennie's Extra., Early Red - • .05 .35 1.00 3.76
• Rennie's Longkeeper Broive Globe .10 • .35 1,00 3.75
rARSN IP- leennie's XXX Guernsey .10 paSS . 1.00 ;1.50
PEAS-ThomasLaxton, Extra Early .10 .16 .45 2.00
Senator -Best Second Early ,... .10 . 05 op 2.00
RAD I S H --Crimson . Globe Non '
Phis Ultra , . . .. .06 .2e .65 2.20
Japanese Mikado (Winter) ..., .10 ..34 .90• 3.25
TOMATO -Bonny Best . , . - . .10 '.60 1.75 •
Blue Stein Early -King idward .10 , .60 1.75 .
• -Prepaid ' Not Prepaid
, lb. 5 lbs: lb. Ms.
ONION SETS -Yellow Sets -Selected .35 1.70 .26 1.20
• White Multiplier:Sete. .50 • 2.25. .40 • 1.65
New Giant Astermum-Mixed............e. .16
Rennie's XXX Defiance Balsam-eMixed....... .. . . . . .15
New Red Sunflower..., . .25
Gold Medal Hybrids Delphinium. .... .s .... • ...a.26
Reriaie's XXX Prize Ruffled Giant Petunia--Mixtere.25
Rennie's XXX .Giant Spencer Sweet Peas--Mixture.....S., e .16
Giant Zinnia -Mixed: .. ...... s ... • e
When buying from dealers, !insist 0.41 Rennie's. your
dealer hasn't them, we will ship direct. •
moth lays- its eggs in the spring on
the° leaves or einall apples soon after
blebming time. .The young caternil-
lars,•about oheasixteenth-of ah inch' in
• length; enter ate apple u'ettalty ita the
biosSoya • ends •Arsenate of. lead' is
sprayed into the calyx cup, which poi -
bans the worm- 'as soon. as it start* •to
eat itrway. into the 'apple: • .
When the .worms enter the apple
they attack the, ore and remain there
about a month, then boie out through.
the fruit There are likely to be two
generations 'Which must be controlled.
' Spray with arsenat
t ree peundseto fifty gallons of Water.
The arateepplication_ shouts', be made
when the calyx. is alien aria -extended
so the season. can be forced .into the.
blase= end Of: the .yeung apple and
before the blosiom end closes, , •
The wide open cluster is not eight;
the stamen erovid upon the pistils,'
• • .
....eexaieuldrtb,e s• atfactority dos! exile by an
• E. 0. :-1; When applying: tur-
pentine; mix •witli it anethird 'the,
quantity of lard And it Will not blister.
2. For sore and tender feetaise the
small cut on the fruit under which it
lays. jets eggs: The larva g small
white worm, fee& on the 'fruit and
causes it t6 drop. a •
• The codling moth spray for apples
will control. the cureelio. ' Wild crab-
apples' or lawthorn growing near the
orchard should..be destroyed. Gather
all fallen fruit and -destroy it
'Mums should bp sprayed with Lir:
senete of leads two or three pounds to.
fifty gallons' of Water,. just after the
inre solution. 'this second sprat? is "keeping -Tewer maleabirda; which ate -a -a.
eseetetiate.- The. timc..- InvAatiggttli .
OstiWipArtg.,11.f-P,44-cwidatkpororm14,-4-SOY--ter-AVe-ceir6; "4: 144'4' w `1*.'.f (-11- tenth' --th•eir : oWn• Suceesi-ein' the 1-14:1;1640t6,1rde
y cover the fruit. ' - • .feed is a 'considerable 'saving. - e e I
efuture : .: If any inan would- be ae, , haNSuf-17, Z. a. abilsenteaseaneases, esaassessaisseseletteareagre a - es
tr" i . Iv ' - - Siltilings6 is before -any attention is
Caeltee ' worma. feed 'been the •
eating habit: ow the -contents rom sa -rhe pmi lty- of greetness. and
rthenge of work 'c , il. _
a friend of the Master it he has so common i 'every
ayes of fault and shade trees in the -1 • p • 1 -
several egg shells and fill them with : the greatness :Of humility. Preemin.! his works are the works of Satan In floating about it isn't hard to find out
little faith in him as to think that country neighborhood and ,the- gossip
spring and • autumn. Arsenate f p aster. axis, or .au p plaster. Pill °nee in the kingdom is marked by ser- • -
one 'case it is our attitude toward • What kind of housekeepers girls aie.
lead, four pounds, to fifty gallons ':fs- a dozen- or two -they will set hard in., vice .and not ,by rank; a service which °theta, in the other it is our inner .it "Like will destro ' the •cat '11
• • - a fen ours, u these in . le nes s . .
h P tab ' tl' t • titude toward "Cbrist. - 0Like mother like • 'daughter" often
is far all withoilt diserimipation. This
whey they •are young. Banda of sticky is the general„ principle- stated. ., ' .
41. A cup of water to drink, be-
subatances or cottozi 'bound around the. and around on tlie.:floor.,. 2 ...- - • .,,
• 36. , 'reek a little child --They were 'cause ye are Christ's-s-John'e question holds g•oUctand young men Wishing to
suceeed should •slam peer housekeera
trunks of the trees will keep the wing- 'T e • , in 'all probability in Peter' i • Nese.
• cerning the childlike spirit. He
ne4 ers as they would the plague. ' The .,
Why- r es Wieter-Kills, ..., Was this Peter s boy. whom Jeette had beatecen in upon . Jesus' talk con-.
Have you studied the maffer of called to him? He calls the child to roistake of: marrying a poor houses
resumes that topic: He speaks of'-tieeteltoOaea 'call 'rarely be. made •xtgiltY a"••"'"
feat trees winter -killing, and .: the ,his side, lifts Min ea in his cams and
.ceuse?_ In Gaterie .fruit stiete' sof- then givee the in -Mortal lesson; It is worth of the smallest service: render- prevention is worth a hundred. times
less female from getting on the trees.
• Bud moths attack the. terminal leaf
budsand blossoms. • Where:Hine stile
phur is used:before the buds open for
the treed of them. Spray as soon as 130
ed to a disciple an the eplrit of thel as anich dis''cure.--la:,1{:;:. ..,.
fer from Winter.kUling, on aecoune oe. Mark aloae.Whe tells of his, taking. the disciple
ale 1
on app es arsenate of leads two making too late growth in the, fall, lc tad in his arms. Poi: fuller details -a Whosoever s 11; 1 cause one of . ". 4. • ' •
, 8
-- -->,--, • . • -
uhds to fifty gallons, may b added and the wood is not properly bardens • .. .
as to what he said wa tu n to Mat '
thew's- account *Matt. A')8.ainzni.; these. little one e ,. ... to stumble- A Curious Gardener. .
control tbe bud moth. Spray again
y, e
ed up before the freezieg weather be-
thewte account (Matt. 18. 3), There is hens le ever the - champion of (t)tnet
same gins . It has been found that much no picture More beautiful and Lava- OltieQuioinveQduheielitbizars4-th so
ith mewl -late of testa Mot.
rengthr just before the b ciasoms t,W.elhlte. hIlbsipisrtitupfilhiinjury .done to. e
of this- winier•atilline can be prevented cant than this• -the Supeeme Teaehe 1
severe censequences o t e gut y ' a
6 l'selPes bills 'He wouldn't Intee 4 rake around,
stopping -the cultivation of. the -soil with the • child in his arms presenting
any other corcr trop desired. ' This' 3 a . Whosoever 'hill reeewe one of - . • . ; . . &shovel ;oi. a hoe 4, .
in the orchards daily hi Atigust and to hie clisciplee the lies -or -to -be -for- PartY"
. - a
. sowingea covereerhp of clover, ree, or gotten' object lesson. . . . .
The egg -,massei are laid on • the
twigs forming_ 0, aeaseen neaten knot,- t s se . , „ qlich, Mete ahihiren my name -The
cover crop lutes- tee morstuee learn
like blind: •Gather the egg masses in thp. soil, .f.
.1 1c soma of ilie available child represerited the tree dieciple-
plant food, thus preventing the rapid docile trustful ri • 1 y
, , •
halite -a -That is "out ef regard foe
soft growth of the trees late in the 'Me," The"name" represents all that
eeasoh. In ennsequence -. the wood et man hi Knoell to .be and do. T,he
growth elready made hardens no. and nahie of Christ is ell that he is reveal-
ed to is to be :in spirit and a, eed. Re-
ceiveta him that Fent Znea-To receive
a humble disciple in, whom we .re-
e.ognite the spirie or Cheat- is to re-
ceive Christ hinreele and as Christ is
the sent of God it is essentially to re-
ceive trod hireigelf, . ' •
the aphid appeat and before the leaves to
curl, as it is difficult" to reach the in- w
sects with the spray after the leaves et
roll tip. . •
The . root aphis ere. More treuble-
Isome. The dirt nround each tree
sshould be ventoved to a depth of three
or four inchee in --a circle threeon filer
feet in diameter • matte • the tree is
=owing vigorously, Then soak the
space thoroughly with kerosene emul-
sion, 16 per •cent, strength -15 per
cenL emulsion, 85 pee cent, water -eas-
ing at least two gallonsper tree, and
_then replace -the ertith.
Apple Worm
' The codling moth is a whitish or
pielcish cateraillat; half to three-quar•
01'8 of an inch lir length. The adult
open. . • •
•• Tent Caterpillars
winter led burn them ahd burn the
webs when they appear on. the trees.
'The epraying recommended for cOdls
ing -moth will control tent- caterpillar's.
• Borers •
Borers attack Apple, pooch and oth-
er fruit trees, also soft maple, birch
and other ornamental trees. They
enter the tree through amall round
holes in the bark, usually at the base
• is able to Withstandthe severe win.
-ter weather.
Carrots -aro third in the list' at roote
and tubers in nourishing vine. Po.
Woos stand first and parsnips secend,
-4 7,
. , •
Start with Pare. Stock -that will ,l+lor each potatu's e§es, hi. bought
niake. the increase and eggs for hath a • Pine spectacles of gOld,
'ing Marketable at: better pnfces And -matters fbr the corn, to keep.
Getting lodged trees to cone down its ears front getting 'cold.
always -hard, dangerous basins • •
We have Yearned that by chopping a On every head of lettuce iron -
good -sized piece out of the tree to be 'What ao you think of that? a
felled, in the ,direction we wish the And every head a Cabbage, too,
• Ile. tied a garden hat. ,
Old Quin Queeribusea, •
Ile .loved hisspeedeft se
Ile couldnkt eat his groWlaes thirigs,
• lie only let them growl •
. .
•. • .• •
tree te lte, and therasening en the op-
posite Side with a etoss.eut eaWasive
tan flirt)* the tree about where we
'want it. A. Wedge driven into' the
• saw -cast back of the saw 'will hasten
and help matter's. • •